The Weekender Issue 9 Marina Baixa (benidorm)

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Marina Baixa

Your Weekend Starts Here!


IssueB #142

Your car hire around the world!

Friday 25th August


Ice Cool!

See Page 23


By Jack Troughton

SPANISH medical teams were “stunningly brilliant” as the health service immediately responded to perform emergency heart surgery and save the life of a Brit abroad. From a Costa Blanca health centre to the operating table and

critical aftercare, the treatment received by 41-year-old Simon Yates achieved a happy ending despite his family at one stage fearing the worst. Continued Page... 2

See Page 14



Praise For Spanish Health Service By Jack Troughton

Continued from front page. ...And the care received underlined the importance of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and the access to treatment it grants EU citizens visiting other member states. Simon’s father Barry told The Weekender: “What I would like to get over was the Spanish health service has been absolutely stunningly good; the speed they acted with and everything they said would happen, happened very quickly. It was stunningly good. “The timescales they organised were brilliant; bang, bang, bang! It was an unbelievable performance right the way through, I cannot praise them enough.” He said the treatment was made through the EHIC system and every traveller should make sure they applied for one. “However, that was not the issue; the whole focus was on Simon’s well-being, his condition was paramount.” Eight years ago, Simon suffered infective endocarditis, a severe infection of the heart which

needed surgery to replace a valve. Unfortunately, he also suffered a major stroke. It meant his world came “tumbling down” and his career as a computer engineer was cruelly ended. Simon’s parents Barry and Sheila also had to change their lifestyle, instead of spending six months a year in their Altea villa, Barry became his son’s principal carer at home in Redditch.

VISIT Simon’s brother Darren still lives in Spain and in June the family travelled to Altea to visit and they staged a barbeque at the start of the holiday. Barry said: “Simon started to exhibit pain and problems; a temperature and headaches. I was concerned it could be a reoccurrence of the heart condition; we rang Simon’s GP in the UK and he told us to get him to hospital ASAP.” They took Simon to Altea Health centre and were immediately referred to Villajoyosa Hospital, where in Accident and Emergency tests were taken and he was admitted to a ward.

When they returned, Barry said a doctor told them: “It is not good, Simon has a serious infection and we think it is attacking the heart valve again.” The specialists confirmed there was “no option” but surgery and because of the potential of a second major stroke, Simon was ordered to have bed rest as the hospital liaised with colleagues University Hospital Vinalopo in Elche. He was transferred and surgeons again underlined how grave the illness was. On 16th June, Simon underwent a five-and-a-half hour operation. Barry said: “Sheila and I met the surgeon when he came out. He said ‘in my experience I have never seen a valve so bad’. He said the bacteria – they call it vegetation – were present in an unbelievable quantity.”

CRITICAL The family was told the following 24 hours were critical as Simon remained in critical care in an induced coma. However, Barry said they were “devastated” when a doctor called to say it was

believed he had suffered another stroke. However, it was discovered the shaking down his left side was a condition left from his initial attack years before. As antibiotics successfully dealt with the infection, Simon returned to Villajoyosa Hospital on 22nd June and he was released on 11th July for remaining treatment at home with nurses visiting daily. The story has a happy ending. Barry said on 2nd August they went to see the surgeon at Elche. “We walked in and he said ‘how are you simon? I know you are all right because I can tell by a person’s smile when they walk through the door...and you are very good.”

He said while all the treatment was covered by the EHIC scheme, the “very grateful” had made a donation to the hospital research fund “as a mark of our appreciation”. Barry praised the medical teams for being upfront throughout. “They don’t sugar coat anything, they tell you what the problems are, I have learnt more here than in seven years in the UK. “Before we come on holiday again, I will make sure there are tests to insure there is not anything lurking in the background. I believe Simon arrived with the infection, given the condition of his heart valve. We went to hell and back with this one.”



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MEMORIES of the Manchester stadium bombing after the Ariana Grande concert in May came flooding back with the news of a gig being cancelled in Holland because of a terrorist threat. Spanish security forces alerted colleagues in Rotterdam and the incident came less than a week after 15 people died in jihadist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils. With Europe on heightened security, the authorities rightly pulled the plug on rock band the Allah-Las performing at the Maassilo on Wednesday – armed police wearing bulletproof vests later searched the venue. A Spanish van driver was arrested in Rotterdam following the warning. The back of the van was loaded with gas canisters and it was later reported the driver was drunk and had the containers as part of his job as a mechanic. However, yesterday (Thursday) morning a second suspect was arrested in the provincial town of Brahaut. This time, there was no suggestion the 22-year-old man was on the sauce and inquiries continue. The Allah-Las, who formed in laid back Los Angeles in 2008, were taken from the venue wearing body armour and probably regretting the choice of band name.

The Weekender (Registered Trademark Pending) Editor-In-Cheif Marco Baiardo - Y1153737-W. Deposito Legal - A375-2017. C/Castellion 5 Benidorm, 03500. The Weekender Newspaper, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor

The rock world likes a shocking title – the Sex Pistols caused a major stink back in the day because of the name, and the band’s first album ‘Never Mind the B*****ks’ upset a good few people too – and fair play to all those who play the so-called Devil’s music’. The Allah-Las admitted they have previously received threats from Muslims offended by the name (Allah is Arabic for God) but the heat did down when the band explained the choice of moniker; apparently they wanted something religious sounding after being inspired by iconic Scottish rockers Jesus and Mary Chain. On a high note, this week’s Weekender brings the warming tale of the Yates family with the heroic and life saving response of the Spanish health service to an emergency. Simon Yates, who was on holiday, succumbed to a potentially fatal heart infection. His family said from the time the doctors and nurses got involved to the all clear, there was a magnificent level of care; and care rather than bureaucracy was all important.

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Jack Troughton Editor - The Weekender

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Terror driver shot dead By Jack Troughton THE manhunt for the driver of the van in the Barcelona terrorist attack ended on Monday when the 22-year-old was shot dead by police. The suspect, Younes

Abouyaaquob, was wearing a fake suicide explosive belt and was reported to have shouted “Allahu Akbar” – God is Greatest – as armed officers closed in at a vineyard near

Sant Sadurni d’Anoia. Last Thursday, he is believed to have been at the wheel of the rented van that ploughed through crowds of the Catalan capital’s tourist hotspot, Las Ramblas; killing 13 people and injuring around 100. The driver escaped on foot and later hijacked a car on the outskirts of the city, stabbing the driver to death. Hours later another person was killed and six people injured when a car ploughed into a bar at the resort of Cambrils. Police shot five attackers dead; one officer killing four terrorists. Before the attacks, three were killed in an explosion at Alcanar on Wednesday night. They included imam Abdelbaki Es Satty, said to be the leader of the cell and responsible for radicalising the others. Security forces also arrested four men in the small town of Ripoll where

all the members of the jihadist cell lived; brothers and friends, all of Moroccan origin. The authorities believe the plot intended to use vehicles packed with explosives and gas canisters but this was thwarted when the Alcanar base, a bomb factory, was destroyed – targets included the iconic Gaudi-designed Barcelona cathedral Sagrada Familia. King Felipe and Queen Leticia attended a special Mass at the cathedral on Sunday after visiting victims of the attack in hospital and laying a wreath at Las Ramblas the previous day. The Spanish government has said the 12-strong jihadist cell had been “dismantled”. The country – like the UK - remains on a level four security alert, meaning an attack is “highly likely”. The Barcelona incident was Spain’s worst terrorist outrage since the Madrid train bombings of March 2004, when Islamist militants killed 191 people and injured more than 1,800 after detonating 10 bombs on four commuter trains – Europe’s bloodiest terror attack this century.



Landfill for “luxury” goods By Simon Russell

AS part of their heightened war against counterfeit goods, Alicante police oversaw the destruction of over 6,000 fake branded goods last week. Much of the items had been confiscated from San Juan beach where mainly Senegalese traders were selling the fake items. Brands that were copied included Nike, Puma, Louis Vitton, Chanel

and Adidas. Belts, shirts, sunglasses and trainers were among the items seized and destroyed as well as the easier to detect copy CD’s and DVD’s. Police believe they have arrested one of the ringleaders, a 43 year old Senegalese man, but that the problem is still rife, especially in the height of the tourist season.

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Plague of rats hits city By Jack Troughton

SOME of Alicante’s best known tourist spots are infested with rats, according to complaints from locals. The Esplanade and Garbinet areas are the worst affected, partly due to their location close to the port and the nearby sewage systems as well as food waste from the many local shops and restaurants. Another factor is people leaving out food for the feral cats that live in parks in the area. A pest control company has been looking into the problem,

focusing on the rats favoured urban habitats of sewers, bushes and palm trees. One local said that she saw three rats together in

a playground her children were in and that she was concerned for the safety of her kids when in the area.

By Simon Russell

A 44-year-old man died in a collision involving two vehicles on the CV-800 road in Mutxamel (Alicante) last weekend. Another man, also 44, has been admitted to San Juan Hospital with serious injuries and

Illegal lodgings concern By Simon Russell

BENIDORM’S hotelier association, HOSBEC, has confirmed that bookings are down on last year in the resort and is placing the blame firmly at the feet of unregistered accommodation. There

are around 300,000 less overnight stays so far this year than in 2016, a drop of around 9%. HOSBEC have said that data from airports, public transport and local traffic flow indicates that at least as many people are actually coming to the city, mean-

Alcohol a factor in death crash

ing that they must almost certainly be staying in illegal unregistered accommodation. Other Spanish tourist hotspots such as the Balearics and the Costa del Sol have been experiencing similar issues, said the association’s President Antonio Mayo.

also suffering from alcohol poisoning. The accident occurred at around 8pm on 20 August and the police say that the cause of the accident is unknown at this time, though doubtless the man’s alcohol level will play a part in the investigation.



Driver ees horror smash By Jack Troughton

A baby was among those injured in a multiple car crash near Villena in Alicante province on 19 August. A truck and two cars were left on the road while the driver of a foreign plated Mercedes also involved drove away, although witnesses said this vehicle caused the accident. As well as the three month old infant an older child was also taken to Santa Fe Hospital in Valencia while a man with multiple injuries

was transferred to Elda Hospital. Another adult was taken to Xativa Hospital and is understood to be on a life support machine. Some of the injured people had to be cut free by fire-crews and a woman had to be treated for a panic attack while another woman and a nine year old child escaped with only bruising. The N-334, where the crash occurred, was closed for more than two hours; police are seeking the driver of the Mercedes to question them about the crash.

Fighting the fruit-fly By Simon Russell

OVER 100 orchards and farms in Els Poble Nou de Benitatxell have installed traps provided by the council to help them battle the annual plague of fruit flies in the municipality. Farmers and smallholders wanting to take advantage of the scheme

submitted their application earlier this year and the traps have now been distributed. The Town Hall has said that they are very pleased with the response and stressed the importance of the citrus fruit sector on the local economy. The costs of the scheme were met by the rural development department of the Valencian Generalitat.


Local agriculture in serious crisis

Jack talks


By Jack Troughton

By Simon Russell

ALICANTE is going through a period of prolonged drought and warmer weather, something that is starting to have serious consequences for the more traditional crops in the region, according to a recent report by local farmers unions. Production of artichokes and broccoli has both reduced by around 40%, something seen as a trend rather

than a blip as climate change takes hold. Fruits, such as grapes, oranges and olives as well as nuts are all coping better with the warmer, drier climate and many farmers are slowly increasing their output of these. Others are turning to more exotic produce such as mangoes and avocadoes, both well suited to the hot weather, and also becoming increasingly popular across the supermarket shelves in Europe as consumers tastes become more adventurous.

NEGOTIATIONS are set to resume at the end of the month but London remains a hive of activity as more of the government’s position on Brexit are published. A series of the ‘position papers’ have been made public; some of the ideas receiving a bit of a frosty reception over the water at the European Union’s HQ. The Brexit department believes the ‘bulletins’ will continue to put pressure on Brussels ahead of the third round of talks. However, the EU negotiators believe the UK is simply not playing cricket. Europe wants the talks to follow an agreed timetable. It maintains things like future trade deals cannot be raised until agreement is thrashed out over citizens’ rights, the UK ‘divorce bill’, and the Northern Ireland border. Brexit Secretary David Davis believes the publication of position papers will “drive the talks forward” and show “beyond doubt” progress was being made. He also hopes – and don’t we all? – by showing at least some of the British hand, the ongoing gloom will lift; which should at least help meet some of the European directives on air quality. Mr Davis said: “These papers will help give business and consumers certainty and confidence in the UK’s status as an economic powerhouse after we leave the EU. “They also show that as we enter the third round of negotiations, it is clear that our separation from the EU and future relationship are inextricably linked. “We have already begun to set out what we would like to see from a future relationship on issues such as customs and are ready to begin a formal dialogue on this and other issues.” wThe EU thinks it has been bowled a googly. Brussels believes a “very clear structure” for talks is already in place and

while the papers are interesting and helpful “progress” must first be made on the three key issues. Prime Minister Theresa May has also come out to play and said when Britain draws stumps over Europe and heads back to the pavilion, the country will also leave the European Court of Justice’s jurisdiction. In another government bulletin, she said the UK would “take back control of our laws” but post-Brexit it was said British and European judges would keep “half an eye” on each other’s rulings. The European court is in charge of ensuring member states follow EU, but after Britain leaves, the government wants to make sure the country’s own judges get an umpire’s role. Meanwhile, economists have come out to bat. Professor Patrick Minford, lead author of report ‘Economists for Free Trade’, believes Hard Brexit will bring a £135 billion annual boost to the economy. He argues the UK will be able to reap the rewards of global free trade gains, boosted by deregulating the economy and other Brexit-related benefits. The full report called ‘From Project Fear to Project Prosperity’ will be published later this year, but the professor believes an “ideal solution” is striking up free trade deals around the world; including the EU. Those batting for Soft Brexit disagree and believe the plan amounts to “economic suicide” with Britain flooded by cheap imports. They argue bankruptcy and unemployment will soar as unfair competition takes hold and advise the government not to “touch this report with a barge pole”. The Brexit test match continues, the commentators say both sides still face a sticky wicket.



Lift death horror By Simon Russell

A woman died in a hospital in Seville after her head became trapped in the door of a lift on 20 August. It appears that the safety device that should have stopped the lift from ascending failed and the 26-year-old mother died of head injuries. She was in the hospital after having a caesarean section on her third child and was being moved in a stretcher to a different floor post operation. Police and forensic scientists all attended the scene and arranged the removal of the woman’s body pending a full investigation.

Firework heist fizzles out By Simon Russell

A man was quickly apprehended after holding up a fireworks shop in Elche. He had a bag over his head and threatened the female cashier with a pair of scissors then made off with some cash. Despite the “disguise” the woman was able to provide the Guardia Civil with a good description and they arrested the 35-year-old man after a short chase on foot. The suspect was still holding cash equal to the amount reported as stolen and has been charged with robbery with violence and intimidation.

Aquarium closure calls By Simon Russell

AN Alicante animal protection group have called for the closure of the aquarium at Plaza Nueva in the city. Proteccion Animales Alicante has said that the space for the animals is inadequate and there is little guarantee

that they may survive. In addition there is no ramp for disabled access and the €30,000 annual running costs are too high. The group suggests educational and cultural alternatives would serve the community better and not risk the

Piper plays dangerous tune By Jack Troughton

DETECTIVES believe a copper thief risked causing an explosion after ripping out piping from gas installations at a number of Costa Blanca homes. The 38-year-old Bulgarian stole more than 700kg of the metal to sell at scrap yards after breaking into homes in Benissa, Teulada and Moraira. And after his arrest this week, he has been charged with 32 offences - although the Guardia Civil said investigations continue – and leaving

around €20,000 of damage at properties. A specialist ROCA team of the force took over the inquiry and from the outset built up a picture of the criminal’s ‘modus operandi’; in addition neighbours reported an aging Seat Toledo in the area in the days prior to the raid. Officers also obtained a photograph of the alleged robber from a security camera at one crime scene. And a Guardia Civil spokesman said: “With that image, they focussed

the search on the junkyards of the province, finally locating the one that bought most of the copper from the individual.” It was discovered the suspect dressed in worker’s overalls, splashed with paint and bearing the wear and tear of a legitimate workman, travelling to urbanisations in the white Seat. He then surveyed property to target the homes likely to yield the most loot, while believing his disguise would allow him to go unnoticed. “When he detected the houses

he intended to rob, he would enter the premises by getting over gates or walls and the gas pipes were located,” added the spokesman. “Without taking any precautions, he literally cut out pipes with the consequent risk of an explosion, because they were cut before the shut off valve.” And on occasion the bandit was forced to quickly change tune; challenged on the plot of a home, he was able to maintain he was a maintenance worker but at the wrong address.

Gruesome twist in sub killing case By Simon Russell

WHEN one person is killed on-board a two man submarine, it is probably safe to say that the list of possible suspects is a short one. Accordingly, the net is closing on Danish inventor Peter Madsen after the headless and limbless corpse that washed up in Denmark has been confirmed as that of the missing female journalist who was with him in his submarine just before she disappeared. He will now face a murder charge. Attempts had also been made to weigh the body down, said a Danish police spokesman. Kim Wall was a renowned Swedish journalist who was on board to interview Madsen about

his 17 metre mini-sub which had been built by him with money from crowd funding websites. Madsen was rescued after his vessel had sunk - something that police think was a deliberate act – when he told authorities that Ms Wall had died in an accident and he had buried her at sea. However the appearance of the dismembered body, injuries which were not caused by

an accident according to reports, muddies the waters further regarding the Danes story.

Brit crash tragedy By Simon Russell

SOCIAL media tributes poured in for a young Scotsman who died in a car accident on Ibiza this week. 21-year-old Kenneth Macnicol from Glasgow was struck by a Peugot 107 at around 3am on 20 August and is thought to have died instantly. The three occupants of the car suffered only minor injuries in the incident, which occurred on the road connecting Ibiza town and San Antonio, the area where most of the islands clubs and nightspots are located. The Peugot driver stopped at the scene and tested negative for both drugs and alcohol; police have opened an investigation into the tragedy.


Beach access criticised By Simon Russell

AN opposition councillor has said that access to Alicante’s Postiguet beach for disabled people or those with reduced mobility needs to be improved. She came to the conclusion after spending two days with a disabled group touring the area while they pointed out the problems

for them. This included the lack of wheelchair friendly beach walkways and also the narrowness of some of these, making them unsuitable for wheelchair use. They went on to say that the special changing tents are not close enough to the beachfront and are also lacking in privacy. C i u d a d a n o s councillor Maria Jose Molina said the city had

appeared to have taken a step back after recent initiatives designed to help less able bodied beachgoers.

Triple stabbing at port By Simon Russell

A young woman aged 20 and two men, aged 17 and 29, were injured in a knife attack in Alicante’s port area on Saturday 19 August. The incident

happened in the early evening and a life support ambulance and emergency SAMU ambulance were both called to the scene. The older man suffered the most serious injuries with wounds to

his abdomen although none of the injuries are thought to be life threatening. Police have not said if they are looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.

Preserving history By Simon Russell

AN Alicante town is offering residents grants to help with the interior renovation of their homes if they allow them to go on show to the public. Alcoy has set aside €15,000 for the scheme, which is focusing on homes and gardens in the city’s historic old town. There is a limit of €2,000 for any one building and as part of the terms of the deal the residencies will be included on the regular guided tours of the town. This could be up to four times a month but will always be at the convenience of the home owner.

Items that the restoration budget will help restore include fixed ornaments and features that are deemed to have an important historic value.




US stops to watch eclipse By Simon Russell

OVER twelve million people resided in the “path of totality” and were able to view the first coast to coast total eclipse the USA has witnessed for a century. Cloud cover had been a concern, but on the day most parts of the country were clear and people were able to view the spectacular scene as day turned into night. Most were wearing special viewing glasses or other equipment although President Trump, controversial as ever, viewed the experience from a Whitehouse balcony without any eye protection. A partial eclipse was visible across most of Spain although sadly not the Valencian Community. However the Spanish only have to wait until 12 August 2026 for the next event with Valencia being in the path of totality. Many hotels in the area can expect to be booked long in advance as people wanting to view the amazing sight come to the Costa Blanca where clear skies will be (almost) guaranteed. People in the UK will have to wait a bit longer for the next solar eclipse, 23 September 2090 to be precise – let’s hope it’s not raining after a 73 year wait.

The New York Daily News released a look at their front page early with a photo poking fun at the President Trump looking at the solar eclipse without glasses, with the headline “NOT TOO BRIGHT!”

FRIDAY 21ST JULY 2017 Food | Drink | Leisure | Events


Out & About


Can‛t pay? Let them take it away By Simon Russell

SOME canny tourists visiting Benidorm have calculated that it is cheaper to have their car impounded than it is to pay for parking in the Costa Blanca resort. The council believe that some people have taken advantage of this by purposely parking their car illegally to get it towed away and then picking it up at the end of the holiday. The Town Hall is now closing this loophole by charging a euro for every extra hour that the vehicle is in the municipal pound. Benidorm is notoriously difficult for parking even in the off season, and over July and August it

becomes practically impossible in many parts of town, apart from in pricey spots such as underground car parks. The municipality have said that they are looking into solutions such as park and rides, reduced bus fares and improved information with measures such as electronic boards. There are also plans for bringing in 3,000 free parking spaces for residents across the town, hopefully before next Easter. As part of the study, they have also been closely monitoring the environmental impact and noise pollution levels of the heavy traffic that is a constant presence in the city.

Oasis for birdlife By Simon Russell

THE Monnegre River in the Alicante province has been identified as the home for 47 species of birds, 39 of which have been officially listed as endangered or warranting special protection. Birdlife found includes kestrels, egrets and bee-eaters as well as more common types such as swifts and sparrows. The river is kept flowing with treated wastewater, a practice which is carefully managed. Cynthia Alaves, El Campello’s Environmental Councillor, said that the maintenance of the

wetlands allowed these rarer species to thrive. It also serves as an important tourist attraction for nature lovers and bird watchers alike. She went on to say that without the controlled use of the waste water the environment would probably not exist and instead would revert to a dry river bed – in fact the river is commonly known as the Riu Sec, or Dry River.

Violence suspends music event By Simon Russell

A series of musical events have been suspended in a Valencian town after they were continually marred with violence. The most serious incident at the Llar de Musica discos in Foios was the stabbing of a 23-year-old local man who is still in hospital receiving treatment. He said that he was not even interested in the

music but had been in the area to meet up with friends. An argument with a group of around 15 young men quickly escalated culminating in the man being stabbed several times, including in the chest and back. It is thought that many of the troublemakers are travelling from outside Foios and the mayor, Sergi Ruiz, said he had little choice but to suspend the events.



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Gill's Fashion Boutique Albir

Gill’s Fashion is now in Albir and to celebrate their first summer sale there is a fantastic half price sale starting on Saturday 26th August. Situated at the top of Calle Ruperti next door to the Sabadell Bank Gill’s Fashion is bursting out with a huge stock of the best named UK brands of ladies and mens clothing. There are clothes that are marked with the real UK prices so you can actually see how much you are saving. In addition to the low prices Gill’s have gone completly bonkors by slashing their already incredible low prices by a further 50% to celebrate their first ever Summer Sale in Albir. After 10 years trading in Benidorm and now after their opening only six months ago in Albir the shop has expanded with a second shop in Jalon Valley at Avda Rei Juan Carlos. Visitors to this shop will not find the 50% off sale but they will

find some incredible offers on some exclusive branded clothing including underware, ladies fashion and mens top UK named brands like Fat Face T Shirts, Polo shirts, fashion shorts and short sleeve shirts. Gill’s Fashion buy in from the UK with ex-stock from:


Go along to Albir this Saturday from 10am to see the massive stock selection and see how much cash you will save!! Call now for further info on - 651 985 946 Find the shop on Calle Ruperti 2, Next door to the Sabadell Bank

Holiday Inns, Out By Simon Russell

TWO Holiday Inn Hotels, one at Alicante’s San Juan beach and the other in Elche, have been acquired by another hotel chain. The Port Hotels brand, which owns seven ho-

tels between Denia and Benidorm, has purchased the four star properties and plans to convert them to its own brand which it is looking to increase. It also planning a major reformation of both hotels but has assured current Holiday Inn employees that their jobs are safe.


FRIDAY 25TH AUG 2017 Food | Drink | Leisure | Events

Out & About


Boats & The Coast

L’ Albir and Sierra Helada

View of fish farms and the Peñón de Ifach in Calpe from Faro de Albir

The Costa Blanca has a mild climate throughout the year, and El Albir is no exception - in fact it is a popular place with the retired people from the UK and northern Europe alike who enjoy spending the winter months there. Just around the corner from the tourist hotspot of Benidorm; Albir has a unique appeal of its own, with the transparent turquoise sea brushing against a white pebble beach. L’Albir is the coastal resort that exists in in the municipality of Alfas del Pi in the region of Valencia. The name ‘Alfàs’ derives from the Moorish era and means ‘fertile land’ while ‘Pí’ refers

to the centuries old pine tree in the ‘Plaza Mayor’ - a symbol of the town’s independence from neighboring Polop de la Marina in the year 1836. Like many places in Alicante Province, Alfas arose as a fortified settlement to protect the population from invading Barbar Pirates in the middle-ages and the traditional economy was based on agriculture. El Albir has always been rather fashionable with its stylish villas on the slopes of the Sierra Helada and low-rise apartments with swimming pools in the streets behind the seafront promenade that provide the exclusivity its residents desire. The sweep of the Mediterra-

nean shoreline of L’Albir ends abruptly at the Sierra Helada, which is a protected nature park where visitors will find secluded coves under the cliffs and the landmark lighthouse. Sierra Helada means frozen mountains. The name comes from the way the cliffs look from the sea on moon lit nights. Fisherman out on the Mediterranean believed the rocks looked like an iceberg. The summit of the mountain range is 439 meters above the waves. There is a popular walking route that takes people all the way to the ‘Faro de Albir’ (Albir Lighthouse) - find more information over on the next page. Along the route there are

places to rest and many points of interest, perfect for taking stunning photos with family and friends. From the viewpoints there are amazing views of the bay of Calpe and the ‘Peñón de Ifach’ (Calpe Rock) which is often dubbed the smaller twin of the Rock of Gibraltar Neighbouring cities and councils have joined forces to protect the nature park that is home to a wide range of fauna and flora; and in doing so they have also promoted the area as a tourist attraction with guided tours and various events throughout the year such as an annual dog jog and 10k runs. The natural park of Sierra Helada is a large area with a total surface of 5564 hectares, including 4920 hectares of a marine reserve. The underwater areas are some of the most interesting of the Spanish coast with an

exceptional biological diversity; attracting lovers of snorkeling and diving. Anyone feeling fit can actually climb to the summit for the most spectacular views (just head for the TV masts). It is also possible to walk from the summit all the way across the mountain to Benidorm which is around 9km. It involves several ‘ups and downs’ and will take you about 4-5 hours. On the Benidorm side of the mountain, visit ‘La Cruz’ more commonly known in English as The Cross which is a popular attraction,. However it is much easier to get to from Benidorm and is accessible to everyone with a road nearly all the way up,; visitors may see the odd person trying to drive up on a mobility scooter - not always the best idea as its the last place you want to run out of battery charge!

View out to Benidorm from La Cruz (The Benidorm Cross)



Out & About

Food | Drink | Leisure | Events


Boats & The Coast

Faro de l’Albir Albir Lighthouse The Sierra Helada mountain range separates Albir from Benidorm. It is a unique natural area with spectacular scenery, flora and fauna; it is a national park and boasts a lighthouse. The Albir lighthouse at Punta Bombarda is on the top of the rock in the municipality of Alfaz del Pi. Visitors will discover there is a public telescope available to view the adjoining scenery and the horizon. The telescope is free to use and it is the best way of spotting dolphins and other marine life - and passing ships - from the heights of Sierra Helada natural park. It actually gives the opportunity of identifying what species of dolphin is swimming by. This helpful piece of kit was paid with public donations through a crowd funding campaign and it is the first of its kind in the region. The location was selected because it is an ideal site to spot cetacean species –people frequently spot

dolphins from Punta Bombarda; especially in the area of the fish farms. Most visitors like to make their own way up to the lighthouse – the road was built to service the building. From the road there are breathtaking views around the coast, including the bay of Altea and on to Calpe and the Penon d’Ifach, the magnificent rock rising from the sea. The lighthouse was built in 1863 to warn shipping of the potential dangers of the northern end of the Sierra Helada. Until the 1960’s it was home to two lighthouse keepers, but when new technology meant it did not require a constant human presence, the building fell into disrepair and was attacked by vandals. In 2011, Alfaz del Pi council carried out work to preserve it and made the lighthouse an exhibition centre: it now tells tales of pirates, soldiers, miners, fishermen, sailors, farmers and, of course, the lighthouse keepers – all connected to this area of the Costa Blanca. Visitors can also learn about the geological structure of the mountain range and the life present in the seas below. Also nearby on the Sierra Helada are remains of ochre mines. From the mid 19th century to the early 20th century, iron oxide was mined and was in high demand to colour paint. Tracks can still be seen for the wagons to take

the ochre down to the shore and loaded on to boats. And towards the Benidorm end of the mountain range there are the remains of more mining activity. These mines were for the extraction of limonite at the Tiximo creek. Another fascinating building – sadly now a ruin - on the Sierra Helada is the Bombarda tower. It was built in the 16th century when this part of the Spanish coast was constantly threatened by pirate attacks. A network of watchtowers was needed along the coast to provide an early warning – a beacon would be lit, the flames sending a danger signal to people living below.


FRIDAY 25TH AUG 2017 Food | Drink | Leisure | Events

Out & About


Boats & The Coast SECOND HAND BOAT - A GREAT WAY TO START YOUR JOURNEY OUT TO SEA 2002 Campion Allante 705i Sport Cabin

2010 Rinker 260 Express Cruiser

Basic Boat Info


Basic Boat Info


Boat Name: CAPITAN PEICH II Make: Campion Model: Allante 705i Sport Cabin Year: 2002 Condition: Used Category: Power Construction: Fiberglass Boat Hull ID: CA-ZBI70504J102 Has Hull ID: Yes

Length: 7.37 m Length Overall: 7.37 m Beam: 2.64 m Max Draft: 1.06 m Min Draft: 0.52 m Bridge Clearance: 1.9 m Dry Weight: 2,068 kg Deadrise: 0.31 rad Electrical Circuit: 12 V Double Berths: 1

Boat Name: BARTJE’S TOY Make: Rinker Model: 260 Express Cruiser Year: 2010 Condition: Used Category: Power Construction: Fiberglass Boat Hull ID: US-RNK92556H910 Has Hull ID: Yes

Length: 8.79 m Length Overall: 8.79 m Beam: 2.59 m Max Draft: 0.97 m Min Draft: 0.66 m Bridge Clearance: 2.13 m Dry Weight: 3,061.75 kg Deadrise: 0.31 rad Electrical Circuit: 220 V Double Berths: 2

Engines / Speed Engines: 1 Make: VOLVO PENTA Model: 5.0 GXI/SX Drive Type: Stern Fuel: Unleaded Engine Power: 270hp Type: Inboard/Outboard Year: 2002

Tanks Fuel Tanks: 1 Fuel Tank Capacity: 260.0 L



Engines / Speed Engines: 1 Make: VOLVO PENTA Model: 5.7 GXI Drive Type: Stern Fuel: Unleaded Engine Power: 320hp Type: Inboard/Outboard Propeller Type: 3 Blade, Stainless Steel Year: 2010

Tanks Fuel Tanks: 1 Fuel Tank Capacity: 280.0 L Water Tanks: 1 Water Tank Capacity: 120.0 L Holding Tank Count: 1 Holding Tank Capacity: 100.0 L


€195,000 EXTRA INFO Maximum Number Of Passengers: 8 Drive Type: Stern Trim Tabs: Yes Windlass Type: Electric Boat Class: Cruisers Convertible Saloon Indicator: 1


For All Enquiries Please Contact Nautica Mengual +34 965741211

Yacht club has that sinking feeling By Simon Russell

THE Club Nautico in Altea is in severe danger of closing soon, unless a solution can be reached regarding the recent increase in fees. The Valencian Generalitat is in charge of levying the fees for the Yacht Club, and the recent major rise in charges has been discussed at a special meeting of the board of the club. Club President Jose Zurutuza said that the club was “the subject of a manhunt by the regional authorities” and has appealed to them to cut the costs demanded. He said that the club was important as a base for water sports and was enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike.



Out & About

Food | Drink | Leisure | Events


Big day for boarders By Simon Russell

LA Nucia held its first “Skate Karimba” championship on 19 August, attracting 24 skateboarders from the town and right across Spain. Held at the Ciutat Esportiva Camilo Cano, participants had two minutes to perform their best moves in the street skating and bowl skating categories.

Winner in the children’s category was Didi Sanchez from the La Nucia Skate Club. Lucas Amador from Valencia won the open category while the Master Class 35 winner was Pablo Sanchez, also from the La Nucia skate club. Other prize winners came from Torrevieja, Alicante and Mallorca and it is hoped to make this a regular annual event.





Unfinished luxury development abandoned by drug lord finally going to auction

By Mark Stücklin

Spanish Property Insight

A luxury development abandoned by its fugitive promoter just before completion a decade ago has been in legal limbo and occupied by squatters ever since. That will soon change. Joaquín Moreno, owner of a development company called Brava Park, started building nine luxury villas valued at €1.8m each in the Balco de Balis urbanisation of Sant Vicenç de Montalt, on the Catalan Maresme coast, back in 2003. The Costa Maresme and Sant Vicenç de Montalt are just north of Barcelona and increasingly popular with foreign buyers who want to live on the

coast near a city like Barcelona. But by 2008 Moreno was on the run from the Spanish police, suspected of being a drug lord, and his whereabouts are still unknown to the authorities. If Moreno shows up in Spain he will be arrested, tried, and probably sent to prison, so it’s unlikely he is going to make any claims over this broken development on the Maresme coast. Building work was 95% finished when Moreno fled Spain. He stopped paying the bills, after which squatters – including the development’s security guard owed unpaid wages – moved in. Moreno’s trouble with the police, and the Spanish real estate crash, arrived around the same

time. Brava Park defaulted on its developer mortgage, ownership of which bounced around during Spain’s traumatic bank restructuring after boom turned to bust, and ended up the hands of the Sareb (Spain’s so-called ‘Bad Bank’). With Moreno in hiding, Brava Park insolvent, and the banks in chaos, the development spent years in legal limbo occupied by Gypsy families and other squatters. Well-healed local residents complained to the town hall about the situation, but the local authorities were powerless to evict the squatters, reports the Spanish press. It has taken almost ten years for the development to be repossessed, the squatters evicted, and

Picture of the broken development in Sant Vicenç de Montalt (photo credit Ayuntamiento de SVdM)

the asset put up for auction, which is expected to take place before the end of August. The drug lord owner makes this case more complicated than most, but it still goes to show how long it can take

to sort out problems like this in Spain. And all the while neighbours are unhappy, town halls receive less taxes, and capital is tied up unproductively. Nobody benefits, except perhaps squatters.

Full Source & The Weekender recommends



Property & Finance

What do Pension Freedoms really mean for Expats living in Spain? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

husband and has 2 adult children in the UK. She built up benefits in a Final Salary Pension Scheme. Her scheme Normal Retirement Date is 65, and her annual pension will be £8,500 per year on her 65th birthday. If Jane were to pass away, her husband would be entitled to a 50% spouses pension with nothing going to her children.

By Sam Kelly

Managing Partner Chorus Financial

In 2006, the UK introduced pensions legislation that has allowed 100,000s of Expats to take control of their pension funds, gain earlier access, consolidate multiple pensions into a single scheme and substantially increase inheritance for their spouse or children. Jane, an example client, is 53, lives in Spain with her

Pensions Freedoms allow Jane to leave her existing scheme and transfer to an HMRC recognised pension. Before March 9th 2017, we may have recommended an overseas scheme called a QROPS, but following the UK Spring budget, it is now more likely that we would recommend a UK based, FCA regulated pension plan called a SIPP. If you have specific questions as to why this advice has recently changed

you can contact me directly on my details below. Having sent in an enquiry through Chorus, Jane has now been offered a transfer value of £238,000 to leave her Final Salary Pension. Jane can access this £238,000 flexibly from her 55th birthday rather than waiting to 65 and can leave her husband and children the full pot of money, rather than a small spouse’s pension and nothing for her children. Chorus Financial offer pension solutions from some of the biggest financial institutions in the World including FTSE 100 companies like Old Mutual and The Prudential, with the

option to have a UK based, FCA regulated pension.

purposes only. Transferring a pension from a final salary scheme means sacrificing effectively guaranteed benefits for non-guaranteed benefits and a full review of your circumstances must be undertaken before a recommendation to transfer can be given.

To discover what options are available to you, contact me today for a free, no obligation, Pension Review, by calling 664 398 702 or emailing s.kelly@ Sam Kelly is a regulated Financial Planner based on the Costa Blanca, with over 15 years’ experience of financial markets and portfolio management in both the UK and Spain.

Chorus Financial is a trading style of Tourbillon Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (Gibraltar), Licence Number FSC1118B and registered with the UK FCA as an EEA Authorised firm, reference 539348.

The examples given in this article are for illustrative

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Digital nomads flocking to Spain

By Simon Russell

REMOTE workers moving to Spain are becoming an increasingly important part of the Spanish rental and property sales market. Attracted by the cheap cost of living and, in particular, affordable housing the mainly young crowd are finding they can do their job wherever in the world they are. The added bonus of the

weather and, if you want it, good nightlife, means that around a fifth of remote workers in Spain have moved here from abroad. Spotting this trend there are even special “co-living spaces” springing up, such as Sun and Co in Javea which has people from over 40 countries living and working there.




Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing


GARDENING ON THE COSTA BLANCA - Part 4 said on that subject the better! If you have many plants in pots, one way of reducing the burden on human waterers is to construct temporary holding ponds from thick plastic sheeting. The edges can be supported by any bricks, blocks etc which you may have knocking around. Such ponds, though not very elegant, filled to a depth of 3 or 4 inches once the pots have been moved in, will probably only need re-filling every 2 or 3 weeks. Siting them near a hose outlet will be the ts most convenient location and Plan Mediterranean Garden in shade rather than sun. It’s probably better to let them dry out The problem of watering if you before re-filling as the plants will go away in summer was mentioned not like sitting in water for too In the last article and, as many long at a time.(Lantana commonly of you will have found out to called Spanish Flag, for example, your cost, there is no completely seems to drown very quickly satisfactory answer. Neighbours and is maybe better left out of (particularly if they are not a communal watering system). gardeners) and “professional” When you return, they can quite gardeners cannot always be easily be dismantled and stored relied on and automatic watering away until the next time you need systems are at the mercy of the them electricity suppliers – and the less

detail in “The Dry If the current hot weather Gardening Handbook makes reading about gardening : Plants and Practices more attractive than actually doing for a Changing it, perhaps some suggestions about Climate” by Olivier useful books would be appropriate. Filippi. Olivier is a Although there are many beautiful French nurseryman gardening books available, any operating from Meze written with a British or Northern near Montpellier on European audience in mind can the Mediterranean be disregarded – they simply do coast of France. The not cater for months of high heat book is excellently or long droughts! To illustrate translated by this point, Public Health England The Dry Gardening Handbook Caroline Harbouri provide a heat-health watch She has a who is also the Editor service for England which comes nursery at Competa near Malaga of the Mediterranean Garden into operation if the maximum so once again has reason to know Society’s Journal. temperature is likely to exceed what she is talking about. Another welcome book 30C over the next 2 days! Next week’s article will get is Lorraine Cavanagh’s Happily, there are now several back to considering the choice of “Mediterranean Garden Plants”, excellent books available by authors with knowledge of the We are a friendly group who enjoy gardening and gardens. Our meetings are normally held on the 1st Wednesday in each month from October to June in Meeting conditions under Room (Aula) 1 on the 1st floor of La Senieta in Moraira next to the free car park used for the Market on which we garden. Fridays. Meetings commence at 2:30 pm and finish at about 4:30pm Much of the Visitors including holiday makers are always welcome – admission is by a donation of 3€ per person. thinking in the Our attempts at a regular meeting date are sometimes interrupted by Fiestas etc and it is for this reason articles preceding that our next meeting is on Wednesday, 11th October at 2.30 in La Senieta. Contact Numbers:- Chairman Joan Birch 697320169 / Secretary Joy Lally 966498681 or typing in this one can be Costa Blanca Gardeners will get you to the Website. found in more

FRIDAY 25TH AUG 2017 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing





Not only is Leos run as a family business since 2004 and named Leos due to the shared star sign between the family members - They are very well known for the many UK quality brands stocked for making the perfect home here in Spain. You can find everything from the best Egyptian cotton bedding to the quality custom made beds in large sizes that can be delivered and fitted to your home in sections that allow for difficult access with stairs and low ceilings. Cushions, cooling pillows and made to

measure curtains are all found on display in the two spacious stores situated in Altea and now their new store in Calpe at the Av Ejercitos Espanoles 10, Calpe next to Specsavers. Mattress topper specialist - there are great options to improve the quality of your current mattress. Not only are they a cost effective solution by simply placing them on top of an old mattress but also with other benefits such as: -Reduced body pressure, helping you with a more comfortable nights sleep. -Soften a firm bed, if your current mattress is too firm then adding a topper can easily fix the problem. -Save Money, if your budget cannot stretch to a a new mattress then a topper is much cheaper and will extend the lifetime of your current mattress. Although Leos is famous for its huge range of soft furnishings, there is also a choice of ready

assembled furniture from Denmark. One of the many reasons that so many customers keep going back to Leos is that they also offer a home delivery service and with the made to measure curtains they also provide a fitting service. Everything that you need for your home is at Leos where price is important so they really do offer the very best value possible. If you are unable to visit one of the stores then you can arrange a home visit for a demonstration and advice about your own specific needs. Leo’s also offer a bedding rental service for hotels and holiday rentals. Located in Altea N332 Partida el Planet 172, and now at the new store at the Av Ejercitos Espanoles 10, Calpe next to Specsavers. Tel 965 844 848 Email : Facebook: @leos.softfurnishings.spain




Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing


Is Giving Ice or Ice Water to Dogs Dangerous? There has been a widely-circulated warning in recent years that giving your dog ice or ice water can lead to the dangerous and potentially deadly condition of GDV or bloat. Is it really unsafe to give your dog ice or ice water?

What Is Canine GDV? Gastric dilatation and volvulus is a condition most often seen in deep-chested dogs in which the stomach becomes filled with air, stretching the stomach wall (dilatation). In this state, the stomach may actually flip and be twisted off (volvulus). This is an emergency situation that requires immediate surgery. You can learn more about it here:

Does Ice or Cold Water Cause GDV in Dogs? No, consuming ice or cold water does not, in itself, cause bloat. However, drinking the water or

eating the ice too quickly can result in bloat, due to the dog swallowing lots of air while ingesting it. Ice or ice water is usually given to a dog when he is hot from exercising or because it’s a hot day. In those circumstances, the dog may drink the water or eat the ice fast. If GDV occurs, the appearance may be that the temperature of the water given is the culprit, but that is not the case.

So Can I Give My Dog Ice or Cold Water? Yes, but try to be sure he eats or drinks it slowly. This may mean giving him small amounts frequently instead of a large amount all at once. If your dog does drink a lot of water or eat a lot of food quickly, keep him calm for an hour or two. Don’t allow him to run, jump, and play afterwards because that increases the chances that an air-filled stomach will flip over and twist off.

In general, it’s a good practice to get into to have your dog rest after eating and drinking, especially if he is a deep-chested breed or one more prone to GDV such as: German shepherd Great Dane Doberman pinscher Saint Bernard Standard poodle Irish setter Bouvier Wolfhound Old English sheepdog Akita Mastiff Using a special bowl for food can help a dog eat more slowly and reduce the chance of GDV.

FRIDAY 25TH AUG 2017 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing




Second Time Around… As we go through life, sometimes our situations change. We may find ourselves divorced or widowed, and embarking on a new chapter of our lives with a new sexual partner. Very often we have regular Medical MOTs, yet we overlook our Sexual Health. It may strike some as surprising, but increasing numbers of older people are being diagnosed with Sexually Transmitted

Infections because they don’t get tested in-between sexual partners. They put themselves at risk of contracting diseases such as syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, trichomoniasis, genital herpes and genital warts, not to mention the risk of being infected with HIV, so it is essential that older people are educated about the risks of STIs. There are many factors which contribute to the rise in

STIs in the older generation. Newly single people are looking for dates online, lowering the chance of them knowing the background of people they are dating. Medications for erectile dysfunction have enabled more men to engage in sexual activity during their more senior years. Post menopausal women aren’t worried about getting pregnant. Women also outnumber men, so are more eager to please their partners, coupled with men of this generation typically calling the shots in the relationship; for example, preferring not to wear condoms.

Many of today’s older adults missed the boat with regards Safe-Sex and STI Prevention Education when it was first introduced in the 80s as HIV/AIDS was first discovered. During that time, many of the current older generation were married or middle-aged and therefore missed the education that was directed at the younger generation. Often older adults are too embarrassed to ask to be tested for STIs, and studies show that because of this they are more likely receive a diagnosis of an STI when it is too late to be able to benefit from the medications available for early treatment

of the disease. Some STIs don’t have obvious symptoms so people don’t realise they are infected until serious, and possibly permanent damage has occurred. This is often the case with HIV/AIDS. Even doctors may misdiagnose the early symptoms of an HIV infection (weakness, fatigue and changes in memory) as normal signs of ageing. Patients themselves may also disregard these symptoms for the same reason. Testing is simple and carried out in our clinic by an experienced Sexual Health Adviser with quick results. No more wondering, get the all-clear now.


FRIDAY 25TH AUG 2017 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing



Read Online Weekender.News

Booze still the drug of choice

By Simon Russell

A survey of the use of both legal and illegal drugs across Spain has found that cocaine use in the Valencian Community is twice the national average. The survey was conducted on people

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between the ages of 15 and 64 and found that 18% of Valencian residents had used the drug against a national average of 9%. Easily the most popular illegal drug is cannabis, with 42% of people in the region having used this

substance. However, the most popular psychoactive substance remains alcohol with 96% of those asked having consumed it at some stage in their lives. Nearly 20% admitted having used it to excess at least once,

10% of those within the last 30 days. One concern is the growth of binge drinking in Spain, described as consuming five or more drinks within two hours while 9% of Spanish and 12.5% of Valencian’s say they consume alcohol every day.




Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles | TV


Whats ON TV

The Crystal Maze

Richard Ayoade guides members of the Watson family through the Aztec, Medieval, Industrial and Future zones. The players need secure as many as possible in order to maximise the amount of time they can spend within the legendary Crystal Dome for their final test.

Channel 4 9:00pm Fri 25 Aug

8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Jimmy Carr hosts the comedy panel show’s version of the words-and-numbers quiz, with guest captain Kathy Burke and Roisin Conaty taking on guest captain Johnny Vegas and Bob Mortimer. John Cooper Clarke joins Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner, while Rachel Riley looks after the numbers and letters

Channel 4 11:00pm Fri 25 Aug

Predator (1987)

An elite military team takes on a top-secret mission in the jungles of Central America, but the soldiers realise they have been deceived by their CIA employers. A greater danger presents itself when they are stalked by a lethal alien big-game hunter with the power to become invisible, that has come to Earth to stalk human prey. Sci-fi thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers and Bill Duke

Film4 10:00pm Fri 25 Aug

David Jason: My Life on Screen

Season 1 Episode 1 of 3 The actor looks back over his career. He recalls how Ronnie Barker became his mentor, and is joined by Michael Palin to revisit 1960s sketch show Do Not Adjust Your Set.

GOLD 7:00pm Sat 26 Aug

Supernatural Nazis

The Nazi Jesus New series. The role of occultism in Nazi Germany, revealing how religion and the supernatural were used in Hitler’s pursuit of power. The first programme examines how the Nazis corrupted the teachings of Christianity to influence people to see Hitler as a messiah figure, and examines accusations that the Pope did too little to oppose them.

Channel5 9:00pm Sat 26 Aug

Ted (2012)

A lonely boy makes a wish at Christmas that his teddy bear will come to life, which is magically granted. The boy grows up to become a directionless slacker, with the foul-mouthed living toy still his inseparable friend - but his girlfriend thinks it is time for him to grow up. Comedy, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis, directed by and featuring the voice of Seth MacFarlane

Channel 4 12:10am Sun 26 Aug (Saturday night)


FRIDAY 25TH AUG 2017 TV | Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles



V This Week

All T i Show mes n Ar e Span ish


The Cuckoo’s Calling New series. Supermodel Lula Landry falls to her death from a Mayfair balcony and the police conclude that she committed suicide, but Lula’s adoptive brother John Bristow believes she was murdered and that key evidence has been overlooked.

BBC1 10:05pm Sun 27 Aug


Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 of 7

The Dragon And The Wolf Fantasy drama based on George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels. The noble families of the land of Westeros vie for control of the Iron Throne. Starring Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke. Last in the series

Sky Atlantic 3:00am 28 Aug Sky Atlantic 10:00pm 28 Aug

A Soldier’s Daughter New series. The second series of the drama about the early years of Queen Victoria’s reign begins after the birth of her first child. She resumes her royal duties sooner than expected, and quickly becomes convinced that her husband and the prime minister are concealing troubling news about the conflict in Afghanistan, and turns to the Duke of Wellington for answers.

The Great British Bake Off

ITV 10:05pm Sun 27

Channel 4 9:00pm Tue 29 Aug

In the Electric Mist (2009)

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

A recovering alcoholic detective investigates the discovery of a body in a swamp, where he witnessed a murder as a boy. As he sets out to prove a local gangster is involved in a more recent killing, he begins having visions of ghostly Confederate soldiers. Mystery based on James Lee Burke’s novel, starring Tommy Lee Jones.

BBC1 1:15am Sun 27 Aug (Saturday Night)

New series. As the contest changes channels, presenters Sandi Toksvig and Noel Fielding welcome a new batch of cooks to the tent. All are hoping to be crowned Britain’s best amateur baker before returning judge Paul Hollywood and series newcomer Prue Leith cast a critical eye over their efforts. The series begins with Cake Week.

An unambitious 29-year-old man recently dumped and trapped in the job from hell decides to get his life back on track. Unfortunately, he has to put his plans on hold when zombies rise from their graves and stalk the streets of London to feast on the living. Comedy horror, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost,

ITV2 10:00pm Tue 29 Aug




Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles | TV




1 Ancient writing material (7) 5 Hooded snake (5) 8 Ropefibre (5) 9 Move forward (7) 10 Fine wool fabric (7) 11 Circular (5) 12 Cure (6) 14 Eastablished way of behaving (6) 18 Defensive players (5) 20 Foolishly sentimental (7) 22 Doubtful (7) 23 In the vicinity (5) 24 Upright (5) 25 Without tears (3-4)



1 After 1945 (7) 2 Difficult question (5) 3 Akin (7) 4 Beer and lemonade mixture (6) 5 Insurance (5) 6 Sumptuous meal (7) 7 Modify (5) 13 Gruesome (7) 15 Normally (7) 16 Mixed (7) 17 Entertained (6) 18 Move (5) 19 Talent seeker (5) 21 Fortunate (5)




1 Papa’s predecessor needs very large wheels (5) 4 Dance and drink with a graduate (5) 7 Turning out to grab handkerchief? There’s gratitude! (5,3) 8 Jack has trouble in prison (4) 9 Bambi, for example, comes back for plant (4) 10 Where to find someone to speak to (7) 12 Holy Island could be finer island (11) 14 Dogs start to bark in front of birds (7) 16 Very keen prima donna does a turn (4) 19 Spare cash finally found in can (4) 20 Singer in Fielding’s novel (3,5) 21 Cry after second lottery (5) 22 Cab heading off to the centre of Rome? That’s taken for granted (5)



1 Article in operating room? This is different (5) 2 It holds cutlery for the dining room (7) 3 Put up sound beams (4) 4 Complete section of boxing match gets cancelled (5,3) 5 Part from a Jordanian officer (5) 6 A disposable item under discussion (2,5) 11 I’ve chucked in tulip cultivation to paint the town red (4,2,2) 12 Blood-suckers left runny cheese (7) 13 Food for a violinist, partly (7) 15 Information that is provided by spirit (5) 17 Fancy sort of ticket (5) 18 Mame changes her name (4)





TV | Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles


! k a e r b a e v a H 23

LIBRA (Sept 24th-Oct 23rd) ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) You my back The solar eclipse is gonna ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) do LIBRAscratch (Sept 24th-Oct 23rd)and I’ll The inactivity and inertia that’s been You’ll takeyours’ a cool,is impartial look at scratch the message wonderful things for your social surrounding you could bePlease good for you finances week. The sun in Pisces that thethis solar eclipse is sending life and creative spark. also because it pours cold water on your is about you. Yes, rolling Libra, up thisthose weeksleeves, is all take heart from the fact that with impulsiveness. The sun in Pisces helps getting your shoulder to the wheel about pulling together. This Jupiter yourtheopposite sign, you lookinover way the last yearthis has andalso making things for out you. is a time for work sorting isgone. one Time hell of a luckydirection? time forFinance love, ARIES to change LIBRA Whatever it is you’re after, if you set it what is worth stressing about but you must be as generous with also crops up in conversation at the top ARIES up now, you stand a better chance of LIBRA - and of the weekothers. and you’re in charge. what really isn’t. Perhaps it’s yourself as you are with Unusual people if anything some(Oct grudges that you’ve could be playingTAURUS a more(April prominent part21st) in your time to cast aside 21st-May SCORPIO 24th-Nov 22nd) forward withofyour life?is life - if you want them Even ifto. you’re on the shy side of Taurus been bearing and Sunmove in your sister sign Pisces


you’re more of a social animal this week. There’s also an edge to you. It’s called ambition. Crossed 21st) words or a TAURUS (April 21st-May power struggle is allgenerous about someone You’re naturally of understanding that we all must take spirit, warm and you the rough with theloving, smooth.and Nostalgia get absolutely loads of pleasure suits you.


your signal for fun, laughter and generally feeling good. Spend time SCORPIO (Oct 24th-Nov 22nd) and on getting creative midweek, The solar eclipse at therattle, topand of there’ll be plenty of shake, your do wonderful roll by chart the timewill the weekend arrives. things and You’re onfor fire.your Well reputation, done.


place again by the weekend. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st) CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th) The thefast fact that the wonderful A very and unpredictable time solar eclipse is happening awaits some Capricorns. The sun in in your partthat of it’s thea fast-paced chart is Pisces means refl ected in the A way that you week in general. revelation at conduct yourself this week. Your the weekend stimulates your social self-worth is a boosted, life, and this is time to be you’re among more positiverestless people. (both mentally

could even lead to a promotion from the act of giving and SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st) GEMINIcare (Mayof22nd-June 21st) of sorts. Single? You might taking family this week. You’ve an extra-special connection to Your solar individuality amazingalso and have trouble containing your eclipseis could TAURUS The SCORPIO the roots of your life and there’ll be you’re strong and purposeful. The sun enthusiasm about someone awaken sleeping memories, or lots of family issues to be dealt with. in Pisces puts you under the spotlight this might persongetbeen thememories picture you’ll discover that you’ve a lot yet to lean from right now. Has This deepinand for one last week, an irritation before? Things might be diff erent thisThere’ll time. The your own personal history and not letting it could come flying back. be a needs to be ironed out at the start of at the top of the Scorpios a chance toweek, put repeat. the week – possibly at work. The rest weekend bringsfewallsurprises but you’ll feel like you’re in a balanced GEMINI of the week and the weekend should right a misunderstanding and move on.


be plain sailing. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Self-denial’s so out step The sun in your sisterofsign of with Pisces you because onin the means that you’llyou’re strike out your hunt for goodway, times. don’t own individual plus Ithis also opens your mind to long help before you see imagine it’ll be at all the bigger picture. someone winkles it outOpportunity of you if could strike warning and the you’ve beenwithout keeping something for plus the weekend is eclipse dramatic tooutlook yourself, the solar

is also going toLEO mean the pace23rd) of life in (Julythat 24th-August general breaks into more of a galloptype thisofweek. Expect a changeable week Single? You’re more right when easily peopleseduced are hardbytoa second clever clogs. guess. The sky also shifts your focus


towards taking a constructive stance CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) over your long-term plans. It’s all in Financial of one sort the timingsolutions at the weekend. Why about people that Don’tbother rush things

plainly aren’t bothered about VIRGO (August 24th-Sept 23rd) you? Because you’re not one The sun in your opposite sign for throwing in the towel, means you’ll be dealing with ALL are you! Getting your CANCER Cancer, your relationships this week. This fiis nancial house in order issomegaextremely well-starred please important to youdon’t because of the eclipse, as panic. You’ll solar be quirky in your is ironing out a property or moving issue, communications and house your thought and VIRGO no one would be daft enough to stand in processes midweek. the way of this. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

This week’s solar eclipse in your sign is huge news for you, Leo. This is when you might fearlessly embrace change, plus any wonky parts of your life will be levelled out. The sun LEO will eventually move into your money house this week, and this time of year is traditionally all about self-assertion and selfbelief leading to a more comfortable lifestyle, yet not in a way that deprives anybody else. VIRGO (August 24th-Sept 23rd)

and physically) AQUARIUS and you get very real sense (Jana21st-Feb 19th) that all the various messy strandsitsof your life The sun concentrates rays on what are finally beingyou gathered You’ll also want for together. you, and you come to be captivating know and charming you ifwant your worthwhen this week you

don’t already. This is a time of self. Of individuality. sky also20th) opens CAPRICORN (DecThe 22nd-Jan up soweek’s many opportunities at the This dynamite cosmic weekend for those of you looking to should fill you with a AQUARIUS energy make a connection. sense that all is right in the PISCES (Feb 20th) world. The 20th-March solar eclipse will, in There’s no stopping you, and right from fact, a bonanza time the topmake of thefor week, your individuality love you will set you and apart -for as will yourjogging thought CAPRICORN for along justAllthe thing with loved processes. of this cosmic goodness ones, taking the heattoout conspires makeofyousituations a winner in by the eyes of who matter. Plant back career working together, orpeople putting the heat andthe watch them grow. Traveltois intoPISCES scenarios seeds where passion seems also well starred. have faded. AQUARIUS (Jan 21st-Feb 19th)

You can’t help but fuss around your partner this week, or someone equally as special in your life, because there’s a solar eclipse in your opposite of Leo. The feelings that AQUARIUS sign hit your gut about unfamiliar and familiar people, I think, will be uncannily spot on, so please don’t be put off the scent by others if your inner voice tells you that you’re onto something. However trivial it may seem. PISCES (Feb 20th-March 20th)

Wow, what a week to keep mind, The solar eclipse might make body and soul satisfied - and work a hotbed of activity this together. I think that you’ll be week, plus you’ll bring a strong looking over the past year with and energising force to whatever a rightful sense of pride in what needs to be done right across the you’ve achieved, and looking PISCES board of your life. With such a VIRGO forward to a slightly less hectic, strong accent on pleasing other but equally as industrious, 12 months ahead. people, you won’t be stinting on ‘doing the rounds’ What you do perhaps need to do is shoehorn to make sure all is well either. The answer hits you more fun into your life. Do you agree? at the weekend once you take a look at a problem through another person’s eyes.

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(Have a ... lawsuit?)

By Edward Graham

KIT Kat maker Nestle is accused of copying the 1970s computer game ‘Breakout’ in a UK advertising campaign for the popular chocolate treat. Atari, the company KitKat Breakout - UK TV behind some of the Advert 2016 Screenshot most popular early and blatant that Nestle cannot claim to video games, has filed a lawsuit in the be an ‘innocent’ infringer”. United States alleging the manufacturer of Filed in Los Angeles, the legal case exploiting the look and feel of Breakout. alleged the chocolate maker hoped to The advert showed a game similar to exploit the “special place Breakout the computer game but where the bricks holds among nostalgic Baby Boomers, were replaced with single fingers of Kit Generation X, and even today’s Millennial Kat; Nestle says it is aware of the legal and post-Millennial ‘gamers’.” action and would “strongly” defend itself. Nestle said the UK advert ran in 2016. And in the advert, called ‘Kit Kat: “The ad no longer runs and we have no Breakout”, a row of people share a sofa plans to re-run it...we are aware of the and play a video game during their work lawsuit and will defend ourselves strongly break. It features a primitive paddle moved against these allegations.” from side to side to bounce a ball against the horizontal bars at the top of the screen. Breakout proper was a successor to ‘Pong’ – a simple tennis simulation – and created by Apple founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Atari alleges that the similarity to its original game “is so plain


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Back In


rists flock in Hoping bird tou By Simon Russell

t ornithological the world’s bigges town of DESCRIBED as e is held in th small year’s ir fa rd Bi al nu an event, the gland. This Midlands area of En representations d Egelton in the East ha st, gu m 18 to 20 Au showcasing the event, which ran fro s wa eja vi rre anca. To from the Costa Bl Mata Natural Park, described as “a la was promoting town’s Lagunas de ardamar meanwhile Gu . s” rd bi r fo se paradi for many migratory the direct flight-path on is it at th ct fa e th ology on 5 October. its own day of ornith urists to the birds and is hosting ct bird-watching to ra att to pe ho ns ore the natural Both tow o may want to expl wh rs he ot as ll we with beaches and area as often just associated so s ea ar e th of ty au be mass tourism.

Coin gag scoops award By Edward Graham

A joke about the new British pound coin has been heralded the funniest oneliner of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Comedian Ken Cheng won the 10th annual Dave’s Funniest Joke of the Fringe with: “I’m not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change.” The line, taken from his show ‘Ken Cheng: Chinese Comedian’, won 33% of the public vote on a shortlist of gags selected by a select band of critics. Ken studied maths at Cambridge for a year before dropping out of university to become a professional online poker player – his showbiz break came when he reached the final of the 2015 BBC Radio

N e w Comedy Award. He said he came up with the joke when plans were first announced for the new 12-sided £1 coin in 2014. He described the gag as a bit of a ‘groaner’. He added: Audiences tend to groan at it a lot; I’m generally going after laughs, but I’ll take the groans.” And on lifting the prize, Ken said he was “proud to have won”. He said: “As a tribute, I will name my first born son after this award, and call him ’Joke of the Fringe’.”

9-1 Grading - The New GCSE’s

By Spencer Williams As Thursday dawned over the UK, pupils and students alike await in aticipacion for the results of their GCSE - but not all is how they pictured it. New GCSEs will be graded 9–1, rather than A*–G. Grade 9 is the highest grade, set above the current A*. The new system is intended to help provide more differentiation, especially among higher achieving students. The grades will be given for the first time in 2017 exam results, for specifications that first started teaching in 2015. By 2019, all GCSE results will be using the new system. The outcome of a consultation on setting the grade standards of new GCSEs in England for 2017 and 2018 was confirmed on 7 September 2016. The approach to awarding the top grades will be the same for all GCSE subjects. A formula will be used that means that around 20% of all grades at 7 or above will be a grade 9. The grade 8 boundary will be equally spaced between the grade 7 and grade 9 boundaries. To carry forward the current standard, the number of grades 7, 8 and 9 awarded for an individual subject will be based on the proportion of the cohort who would have been expected to get an A or A*, had the qualification not been reformed. Ofqual has developed grade descriptors for the reformed GCSEs graded 9 to 1. These are designed to help teachers by providing an indication of the likely average level of performance at the mid-points of grades 2, 5 and 8. They’ve been developed with the input of subject experts and exam boards, and the wording draws on the relevant subject content published by the Department for Education (DfE) as well as the assessment objectives published by Ofqual. They’re not designed to be used for awarding purposes, unlike the ‘grade descriptions’ that apply to current GCSEs graded A* to G. The government has announced that a grade 4 will be known as a ‘standard pass’. A grade 5 will be known as a ‘strong pass’ and will be equivalent to a high C and low B on the old grading system. Grade 4 will remain the level that students must achieve without needing to re-sit English and Maths post-16.

n Britain

FRIDAY 25 25TH AUG 2017


By Jack Troughton


By Jack Troughton

TELEVISION legend Sir Bruce Fors yth enjoyed a showbiz career spanning eigh t decades to become the heart of Saturday nigh t light entertainment. The 89-year-old will forever be linked to game shows like The Generation Game, Play You r Cards Right, The Price is Right, and more rece ntly the incredibly popular Strictly Come Dancing . A TV phenomenon, BBC Director General Lord Hall described the three-tim e married veteran as “one of the greatest entertainers our country has ever known.” And he even won a place in the Guinness World Records after being recognised as having the longest television career of any male entertainer. Sir Bruce was knighted in 2011 after years of campaigning by his fans; there was even an Early Day Motion in Parliament signed by 73 MPs calling for him to receive the honour. The father-of-seven died on Friday after a long illness, after a 75-year career as a presenter, actor, comedian, singer, dancer and screenwriter – as well as a keen procelebrity golfer. Born in Edmonton, north London, in 1928, his interest in show business was triggered at the age of eight by Fred Astaire movies, and he would practice his tap-dancing by rolling back the carpet and using the lino underneath as a stage.

He made his stage debut in the days of music hall; at the age of 14 he was billed as ‘Boy Bruce, the Mighty Atom’...and appeared botto m of the bill at the Theatre Royal, Bilston. His breakthrough to the big time came in 1958 when he was asked to present Sunday Nigh t at the London Palladium for the ITV network; more than 10 million people began to tune in to the show. Sir Bruce never looked back and became a multi-millionaire as the genial host of game shows with a string of catchphrases inclu ding: “All right, my loves?”; “Nice to see you, to see you nice”; “Good game, good game”; and “Didn’t he (or she) do well?”. At its peak The Generation Game had an audience of over 20 million watching Sir Bruce appearing to have more fun than the contestants, especially when enthusing over the conveyor belt prizes, always including a cuddly toy. He was said to regret being typecast and always wanted to be more of a variety man, especially singing a succession of jazz numbers , a genre he loved. When the popularity of the game show began to fade, his TV career began to slide but he was given a boost as a presenter of the satirical quiz Have I Got News For You – the old catchphrases came in handy – and Sir Bruce was back at the top of his game with Strictly, finally stepping down in 2014 . Michael Grade said of him: “He know s how to get laughs out of people but it’s never cruel and he leaves their dignity intact.”

AN emb arra ssin g erro r mea nt the Hom e Office sen t abo ut 100 lett ers to EU citi zen s livi ng in the Uni ted Kin gdo m say ing they wer e liab le for “de tent ion” . The corr esp ond enc e war ned peo ple they had a mon th to leave Brit ain or wou ld face dep orta tion - and have bee n bran ded “sh ame ful stuf f”. It wen t pub lic whe n a Fin nish aca dem ic – who has the righ t to live in the UK - rece ived one of the lett ers and crea ted a Twi tter stor m of outr age . Dr Eva Joh ann a Hol mbe rg, who is mar ried to a Brit ish citi zen , was war ned she had a mon th to leave. She said : “W hen I ope ned this , I cou ld not beli eve my eye s seei ng wor ds like ‘a dec isio n has bee n take n to rem ove you from the Uni ted Kin gdo m Prim e Min iste r The resa May call ed the epis ode “ an unf ortu nate mis take ” and the Hom e Office was quic k to stre ss “the righ ts of EU nati ona ls livi ng in the UK rem ain unc han ged ”; add ing thos e who rece ived the lett er wou ld be con tact ed to “cla rify they can disr ega rd it”. Dr Hol mbe rg, who wor ks at Lon don ’s Que en Mar y Univers ity, app lied for a ‘qu alified pers on cert ific ate’ befo re rece ivin g the lett er. She said the “ab surd non sen se” mad e her “ev en less like ly” to trus t poli tici ans in the wake of Brexit. And crit ics have rais ed con cern for the 3.2 mil lion EU citi zen s livi ng in Brit ain afte r the UK leaves the EU. Jam es McG rory, exe cutive dire ctor of the pro -EU gro up Ope n Brit ain, said : “Th is is sha mef ul stuff from the sam e dep artm ent that gave us the disg race ful ‘go hom e’ van s a few yea rs ago . “It’s littl e won der that many EU citi zen s feel wor ried abo ut thei r futu re stat us in the UK whe n they hea r of peo ple with eve ry righ t to be here gett ing lett ers thre aten ing thei r dep orta tion .” Car olin e Luc as, co-l ead er of the Gre en Par ty and Dr Hol mbe rg’s con stitu enc y MP, said the case “begga rs beli ef”. She add ed: “Mi stakes like this are sim ply not goo d eno ugh . The governm ent is turn ing live s ups ide dow n by call ous ly play ing hard ball ove r Brexit and it nee ds to take its resp ons ibil itie s far mor e seri ous ly.”




Local Lookout


Beach build protest By Simon Russell THE Ombudsman has received an official complaint regarding a proposed new seafront residential development in Denia. A petition has also been started by Protejamos la Playa (We Protect the Beach) which has gathered 6,600 signatures to date protesting about the development. The planned new housing is just metres from the sands on Playa Blay, an area which the group say has already been damaged by over construction. Appeals have also been lodged with the Provincial Coastal Service, which is part of the Environment Ministry and the General Department of the Costas as well as Denia Town Hall.

Dead giant spotted By Simon Russell A dead whale, estimated to be about twelve metres long, was seen floating in the waters off the Cabo de Sant Antoni in Javea. The grisly sight was first spotted by sailors who said that

the corpse was in an advanced state of decomposition and smelled extremely unpleasant. This part of the Costa Blanca’s coastline is part of many whale pods migratory route and the creature may well have died of natural causes. For the moment shipping needs to be aware of the hazard, although the body will probably sink to the seafloor shortly where it will become a magnet for other sea-life which will feed off it for months to come.

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Diners dance the night away! By Jack Troughton A good time was had by members of Javea U3A’s Dine & Dance group at their latest get-together at Restaurant Gourmet. After a tasty three-course meal, they danced the night away to the sounds of singer Wayne Horne, whose rendition of songs by rock legends Elvis Presley and Billy Fury went down particularly well! The event was organised once again by group leaders Pat and Eric Johnson – but there will soon be a change of leadership as they have decided to stand down after 10 years at the helm. For details of future Dine & Dance events and other U3A activities, visit the website Members can also join the Javea U3A Facebook page, where photos of many events are frequently published – just follow the link on the website home page.



Local Lookout


Bus station facelift By Simon Russell THE bus station in Benidorm is the first impression many travellers get of the city, and sadly it won’t be a good one. They will be greeted by ceilings with plaster falling off them, broken floor tiles and escalators that don’t work



while most of the units in the shopping centre are closed. The PSOE opposition in the city have tabled a motion that the repairs be paid for by the constructors, who are also in charge of maintenance of the station. The Town Hall have said that they will examine the proposal, but all parties seem to be in agreement that something needs to be done urgently, whoever picks up the bill.

Lill's Lounge - A Local Delight Opening Party 25th August so for this complete range of draught beers Lill’s is the place to be, open from 9am until late every day serving snacks and lite bites. Situated close to the beach you can find Lill’s on the dry river at Bulevard de Los Musicos just before the first roundabout.

Margarat and Phil are the new owners of the very well known Lill’s Lounge in Albir, they offer the perfect surroundings for a relaxing cool drink on the sunny terrace and now have added their very own personal touch to the well known locals bar. Continuing with the fun quiz every Friday afternoon and of course Lill’s has its very own Golf Society meeting up every other Tuesday. The cosy bar has 3 large screens for the perfect view of the live sports action including 4pm Saturday afternoon kick offs so don’t miss out and get their early for a complete day of the best Sky and World live sports on TV. The most favourite beer in Spain Mahou is served on tap as well as Strongbow and another world wide famous beer Peroni





Nissan Qashqai (2014)

The Nissan Qashqai is the UK’s best-selling crossover and it isn’t difficult to understand the unwavering popularity. Developed and built in Britain, the Qashqai is smooth and easy to drive, while its refined suspension and frugal engines make it an appealing family choice, with claimed economy peaking at 74.3mpg and 99g/km of CO2 for the excellent 1.5 dCi 110 engine. All versions of the Nissan Qashqai are wellequipped as standard, which means you don’t have to raid the options list to get the most out of it. However, while the Qashqai can be considered the forefather of the crossover boom, it no longer enjoys the status as the outright best. Both the SEAT Ateca and Renault Kadjar edge ahead when it comes to value and practicality. At launch, there was a range of three engines to choose from - the 1.5 dCi diesel, which is only available as a front-wheel drive manual, but delivers an efficient 99g/km CO2 from 110PS. The 1.6 dCi, which boasts 20PS more and the option of a CVT automatic transmission and four-wheel

drive plus a 1.2-litre DIG-T petrol with 115PS. In 2015 a 163PS 1.6 DIG-T petrol was added to the range. Regardless of which set-up you choose, the Qashqai is seldom sharp or engaging to drive. The steering feels numb and the pedals are decidedly lacking in feedback. That said, few will ever buy a Qashqai for performance and only those who live in rural areas or tow caravans will want to sacrifice fuel economy for four-wheel drive. As with any family crossover, technology and safety play a big part in the Qashqai and top spec models get traffic sign recognition, motorway lane departure warning and blind spot system that will alert the driver if a passing car is hidden from the

mirrors. There is also a front collision avoidance system that scans the road ahead by using a built-in radar system to stop the car if it detects a potential collision. In 2017, Nissan gave the Qashqai a comprehensive facelift and added autonomous safety tech to the mix. The most impressive piece of kit is the optional ProPilot system, which provides semi-autonomous driving with it taking control of the accelerator, brakes and lane guidance on the motorway. The driver still has to keep their hands on the steering wheel, but ProPilot will effectively drive the car under guidance. It will also automatically navigate congestion, when specified with Traffic Jam assist. While accomplished and attractive – especially when you factor in Nissan’s affordable range of PCP deals – the Qashqai does have a few blots on its report card, with leg room and boot space being the chief areas of disappointment. As a result it can feel somewhat cramped when filled with luggage and four adults.







Local Sport


ALFAZ FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE After last weeks goal bonanza, it was all change in the Premier League with defenders on top at the Weekend.The Premier League provided the Alfaz Fantasy Football League with 20 goals,7 clean sheets,26 yellow cards and 2 red ones. West Brom’s Robson-Kanu came on against Burnley, scored the winning goal then departed for an early bath by kind permission of Referee Martin Atkinson. the other Player to be dismissed was West Ham’s new signing Arnautovic. Kevin’s team Mason United are the new leaders of the A.F.F.L. with a 4 point advantage over Kim’s Ginger United. Both teams have predominately Manchester United Players and after United’s back to back 4-0 wins they have given both teams a fine start to the new campaign. The top 5 teams are all managed by Manchester United Fans which is similar to last Season the only difference is it Manchester City Fans in pole positions. Down at the foot of the table Travis’s team, Man U Haters are 6 points behind Micky’s team Woodside.Lyn’s team Handbrake City managed to scramble out of the relegation zone thanks to Chelsea’s Marcus Alonso whose 2 goals helped his team to a 2-1 victory over the Spuds at Wembley. In our Mark Carter Ladies Section Kim’s Ginger United have taken a commanding 22 point lead over Elaine’s team Barbara XI. Huddersfield Fan Angie’s team Finestrat Terriers are nicely placed in 3rd spot 2 points ahead of Val’s Borobabe. At the opposite end of the table, Laura’s Legends are just 5 points adrift of Vina’s City Link. Young Harrison’s team Boden’s Boys maintained their place at the Summit of our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League with a formidable 19 point lead over Marcus’s Salford Sausages.George’s team I Love Heather & Robbie’s Tea & Busquets are in joint 3rd place while at the other end of the

table Ollie’s team Oly F.C. are struggling 8 points behind Calum’s Eccles Red Devils. With 51 goals scored in 2 weeks, the Golden Boot League is fit to bust mainly because we have had 5 defenders on the score sheet already. I didn’t realize Alonso was down as a defender his 2 goals at the Weekend gave him 20 points in the Boot League. Last Season’s A.F.F.L. Champion Wayne could be concentrating on winning this section as is team aptly called Two Years Running, Maybe are 5 points clear of Steve’s team The Muttsnutz, Moraira then comes 3 teams Ian’s School of Science, Dave’s Pensioners and Dani’s Chicken Tikka Mosalah all on 56 points only 8 points behind the early frontrunners. Three teams are sharing the bottom spot.Ken’s Dynamite Alfaz, Vina’s City Link and Reinette’s Altea Springboks are all yet to pick up some points. Two teams will go into the hat for our Monthly Wyndham’s Wine Draw and they are our top scoring with 56 points to their name Mason United and our lowest scoring team which was Eric’s Blue Moonies who finished up with a minus 5 courtesy of his 3 Hammers Joe Hart, Pablo Zabaleta and Aaron Cresswell. Manager of the Month for August is being kindly sponsored by Linda at Bar Tapas which is situated right on the front in Albir who provide an excellent International Menu as well as serving up some tasty Tapas. With 2 weeks gone Kevin’s team, Mason United is in pole position with a slight 4 point advantage over Kim’s Ginger United. Joe’s Keith Lard F.C. and Steve’s team Two Can Vam Dam are both in contention for this super meal for 2 in 3rd & 4th place. We are still having some teething problems getting everything up and running with our website. I hope by the time you read this we will have made some progress.









Reach for the Sky

Chris Froome By Jack Troughton

CHRIS Froome has extended his lead in the Vuelta a Espana after Wednesday’s stage five; chasing his ambition to be the third cyclist to win the crown in the same year as the Tour de France. Spain’s famous cyclist tour comes to the Costa Blanca on Sunday (29th September), when stage nine takes the athletes from Orihuela to the finish line at the summit of mountain Alto de Puig Llorenco in Benitachell – close to the Cumbre del Sol urbanisation. Team Sky’s Froome is the favourite to win the race which ends with the final procession of stage 21 into Madrid on Sunday 10th September. In stage five, and helped by team mates, the British cyclist attacked on the final climb to extend his lead to 10 seconds over his nearest rival, finishing behind stage winner Alexey Lutsenko’s breakaway finish.

Afterwards, a confident Froome said he had learned a lot about his rivals and was surprised they had lost a bit of time. However, he added: “It’s a long race and I imagine it will be a different race once we get in the high mountains.” Stage nine is 174km ‘flat’ section but the riders will claim the Benitachell mountain twice in a gruelling test at the end of the day – and are expected to be watched by 50,000 people in the Benitachell area alone. The Vuelta visited the summit of Alto de Puig Llorenco in 2015, when Tom Dumoulin edged Froome out at the finish. The approximate times through the stage are: 13.00 start, Orihuela; 13.30, Alicante; 14.50, El Campello; 15.27, Benidorm; 15.45, Altea; 16.00, Calpe; 16.21, Moraira; 16.30, Cumbre del Sol; 16.36, Benitachell; 16.41, Teulada; 16.53, Gata de Gorgos; 17.07, Javea; 17.20, Benitachell; and the finish is expected on the mountain summit at around 17.28.

La Vuelta in Javea 2016 - photo taken by Jack Troughton

Jukebox Football Predictions League

La Vuelta 2017





Rooney retires By Jack Troughton

WAYNE Rooney – England’s all-time leading goal scorer – has announced his retirement from international football, just as his country called on him again. The 31-year-old Everton striker turned down a place in the squad for next month’s World Cup qualifiers – invited by Gareth Southgate to be involved in the games against Malta and Slovenia. The former England and Manchester United captain, who scored 53 times in 119 internationals, said: “Every time I was selected was a real privilege but I believe now is the time to bow out.” The kid with the golden boots was England’s youngest ever goal scorer. He made his first international appearance in a 3-1 defeat against Australia at 17, and made his major tournament debut as an 18-year-old at Euro 2004. Southgate overlooked Rooney for games against Scotland and France earlier this summer but the player’s

rejuvenated form back with his boyhood club brought him back into the manager’s thoughts. Rooney rejoined Everton from Manchester United in the summer and his international retirement announcement came two days after hitting the net for his 200th Premier League goal in a 1-1 draw against Manchester City. He then said he was focussing on Everton before announcing his international retirement, saying: “It was great Gareth Southgate called me this week to tell me he wanted me back in the England squad for the upcoming matches. I really appreciated that. However, having already thought long and hard, I told Gareth that I had now decided to retire for good from international football. “It was a really tough decision and one I have discussed with my family, my manager at Everton and those closest to me.” He said playing for his country was always special. “Every time I was selected as a player or captain was a real privilege and I thanked everyone

who helped me; but I believe now is the time to bow out.” Rooney said leaving United was a “tough call” but he made the right decision in “coming home” to Everton

and his one regret was not being a tournament winner with the national side – hoping he would watch an England success as a fan “or in any capacity”.





What is the Carabao Cup? Carabao Cup Third Round Dra w West Brom v Man C


Everton v Sunderla nd

Liverpool v Leices te Man Utd v Burton



Wolves v Bristol R overs Burnley v Leeds Arsenal v Doncast er Bristol City v Stok e Reading v Swanse a

The EFL Cup has a new name for the 2017 season. A new sponsorship agreement has seen the League Cup competition rebranded as the Carabao Cup. The Football League and the Thai energy drinks brand have struck a three-year deal. The company’s colours will adorn the ribbons of the trophy and the match ball as well as Carabao branding featuring in stadia at every match - including at Wembley on ‘Carabao Cup’ final day. Shaun Harvey, EFL Chief Executive, said: “This is a significant agreement for both parties and I’m delighted to

welcome Carabao on board as an official title sponsor of the EFL Cup. “We are equally as pleased that in a tough and competitive sponsorship marketplace we have managed to agree on a deal that meets with our valuation of the property. HOW MANY TEAMS ARE STILL IN THE COMPETITION? Technically, there are 50 teams still left in the competition heading into this week’s Second Round ties. Grimsby and Derby will be replaying their First Round

dlesbrough Chelsea v Nottingh am Forest West Ham v Bolto n tie which was postponed due to a waterlogged pitch. The winners will face a trip to Championship side Barnsley in the Second Round. WHEN DO THE PREMIER LEAGUE TEAMS ENTER? Thirteen Premier League clubs entered the competition this week at the Second Round stage. The likes of West Ham, Newcastle and Brighton will be needing positive results after enduring difficult starts


WHEN DO TEAMS INVOLVED IN EUROPEAN COMPETITIONS ENTER? Those seven top flight sides sides with the honour of competing amongst Europe’s elite will enter the tournament at the Third Round stage.

Brentford v Norwic

Aston Villa v Mid

to their campaigns.

They will join the 25 sides that advanced from the Second Round in the 32 team draw. WHEN IS THE THIRD ROUND DRAW?

The Third Round draw took place yesterday (Thursday), in Beijing, beginning at 4.15am UK time. The reason why the draw took place so early is the hope that it will help extend the coverage of the competition to the growing Asian market. HOW ARE MATCHES SETTLED IN THE EVENT OF DRAWS? Carabao Cup ties remain single-legged affairs up until the semi final stage.

It means that in the event of a draw the tie will go to extra time and penalties if required. WHAT IS THE NEW ABBA PENALTY SYSTEM? If you tuned into August’s Community Shield between Arsenal and Chelsea you may have been shocked to see the format of the traditional penalty shoot-out altered. Well get used to it because all EFL competitions including the Carabao Cup will be using the new ABBA penalty shoot-out system. The traditional way of taking penalties saw team A go first, followed by team B, then team A again. This has been scrapped. The new ABBA method means, team A will still go first but then team B will take two consecutive penalties before team A’s second attempt. Team A will then take another penalty and it carries on – like a tie-break in tennis – until there is a winner. As was the case in the old system a coin will still be tossed to decide who goes first. The system is considered fairer as it is believed the player taking the second kick in the ABAB system is always at a disadvantage because they are under greater pressure.

SPORT Week Saturday 26th August 13:30 Bournemouth v Man City - EPL 16:00 Watford v Brighton - EPL 16:00 Newcastle v West Ham - EPL 16:00 Crystal Palace v Swansea - EPL 16:00 Huddersfield v Southampton - EPL 18:30 Man Utd v Leicester City - EPL

Sunday 27th August 14:30 West Brom v Stoke City - EPL 14:30 Chelsea v Everton - EPL


17:00 Tottenham v Burnley - EPL 17:00 Liverpool v Arsenal - EPL

RUGBY LEAGUE FIXTURES Betfred Super League Thursday 31st August

20:00 - Leeds Rhinos v Hull FC 20:20 - Wigan Warriors v Salford Red Dev ils

RUGBY LEAGUE Challenge Cup FINAL Saturday 26th August

16:00 - Hull Fc v Wigan Warriors

RUGBY LEAGUE Challenge Friday 27th August

11:05am - Australia v England

Saturday 28th August

08:30am - New Zealand v Samoa 08:30am - Papau New Guinea v Wales 09:30 - Fiji v USA 05:00am - Scotland v Tonga 06:05am - France v Lebanon 07:00am - Ireland v Italy

URNS FORMULA ONE RET n GP August 27th - Belgia



Weekender Sport


By Spencer Williams

Dubbed by many as the ‘Fight of the Century’ - a title that was once used for the boxing match between Joe Frazer and Muhammed Ali - is certainly a fitting one with a match up that some people believed would never happen. Floydd Mayweather, 49-0 has come out of retirement for a

chance to topple Rocky Marciano’s 49-0 record as he takes on Conor McGregor, who is stepping out of the UFC Octagon and into the ring for his first ever professional boxing match. Pundits are in a majoity agreement that this is a win-win fight for McGregor as he can’t really be critisised if he loses against an opponent thats never

been beaten in his professional career and if he wins, he pulls off the biggiest shock the boxing world has ever seen. If by any chance of an upset, many have stated that Mayweather would have ruined his outstanding career and a chance to redeem himself would likely be out of reach with McGregor saying he would accept a rematch but it would take place in the Octagon.

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