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City Map

SkyBus Airport Transfers
SkyBus Melbourne City Express is famous for fast, frequent and aff ordable travel to and from the airport – and it’s easy! Jump off your fl ight and onto one of our red buses and you’ll be on your way to the heart of the city. We operate from 4.30am to midnight 365 days a year, transferring you between Melbourne Tullamarine Airport and Southern Cross Station in as little as 30 minutes. Enjoy free wifi onboard and unlimited luggage. Buy your tickets online or via our handy SkyBus app or at our ticket kiosks. Kiosks are conveniently located kerbside at T1, T3 and T4, and inside the T2 and T4 terminals at Melbourne Airport, and within the Southern Cross Station Bus Terminal. We also service Avalon Airport with our Avalon City Express service, meeting all major fl ights. Adult tickets start at $16 and kids $3 based on a return fare. Kids under 4 travel free. t:1300 SKYBUS w:skybus.com.au Find us on:
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