Subotica vodic guide 2016

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Grad Subotica se nalazi na severu Republike Srbije, duž glavnih evropskih koridora i između dve reke: Dunava i Tise. Izuzetno kulturno nasleđe, bogato ukrašene građevine, multikulturalni duh i evropski šarm su osobine koje ovaj grad čine drugačijim. Subotica je poznata po svojoj opuštenoj atmosferi, dobroj hrani i kvalitetnim vinima. Festivali, događaji, koncerti, živopisan kulturni život tokom cele godine razlog su više da posetite naš grad. Povrh toga, Subotica nudi puno zanimljivih mesta za odmor i razonodu, kao i za mnogobrojne aktivnosti oko jezera Palić i Ludaš, na ergelama, salašima, u šumama i lovištima.

The City of Subotica is located on the north of the Republic of Serbia, along the main European corridors and between two rivers: the Danube and the Tisa. Rich cultural heritage assets, lavishly decorated buildings, multicultural spirit and European charm – these are the features that make this city distinctive. Subotica is known for its relaxed atmosphere, good food and quality wines. Festivals, events, concerts, vibrant cultural life all year round are a reason more to visit our city. On top of that, Subotica offers a lot of interesting places for rest and leisure, for activities around the lakes Palić and Ludaš, on horse-farms, farmsteads, in forests and hunting areas.




NUMBER OF CITIZENS (2012): 141.554 COUNTRY AND AREA CODE: +381 (0) 24



Kako do Subotice i po Subotici......................04 Mapa Subotice..................................................06 Turistički informativni centar.........................07 Znamenitosti.....................................................09 Grad secesije.....................................................13 Istorija grada.....................................................15 Kultura................................................................16 Festivali..............................................................18 Smeštaj..............................................................20 Restorani, kafići, vinarije.................................24 Šoping.................................................................28 Wellness.............................................................30 Sport i rekreacija...............................................31 Okolina................................................................32 Degustacija vina...............................................36 Korisne informacije..........................................38

Getting here and getting around...................04 Subotica map....................................................06 Tourist information centre..............................07 Attractions.........................................................09 Art Nouveau city...............................................13 City history.........................................................15 Culture................................................................16 Festivals.............................................................18 Accommodation...............................................20 Restaurant, cafés, wineries............................24 Shopping............................................................28 Wellness.............................................................30 Sport and recreation........................................31 Out of town........................................................32 Wine tasting.......................................................36 Useful info..........................................................38



Srbija, Beogradski aerodrom Nikola Tesla (182km), +381 (0) 11 209 4444 Mađarska, budimpeštanski aerodrom Ferenc Liszt (198km), +36 1 297 7000 Hrvatska, osiječki aerodrom, Z.L.O. (139km), +385 31 514 400 Rumunija, temišvarski aerodrom, Traian Vuia (200km), +40 56 491 637


Železnička stanica Subotica, Bose Milićević bb, +381 (0) 24 555 206 Železnička stanica Palić, Splitska aleja 1, +381 (0) 24 754 039


Autobuska stanica, Senćanski put 3, +381 (0) 24 555 566


Auto put E-75: Pravac Novi Sad (100km), Beograd (180km) Auto put E-75: Pravac Segedin, Mađarska (45km), Budimpešta (200km) Put M-17:1 Pravac Sombor (60km) i Osijek, Hrvatska (120km) Put M-17:1 Pravac Granični prelaz Kelebija (12km)



Serbia, Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla (182km), +381 (0) 11 209 4444 Hungary, Budapest Airport Liszt Ferenc (198km), +36 1 297.7000 Croatia, Osijek Airport Z.L.O. (139km), +385 31 514 400 Romania, Timisoara Airport Traian Vuia (200 km), +40 256 491637

By train

Railway station Subotica, Bose Milićević bb, +381 (0) 24 555 206 Railway station Palić, Splitska aleja 1, +381 (0) 24 754 039

By bus

Bus terminal, Senćanski put 3, +381 (0) 24 555 566

By car

Motorway E-75: Direction Novi Sad (100km) and Belgrade (180km) Motorway E-75: Direction Szeged, HU (45km) and Budapest (200km) Road M-17.1: Direction Sombor (60km) and Osijek, CRO (120km) Road M-17.1: Direction Kelebija bordercrossing (12km)

Javni gradski prevoz

City public transport

Autobuski prevoz se može platiti na dva načina: kupovinom karte kod vozača autobusa ili kupovinom SuBus Smart kartice na prodajnim mestima Subotica Transa. Linija broj 6: Centar grada – Palić od 05:00 do 22:15 (vreme između polazaka je od 20 do 30 min.) Linija broj 6: Palić - centar grada od 05:10 do 22:03 (vreme između polazaka je od 20 do 30 min.) Linije broj: 42, 44 i 49 Autobuska stanica Hajdukovo/Ludaško jezero (vreme između polazaka je od 60 do 90 minuta) Linija broj 1 i 1A: Autobuska stanica – Kelebija Granični prelaz (vreme između polazaka je oko 30 min.),

Bus ride can be paid in two ways: by purchasing single tickets from bus drivers or purchasing SuBus Smart Card in Subotica Trans offices. Line#6 City centre – Palić from 5 am till 10:15 pm (intervals between departures: 20 to 30 minutes) Line#6 Palić - City centre from 5:10 am till 10:03 pm (intervals between departures: 20 to 30 minutes) Lines #42, 44 & 49 Bus terminal - lake Ludaš/ Hajdukovo (intervals between departures: every 60 to 90 minutes) Line#1 & 1A: Bus terminal – Kelebija Bordercrossing (intervals between departures: 30 minutes),



Taxi udruženja +381 (0) 24... 53 77 99, 9766, 55 99 11, 600 970... Taksi tarife: prosečna cena starta je 0,5€ a prosečna cena pređenog kilometra je 0,5€ - (u dinarskoj protivvrednosti).

Taxi companies: +381 (0) 24... 53 77 99, 9766, 55 99 11, 600 970... Taxi tariffs: approximately; start 0,5€, each additional km 0,5€ (payable in dinars).

Iznajmljivanje bicikli


SuBike iznajmljuje bicikle na sledećim lokacijama: * iza Otvorenog univerziteta, * kod Hale sportova * kod bazena Prozivka * na parkingu restorana Mala gostiona na Paliću * kod tržnog centra Mali Bajmok Registracija za korišćenje bicikli se može izvršiti uz ličnu kartu ili pasoš na blagajni preduzeća u Đure Đakovića 23/II i iznosi 500 rsd, što predstavlja jednokratni trošak za korisnika i neograničenog je trajanja. Iznajmljivanje bicikle iznosi 100 rsd na dan ili 20 rsd na sat. Za više informacija posetite sajt:

Bikes available in parking-points: * behind the Open University, * at Dudova šuma park, Sports Hall * at Prozivka park, Prozivka Swimming pool * Mala gostiona restaurant parking in Palić * Mali Bajmok Market (Flee market) Requires registering personally (valid ID card or passport) in 23/II Đura Đaković street. Registration cost is 500 dinars and it has no time limit. Rental fee is: 100 dinars per day or 20 dinars per hour. To find out more visit



Parking mesta u Subotici su podeljena u četiri zone. Vreme za parking nije ograničeno, a plaćanje se može vršiti na dva načina - kupovinom parking karte i slanjem SMS poruke. Karte za sve zone se mogu kupiti na kioscima Štampe. Na centralnom parkingu (kod Otvorenog univerziteta) parking se naplaćuje prilikom izlaska. Da biste saznali više o parkiranju ili službi za odnošenje automobila, posetite sajt:

Parking places in Subotica are divided into four zones. Parking time is not limited. Payment can be made through two methods – parking tickets and text massages (sms). At the central parking lot (next to the Open University), parking will be charged upon exiting. To find out more about parking and towed away car service, visit

























Legenda mape

Map key

02 Rajhlova palata /Savremena galerija/

02 Raichle palace /Contemporary art gallery/

03 Gradski muzej /Demeterova palata/

03 City museum /Dömötör palace/

04 Sinagoga

04 Synagogue

05 Katedrala Sv. Terezije Avilske

05 Cathedral St. Teresa of Avila

06 Franjevačka crkva

06 Franciscan church

07 Pravoslavna crkva

07 Serbian orthodox church

08 Gradska biblioteka

08 City library

09 Gimnazija

09 Grammar school

10 Suvenirnica

10 Souvenir shop

11 Pijaca

11 Market

01 Gradska kuća

01 City hall

Železnička stanica Autobuska stanica Turistički informativni centar

Railway station Bus terminal Tourist information centr

Turistički informativni centar

Tourist information centre

Turistički informativni centar posetiocima nudi informacije o smeštajnim kapacitetima, turističkim atrakcijama grada i okoline, zabavi, transportu, restoranima, poslovnim prostorima za održavanje skupova, ponudi kafića, kupovini, dešavanjima i još mnogo čemu. U Turističkom informativnom centru posetioci mogu dobiti pomoć kako da isplaniraju svoj boravak u Subotici, na Paliću ili okolini.

Tourist information centre offers visitors a wealth of choices for accommodation, tourist attractions, entertainment, transport, dining, business facilities, drinking venues, shopping, events and much more. Here, at Tourist information centre, we assist visitors and tourists with planning their stay in Subotica, Palić and surroundings.

24000 SUBOTICA, Trg slobode 1 +381 (0) 24 670 350 tic.subotica 1-5 08:00 – 18:00; ⑥ 6 09:00 – 13:00 Smartphone Application: VisitSubotica Android aplikacija: VisitSubotica Preuzmi aplikaciju preko Get smartphone app at Google Play Store Google Play Store

Subotica na društvenim mrežama

Subotica on social networks




Gradska kuća, centar i simbol Subotice, sagrađena je u periodu između 1908. i 1912. godine. Visoka je 76m i zauzima površinu od 5838 m2. Projektovali su je Komor i Jakab, poznati budimpeštanski arhitekti. Dekorativnost secesije ovde je obogaćena romantičarskom notom mađarskog folklora, kroz šare stilizovanih cvetova, cvetnog nakita od keramike i kovanog gvožđa. Srce Gradske kuće čini Velika većnica sa raskošnim vitražima. Ona se koristi za zasedanja Skupštine, koncerte, venčanja i važne skupove. Danas, kao i u prošlosti, u Gradskoj kući se nalaze Gradska uprava, Istorijski arhiv, butici i banke. Vidikovac na tornju Gradske kuće visok je 45 m i sa njega se pruža nezaboravan pogled na Suboticu i njenu okolinu. Vreme posete: za individualne turiste: od ponedeljka do subote u 12h, grupe: po najavi (polazna tačka: Gradska suvenirnica).

The City hall, the centre and the symbol of Subotica, was built between 1908 and 1912. It is 76m high and covers an area of 5838 m2. It was designed by Komor and Jakab, the renowned Budapest architects. The decorative features of Art Nouveau are enriched with a romantic nuance of the Hungarian folklore, by floral elements made of ceramics and wrought ironwork forging. The Council hall and its splendid stained glass windows are the heart of the building. It is being used for the Assembly sessions, concerts, weddings and important gatherings. Likewise in the past, the City hall hosts city administration, the Historical archives, boutiques and banks. City’s hall’s 45 m high observatory provides an unforgettable sight of Subotica and its outskirts. Visiting hours: -individual tourists: Monday to Saturday at 12 pm; groups by appointment; (Starting point: Souvenir shop)

1 Trg slobode 1, +381 (0) 24 555 128,




Palatu je 1904. godine sazidao arhitekta Ferenc Rajhl za svoj dom i arhitektonski biro. Skupoceni materijali, neobična kombinacija boja, razigrana forma fasade, enterijera i dvorišta, izuzetan su primer secesijske arhitekture. Motiv srca bilo da je izveden u keramici, murano mozaicima, od kovanog gvožđa, u duborezu ili štukaturi - uvek je predstavljen na nov i originalan način. Danas se ovde nalazi Savremena galerija Subotica. Vreme posete: Ponedeljak - petak od 08:00 do 19:00, subotom od 09:00 do 13:00.

It was built in 1904 by the architect Ferenc Raichle to be his home and architectural studio. Expensive materials, the unusual combination of colours, the vibrancy of forms, the lavish interior and the backyard make this sumptuous house an exceptional example of the Art Nouveau architecture. Motive of a heart was implemented in the whole building and carried out in ceramics, Murano glass mosaics, wrought ironwork forging, woodcarving and stucco application - always in a new and original way. At present it hosts the Contemporary Art Gallery Subotica. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am till 7 pm, on Saturdays from 9 am till 1 pm.

2 Park Ferenca Rajhla 5, +381 (0) 553 725,


Gradski muzej se nalazi u zgradi koja je izgrađena u stilu darmštatske secesije, a projektovali su je braća Vago 1906. godine. Njihove radove uvek krasi motiv ptica, što se može videti i na ovoj zgradi. Radno vreme: od utorka do subote, od 10:00 do 18:00


The City Museum is situated in the Dömötör family house built in the style of Darmstadt Art Nouveau. It was designed by the Vágó brothers in 1906. Their works had always been decorated with the motif of two birds, which is present on this facade, too. Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am till 6 pm

3 Trg sinagoge 3, +381 (0) 24 555 128,




Built in 1902, it is one of the finest surviving pieces of religious architecture in the Art Nouveau style in Europe. The central dome of the synagogue is 40 metres high. There were 850 seats for men on the ground floor and 550 for women on the gallery. It is decorated by stylized tulips, carnations and peacock feathers that are typical for the Hungarian version of the style. The interior of the temple still flairs with harmony of colours, brightness and liveliness as architects’ goal was not to make believers feel timid but to arouse the feeling of joy. With daring and modern architectural solutions, it perfectly harmonizes structure and decoration. Visiting hours: from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am till 4 pm or by appointment. To visit the synagogue, contact the staff of the City Museum which is located across the street from it. 4 Trg sinagoge 2 +381 (0) 24 555 128


photo by: Srđan Pančić

Sagrađena 1902. godine, sinagoga je jedna od najlepših postojećih primera sakralne arhitekture secesije u Evropi. Centralna kupola sinagoge je visoka 40 metara. U prizemlju je bilo 850 mesta za muškarce i 550 za žene na galeriji. Sinagoga je ukrašena stilizovanim laticama lala, karanfila i paunovog perja. Smelih i modernih arhitektonskih rešenja savršeni je sklad konstrukcije i dekoracije. Zanimljivo je da je unutrašnjost hrama projektovana kao sjajno i vedro mesto, jer cilj arhitekata nije bio da zastraši vernike, već da blistavom harmonijom boja u vernicima probudi osećanje radosti. Vreme posete: od utorka do subote od 10:00 do 16:00 ili za grupe po dogovoru. Obratiti se zaposlenima u Gradskom muzeju koji se nalazi prekoputa sinagoge.

* KATEDRALA Građevina kasnog baroka, u narodu poznata kao Velika crkva, posvećena je zaštitnici Subotice Sv.Terezi Avilskoj čiji se lik nalazi i na gradskom grbu. Katedrala je podignuta 1779. godine i od tada je nekoliko puta obnavljana. Godine 1974. Papa je nagradio crkvu naslovom manje bazilike.


The Cathedral was built in late baroque style and is dedicated to the patron saint of Subotica, St. Theresa of Avila, whose figure appears in the city’s coat-of-arms as well. The cathedral was built in 1779 and has been renovated several times since then. In 1974, the Pope awarded the church with the title of a smaller basilica. 5 Trg Svete Terezije 1 +381 (0) 24 600 240


* Franciscan church

Na ostacima srednjovekovne tvrđave, koja datira iz XV veka, podignuta je 1736. godine Franjevačka crkva koja je posvećena sv. Mihovilu. Uz crkvu je dograđen samostan u čijoj se kapeli nalazi zavetna slika Crne Gospe.

The church, dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, was built in 1736 on the ruins of the medieval fortress from the 15th century. Attached to it is a friary and a monastery with a chapel dedicated to the votive painting, the Black Madonna.

6 Trg Franjevaca 13, +381 (0) 24 551 256,

* Pravoslavna crkva

Crkva je podignuta je 1726. godine na najvišem delu nekadašnjeg starog grada. Sadašnji izgled ove barokne crkve datira iz 1910. godine, kada je podignut novi toranj i postavljen novi ikonostas. Crkva je posvećena Sv. Vaznesenju Gospodnjem.

* Serb-orthodox church

The baroque church was built on the highest part of the old town in 1726. In 1910, the new tower and the new iconostasis were added. The Church is dedicated to the Holy Ascension.

7 Zmaj Jovina 22, +381 (0) 24 522 590,

* Gradska biblioteka

* City library

Gradska biblioteka je osnovana 1890. godine i smeštena je u neobaroknu zgradu, koja se nalazi na istočnoj strani glavnog trga. Projektovao je Ferenc Rajhl 1897. godine. Poseban šarm ovoj zgradi daju dve skulpture atlanta koja na leđima nose jedan od najlepših balkona u gradu.

The City library was established in 1890. The neo-baroque building that stands on the eastern side of the main square was designed by Ferenc Raichle in 1897. The two Atlases carrying one of the nicest balconies in the city make this building charming.

8 Cara Dušana 2, +381 (0) 24 553 115,

* Gimnazija

* Grammar school

Prva gramatikalna gimnazija u regionu osnovana je 1747. godine. Sadašnju zgradu gimnazije je projektovao Ferenc Rajhl krajem 19. veka u neobaroknom stilu. U zgradi se nalazi soba koja je posvećena Deže Kostolanju, jednom od najznačajnijih mađarskih pisaca, koji je rođen u Subotici.

The first grammar school was established in the region in 1747. Its present building was designed in neo-baroque style by Ferenc Raichle in the late 19th century. There is a room in the building dedicated to one of the most outstanding Hungarian authors Dezső Kosztolányi who was born in Subotica.

9 Petefi Šandora 1, +381 (0) 24 552 820,


* Art Nouveau city

* Grad secesije Gradska kuća, Sinagoga, Rajhlova palata i desetine drugih atraktivnih objekata, svrstali su Suboticu među značajnije secesijske gradove u Evropi. Razuzdane, nesputane forme, pune zaobljenih linija i valovitih poteza, neobične kombinacije boja umesto monotonog sivila fasada - prvo su što turista primeti kada dođe u Suboticu. Ovaj umetnički pravac ili stil, postojao je u različitim zemljama, pod različitim imenima: Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, Modernismo, Liberty Style.... Ovde, izuzetan i specifičan, nosi naziv secesija ili mađarski “szeceszio”. Dok se u Subotici jedna struja arhitekata okrenula evropskim centrima kao što su Beč, Minhen ili Darmštat, druga dominantnija se okrenula nacionalnoj, mađarskoj varijanti secesije. Mada su građevine inspirisane evropskim uticajem brojnije, mađarska varijanta sa tek nekoliko primera, ali izuzetnih po lokaciji, veličini i nameni dominira gradom i doprinosi da Subotica ponese naziv grada secesije. Secesija je bila popularna na prekretnici vekova a u Subotici od 1893. do 1913.godine. To je bio period mira i ekonomskog napretka.


The City Hall, the Synagogue, the Raichle Palace and dozens of other attractive properties, have placed Subotica among the most significant Art Nouveau cities in Europe. Unrestrained forms, full of flowing lines and undulating moves, and unusual color combinations instead of monotonous gray facades, are what tourists first notice when they come to Subotica. The art movement and style, which is known under different names in different countries: Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, Modernismo, Liberty Style.... here, remarkable and specific, is named “secesija” or in Hungarian, “szecesszió”. In Subotica, one stream of architecture was influenced by European cities such as Vienna, Munich and Darmstadt, the other turned to the national, Hungarian Art Nouveau. Although the architecture of the city is inspired by numerous European influences, with only a few examples of the Hungarian variation of the style, their exceptional location, size and purpose - means they dominate the city and give Subotica the name the city of Art Nouveau. Art Nouveau was popular in Subotica from 1893 to 1913. It was a period of peace and economic prosperity. Through industrialization and urbanization, society was rapidly changing.



Put secesije započinje u nekadašnjem centru grada, obilaskom sinagoge, koja se smatra najlepšom u ovom delu Evrope. Nedaleko od nje je Demeterova palata u kojoj se nalazi Gradski muzej. Sledi poseta Gradskoj kući, simbolu Subotice. Obilazi se Velika većnica i razgledaju koloritni vitraži. Kraći odmor je moguć u poslastičarnici u kojoj se još uvek može osetiti duh starih dobrih vrema – belle epoque, a koja se nalazi u nekadašnjoj Gradskoj najamnoj palati. Put secesije se nastavlja duž ulice Korzo. Ovde bi pažnju trebalo obratiti na zgradu broj četiri, nekadašnju Trgovačku banku, koja se izdvaja svojom živopisnom ornamentikom. Put se završava obilaskom Rajhlove palate, biserom arhitekture secesije, u kojoj se danas nalazi Savremena galerija. Nakon obilaska Puta secesije u Subotici predlažemo ručak u nekom od restorana ili picerija u obližnjoj ulici Matije Korvina. Vreme potrebno za obilazak: Ovaj put je dug 2 km i šetnja traje oko sat vremena. Dodajte 2-3 sata ako planirate da posetite neku od navedenih lokacija. Besplatni, audio vodič za moderne uređaje se može preuzeti sa

The Art Nouveau self-guided tour begins in the former city center, with a visit to the Synagogue, which is by many considered to be the most beautiful synagogue in this part of Europe. Not far from here is the Miksa Dömötör rental palace, now a home of the City museum. An optional short break can be arranged, in the pastry shop located in the former City tenement palace where one can still feel the spirit of the good old days – the belle époque. A visit to the City hall, symbol of Subotica, follows. The Great hall and its colorful stained glass windows are part of the tour. The Art Nouveau route continues along the city’s main street – the promenade. Here, the building number four should be noted, the former Subotica savings bank palace. It stands out with its colorful ornamentation. The tour ends with a visit to the Raichle palace, a gem of Art Nouveau architecture, which is now the Contemporary art gallery. After finishing the Art Nouveau tour in Subotica, we suggest a lunch in some of the restaurants or pizzerias in the nearby Matija Korvin street. This route is 2 km long and the walk will take about an hour. Add 2-3 hours if you plan to enter some of the mentioned sites. Free, audio guides can be downloaded from


* Istorija

* History

Subotica se prvi put pominje u pisanim dokumentima pod imenom Zabatka 1391. godine. Od tada je promenila više od 200 imena, od kojih su najkarakterističnija bila: Szent-Maria, Maria Theresiopolis, Marija Theresienstadt, Szabadka i Subotica. Dugo vremena je Subotica bila na granici dve moćne imperije, Mađarske i Turske. Ona je počela da se razvija tek nakon što je izgubila svoj vojni značaj. Subotica je 1779. godine dobila status Slobodnog kraljevskog grada, koji joj je doneo veću autonomiju i privilegije i tada počinje da privlači preduzetnike, seljake, zanatlije i trgovce sa severa i juga. U drugoj polovini 19. veka, nakon dolaska železnice, trgovina poljoprivrednim i stočarskim proizvodima je naglo počela da se razvija. Industrijalizacija je počela krajem 19. veka i tada Subotica postaje moderan srednjeevropski grad. Nakon Prvog svetskog rata, Trijanonskim sporazumom region Vojvodina se prisajedinjuje Kraljevini Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca koja 1929. godine postaje Kraljevina Jugoslavija. Od tada Subotica nije menjala ime, ali nazive države jeste – čak pet puta. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata Subotica je proživela strašne dane, kao i ostatak Evrope. Nakon toga je sledila rekonstrukcija zemlje i privredni rast koji je trajao sve do turbulentnih 90-tih godina 20. veka.

Subotica was, for the first time, mentioned in written documents in 1391 as Zabatka. Since then it has changed more than 200 names. The most characteristic names were: SzentMaria, Maria Theresiopolis, Maria Theresienstadt, Szabadka and Subotica. For a long time, at the border of the two clashed powers, Hungarian and Turkish, the settlement did not grow. Subotica began to develop as a town only after it had lost its military significance. In 1779 Subotica got the status of the Free Royal City that brought greater autonomy and privileges to the town and also attracted entrepreneurs: craftsmen and traders from the north and the south. In the second half of the 19th century, after the railway came to the town, the trade of agricultural and cattle products abruptly developed. The industrialization came into the town at the end of the 19th century when Subotica became a modern Middle European city. After WW I and the Treaty of Trianon, Vojvodina was united with the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians that became the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Since then Subotica has not changed its name but the country has – five times. During the WW II, Subotica shared the ill fate as the rest of the Europe. Reconstruction of the country and economic growth followed till the turbulent times in the 90s.



* City museum

Gradski muzej je muzej kompleksnog tipa sa arheološkom, etnološkom, istorijskom, umetničkom, prirodnjačkom zbirkom i zbirkom legata. Stalna postavka je u pripremi, ali se za to vreme u muzeju održavaju brojne druge izložbe. Muzej je smešten u secesijsku palatu koja je 2008. godine adaptirana kako bi odgovarala nameni i potrebi muzeja.

It is a complex museum with archaeological, ethnographic, historical, art and natural collections and a collection of bequests. Today the museum awaits visitors with seasonal exhibitions, while the permanent exhibition is under construction. This Art Nouveau building, was restored in 2008 by the local government to fit the needs and purposes of the museum.

B3 Trg sinagoge 3, +381 (0) 24 555 128,

* Savremena galerija Subotica

* Contemporary Art Gallery Subotica

Galerija savremene umetnosti je osnovana 1962. godine. Ona čuva više od 1.000 umetničkih dela najznačajnijih likovnih umetnika druge polovine 20. veka sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije – slike, grafička dela, skulpture i keramiku. Galerija organizuje samostalne i kolektivne izložbe, performanse i druga umetnička dešavanja. Galerija se nalazi u zanimljivom prostoru secesijske Rajhlove palate.

Contemporary art gallery was founded in 1962. It safeguards more than 1000 works of art of the most prominent artists from the former Yugoslavia of the second part of the 20th century – paintings, graphic works, sculptures and ceramics. The gallery produces solo and collective exhibitions, artists’ performances and other artistic events. It is situated in an exciting venue – the Raichle palace the Art Nouveau Raichle palace.

B5 Park Ferenca Rajhla 5, +381 (0) 553 725,

* Zavičajna galerija Dr. Vinko Perčić

* Dr. Vinko Perčić Native gallery

Ova galerija prezentuje dela različitih umetničkih pravaca: slikarstvo, skulptura, grafika, multimedijalne performanse itd. Ona takođe čuva i izlaže umetničke predmete iz legata subotičkog lekara Dr Vinka Perčića.

This gallery features presentations of visual artists of various art practice: painting, sculpture, graphics, multimedia, performance, etc... It also exhibits art objects, the legacy of Subotica’s doctor of medicine Vinko Perčić.

D4 Maksima Gorkog 22, +381 (0) 24 530 910,



* People’s theatre (Jadran stage)

C5 Park F. Rajhla 12a, +381 (0) 24 557 436,

* Children’s theatre

* Dečije pozorište

C5 Park Ferenca Rajhla 12a, +381 (0) 24 557 715,

* Kosztolány Dezső theatre

* Pozorište Deže Kostolanji

C3 Trg žrtava fašizma 5, +381 (0) 24 557 471,

* Art bioskop A. Lifka

* A. Lifka Art Cinema

C3 Trg žrtava fašizma 5, +381 (0) 24 527 110,

* EuroCinema

* EuroCinema

B4 Trg cara Jovana Nenada 15, +381 (0) 24 554 600,


Festivali | Festivals * Prvomajski uranak

* May Day festival

Prvomajski uranak je dvodnevna turistička manifestacija kada se zvanično otvara letnja turistička sezona. Tada Palić postaje veliki Luna park, restoran i bazar rukotvorina. Različiti kulturni i zabavni programi sa koncertima privlače velik broj posetilaca.

May Day festival is a two-day tourist event. It is an official opening of the summer tourist season. Then, Palić becomes a large open-air amusement park, a giant restaurant and a craft bazaar. Various cultural and entertainment programs with live concerts attract a large numbers of visitors.

Palić, 1. i 2. maj

Palić, May 1st and 2nd

* Međunarodni festival pozorišta za decu Subotica

* International Children’s theatre festival

Festival prikazuje najvrednija i umetnički najrelevantnija scenska ostvarenja iz međunarodne i domaće produkcije za decu. Jedan je od pet najznačajnih festivala ove vrste u svetu. Više od 400 pozorišnih predstava iz preko 40 zemalja učestvuje na festivalu. Tokom festivala glavni program i prateći programi se održavaju na različitim lokacijama - kao i na glavnom gradskom trgu. Svi programi su besplatni.

The festival presents the most valuable and artistically most relevant national and international stage productions. It is one of the five most important festival of its kind in the world. More than 400 theatre productions from more than 40 different countries participate in the festival every year. During the festival week the main program and accompanying programs are held in different venues and on the city main square. All programs are free of charge.

treća nedelja u maju

Subotica, third week in May

* Festival evropskog filma

* European Film Festival

Festival evropskog filma je jedan od najznačajnijih filmskih festivala u ovom regionu i jedan je od retkih u svetu sa 100 % evropskim sadržajem. Filmovi se u glavnom, takmičarskom programu, prikazuju na lepoj palićkoj Letnjoj pozornici. Tu se okuplja veliki broj filmskih autora i drugih gostiju iz cele Evrope. Tokom festivala organizuju se brojne prateće manifestacije, atraktivne svim posetiocima festivala. Svakog jula u deset selekcija prikazuju se stotine filmova evropske kinematografije. Tokom sedam festivalskih dana Palić postaje prava evropska prestonica kulture.

The European Film Festival is one of most important film festivals in this region and one of the few in the world with 100% European content. The films of the main, official program, are screened in the beautiful venue of the Summer stage in Palić where a large number of filmmakers and other guests from Europe are gathered. During the festival a number of accompanying events, attractive to all visitors of the festival, are organized. Every July in ten selections, hundred films of European cinematography are screened. During the seven festival days Palić becomes a true European capital of culture.

* Summer3P

* Summer3P

Festival elektronske muzike se održava na Paliću na termalnom bazenu, trećeg vikenda u julu. Neki od najboljih evropskih i regionalnih umetnika elektronske scene, uglavnom evropske tehno i trance, nastupaju na festivalu. Postoji besplatan kamp za posetioce festivala. Tokom dana se organizuju različite umetničke i ekološke radionice.

The festival of electronic music is held at Palić Thermal Pool on the third weekend in July. Some of the best European and regional artists of the electronic scene (mostly European techno and trance) perform at the festival. There is a freeof-charge camping site for the festival visitors. During the day different artistic and ecological workshops are organized.

Palić and Subotica mid-July

Palić i Subotica, sredina jula

Palić, sredina jula 18

Palić, mid-July

* Dužijanca

* Dužijanca

Pre više od sto godina Dužijanca je nastala kao vid porodične proslave i zahvalnosti Bogu za uspešan završetak žetve. Vremenom je prerasla u jedan od najživopisnijih događaja u Subotici. Festival, koji traje pet meseci, kulminira u nedelju pred praznik Veliku Gospojinu sredinom avgusta, kada se organizuje svečana povorka kroz centar Subotice.

More than a hundred years ago Dužijanca was created as a form of family celebration and thanksgiving to God for the successful completion of the wheat harvest. Since than it has grown into one of the most colorful events in Subotica. The festival, which lasts five months, culminates in the week before the Holly Assumption in August when the pageant, thanksgiving parade, is held in Subotica city centre.


* Interetno

Interetno festival je festival međunarodnog karaktera, koji okuplja istaknute folklorne grupe iz celog sveta. Festival se održava u Etnopolisu u samom centru grada. Organizuje se i celodnevni vašar narodnih rukotvorina, igraonice za najmlađe, vinska ulica i dr. Takođe se priprema mnoštvo domaćih specijaliteta.

Interetno Festival is a festival of international character which brings together prominent folk music dance groups and musicians from around the world. The festival is held in the city centre - in the Etnopolis, a city within the city. Besides concert, all-day children’s playground, wine street, arts-and-crafts bazaar and booths with food are permanent features of the festival.

*Berbanski dani

* Fruit-picking Days

Povodom završetka radova u vinogradima i voćnjacima organizuju se Berbanski dani, fešta kada ima puno hrane i vina, zanatskih proizvoda, narodnih rukotvorina i specijalnih programa. Ova svetkovina se organizuje na i oko palićke Velike terase. Svake godine na Berbanskim danima se može posetiti izložba voća, povrća i pijaca gde se prodaju med, vino, slatkiši i začinsko bilje. Može se degustirati vino, jesti, slušati muzika i dobro se zabaviti.

It is a traditional weekend full of food, wine, crafts and special events celebrating the end of autumn fruit-picking season. It is held in and around the Grand terrace in Palić. Permanent features of the festivals are: exhibition of the fruit an vegetable finest samples, mini-market where fruit, honey, wine, sweets, spices and herbs are sold, wine tasting, arts-and-crafts bazaar, food booths, live music and much, much more.


* Desire

Desire je regionalni i međunarodni festival savremenog teatra. On predstavlja progresivnu, umetničku i inovativnu pozorišnu produkciju. Uz festivalski program organizuju se takođe i radionice, prezentacije knjiga, stručne tribine i izložbe. Festival je dobio ime po pseudonimu jednog od najznačajnijih mađarskih pisaca 20. veka, Deže Kostolanjiju koji je rođen u Subotici.

Desiré Central Station is a regional and an international festival of contemporary theatre. It presents the progressive, artistic and innovative theatre production. Following the Festival program various workshops, book presentations, expert panels and exhibitions are organized, too. The festival is named after the pseudonym of one of the most exciting Hungarian author of the 20th century, Dezső Kostolányi who was born in Subotica.


* Winterfest

Božićno-novogodišnji vašar je tradicionalan u mnogim zemljama. U Subotici, Winterfest se održava pod otvorenim nebom u pešačkoj zoni, u centru grada. Ovde se, u posebnim od drveta napravljenim štandovima i kućicama, prodaju prigodni maštoviti pokloni za praznike koje izrađuju lokalni umetnici i preduzetnici. Pored toga, od jutra do večeri, ovde može da se kupi mnogo dobre hrane i toplih napitaka.

Holiday bazaar is a tradition in many countries. In Subotica, the Winterfest is held under the openair in a pedestrian street close to the City hall. In special wood-curved booths wonderful creative gifts for the holiday season, provided by local artists, are sold. Beside that a lot of good food and hot drinks can be bought from morning till the evening.

Subotica, sredina avgusta

Subotica, 22.-26. avgust

Palić, treći vikend u septembru

Subotica, kraj novembra

Subotica, početak decembra-sredina januara

Subotica, mid-August

Subotica August 22nd to 26th

Palić, the third weekend in September

Subotica, the end of November

Subotica, beginning of December till mid-January


Smeštaj | ACCOMMODATION * Osnovni sadržaj – simboli

Tip registracije -Privatan smeštaj: sobe Tip registracije -Privatan smeštaj: kuća za odmor Tip registracije -Privatan smeštaj: apartmani Tip registracije -Privatan smeštaj: seosko turističko domaćinstvo Tip registracije - Prenoćište/Nekategorisan objekat Broj smeštajnih jedinica (sobe i apartmani) Broj kreveta Broj kupatila Klima uređaj Kablovska tv WiFi Internet Room service Kafe Restoran Parking Wellness Fitness Bazen Sale za sastanke

* Basic facilities – key

Registration typ – Private accommodation: rooms Registration type – Private accommod: house Registration type – Private accommodation: suits Registration type – Private accommodation: rural tourist household Registration type - Lodgings/Not caterogized accommodation/B&Bs Number of accommodation units (rooms and suits) Number of beds En-suit bathroom Air conditioning Cable tv WiFi Internet Room service Café Restaurant Parking Wellness Fitness Swimming-pool Conference room

Hoteli | Hotels * Patria****, hotel | hotel

Renoviran pre samo nekoliko godina, Patria je danas moderan hotel. Smešten na samo nekoliko minuta od autobuske i železničke stanice, centra grada i gradskih znamenitosti. Hotel Patria je savršen za sve koji žele da budu u centru Subotice.

C5 Đure Đakovića 1A +381 (0) 554 500




Renovated just several years ago, it is now a modern hotel. Located just minutes from the major points like the bus and railway stations, the city center and city landmarks. Patria hotel is a good choice for your stay. It’s perfect for all of you who want to be at the Subotica hotspots.

* Galleria**** , kongresni hotel | congress hotel Kongresni hotel Galleria predstavlja fokusnu tačku događaja koji se dešavaju u Subotici i okolini. Dobro opremljene sobe i apartmani, odlični restorani, wellness centar, sale za sastanke, veliki prostor za organizaciju događaja, blizina centra grada, znamenitosti i najviši standard usluga su tu da odgovore potrebama gostiju i da pruže osećaj sve na jednom mestu.

B4 Matije Korvina 17 +381 (0) 24 647 111

Congress hotel Galleria represents the focal point of events and happenings in and around Subotica. Well equipped rooms and suits, excellent restaurants, wellness center, variety of meeting rooms, great venues, walking proximity to the city center and city landmarks and the highest service standards are there to fit your needs and to provide all at one place. 80+10


* Best Western hotel Gloria****, hotel | hotel Hotel se nalazi u samom centru Subotice, u blizini gradskih znamenitosti. Hotel odlikuje udoban i prostran enterijer, opremljen u modernom stilu. Ovde možete da uživate u hotelskom restoranu i raznovrsnoj domaćoj i internacionalnoj kuhinji, kao i prijatnom wellness centru.

C4 Dimitrija Tucovića 2 +381 (0) 24 672 010

It’s located in the very center of the city, close to the most important sites in Subotica. Hotel provides the comfortable and spacious interior, designed and equipped in a modern style. Enjoy the hotel restaurant and its variety of domestic and international cuisine and in a cozy wellness centre. 28+4


* Vila Majur**** , hotel | hotel Smešten u blizini granice sa Mađarskom, hotel nudi razne mogućnosti za aktivan odmor, a blizina ergele čini ovo mesto zanimljivim izborom. Uživajte u luksuznim sobama i apartmanima, opuštenoj atmosferi u restoranu, opustite se u stoletnom borovom parku i provedite nezaboravne i romantične trenutke dok se vozite u kočijama.

A1 Kelebija, Put Edvarda Kardelja 445 +381 (0) 24 646 646

Located near the border-crossing with Hungary, hotel offers a perfect place to rest. The variety of possibilities for active holidays and the proximity of a horse farm make it an interesting choice. Enjoy luxurious rooms and suites, cozy atmosphere of the Majur restaurant, play sports, relax in the hundred year old pine park and spend unforgettable and romantic moments being driven in horse-carriages. 10+8


* PBG*** , garni hotel i depadans | hotel garni and annex Samo nekoliko minuta udaljen od centra grada i glavnih gradskih atrakcija, hotel nudi kvalitetnu uslugu. Udobne, potpuno opremljene sobe će zadovoljiti sve potrebe savremenih turista.

D3 Harambašićeva 21 +381 (0) 24 554 175

Just minutes away from the city center and Subotica’s main attractions, the hotel is there to offer good service. Comfortable and fully equipped rooms will satisfy all tourist needs. 23+3



Ostali smeštaj | Other accommodation * Vila Royal Crown

* Gat

E1 Somborski put 75 +381 (0) 24 533 666 *** 46 23


* Prenoćište Bestfood 7


C2 Preradovićeva 1 +381 (0) 69 5730 494 6




D4 Huge Badalića 3 +381 (0) 24 559 254 * 46 8 10


* Sobe D&D

* Sobe Kraljica




* Sobe Sobe

Dragojle Jarnević 5 +381 (0) 63 528 973 **





Beogradski put 156 +381 (0) 24 566 795 2






* Kod Vukoja








C4 Korzo 2 +381 61 310 10 77 * 4 1 1

* Dom učenika srednjih škola D3 Harambašićeva 22 +381 (0) 24 555 510 12 (50)

24 (200)

6 (4)

* Denis plus

E1 Sivački put 3 +381 (0) 69 125 84 64 *


* Apartman Korzo

C4 Braće Radić 6 +381 (0) 64 150 70 37

D4 Huge Badalića 3 +381 (0) 69 55 28 738


B6 V. Majakovskog 24 +381 (0) 24 559 156



C4 Trg cara Jovana Nenada 6/22 +381 (0) 69 162 42 78 * 2 1 1



D4 Harambašićeva 25/2 +381 (0) 24 552 977

* Sobe ivona



* Sobe Pižurica




* Vila Modena

C1 Bajski put 12 +381 (0) 24 580 804

* Your second home



* Villa Stefanija

* Sobe Sport



B3 Aleja maršala Tita 13 +381 (0) 24 544 122

* Hostel Incognito

B4 Vase Stajića 1 +381 (0) 69 201 0717 3

* Vila Inn

E2 Gundulićeva 42 +381 (0) 24 557 345

Aksentija Marodića 56 +381 (0) 24 567 210 5




* Barone Vila Evropa

* Hostel Barone

C3 Velebitska 69 +381 (0) 24 562 766 *** 26 10 10

C3 Matije Gupca 2 +381 (0) 24 562 601

* Hipodrom

* Sobe Varga

E1 Frana Supila 7 +381 (0) 24 562 348 * 48 15

E3 Velebitska 21/a +381 (0) 24 532 583 * 12 7




* Lovački dom

Graničarska 109 +381 (0) 24 550 482




* Apartman Vidikovac


B3 Aleja maršala Tita 12/57A +381 69 118 26 38 * 1 1 1

* Sobe Bajakić

* Malcon

* Sobe Malov

Dobojska 9 +381 (0) 24 548 115

E6 Stipana Kopilovića 15 +381 (0) 24 553 510

Zetska 22 +381 (0) 24 553 310





* Flairville









* Favory


Tavankut, Marka Oreškovića 10 +381 (0) 64 14 88 163 10



Kelebija Put Edvarda Kardelja 437 +381 (0) 24 789 034

* Hostel Galerija 2


Segedinski put 86 +381 (0) 24 686 840

* Vinski salaš

Kelebija, Edvarda Kardelja 139 +381 (0) 24 515 720 * 2 1


* Aleksander A

Franje Kluza 10 +381 (0) 63 837 837 7 2







* Salaš Balažević

Tavankut, Nikole Tesle 16 +381 (0) 64 14 88 163 * 2 7 12

* Plava Sirena

* Konak Ljutovo

Bajmok, Kralja Tomislava 78 +381(0) 24 764 400

Ljutovo, Čikerijska 28 +381(0) 63 518 007










Restorani, kafići | Restaurant, cafés Nacionalni restorani / National restaurants * Gostiona Gurinović

Restoran Gurinović se nalazi u mirnoj ulici, u blizini centra grada. Pored domaćih jela i velikog izbora najboljih domaćih voćnih rakija i vina, ovde takođe možete probati stara, gotovo zaboravljena jela ovog kraja.

Restaurant Gurinović is located in a quiet street near the city center. Beside local dishes and various choice of best local fruit brandies and wines, it also offers some old almost forgotten traditional dishes from this region.

C1 Bajski put 32, +381 (0) 24 554 934,

* Bates

Ovaj porodični restoran ima dugu tradiciju. Domaća jela, od hleba do deserta, obradovaće Vaš stomak. Tradicionalna srpska kuhinja u kombinaciji sa lokalnim tamburaškim orkestrom, učiniće da vaše večeri budu nezaboravne.

This family run restaurant has a long tradition. Home-made dishes, from bread to desserts, will make your stomach happy. Traditional Serbian food is served here. Combined with a local tambourine bend it will also make your evenings a memorable event.

B4 Vuka Karadžića 17, +381 (0) 24 556 008,


interNacionalni restorani | interNational restaurants * Panorama * Majur Kelebija B4 Matije Korvina 17 +381 (0) 24 647 100

Kelebija, Put Edvarda Kardelja 445 +381 (0) 24 646 646

* Spartak S

* Minhen – Bavarska pivnica i restoran

* Patria

* Konoba Tinel – Dalmatinski restoran

B4 Matije Korvina 17 +381 (0) 24 647 282

C5 Đure Đakovića 1a +381 (0) 24 554 500

C3 Petefi Šandora 8 +381 (0) 24 558 998

D4 Huge Badalića 14 +381 (0) 24 600 007

Restorani za svačiji džep | Budget restaurants * Nada

B4 Dimitrija Tucovića 13 +381 (0) 24 554 951

* Atrium’s place - expres restoran

B4 Matije Korvina 17 +381 (0) 24 647 227

* Bon Appetit

C4 Trg cara Jovana Nenada 9 +381 (0) 24 555 889

Kafe-restorani i picerije | Café-restaurants & pizzerias * Boss

Boss je jedan od omiljenih mesta za izlazak u Subotici. Odlična usluga, topao ambijent i dobra atmosfera u senci secesijske palate, kao i veliki izbor kvalitetne hrane i širok spektar pića – čini Boss mestom koje ne smete propustiti.

B5 Matije Korvina 7-8, + 381 (0) 24 551 111

* Denis

Maštovita ponuda, uglavnom italijanske kuhinje sa dobrim izborom vina, dopunjena estetskim doživljajem savremeno dizajniranog enterijera i jedinstvene letnje terase, čine ovo mesto omiljenim za ručak, večeru ili jednostavno pauzu za kafu sa prijateljima.

Boss is the favourite place for going out in Subotica. Excellent service, warm ambience and friendly atmosphere in the shadows of Art Nouveau palace, a large selection of quality food and a wide range of drinks - makes Boss place you shouldn’t miss.

Imaginative cuisine, mainly Italian, with a good selection of wines, complemented by the aesthetic experience of modern interior design and unique summer terrace make it a favourite place for lunch, dinner or simply a coffee break with a friend.

D5 Braće Radića 24, +381 (0) 24 551 155

* Stara Pizzeria

Osnovana 1977. godine ova picerija je najstarija picerija u Srbiji. Kompletan enterijer je kombinacija starog i novog ali još uvek podseća na duh prošlih vremena. Ovde možete uživati u italijanskoj i meksičkoj kuhinji, kao i u živoj svirci raznih bendova iz regiona, koji nastupaju svakog četvrtka.

Established in 1977 this pizzeria is the oldest pizzeria in Serbia. The complete interior is combination of something old and something new and yet it reminds of the spirit of past times. Here you can enjoy the Mexican and Italian cuisine and various bands from the region who perform every Thursday.

B5 Matije Korvina 5, +381 (0) 24 551 835

* Renesansa

* All’oro

* Castello

* Caffe Don

* Caffe Hausbrandt

* Borsalino

B5 Matije Korvina 13 +381 (0) 24 555 001

Lovre Bračuljevića 17 +381 (0) 24 525 100


Prvomajska 101 +381 (0) 24 51 51 00

C4 Trg Cara Jovana Nenada 9 + 381 (0) 24 41 000

C5 Vladimira Nazora 6 +381 (0) 24 527 083

B4 Cara Lazara 3 +381 (0) 24 4 100 600

Poslastičarnice | Pastry shops * Mignon

* Ravel

* Pelivan

* Daraboš

* Daraboš nova * Momento

* Music caffe

* Bodiš

C4 Nušićeva 2 +381 (0) 24 554 670

B3 Aleja maršala Tita 11 +381 (0) 24 555 018

C4 Trg cara Jovana Nenada 2-4 +381 (0) 24 670 220

C4 Trg slobode 4 +381 (0) 24 539 021

D4 Petra Drapšina 18 +381 (0) 24 523 202

C4 Trg Jakaba i Komora 3 +381 (0) 24 557 046

C4 Trg cara Jovana Nenada 1 +381 (0) 24 525 342

C3 Rudić ulica 1 +381 (0) 24 559 258


Kafići | Cafés * Kafe priča

* ThalIa

* Klub dvorištance

* Bulevar

* Trubadur

* The Code

* Liverpul pub

* Cafe Piano

* Kunst Cafe

C5 Korzo 9a +381 (0) 24 553 211

C5 Vladimira Nazora 4-6 +381 (0) 24 554 888

C4 Petra Drapšina 10 +381 (0) 24 556 777


C5 Park Ferenca Rajhla 12a +381 (0) 65 45 45 321

B5 Park Ferenca Rajhla 11 +381 (0) 24 572 579

C3 Rudić ulica 3 +381 (0) 24 555 707

C4 Korzo 1 +381 (0) 64 617 4122

C4 Trg republike 8 +381 (0) 24 533 858

B5 Matije Korvina 12 +381 (0) 24 557 850 kunstcafesubotica

Šoping | Shopping * Gradska suvenirnica

U Suvenirnici možete kupiti narodne rukotvorine tipične za područje severa Bačke i predmete primenjene umetnosti koji su inspirisani narodnom umetnošću.

* City souvenir-shop

It is a shop in which you can buy handicrafts and folk art typical of Subotica region such as strawpictures, pottery or many other hand made items.

10 Trg slobode 1, +381 (0) 24 520 299,

* Prodavnica vinarije Zvonko Bogdan

Pored vina Vinarije Zvonko Bogdan u ovoj prodavnici se prodaju i druga ekskluzivna pića. Zanimljiv enterijer oplemenjuje doživljaj kupovine.

* Zvonko Bogdan wine shop

Beside the wines from Zvonko Bogdan winery, in this store other high-quality drinks are sold. Interesting interior enriches shopping experience.

B5 Matije Korvina 12, +381 (0) 24 553 242,

* Ukusi tradicije

Dućan domaće hrane nudi domaće proizvode po kojima je ovaj region poznat: šunke, sireve, rakije, kompote i druge proizvode kao i organski proizvedeno povrće.

* Tastes of the past

The shop offers local produce for which this region is known for: ham, cheese, brandy, compotes and other products as well as organically produced vegetables.

D4 Petra Drapšina 18,

* Tržni centar Mali Bajmok

TC Mali Bajmok, poznatiji kao Buvljak, razvio se kao značajan trgovački punkt. Danas predstavlja veliku alternativnu robnu kuću gde možete kupiti sve, od igle do lokomotive.

* Buvljak - Flee market T.C. Mali Bajmok, better known as Buvljak (the Flee market) is a market where different items are sold, from jeans and jackets to bicycle and fresh fruit. Today it is an alternative department store.

E1 Somborski put 77-79, +381 (0) 24 555 377,

* Mlečna pijaca

Mlečna pijaca se nalazi u blizini centra grada. Na popularnoj tržnici možete pronaći sveže voće i povrće, sve vrste mlečnih proizvoda, mleko, jaja, med, začine, mesne prerađevine i pekarske proizvode.

* Open-air market

Open-air market is located near the city center. At the market you can find all kinds of diary products, eggs, honey, spices, bakery and meat products, fresh fruit and vegetables.

11 Trg Komora i Jakaba bb, +381 (0) 24 555 013,


Wellness | Wellness * Galleria Wellness centar

Moderan i funkcionalan wellness centar nalazi se na trećem spratu hotela Galleria na površini od 1600m2. Već na ulazu u centar ljubazno osoblje pomoćiće vam da izaberete tretman koji vam najviše odgovara. Infra-crvena sauna, parna sauna, hidro-masaža, vibraciona masaža i umirujući kutak su samo neki od sadržaja koje nudi ovaj moderan wellness centar. Bar u sastavu centra nudi veliki izbor okrepljujućih hladnih i toplih pića kao i sveže ceđene sokove od voća i povrća. Centar je otvoren svakog dana od 13:00 do 21:00 vikendom od 10:00 do 22:00. Ponedeljkom je zatvoreno.

* Galleria Wellness centre

Modern and functional Wellness Centre is located on the third floor of the Galleria hotel. It covers 1600 square metres. Already at the entrance of the centre, friendly staff help guests select the treatment that suits them best. An infra-red sauna, a steam sauna, a hydro-massage, a vibratory massage, a calming corner are only some of the features offered in this wellness centre. Vitality-bar offers a selection of invigorating cold and warm drinks, energy drinks and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. The Wellness Centre is open every day from 1 pm till 9 pm and on weekends from 10 am till 10 pm. Closed on Mondays.

B4 Matije Korvina 17, +381 (0) 24 647 266,

* Wellness centar SRC Prozivka

U novom bazenu postoji i mini wellness sa saunom, đakuzijem i turskim kupatilom, ali najbolji deo spa programa su svakako masaže, gde možete birati od sportske, terapeutske, mediteranske, švedske i kraljevske do antistres masaže. Radno vreme wellnessa je od 06:00 do 16:30, utorkom do 18.30 a subotom i nedeljom od 06:00 do 24:00.

* Prozivka Swimmingpool wellness

On the premises of the new indoor swimming-pool there is a wellness with a sauna, a jacuzzi and a Turkish bath but the highlight of this venue is a massage centre: sport, therapeutic, Mediterranean, Swedish, Royal, anti-stress massages are offered among other services. It is open from from 6 am till 4:30, on Tuesdays till 8.30 pm and on weekends from 6 am till midnight.

Nade Dimić 2, +381 (0) 24 415 03 38,

* Wellness i fitness centar hotela Patria

U teretani ovog centra se mogu naći najsavremeniji uređaji za vežbanje, trake za trčanje, bicikli i sprave sa tegovima. Finska sauna, hidromasažno kupatilo za opuštanje, sportske ili aroma masaže su u ponudi ovog wellness centra. Mirno i opuštajuće okruženje čini ovo mesto posebnim. Centar je otvoren za sve posetioce od 13:00 do 20:00.

* Patria Hotel Wellness and fitness centre

In the gym of this centre one can find multifunction gym devices, treadmills, exercise bikes and weights. Hot dry Finnish sauna, hydro-massage bath together with relaxing, sport or aroma massages are features of the wellness centre. A peaceful, relaxing and comforting yet professional environment makes everybody feel good. The centre is open for non-hotel guest from 1 pm till 8 pm.

C5 Đure Đakovića 1A, +381 (0) 554 500,

* Spa Best Western hotela Gloria

Smešten u centru grada, spa centar Best Western Gloria hotela je relaksaciona oaza koja obezbeđuje mirno i spokojno okruženje, nudeći razne usluge. Na raspolaganju su hidro-masažna kada, tursko kupatilo i finska sauna. Za posetioce koji nisu gosti hotela, spa centar je otvoren od 07:00 do 21:00.

* Best Western Gloria Hotel Spa

Located in the city centre, the spa is a relaxation oasis that provides a calm and tranquil environment. Various massage services are offered there. Also available are: a hydro-massage bathtub, a Turkish bath and a Finnish sauna. For non-hotel guests it is open from 7 am till 9 pm.

C4 Dimitrija Tucovića 2, +381 (0) 24 672 010, 30

Sport i rekreacija | Sport and recreation * Zatvoren bazen SRC Prozivka CITY INDOOR SWIMMING-POOL Nade Dimić 2 +381 (0) 24 415 03 06

* Otvoren bazen u Dudovoj šumi CITY OUTDOOR SWIMMING-POOL Grabovačka bb +381 (0) 24 524 932

* Hala sportova SPORTS HALL


* Teniski klub Tennis club

* Kuglana Bowling

A3 Ferenca Sepa 3 +381 (0) 24 552 800

Dudova šuma bb +381 (0) 24 602 080

E1 Franje Supila 2 +381 (0) 24 561 152

Nade Dimić 7 +381 (0) 24 415 00 55

* Gradski stadion CITY STADIUM Beogradski put bb +381 (0) 24 529 611

Okolina | Out of town


* Palić

* Palić

Palić, jezero i naselje istog imena, nalazi se 8 kilometara istočno od Subotice. On uvek nudi nešto novo i neponovljivo, a svake sezone su sadržaji na Paliću sve bogatiji. Izvanredni objekti sa početka 20. veka (Vodotoranj, Velika terasa, Ženski štrand i Muzički paviljon), prelep park, prepoznatljivo jezero kao i mir i tišina, čine Palić idealnim prostorom za odmor i uživanje. Trenutno na Paliću gosti mogu odsesti u hotelima visoke kategorije, renoviranim luksuznim vilama izgrađenim u takozvanom Palićkom stilu ili brojnim objektima privatnog smeštaja. Odlični restorani i kafići, sportski i rekreativni tereni, tri plaže, termalni bazen, Zoološki vrt, biciklističke i pešačke staze, niz raznovrsnih događaja, dinamičan kulturni život, mogućnosti zabave i dodatni sadržaji upotpunjuju ponudu turističkog centra Palić.

Palić, the lake and the settlement by the same name are 8 kilometres east of Subotica. Palić offers something new, unrepeatable and enriching at any season. Outstanding facilities from the beginning of the 20th century: the Water Tower, the Grand Terrace, the Women’s Lido and the Music Pavilion, the splendid park, the well-known lake, peace and silence make Palić an ideal space for rest and relaxation. Currently Palić provides high category hotels, regenerated luxury and comfortable villas in the so called Palić style, several lodgings and private boarding houses. Excellent restaurants and cafés, sport and recreational fields, three arranged beaches, a thermal pool, a Zoo, cycle lanes, walking paths, a set of versatile events, dynamic cultural life and entertainment possibilities and contents comprise the comprehensive offer of the Palić tourist centre.

* Specijalni rezervat prirode

* Ludaš lake special nature reserve

Dvanaest kilometara istočno od Subotice nalazi se selo Hajdukovo i Specijalni rezervat prirode Ludaško jezero. Jezero i močvare zajedno sa Selevenjskom pustarom su izuzetno bogate najrazličitijim vrstama ptica i istovremeno je to područje koje je stanište retkih i ugroženih biljaka i životinja. Postoje četiri (od 700 m do 5500 m duge) edukativne staze, koje kreću od modernog Vizitorskog centra koji se nalazi na severnoj obali jezera. Posmatranje ptica se organizuje od aprila do septembra. Pored Vizitorskog centra nalazi se i Sunjog čarda, u kojoj posetioci od maja do oktobra mogu da uživaju u ribljim specijalitetima. Ako krenete istočno, naići ćete na sto godina staru seosku kuću, koja ima zanimljivu etnografsku, prirodnu i arheološku kolekciju predmeta nađenih u blizini jezera. To je Rokin salaš. Posete se mogu organizovati od sredine aprila do kraja oktobra. Uz južni obod jezera, nedaleko od Palića, nalazi se konjički centar Furioso.

Twelve kilometres eastbound from Subotica lies Hajdukovo village and the Ludaš lake Special nature reserve - a listed bird sanctuary. It covers the lake and the wetlands around it and together with the Selevenjska pustara listed sanctuary makes an area rich in bird species and habitats of rare and endangered plants and animals. There are four (from 700 to 5500 m long) educational paths starting from the modern Ludaš Visitors’ centre, that is on the northern bank of the lake. From April till September birdwatching can be organized here. Next to the Visitors’ Centre is a restaurant, the Sunjog čarda. Here, visitors are awaited with excellent fish specialities from May to October. Heading East along the lake a hundred-year old farmhouse (that hosts an interesting ethnographic, natural and archeological collection of items found in the vicinity of the lake) can be reached. It is the Róka farm. Visits may be organized from mid April till the end of October. Further south, not far from Palić, lies the Furioso horsing centre.

* Ergela Kelebija

Na najsevernijoj tački Srbije, na samom graničnom prelazu i dvadesetak minuta vožnje od centra grada Subotice, nalazi se nadaleko poznata ergela konja Kelebija. Savremene štale sa muzejem kočija pod jednim krovom, trkačke staze, veštačko jezero i lep park su samo neke od atrakcija koje vas ovde očekuju.

* Kelebia horse-farm

At the northernmost point of Serbia, at the border - crossing and twenty minutes from Subotica city centre lays the widely renowned Kelebija horse farm. Modern stables and the Coach museum under one roof, a race track, an artificial lake and a nice park are just some of the highlights.

Kelebija, Put Edvarda Kardelja 437, +381 (0) 24 789 063,

* Selo Tavankut - Seoski turizam

Selo Tavankut se nalazi 17 kilometara jugozapadno od Subotice. Selo su proslavile slamarke, samouke žene koje na jedinstven način izrađuju slike od slame na kojima prikazuju čudesne slike iz života – prizore ravnice, salaše i običaje. Stoga u Tavankutu, prvo treba posetiti Galeriju slika slame. Zatim se, u starinski uređenoj trpezariji Galerije, neizostavno moraju probati domaća višnjevača ili zamedljana rakija, zatim zlatna čorba, paprikaš a na kraju krofne ili štrudla s makom. Osim toga, može se posetiti autentičan bunjevački salaš, voziti špediterom, pogledati folklorni program, zabaviti se uz tamburaše, voziti biciklima prateći kulturnu rutu “Krstovi krajputaši” ili uživati u prirodi pored jezera ili šume.

* Tavankut village - Rural tourism

Tavankut is a village 17 kilometres south-west of Subotica. Tavankut was made famous by the straw-girls, self-taught women, who create paintings, using a unique straw technique, reflecting miraculous everyday images - of plains, farm-house and customs. Therefore, one should first visit the Straw Art Gallery with vast collection of these extraordinary paintings. Inside the old-fashioned dining room of the Gallery, one must inevitably taste the home-made cherry and honey brandy, then the golden broth, stew and finally doughnuts and poppy strudel. Beside that, one can visit an authentic Bunjevac farm-houses, ride in the horse carriage, watch folklore program or performance by the tamburitza ensemble, ride a bike along the “Wayside crosses” cultural route or simply enjoy in countryside pathways, the lake and the forest.

Donji Tavankut, Marka Oreškovića 10, +381 (0) 65 512 47 93,

* Lovište Hrastovača

U šumi, u neposrednoj blizini granice sa Mađarskom, nalazi se Lovačka kuća i centar lovišta Hrastovača. Ovde možete uživati u lovu, foto-safariju, ranim jutarnjim vožnjama ili doručku u šumi. Tu se nudi smeštaj ali i specijaliteti od divljači (za najavljene posete).

* Hrastovača Hunting area

In the forest, very close to the border with Hungary is the Hunting lodge and a centre of the Hrastovača hunting area. Here you can enjoy in hunting, photo-safari, early morning visits to the forest in carriages, breakfast in the wood or in specially made dishes for lunch. Beside the accommodation it also offers specialities in its restaurant (prior appointment necessary)

Graničarska 109 (Makova sedmica), +381 (0) 24 550 482,


Edukativna eko-staza „Sa druge strane Palića“ dugačka je 3600 metara, ima dve osmatračnice i odmorišta, a nalazi se na južnoj obali Palića i delom prelazi preko nasipa koji razdvaja sektore jezera. Ovde se mogu posmatrati brojne vrste ptica ili uživati u šetnji pored jezera. Do početka staze se stiže obilaznicom, 2 km od autoputa (izlaz Subotica-istok) ili 4 km od pružnog prelaza na izlazu iz grada. Skretanje je označeno tablom.

Aleksandrovo salaši bb, 34


Educational eco - trail “On the other side of the lake”, is 3600 meters long, has two observation posts and rest areas. It is on the south shore of Palić and a part of the trail passes over the embankment that separates lake sectors. Here, one can observe numerous species of birds or enjoy a stroll by the lake. The beginning of the track can be reached from the bypass-road, 2 km from the motorway exit Subotica-east or 4 km from the railway crossing on the outskirts of the town. The turning is marked with a board.

* Etno kuća-Rokin salaš * Ethno house-Róka farm Hajdukovo, Nosa +381 (0) 64 1223 50

* Furioso konjički centar * Furioso Horsing Centre Šupljak, Kostolanji Arpada 40 +381 (0) 69 343 6458

* Vizitorski centar * Visitors’ centre Hajdukovo, Prespanska 12 +381 (0) 64 842 08 08

DEGUSTACIJA VINA | WINE TASTING * Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan Vinarija Zvonko Bogdan je moderna vinarija, koja se nalazi u poznatom voćarskom i vinogradarskom kraju oko jezera Palić i Ludaš. Specifično zemljište i kontinentalna klima su idealna osnova za sorte vina koje rano sazrevaju, što doprinosi da vina vinarije Zvonko Bogdan budu intenzivna i aromatična. Vinarija je opremljena modernom tehnologijom za proizvodnju visokokvalitetnih vina isključivo od grožda koje rađa u ovom vinogradu. Sovinjon, pino i kuve su samo neka od vina koja se ovde proizvode. Obilasci vinograda, vinarije i podruma sa barik buradima se organizuju svaki dan tokom cele godine.

* Zvonko Bogdan winery

Zvonko Bogdan winery is a modern one. It is located in the traditional grape-vine and fruit growing region around lakes Palić and Ludaš. The specific terrain and continental climate are the ideal foundation for early ripened grape-vine sorts what makes Zvonko Bogdan wines intense and aromatic. The winery is equipped with state-of-the-art production technology and produce high quality wines exclusively from their vineyards. Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Blanc and Cuvée are some of the wines produced here. Tours of the vineyard, winery and barrique cellar with wine tasting are offered here. Visits are available every day all year round.

Palić, Kanjiški put 45, +381 (0) 24 415 02 75,

* Vinski dvor

Okružen vinogradima, Vinski dvor nudi širok izbor vina. Neka vina iz ovog vinograda imaju geografski zaštićeno poreklo i mogu se probati u starom zasvođenom vinskom podrumu. Šardone, sovinjon, pino i merlo su samo neka od vina koja se proizvode u ovoj vinariji. U sklopu vinarije nalazi se smeštajni objekat i restoran koji nudi veliki izbor specijaliteta mađarske kuhinje.

* Vinski dvor winery

Surrounded by vineyards, Vinski dvor offers a wide selection of wines. Some wines from this vineyard have protected geographic origin and can be tasted in the brick arch wine cellar. Chardonnay, Souvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot noir and Merlot is some of the wines produced in this vineyard. There are also a restaurant that offers a wide selection of Hungarian specialties and comfortable accommodation.

Hajdukovo, Horgoški put 221, +381 (0) 24 758 400,

* Vinarija DiBonis

Prirodno bogatstvo udruženo sa modernom tehnologijom je ono što vinarija DiBonis koristi za proizvodnju kvalitetnih vina i voćnih rakija. Kuve, kaberne, merlo ili rizling su samo neke od sorti koje se ovde proizvode. U sklopu vinarije se nalazi Vinski trezor u kom se čuvaju kvalitetna i retka vina. U sredini vinograda se nalazi rustično odmorište za posetioce. Obilasci vinarije, degustacija vina i rakija se organizuju za individualne posetioce i grupe.

* DiBonis winery

Natural resources combined with modern technology is what Dibonis winery use to produce high-quality wines and fruit brandies. Cuvée, Cabernet, Merlot and Riesling are some of the wines produced here. In the mid of the vineyard is a rustic spot for rest. Part of the winery is a special wine vault for safekeeping special wines. Visit to the winery, wine and brandy tasting are organized for the individual and group visits.

Subotica, Tuk ugarnice 14 (Palićki put), +381 (0) 24 546 067,


* Vinarija Tonković

Nedaleko od Palića, na brežuljcima Bačkih Vinograda, na površini od sedam hektara, prostire se vinograd Vinarije Tonković. Preporuka ovoj vinariji je i sam naziv ovog naselja, koji svedoči o dugoj tradiciji proizvodnje vina u ovim krajevima. U vinogradu se nalazi lepo uređena salašarska kuća, koja je prilagođena potrebama degustacije vina i to isključivo kadarke – jedne od retkih sorti crvenog vina u regionu. Postoji još nekoliko vrsta sorte kadarka kao što su šiler, kadarka roze, bela kadarka itd. Ovu sortu vina karakteriše elegancija, pitkost i blaga voćna aroma. U vinogradu, postoji i mala prodavnica, gde se prodaju flaširana vina kadarke proizvedene u ovoj vinariji.

* Tonković winery

Seven hectares of vineyards covers hilly slopes in Bački Vinogradi, just a few kilometres from Palić. The name of the village translated into English means Vineyards of Bačka District what testifies of a long tradition in wine making. Beautifully decorated farmhouse of Tonković winery can accommodate smaller groups for wine-tasting Kadarka wine that is exclusively produced in this winery. There are a few sort of Kadarka wine: Schiller, Kadarka Rosé, Kadarka White etc. It is characterized by elegance and potability and by the specific aroma reminiscent of a mild taste of fruit. In the vineyard, there is also a shop where Kadarka wine is sold.

Bački Vinogradi, Bački Vinogradi bb, +381 (0) 24 757 555,

* Vinski salaš Čuvardić Na salašu, u starom porodičnom vinogradu, nalazi se Vinski salaš Čuvardić. To je prava domaćinska kuća sa raskošnom vinskom kartom starih autohtonih i novih sorti vina. Buvije, kadarka i perkuve su samo neke od sorti. Degustacije za manje grupe se organizuju u rustičnoj pudarskoj kući, a za veće u novom vinskom podrumu. Za najavljene grupe, organizuje se degustacija vina i pripremaju se specijaliteti stare domaće kuhinje.

* Čuvardić farm -house winery

Čuvardić winery is situated in an old family vineyard. It represents a genuine husbandry household with lavish wine list of both old local wines and new sorts of wines. Buvie, Kadarka and Percuvée are some of them. There is an old rustic house of a vineyard keeper where wine tasting take place. There is also a new wine cellar for group visits. The specialties of old domestic cuisine are prepared for the smaller groups of visitors who arrange a visit in advance.

Subotica, Edvarda Kardelja 139, +381 (0) 24 515 721,

* Konoba Kujundžić

* Kujundžić tavern

Konoba se nalazi u centru Subotice. Tradicija gajenja vinove loze, proizvodnje i pijenja vina se provlači kroz generacije. Domaćin u vinskoj konobi je vitez vina vinskog reda Arena Zabatkiensis koji gostima predstavlja vina sa peska subotičko-palićke peščare: kevedinku, kadarku, rizling i mnoge druge.

The tavern is located in the centre of Subotica. The tradition of grape growing, production and the art of drinking wine is passed through generations in the owner’s family. The owner and the host in the tavern, a Knight of Arena Zabatkiensis Wine Order, presents the wines from the Subotica-Palić region.

Subotica, Vase Stajića 14, +381 (0) 60 0 523 316,


KORISNE INFORMACIJE | USEFUL INFO * Hitna pomoć (00-24) Medical emergency C2 Petefi Šandora 24 +381 (0) 24 551 373, 194

C4 Trg slobode 1 +381 (0) 24 552 499

* Opšta bolnica General hospital

* Stomatološka ambulanta Dentist

* Policija Police

* Saobraćajna policija Traffic police

* Generalni konzulat Mađarske Consulate General of Hungary

*Generalni konzulat Hrvatske Croatia Consulate General

* Pošta Post office

* Železnička stanica Railway station

* Autobuska stanica Bus terminal

* Rent-a-car

E3 Izvorska 3 +381 (0) 24 555 222

C5 Park F. Rajhla 1 +381 (0) 24 553 071

B5 Đure Đakovića 1-3 +381 (0) 24 626 300

D4 Prvomajska 2-4 +381 (0) 24 640 000

D6 Senćanski put 3 +381 (0) 555 566


* Apoteka (00-24) Pharmacy

C3 Trg žrtava fašizma 16 +381 (0) 24 645 545

E3 Izvorska 1 +381 (0) 24 556 238

C5 Maksima Gorkog 6 +381 (0) 24 6557 793

B5 Park Ferenca Rajhla bb +381 (381 (0) 24 555 606

C6 “Alfa”, Jovana Mikića 18-20 +381 (0) 24 54 14 88 “

Srbija, 24000 Subotica Trg slobode 1 +381 (0) 24 670 350

* Odricanje od odgovornosti

Turistička organizacija grada Subotice izdaje ovu brošuru radi promocije turističke ponude i u svrhu informisanja turista. Informacije objavljene u brošuri su prikupljane u najboljoj nameri i u zavisnosti od dostupnih podataka. Stoga, Turistička organizacija grada Subotice ne može da garantuje da su objavljene informacije nužno sveobuhvatne, tačne, potpune ili ažurirane.

* Disclaimer

Tourist organization of Subotica issued this brochure to promote the tourist offer and inform tourists. The information contained in the brochure are gathered in good faith, relaying on the available information. Therefore, the Tourist Organization of Subotica cannot guarantee that the published information are necessarily comprehensive, accurate, complete or up to date.

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 338.48(497.113 Subotica)(036) АНЂЕЛКОВИЋ, Ивана, 1981Subotica : turistički vodič = tourist guide / autori Ivana Anđelković, Branka Banjanin ; fotografije Igor Marinović, Goran Cvijanov. - Subotica : Turistička organizacija grada Subotice, 2015 (Vršac : Tulin). - 36 str. : fotogr. u bojama ; 20 cm Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. - Tiraž 20.000. ISBN 978-86-89781-08-3 1. Бањанин, Бранка, 1962- [аутор] a) Суботица - Водичи COBISS.SR-ID 302056967

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