The weekender issue 17 marina baixa (benidorm)

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IssueB #150

Friday 20th October


@TheWeekenderEs @TheWeekenderSpain

Marina Baixa

Your Weekend Starts Here!


Your car hire around the world!

£240M TUMMY ACHE By Jack Troughton FAKE holiday sickness claims have cost the travel industry a massive £240 million as the government launches an investigation to help find a cure. Experts are being asked to submit evidence following a 500% rise in claims from 2013 to 2016 with Spain and all-inclusive breaks at the centre of the “epidemic” of the scandal. And as the government vows to get tough on the plague of false claims, frequently involving invented gastric illnesses, the first succesful prosecution has seen two

The Merseyside couple pleaded guilty to fraud after falsely claiming against Thomas Cook scamsters jailed in the UK. Greedy Paul Roberts and partner Deborah Briton were jailed at Liverpool Crown Court over bogus sickness claims. they had stood to pocket £20,000 from Thomas Cook over trips to Mallorca in 2015 and 2016. However, the holiday company bit back with a private prosecution

and shamed the Wallasey couple who had attempted to win an easy fortune maintaining the trips with two children were ruined by episodes of diarrohea and vomiting - yet on social media Briton gushed about everyone enjoying the time of their lives...with no mention of any malady. Continued page 2.

See Page 6



Fake holiday sickness By Jack Troughton

From Front Page... Ironically, the government announced its intention to bite back on the same day Roberts, 43, and Briton, 53, were being sentenced by Judge David aubrey, QC. The Association of british Travel Agents (Abta) has welcomed the latest move to quash a notorious scam and the touts said to be representing claims management companies who take a cut. Abta said the average cost of fighting a claim was £3,800, but the average amount of compensation sougth was £2,100; explaining why many tour operators and hotels were choosing to settle out of court. Using date from its members, Abta estimated the total cost of the fake sicknes racket was £240 million. An Abta spokesman said it “strongly welcomed” the

government move to end the “rip-off” and the promise to close a loophole in the law that allowed companies to “unduly profit” from false holiday sickness claims. “Abta and its members have already presented the government with a body of evidence over the past months showing how these claims have risen by 500% since 2013, whilst reported sickness levels have remained stable,” he said. “These claims are also tarnishing British holidaymakers’ reputation abroad, particularly in Spain where they are costing hoteliers millions of pounds.” Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said: “These claims make it more expensive for Brits to go abroad. they should not have to shoulder the inevitable rising costs of bogus accusatiions made by a small minority. “The recent rise in false claims against tour operators,

partly fuelled by unscrupulous touts, tarnishes the UK’s reputation overseas. It is also hugely unfair to those who genuinely do become ill, who risk becoming victims of unjustified suspicion. “This is the first step in fighting the holiday claim epidemic.” Roberts and Briton and two teenage children went on allinclusive holidays to Globales America in Cales de Mallorca in June 2015 and again in June 2016. However, their claim, described as a “complete and utter sham”, would have cost Thomas Cook £19,958 compensation and a staggering £28,000 in legal costs if successful. Liverpool Crown Court heard how on her return in 2015, Briton posted: “Safely home after two weeks of sun, laughter, fun and tears; met up with all our lovely friends who made our holiday fab.” The following year she wrote:

“Back home after a fantastic holiday, my favourite so far.” Jailing the pair, who admitted fraud charges, Judge Aubrey said the claims were totally an utterly fake. “You thought it would be easy and you thought it would be easy money. “There has been an explosion in gastric illness claims in relation to those from this country who holiday abroad. “Those who may be tempted in the future to make a dishonest claim in relation to fake holiday sickness, if they are investigated and

brought to justice, whatever the circumstances of the individual, he or she must expect to receive an immediate custodial sentence.” Celebrating victory, Thomas Cook announced through a spokesman: “The sentences handed down demonstrate how serious the issue of fraudulent illness claims has become. “This is a particularly sobering case, but reflects what is going on in the Uk travel industry, so we had to take a stand to protect our holidays and our customrs from the monority who cheat the system”.




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@TheWeekenderEs @TheWeekenderSpain

Bandits holding tour operators to ransom in the fake sickness scam hardly qualify as being master criminals; Sherlock Holmes would not be fooled for long and Moriarty would soon be having his collar felt by the boys in blue if he was as inept as some of these bad guys. A couple from the North West of England are now enjoying a break courtesy of Her Majesty the Queen where the view is somewhat limited and the food might not be as attractive as enjoyed in foreign parts. Helping to catch them out were social media posts about enjoying an ‘ab fab’ holiday. Oops. It ranks alongside benefit cheats who claim to be unable to work, rest and play but share piccies showing them doing just that. As my good friend Homer might add: “D’Oh”. The government is to take action in a bid to close down this seemingly money-spinning operation by those who thought it was an easy payday and a method of ‘saving’ for next year’s trip. Hats off to Thomas Cook for standing up to the holiday compo bandits. The Wallesay couple were caught out in a private prosecution. Now a precedent has been set - and the judge was pretty scathing of the fraud - perhaps the Crown Prosecution Service might take up the challenge on behalf of us all.

Managing Director

Marco Baiardo

Media Director

Adam King

Gardeners enjoyed a dramatic end to their rain dance on Wednesday as the first heavy rains swept along Spain’s east coast along with some impressive thunder and lighting; The Weekender hopes that no readers have suffered in this natural onslaught and property and souls remain intact. Electricity cuts are always a curse at such a time but given the widespread devastation by these remnants of hurricanes in the British Isles; methinks the Costa excaped lightly (this time). Actually the power was was only off for a short period, certainly in the paper’s new Javea offices, although as always there was some colourful language amongst the team when it happens. Top tip, keep saving work. Once again, fingers crossed for a peaceful end to the Catalonia standoff. The deadline came and went yesterday morning; Madrid has not yet seen fit to implement powers under constitutional law and the Catalan independence movement - having declared they are going it alone, have ut things on ice as they seek further talks. Jaw, jaw, as Churchill said, is better than war, war.

Jack Troughton


Jack Troughton

Senior Reporter

Simon Russell

Editor - The Weekender

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Samuel Fielder




stabbed by acomplise By Simon Russell

NATIONAL Police in Alicante have arrested a man who stabbed his companion, apparently because he refused to go on a thieving trip with him one evening. The wounded man was found in the street on the evening of 16 October where he was moved to a nearby medical centre for treatment. The perpetrator of the attack was named by the victim and was already known by po-

lice in connection with other crimes. Police patrols tracked down the suspect later that night and he had a knife and blood-stained clothing which was sufficient evidence to arrest him. The 53-year-old Palestinian national, who is in Spain illegally, has been charged with attempted murder and is also likely to face various charges relating to theft and avoiding arrest from earlier in the year.

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Clapped out cameras By Matthew Richards

THE body that operates the traffic cameras for the Valencian Community has admitted that 90% of them are not functioning currently. Centro Gestion de Trafico Levante said that the problem was with a maintenance contract which expired in April and has yet to be renewed; 90% of radars are also not working properly for the same reason. However the Trafico stated that there is other recording equipment and, although this is slower as it requires manual downloads, you will still eventually be fined if you commit a traffic offence. Other equipment hit with the

maintenance problem includes electronic warning boards, which let motorists know of delays and road-works. The Trafico is confident of signing a new

Child support scammer By Simon Russell

PROSECUTORS in Alicante have called for a jail sentence for a man who forged documentation concerning child support

payments. He was being sued by his ex-partner for non- payment of the money, but he then produced 23 receipts allegedly signed by her stating he had paid the cash. After she denied receiving

maintenance contract within the next few weeks, when the necessary evil that are traffic cameras will be up and running again. the payments a handwriting expert was asked to examine the receipts and confirmed that the signature was not hers, and was forged either by the defendant or a third party. The prosecution have asked for a nine month jail sentence if the man is found guilty.



Kids among landing parties By Matthew Richards

A number of immigrants were tracked down in various parts of the northern Costa Blanca after landing crafts had been found on local beaches. Eleven were found walking on the N-332 after two small boats had been discovered on El Campello beach. Six of the group appear to be minors and they were all described as being wet, cold and hungry. Another twenty migrants were found

at Guardamar del Segura and three required hospital treatment, although their conditions are not life threatening. Two further people were located in Javea and may have arrived on a craft located at El Cabo de las Huertas. As the weather and sea temperature gets cooler, illegal immigrants face increased dangers through conditions such as exposure and hypothermia. There is also the increased threat of storms as autumn progresses and crossings are made in unsuitable vessels.

Ferry catches ďŹ re By Simon Russell

THREE people are being treated for smoke inhalation after a ferry caught fire in Valencia port last weekend. The Regina-Baltic line vessel travels regularly between Valencia and Algeria, carrying up to 1,250 passengers. Smoke was spotted near the engine

room and fire crews boarded the vessel while police co-ordinated the incident which caused major disruption to the port area. The ferry had been scheduled to set sail less than two hours after the fire was found and had around 400 passengers on board at the time, all of whom were

evacuated. The crossing was cancelled and accommodation had to be found in the city for any traveller affected. The Port Authority said that two tugs were on standby to tow the ship out of the port if the fire was in danger of getting out of control, but fortunately they were not needed. Firefighters

remained on board the vessel for 24 hours in case the fire flared up

again; the reasons for the blaze are unknown at this stage.

Be part of the family and have your say send us your letters

Corruption convictions By Simon Russell

A survey report has found that 78 people are currently in prison for crimes relating to corruption in Spain. The most common offence is embezzlement which currently has 42 people behind bars for committing the offence, while 21 people were found guilty of bribery. The statistics relate to former public servants and not all such offences result in jail sentences. The most common region for convictions was Andalucia, followed by the Balearics and Galicia.



Market murder By Simon Russell

A 29-year-old man was stabbed to death close to Valencia’s central market this week. The attack occurred on Saturday evening and is thought to be associated with another brawl in the area earlier on. The man, a French national, was stabbed multiple times in the face, chest and abdomen and

was alive when the ambulance arrived; however he succumbed to his wounds that same night in hospital. National Police have started an investigation into the incident and are still looking for those responsible. The central market is located in Valencia’s Barrio Carmen, the city’s main spot for nightlife which is always packed with young people at the weekend.

Drought danger to crops By Jack Troughton

FIGURES released this week by the Department of the Environment shows that Spain continues to experience near drought conditions across much of the country, despite the heavy rains many areas had last winter. Overall Spanish water reserves are at just 37.9% of capacity. The situation is even worse across Valencia, with the key Segura basin holding just 14% of capacity, down from 22% on the last annual report. Last week across Spain,

often one of the wettest of the year, rainfall across the country was practically zero. The areas that will suffer the most as the situation worsens are wet/dry areas such as marshes and also agriculture, with citrus a particular worry as it requires water at this time of year as part of the growing cycle. A local farmer’s union spokesman said that “there is no political will to bring water to the area. Politicians do not discuss it and our requests for a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture have been ignored.”

Theft on an industrial scale By Matthew Richards

A gang of men have been arrested and accused of stealing up to 46,000 kilos of industrial material from various companies around Alicante and Murcia. They were caught in the act of stealing 1,000 kilos of aluminium from a transport company in Pinoso when they thought that the

staff were on their lunch break; however they were spotted and the police called. The authorities believe that this was their usual procedure, choosing sites they knew were unguarded and unlocked at certain times, usually the siesta, and blatantly loading their van with materials. These were then being sold onto scrap yards in Cox and Elche

and it is thought they may have received around €13,000 for the various materials. The other thefts they are being linked to are in Santa Pola, Librilla, Yecla and Castalla. Three Spanish men have been charged with theft and a Paraguayan, who owns the scrap yard in Elche, is under investigation for receiving stolen goods.

Moraira in Madrid By Simon Russell

THE municipality of Teulada-Moraira has been promoting itself in Madrid, aiming to bring a little taste of the area to local Madrilenos. They have centred the strategy on popular bars and restaurants

and have been promoting the off season charms of the resort as well as its obvious appeal as an upmarket summer holiday destination. The delegations have been handing out tourist material and merchandising while social networks haven been

widely used through hash tags and key bloggers. This part of the Costa Blanca is already a favoured destination for residents of Madrid, and it is hoped that the latest campaign has gone some way to widening its appeal still further.



Pig in a poke Treetop rescue site of a giant metal container in the pretty rural area.

By Matthew Richards

A local man has come up with a low tech solution to the problems of the Vietnamese pigs plaguing the Javea salt marshes. He has installed a large metal box – similar to a shipping container – that apparently attracts the pigs with bait food and then humanely traps them inside. The unnamed local has claimed to have already caught pigs within the trap, although some people have expressed their doubts as to its effectiveness, as well as to the

“Top gun” tragedy By Simon Russell

A Spanish air force pilot has died after his F18 military plane crashed on take-off from an airbase at Torrejon de Ardoz, just a few days after another military pilot died returning from the Dia de Espana celebrations.

The dead pilot has been named as Fernando Perez Serrano, aged 26, who was born in Murcia. He had been rated number one in his aeronautical class and had over 700 hours flying experience. The air force has said that a full investigation is under way into this latest incident.

By Matthew Richards

FIREFIGHTERS successfully rescued an eagle that had become entangled in the top of a tree in a wooded area just outside Javea on Wednesday. The bird had become tangled in plastic cords that are used when growing the trees. It was a very tall pine and the Denia Park firecrew needed the full length of their 30 metre ladder, the tallest they use, to reach the bird. After consulting with a local resident who is an experienced falconer they were able to free the creature. However it has sustained some injuries and is being treated before, hopefully, being released

back into the wild. The raptor is a booted eagle (Aquila pennata), the smallest of the five species of eagle found in Spain.

Report makes poor reading By Simon Russell

NEARLY a third of the Valencian Community’s population are “at risk of poverty” according to a recent report. The “State of Poverty” report said 30.5%, or 1.5 million people, came under this category in the area, 2.6% more

than the national average. Rates of severe poverty - those who earn less than €342 per month has dropped slightly and stands at 7.8% of the local population. Regarding the spending power of the Community, 20% cannot afford to heat their houses, 45% cannot afford a holiday,

12% regularly delay paying bills and 44% could not afford to pay unforeseen expenses. 70% of people said that they consistently struggled to make ends meet financially. Unemployment, job insecurity and low wages remain the main factors why people have problems with money.



Valencia’s got talent By Simon Russell

A concert cycle has been announced aimed at promoting both new talent and those who have been around a while but struggled to gain recognition. The Emergents project is “to reach out to those who have it hard” said a spokesman for the Palau de la Musica which

will be hosting the event. They are looking for twenty bands and solo performers to perform at ten concerts which will each be a double bill. They are aiming to showcase a wide range of musical styles, including jazz, blues, indie and fusion as well as rock and pop. The concerts are to be held next February and

90% of the €7 entrance fee for spectators will go back to the performers, hopefully to act as a helping hand in their careers. Those hoping to take part must be without any official recording contract and live in Valencia or its metropolitan area; they have until 2 November to put their names forward when the final line-up will be decided.

Pet rescue By Matthew Richards

THE disappearance of a two year old girl in the mountains around the town of Avila (Castile y Leon) sparked a major search this week. The toddler had been reported missing on 17 October at around 7pm when it was already getting dark, and nearly everyone from her tiny home village of Gil Garcia joined the Guardia Civil and

other authorities in looking for her. When she had not been found by 2am concern was rising, until one of the searchers heard a growling sound from a nearby bush. They checked this out and found the girl curled up and asleep next to her pet spaniel which had refused to leave her side throughout the experience. The little girl had some scratches and bruises but was otherwise unharmed.

Arsonists blamed for deadly fires By Simon Russell

FIVE Spaniards were among the 41 victims that have so far been confirmed as a result of the multiple forest fires that swept across Portugal and northwest Spain this week. Due to the amount of fires starting independently of each other, many experts believe arsonists have to be behind them, possibly using combustible helium balloons with wicks tied on. It has been reported that several of the balloons have been

found at fire sites throughout Galicia, the region of Spain hit by the tragedy. A one month old baby and a pregnant 19-year-old were among the casualties in Portugal. Most victims were trapped in their cars but some bodies have been found in houses and there are fears the death toll will rise. Cooler weather and some rain has meant that the majority of the over 500 fires are now under control. However many are still active and the danger of further fires flaring up remains.



Storms lash coast THE tail end of a tropical storm brought electrical storms and torrential rain to the Mediterranean coast of Spain on Wednesday. The Atlantic cyclone, the remnants of Hurricane Ophelia, raced north battering Northern Ireland and the northern UK on monday night and tuesday morning, causing substantial damage and leaving hundreds of homes without power.

The storm helped fan the flame of deadly forest fires in northern Spain and Portugal; making the task of fighting the flames even harder. The tail end of the storm landed on the Costa del Sol and moved swiftly across southern Spain and raced up the Costa Blanca on Wednesday afternoon as The Weekender went to press, there were no reports of substantial damage or loss of life.

Flood that shaped the city THIS month sees the 60th anniversary of the Great Valencian Flood of 1957, a major tragedy but also one that led to Valencia having one of Spain’s great green areas. Valencia had always had a history of flooding, but when the Turia river broke its banks in 1957 the damage and deaths were unprecedented, with at least 81 killed and hundreds of fragile houses and other

structures were swept away in a city still rebuilding from the Civil War. The tragedy prompted Valencia Town Hall to take the step of diverting the river that had previously flowed through its centre. The dried 11km riverbed where the Turia previously flowed is now the home to parks, cycleways, bars and the City of Arts and Sciences

among other things. It is a green lush space much loved by the city’s residents who commute

to work along its cycle paths, jog, walk their dogs and picnic there at weekends.



Finance Feature

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All my readers should consider attending one of these important events

By Tracey Storer

Senior Partner Chorus Financial

Every week Chorus publish articles to help Brits here in Spain navigate safely and securely through areas such as investing, retirement planning, pension transfers, succession planning, tax and legal matters. This week I felt my column inches would be even better served by telling you all about a very important series of seminars that are coming to our area on November 7th, 8th

and 9th, which cover all these important areas. One of the most common pieces of feedback I’ve experienced over the years from thousands of expats here in Spain, is that sometimes it’s hard to know who to believe when it comes to such vital information such as pensions, investments, tax and legal matters. You ask 3 people a question and you get 3 different answers, and often this means people are getting information on critical subjects from Facebook or a guy at the bar. The Finance Tour is the first time that experts from major UK based institutions will be visiting the Costa Blanca to answer your questions direct. The seminars will start with a short presentation from each company, followed by an open Q+A (if you’re shy you can send your question in by email

in advance!). At the end of the session you’ll be able to speak with the experts direct, whilst enjoying a free buffet and drinks. So, who are the experts? George Forsyth from The Prudential, a company who have been helping people plan for their financial future for 168 years and have over 24 million clients Worldwide. The Pru have plans designed specifically for expats in Spain that will help your savings grow in a tax efficient manner, with similar benefits to a UK ISA. For the more experienced and sophisticated investors the tour brings speakers from both Old Mutual and Rathbone Brothers PLC. Old Mutual are a FTSE 100 company whose presenter Ryan Perkins will answer technical questions on tax efficient investing in Spain, succession planning, including

the use of trust to mitigate against inheritance tax. Chris Wanless is a Director from Rathbone Brothers PLC, one of London’s oldest and most prestigious investment houses. Rathbones manage billions in investments and pension funds for individuals, trusts and charities, including many clients here in Spain. Paul Foreman is a Director of one of the UK’s leading pension companies, who specialise in solutions for expats. Anyone who has a frozen UK company or personal pension should take this opportunity to speak directly with one of Europe’s leading specialists and sort the myths from the facts about pension transfers. The seminars will be useful for anyone with existing

investments, including non-tax efficient plans like ISAs, UK bonds etc, or QROPS/Spanish bonds where they’d like to improve on their returns. For those considering a new pension transfer or investment, this is an unprecedented opportunity to speak directly with the product providers before you go ahead and seek independent advice. It’s very easy to book your free place, simply visit www. or call 693 107 044. We really hope to see as many of you as possible at these essential events.


Residents don’t want this bottle party

Electric fleet for hospital

By Simon Russell

LOCALS living in the old part of Alicante have once again lodged complaints with the Town Hall about the noise, mess and damage they are experiencing each weekend. Their residential area is the focal point for “botellon” parties where youngsters take to the streets and drink outside, avoiding the higher prices in the bars and clubs – not withstanding that many of them are underage. The warm weather has meant that the practice is still in full swing each weekend and one resident said “We are sick and tired of living with noise until dawn; then we are left with urine, broken bottles and damaged walls.” Locals have resorted to pinning specially printed notes on trees asking people to respect their neighbourhood and the ordinary people that

By Matthew Richards

THE Sant Joan University Hospital in Alicante now has a fleet of 12 electric cars for use by its staff, primarily for medical professionals who do home visits. Last year these visits clocked up a total of 120,000 kilometres so the new greener vehicles, which have lower emissions of CO2 and

live there, but to little effect. There is a reduced police presence due to cutbacks and when the youths are moved on, they just return after half an hour, someone else said. Some are also violent if confronted. Many of the residents are

now threatening to move away from the area altogether if something is not done to resolve the problem. Abandoned and empty houses are not an image Alicante would want to project in one of its most important tourist areas.


general pollution than standard cars, will make a significant environmental impact. The cars can travel up to 240 kilometres on a single charge if required, but the majority of home visits are within a few kilometres of the hospital. The centre has installed a 12 point charging station for its new vehicles by the entrance to the building.


Back In


Flying the flag By Jack Troughton

S C H E D U L E D commercial airline flights are to link the remote British island of St Helena with the outside world – ending the reliance on a ship docking every three weeks. The British territory is best known as the island where Napoleon Bonaparte was held in exile – and died – following his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The weekly service will fly between Johannesburg and St Helena and should have started last year but dangerous wind conditions meant a delay; further trials have seen the runway declared safe. Critics have declared the destination “the most useless airport in the world”; but it is hoped the link from South Africa will make the island more self sufficient by boosting tourism. Britain spent £285 the building million airport on one of the most

inaccessible locations in the world – the flight takes over six hours, with a stop in Namibia but the sea journey on RMS Helena was a six day voyage from South Africa. St Helena is a British Territory Overseas covering 47 square miles and with a population of 4,255. It currently relies on British aid of £52m a year and officials hope increased tourism will make it more self-sufficient. “This is an important moment in St Helena’s route to self-sufficiency,” a government spokeswoman said. “It will boost its tourism industry, creating the opportunity to increase its revenues, and will bring other benefits such as quicker access to healthcare for those living on the island.” Visitors will enjoy the island’s diverse geology and wildlife – groups of whales gather off the coast – and Rupert’s Bay harbour may be extended to allow cruise ships to dock.


By Edward Graham

FISHERMAN Sam Quilliam narrowly escaped death after a Dover sole he landed wriggled free and “swam” down his throat. The six-inch long flatfish was too small to keep and wriggled free as the 28-year-old went to plant a kiss on his catch before returning it to the sea at Boscombe Pier in Bournemouth. He said the fish “swam” down his throat; choking him and blocked his airways – his friends fearing for Sam’s life rang 999 and started CPR. An emergency team arrived two minutes later but by that time the angler had gone into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing; however, with the aid of forceps and at the sixth attempt Paramedic Matt Harrison was able to remove the fish. Sam, from the New Forest, has made a full recovery and returned to the scene of his adventure to thanks Matt and colleagues for their quick-thinking that saved his life. He said: “I picked it up and went to give it a kiss before I threw it back. I squeezed it and like a bar of soap it jumped out of my hand and into my mouth. It got out of my hands and into my mouth and basically swam

down my throat.” He explained his kiss had been inspired by the Australian television fisherman Rex Hunt, who often plants a kiss on his catches. “I ran round the pier like a headless chicken and then passed out. It was terrifying from what I remember. “Steve and Matt and the paramedics did a great job to save my life. I could have easily died and I feel very lucky to be here. I feel much better now; it’s like beyond winning the lottery. Me and my family are really grateful.” Turning to paramedic Matt Harrison, who helped save him, he added: “Thank you, you are a credit to the NHS.” Ambulance worker Matt said he knew he only had one chance to remove the fish after its gills and barbs got stuck – and carefully withdrew the sole. “I was acutely aware that I only had one attempt at getting this one right; as if I lost grip or a piece broke off and it slid further out of sight there was nothing more we could have done,” he said. “After six attempts the fish came out in one piece and to our amazement it was a whole Dover sole, measuring about 14cm in length...I have never attended a more bizarre incident and don’t think I ever will.”





By Jack Troughton

WISH DENIED – a IAN BRADY’S DYING Hector Berlioz’s ‘Symphonie fantastique’

By Jack Troughton

MOORS murderer Ian Brady’s last wish for an “offensive” symphony to be played at his funeral has been barred by a judge who ruled the sick child killer’s body must depart with “no ceremony”. The murderer died aged 79 in May but his remains have yet to be disposed of and the controversial has been decided in the High Court five months later; taking the matter out of the hands of his executor, solicitor Robin Makin. Brady wanted to be buried to the sounds of

piece the composer penned imaging a “witches sabbath, where hideous monsters gathered to laugh at a funeral”. Judge Sir Geoffrey Vos has ruled otherwise; he ruled it would cause “legitimate offence” and Brady’s remains should depart with “no music or ceremony” – ruling the matter should be taken out of Mr Makin’s hands so the body could be “disposed of quickly lawfully and decently.” Brady and Myra Hindley, who died behind bars in 2002, tortured and murdered five children in the sixties; four victims were buried on Saddleworth Moor in the Peak District. And following Brady’s death, Coroner Christopher Sumner said he would not release the body until he received assurances his ashes would not be scattered on the isolated moors – it triggered fears the murdered had included such a wish in his will and bring more misery to the families of victims. Mr Makin has refused to reveal Brady’s final wishes but the judge ruled that while the deceased’s wishes were relevant “they do not outweigh the need to avoid justified public indignation and actual unrest”. The body will now be disposed of “expediently”; since Brady’s death it has remained in a mortuary at a secret location.

THE Hogwarts Express steamed to the rescue of a family stranded in the Highlands to bring a magical end to an adventure holiday. Jon and Helen Cluett and their four young children were staying at a remote ‘bothy’ – a country cottage - in Lochaber when their canoe was swept away by a swollen river. Rather than a hike across difficult terrain, they called the police and mountain rescue for advice – and were asked to make their way to a nearby railway line. Facing a long walk back to their car across boggy land, they phoned the police for advice and to their delight the steam train used in the Harry Potter films stopped to pick them up. The train, called The Jacobite, is used for excursions on the West Highland Railway Line, crossing the iconic Glenfinnan Viaduct that also features in the movies. The Cluetts and their

children - aged six, eight, 10 and 12 - were enjoying a halfterm break at the Essan bothy, on the south shore of Loch Eilt; but bad weather caused water levels to rise and their canoe was washed away. “The amazing thing was it wasn’t just any train. The next train that was passing was the Jacobite steam train - the Harry Potter, Hogwarts Express steam train that goes up and down that line,” added Jon. “The train is closer; getting we’re running down,

s t u ff b o u n c i n g everywhere, big smiles on the kids faces. It all started to be fun at that point. “I’m slightly sad because I’d lost my boat - but the kids, when they saw the steam train coming; all sadness left their little faces and was replaced by excitement and fun - just the real joy of having an adventure and having the train stop right next to them.”



Local lookout

Casanova and coffee By Jack Troughton

CASANOVA the horse was guest of honour at a Coffee Morning in aid of charity APAC Caballos Rescue Horses, helping raise over €600. The Marina Alta-based association, currently caring for 30 horses, will use the money to help feed its rescued herd - and other animals making the stables their adopted home. The event in Javea Park was organised by Pat McCue together with Bar

Punch and featured a cake stall and tombola to boost fund raising, as well as the charming and tranquil equine. Casanova has been with APAC six years. He was successfully adopted but was returned to the charity – in line with policy – because a German family had to return to northern Europe and could not afford to take the horse with them. “We have 30 horses at the moment and are just raising money to help feed them,” said APAC’s Lois Ford. “Most of the animals cost about €100 a month in feed.” The charity homes as many horses as it can but cares for “quite complicated” animals. “It is difficult to re-home a


horse that cannot be ridden; they can be damaged, either physically or psychologically”.

Casanova is pictured with Pat (left) and APAC volunteer Jules Winstanley-Jones.

Tapas-on-Sea JAVEA staged is sixth annual ‘La Mar de Tapas’ last weekend and thousands of visitors travelled to the resort to eat, drink and make merry. The event is a celebration of the town’s links to the sea and Javea Port was packed for a fiesta that has established itself on the costa Blanca calendar. It was an opportunity the taste the bounty of the sea and enjoy a drink or two with friends, all to the backdrop of live music. There were also events for youngsters and a craft market to browse, while many shops remained open with

so many prospective customers on the doorstep. The event is organised by the port business association and the town hall and 20 restaurants took part offering a range of goodies – each offers a ‘signature’ tapa each year; the rules state

it must include seafood as a main ingredient. Three outlets also offered a key drink, Agua de Valencia; mojitos; and Sangia Blanco, which by the queues forming also proved to be popular. The business association said the event was the most successful to date and has promised more surprises in 2018.



Local lookout


George wants a home By Jack Troughton

RESCUED pet George is on the road to recovery after his rescue from a river ravine with “terrible” injuries - now he needs a new home. The young canine fell into the Rio Augusta in Javea in midSeptember and animal lovers mounted a rescue operation. Taken to APASA, the animal charity’s vet Jose Luis diagnosed George as suffering from a broken hip, broken jaw and shattered front left foot – he was referred to the

Aliaga Clinic in Moraira where a series of operations successfully took place. A public appeal resulted in funds being donated to help pay for the pet’s treatment, he was found wearing a collar but was not chipped; so his owners have not been traced. APASA president Mandy Conway said: “He is a lovely gentle dog with a lively nature and is recovering well, although still at the clinic. He has no chip and no one has come forward to claim him

donated food for the other dogs and for all these receipts we are most grateful.” Mandy added: “The next stage for George is to find him an appropriate adoption. On behalf of APASA, I would like to offer our sincere thanks to all those kind people who have been donating

money to help George, who was rescued from the ravine in Javea with those terrible injuries.” She also thanked those who “so generously donated food for the dogs” at the shelter at a “difficult time” as APASA continued to wait for funds due from the town hall.

Brit cyclist

in serious smash “An appeal was started to cover the costs of his treatment and we are amazed at the response. APASA has also been

Showcasing local wines WINES produced in the Marina Alta are gaining an increasing reputation, something local producers associations are keen to see continue. A number of them got together in Ondara last week to discuss the upcoming Marina Alta Fira which will be a chance to showcase many local wines. The event is to be held on the 11 and 12 November in Ondara, and will be seen as a chance to further promote the local brand and its commitment to social awareness. Eight wine tastings are scheduled for the weekend, including muscatel, vermouth, sparkling, and sweet wines as well as the usual reds, whites and rosadas. Entrance to the event is free and includes one tasting per person and can be reserved at

A 65-year-old cyclist, a British national, was hit and badly hurt by a car on 16 October. The incident happened at around 9am on the JaveaBenitachell road, close to the golf club. It appears the accident was the fault of the car driver

Advertising Feature

who struck the man after he drifted over in front of him. The cyclist suffered what appears to be a broken hip and femur while his 44-year-old companion was treated for minor injuries. The older man is being monitored in Denia Hospital.

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Local lookout

Benidorm Locals help stranded group By Simon Russell

A series of unfortunate events led to a group of fourteen British women being stranded and penniless in Benidorm. They came over for a long weekend break and were due to return on 10 October. However their Ryanair flight was cancelled due to the French air traffic controllers strike. Group organiser Valerie Smith logged onto the Ryanair website to see what was going on – and accidentally pressed a button offering a refund on their return flight. However this was only €58 and most of the group were unable to get a flight close to their

Middlesbrough homes. The earliest flight they were able to book was six days later and their cash had already run out while some also required extra medication, not having planned for the elongated stay. Thankfully some good hearted locals stepped in to help with finding accommodation and other issues but the group say they are still about €1,000 each out of pocket. Ryanair said “Customers were contacted by e-mail or text and advised of their options: a full refund, free rebooking on to the next available flight or free transfer to an alternative flight. The customer in this case opted for a full refund which has been processed.”



Local lookout


Recycling in the pink By Simon Russell

FOR the third year in a row Benidorm is taking part in a recycling campaign aimed at helping breast cancer sufferers. There will be eight special pink recycling bins for glass installed around the city, and for each kilo of glass placed in them during the campaign a euro will be donated to the Sandra Ibarra breast cancer Foundation. The pink “igloos” will be installed at Plaza Reyes de Espana, next to Plaza Triangular, the Avenida Bilbao/Alcoi intersection and the Beniarda/Alfonso Puchades intersection. Mainly due to its thriving

hospitality sector, Benidorm recycles over three times more glass per resident than the average Spanish city i.e. 55 kilos against an average of 16. In last year’s

campaign 6,000 kilos of glass was collected, with €3,000 going to the AECC cancer charity and €3,000 going to Anemona, a self-help group for women with cancer.

Speed Hump Plans By Simon Russell

PROPOSALS are being discussed to install speed bumps along Avenida Mediterraneo in Benidorm. The street is one of the city’s main thoroughfares and local police state that many drivers exceed the speed limit regularly. The street is also lined with tourists, being just a block back from Levante seafront and

connecting the Rincon and Old Town areas of the city. While speed bumps are one measure being discussed, installation of more traffic lights is another possible traffic calming measure on the table. Just earlier this month an elderly Spanish tourist was killed by a bus on Avenida Mediterraneo, although it is not thought speed was an issue in this instance.

Walking through history A new initiative has seen some of Benidorm’s older primary school pupils participating in a theatrical tour of their home towns most important historical sites. Accompanied by the mayor as well as the education and heritage

councillors, the year five children were guided around landmarks and sites from the early 20th century. These included l’Hort de Colon where two actors were in character to show them how wealthier Spanish were still coming on holiday to Benidorm even a hundred years ago.

The project is sponsored by a grant from the European Union Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative. The actors are specially trained youths from the area who will continue with the roles on future excursions with schoolchildren, as well as at times such as Christmas and Halloween.

By Simon Russell



Local lookout Award for UK

tourism market By Jack Troughton

THE British Consul in Alicante, Sarah-Jane Morris, picked up an award in Benidorm on behalf of the UK travel industry this week. This is part of the “Ciudad de Benidorm 2017” tourism awards which recognizes both entities and individuals. Ms Morris said “very few destinations can enjoy the degree of loyalty that Benidorm generates” She went on to say how the city always made her fellow countrymen feel a part of the social fabric there when on holiday.

Other awards went to Dinapsis, the national research and innovation group based in the city and there was a special recognition for comedian Andreu Buenafuente for using the famous Benidorm skyline in his Late Motiv national TV show each week.

Benidorm Anger as attack probe shelved By Jack Troughton

SCOTS couple Lucie and Scott Armstrong believe they were drugged and attacked during a Benidorm break this summer - and are furious a police investigation ended after two days. The two 29-year-olds, from Coatbridge, came round at different locations, wearing only underwear and miles from the popular pub where they had been drinking; Lucie also fears she was sexually assaulted after bruising was found on her thighs. The couple visited the resort in June an have now discovered the police made

a report to a Spansih judge within two days of interviewing the victims and the caes was then effectively abandoned. Police claim they found no evidence of a crime being committed and tests showed both had consumed very large amounts of alcohol. However, Lucie said the decision was “a disgrace” and believed their drinks were spiked. Both clearly remembered being in the Western Saloon Bar but then nothing. She is considering taking legal action and believes

the investigation should have included a check on CCTV camera footage.



Local lookout

Alfas, Albir & Altea,

British teen linked to crime spree By Spencer Williams

THE Guardia Civil have arrested an 18-year-old British man in connection with a spate of robberies in Alfaz del Pi. There have been reports of a significant increase in theft in several local shops, as well as at a hotel, bar and social centre. He has also been linked to a failed attempt to steal a purse from a person in a wheelchair.

The young man has no residence or official status in Spain, and has a substantial police record for similar incidents, including a burglary and charity theft in Benidorm. He has moved between Spain and the UK and is well known by the authorities, who were not aware he had returned to Spain after fleeing to the UK after coming under suspicion for previous robberies last year. He has now been charged with seven counts of theft.

U3A is simply topping By Spencer Williams

MEMBERS of U3A Marina Baixa have spent weeks collecting plastic bottle tops to help a youngster be treated for multiple brain tumours. His father – a Benidorm police officer – and mother have set up a charity and are committed to getting life-saving surgery for the nine-yearold. It is hoped the operation will go ahead early next year, but a further €50,000 is needed to pay for treatment. U3A treasurer Maureen Barrett delivered a ‘boot full’ of tops to Karen Cowles, President of the Benidorm British Business Association, who

will deliver them to the resort’s police station, the charity’s collection point. And the progress of the appeal can be monitored at the Facebook page para.ian. U3A Marina Baixa holds its general meetings on the fourth Monday of each month in the auditorium at the Casa de Cultura, Alfaz del Pi. However, the next Meeting is on Monday the 30th October. The doors open at 10am to start at 11am. For more information, visit www. or the Facebook page; alternatively contact Secretary Joan Flint on 96 586 1226 or Mobile 663 637 167.

Halloween party for the little ones HALLOWEEN falls on a Tuesday this year and on 31 October Altea’s Sports and Education Department are collaborating to organise a children’s party. This will be held at the Sports Centre pavilion at 4.30pm and

will cost €6 including food and drink. There will be various different things for the kids to watch and take part in, including a magician, music and bouncy castle while other surprises are promised for the day.

Facelift for locker rooms By Spencer Williams

THE changing rooms at the sports field in Albir are to receive a major renovation at the start of next year. The L’Alfas del Pi council have set aside €40,000 for the project, most of which will be spent on replacing the prefabricated blocks with new structures. The new blocks will have five showers and two bathrooms when work is set to begin in January. Once the project commences the works team will also take the opportunity to resolve the drainage problems on the field near the changing rooms. The Town Hall’s Sports Department have also announced plans to replace the artificial grass on the pitch, probably around the middle of 2018.









Experts see no sign of another real estate bubble anytime


The Spanish property portal Fotocasa hosted a series of talks at the Fotocasa Real Estate Conference 2017 earlier this month in Madrid. Over 200 property and marketing professionals attended the event, which included market analysis by recognised experts, roundtable debates, and awards. First to speak was Gonzalo Bernardos, director of the Masters degree in Property Consultancy, Management and Promotion at Barcelona University, who spoke on trends in the Spanish

Gonzalo Bernardos

property market over the next year. He emphasised that “price expansion will reach all cities and everywhere in Spain will soon be experiencing price rises”. In particular, he highlighted “Barcelona, where the year will end with a 20% year-on-year increase, Mallorca with an over 20% increase, and Madrid with slightly less than 20% because of its huge capacity”. He added that “prices in large cities in Spain will continue to rise until 2021”. The economist also believes that “unemployment will be around 10% in the next few years and on the table at the moment are salary rises that will bring more consumer confidence and higher purchasing power. This will gradually weaken the rental market.” He said that “it’s currently cheaper

to buy than rent because interest rates are at historic lows and the Euribor is in negative territory”. However, he underlined that “Spain is currently a long way away from a property bubble”. Turning to the question of Catalan separatism, Bernardos believes that “with independence, the Catalan economy would be a disaster: people and companies would leave, bank accounts frozen, a currency devaluation, etc.” Catalonia “would be the most affected, although Spain as a whole would be too. The market doesn’t look good if independence is declared,” was his conclusion. Since then, the Catalan president has declared independence and suspended it in the same sentence, confusing everyone. It is now highly likely that Madrid will suspend Catalonia’s autonomy and impose direct rule by the end of the week.

Five key questions Beatriz Toribio, head of Research at Fotocasa, gave a talk on the current situation of the Spanish property market by asking the following questions: Is the recovery for real? Are we moving towards another property bubble? What’s happening to prices? Is the Spanish view of property changing? Who’s buying property? Toribio said that the market recovery is for real. “We started to see the first positive signs in 2014, although it’s been up and down since then. And now we can see the market is recovering.” She added that “2017 is the year of recovery. Confidence is around because financing is available and the improvement in the economy and employment are improving things. We’re starting to see sales figures in line with those from 2011.” Toribio agreed with Bernardos

that there’s no risk at the moment of another property bubble. “There’s no risk because financing, although higher, is more controlled. 4 out of 10 mortgages are fixed rate and 40% of sales take place without a mortgage, which also protects the market.” She added the “levels of activity are below those during the boom years and prices, although they’re rising fast, are still well below their highest, 42% lower according to the Fotocasa Property Index.” “Other factors holding back the bubble are low salaries, and the loss of purchasing power, which means most people still cannot afford to buy a property despite lower prices over the last few years,” she said. She explained that “rentals have gained ground and the Spanish are changing their view of property, although Spain is still largely a country of property owners. We still attach great value to property as an asset and we view it as good investment,” she said. “Young people look on rentals more favourably, although they still plan to buy in the long term.”



Business & Finance


Jack talks By Jack Troughton

FULL steam ahead is the message brought back from Brussels by Theresa May after her dinner date with leading European Union officials and an attempt to get things moving from Brexit “deadlock”. She met with th EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier who agreed he wanted to speed up talks but said “it takes two to accelerate” and believes things must be taken in the right order. Mrs May returned saying everyone had agreed to accelerate the talks; there have now been five rounds of negotiations - but the EU is insisting on clean plates from the first course before the main is served. That means everyone must first get outside of the starters; citizens’ rights, the divorce bill, and the Irish border. Mr Barnier is clear he wants things digested in the right order. Who paid for the Prime Minister’s dinner is unclear. However, EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker is clear that Britain still has to settle its bar bill before leaving in March 2019. He said a lack of compromise over the UK’s financial commitments - the so-called divorce bill - was impeding progress and compared Britain to a friend leaving the bar without paying for the drinks she ordered. Mr Juncker said: “If you are sitting at a bar and you are ordering 28 beers and then suddenly some of your colleagues are leaving without paying, that is not feasible. They have to pay.” He even upped pressure on Britain on Mrs May’s government over the tap room debt; he acknowledged Europe’s debt of gratitude to Britain “during the war, after the war, before the war”, before insisting: “Now they have to pay.” His remarks naturally brought a retort from hard-line ‘leavers’ who stated that Britian had stood its round many times over the years as the second largest net contributor within the 28 drinkers at the pub. Meanwhile back at the Palace of Westminster - where there are licensed bars open 24/7 - talk has again turned to

the UK leaving without a deal. Home secretary Amber Rudd believes it would be “unthinkable” for the parting of ways without some sort of deal being struck, especially over the vital question of security as Europe continues to be threatened by extremists. Responding to a question about the impact on security should Brexit take place with nothing being agreed; Ms Rudd reassured MPs: “We will make sure there is something between them and us to maintain our security.” Asked if there was ‘no deal’ in any form, would Britain remain safe and secure as it curreently is, the home secretary said: “I think it is unthinkable there would be no deal. It is so much in their interests as well as ours; in their communities’, families’, tourists’ interests to have something in place.” She believes in striking a new security treaty with the EU and contingency plans were already in hand. However, David Davis, the Brexit Secretary, has defended keeping the ‘no deal’ option open in the ongoing negotiations; the current ‘deadlock’ sparking speculation about leaving without an agreement. He called on the eu to give negotiator Mr Barnier a mandate to start discussing its future relationship with Britain, including defence and trade. He said he was ready “to move negotiations on”. Mr Davis told the House of Commons the UK was “reaching the limits of what we can achieve without consideration of a future relationship. “Our aim remains to provide as much certainty to businesses and citizens on both sides. To fully provide that certainty, we must be able to talk about the future.” Back over the pond, Germany’s leading manufacturers are calling on their own government to give an indication about future strategy; Britian being rather an important market for the likes of BMW, Mercedes and VW. And it seems the EU’s 27 other club members have been asked to start preparing for its post-Brexit trade position - yet not to discuss this with the UK. A ‘menue del dia’ for another day.


By Endward Graham

THE UK’s “fragile” economic outlook could be damaged by interest rate rises claims the EY ITEM Club, a forecasting specialist for the financial services sector. A proposed Bank of England rise expected next month was welcomed by savers and helped improve the exchange rate but should be kept on ice, according to the group which believes growth will continue to slow. Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank, has hinted rates could go up in the “relatively near term” – leaving many analysts expecting a jump in next month. However, the EY Item Club said the move risked damaging the economy and has called on the Bank of England to wait another 12 months before raising the benchmark rate from 0.25% to 0.5%. The call comes after the British Chambers of Commerce and ratings agency Standard & Poor’s suggested economic growth was not strong enough to warrant a rate rise. And the EY Item Club, which uses the Treasury’s own forecasting model, predicts Gross Domestic Product growth would slow down to 1.5% in the current year and 1.4% in 2018. It said there were expectations that the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) would rates at the next meeting on 2 November, but urged it to wait for the economy to pick up. “While it is understandable that the MPC will want to gradually normalise

interest rates from their current ‘emergency levels’, we believe it would be better to do so once the economy is on a stronger footing,” said Howard Archer, chief economic adviser to the EY Item Club. The last time rates were raised was July 2007, before the global economic crisis. Since then interest rates have been kept low to boost the economy by keeping the cost of borrowing down. The Bank reduced rates following the Brexit referendum in June last year to a record low of 0.25%, a move intended to help the economy. Mr Carney has indicated a reversal was likely soon. But the UK’s current low unemployment figures and upward inflationary pressures have combined to make a rise in interest rates more likely. Mr Carney said at the end of last month: “If the economy continues on the track that it’s been on, and all indications are that it is, in the relatively near term we can expect that interest rates will increase.” Inflation has jumped to 2.9% because of the effects of a weaker Sterling. The EY Item Club believes inflation will fall back to 2% - the Bank of England target – by the end of 2018 in any case. It predicts consumer spending will slow from a nine-year high in 2016 and joins other analysts maintaining economic growth was “muted” – the British Chambers of Commerce claiming it was “extraordinary” the Bank even considered a rate hike under current conditions.



Business & Finance


The Catalan crisis

By Christina Brady

BLACKTOWER Financial Management

Catalonia’s push for independence after a referendum has plunged Spain into its worst political crisis since the attempted military coup in 1981. The crisis could have huge repercussions for the Spanish economy. Catalonia itself has its own language, parliament, has its own police force and controls some of its own public services, such as schools and healthcare. It is one of Spain’s wealthiest and most productive

regions and has a distinct history dating back almost 1,000 years. The referendum went ahead on 1st October despite being suspended by Spain’s Constitutional Court. The Spanish government tried to stop voting and hundreds of people were hurt in scuffles with police at polling stations. The Catalan authorities claim that just under 90% of voters backed independence - but turnout was only 43%. However, the issue has an impact outside of politics, with the possibility of independence threatening to cause economic turmoil. Spain has had to slash its growth forecast for 2018, following the unofficial referendum, with Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría revealing hotel

reservations had also plunged by up to 30 per cent as the crisis bit into the nation’s finances. Speaking after a weekly cabinet meeting, she said: “The events that we are experiencing in Catalonia make us more prudent. In fact, if there were no quick solution to this issue we should be forced to lower expectations of economic growth for the year 2018.” The government expects Spain’s economy to grow by just 2.6 per cent next year, with Ms de Santamaría adding that there would be no “quick solution” to the crisis and this would have to be lowered. Experts have warned that the conditions created by the Generalitat could plunge Catalonia into a deep recession. The dramatic financial warning came amid reports Spaniards were

boycotting Catalan products, with sales of some dropping by up to 70 per cent. The unrest has already had major repercussions in terms of business, with dozens of companies having already moved their legal headquarters from Catalonia, further cementing rising concerns that growth in the region could take a hit, and by extension to that of Spain as a whole. Banco Sabadell, the country’s fourth largest bank, has already announced it will move out of the region to Alicante over fears for its future. CaixaBank, another large bank has also decided to move its registered office to Mallorca in light of the situation in Catalonia. With Santander also recently buying the struggling Banco Popular for €1 some would

Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower

question the wisdom of holding too much capital in the Spanish Banking system. For long term savings expats have the option to hold funds outside of Spain. However, with new ISA’s not available to Spanish Residents an International Bond could provide a suitable alternative whilst also providing Tax efficiency. If you have any questions regarding investing, or would like to arrange an independent, professional and impartial consultation please contact me by email christina.brady@blacktowerfm. com or call me on 658 892 330. The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.




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Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing


“Hear, kitty, kitty, kitty”

An important part of keeping your cat healthly and happy is checking and cleaning their ears. Because the ears are one of the few parts that cats can not reach themselves they need a little help from a loving owner. Keeping your cats ears clean is extremely important because any unremoved dirt, debris, or wax can clog the ears and cause infections. Regular ear cleaning at home augment’s your cats own natural grooming habits.

1. How to check the ears During petting, casually check your cats ears for discharge, redness, unpleasant smell, swelling, and even lumps. Also observe your cat’s behaviour, if he often scratches or paws at his ears (and sometimes even shakes his head often), then he might be feeling discomfort in the ear area. If you notice that your cats ears are becoming painful or inflamed, visit a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian has the equipment to look deep into your cat’s ear canal and give an

accurate diagnosis. The veterinarian will determine if allergies, skin conditions, ear mites, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi are causing ear diseases. Seek early treatment, or your cat’s ear condition may become too late to heal.

2. How to clean the ears Ask your veterinarian for gentle ear cleaning solutions you can use to keep your cats ears clean. These special solutions are effective in removing excess wax, moisture, and debris from your cat’s outer ear canal. Be sure to use only solutions that are specifically formulated for cats. Avoid medicated solutions, unless your veterinarian advises you to use it. Different solutions are administered differently, but most of them require you to follow these steps. * You typically only need a few drops of the ear solution. Squeeze the bottle and let a few drops fall on into your cat’s ear canal. * Start massaging the base of your cats

ear gently. You should hear a ‘squelch’ while you do this. Repeat the same procedure with the other ear. After both ears have been cleaned, let your cat shake its head, this loosens the waxes.

* Wipe the solution by wrapping your forefinger with cotton wool, this should clean off wax and debris. Do this gently though and do not poke in too deep, or you might hurt your cats eardrum.

NOTE: Stop massaging immediately if your cat feels pain, and then take your cat to the veterinarian if you haven’t already done so.

It is recommended not to use cotton buds, which can injure the ear canals’ sensitive lining.


FRIDAY 20TH OCT 2017 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing



10 Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer You Should Not Ignore By Family Medical Centre

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women worldwide. It occurs in the cells of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). Women of all ages are at risk of developing this cancer after they begin having sexual intercourse. One of the frightening things about this cancer is that it does not show any symptoms in its early stages hence routine screening is vital. It is only after the disease has spread that symptoms begin to appear: 1. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Most women diagnosed with cervical cancer experience irregular vaginal bleeding. This includes bleeding between periods, after the menopause, after sexual intercourse or after a vaginal examination. Any abnormal vaginal bleeding should be viewed as suspicious of cancer until proven otherwise. 2. Heavier and Longer Menstrual Periods Menstrual periods that are heavier and longer than normal

are another common warning sign of cervical cancer. Bleeding is considered heavy if you have to change sanitary wear more often than once every 2 hours. 3. Unusual Vaginal Discharge Scant, clear, odorless vaginal discharge is normal. However, if vaginal discharge increases, smells foul or has an irregular appearance the cause should always be investigated. 4. Pain during Intercourse Painful intercourse is another important warning sign of cervical cancer. This symptom may indicate advanced cervical cancer 5. Pelvic Pain Pelvic pain is common among women, for many it is a normal part of the menstrual cycle and does not usually indicate the presence of cancer or any other serious condition. However, pain that lasts for longer periods of time, occurs more frequently or at unusual times could be a sign of cervical cancer. 6. Discomfort while Urinating Cervical cancer can also cause discomfort during urination. In fact, it is one of the most obvious and prevalent symptoms of this disease. 7. Loss of Bladder Control

If you have this problem without any known reason, it needs further evaluation as bladder control is a primary issue when suffering from cervical cancer. 8. Unexplained Weight Loss As with other forms of cancer, unexplained weight loss can indicate cervical cancer. When suffering from cancer, the immune system works hard to fight it. The body produces small proteins called cytokines, which break down fat at a much higher rate than normal. This leads to weight loss, irrespective of diet. 9. Constant Fatigue We all have days when we feel ‘worn out’ but constant unexplained tiredness may be cause for concern. 10. Leg Pain Women diagnosed with cervical cancer often experience swelling and pain in their legs. When caused by cervical cancer, the pain tends to be constant and gradually increases in intensity. At times, there also may be back pain. The chances of

successfully treating cervical cancer are higher if it is detected during the early stages. With the uptake of regular smear

tests and the availability HPV vaccination, it has become possible to treat as well as prevent cervical cancer.




Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing


Family Friendly Activities Around Estepona Estepona on the Costa del Sol is a great place for a short family holiday. The charming town captivates visitors with its maze of white streets, decked with colourful pots brimming with flowers - it is the very essence of a coastal Andalusian town. It has conserved its customs and traditions and has blended them seamlessly with its more modern side. Its location between sea and mountain, excellent climate, modern infrastructure, quality sports facilities, standout hotels, gastronomy and varied cultural options make Estepona one of the best, but least known spots on the Costa del Sol. It is a wonderful place for families, with a host of great facilities for children. Here are five highlights for families with young children from the team at the Kempinski Hotel Bahía 1. Visit a playground – There are loads of great playgrounds around Estepona, with an enormous play park stretching along the seafront promenade, as well as many on the beach and in parks. 2. Discover the Orchidarium – This is a botanical garden inside a space age glass dome which has the largest orchid collection in Europe. With an indoor waterfall and lots to look at this is a lovely activity for all the family. 3. Go on safari at Selwo Zoo – Just outside Estepona is this excellent zoo for all the family including lions, tigers, zebras, elephants and much more. Book in for the safari and you

Read Online Weekender.News

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can even feed the zebras and hippos, getting very close to all the animals and learning lots of great information from the keepers. 4. Feed the bunnies at Funky Forest Café – This is a lovely café with good food and an outside play area including a playhouse, swings, a slide and an indoor playroom. There are even bunnies, which you can feed and pet. 5. Play all day at Mundo Mania – This is an enormous soft play area, with outside zone including trampolines and multisport pitch and a great café. There’s also a water area for the warmer months. Kempinski Hotel Bahía in Estepona is promoting family travel this autumn with the Family Escape package. Families visiting the hotel in October and November will get a guaranteed upgrade, and free accommodation and dinner for children.

This offer is based on children sharing a room with their parents and eating from the delicious kids’ menu in the evening. It includes a lavish daily breakfast, perfect for little guests. The breakfast area includes a Kid’s Corner with a choice of cereals, freshly cut fruits, pancakes and pastries all served on mini-tables. Find out more about the Family Escape Package on their website. The Kempinski Hotel Bahía enjoys a privileged position by the beach, surrounded by luscious subtropical gardens and just 3km from the beautiful town of Estepona. It is the only 5* Grand Luxe hotel in the area, with 128 spacious rooms and 17 luxury suites, a spa and four restaurants offer guests a wide range of Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine. Find out more at:


FRIDAY 20TH OCT 2017 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All editions of “Gardening on the Costa Blanca” can be found at or visit for more information.

GARDENING ON THE COSTA BLANCA - Part 12 Mention was made in last week’s article about “a high potassium fertiliser” and, perhaps, more should be explained about this. That different soils produce different types of plants is obvious as one travels around. Here we mostly garden on soils with a limestone basis, hence their alkaline nature, while granite is one of the rocks which produce acid soils.

This is measured by the pH scale which may sound very daunting but, really couldn’t be simpler - if a soil is neutral , it is rated as 7 on the scale, any soil measured at less than 7 is called acidic while anything above up to 14 is alkaline. (There are no soils which reach anywhere near 14 – the high figures refer to things

like borax and bicarbonate of soda). Our soil is generally about 8.5 on the scale. Testing kits can be bought quite cheaply (it’s the old Litmus paper thing). It is possible for different parts of the garden to give different readings – perhaps where there have been lots of pine needles – but check to see how deep this goes before jumping to conclusions. Basically the problem is that some nutrients cannot be efficiently absorbed by plant roots if soil pH is too high. The pH value can be changed by additives such as sulphur but it is probably easier and cheaper to grow plants which have adapted to these conditions. Now, as well as the pH factor, soils also contain varying amounts of different plant nutrients and these produce different effects on plant growth. The 3 basic (macro) elements involved are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium generally abbreviated to NPK (although the name Potassium


comes from potash, someone must have gone upmarket when giving it a chemical symbol, because the K comes from Kalium the Latin for potash!). The three numbers listed on fertilizer labels correspond to the percentage of these materials found in the fertilizer. In addition to other properties, Nitrogen helps plant foliage to grow strong. Phosphorous helps roots and flowers grow and develop. Potassium is important for overall plant health. So, when you want your plants to grow green and quickly, you feed them a high nitrogen fertiliser, then when flowers and fruit are wanted, you change to a “high potassium fertilizer” as mentioned above. In addition to



the big three (macro) elements, here are also secondary macro nutrients such as Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur and beyond them come the micro or trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Boron ,Molybdenum and Copper . Many commercial fertilizers will indicate that they contain these trace elements in addition to the main ones. As an example of how plants have developed to cope with particular conditions, Australian soils are generally

We are a friendly group who enjoy gardening and gardens. Our meetings are normally held on the 1st Wednesday in each month from October to June in Meeting Room (Aula) 1 on the 1st floor of La Senieta in Moraira next to the free car park used for the Market on Fridays. Meetings commence at 2:30 pm and finish at about 4:30pm.Visitors including holiday makers are always welcome – admission is by a donation of 3€ per person. Our attempts at a regular meeting date are sometimes interrupted by Fiestas etc and it is for this reason that our next meeting is on Wednesday, 8th November at 2.30 in La Senieta. Google “Costa Blanca Gardeners Circle” will provide you with our website.

considered to be deficient in Potassium and so some Australian plants actually resent being planted in soils with quite ordinary levels of this mineral. Hardenbergia violacea (Australian lilac), Grevillea banksii and Alyogyne huegelii (often labelled as Blue Hibiscus) are often available locally and beautiful but are frequently short lived probably because of this. More next week.



FRIDAY 20TH OCT 2017 Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles | TV


What’s ON TV

Food Unwrapped Season 12 Episode 1 of 4

Jimmy Doherty, Kate Quilton and Matt Tebbutt return to unveil more secrets about the world of massproduced food. Jimmy finds out that shellfish consumed by millions have been feeding on plastic discarded in the sea, with shocking global implications.

Channel 4 9:00pm Fri 20 Oct

Travel Man NEW SERIES - 48 Hours in Rome - Reluctant tourist Richard Ayoade embarks on another series of international trips, accompanied by a famous travelling companion. To begin with, he is joined by comedian Matt Lucas for a frenetic 48 hours in the Italian capital.

Channel 4 9:30pm Fri 20 Oct

QI NEW SERIES The long-running comedy quiz show returns, as Sandi Toksvig poses more perplexing questions to a selection of celebrity guests. As ever, the panellists will not necessarily be expected to deliver the correct answers, and Sandi will be handing out points to those who provide the `most interesting’ guesses. Challengers joining regular quizzer Alan Davies this week are Bill Bailey, Phill Jupitus and Claudia Winkleman

BBC2 11:00pm Fri 20 Oct


NEW SERIES Following the death of Elizabeth I, King James of Scotland claims the English throne, and the country goes to war with Catholic Spain. Three-part historical drama, starring Kit Harington as Catesby - his own ancestor - alongside Liv Tyler, Mark Gatiss, Derek Riddell and Tom Cullen

BBC1 10:10pm Sat 21 Oct

We Have Been Watching NEW SERIES Episode 1 of 5 Comedians and comedy actors, including David Baddiel, Richard Herring, Meera Syal and Josie Lawrence, gather together for a night in front of the TV, watching clips from classic sitcoms and sketch shows both old and new. They provide fresh insight, smart observations and hilarious anecdotes to the shows we have loved over the last 50 years

GOLD 10:40am Sat 21 Oct

Grown Ups (2010)

Five friends reunite for the funeral of their high-school basketball coach. However, when they discover they have all acquired the problems and responsibilities that come with adulthood, they decide to spend a weekend at a lake house in a bid to recapture their childhood. Comedy,

ITV2 7:45pm Sat 14 Oct


FRIDAY 20TH OCT 2017 TV | Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles



V This Week

All T i Show mes n Ar e Span ish

Robot Wars


BBC2 9:00pm Sun 22 Oct

BBC2 9:00pm Mon 23 Oct

Left Behind (2014)

Elizabeth I’s Secret Agents -

NEW SERIES - Dara O Briain and Angela Scanlon present a new format for the contest. Among the new twists are a new hazard that fills the arena with fog, Robot Redemption rounds, in which losing teams have a chance to get back into the contest, and the show’s biggest ever battle, the Ten Robot Rumble, in which 10 teams battle to the death with no time limit

LAST IN SERIES - The Luxury of Conscience Albert resents Lehzen’s influence over the queen, and fears she is putting the health of their children at risk. The prince also unwittingly creates problems for Peel, who is facing the most important battle of his political career as he takes a stand against the corn laws.

CHANNEL 5 7:10pm Sun 22 Oct

Louis Theroux: Dark States LAST IN SERIES Murder In Milwaukee The reporter examines gun crime and racial tensions in the US city, where the homicide rate is 12 times the national average and the police are frequently regarded with distrust.

BBC2 10:00pm Sun 22 Oct

NEW SERIES Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Martin HughesGames return to showcase the season’s wildlife from their base at the National Trust’s Sherborne Park in Gloucestershire, updating viewers on some of the characters seen at the end of Springwatch and introducing a whole host of new faces.

NEW SERIES Documentary featuring dramatic reconstructions and interviews with historians to examine the network of spymasters and secret agents that helped protect Elizabeth I from assassination, terror and treason for more than 40 years.

BBC2 10:00pm Mon 23 Oct

Piers Morgan’s Life Stories NEW SERIES

IKim Cattrall is the first guest as the chat show returns, with the actress revealing why she turned down Sex and the City 3 and talking about her relationship with the other cast members following rumoured feuds. She also opens up to Piers about her three marriages and discusses why she was forced to pull out of a West End play.

ITV 10:00pm Mon 23 Oct




Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles



Across 1 Yellow cage-bird (6) 4 Self-centred person (6) 8 Baffle (5) 9 Program for accessing the World Wide Web (7) 10 Rudolf --, ballet dancer (7) 11 Traditional board game (5) 12 Of ill-repute (9) 17 Cook’s garb (5) 19 Venetian canal boat (7) 21 Snubs (7) 22 Fries (5) 23 Cold (6) 24 Largest of the Channel Islands (6)

Down 1 Gambling establishment (6) 2 Uncharged atomic particle (7) 3 Reimburse (5) 5 One of the Marx Brothers (7) 6 Point of debate (5) 7 Song bird (6) 9 Drinks (9) 13 Melodious (7) 14 Tales (7) 15 Material (6) 16 Go past (4,2) 18 Leader of a Jewish congregation (5) 20 Mother-of-pearl (5)



7 It’s a small world (5,6) 8 Drilling is uninteresting (6) 9 River skirting the end of Birnam Wood (6) 10 Purchased a branch on time (6) 12 Song and dance advertisement (6) 13 Output of mine some prospector exploited (3) 14 Team about to take on inventor (6) 16 One member’s allowed out for shellfish (6) 18 Invent cosmetics (4-2) 20 Take no notice of developing region (6) 22 Team-leader, chef, explorer (7,4)


1 Some ammonia found in military stores (4) 2 Noise constrained by English final (6) 3 Bring hot nuts from seaside resort (8) 4 Coins put into it may be lost (4) 5 Thin layer, round, neither vegetable nor mineral (6) 6 See great variety in accommodation aboard ship (8) 11 Red canon joining the artillery (8) 12 Sign able to confuse some Europeans (8) 15 See about shelter, being ready for bed (6) 17 Half a minute at present for fish (6) 19 Have in mind a scale drawing (4) 21 Gardening tool for a dissolute fellow (4)

For Crossword & Sudoku answers - See Page 38






FRIDAY 20H OCT 2017 Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles



Music stops for

LIBRA (Sept 24th-Oct 23rd) ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Having to handle a heavy It’s a day to rely on your workload won’t bother you intelligence and intellectual at all at the start of the week, intuition, so don’t be afraid as you know the situation will to use it. You’re intuitive and probably change significantly inspirational and will manage to as the days go on so make the make just about everything go ARIES LIBRA most of this positive beginning. your way. You have several tasks to complete in a short time frame, but you’ll Clear the decks for what may happen by the weekend and don’t plan anything too manage. Don’t sweat it. strenuous. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

SCORPIO (Oct 24th-Nov 22nd)

It’s a great day and a great week When it comes to others looking for getting along with others. in on your social life, you create Don’t be too shy to put you a powerful impression and point of view across, even in few people will fail to notice situations that are not familiar your presence. Friends and TAURUS colleagues appreciate your SCORPIO too you. It’s unlikely your opinions would be derided, in forthright manner as they know exactly how you feel about situations. People fact quite the opposite, and this may lead you to making new allies. you don’t know may find you a bit pushy.

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st)

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th)

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

AQUARIUS (Jan 21st-Feb 19th)

VIRGO (August 24th-Sept 23rd)

PISCES (Feb 20th-March 20th)

It could be inspiring to seek out new Co-operation is required on a contacts today as well as getting a grand scale today and you’ll get great deal from people who figure it as long as you don’t allow your in your life more prominently than ego to get in the way. With one they’ve done in the past. Personal influence or another its now GEMINI as big as a bus and that brings SAGITTARIUS relationships are looking good and you’ve got more than a slim chance problems when you come up against similar types. The more modest you are of getting ahead financially. the greater the rewards will be.

You know how to enjoy yourself You’ll have a natural talent for and will be so flexible in your communication this week with attitude that others may not Mercury in a great position recognise you at all. Winning in your chart. It’ll keep you others round to your point of chatting throughout the whole CANCER day and beyond. You might CAPRICORN view should be easy and there are gains to be made from even talk in your sleep so keen are you to let people know how you really feel simply looking at life with the wonderful sense of humour you have. about everything.

An unexpected boost washes You may need the bright lights over you today and you’ll be of the social world to cheer you able to relate more directly up today. There’s a number of to the world at large. You’re astrological reasons to explain more understanding and more why you’re slightly down in sympathetic than has sometimes the dumps, but there’s no real LEO been the case too. It’s unusual to AQUARIUS reason to let these spoil your find Leo willing to listen to the points of view of day. Keep in the mainstream at work and avoid others, but you’re doing so with bells on. unnecessary controversy.

The boost you’re experiencing It certainly isn’t the most today doesn’t come from the progressive day of the month, lunar high, but instead it comes but bite the bullet and get on from a mixture of determination with it. The lunar low makes and staying power, both of you feel sluggish and could which you have in spades right PISCES see you putting off something VIRGO now. Very little will knock you you’ve been planning for a off the carefully chosen path you’ve worked to while. Make today your own by doing exactly be on, so success is the result. what takes your fancy. Why not.



COMEDIAN Sean Hughes, best known as one of the original team captains on comedy panel show “Never Mind the Buzzcocks”, died this week aged 51. Hughes was the youngest winner of the Perrier Award for comedy which he won in 1990 aged 24; he then varied his career between stand-up, TV work, films and panel shows. Fellow Buzzcocks captain Phil Jupitus, who

sat alongside Hughes for six years on the show, described the Irishman as “funny, dry, off kilter and unapologetic” while tributes poured in from all corners of the comedy and showbiz world. By his own admission Hughes lived a hedonistic lifestyle and died of a

heart attack related to cirrhosis of the liver. His last tweet on 8 October, a week before his death said simply “In hospital.”





Peugeot 5008 (2017)

If you like the style and impressive technology of the 3008, but you need a bit more space, then the Peugeot 5008 is the answer. It has a practical second row of three individual seats, all of which have Isofix mounting points, plus there are two additional, occasional-use seats that fold out of the boot floor.

Aside from that it’s very much like the smaller 3008 – and that’s a good thing. The cabin is really classily laid out, the materials feel plush and there’s a wealth of technology including a fully-digital instrument binnacle, like Audi Virtual Cockpit, as standard even on the entry-level car. There’s masses of space in the middle row of seats and they all slide and recline individually, so most siz-

es and shapes of person can get comfy. The third row of seats is standard and, while only really meant for occasional use, it’s fine for kids and folds away neatly. The rearmost seats can also be removed entirely. The engine range is shared with the 3008, so there are the impressive 1.2-litre and 1.6-litre Puretech petrol engines plus 1.5-litre and 2.0 HDi diesel. They’re all punchy and torquey, but if you carry a full car regularly one of the 2.0-litre diesel options will be a better bet, thanks to the stronger, broader spread of torque.

The ride quality is good, with decent comfort levels even on bumpy road surfaces. Severe potholes do send a bit of a thump into the cabin, but on the whole things are quiet and relaxed. The tiny steering wheel – a Peugeot trademark - doesn’t take too long to get used to and is accurate, plus there’s plenty of grip and predictable handling. If you have a bigger family, the Peugeot 5008 is a great car. The Skoda Kodiaq is its closest rival and it’s better-finished – but it doesn’t come with seven seats as standard and doesn’t have quite as much equipment if you go for a lower trim level - so there’s plenty to recommend about the 5008.





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Motorway claims life

Biker drives off bridge By Simon Russell

Puzzle Solutions

A young man from Tavernes (La Safor) had to be rescued by the emergency services after driving his motorbike off the road and falling over eight metres down a bridge embankment. He was in a group of motorcyclists when the accident happened between Benimassot and Tollosa in

the Alicante province. His machine slipped on the road surface and he took the tumble, which is when emergency services were called out. A firecrew managed to stretcher him out, although he was complaining of neck and head pains. He was transferred to Alcoy Hospital in an emergency ambulance and is being monitored.


By Matthew Richards

A 50-year-old motorcycle rider was killed on the AP-7 motorway where it runs past Gata de Gorgos (Marina Alta) last Tuesday. The incident happened at around midnight and though an


ambulance arrived at the scene quickly the man was already dead. Witnesses said that he was travelling normally and suddenly skidded off the motorway where it is thought he died on impact. Early the next day another motorbike rider suffered an accident in the Marina Alta, this time on the CV-700 between El Verger and Pego. The 18-year-old ended up trapped in a metal fence and had to be extricated by the fire department. He had sustained a fractured arm and bad bruising but was allowed to leave hospital later the same day.



FRIDAY 20TH OCT 2017 Food | Drink | Leisure | Events


Out & About


Boats & The Coast

CBYA Visits the Volvo Ocean Race Village Members of the Costa Blanca Yacht Association (CBYA) enjoyed a VIP tour of the Volvo Ocean Race Village in Alicante ahead of crews casting off and it proved to be a most memorable occasion for everyone. The Volvo Ocean Race, formerly known as the Whitbread Round the World Race, is a yacht race around the world, and is held every three years. Alicante is the host city for this event for the 4th time running, and also holds its World Headquarters for this event. The race between the seven specially

designed Volvo Ocean 65 yachts began on October 22, and the crews will complete 10 legs of the race - finishing in the Netherlands; expected to arrive in The Hague sometime in June 2018. The 35 members were met by Volvo Ocean Race personnel, and given an extensive private tour of the World Headquarters. It was an eye-opening journey through the behind-the-scenes operations of this extreme sailing competition. A guided tour of the Vestas 11th Hour Racing yacht was arranged for the CBYA



By Simon Russell

JAVEA’S Mayor has admitted that the town faces a difficult balancing act between encouraging tourism and protecting the environment in the area. Jose Chulvi said that while the natural beauty around Javea is one of the main reasons so many people from Spain and worldwide

members, and the Vestas team provided their private rib inflatable tender for use to ferry the members to the sailing yacht. A comprehensive tour was given by Vestas Crew members and previous Volvo Ocean Race competitors Tony Mutter and Stacey Jackson. Once aboard, it was incredible to see the living conditions that nine crew members will experience over the next nine months. Tony Mutter explained in detail how each and every crew is responsible for sailing the yacht and getting to their destination as quickly as possible and

holiday there, the sheer numbers are a potential threat to spots such as the Granadella and Cala Blanca. The town has taken steps such as restricting access to sea caves and also access by private vehicles on-land in the worst affected areas. Boats are also restricted as to where they can anchor so that delicate beds of seagrass, for example, are not damaged. However taking steps such as a tourist tax would be very controversial he admitted. The Mayor made his comments at an environmental conference in Formentera earlier this month.

responding to the various sailing conditions that they will face. The CBYA is a Yacht Association that participates in regular regattas along the Costa Blanca throughout the year using both TOMs racing yachts, and larger cruising yachts. Memberships to the CBYA are minimal at just 25 Euros a year for singles or 35 Euros a year for couples, and members are of all nationalities. For more information about CBYA, visit or



Out & About

Food | Drink | Leisure | Events


Kathmandu Nepalese & Indian Restaurant

Kathmandu Nepalese & Indian Restaurants are one of the leading names in the Costa Blanca for a dining experience that is truly memorable, a night out for dinner is a pleasure that we all Brits love but even more so for those with a taste for spicy food. Personally I love it; Mexican, Thai and my favourite is Indian cuisine. Going to a Kathmandu was something that I had decided was going to be an experience mainly because I had heard so many great things about them. Most surprising for me was the fact that they are the only restaurant chain specifically

for Indian and Nepalese cuisine across the popular towns of Costa Blanca, Albir, Moraira, Javea and Denia. I have seen the restaurant in Moraira and Javea many times when in those towns and more recently, when the chain opened a new restaurant in Albir, I was really looking forward to visiting it. So now was my time: upon arriving at Albir, I could see that the tables were mainly taken so luckily I had made a reservation. We sat down to be greeted by one of the family behind this successful restaurant chain. Pushpa took the time to chat to us and was most welcoming before we were served with drinks and popadoms. There was a choice of four dips served mint, onion, mango and Nepalese chutney. The combination of the dips were exactly what I wanted to get the old taste buds flowing. Served next was the mixed starter; a

display of chicken tikka, vegetable pakora, onion bhaji and chicken pakora. The plate looked amazing and everything was cooked to perfection with soft mouth-watering chicken and soft spicy batter coating with the pakora. When looking at the menu I was drawn towards a favourite of mine, chicken chilli a Nepalese dish that has a distinct combination: tender barbecued chicken cooked in Nepalese spices with a creamy spicy sauce touched with green chillies. The other main was the chicken tikka masala, very popular with those who prefer a smooth sweet tomato sauce, a typical Indian mild curry with ground almonds, butter & fresh cream. For me a curry has to be with some side accompaniments - and I just adore sag panir with garlic naan for good measure. Talking to my partner throughout the eating experience, I said that I am simply amazed that the standard of cooking and the Indian food experience as a whole has improved immensely for me here in Spain. I remember the days when going out for

a curry in the Costa Blanca was a lottery. I had some bad experiences; a few others that were reasonable, and very few good experiences. So when eating at Kathmandu I could actually say half way through the starter: “wow! this is good.” The chef’s skills were top-class. The succulent quality chicken breast together with ingredients that were authentic. All enjoyed in comfortable surroundings with air conditioning inside and spacious comfortable seating outside. Enjoy the 9.95 € lunch menu with 3 course Special set evening menu is 13,95€ The restaurant also does free home delivery in Moraira and surrounding area. Find the Kathmandu in four locations: L’Albir - 865 677176 Denia - 965 78 43 45 Javea - 966 47 16 84 Moraira - 966 49 24 36 See the Kathmandu Advert below for address and further details.


FRIDAY 20TH OCT 2017 Food | Drink | Leisure | Events

Out & About


Early festive treat CHRISTMAS arrives earlier every year and there is a chance to enjoy a festive treat and help local charities at the Casa Santonja Christmas Fayre on the weekend of 11th and 12th November. This beautiful mansion house in Beniarbeig is a family home and a popular wedding venue but the grounds and gardens are rarely open to the public. However, everyone has the chance to see them for themselves between noon and 6pm on 11th November and 11am to 4pm on 12th November. The fair features more than 50 gift stalls and there will be homemade food and festive treats, together with a cracker full of entertainment, throughout the weekend. The owners have also agreed to open the private family chapel for guests to light a candle in memory or loved ones; children can visit

Santa’s Grotto and write a letter to Father Christmas. Organiser Ann Martin – pictured with Tony Grande at a Casa Santonja event in April – said the €1 entrance with go to Tony’s Make A Smile; other charities to benefit from the vent will be Help of Denia and the Marina Alta, the Red Cross, podenco and greyhound rescue Tanamara, and Dusty’s Homestead and Hope Restoration Centre.

Organiser Ann Martin – pictured with Tony Grande

Love songs

By Jack Troughton

LOVE is in the air as Caprice – the versatile Costa Blanca ladies choir – performs in aid of the Calpe and Benissa Lions Club on Thursday 26th October. The show ‘Love is Here to Stay’ will bring the town’s Salon Blau alive as the singers, led by conductor Aileen Lightfoot and accompanied on piano by Kirsty Glen, get all romantic. The concert is based on a theme of love and includes well-known numbers from the shows as well as Gershwin and Carpenters favourites, all featuring the choir’s lovely harmonies. And together with some lesser known ‘gems’ and two very quirky modern madrigals – one exploring the

role of social media in people’s love lives – the programme offers something for everyone. The will also be a taste of Caprice’s spring concert next year, including some foot-tapping jazz numbers. The concert starts at 7.30pm; tickets are €10 are available from Margaret & Elena’s Card and Bookshop, Galerias Mar Azul, Gabriel Miro, Calpe, or from the Lions Shop, at Calle Pintor Sorolla 15, Calpe. Tickets can also be ordered by contacting musical director Aileen on 696 514 613 or by email at aileen@ For more information Caprice visit www. or go to the Caprice Facebook page.

Ulster’s inspiration

INTERNATIONAL floral artist James Burnside is the guest demonstrator at the Marina Alta Costa Blanca Floral Club on Thursday 26th October. A founder member and Life President of the Ulster Floral Art Society; he is a keen competitor and also a NAFAS judge, teacher and adjudicator; a keen gardener he is known for using plant material in his creations. The Ulsterman has received many international awards – including Horticultural Perfection at WAFA in New Zealand and a gold medal at Canada Bloom.

At the Salon de Actos, La Senieta, Moraira, James will present ‘Inspired By’ and hopes to get people following his tips. Doors open at 2pm and everyone should be seated by 2.45 pm. Entrance is €5 for members and €8 for guests. The flowers are provided by Paichi Garden Centre, Moraira, and all exhibits will be raffled at the end of the afternoon. For further information contact Lynn on 96 640 5426 or visit or the club’s Facebook page.

All systems go for ‘Mega Quiz’ COSTA Blanca quiz teams have another opportunity to go head to head as the annual ‘Mega Quiz’ returns on Wednesday 15th November. The grey matter will be tested again to help raise funds for the Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy. The venue is Javea’s Inn on the Green. The Question Master is Sue McNae - helped by her husband Colin, who looks after the scoring – and they have prepared another exciting barrage of

questions covering a whole range of subjects. Tickets are €12 including a oneplate supper and teams of four to eight players are welcome. To book call Sue on 96 649 7159. The money raised will help to support the continuing work of the Anglican Chaplaincy and the various charities it supports. For more information, visit





Rugby La Vila Host Ordizia RE this Sunday in a must win match By Tony Fox

Beating the Basque team, lying three positions above La Vila in the league, will be a tough task but the home side must win to restore both the supporters and their own beliefs that last seasons triumphs were not a ‘flash in the pan’. Ordizia were beaten by just five points by El Salvador, currently unbeaten league leaders, in their home

encounter but were beaten seven points by Santboiana also at home. La Vila’s only win this season was against that team by seven points so we should be in for an exciting evenly balanced match. The La Vila coach has had a two week break to work out their line-out and defence problems plus quicken up their phases. This is the third of eleven home games and to survive in this

division they must beat the lower teams at home. To give you an idea of the calibre in this division Santboiana made the super cup final last Sunday but were beaten by VRAC Quesos currently lying second in the division. La Vila all seater Stadium is just off the Autopista at exit 66 in VilaJoyosa and is well signposted. Entrance is just 5 euros, with under 18’s free.

Facelift for locker rooms THE changing rooms at the sports field in Albir are to receive a major renovation at the start of next year. The L’Alfas del Pi council have set aside €40,000 for the project, most of which will be spent on replacing the prefabricated

blocks with new structures. The new blocks will have five showers and two bathrooms when work is set to begin in January. Once the project commences the works team will also take the opportunity

to resolve the drainage problems on the field near the changing rooms. The Town Hall’s Sports Department have also announced plans to replace the artificial grass on the pitch, probably around the middle of 2018.





By Eric Malpus

After what seemed like an eternity the Premier League & the Alfaz Fantasy Football League returned to action after the 2nd International break last week. There were 9 Premier League games which contributed to the Fantasy 26 goals, none from top Marksmen Harry Kane & Romelu Lukaku who drew blanks at the Weekend, only 4 clean sheets( and we know where 2 of them came from), 30 yellow cards and 1 red one which was West Ham’s Andy Carroll who was sent off for 2 yellows within the space of 99 seconds,both for elbows when contesting headers. We have not had any own goals since the 2nd week of the Season so along came 2 at once when Manchester City’s Kyle Walker and Chelsea’s Cesar Azpilicuenta decided to help their opponents. Ryan’s team My Gilfy Pleasure joined Darren’s team Daz XI at the top of the A.F.F.L. thanks to Manchester City’s Raheem Sterling and Southampton’s Manolo Gabbiadini who between them clocked up 23 points. Isobel’s team The Bluebells are only 7 points behind the Leaders in 3rd place while Leon’s Racing Sandancer made up ground on the early pacesetters by jumping up 2 places to 4th spot.Down at the opposite end of the table, Liverpool Fan Tommy is coming under more pressure than his Hero Jergen Klopp has his team Quantrill’s Raiders are beginning to drift away from the rest of the pack. In our Mark Carter Ladies Section Isabel’s Bluebells have stepped on the gas and opened up a 27 point lead over 2nd placed Marilyn’s Super Saints 2nd at the top. The clean sheet for Manchester United helped Kim’s Ginger United remain in 3rd place and hold off the challenge from Lisa Marie’s Los Cracks who are just below them. There was only one team with a minus score this week and that was Reggie’s Rejects who are now in a relegation battle along with Laura’s Legends in the basement. Robbie’s Tea & Busquets have had their advantage at the top of our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League cut to only 14 points by the fast moving Wade’s team Alli Barber. Former front runner Harrison’s team Boden’s Boys are feeling the pressure and have now slipped down to 3rd. Down at the very foot of the table there is a real ding

dong battle going on between Harley’s Ginger Ninjar and last Season’s Champions of this Section Leo’s 6 in a Row who are only 1 point ahead. In our Golden Boot League Wayne’s team, Two Years Running, Maybe have managed to hold on to the Summit for the last 5 weeks and they remain 12 points ahead of Joe’s Keith Lard F.C.Steven’s Krokodil F.C. have swapped places with Daz XI and are now in 3rd place just a couple of points behind Joe’s team.Two teams are sharing the load at the bottom and they are Ken’s Dynamite Alfaz and Shawn’s Thrummy’s Cool who are both on 22 points 10 points behind Altea Springboks and Reggie’s Rejects. The 1st 2 teams going into our Monthly Wyndham’s Wine Draw are Chris’s In It to Win It who top scored with a tally of 51 points and Reggie’s Rejects who got the lowest score of a minus 1, unfortunately, two of their team scored minus 5 Stoke’s on loan Zouma & nasty Boy Andy Carroll. Manager of the Month for October is being kindly sponsored by Sarita’s Restuarant in Albir who provide authentic Indian Cuisine served on a lovely Terrace Garden. With only one week gone Chris’s In It to Win It lead the way with 3 points advantage over Alfie’s Heroes.Three teams are all level in the 3rd spot, My Gilfy Pleasure, Racing Sandancer and Duncanhighlandgrange are all in contention for this super meal for 2 at this top Restuarant in Albir. The fastest moving team this week is Chris’s In It to Win It who leapt up 79 places to number 59 which qualifies him for a good olde English Breakfast for 2 sponsored by the Bar Code in Alfaz. The draw for the 1st round of our Weekender K.O.Cup Competition is now up on our website.The present leaders of the Fantasy Daz XI have been drawn against one of our Lady Managers teams Elaine’s The Titan Tykes while Paul’s team Glory Leeds United’s reward for knocking out last Season’s winners of the cup is a tie against Lee’s Walkden Town.Our top Junior team Robbie’s Tea & Busquets have a tough draw playing against Liverpool 94. All ties to be played weekend 4th & 5th November and should provide plenty of fireworks. Any drawn ties will be replayed on the weekend 18th & 19th November. Good Luck to all the Fantasy Managers taking part.

Jukebox Football Predictions League


SPORT Week Friday 20th October 21:00 West Ham v Brighton EPL

Saturday 21st October 13:30 Chelsea v Watford EPL 16:00 Swansea v Leicester EPL 16:00 Newcastle v Crystal Palace EPL 16:00 Man City v Burnley EPL 16:00 Huddersfield v Man Utd EPL 16:00 Stoke City v Bournemouth EPL 18:30 Southampton v West Brom EPL


Sunday 22nd October 14:30 Everton v Arsenal EPL 14:30 Tottenham v Liverpool EPL

Saturday 28th October 13:30 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 18:30

Man Utd v Tottenham EPL West Brom v Man City EPL Watford v Stoke EPL Crystal Palace v West Ham EPL Liverpool v Huddersfield EPL Arsenal v Swansea City EPL Bournemouth v Chelsea EPL

Sunday 22nd October 14:30 Brighton v Southampton EPL 14:30 LEicester City v Everton EPL


Saturday 21st October Australia v New Zealand


r Sunday 22nd Octobe United States r Sunday 29th Octobe Mexico



Weekender Sport



Newcastle owner Mike Ashley has dropped the club’s asking price to £380m as he looks to complete a sale, The Times have reported. The decision came after a number of potential buyers signed non-disclosure agreements over the past few weeks. Ashley had originally valued the club at £400m during negotiations with Chinese investors last summer. Newcastle have now been on the market for several years, but have as yet been unable to find a buyer.

Ashley is reportedly hopeful that he can sell for more than double the £180m he paid for Newcastle ten years ago. But according to the Times, “brokers believe that he is being optimistic.” ”If somebody would like come along and take this seat and fund Newcastle with a nought on the end with their wealth more than me, I will not stand in Newcastle United’s way,” Ashley said last month, quoted by the Shields Gazette. “One of the reasons I’m doing this interview is that I

don’t think you’ll find there’s many people out there who will actually stand up and do it. “I think we’re going to be together a good while longer and we’ve got the man in Rafa (Benitez) and let’s hope that we can generate some funds and we give him some chance to get some building blocks going over the coming years.” Newly-promoted Newcastle currently sit in seventh place in the Premier League ahead of Sunday’s game against Brighton and Hove Albion at the Amex Stadium.

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