Culture Night 2024
Time Place
Event Details
08.00-23.00 Mariukirkjan, Mariukirkjan is open. Varðagøta
08.00-01.00 Paname Café, 21.00 Jazz and soul music with a Faroese live band at the old Vaglið 4 bookstore and Paname. The oven will be lit.
08.30-17.00 Landsbókasavnið, 16Exhibition of 60 paintings by Danish artist Flora Heilmann, J.C. Svabos gøta painted between 1903-1931. Rakel Helmsdal will also exhibit.
09.00-17.00 Norðurlandahúsið, 16.00 Opening: Summer Exhibition 2024. "Circular Faroe Norðari Ringvegur 14 Tales" by Christoph and Sebastian Mügge.
09.00-20.00 Býarbókasavnið, 18.30 Poetry reading by young poets: Nansý Sunadóttir, N.Finsensgøta 7 Rannvá Glerfoss, Guðrið Patursson. Guðrun and Bartal will play music.
09.00-21.00 Steinprent, Summer Exhibition 2024 opening. 19.00 Concert by Skálatrøð 16 Supervisión.
10.00-18.00 Tjóðsavnið, Exhibition at Brekkutún. Special exhibit of embroidered Brekkutún 6 vests by Paulina M. K. Eliasen. 15.00-18.30 Plant sale and tour.
10.00-19.00 Gróðurstøðin í 14.00-19.00 Tree identification competition for children. Hoydølum, 17.00 Tour and presentation of the nursery's production. Hvítanesvegur
10.00-23.00 Marjun Heimá, 19.00-21.00 Live models in new Faroese clothes. New N.Finsensgøta 14 embroidery patterns will be revealed. Discounts on patterns.

10.00-23.00 Gamla Kondittaríið, Durita Thomsen and Reka invite you to the Káta Hornið 11 old bakery. 18.00-19.00 Free champagne.
10.00-23.00 Myndlist, The workshop in the basement is open. Sales N.Finsensgøta 16 exhibition with works by Hera av Reyni. Freshly brewed coffee and sweets.
10.00-23.00 TUTL, 16.00 Yggdrasil, 19.30 Folk dance performance "Les Glade Hjørn Lanciers", 20.30 Tina Mellem, 21.30 Faroese dance at Káta Hornið.
11.00-18.00 Listasavn Føroya, 17.00 Tour of the special exhibition “Likam”. Free Oman Viðarlund entry all day, special offers in the shop.
13.00-17.00 Verkstaðurin Vón, Visit the departments, see the work with special Hóvabrekka 1 Argir tools. 13.30 The choir of Verkstaðurin Vón sings.
13.30-21.00 Endurnýtsluhandilin Open store. Many nice clothes, hot coffee, and hjá Reyða Krossi, homemade treats. Support a good cause Bryggjubakki 10
14.00-17.00 Lítliskúli, Summer market with activities for the whole family. Hoyvíksvegur 56b Creative workshops, performances, games, face painting, sales booths.
14.00-18.00 Aðalkonsulát Íslands, Open house. Exhibition “In the Shadow” about the Ydun Reyngøta 9 first female photographers from Denmark, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands.
14.00-18.00 Perlan, Painting and sculpture exhibition by Ulla Bille and Tórsgøta Andrias Andreasen. 14.00 Opening.
15.00-18.00 Kringvarp Føroya, Visit Vinus and Vimús studio, parkour with Markus Norðari Ringvegur 20 Køtlum, photography exhibition, birdwatching tips by Silas Olofson.
15.00-19.30 Westward Ho, Open ship. 16.00 Pirate "Black Sven" onboard. Undir Bryggjubakka

15.00-23.00 Smiðjan í Lítluvík, Graphic art group "Hátrýst" sales exhibition. Skálatrøð/Bøgøta Exhibitors: Rakel Helmsdal, Edith Mørkøre, Ásla Rannvá Svensson, others.
16.00-17.00 Barnamaraton, Start Culture Night at Tórsbreyt with a family event Undir Svartafossi by Barnabati. Fun run, entertainment, and music.
16.00-18.00 Kvinnufelagið/Mettustova, Open house in the historic Mettustova. See the wall Skipar Hansensgøta 3 See the wall decorations and pictures. Treats available.
16.00-21.00 Føroya Sjósavn, Exhibition is open. Free admission. Rættargøta 1 Argir
16.00-22.00 Hotel Brandan,
16.00-19.00 Terrace opens. 16.00-19.00 Peter Oknarvegur 2 Háberg plays. 19.00-22.00 House garden opens.
16.00-22.00 ListGrafFo, Open house in the graphic workshop of ListGraFo. Tórsgøta 100 Talk to the artists about graphic art and techniques.
16.00-22.00 Kári Svensson, Open atelier. Sigmundargøta 26
16.00-22.00 Gallarí Havnará, Exhibition with works by Zacharias Heinesen. 16.00 Havnará 3 Opening.
17.00-20.00 Landssjúkrahúsið, 17.00-19.00 Teddy bear clinic. 18.00-19.00 Tunnel J.C. Svabosgøta and war hospital tour. 18.00-20.00 Enjoy the view from the rooftop.
17.00-20.00 Politistøðin, Police event at the station. See police cars, boats, Húsagøta 3 and motorcycles. 18.00-19.00 Talk to a prosecutor.
17.00-21.00 Stuðulsfelagið Víkingabygd, Meet Berserk and the Viking Village Support Vaglið/Mylnugøta Association. Learn about their exciting project.

17.00-22.00 Barna- og útbúgvingarmálaráð, Open ministry. Many activities for children. J. H. Schrøtersgøta 7 17.00 Concert by Steintór Rasmussen and children. 20.00 Concert by Danny & The Veetos duo.
17.00-01.00 Hallartún, Soul music and rosé. New summer menu and rosé Staravegur 13 offers. 19.30 Soulglottar performs.
17.00-02.00 Myndaboks, 17.00-23.00 Sales exhibition with nude photography Tórsgøta through time.
17.00-04.00 Blábar, Live music by Una Debess. Dream man DJ. N.Finsensgøta 23
17.00-04.00 Essabarr, 20.00 Live music by Sergio Martínez Munoz. 23.00 Áarvegur 7 Live music by Jens Marna Hansen.
17.00-04.00 Sirkus Føroyar, Fridays are fun at Sirkus. 17.00-21.00 ‘Ringla’ in the Gríms Kambansgøta 2 bar. 00.00-04.00 2xSlay duo party. 20.00 Beer garden special selection.
18.00 Vaglið
17.45 GHM plays. 18.00 Opening speech By Jóan Petur Hentze. 18.15 Performance by Guðrið Hansdóttir
18.00 Tjóðpallur Føroya, 18.00 Play based on the books "Og mamma!" Tórsgøta 9 “And Mamma
18.00-21.00 Føroya Rættur, 18.00 Open court office. 19.00 Mock constitutional C. Pløeyensgøta hearing. 21.00 Building closes.
18.00-22.00 Tórshavnar Kommuna, The Town Hall and Council Chamber are open. Vaglið
18.00-22.00 Tórshavnar View the exciting art collection of Tórshavn Móttøkuhús og Myndasavn Municipality. Vaglið
18.00-22.00 Tórshavnar Sløkkilið, Tórshavn Fire Department at Bursatangi. 19.00 Fire Bursatangi drill. 20.00 Rescue drill.

18.00-22.00 Ríkisumboðið, The Amtmann's house is open, with access to the Laðabrekka reception rooms and offices of the High Commissioner.
18.00-22.00 Listahøllin í Finsen, Open house with artists from the Finsen Art Hall. Tróndargøta 54 Treats available.
18.00-23.00 Sinnisbati Ung, Youth event with discussions on hate speech, poetry G&G Garðurin reading, presentations. 22.00 Concert by Ragnar Finsson.
18.00-00.00 Hollywood, Open house. Buy a non-alcoholic drink, play games, N.Finsensgøta 20 sing with friends. 22.00 Disco Bingo.
18.00-00.00 Sexologiskolen Tórshavn, Five lectures and a film about love and sexuality. Hans Andreasargøta 10 Lectures by Yazmin Fox Eisen, Vivian Sjóðklett, Asta Elmeskov, Tone Haldorsen, and Liv Friberg. Film screening by Yazmin Fox Eisen.
18.00-04.00 Landskrona Sports Bar, Open as usual with sports on big screens and pool Tórsgøta 11 tables. Kitchen open until 22.00.
18.15-20.00 Betri Banki, Live music in the Betri garden. 18.15 Bassi greets N.Finsensgøta children. 18.30 Sway performs. 20.00 Ragnar Finnsson sings and plays.
19.00 Rithøvundafelagið, Open house in Hans Andriasar's house. 21.00 Undir Pisuvarða 2 Literary salon with author readings. Open mic for reading own texts.
19.00 Havnar kirkja, 19.00 Morgunkórið. 20.00 Havnarkórið. 21.00 Kirkjuvegur 3 Gospel Choir Brak.
19.00 Bojsensgarður The old garden behind the old bookstore is open. 19.00 Glymur sings under the direction of Hans Olivuri Joensen.

19.00-22.00 Margarinfabrikkin, Open house. Tórsgøta
19.00-23.00 Føroya Ellisakfør, Vintage cars gather at Yviri við Strond 20 Tórsgøta and drive through the city, ending in Vágsbotn for display.
20.00 Reinsaríið, Words and music: "They gave life". Discussion with Rigmor R. Dam about her book on Faroese women who died in childbirth.
21.00 Trappan,
Morgunkórið choir performance led by Vágsbotnur Sigrið Sivertsen.
21.00-22.00 Ebenezer,
Concert with Ebenezer Choir led by Jens N.Finsensgøta Christian Guttesen.
22.00-04.00 Niðri Undir, Various music styles. 22.00 Witchy Tórsgøta 11 Witchery, 22.30 Jákup Eli, 23.15 Joe & The Shitboys, 00.15 Supervisión, 01.00 Búi & Dan DJs.
23.00-03.00 Irish Pub,
00.00 Live music by Kim Hansen. Gríms Kambansgøta
More events will be added, including music in various parts of the city. Shops in the city are open until 23.00.