The Visual Artists' News Sheet – January February 2022

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The Visual Artists' News Sheet January – February 2022 On The Cover Anthony Haughey, Anthem Art Intervention, Fort Dunree, on the Eve of the Anglo-Irish Treaty Signing, 5 December 2021; photograph by Anthony Haughey, courtesy the artist and Artlink. 5. 6. 8.


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Regional Focus: Tipperary Source Arts Centre. Brendan Maher, Director. To Be ‘Of a Place’. Helena Tobin, Artistic Director, STAC. Edgelands. John Kennedy, Visual Artist. Vessels of Strength. Carissa Farrell, Writer and Curator. Forest Bathing. Karen T Colbert, Visual Artist.

Critique Cover Image: Alice Maher and Rachel Fallon, The Map, 2021, [Detail]; photograph by Ros Kavanagh, courtesy the artists and Rua Red. ‘Innate Flow’ at Market House Craftworks, Cappoquin. ‘Dear www’ at glór, Ennis. Helen Hughes at Roscommon Arts Centre Alice Maher and Rachel Fallon, ‘The Map’ at Rua Red. Joseph Beuys and Asbestos at Hugh Lane Gallery. Exhibition Profile Practices of Emancipation. Miguel Amado reflects on Daniela Ortiz’s current exhibition at Sirius. Water – More or Less. Susan Campbell reviews Marie Hanlon’s recent solo show at The LAB Gallery. Residency Citizen Action. Seán Beattie interviews Anthony Haughey about his Artlink residency at Fort Dunree.

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Project Profile Test Site. Róisín Foley discusses a project in Kyrls Quay, Cork City. Breaking Cover. Cathy Fitzgerald reports on an event at IMMA.


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Editor: Joanne Laws Production/Design: Thomas Pool News/Opportunities: Shelly McDonnell, Thomas Pool Proofreading: Paul Dunne Visual Artists Ireland: CEO/Director: Noel Kelly Office Manager: Bernadette Beecher Advocacy & Advice: Shelly McDonnell Membership & Special Projects: Siobhán Mooney Services Design & Delivery: Alf Desire Logistics & Administration: Kaylah Benton Ní Bhroin News Provision: Thomas Pool Publications: Joanne Laws Accounts: Dina Mulchrone Board of Directors: Michael Corrigan (Chair), Michael Fitzpatrick, Richard Forrest, Paul Moore, Mary-Ruth Walsh, Cliodhna Ní Anluain (Secretary), Ben Readman, Gaby Smyth, Gina O’Kelly, Maeve Jennings, Deirdre O’Mahony. Republic of Ireland Office Visual Artists Ireland The Masonry 151, 156 Thomas Street Usher’s Island, Dublin 8 T: +353 (0)1 672 9488 E: W:

Organisation Profile Stack. Gabrielle Flynn speaks to Elizabeth Kinsella about her exhibition at Solas Art Gallery. The Global Contemporary. Kate Antosik-Parsons interviews Annie Fletcher about IMMA’s 30th anniversary. Thinking Publicly. Megs Morley speaks to Francis McKee about how institutions learn and think publicly with artists.

Northern Ireland Office

Last Pages Public Art Roundup. Art outside of the gallery. Opportunities. Grants, awards, open calls and commissions. VAI Lifelong Learning. Upcoming VAI helpdesks, cafés and webinars. Corporate Sponsors

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The Visual Artists' News Sheet:

Festival Mutuality. Conal McStravick considers activist histories and communities of care at the 17th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival. Ephemeral Permanence. Jennie Taylor interviews Eoin Dara, curator of TULCA Festival of Visual Arts 2021. An Example of Something Inside Out. Frank Wasser reports on FIX 21.



Principle Funders

Columns Kites. Cornelius Browne considers aerial vantage points and objects of flight. Patience. Andy Parsons discusses his residency at Sligo University Hospital. Revising the Rainbow. Hannah Tiernan discusses the touring initiative ‘Rewind << Fastforward >>Record’. Glimpses. Clíodhna Shaffrey chronicles ongoing preparations for the Venice Biennale. Catalytic Intersections. Mary Catherine Nolan reports on a recent symposium organised by the Irish Artists’ Film Index. The Black River of Herself. Gwen Burlington discusses Patrick Hough’s recent film. The Sisyphean Task. Rod Stoneman discusses a recent exhibition by practice-based PhD students from Burren College of Art.

VAI Event Sustainable Ambition. Joanne Laws reports on Get Together 2021.


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First Pages News. The latest developments in the arts sector. Roundup. Exhibitions and events from the past two months.

Visual Artists Ireland 109 Royal Avenue Belfast BT1 1FF T: +44 (0)28 958 70361 E: W:

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