Visit Uzbekistan #2

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Tourism Development Committee of Uzbekistan

Dinara UZ




hen you are tired of travelling you are tired of life… And Uzbekistan can always offer you something mind blowing. Even after you’ve seen half of the world. Or when this is your first country of destination. It is enigmatic with its unexpected discoveries. It is welcoming with all the comfort and friendliness. It is unforgettable with its hedonistic experience of gastronomy and indulgence. In this special edition of our magazine will speak about ancient ties between Uzbekistan and India. But not only. Why it worth investing in information technologies in Uzbekistan? How digital journey can change our impression of the cities? What street food a traveller must try in Samarkand? Where to buy ceramics? How to spend a day in Margilan? What stories Babur’s birthplace Andijan has to tell you today? These and many more discoveries await you trough the pages of this issue. All you need is a nice cup of tea and readiness to start an incredible journey. Journey to magnificent Uzbekistan.

Dinara Dultaeva

Editor-in-chief Dinara Dultaeva Project coordinator Jasur Tursunov Art director Farruh Ermatov Editorial Team Alina Musyakaeva, Farangiz Salakhodjaeva, Madina Ruzmatova, Sevara Dultaeva, Shakhnoza Ishmatova, Fatima Arifdjanova Contributors Anvar Umarov, Muzaffar Kamilov, Akbar Ergashev, Bakhrom Sharipov Photography Mukhiddin Alee, Andrey Arakelyan, Yuriy Korsuntsev, Alokhon Abdullaev, Kamil Yenikeev, UzA Proofreading Ekaterina Naipal COVER Photography Mukhiddin Alee Location Registan Square, Samarkand Special Cover Project in Augmented Reality by: Next Reality Solutions Ltd. Dinara&Co. Visit Uzbekistan magazine N2 Circulation 1.000 Founded by Dinara Media Relations PC Dinara&Co. Trademark Tel.: (+998 93) 500 55 65

The magazine is registered by Press and Information Agency of Uzbekistan on 12.05.2017. Registration number N-0915. Order №109. All rights reserved. © Dinara&Co. © Dinara Dultaeva






Ambassador of India to Uzbekistan Mr.Vinod Kumar India’s ambassador to Uzbekistan in his exclusive interview to Visit Uzbekistan magazine shares his thoughts on expanding bilateral relations, gives tips to businessmen, discloses the links between plov and briani.

INVESTMENTS 10 reasons to invest in tourism in Uzbekistan

18 INNOVATIONS: Why to Invest in IT Uzbekistan launches grand techno park and innovation centre. Discover more on a unique chance to start innovative business.

24 TRAVEL: Anjidan A land of Babur Traditional allure and modern life of picturesque city.

21 EVENT: Open Air First ever in Uzbekistan grand classic show under the open air by famous Alister Navoi Theatre. Show will go on.






GASTRONOMY: Street-Food in Samarkand

GALLERY: Treasure Hunt

Follow your gourmet instinct to enjoy best local food in historic city.

Where to buy ceramics in Uzbekistan? We tell you all about its varieties and help you to chose your special one.


INTERVIEW AZIZ ABDUKHAKIMOV: “Tourism industry can turn into one of the most profitable sectors in the country’s economy”


CINEMA: Three legendary movies which unite Uzbekistan and India. Bollywood and Uzbek cinematographers share historical masterpieces





The tourism industry of Uzbekistan has a significant potential as the liberalisation of the country’s economy attracts more and more international investors. In 2018 the tourist flow to Uzbekistan increased twice compared to 2017. Traveler’s vote high for Uzbekistan in opinion polls and ratings of National Geographic, Lonely Planet, AirBnB and sources. Being at the beginning of a new economic endowments is perhaps the best thing that can happen to investments. Our editorial team has prepared a checklist, why it is worth investing in tourism industry of Uzbekistan right now.

1. GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Government shows a great interest in the development of tourism infrastructure, providing assistance in simplification of processes and encouraging in the segment. The State Committee on Tourism of Uzbekistan presented the Concept for the development of tourism in the country until 2025, where the priority are: the development of tourism and related infrastructure, the formation of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment; implementation and strengthening of the social role of external and domestic tourism; improving the quality and competitiveness of the tourist product of Uzbekistan in the domestic and global markets.





Free tourism zones are created in Uzbekistan, providing attractive conditions for the construction and operation of hotel and cultural and recreational complexes, shopping and entertainment centres, and other facilities. Among them are Chimgan-Charvak resort area in the Tashkent region, Tashkent City and Samarkand City projects, Ancient Bukhara and others.

Over the past two years, in the various world rankings, including the World Bank Doing Business, a huge dynamics of changes in the economy of Uzbekistan is visible. In the Ease of Doing Business index - in 2018 Uzbekistan is on the 11th line. Simplification of procedures in the field of hotel business and tourism services continues, including the abolition of certain types of licensing, the transfer of the regulatory function of local authorities to the practice of public control. Cross-border trade and relations between the countries of Central Asia are developing, which leads to an increase in the flow of regional tourists, as well as new opportunities for combined tours and services.


3. TAX INCENTIVES Companies that take part in the construction and modernization of hotels are exempt from taxes for a period of 5 years. For companies that build thematic and ethno-parks these tax incentives are given for 3 years. Foreign specialists working in local hotels are exempt from income tax. Import of specialised equipment and components for the hospitality industry is exempted from custom fees for 5 years. Customs exemptions for the importation of specialized equipment and components for the hospitality industry are valid for 5 years. Entrepreneurs are provided unused land in perspective areas for the development of tourism, with the right of exemption from land tax. Longterm loans (up to 15 years) with minimal interest and flexible conditions are allocated for the construction and modernization of tourist infrastructure facilities.

Uzbekistan has a huge tourism potential: food tourism; mountain and eco-tourism; tourism on the cultural and historical heritage of the country; alpine skiing tourism; pilgrimage tourism in holy places. Currently demand exceeds supply in all areas of tourism in Uzbekistan: from infrastructure to tour operators, guides and quality service. Small presence of well-known international hotel brands and high demand for affordable hostels and guest houses opens many opportunities for investment. The low level of competition is evident in the field of smart tourism solutions, the implementation of IT at cultural heritage sites, the development of audio guides for museums, convenient smart-navigation around the cities, online services for booking, etc.




6. VISAS The visa-free regime for citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Moldova, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Turkey, France and Japan contributes to the greater interest towards Uzbekistan and an increase of the tourist flow. Special online services as E-Visa and E-Mehmon to simplify the registration and visa procedures. E-Visa system allows to obtain visa within three days and provides a convenient transit regime for tourists up to 5 days, which does not require a visa when transferring through Uzbekistan.

7. INTELLECTUAL POTENTIAL Uzbekistan is convenient for many of business areas, thanks to the relatively affordable cost of local specialists. At the same time, the level of education, language skills and talent of the younger generation is reasonably high. More than 500 000 graduates enter the labor market annually, including graduates from international universities and colleges in the tourism and services sectors. In 2018 International Tourism University “Silk Road” launched in Samarkand. This university will prepare professionals and researchers in the field of international tourism.

8. FESTIVALS More and more international cultural, musical, thematic and sporting events are taking place in Uzbekistan. Festivals and national holidays are celebrated throughout the country almost all year round. Especially, in the high tourist season, in spring and autumn, vivid festivals and bright events held in several regions of the country at once. International music festivals Makom, Sharq Taronali in Samarkand, Adras Festival in Margilan, Boysun Bahori (Boysun Spring) in Surkhandarya - there are many reasons to visit the country.

9. SAFETY Uzbekistan is known as a stable and religiously tolerant country. For several years in a row, Uzbekistan has taken the leading place in the ranking of the safest countries. There is a tourist police in all cities, providing comfortable and safe stay of tourists, and even information support to some extent.

10. HOSPITALITY Finally, a pleasant bonus of being in the country and doing business here is the sincere and hospitable people. As a rule, all guests note the sincerity, openness and friendliness of the people. Rich heritage, colourful traditions and deep respect for the guests - this will make you want to return to Uzbekistan more often.




A visa-free entry regime applies to citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Moldova, Republic of Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Turkey, France and Japan. In addition, citizens of more than 100 countries can transit Uzbekistan for up to 5 days without a visa and can apply for E-Visa for a longer stay. E-visa: The government of Uzbekistan provides simplified E-visa regime for citizen of more than 50 countries and a 5-day visa-free transit opportunity for more than 100 countries, including India. An electronic visa is issued for 30 days, is single entry and valid for 90 days from the date of its issuance. To obtain E-visa, traveller should apply on “” at least three working days before the planned date of arrival to Uzbekistan. E-visa will be issued within two working days excluding the day of application. The issued E-visa is sent to the e-mail of the applicant. The amount of the consular fee is $20. Payment for E-visa can be made online from any bank card. An electronic visa is not attached to a travel document (passport). When crossing the border, a foreign citizen provides an electronic visa in paper or electronic form. Visa-Free Transit Passport holders of more than 100 countries who are transiting by airplane, can get a 5-day visa-free stay showing an onward boarding pass. Foreign citizens can benefit of a 5-day visa-free transit procedure upon arrival at the international airports of Uzbekistan. Passengers need to provide an air-ticket (preferably Uzbekistan Airlines) to the third country and the carrier should inform the border authorities of Uzbekistan about passengers who are eligible for transit visafree entry. The list of foreign countries applicable for visa-free transit stay continues to expand. You can check latest data on: Other types of visa: Silk Road – for tourists traveling the Silk Road countries with the possible entry visa of other countries. Golden visa – 10-year visa for foreign investors.





FOOD FESTIVAL news agensy

As part of the celebration of Independence Day of India, an Indian food festival was held in Tashkent. The Ambassador of India to Uzbekistan Mr. Vinod Kumar participated in the opening ceremony.





vivid show program was performed by dancers of the Indian Cultural Center in Tashkent. The guests of the festival could enjoy a big variety and unique taste of Indian cuisine.

The Indian cuisine has absorbed years of experience with different peoples and cultures resulted in variety of tastes and dishes that can be found in India today. For instance, the Indian streets are full of cooks and bakers, who prepare food from one generation to the next, and each place is attached to a certain person. The main feature is that local dishes are plentifully spiced and seasoned. Probably, it is the secret of the Indian cuisine taste.




Deep rooted relations Press office of the Embassy of Uzbekistan to India

The close friendly relations between Uzbekistan and India have its roots deep in history. The eminent Uzbek scholar Al-Beruni visited India in the 11th century and wrote the famous book, Kitab-Takkik Al-Hind - one of the famous books on Indian society and culture.


lso history, literature, music, painting and architecture of the Uzbek and Indian peoples, their mutual enrichment are connected with another Uzbek name of Babur – the founder of the Mughal Empire, who died in Agra.

for understanding of each other’s interests and core concerns. Both countries subscribe to common principles of inter-state conduct, peaceful settlement of disputes, and rejection of extremism of all forms as well as the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

India was one of the first countries to recognise the state sovereignty of Uzbekistan. The protocol on establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and India was signed in Tashkent on March 18, 1992.

On the results of the state visit the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to India in May 2011, the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership signed.

Today, Uzbekistan regularly conducts mutually beneficial political dialogue with representatives from India. High-level exchanges have indeed set the tempo to chart out the scope and direction of cooperation and have also laid the foundation

Today Uzbekistan and India show mutual interest to bring interstate partnership on the level of qualitatively new boundaries. The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi met on June 9




2017 at the SCO summit in Astana. They agreed to deepen the strategic relationship. Regularly held political consultations between Foreign Ministries of two countries are also considered as important mechanism promoting advancement of the Uzbek-Indian comprehensive partnership. There is also success in dialogue within the international and regional organisations. On August 20-23, 2017, high level delegation of Uzbekistan headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulaziz Kamilov paid an official visit to India. During the visit, an opening ceremony of the Uzbek-Indian trading house was held; 22 export contracts were signed worth more than $80 million as well as 20 investment agreements with the value of more than $70 million. Nowadays, both nations benefit from favoured trade relations. The commodity turnover between Uzbekistan and India in 2016 was worth $370 million; 113 enterprises with Indian capital and representation of 15 Indian companies are doing successful business in Uzbekistan. Car parts manufacturing with “Minda” company at the Navoi Free Economic Zone, modern full-cycle enterprises, manufacturing medicines and injection drugs in Surkhandarya and Tashkent regions with “Novafarm” and

“Ultra Heathcare” companies are successful examples of the investment cooperation. Representatives of Indian business are particularly interested in the opportunities provided by the transcontinental intermodal hub at the airport of the city of Navoi. Currently, this international hub operates regular flights to major transit points of the world, including New Delhi and Mumbai. An important direction of cooperation is the further expansion of the mutually advantageous interaction in the field of air transport. “Uzbekistan Airways” operates regular



flights from Tashkent to New Delhi and Amritsar. It is planned to open a new air-rout Tashkent-Mumbai in the future. The partnership in the healthcare sector has been dynamic, too. Medical professionals of Uzbekistan and India exchange visits within programs of retraining and attending specialised courses in the clinics of the two countries. It is essential to note the increase of the number of Indian tourists to Uzbekistan. Majestic architectural monuments of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Shakhrizabs which are listed in the cultural heritage of UNESCO, picturesque nature and climate, and also traditional hospitality of the Uzbek people are an integral part of interest of Indians in modern day Uzbekistan. Sharp increase of number of the Indian tourists to Uzbekistan is evident by the following number - in 2016, about 16 thousand Indian tourists visited Uzbekistan. Currently, the higher education institutions of Uzbekistan cooperate with more than 10 Indian universities and research institutions and centres. Dynamic has been the partnership


in science; a number of research institutions of Uzbekistan’s Academy of Sciences interact and conduct joint research projects with academic centres in Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. Cultural ties constitute an important pillar our bilateral relationship. There is a very active Indian cultural centre in Tashkent, which, besides working closely with many Uzbek organizations, also holds classes in Indian classical dance “Kathak”, Tabla, Yoga, Hindi language and Indian studies. Another interesting interaction of India is the regular participation of Indian masters of folklore music in the international festival «Sharq taronalari» (Melodies of the Orient), which tooks place biennially in Samarkand. Undoubtedly, cooperation between Uzbekistan and India has a huge unused potential and high opportunities due to the strong and firm basis - centuries old communications of friendship, trust and mutual understanding between Uzbek and Indian peoples.




India’s ambassador to Uzbekistan H.E. Mr.Vinod Kumar in his exclusive interview to Visit Uzbekistan magazine shares his thoughts on expanding bilateral relations, gives tips to businessmen, discloses the links between plov and briani.

What is it for you being an ambassador? And especially in Uzbekistan?

Connected Through Centuries Alina Musyakaeva

First of all my greetings and good wishes to your readers. Being an ambassador is very special. You not only represent your government but you also represent your people in another country. You share your experiences with them in all spheres: business, economy and of course culture and traditions. These are the distinctions of work of the ambassador in any country. And here, in Uzbekistan, it is important for me because we have so much in common. We have a lot of to share in history, traditions, art, folklore. It is a privilege to be the Ambassador to Uzbekistan with which our relations stretch over thousands of years of history.




Could you share your observations What are those similarities in two cultures?

on current stages of reforms and

I had never been to this country before my appointment as an Ambassador to Uzbekistan. I had served in missions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and had seen some other nearby areas but I had not been able to visit Tashkent. But, of course, I had heard about it and read about it. In India, it is hard to find someone who does not know about Tashkent and old cities like Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, and Fergana. They were very well known in India because of trade and cultural exchanges from ancient times. I had a lot of expectations and when I came here all my expectations were satisfied. I found people very warm and friendly. I had heard about Tashkent as a very green and clean city, and then I saw how well the city was indeed maintained. I think the reality of Tashkent matched the expectations I had. At the same time I found Tashkent to be a very modern city. And also I found how close the people of Uzbekistan are to the people of India.

We all can see several changes that are taking place in the economy and business environment of Uzbekistan. Changes initiated by the government. Uzbekistan and India have great opportunities to expand relationships. Our trade is USD 370 million a year which is not enough. I think we should work in cooperation to increase it. Our leaders President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi met in Astana recently and decided to deepen the strategic relationship. We are working to achieve these targets. Of course we aim at expanding the trade and economic cooperation. Five year strategy of Shavkat Mirziyoyev on further development of Uzbekistan, resolutions made during the last months, as I believe, will help to encourage our business interaction and investments.

development in


What are current priorities in IndiaUzbekistan relations?

Our countries try to enhance the mutual cooperation, especially in trade and economic, exchanges in various areas from science and technology all the way to renewable energy, security and counter terrorism. We have a very good cultural cooperation which flows from Uzbekistan to India, India to Uzbekistan. We currently celebrate 25 years of establishment of diplomatic relationship and we are also celebrating 70 years of Indià s independence. Are there areas in bilateral relations where you think is more room for activation?

We only need to work together. This means not only the government of Uzbekistan and India should cooperate but also the peoples of the both countries. We have strong people connections and opportunity to develop it. I am confident that by working together we can achieve our progress and progress of our people to ensure stability and security in the region. What opportunities for Uzbek businesses willing to explore the Indian



market can you suggest?

We have active export from Uzbekistan to India mostly of fruits, dry fruits, beans, machines, silk, metal products and nonferrous metals. We have opportunities for further significant growth of volumes and diversification of the basket of mutual trade. More than a half of imported goods from India are medicines, pharmaceutics, chemicals, electronics, spare parts for machines. We have opportunities for further significant growth of volume as well as diversification of the basket of trade items. The recent visit of a high level delegation led by Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov, and including Trade Minister Elyor Ganiyev to India, provided an opportunity to explore new possibilities. What is the current state of cultural,

Khiva. Our languages, Uzbek and Hindi, are popular and mutually taught – it is a cultural exchange. We wish to intensify contacts between educational institutions of both countries and to increase bilateral cooperation in human resource development and share our experiences. In your opinion which factors should Uzbekistan promote in order to attract more tourists, particularly from India? Uzbekistan has become a destination for more Indian tourists in recent years. Ancient cities Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara and ancient trade between the two countries attract tourists. We need to increase the air connectivity. We need to participate in tourism fairs in India and Uzbekistan to attract tourists. We have signed an agreement in order to promote bilateral tourism.


technical manpower and developments in the country, including in scientific research, space, informationation technology, healthcare, naturopathy and yoga. Tell us about your favourite places in Uzbekistan, especially in Tashkent. I have visited many places and I found them all fascinating. In Tashkent, I like the Independence square, the parks of the capital are my familỳ s favourite places which we often visit, museums of the history, applied arts, the Amir Timur Museum – they are all attractive. I adore the nature: Chimgan Mountains, Chorvoq. And the historical parts of the country: I found impressive the walled inner town Ichan Kala of the city of Khiva, Ferghana, Rishtan, Margilan are the unique presentations of Uzbek culture.

educational and tourism ties between the two countries?

We have a very good cooperation. In the academic spheres: the higher education institutions, educational centres and research institutions of both countries cooperate fruitfully. These institutions in various scientific conferences, for instance in Samarkand. I have recently participated in the conference in

If you can name three strongest nation branding symbols of India,what are they? I would say first, the natural diversity and beauty of our country – the rivers, the mountains, the seashores. Second, the variety of cuisine across India – becoming ever more popular globally. Third, the scientific and

What about favourite food? Your cuisine is adorable. There are different variations of plov in each region. Your traditional dish has travelled to Uzbekistan from India as we have our variation called biryani. I tasted varieties of bread or ‘nans’ in many areas of the country, dishes like manti, similar to our momos – everything is good. I also tried your desserts. I thought that Indian deserts are sweet but the Uzbek ones are sweeter. (smiles) What is your personal resolution, which you will take back from your time in


I always learn something new living in such ancient and historical surroundings. Once I visited the Sogdiana museum, where I saw the fresco with representatives of China, Iran, Turkey, and India presenting gifts to the Chief of Sogdiana, and realised that we are connected by thousands of years of history. And the people of Uzbekistan have taught me the most important thing – warmth and friendliness, which I will carry with me.




Aziz Abdukhakimov: “Tourism industry can turn into one of the most profitable sectors in the country’s economy”


Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan dwells upon the investment opportunities of Uzbekistan and shares his plans for development of tourism sector.

What is the current dynamics of demand for tourist services? Which areas are the most / least popular among tourists today? “Today we can observe an increased demand for travel trends of Uzbekistan worldwide. This situation, first of all, is due to the state policy of openness, conducted by the President of the country Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the government. In 2018, more than 5 million foreign guests visited Uzbekistan, including most of the Central Asian countries and the CIS, and most of them from neighboring Turkic states - Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. By 2020, we are planning to bring this figure to 6 million people.

Despite the fact that the most popular destination among foreign citizens is still historical and educational tourism, in recent years more and more foreign tourists are interested in religious tourism

17 Despite the fact that the most popular destination among foreign citizens is still historical and educational tourism, in recent years more and more foreign tourists are interested in religious tourism (ziyorat-tourism or pilgrimage tourism). Pilgrimage tourism can become in the short term one of the most popular trends, both for domestic and incoming tourism. This is not surprising, because Uzbekistan remains the historical center of the heritage of four world religions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. If we talk about this trend in detail, then here we mean not only a pilgrimage to Islamic monuments and shrines, but also a visit with the purpose of worshiping the ancestors. For example, the people of Israel still come to Bukhara, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz to their historical roots. Tourists from South Korea, Japan come to visit historical monuments of Buddhist culture, preserved in Surkhandarya region and the Ferghana Valley. But we have a lot of work to create comfortable conditions for tourists in airports, railway and bus stations, hotels. This intends the creation of bathing points (takhorat-khona), prayer rooms in places of pilgrimage. A network of hotels should be created in the country, taking into account religious traditions and customs, with the designation of them as ‘ziyorat-hotels.’ For catering points, it is envisaged to introduce a voluntary system of certification of tourism industry objects according to the standards of ‘halal’, ‘kosher’ with the assignment of the corresponding mark. In addition to the two main types in tourism, we can also highlight ethno-tourism, eco-tourism, gastronomic and extreme tourism, agro-tourism and health-improving tourism.” What are the challenges and prospects for tourism in Uzbekistan today? “It should be noted that we need to solve several tasks at once as soon as possible. First, the tourist infrastructure requires further modernization. To date, we are experiencing the need for a sharp increase in the number of accommodation facilities for foreign guests (such as hotel complexes and boarding houses, hostels and guesthouses), catering (restaurants, cafes, canteens, and bars), transport facilities and logistics centers. Secondly, it is necessary to carry out further work to improve the level of service, in connection with which many facilities are interested in attracting foreign specialists. Thirdly, it is necessary to develop human resources. Today we see an insufficient number of professionally-trained guide-translators and travel agents in the country, and we are doing our best to significantly improve this situation. At the moment, the Committee for Tourism Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan is preparing a proposal to stimulate the construction of new hotels. Within the framework of targeted state support, entrepreneurs have already been allocated land plots for building, additional tax privileges



and preferences are granted, practical and consulting assistance is provided in obtaining the necessary documentation for the construction of engineering and utility networks. Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite investors, those who are interested in the construction of hotels and the creation of transport companies that provide services for transport logistics and the creation of theme parks. We are ready to work on the principle of one-stop shop for all potential investors to maximize the implementation of investment projects in the tourism industry.” On your objective view, what real changes have happened in the industry since the signing in February 2018 of a new Presidential Decree “On additional measures to create favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan?” How does the visa-free regime help to increase the tourist flow from countries, including Israel, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey and Japan? “The adopted documents made it possible to significantly simplify many administrative procedures and eliminate the costs of translations of documents, visa fees, postal services for tourists who plan to stay in the country for no more than 30 days. We continue to work to ensure foreign citizens can fully enjoy their stay in Uzbekistan and in this connection was taken additional measures related to the introduction of ‘electronic’ visas and simplifying the registration system for the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the country.”



19 a unique world, he/she is waiting for a show, spectacles that would help him/her understand and get to know the country more closely. Uzbekistan, too, possesses a lot of themes for creating unique interesting theme parks. For example, next to Samarkand, it is possible to recreate the military camp of Amir Temur. The Code of Amir Temur, the manuscript preserved to these days, can serve as the documentary basis in its work. Key moments of this Code can be recreated in the park with the help of amusement rides, a costume theatrical show. At the same time, guests should be given the opportunity to become participants in the events themselves. Here we can open a lot of workshops as if it working for the army of Amir Temur, but at the same time they produce souvenirs that would be sold to tourists.

You initiate many innovations and reforms in the field of tourism. Tell me where do you get your ideas and inspiration from? Are you getting something from foreign experience? If yes, which country is of greatest interest to you? “All positive changes in the industry are due to the support of the President and the government, as well as a large number of specialists involved in the tourism industry - representatives of the tourism industry and foreign advisers, and many of them, let’s call them ‘tourism fans’, who support us with their practical advice and recommendations. It seems to me that already all representatives of state agencies, clergy, travel agencies and the hotel sector understand the importance and responsibility for the development of the tourism industry and are oriented towards a quality result. The tourism industry can turn into one of the most profitable sectors in the country’s economy, which will directly influence the growth of GDP, the level of incomes and employment of the country’s population. We try to get the most productive experience and knowledge from representatives of different countries, and use them in reforming the national tourism industry.” What measures are taken by the state with regard to the development of the tourist infrastructure? “First of all, comprehensive measures are taken to develop the infrastructure, in particular regional programs for the development of tourism. Decisions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers have been adopted, as well as the government protocol resolutions approved, which cover all areas: from security to infrastructure issues. These programs include several sections. The first section deals with organizational issues, the second - the development of infrastructure, the third - the promotion of the tourism potential of the country through various activities, as well as working with the media, both local and foreign. I would also like to mention one privilege: the creation and construction of theme parks is a modern trend that encompasses more and more new countries that are concerned with the development of tourism. This is because for modern tourists it is not enough to familiarize with architectural monuments, he/she wants more: he dreams of plunging into

I would like to separately mention the security moment for foreign guests of the country. Safe tourism departments have already been established in Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Surkhandarya and Khorezm regions. Young people with fluent foreign languages have been employed. In addition, situational centers will function in these regions, which will monitor the state of tourism security, inform tourists of potential threats in real time, and promote the protection of their rights and legitimate interests. Uzbekistan is one of the safest countries in the world, and we support and develop the image of a secure country.”

10 REASONS TO VISIT UZBEKISTAN 304 pages / 250 photos Language: Russian, English Circulation: 3000 units Printing: Turkey

On 304 highly visual pages the book presents masterpieces of photography some specially made for the project, others taken from the 15 years long archives. More than 250 works of the prominent photographer Ernest Kurtveliev reflect an extraordinary atmosphere, picturesque nature and marvellous architecture of Uzbekistan, as well as authentic lifestyle of its openhearted people.

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OPEN AIR SURPRISE FROM BOLSHOI THEATRE The largest Uzbek Theatre invited friends to the enchanting and amazing world of classical music that was performed in a completely new format. Open air is organized by the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi, the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan with the support of TOP Congress. The event opened 88th theatrical season.





he Bolshoi Theatre is the “signature” of any city. Tashkent is the lucky one, the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi is the most ambitious and magnificent theatre in Asia. This fall the Theatre prepared a surprise. A symphonic open air was a unique show of the concert culture. Similiar music events are the most memorable shows of world famous festivals that take place in Edinburgh, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo and Rome.





The first largest National symphonic open air were held in early September. This event is an exceptional project for the theatrical art of Uzbekistan, designed to revive the audience’s love for classical music, opera and ballet by performing the world masterpieces. Two open air evenings will be held in front of the theatrè s square for every true connoisseur of art music.

The authors of the project are Andrei Slonim, the director of the Theatre, and Bobomurod Hudoykulov, the musical and band director. The program of each evenings included the world masterpieces, original compositions of national classical music of different countries, charming ballet performances of the Bolshoi Theatre.



Five Facts to Discover

ANDIJAN There are no stronger doors in Maverannahr after Samarqand and Kesh rather than Andijan. Zakhiriddin Mukhammd Babur “Baburname”





ndijan is one of the oldest cities in the world aged more than 2500 years. According to various legends, Andijan was built by the king of Afrosiab who devoted this city to his daughter Adinajan when she found here the treatment for her strong disease. Other people suggest that in the ancient time Indians (Andi) lived here and turks called that place Andikan, which means ‘Indian retreat’. Andijan is one of the smallest cities of Uzbekistan. Being situated in the east of the Ferghana Valley it has been a trade centre linking Central Asian cities with Eastern part of the world. Now the railway through the Andijan is connecting China with Europe.



his city has attracting weather conditions as it is located near the Pamir and Tyan-Shyan mountains. This is one of the reasons why Andijan is so green. Another reason is many rivers surrounding the city. In his Baburname, the founder of the Mogul Empire in India, Babur wrote that 9 rivers enter the Andijan. Maybe this is the main cause why Andijan is famous with special taste of fruits and it is still one of the biggest exporters of fruits. In Baburname Andijan’s grapes and melons were mentioned, but “there is no better pears than Andijan’s ones”- wrote the Emperor. 2000 years ago rare tigers of Andijan and heavenly Agramak horses made this place famous for royal societies of many counties.








obur inherited from his ancestor the great Temur’s love to construct Paradise Gardens, Madrassas and Mosques. Till today Babur is the symbol of Andijan city and places named after him attract guests from different countries. These are Bobur Memorial park, similar to which was created near the Bobur’s grave in Kabul in 1993. Another place is Bogi Shamol, the Garden of winds. This garden is part of the timurids’ gardens chain with the same name. Miraculous Nature of the Bogishamol is called as mirror of Heaven in the Earth. Mountains location of the Garden makes the place calm and fresh and its masterpiece landscape is the main reason to be calm and enjoying every breath of life.

ndijan was the flourishing centres of Babur’s lordship in Middle Asia. However contemporary Andijan is also one of the industrially developed cities of Uzbekistan. One of the pillars of economy of Uzbekistan, automobile industry belongs to Andijan’s Asaka city. In a partnership with General Motors, the factory produces 10 types of automobiles equipped with modern technologies and covers 25% of whole national automobile industry employing more than 10.000 people. The products are exported to 19 countries, including most CIS states, Iraq, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Tunisia, Lebanon, Moldova, Gabon, Nigeria and others. Beside the oil and gas, light and chemical industry, food processing are also well developed in this region.







eople of Andijan have strong dignity and generous spirit. You can immediately understand it and feel their drive watching world famous national Andijan dance, predominately performing by males.

Testing the best in the country special Andijan type of plov is another great example of the wonderful culture of this Heaven on Earth. Although the exterior of Andijan is changed now, but the soul and spirit is the same like was written in Babur name. Don’t you believe it? Just come and see. Find your own vision of Babur’s notes.



Uzbekistan: Digital life hacks for travelers


very second five billion people talk on the phone worldwide. Billions megabytes of data, millions of Google search requests, hundreds of thousands of SMS, tens of thousands of geolocations – the information flows via almost every gadget of any traveler. It does not matter if you wander around the streets, visit the historical places, relax on the beach or have a business trip. Technology has become integral part of

travel̀ s life, so that the first thing we check out before leaving is the battery charge level of the phone. The second thing is USB charger cable in the bag.This article will show you how technology can make your journey more comfortable, waiting - shorter, budgets - more economical, and memories – stored in your minds not just on gadgets. The most helpful innovative life hacks for tourists in Uzbekistan are.

OK, Google ...


irst life hacks and the most helpful. Once your plane lands at Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport, use the good old Google. This search engine has the most complete and accurate public maps of the city and, most importantly, an online Google Translate from/to Uzbek. Uzbek citizens, for the most part, can understand several languages. But, it will be so pleasant for every inhabitant of our warm country when they hear from a tourist a native phrase “Assalomu Alaykum!” Perhaps, this phrase, even before the appearance of the Uzbek language in Google, listed the TOP of the cordial, kindest greetings in the East. Just a couple of clicks and you will feel the city smiling friendly at you: “Hush kelibsiz!” (Welcome!).

SIM card + useful services = time saving Of course, now wi-fi is everywhere, and the recommendation to buy a local SIM-card sounds strange. Do not hurry to reject it. The fact is that with the help of a local phone number you have the opportunity to make calls, or have an Internet access, but at the same time to save a huge amount of time on getting the most needed services. For instance, in a couple of clicks you can order a taxi using MyTaxi, and Easy Taxi apps. Also you can book a restaurant or a cafe via app. Food, gifts, and even souvenirs delivery to the hotel suits via MyTaxi Express, LeBazar, Arba, Bringo are also available.



Guide in a smartphone


zbekistan is one of the most mysterious countries in terms of digitized data. Google has not yet made any full guide. Only last year NatGeo reached the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan, to take pictures of its famous guide. Going to Uzbekistan, you can see single virtual tours across Bukhara and Samarkand. In Tashkent, you will have a chance to order a wonderful audio city tour on double-decker buses. These are the only choices for travelers ... But last year a new solution came out. The first virtual guide across all cities of Uzbekistan VR (360-degree) was launched. The smartphone app Beeline Guide is designed to demonstrate to the whole world the beauty and variety of the historical heritage of Uzbekistan - from masterpieces of medieval architecture to the best examples of modern architecture. The VR provides users an opportunity to virtually travel across the country with full immersion using the special glasses. Users can immense in the atmosphere of the ancient East, and the audio guide in Uzbek, Russian and English discovers new facts of the country’s rich history. Unique 3D panoramas of the pearl of the East will transfer users at the times of the Renaissance of the Timurids and the cultural meridian of the ancient cities. From a new angle the app shows the majestic minarets of Khiva, grandiose madrassas of Samarkand, the oldest mosques of Bukhara and modern views of Tashkent. HOW I CAN GET THE APP? A part of the global Beeline Guide project you can see on the cover of this magazine by downloading the special AR-app Registan3D This app is especially relevant for those who have not yet decided to travel, and know little about Uzbekistan.

How can I get to…?


nnovations in tourism significantly “spoiled” travelers. A modern tourist got used to traveling with a smartphone in his hand, sometimes even ignoring the magic that you need to catch while traveling offline. Of course, you will have assistants while visiting Uzbekistan. Waze app can help you find the exact address of the sights by avoiding traffic jams and blocked roads. The good old Google Map will roughly show you the key intercity routes. With the help of Uzbekistan Railways Tickets you can buy or book a ticket online, and before leaving (preferably a day before) pick up your ticket at ticket window at the Tashkent Northern Railway Station (or at stations in the regions). Technology and tourism innovations will greatly facilitate the journey planning, organization and memories of digital-impressions for Instagram and Facebook. However, do not be dependent on them, communicate, enjoy the country, explore the vivid East and Uzbekistan will surely give you a piece of its warm sunny soul ...





ottery is one of the oldest artistic crafts in the world. Once you have seen the Uzbek ceramics, you will never forget it. These are a dish called lagan, kosa (a bowl on an annular bottom plate for liquid food), piala (a small kosa for tea), vases, jugs, hums (big containers) and others. These are the forms spread widely across Uzbekistan, with peculiarities and variations that are comfortable to use. Uzbekistan is a unique

centre of art and craft in Central Asia. Ceramic art gained international recognition in the Middle Ages. Based on the traditions of different regions of Uzbekistan, the production of ceramics has localized in schools. Each school is distinguished for own style and features. Samarkand, Gijduvan, Shakhrisabz, Rishtan, Khiva and Tashkent have been known as centers of potter’s arts of Uzbekistan since ancient times.

TASHKENT The terracotta products of Tashkent masters are filled with white, yellow and brown colors, with both floral and geometric patterns. You can see the shape of a star in the center of the ceramic product. The hereditary masters of the Tashkent school are Akbar Rahimov and his son Alisher.



C eramics


SAMARKAND Ceramists of Samarkand use brown, yellow and green colors. You can see symbols of the universe (sky, stars, moon) on the potter`s arts. The feature of Samarkand terracotta pialas and bowls is the crystal clatter, when one item touches another. The founder of the Samarkand school of ceramics was Umar Djurakulov. Today, his students continue the traditions of artistic craft.






Ceramic products of Rishtan are rich in turquoise, dark blue, brown colors on a white background. Products are mostly decorated with willows, flowers, fruits and animals. Each ceramist of Rishtan keeps his secrets of glaze formula. Famous masters of Rishtan are Rustam Usmanov and Alisher Nazirov.




It has unique bright-red and orange paintings. Specific clay mined in Shakhrisabz, has the bright-red color. The ornaments of products have a symbol of the talisman, which guards against the evil eye, and consists of several circles. A circle in the circle is stylized with peppers and a pomegranate pattern in the center. The founder of the Shakhrisabz ceramics school was Abdukarim Hazratkulov, his students in Shakhrisabz continue his traditions.






Usually, ceramic products are covered with white and blue colors, which symbolize the sky and water. The ornament of the Khiva ceramics differs sharply in its geometric forms, in a girih style. You can often find the amulet symbols, such as a dagger or a bird wing. The hereditary ceramist of Khiva is Odilbek Matchanov.




Gijduvan school of ceramics is distinguished by geometric and floral patterns. Green and blue colors prevail in decoration of the products. Usually the products have dark background. There are often images of almond flowers, bouquets on them. Hereditary masters are brothers Alisher and Abdulla Narzullaevs.





Treasure Hunt

Ceramic Discoveries Shakhnoza Ishmatova

Address: Siab bazar, Bibihonim street. Samarkand


ou can buy ceramic products in many shopping malls in Uzbekistan. For instance, the Siab Bazaar in Samarkand is one of the largest and oldest bazaars of Uzbekistan and the whole Central Asia. The name of the bazaar comes from the Persian word “black water”, the name of the river, which flowed near the bazaar. At the bazaar you can find all kinds of Uzbek crafts, including the Samarkand ceramics. In addition to handicraft items, there are various types of sweets and Samarkand bread, which are known throughout Uzbekistan.

Rakhimovs` Ceramics Studio 15, Kukcha Darvoza street, Tashkent


cosy ceramics workshop by the 7th generation craftsmen Akbar Rakhimov and his son Alisher. It functions as a museum of Tashkent school of ceramics, shop and a place to learn this ancient art. Visits here are only by appointment, but what you experience here will blow your mind.





espite the fact that the ceramics is produced in different regions of Uzbekistan, guests can buy artistic and household ceramics of all famous schools in the capital city - Tashkent. Almost all Uzbek schools of applied atrs can be found in the Art Gallery of the Abulqosim Madrasah. Here you can buy ceramics, as well as other art products. In Central Asia, the Abul Kasim Madrasah is a heritage site and a magnificent monument of Islamic architecture of the XIX century, built in the Eastern Renaissance style. The main entrance of the madrasah is decorated with a high portal, and the front part is covered with lancet niches. Minarets are crowned with turquoise domes. You can feel the atmosphere of ancient workshops and bazaars here. Shops̀ small wooden doors make us admire of a true art. Prices in the art complex are affordable.

Address: Abulqosim madrassah. Tashkent


n Tashkent̀ s TsUM (central department store) you can find works of Tashkent ceramist Akbar Rakhimov, and products of other well-known masters of Uzbekistan. Prices may be slightly higher than the bazaar̀ s. However, you will be confident that the product you buy is originality.

Address: TsUM street Uzbekistan, 17. Tashkent

AUTOGRAPH Location: 1 Atatyurk Street, Mirabad disctrict, Tashkent


UTOGRAPH is a gallery of modern art in Uzbekistan, located in the centre of Tashkent City, close to the Alisher Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theatre. In the AUTOGRAPH art gallery, you can buy original artworks such as paintings, jewellery, modern art, original gifts, interior design items and many other. In addition, our main focus, exclusive ceramic pieces, are well presented there.




Traditional street food:

Samarkand Madina Ruzmatova




Samarkand. The great capital of the Timurid dynasty. This is not just a must visit place in Uzbekistan, Samarkand is a gastromic Mecca. Do not rush to turn over the page. Surprisingly, it will not be a plov, although this dish is special here. Samarkand can amaze you with many more!


f you decide to visit “the pearl of the sand”, the beloved city of the greatest rulers, you should be ready for a long distance walking routes. Explore the narrow streets of old Samarkand, the ancient site of archaeological excavations, the charming architectural masterpieces of the Middle Ages, the oldest Siab Bazaar... You will have to walk a lot, and to admire even more. Therefore, if you want your day to be unforgettable, you should have a gastronomic feast. You may start your morning with the classic breakfast - famous Samarkand bread and three types of halva (soft white with nuts, floss halva or pashmak and classic flour-based milk halva).

Then, after visiting a half of the most beautiful monuments, stop by a tea house and try the real Samarkand street food - a dish from chickpeas “Nuhot Shurak”. In Samarkand, this fragrant culinary masterpiece is served on that very spicy flat bread instead of a plate. Clean meat broth, in which peas are cooked for a long time, soaks the bread. A dish with soft taste and texture will please you with nutritiousness, lightness, and at the same time satisfy an appetite for a long trip. A real nuhot shurak takes a long time to cook. First, roast the tenderest mutton, then add the chickpeas. After this, pour water and stew for a minimum of 3-4 hours.

Samarkand’s beautiful hostesses have their little secrets of preparing traditional nuhot shurak. For example, the prepared dish, which is laid on the fragrant flat bred from tandoor (clay oven), is covered with sliced onion. Others experiment with spices, by adding jambul (herb), sprigs of rosemary and other fragrant herbs.




New Silk Ways for Business

Bakhrom Sharipov, The chairman of the Association of “Uzbekipaksanoat”

The demand for environmentally-friendly natural clothing increases internationally. Historically, being located on the Great Silk Road, Uzbekistan is famous for its silk fabrics - atlas, adras, beqasam, shoyi.


he caravans riding through here delivered silk fabrics from Uzbek craftsmen to the far-flung regions. Today the industry is not only rapidly developing but also showing big opportunities for foreign business exchanges.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution “On Measures to Establish Activity of the Association of Uzbekipaksanoat” on March 29 of the current year. By this decree, tax benefits and other



privileges are granted to enterprises and organisations engaged in cocoons growing and silk producing in Uzbekistan until 2023. For instance, member organisations of the Association of “Uzbekipaksanoat” do not pay customs fees for the spare parts of cocoon spinning and silk fabrics producing machines, which are imported by silkworm eggs, cocoons production and processing companies. Mulberry tree seedlings, silkworm’s super-elite, elite and industrial eggs are exempted from customs fees; home-based workers who are engaged in the production of live cocoons are exempted from income taxes as well. A range of privileges for foreign partners are introduced in the industry. For example, visas will be issued for foreign labourer

that are involved silkworm production industry, without collecting consular and other fees. Multiple-entry visas, extension of term, temporary registration at the place of residence and prolongation of term are carried out without payment. The Association of “Uzbekipaksanot” is working on qualitative production of silkworms, increasing the volume of finished products from silk, adopting its most demanded types and designs, providing certification and standardisation of the industry’s products according to international requirements, organising widespread introduction of modern quality management methods. We are ready for mutually beneficial cooperation with Indian businessmen and large companies in the silk industry.






favorite movies that connect

UZBEKISTAN AND INDIA Not everyone knows a formula for a good movie, but those who manage to find it create masterpieces. The Uzbek director, actor and scriptwriter Latif Fayziev has found his audience and together with Indian directors, created a series of memorable movies admired by the world. Latif Fayziev has shot seventeen fictional, several documentary films and screen ballets. For the first time in Uzbek cinema, together with Indian filmmakers, he directed a number of movies starring famous Indian actors as Hema Malini, Zeenat Aman, Dharmendra, Mithun Chakraborty, Sunny Deol, Poonam Dhillon, as well as the great actor Rolan Bykov, Sofiko Chiaureli, Frunzik Mkrtchyan and others.

Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves


In 1979, the movie Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves was released and directed by Latif Faiziyev and Umesh Mehra. The film with elements of melodrama, comedy and musical is based on the collection of Middle Eastern folk tales One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). The story is of Ali-Baba who once finds a group of forty thieves visiting their treasure store. The treasure is in a cave, the mouth of which is sealed by magic. Indian film critic Bhaurao Sathe wrote that Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves was shown continuously for six months in a row in Bombay and other Indian cities and

millions people watched it. In Uzbek box office, the movie took one of the first places. Location shooting was in Samarkand, Dushanbe and Tashkent. Starring in the lead roles were actors of different nationalities, stars of Indian, Russian, Armenian, Uzbek, Georgian, Turkmen and Kyrgyz cinemas. Among the Uzbek actors were Zakir Muhamedzhanov, Jamal Hashimov, Yakub Ahmedov, Hamza Umarov, Javlon Hamraev, Inogam Adylov, Farhad Haidarov, Maksud Mansurov, Anvar Kenzhayev, Sharif Kabulov, Bahtiyor Ihtiyarov, and others.




The Legend of Love


The second joint work of Uzbek filmmaker Latif Faiziev and Indian film director Umesh Mehra was The Legend of Love, which was released on 15 November 1984 in Delhi. The film is based on the story of Sohni Mahiwal about the love of a young man from Bukhara and an Indian girl. The authors of the film’s idea were Latif Fayziev, Shanti Prakash Bakshi and Ulmas Umarbekov. Among the Uzbek actors were Zakir Muhamedzhanov, Nabi Rahimov, Zulhumor Muminova, Gulchehra Dzhamilova, Isamat Ergashev, Uchkur Rahmanov and others.

Shikari: The Hunter


Another amazing work of the Uzbek-Indian co-production was the film Shikari: The Hunter, which was released in 1991. Shikari is the story of Shankar (Mithun Chakraborty), who earns his living by doing road shows along with Chanchal. One time Shankar happens to see a circus poster featuring Natasha (Irina Kushnareva), and after this he begins to

dream of working with her. By chance Shankar receives an offer to work in a Russian circus troupe where Natasha is also employed. Those who watched the movie probably could appreciate the acting of Uzbek actors: Mahmud Ismailov as a tiger-tamer, Obid Asomov as a circus director, Jamal Khashimov as a bandit, Murad Rajabov as a clown, Bahtiyor Ihtiyarov as an entertainer, Nailya Tashkenbaeva, Husan

Sharipov, Sherkuzi Gaziev, Soat Sharipov, Inogam Adylov, Vahab Abdullayev, Radzhab Adashev, Gauhar Zakirov, Mashrab Kimsanov, Barno Kadyrova, Batyr Kurbanov, Zakir Muminov, Jamil Sadykov, and others. This is not the whole list of the co-creativity of the two countries, which are constantly adding new works. Farangiz Salohozhaeva




Festival of





very year Bukhara holds the traditional fair “Qovun Sayli” (Melon Festival). It is a vivid event, where farmers present dozens of melon varieties and honey, which anyone can try there. Moreover, it is an interesting festival, where you can taste and buy rare cultivars of melons and watermelons.





UNDERGROUND ATTRACTION The construction of Tashkent Metro, the first underground in Central Asia, started in 1966. The first metro station was opened after a decade, which connected Chilanzar with the city centre. Each station has a unique architectural design. Based on their names, stations are decorated in an imitative style. 1















Fayzulla Hodjaev


Файзулла Ходжаев

Yunusabadskaya Проектируемая










Buyuk Ipak Yoli


Буйук Ипак Йули



Gafur Gulyam


Гафур Гулям

Abdulla Kodiriy

Абдулла Кодирий

Alisher Navoi

Mustakillik maydoni

Алишер Навои

Hamid Olimjana


Хамид Олимжан

Yunus Rajabi Milliy bog Миллий бог

Mirzo Ulugbek

Мирзо Улугбек




Юнус Раджаби

Amir Temur

Амир Темур







Ming Urik Минг Урик











Мустакиллик майдони



Usmon Nosir


Усмон Носир







Dustlik Дустлик







«Bodomzor» Located next to the Republican trade and exhibition complex «Uzexpocentre» (former ENEA) and «Tashkentland» (former «Victory» park) on the Yunusabad line, between the stations «Shahristan» and «Minor». The transfer station name sounds like «almond grove,» therefore the stylised image of almonds dominates the internal design of the station. The station itself is a huge vaulted palace with a rounded shape.

«Alisher Navoi» The interior of «Alisher Navoi» station is decorated with ornament works by artists Muhamadzhonov R. and Rakhimov A. Here you can also see panels installed by Charles Akhmarov and Kayumov I. from Navoi’s Hamsa.


My Perfect Day


One day in Margilan A miraculous city where adras fabric is born


As a child I used to visit my grandma. She used to dress me up in vivid national dresses and I was curious to discover its origin. When I grew up, a journey took me to a mysterious city of Margilan, where the miracle of adras and ikat fabrics is born. It used to be a centre of textiles and silk as a part of a great Kokand Khanate.


argilan is one of the most densely populated regions of the country where each 40 sq.m. is occupied by 200 thousands of citizen. Many people commute on bicycles, which saves the roads from traffic jam. No wonder, first and foremost must visit site is a famous Yodgorlik manufacture. This is the only place in the world where you can see the whole process of silk production. From the mulberry leaves all the way to beautiful dress. Most of the

processes are hand made, what makes you admire human talents.

enjoying relaxed talks and tea treats. It feels like time stops here.

Drinking tea at the veranda, discovering handicraft centres, learning about ancient technologies of textiles, ceramics and other arts you can spend the whole day.

One more thing, which I like about Marginal, you can hardly find anywhere else so many roses and manicured courtyards in front of the houses. It is a real rose paradase.

For lunch I would strongly recommend to try the margilan-style plov made from local types of rice. Teahoses with the sofas above the river are the best places to try it. You can stay here all the afternoon,

Margilan is exactly the way I imagined, with people and my new friends it is even better. I will definitely come back here again.

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