Chess E-Magazine Interactive E-Magazine
Volume 3 • Issue 3
May/June 2012
Rare and Unusual Openings HOW TO START A LOCAL CHESS CLUB
Comic Books and Chess
Chess and The Movies
Sweet Chess Delights
Seraphim Press
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
My Move
Editorial - Jerry Wall
I must confess I love movies. Bill and I use to go to the local movie theater at night as kids and watch the Blob, the Thing, the Fly, etc and then run home afterwards before the creatures got us (or the police for being out after curfew.) I love just about any kind of movie (except horror movies for some reason). IN THIS ISSUE we have an article on movies and chess. I happen to see a great chess movie this month called “Queen to Play” a French movie with English subtitles. The film stars Sandrine Bonnaire as a French chambermaid on the island of Corsica. She develops an interest in chess. She has been cleaning the house of an American doctor (played by Kevin Kline in his first French-speaking role), and he begins helping her practice and improve. She must deal with her growing fascination with the game and it’s conflict with her husband and teenaged daughter. The film had a national release in France on August 5, 2009 and was released in the United States on April 1, 2011. I usually don’t do film reviews but what a great movie. There is even one scene when Bonnaire and Kline are calling out chess moves to each other without a board (okay Bill what opening is it) Also Bill has written an excellent article on Chess in the Future. Who would of thought that we would be playing chess with people across the world via computers and smart phones. Check it out and see what the future might possibly hold for the age old game of chess. Check out our picture pages on chess themed desserts so while you are watching a movie on TV and making a move on your iphone you can take a bite of delicious chocolate cheese chess cake. Enjoy!
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Jerry Wall Editor
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White Knight Review Chess E-Magazine Executive Editor/Writer Bill Wall
Publisher /Editor/ Creative Director Gerald Wall
Production/ Marketing Steve Wall
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White Knight Review Chess E-Magazine May/June - 2012
Table of Contents contents
Editorial~ “My Move”
ARTICLE~ How to Start a Local Chess Club
ARTICLE~ Chess and the Movies
INTERACTIVE CONTENT ________________ • Click on title in Table of Contents to move directly to page.
FEATURE~ Chess News around the World
ARTICLE~ Rare and Unusual Openings
ARTICLE~ Chess in the Future
ARTICLE~ Comic Books and Chess
FEATURE~ Sweet Chess Delights
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ARTICLE~ Chess Themed Restaurants
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BOOK REVIEW~ Invisable Chess Moves
by Yochanan Afek and Emmanuel Neiman IN RETROSPECT~ Bisguier – Nakamura
Annotated Game
30 31
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May/June 2012
White Knight Review
By Bill Wall
that will be included in the club’s Constitution. Afhess clubs used to form the foundations ter the initial meeting, another meeting should be of organized chess. There used to be thousands of chess clubs in the 20th cen- held to adopt the club’s Constitution, elect officer’s tury, before the Internet. It was the chess (usually a minimum of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer), and the completion of club that the master developed his skill and the average chess player improved his game. The chess any other business. Arrangements should be made to hold the preclub has the potential to hold rated and unrated chess tournaments and matches, and various other liminary meeting at a suitable time and place. It can be held in a private home, but it may be better types of completion. to hold it at a Community Center, or library, or As a past Secretary, Treasurer, and President of perhaps a restaurant or café, especially if they are two state chess associations (North Carolina and going to eat there. I have had small chess clubs Ohio) and the President of chess clubs in North where the members met at someone’s house, then Carolina, Dayton, Ohio, Palo Alto, California, San rotated to other members. I have found rooms not Antonio, Texas, Melbourne, Florida, and a dozen used in community centers, libraries, and bookmilitary bases, I have been involved in creating stores to hold chess meetings. and running many local chess clubs over the past You have to decide if membership is restricted 40 years. Here are a few helpful hints in starting a or not and if there are any local chess club. dues. A college club may Starting a local chess club usually originated Starting a local chess club usually origi- restrict the members to students and faculty. A among a few friends nates among a few friends who play chess company may restrict the who play chess at work, at work, school, or in the homes. members to employees school, or in the homes. only. Many chess clubs The friends decide to have no restrictions at all, organize their chess activities and start a club. I have found chess players or allow guest membership. You have to decide where the club will meet, and at work by playing at lunchtime with a chess clock. Chess players will flock to watch and also play blitz how often. Inquiries should be made to determine chess. I have also played in local tournaments and the availability and rental of a meeting place, unless you can find a library or community center or found local players that were interested in a club, book store or restaurant or school that would give or a school that had several chess players, but no you a meeting place for chess. Usually a club meets club. once a week, but you may try for several times a If the group of players want to get as many new week as not everyone is available on certain days or players as possible to join the new chess club, it is usually necessary to hold a preliminary meeting to weekends. You have to decide what amount will be charged discuss and adopt resolutions covering the details 5
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
for annual dues. You need to anticipated annual expenses, including rent, buying chess sets and boards, chess clocks, score sheets, tournament prizes, stationary, postage, purchase of chess books, advertising, cost of a chess magazine if so desired, etc. A club needs income to prosper and grow. Some clubs charge over $100 a year, while others charge as little as $10 a year ($20 with magazine subscription). Special, low dues should be proposed for junior members. Young players must be encouraged to join the club. You may also want to think about lower dues to women. A chess club with women is always more successful than an all-male chess club. Resolutions should be written that cover the name and purpose of the club, the membership qualifications, the meeting place, the days and times of meetings, and the membership dues. If the resolutions are successful in passing, then a Constitution should be drafted and arrangements made to nominate the permanent officers of the new club. There should be lots of examples of chess constitutions online at various chess clubs around the world. Word-of-mouth advertising may be sufficient to bring together enough players to start a small club, but paid advertising and publicity in the local newspaper may help. Many newspapers will print (paper or online) such an item in their society or neighborhood news columns. If there is a chess column in a local paper (very rare now), the editor of the chess column should be given all the details of the chess club. Also check online chess sites on the Internet. Many online chess sites, such as www., allow you to advertise a chess club or tournament. You may also want to make up flyers of some kind and post them around town in libraries, schools, community centers, etc. You may want to call the local TV and radio stations and find out how to get them to do a public service notice on a chess event or club meeting. I’ve been able to get free radio time when announcing a chess tournament or a meeting of a chess club. If the names and addresses of chess players in the vicinity are known, or can be obtained, a letter or email should be sent to each player, inviting him or her to attend the chess club. The USCF may have a list of names and addresses of members in your vicinity for sale. If you are holding a preliminary meeting, the
meeting should be conducted on a semi-formal basis. You may want to observe the basic rules of parliamentary procedure, which can be found in Robert’s Rules of Order or similar book, or found online. A resolution should be offered, giving the name and purpose of the chess club. For example: Resolved, that an organization to be known as the XXX Chess Club shall be formed, and that the purposes of the organization shall be to enable its members to play chess, to conduct tournaments and matches, and to provide instruction, entertainment, and social life in chess for its members. A resolution should be seconded, and the chairman may ask if the group is ready to vote. Questions may be answered, and any suggested amendments are voted on. When all discussion is over, the chairman will ask the meeting to vote on the resolution (as amended, if any changes have been adopted). If the majority votes in the affirmative, the resolution is passed and another resolution may be offered. A committee may be appointed to draft a Constitution to be voted on in the next meeting. After all the business and if nothing else comes up, a motion is made to adjourn to meet at a certain time and place. If seconded and adopted, the meeting adjourns. If you do not wish to have so much formality, create a chess club and a program of activities to stimulate the interest of the members and make them want to attend the sessions. Something new and different may be planned for each meeting, or special events may be scheduled once a month. Most important are the competitive activities of the chess club. Every member must be given every 6
May/June 2012
White Knight Review opportunity to play in various kinds of chess tournaments, matches, and other contests. One activity is to have a chess club ladder contest. A player’s position on the ladder indicates his rank. The strongest player is at the top of the ladder. He is the number one player. Players move up and down as they win or lose against other players on the ladder. A contestant can challenge a player of higher rank to fight for his position on the ladder. I have seen peg boards made with the members listed in order of strength. Some are vertical and others are in the form of a pyramid. A more modern method of conducting a ladder competition uses rating points to rank a player. Ratings can be established from players who are members of the US Chess Federation and have a USCF rating, or FIDE rating. Some online sites have a rating system, but they may be inflated than normal over-the-board ratings from rated tournaments. Always ask any potential new member and all existing members if they have a rating (USCF, FIDE, Correspondence, blitz, online site, etc). Developing a team spirit is one of the best ways to hold a chess club together. A member who gets on a team represents his club. He now plays for the club, not just himself. If there are other chess clubs around, then get involved or organize inter-club matches. Matches can also be arranged between teams composed of members of the club itself. Tournament play is usually the major reason for club membership. Practically every chess club holds an annual tournament for the club championship, and perhaps a trophy or plaque to the winner. You can also have gambit tournaments, 5-minute chess tournaments, random chess tournaments, 30-30 tournaments (30 moves in 30 minutes), junior tournaments, odds tournaments, etc. Special events, such as a simultaneous exhibition by a grandmaster (if available), or just a strong player, is always a good idea. If you do get a visiting master, it might be a good idea to invite the local media for the publicity. Top players usually charge $20 - $40 a board. In the past, I have had former US champion GM Walter Browne, GM Viktor Korchnoi, GM Larry Christiansen, GM Eduard Gufeld, GM Eugenio Torre, and International Master John Donaldson all give simuls at one of my chess clubs. I also had GM George Koltanowski do his famous knight’s tour. And I have done 50-board simuls myself. If you get a club going, take pictures of members at club meetings and tournaments, and put them on a bulletin board and on the Internet. Finally, find volunteers that will help you with club activities. Don’t try to do all of it yourself.
CHESS QUOTE “The most powerful weapon in chess is to have the next move.” • David Bronstein
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White Knight Review
There seems to be more chess sets or chess references in movies nowadays. Not all of it is good. And chess is always good for the movie mistakes and bloopers, with impossible positions, the chessboard set up wrong, a chess clock not used correctly or the button banged, or just bad historical references to chess. Perhaps the first time chess appeared in the movies was in 1903
May/June 2012
in a movie called A Chess Dispute. It was made by R. W. Paul and his Paul’s Animatograph Works of England. Two men are playing a chess game in a restaurant when one man makes a move while the other man is distracted. The distracted player looks back at the board and disputes the chess move. The two get into an argument, throw drinks at each other, get into a fight, then both fall below the camera’s view.
A Chess Dispute-1903 8
You next see their hats, shoes, and some clothing being tossed in the air into camera view. Finally, the manager of the restaurant enters and lifts these two disheveled players into view. Since then, probably over a thousand movies, television shows and commercials have featured some sort of chess theme or reference. Rather than a chess scene or some sort of chess reference, there are some movies that had a chess plot. One of the first movies with a chess plot was Chess Fever, released in 1926 and directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin. It is the most important chess film of the silent era. It was made in Moscow in 1925, during the great Moscow International. The main character is played by Vladimir Fogel. He is supposed to get married, but he is too addicted to chess to get married. His fiancé (the director’s wife, actress Anna Zemtzova) believes that chess is not good for a domestic life and wants him to give up chess. He meets up with her and tries to beg for for-
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
Chess Fever-1926 giveness. But while bending down, asking for forgiveness, he sees a checkerboard cloth and begins to play chess again. She runs out and runs into the real life world chess champion, Jose Capabalanca. He just happens to be playing in the Moscow International. She tells him how chess has made her hate the world. Capablanca says, “I understand how you feel. I cannot stand the thought of chess when I am with a lovely lady.” He takes her to the chess tournament and they both enter the building of the tournament. The movie shows scenes from the tournament and players like Torre, Reti, Marshall, Yates, Tartakower, Stahlberg, Spielman and Gruenfeld. The lady discovers that chess isn’t so bad after all. Another early movie with a chess plot was The Bishop Murder Case, released in 1930 and based on the novel by S.S. Van Dine. The character, Philco Vance (Basil Rathbone) is a chess-playing detective
The Bishop Murder Case - 1930
and he takes on a murder case in which the murderer (only known as The Bishop) uses chess as clues. Chess bishops are left at the crime scenes. In one scene, Vance examines a chess position and says the bishop was one move away from checkmate. One of the characters, John Pardee (Charles Quatermaine) is a wealthy chess player, inventor of the Pardee Gambit, and member of the Manhattan Chess Club (his character is from Isaac Rice and the Rice Gambit). Another early movie with chess clues includes Above Suspicion, released in 1943. This stars Fred MacMurry and Joan Crawford as Richard and Francis Myles who get clues in finding someone with chess pieces. More modern detective movies with a chess plot include Night Moves (1975) and Knight Moves (1992).
The Seventh Seal- 1957 One of the best movies with a chess allegory is The Seventh Seal, released in 1957. The movie was directed by Ingmar Bergman. Max Von Sydow plays Antonius Block, a disillusioned knight returning home from the Crusades in the 14th century. He runs into Death (Bengt Ekerot) and the knight chal9
lenges Death in a game of chess to bargain for his life. As long as the chess game continues, the knight can live. It also gives some time to other folks to escape as far as possible from Death. One small detail: the board is set up wrong, with the dark square to the right instead of the light square to the right. Now if you want to see a movie with God playing the Devil in chess, then go see Bedazzled, released in 2000. There is a scene where the Devil (Elizabeth Hurley) plays chess against God (Eric Dearborn).
Searching for Bobbie Fischer Perhaps the most famous chess movie is Searching for Bobby Fischer, released on August 11, 1993. This was really more about junior chess and Josh Waitzkin, than Bobby Fischer, who has now been found and living in Iceland. Details of Josh and the movie . Another chess movie with a chess plot is The Luzhin Defence, released in April, 2000. The movie is based on the novel ‘The Defense’ by Vladimir Nabokov. John Tuturro plays Alexander Ivanovich ‘Sascha’ Luzhin, the eccentric Russian master. The movie features chess exhibitions, a blindfold exhibition, and giant chess sets The Luzhin Defence, on the lawn
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
of Gulliver, released in 1960, of the Italian resort. In the end, Thing, released in 1982, where R.J. showed a chess scene where GullivLuzhin commits suicide by jumping MacReady (Kurt Russell) plays a er beat the giant king in a game of out a window. In real life, this hapchess computer called Chess Wizpened to Kurt von Bardeleben, who chess. Not a good idea. ard. In the Lonely Guy, released in Some movies feature the acjumped out of his window of his 1984, a chess player is playing with boarding house in 1924 in Berlin at tors playing computer chess. This one of the Chess Challengers comwould include 21 grams, released the age of 62. Grandmaster Jonaputers that moves it own pieces. In in 2003, in which Sean Penn plays than Speelman was the technical Pet Shop, released in 1994, a boy Chessmaster while in a hospital bed plays a chess computer. In Copycat, advisor for the file, but the credits and Assassins, released in 1995, in have him as John Speelman. released in 1995, there is a chess which Sylvester Stallone plays com- computer that beats Dr. Helen Some movies with big names have the mov- puter chess while waiting for email. Hudson (Sigourney Weaver). Perhaps the most famous is 2001: A ie stars playA chess playing Space Odyssey, ing or studyrobot and advanced released in 1968. ing a game chess board analysis The movie feaof chess. In by a computer can be tures the HAL Casablanca, found in Bicenten9000 computer released in nial Man, released in playing chess 1943, Hum1999. with one of the phrey BoOne of the more astronauts and gart (a real interesting variants Humphrey Bogart announcing a chess expert) of chess was found in mate in two. It is studying a chess position. He is Abandon, released in was actually a playing chess in Knock On Any 2002. There is a chess mate in three 2001: A Space Odyssey door, released in 1949. scene where they and the comIn 3 Godfathers, released in play blitz chess with the chess clock. puter’s descriptive notation was 1948, John Wayne (a weak chess Between moves, the other player wrong. The computer should have player in real life), is shown playmust take a shot of vodka. said Queen to Bishop Six instead of ing chess against the sheriff. John Some chess movies have misQueen to Bishop Three. The final Wayne is also playing chess in takes that include scenes where the position was based on a real game, McLintock!, released in 1963. chess pieces are there, then they Roesch vs. Willi Schlage in HamOne movie, about a movie star, disappear in another camera shot, burg, 1910. has a chess scene. then they appear again. An example Another movie The movie Ray, of this is found in Ace Ventura: featuring a computer released in 2004, When Nature Calls, released in that plays chess was has a scene where 1995. Near the end of the movie, Around the World UnRay Charles (Jamie Chancellor Vincent Cadby (Simon der the Sea, released in Foxx) is playing Callow) is studying a chess posi1965, produced by Ivan chess in the hospition. Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) Tors. There is a chess tal with the doctor moves a piece and you hear pieces scene with Hank Stahl while recovering hitting the floor. The camera angles (Keenan Wynn) playing from his drug adshow pieces, then disappearing a computer as Dr. Doug diction. It is based pieces, then pieces again, and none Standish (Lloyd Bridges) on the floor. on Ray Charles’s looks on. true story who One of the weirdest opponents Another movie with learned chess in had to be found in The Addams Ray Charles playing chess computer chess is The 1965 in a hospital to Family, released in 1991. Gomez Bone Collector, released in 1999. help him with his heroin addiction. Addams (Raul Julia) played chess In some movies, it’s not good to Denzel Washington plays computer against Thing (the disembodied chess. There is also the movie The win the chess game. The 3 Worlds hand). 10
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
The Addams Family - 1991 One of the first movie cartoons with chess was Chess Nuts, released in 1932. It features Betty Boop and moving chess pieces in a cartoon by Max and David Fleisher. Several animation movies include chess. Aladdin, released in 1992 has a chess scene in which the Genie (voice of Robin Williams) loses a game to the magic carpet. The Genie tells the carpet to move. The carpet only has a king, a bishop, and two pawns. The carpet picks up the king and moves it all the way across the board, which is illegal. The Genie then says, “That was a good move. I can’t believe this. I’m losing to a rug!” Another animation with a chess scene is Anastasia, released in 1997. There is a chess scene where Dimitri (voice of John Cusak) and Vladimir (voice of Kelsey Grammer) play chess. In 1996, George of the Jungle was released. It has the gorilla (the voice of John Cleese) playing chess. In 1997, the animation by Pixar,
Geri’s Game, was released. This short animation has the aging codger named Geri playing a daylong game of chess in the park against himself. Somehow, he begins losing to his livelier opponent. He fakes a heart attack to cheat and win the game of chess, then finds new uses for his dentures. There have been several documentaries on chess. Perhaps the most well known is Chess Kids, released in 1996 by film producer and writer Lynn Hamrick. It was a documentary on the World Youth Chess Championship for players under 14, held in Wisconsin in 1990. International Master Jack Peters called the film the most realistic portrayal of tournament chess he had seen. Players that participated included Judit Polgar and Josh Waitzkin. There was no interview with Judit because her father wanted to be paid for an interview, but you do see her in the film. Players from 7 to 14 from 44 countries played in this event. The documentary appeared on over 125 public television stations and won several awards. Another chess documentary, American Gambit, was released in 1989. It was about a chess simul with Garry Kasparov against U.S. youngsters. One of the sexiest and funniest chess scenes occurred in Austin Powers II: The Spy Who Shagged Me, released in 1999. It has a sexy chess scene between Austin Powers (Mike Myers) playing chess against Russian model Ivana Humpalot 11
The Spy Who Shagged Me- 1999 (Kristen Johnston). The board was set up wrong, but who noticed? Another famous sexy chess scene was in The Thomas Crown Affair, released in 1968. It’s a great scene between Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway. The game does lead to mate. We have Professor Humbert Humbert (James Mason) playing Charlotte (Shelley Winters) in Lolita, released in 1962. They play chess while Lolita (Sue Lyon) gives a good night (or was that good knight) kiss to Hubert. For science fiction fans, chess was featured in Blade Runner, released in 1982. The chess game between Tyrell (Joe Turkel) and J.F. Sebastian (William Sanderson) was
Blade Runner- 1957 based on the Anderssen-Kieseritzky, London 1851. The chessboards on Sebastian and Tyrell’s boards are not set up the same as each other. This same position from the same Anderssen-Kieseritsky game also appeared in The Avengers, released in 1998. The board was set up wrong (black square to the right instead of white square). Independence Day, released in
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
released in 1997, Princess Farah (Jane Seymore) is playing chess against a baboon. In Lucky Luke, released in 1991, Lucky Luke (Terrence Hill) plays chess against his horse. Bad Company, released in 2002, has a chess hustler. Chris Rock plays Jake Hayes, a black From Russia with Love - 1963 chess hustler in a New York City park. He plays Another movie that takes a blitz chess for money chess position from a real game is From Russia With Love, released in while talking on the cell Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi in “The Black Cat” phone, doing business. 1963. This James Bond film uses a In one scene, he says checkmate. loff) playing chess with Dr. Vitus position from Spassky-Bronstein, But it is not checkmate. The player Werdegast (Bela Lugosi). Karloff 28th USSR Championship, Lenleft his king under attack, and Jake checkmates Lugosi in an impossible ingrad 1960. The movie players took the king with another piece, position. The outcome of the game are the Russian player Kronsteen determined if one of the guests, (Vladek Sheybal) and the Canadian and just said checkmate. The chess clocks are always set wrong. If he Joan Alison (Julie Bishop), would player McAdams (Peter Madis playing 10-minute chess for $20, be sacrificed as part of the Black den). The mistake in the movie is then the clocks should be set at Mass ritual. that they forgot to add two critical 5:50 or ten minutes before the flag Comedies with chess scenes center pawns (d4 and c5) to the falls. In the movie, one scene shows include Blazing Saddles, Animal position, and the game could have the chess clock set 10 minutes after Crackers and Monkey Business drawn. The movie is based on the the hour, and another scene with a with the Marx Brothers. novel by Ian Fleming. Another new opponent, the clocks are set 20 For wizardry and chess, there James Bond novel, Moonraker, contains references to Paul Morphy, minutes after the hour. During the chess scenes, the chess pieces move but that was not in the movie. For a chess scene of man against around dramatically in different camera shots. an animal, check out Back to the Most chess sets found in the Future II, released in 1990. There is a scene with Marty McFly (Michael movies are the standard board and J. Fox) making a chess move against perhaps Staunton designed pieces or gothic pieces. One movie with a Copernicus the dog. Or there is Merry Andrew, released in 1958. It pocket chess set and peg chess set Harry Potter- The Sorcerers Stone is The Big Sleep, released in 1978. has Andrew Larabee (Danny Kaye) playing chess against a chimpanzee. There are chess scenes where Philip is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Marlowe (Robert Mitchum) pulls Stone, released in 2001. The chilIn Sinbad and the Eye of a Tiger, out a pocket chess set to dren must win a chess game to conanalyze a position. The tinue their quest against the giant movie is based on the novel stone pieces. The chess position was by Raymond Chandler, a composed by Jeremy Silman for the chess player. movie. Checkmate was announced, For horror movies, one but there was no checkmate. My movie list of all movies I have found of the best is The Black Cat, with chess is at released in 1934. It features Poelzig (Boris Kar- Valley/Lab/7378/movies.htm Sinbad & the Eye of the Tiger- 19917 1996 has a chess theme with a chess game being played in a park in New York at the beginning of the movie.
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
Goofy Titles for Chess Movies And if I were going to make a chess movie, what would I call it? My choices are:
The biggest mistake in the movies, is the board being set up wrong (light square to the right, dark square to the left of the player) There is a 50-50 chance they get it right. Some movies that have the board set up wrong include: SS The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971), Austin Powers II (1999), SS The Avengers (1998), SS Black and White (1999), SS Checkmate (2003), SS Dirty Pretty Things (2002), SS Golden Boy (1939), SS Justice (1999), SS Life As a House (2001), SS Pennies From Heaven (1936), SS Shaft (2000), SS The Seventh Seal (1957), SS The Ghost Ship (1943), SS Magnificent Doll (1946), SS Patrie (1946), SS The Lady From Shanghai (1948), Merry Andrew (1958), SS What’s New, Pussycat (1965), SS Time After Time (1979), SS The History of the World Part I (1981), Chaindance (1990), SS Dead Beat (1994), SS The Takeover (1995), SS Justice (1999), SS Shaft (2000), SS The Actors (2003), SS Time After Time (1979), SS Charlie Chan in the Chinese Cat (1944), SS The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Checkmating (2004).
A Knight in Capablanca; About Lothar Schmid; Altered Mates; Analyze This Position; Antwone Bobby Fischer; Arooknophobia; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Mated Me; Bad Day At Black Rook; Bedtime for Pawnzo; The Best Little Chesshouse in Texas; Black Rook Down; The Chess Collector; Chess Gangs of New York; Conan the Chessplayer; Crouching Tartakover, Hidden Dragon Variation; Dial M for Mating; Escape from Tokyo (The Bobby Fischer Story); Finding Elo; Knight of the Living Pawn; Free Bobby; Future Schach; Get Nigel Shorty; Gone in 60 Seconds - Bullet Chess; Hard Day’s Knight; The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Chess Tournaments; Invasion of the Pawn Snatchers; The Joy of Sacs; Kasparov the Friendly Ghost; The League of Extraordinary GMs; Lord of the Kings: The Two Castles; Mad Max Euwe; Maid in the Manhattan Chess Club; Mate Me If You Can; Maters of the Lost Art; Much J’Adoube About Nothing; On Golden Pawn; Romancing the Stonewall; Sleepless Knights in Seattle; Walking Tal; You’ve Got Mate.
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
A list of movie stars that play or played chess include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ben Affleck Claude Akins Alan Alda Woody Allen Lew Ayers Lauren Bacall Antonio Banderas John and Lionel Barrymore Polly Bergen Ingmar Bergman Sarah Bernhardt Humphrey Bogart Shirley Booth Charles Boyer Marlin Brando Mel Brooks Nigel Bruce Richard Burton Gary Busey James Caan Sid Caesar Nicholas Cage Charlie Chaplin Cher Rosemary Clooney Lee J. Cobb Charles Coburn Chuck Connors Bill Cosby Joan Crawford Tom Cruise Macualay Culkin Timothy Dalton
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Matt Damon Ted Danson Bobby Darin James Darren Henry Darrow Olivia de Haviliand Sandra Dee Danny DeVito Dustin Diamond Marlen Dietrich Tony Dow Hugh Downs Erik Estrada Douglas Fairbanks Junior and Senior Peter Falk Mike Farrell Mia Farrow Fritz Feld Jose Ferrer Laurence Fishburne Errol Flynn Henry and Peter Fonda Michael J. Fox Jamie Foxx Zsa Zsa Gabor Ava Gardner Judy Garland Lorne Greene Sydney Greenstreet Barbara Hale Woody Harrelson
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Rex Harrison Katharine Hepburn Charlton Heston Alfred Hitchcock Dustin Hoffman Bob Hope Anthony Hopkins Dennis Hopper Rock Hudson Timothy Hutton Kate Jackson Sam Jaffe David Janssen Don Johnson Al Jolson Boris Karloff Ben Kingsley Don Knotts Michael Landon Angela Lansbury Jude Law Heath Ledger Harold Lloyd Peter Lorre Myrna Loy Bela Lugosi Joe Mantegna Dean Martin Steve Martin Chico and Harpo Marx James Mason Jerry Mathers Walter Matthau Patrick McGoohan
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ray Milland Carmen Miranda Yves Montand Rick Moranis Barry Morse Liam Neeson Sam Neill Paul Newman David Niven Chuck Norris Kim Novak Carroll O’Connor Donald O’Connor Al Pacino Gregory Peck George Peppard Walter Pidgeon George Plimpton Max Pomeranc Dennis Quaid Anthony Quinn Tony Randall Basil Rathbone Keanu Reeves Carl Reiner Tim Robbins Julia Roberts Chris Rock Cesar Romero Kurt Russell Susan Sarandon Ricky Schroder Arnold Schwzenegger • George C. Scott
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Steven Seagal Tom Selleck Peter Sellers Gary Shandling Omar Sharif Brooke Shields Will Smith Wesley Snipes Kevin Spacey David Spade Sylvester Stallone Jimmy Stewart Margaret Sullivan Donald and Kiefer Sutherland Rod Taylo Shirley Temple Philip Michael Thomas Spencer Tracy Lana Turner John Turturro Rudolph Valentino Rudy Vallee Ray Walston Burt Ward John Wayne Patrick Wayne Orson Welles Mae West James Whitmore Richard Widmark Guy Williams William Windom Shelley Winters
Mobile Chess?
Move In Motion
Chess News
Chess News Around the World
Bangkok –
High School Championship in April.
Nigel short won the 12th Bangkok Chess Club Moscow – Open in April, scoring 8 out of 9.hampionship GM Ivan Popov won the Moscow Championwith the score of 8/11. He won the Chinese ship, scoring 8 out of 9. Championship in 2009 and 2011 and he is only 19 years old.
Philadelphia –
British Columbia –
Hikaru Nakamura won the Grand Pacific Open in Victoria, British Columbia with a perfect 6 out of 6. The event was held in midApril.
around the s w w Ne
s around the
France –
Pentala Harikrishna won the 2012 Capelle-laGrande tournament in France.
Germany –
The Baden-Baden Chess Club won the Bundesliga title as best chess club in Germany. They have won 7 times in a row. Their team consisted of world champion Visshy Anand, as well as Michael Adams, Etienne Bacrot, and a few other grandmasters who play for the team but do not live in Germany. In March, Daniel Fridman won the German Championship, held March 2-10, 2012.
Minneapolis –
8th graders from Brooklyn, NY middle school (Intermediate School 318) won the National
Ray Robson won the UT Dallas Grandmaster Invitational, held March 10-16.
Ches s
C h e s s
Fabiano Caruana won the Reykjavik Open, scoring 7.5 out of 9.
Dallas –
Reykjavik –
Bulgaria –
Dmitry Jakovenko of Russia won the European Championship, scoring 8.5 out of 11.
GM Mangesh Panchanathan won the Philadelphia Open, scoring 7 out of 9. The event was held 4-8 April, 2012.
Slovenia –
Russia won the European Seniors championship. The competition attracted 46 European teams from March 26 to April 5, 2012. The team was led by GM Evgeni Vasiukov.
Sochi –
The Tomsk won the 2012 Russian Team Championship in April, led by GM Sergey Karjakin and GM Ruslan Ponomariov.
Turkey –
Valentina Gunina of Russia won the European Women’s Championship.
Virginia –
The Texas Tech SPICE Knight Raiders won their 2nd consecutive Final Four of College Chess. UT Dallas and UMBC tied for 2nd3rd. NYU took 4th.
Warsaw –
Mateusz Bartel won the Polish championship in February.
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
1.a3 is known as Anderssen’s Opening, named after
Charlick Gambit. Henry Charlick (1845-1916) introduced the move 1.d4 e5 dxe5 d6 in the early 1890s with the object of preventing White from playing a closed game. The Swedish player Fritz Englund (1871-1933) sponsored a thematic tournament with this opening in 1932 to see if the opening was sound. The opening was probably invented by Karlis Betins, also known as Karl Behting, (1867-1943). He published his analysis in a German magazine in 1930.
1.a4 has been called the Ware Opening or the Meadow Hay (as Ware called it). Preston Ware (1821-1890) of Boston experimented with this opening in tournaments and matches in Europe and the USA. Variations include 1.a4 e5 2.h4 (Crab Variation), 1.a4 b5 (Wing Gambit), 1.a4 a5 (the Symmetric Variation).
1.d4 f5 2.e4 is known as the Staunton Gambit in the Dutch Defense. Howard Staunton (1810-1874) first played it in 1846 against Bernhard Horwitz in London.
Adolf Anderssen (1818-1879). Anderssen played it three times against Paul Morphy in their 1858 match, with one win, one draw, and one loss. Anderssen wanted to avoid well-known openings which his opponent had studied extensively. It can transpose into other openings. Variations include 1.a3 a5 2.b4, the Polish Gambit and 1.a3 e5 2.h3 d5, the Creep Crawly Formation.
1.b3 is not too rare any more. It is called Larsen’s
1.d4 g5 is known as the Borg Gambit. It gets its
name from reversing the Grob (1.g4 d5) name, or Grob reversed.
Opening or the Nimzo-Larsen Attack. Danish Grandmaster Bent Larsen (1935-2010) was inspired by Aron Nimzowitsch (1886-1935), who played 1.Nf3, then 2.b3. Larsen played it many times in the 1960s and early 1970s with success. Bobby Fischer played it five times, winning all 5 times against grandmaster.
1.e3 is known as Van ’t Kruijs Opening. It is named
Alexei Sokolsky (1908-1969) did much opening research on this opening and wrote a pamphlet on it in 1963. In 1924, Saveilly Tartakower (1887-1956) played this opening and called it the Orangutan. He said he got the idea of this opening after visiting a zoo and consulting with an orangutan on what move to play for his next round game.
played it in 11 recorded tournament games from 1880 to 1882.
after the Amsterdam player Maarten van ’t Kruijs (1813-1885), pronounced vant-cries. The opening is good for transpositional possibilities. Van ‘t Kruis played this opening against Adolf Anderssen in 1851.
1.e4 a5 is known as Ware’s Defense or the Corn 1.b4 is the Polish Opening, also called the Orangutan Stalk. It is another invention of Preston Ware. Ware (Orang Utan) or Sokolsky Opening. The Soviet player
1.c3 is the Saragossa Opening or Hempel’s Open-
ing. It has been played since the 18th century. The name Saragossa Opening is derived from the Saragossa Chess Club in Spain where it became popular around 1919. Jose Juncosa y Molina (1887-1972), a member of the Saragossa Chess Club, published analysis of the opening in Revista de Club Argentino in 1920. It was played as early as 1883 by Louis Paulsen (1833-1891).
1.d3 is known as the Mieses Opening. It was played by Samuel Boden (1826-1882) in the 1850s. It is named after German-British grandmaster Jacques Mieses (1865-1954). He played this opening move in two games during a match against Richard Teichmann (1868-1925) in 1910. In Spain, it is called the Valencia Opening. 1.d4 e5 is known as the Englund Gambit or the
1.e4 a6 is known as the St. George’s Defense or the
Birmingham Defense or the Baker Defense. The first known chess game with this opening was a simultaneous game between J. Baker and Wilhelm Steinitz in 1868. In 1980, Tony Miles beat world champion Anatoly Karpov with this opening in Sweden. It was named the “Birmingham Defense” after Miles’ hometown.
1.e4 b6 is known as Owen’s Defense. It is named after John Owen (1827-1901) who defeated Paul Morphy with this opening in 1858. 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 is known as the SmithMorra Variation of the Sicilian Defense. Pierre Morra (1900-1969) first analyzed the opening, with further analysis from Ken Smith (1930-1999). 1.e4 e5 2.a3 is known as Mengarini’s Opening. It is named after Ariel Mengarini (1919-1998) who advocated a3, but usually after 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.a3. 1.e4 e5 2.Bg5 is known as the Portuguese Opening. It was first played by Karl Schlechter in 1904. 16
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
1.e4 Na6 is called the Lemming Defense. It is considered a weak response to 1.e4.
1.e4 e5 2.Bd3 is known as the Tortoise Opening as it is a slow opening for White. The White Bishop is misplaced.
1.e4 Nh6 is called the Adams Defense or the Wild Bull Defense. Black develops his knight to a weak square. The variation 1.e4 Nh6 2.d4 g6 3.c4 f6 is called the Hippopotamus Defense. Perhaps it is named after American master Weaver Adams (19011963). It may also have been named after Ted Dunst (1907-1985) who’s nickname was Wild Bull.
1.e4 e5 2.c3 is known as the Macleod Attack or the Lopez Opening. It is named after Nicholas MacLeod (1870-1965) who played it in several games at the 6th American Chess Congress in 1889 (although he did lose 31 games in that event).
1.e4 e5 2.c4 is known as the Whale Opening. A variation, 1.e4 e5 2.c4 d5, is called the Bavarian Gambit.
1.f3 is the Barnes Opening, named after Thomas Wilson Barnes. After 1.d3 e5 2.Kf2 has been a nonsensical move called the Wandering King Opening, the Hammerschlag, or the Pork Chop Opening. White must watch out for 1.f3 e5 2.g4?? Qh4 mate.
1.e4 e5 2.d3 is known as the Indian Opening, Clam
Variation, or Leonardis Variation.
1.e4 e5 2.f3 is known as the King’s head Opening. 1.e4 e5 2.Ne2 is the Alapin Opening. It is named
1.f4 e5 is From’s Gambit of the Bird’s Opening. It is named after the Dutch player Martin From (18281895).
after Semion Alapin (1856-1923) who began playing it in 1892.
1.g4 is the Grob, named after Swiss International Master Henri Grob (1904-1974). He analyzed it extensively and played hundred of correspondence games with it in the 1960s. Grob called it the Spike Opening. It has also been called Ahlhausen’s Opening, after Carl Ahlausen (1835-1892), one of the earlier players of 1.g4. Other names attached to this opening include the Genoa, the San Pier D’Arena, Fric’s Openings, and the Kolibri Opening.
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 is the Damiano Defense. It is
named after Pedro Damiano (1480-1544), who did not play it himself, but noted that it was weak. Black has to worry about 3.Nxe5 fxe5 4.Qh5+.
1.e4 e5 2.Qf3 is known as the Napoleon’s Opening. White is hoping ofr 2…Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5?? 4.Qxf7 mate. White brings his queen out too early. The opening is named after Napoleon Bonaparte, who supposedly played it.
1.h3 is the Clemenz Opening. It is named after the
Estonian player Hermann Clemenz (1846-1908). It may have first been played by Louis Pauslsen in a game with Henry Blackburne in 1880.
1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 is known as the Danvers Opening
or the Parham Opening. Danvers was a state hospital where Dr. Elmer Southard worked, and played this opening. The opening is also named after Bernard Parham (born in 1946), an American chess master who still plays this opening in master play.
1.h4 is the Desprez Opening. It is named after the
French player Marcel Desprez. It is also known as the Kadas Opening (Hungarian player), Anti-Borg Opening, and the Samurai Opening.
1.e4 f5 is known as the Fred Defense or Duras Gam-
1.Na3 is Durkin’s Attack, named after New Jersey
bit. It appears too weak to play for Black as he loses his pawn. Oldrich Duras (1882-1957) played it three times in an exhibition match with grandmaster Ossip Bernstein (1882-1962).
player Robert Durkin (born in 1923). It is sometimes called the Sodium Attack, as Na is the chemical symbol for the element sodium (Na from the Latin: natrium).
1.e4 f6 is called the Barnes Defense. It is named after the English chess master Thomas Wilson Barnes (1825-1874). Barnes defeated Paul Morphy with this defense in 1858.
1.Nc3 is the Dunst Opening. This opening also has more names than any other opening. It is also known as the Heinrichsen Opening, Baltic Opening, van Geet’s Opening, Sleipner Openings, Kotrc’s Opening, Mestrovic Opening, Romanian Opening, Queen’s Knight Attack, Queen’s Knight Opening, Millard’s Opening, Knight on the Left, and der Linksspringer. Ted dunst (1907-1985) did much analysis and played it in tournaments.
1.e4 g5 is known as Basman’s Defense, the Macho Grob, or the Reversed Grob. Michael Basman (born 1946) is an International Master that plays several irregular openings. He has been playing this defense against grandmasters since 1979. 1.e4 h5 is the Pickering Defense or the Goldsmith
1.Nh3 is the Amar or Paris Opening. It has also been called the Drunken Knight Opening or the Ammonia Opening. The Parisian amateur Charles Amar played it in the 1930s. The variation 1.Nh3 e5 2.f3 d5 3.Nf2 is called the Krazy Kat.
Defense. This defense is a weak response to 1.e4.
1.e4 h6 is known as the Carr Defense. It is named
after George Carr (1837-1914), who played it and lost to Paul Morphy in 1858. 17
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
What will chess be like in 10, 20, 50, or 100 years? One hundred years ago, no one knew about computers, the Internet, worldwide travel, space travel (chess has been there), digital chess clocks, ebooks, databases, YouTube, or iPads. Chess has been influenced by technology. There will always be chessplaying humans. The notion that chess might be played out by some mechanical or artificial device goes back several hundred years. Chess still has 25 x 10^115 possible chess positions. For all practical purposes, there are an infinite number of possibilities in chess. In a few years, there will be very little printed chess books and magazines. Everything will be digitized and found online or in a 15 terabyte removable hard drive. In 100 years or less, every chess book and magazine that has ever been published will have been scanned and available to anyone on a device or through the wireless Cloud (everything will be wireless). You will have the equivalent of a million chess books and magazines at your disposal running on your 4 THz microprocessor that operates on voice/brain commands. There will be translators that will translate any chess book or magazine in numerous languages and any format you wish. Even your online chess friends from
around the world will understand you with a universal communicator attached to your chess set. Chess will be taught in all the schools throughout the world. It is a game whose rules are easy enough to learn, but as a game, it is difficult to master. There will be online help to teach children or anyone else how to play. There will be over a billion chess players on the planet that you will have the potential to interact with. 100 million-game chess databases will be common, searchable in seconds. Every important chess game will have
been analyzed by dozens of chess engines rated over 3000. Endgames of 9 pieces or less will be solved. Chess may still be in its original format, or variants such as random chess or random opening chess will be playable. Chess will be played on digital boards that will record all the moves and give you a print out or sent to your iPlayed Chess Pad, complete with analysis. Chess programs, like other apps, will be embedded in your watch and on your folding smart chesspad that fits in your pocket, but can expand with a monitor that shows a chess board 15� by 15.� You wont need a battery or electricity as it gets charged by light like a solar panel on your holographic touch screen computer. Tournaments will be played online at little or no cost to you. Any winnings will be transferred automatically to your PlayPal account with digital money. You will be matched up with players of your own strength and anti-cheat computer chess engines will make sure someone isn’t using a chess engine if prohibited. Holographic chess should be available and perhaps moves made through thought rather than physically moving them. Games will still be timed, with perhaps delayed times so as not to lose on time, and all the moves will be time stamped so you can see where the most time was spent in the game. Chess super grandmasters, rated above
White Knight Review
2800, will be the stars of the game. Most will be very young, under 30, with a few under 20. You will be able to follow your favorite grandmaster with live feeds from any tournament. Chess engines will exist in all kinds of formats. You will have some programmed to play exactly like players in the past, such as Morphy or Capablanca or Tal or Fischer or Kasparov or Carlsen or Anand, or anyone you wish. There will also be chess engines that play the same strength as you do. You will be able to program its strength or other configurable variables such as more tactics or more positional or any opening variation or simulate any player based on their past games. Chess pads will be found everywhere such as hospitals,
May/June 2012
dentist offices, barbershops, or anywhere that you go. You will be able to play chess with anyone or any engine rather than be stuck doing nothing in waiting rooms or recuperating from an illness. There will be wireless internet access points embedded in everyday objects, so you will always have access to the chess cloud to play chess online. Cars may have a head-up display of a chessboard so that you
can play chess while driving and the moves are voice activated. There will be millions of chess players hooked up on the Internet. You will be able to have a chance to play a grandmaster online or a famous person or movie celebrity if they wish to have a game. Grandmasters will play 50 or 100 people at once online, and you may be one of his opponents. A celebrity may get online and play only one game, but you added your name to the queue, and when he or she is available, you will be notified online or by cell phone or iPlayed chess pad for a game. For chess historians, everything will be online and referenced. Every newspaper chess column or article will be scanned and available. Artificial intelligence programs will sort the facts and
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
give a probability of how likely something occurred in the past. Did Alekhine really throw his king in a tournament? Did Hitler ever play chess or show up at a tournament? Could Karpov have beaten Fischer in the 1970s? Historical ratings will be available for any chess player or from any tournament or match. Every known crosstable will be available. Programs will be able to show the ups and downs of any chess player throughout his career. Every known photo, video, and score sheet will be available for every chess player. You will be able to create your own strong engine and have it compete if you wish. There will be thousands of chess engines, and you will be able to custom make your own chess engine. You can have it play your favorite openings, or play like Tal and look for combinations and sacrifices, or enter your own games and it will play your own style. You can use your own creation in freestyle chess tournaments, where computers, or any other form of assistance, are allowed and even
encouraged. You will have chess apps on your cellphone or chess pad that will let you know who plays chess in your area, or where the closest chess tournament is, or what tournament is available online, etc. Chess will be played in space or deep under water as you cruise into space or take a deep dive in the ocean. And if you don’t want to make the trip yourself, you
can play chess with an astronaut or aquanaut whenever they are interested in a game. Chess will get faster and faster. There will be bullet chess tournaments, where a game is played in one minute. The game will be recorded for anyone to see as players move their pieces online or against each other on a digital board at very fast speeds. There will be no mouse. You will just point from one square to another or activate the moves by voice, or maybe, thought. The pieces will move and can be controlled by your eyes. Opening theory will be pretty deep, but if you come up with a theoretical novelty that has never been played before in the 100-million game database, you will be given credit for inventing it, if the new move is sound enough. It will then be analyzed by strong chess engines to see if it is playable. Chess will also be added to your contact lens, so that you can get a chess display anytime you wish.
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
hess has found its way on many covers of comic books (now graphic novels) and in their stories. In January 1940, Wonderworld Comics No. 9, published by Fox Publications, introduces a villain called Karno the Chessman. He is also featured in the next issue of Wonderworld Comics, No. 10, in a story called The Return of Karno. In May 1940, Black Book Detective Magazine featured a cover of two men playing chess with guns in front of them. One player is stabbed in the hand. In February 1941, Action Comics, published by DC Comics, ran a story called “Human Chessmen,” written by Gardner Fox. In March 1941, Captain America Comics No. 1, published by Timely Comics (later Marvel), had a story called “Captain America and the Chess-Board of Death.” The story was written by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. A villain named Rathcone has carved wooden chess figures of people who must be killed before he launches the mightiest blitzkrieg the world have ever seen. Two of those figures are Captain America (Steve Rogers) and his friend Bucky. More Fun Comics, No. 76, was published by DC in February 1942. Green Arrow is knocking out a few tough guys on a chess board with a few chess pieces scattered about as Dr. Fate looks on. In February 1942, The Blue Beetle No. 11, by Fox Publications, featured a story called “King of the Chess Killers.” All who oppose the Chess Master, Dr. Wrath, die. Batman, No, 23 was published by DC in June-July 1944. Batman is playing the Joker as Robin looks on. The chess pieces are the Joker in the corner with Batman and Robin chess pieces about to mate. The cover art was done by Bob Kane. In November 1944, Dynamic Comics No. 12, published by Dynamic Publications, shows some tycoon (Harry Chesler) playing chess with a police officer. The cover art work was done by Gus Ricca. In February 1945, Popular Comics No. 108, by Dell, had a story called, “I chess jumped over to play a game of checkers with Smokey.” Chief Cash U. Nutt plays chess with Smokey Stover. In 1945, Adventures of Alice No. 2, published by the Civil Service and Pentagon Publications, shows Alice, through the magic looking glass, on a chess board with other characters. In January 1946, Shadow Comics, Vol 5, No. 10, published by Street & Smith, is entitled “The Shadow meets the Crime Master.” The cover shows the Shadow stopping the Crime Master playing chess and knocking over the chess pieces. The story was written by Walter Gibson, and artwork by Charles Coll. In October 1946, Shadow Comics, Vol 6, No. 7, shows Nick Carter, world famous detective, interrupting a chess game played by some villain. In December 1946, Shadow Comics, Vol 6, No. 9, has a story called “Chess Master.” In January 1947, Target Comics, vol 7, No. 11, by Novelty Press, featured a story called, “Giant ‘Mouse’ Bowers is so
taken up with his beloved chessboard…” In July-August 1947, Boy Commandos No. 22, published by DC, shows a chess board on its cover with chess pieces as treasure, with a spotlight on the people and treasure by Crazy Quilt. In the summer of 1947, International Comics No. 2, published by EC Comics, had a story called “The Chessman,” written by Gardner Fox. The chessmen are King, Bishop, and Rook. Rook summons King to the Thames River where a body has been recovered. Bishop removes a clue from the victim’s hand that helps solve the murder. In September 1947, Action Comics, No. 112, by DC, shows Superman as a chess piece knocking over Mr Mxyztplk as a chess piece on a black and red chess board. The feature story, by John Sikela, is called “The Cross-Country Chess Crimes.” Mxyztplk returns and is causing trouble in Metroplis. Superman convinces him to take up chess. Mxyztplk then kidnaps two chess champions and builds a gameboard using castles and statues as pieces. Superman comes by and returns the stolen landmarks. He then challenges Mxyztplk to a chess game. They go to the Sahara Desert where superman creates giant pieces including a surprise pieces called a Klptzyxm (Mxyztplk spelled backwards). When Mxyztplk speaks the name of the piece, he is sent back to his own dimension. In October 1947, All-American Comics No. 90, by DC Comics, features a story called “The Haunted Chessboard,” featuring Dr. Mid-Nite (Charles McNider). In the March 1948, Land of the Lost Comics No. 9, published by EC Comics, shows a chess board and a battle in front of a castle, featuring knights and kings and other pieces battling it out. The story is called “The Battle of the Chessmen.” In December 1948, Phantom Lady No. 21, published by Fox, had a story called, “Case of the Criminal Chessmen.” The Chessman (Algemon Blackwood) is the villain. In December 1948, Sub-Mariner Comics No. 29, produced by Timely Publications (later Atlas Comcis and Marvel), features a chess game on the cover, with some evil person saying, “It’s your move sub-mariner.” The story is called “The Deadly Game of Captain Black.” In April 1950, Detective Comics No. 158, by DC, shows a chess board and knight with a gun, rigged by Dr. Doom, trying to shoot Batman and Robin at their Hall of Trophies. In 1950, Betty and Veronica No. 2, published by Archie Publications, shows Betty and Veronica playing chess with Archie, Jughead, and Reggie as chess pieces. Veronica says, “Boys and cute, we must confess, but they’re just like a game of chess.” Betty says, “The way we make ‘em jump just proves that it’s us girls who make the moves.” In the Winter of 1951, Eerie Adventures No. 1, published by Ziff-Davis, features the Grim Reaper playing chess with a lady in chains. In February 1952, Star Spangled Comics No. 125, by DC, had a story called “Murder On the Chessboard,” written by
May/June 2012
White Knight Review David Vern and featuring Robin. In June 1952, Action Comics No. 177, by DC, featured a story called “A great invention! Now for a nice game of chess.” Professor Eureka builds a new robot, but then dismantles it after the robot beats him in chess. The story was written by Henry Boltinoff. In September-October 1952, Wonder Woman No. 55, by DC, had a story called “The Chessmen of Doom!” The Chequerians play chess with entire planets as chess pieces. In October 1952, The Beyond No. 16, shows the grim reaper playing on a chess board with humans as pieces. The grim reaper says, “A brush of my hand and three more people are eliminated from the chessboard of humanity. Now, who will be next?” In March 1953, House of Mystery No. 12, by DC Comics, had a story called “The Devil’s Chessboard,” by Leonard Starr. In May 1953, Our Army at War No. 10, by DC Comics, had a story called “Chessmen of War,” written by Hal Kantor. In August 1953, Strange Adventures No. 35, by DC, shows Captain Comet, who becomes a human pawn, playing chess on the cosmic chessboard. The story is called “the Cosmic Chessboard,” written by John Broome and drawn by Murphy Anderson. In September 1953, Ripley’s Believe it or Not Magazine No. 1, published by Harvey, featured a story called, “History Was Changed In a Chess Game.” In November-December 1953. The Haunt of Fear No. 22, published by EC Comics, had a story called “Chess-Mate,“written by Albert Feldstein and drawn by George Evans. Townspeople try to convince an eccentric local genius to take part in a chess tournament that will put the town on the map. A genius chess player finally shoots himself after the townspeople hold a parade and he is expected to remove his top had to salute the flag. The top hat hides a Siamese twin head that accounted for his superior abilities at chess. In July-August 1954, Haunted Thrills No. 16, published by Ajax Company, shows the grim reaper playing chess with a lady, saying, “Check-mate! You really didn’t expect to win from me, did you? Even with your cheating, I am destined to win…every time!” In March 1955, Uncanny Tales No. 30, published by Atlas (later marvel), shows two people playing chess with strange chess pieces. The story is called “Too Human.” Famous chess wizard Blanik just can’t seem to win. So he invents a set of thinking chess pieces, which are so human they can think for themselves. Unfortunately, at the end of the game, his king can’t kill the opposing queen…he has become too human. In October 1955, Baffling Mysteries No. 26, published by Ace Comics, shows chess pieces checkmating a human. The king chess piece says, “There’s no further place to move! You are checkmated!” In December 1955, a story appeared in Adventure Comics No. 219, by DC, called “the Human Chess Game,” featuring Green Arrow and Speedy (Red Arrow). The artwork was done by George Papp. In June 1956, Batman No. 100, by DC, was published as the 100th batman issue. This commemorative issue showed the cover of Batman playing chess with the Joker from an earlier issue. In March 1957, Strange Suspense Stories No. 36, by Charlton Comics,
shows chess pieces cornering a human on a chess board and being pushed over the edge. The cover was done by Maurice Whitman. In July 1957, Felix the Cat No. 85, published by Harvey Comics, shows Felix the Cat riding a knight chess piece, calling it the mysterious white knight. In August 1957, Spunky the Smiling Spook No. 1, by Ajax-Farrell, shows the ghost playing chess with an upside down bat. In 1957, Century Comics No. 10, had a story called “Lefty and prison visitor play chess,” featuring Casey the Cop. In March 1958, Man in Black No. 4, published by Harvey, shows the man in black playing chess with humans, calling it “Pawns in the hands of Fate.” The cover was done by Bob Powell. In March 1958, Wilbur Comics No. 77, by Archie Publications, features a story called, “Mrs. Lewis left her chess playing husband.” Laurie Lake and Linda discuss a woman who left her chess-playing husband. In August 1958, House of Mystery No. 77, by DC, shows a giant playing chess with humans. The cover tagline is “I was trapped on the chessboard of giants!” The cover was done by Bob Brown. The story centers around an expedition that is shipwrecked on an island inhabited by giants. The giants force the crew to act as chess pieces in a game for their freedom. In September 1958, Mad Magazine No. 41, published by EC, featured a story called “The Chess Game,” written by Don Martin. Fatal results can come from cheating at chess. In August 1960, Archie No. 112, has Archie playing chess with himself on the cover. In November 1960, Justice League of America No. 1, by DC, shows Flash playing chess with an evil villain called Despero, with chess pieces in the shape of the Justice League (Aquaman, Batman, Green Latern, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash). The board is set up wrong (the dark square is to the right instead of the light square). The story is called “World of No Return.” Despero offers the Flash a chance to save his friends by planning a version of chess. Each chess piece represents a different JLA member. If they move on a free square, that member is set free and Despero will leave Earth and give up his conquest. However, if the pieces were to land on a disaster square, the Flash would have to leave Despero alone. Flash eventually loses because Despero tampered the board, while each JLA member was transported to a different world. They eventually escape and reunite to track down and stop Despero, who was stopped by an energy absorption machine built by Jasonar, an honorary member of the JLA. In May 1961, Four Color No, 1175, published by Dell Comics, features MGM’s Mouse Musketeers playing chess on top of two chess knights. In October 1962, Checkmate No. 1 was published by Gold Key. In December 1962, Checkmate No. 2 was published by Gold Key. The cover says, “On a Hollywood movie set, Checkmate investigates
White Knight Review a series of near-fatal accidents that aren’t in the script!” The cover has a picture of Anthony George, Sebastian Cabot, and Doug McClure with a silhouette of a knight. The two issues were published at the end of the TV series’ run with the same name. In November 1962, Strange Tales No. 102, published by Marvel, introduces the villain called The Wizard (Bentley Wittman). He is a chess champion who becomes a criminal mastermind. In January 1963, Unusual Tales No. 37, published by Charlton, shows the hand of fate over humans on a chess board. In April 1965, Blue Beetle No. 5, by Charlton, shows Blue Beetle (Dan Garrett) on a chessboard challenging the Red Knight (Lew Coll) and trying to save Regina White. The feature story is ‘The Capture of the White Queen.” The story was written by Joe Gill. In November 1965, Dennis the Mennis No. 181, published by Hallden-Fawcett, had a story called “The Chess Mess.” Dennis plays his father Henry Mitchell in a game of chess. In June 1966, Archie Giant Series Magazine No. 139, features a story called “Chess Chatter.” Archie plays chess by phone. In May 1967, Stupendous Series No. 10, by Fleetway, had a cover called The Chessman and a man battling chess pieces. The cover tagline says “The Spider faces a fantastic King of crime!” In April 1968, Strange Tales No. 167, published by Marvel, shows Dr. Doom and the Prime Mover playing chess. In May 1968, The Friendly Ghost Casper No. 117, published by Harvey, shows Casper playing chess as all the chess pieces run away. In October 1969, Avengers No. 69, by Marvel, introduced The Grandmaster. In December 1970, Twilight Zone No. 35, by Gold Key, shows a chess scene with the tagline “It’s a special game of chess – death to the loser.” The story is called “To the Death.” In April 1973, Richie Rich Diamonds No. 5, by Harvey, shows Richie Rich playing chess with an expensive chess set with jewels. In August 1972, Eerie No. 41, by Warren Publishing, has a story called “Chess” where chess pieces come tolLife – in a battle against Dax the Warrior. The story was written by Esteban Maroto. In February 1973, House of Mystery No. 211, by DC, featured a story called, “Across from me is a guy who claims to be the chess champ of the world…” In May 1973, Laugh Comics No. 266, published by Close-Up, features Archie playing chess on stage with a demo board in the background. The board is set up wrong (black to the left). In August 1973, Bugs Bunny No. 151, published by Gold Key, has a story called “Chess Chump,” featuring Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, and Jo-Jo, the friendly Gorilla. In October-November 1973, Wonder Woman No. 208, by DC, shows Wonder Woman on a chessboard. The cover story says, “The Chessmen of Death!” In November 1973, Prez No. 2, has, on its cover, “The final chess match – Russia vs.
May/June 2012 USA. Winner take all!” The villain seems to be Robby Fishhead saying “Your Move.” The cover is entitled, “They’re Here! In the White House! The Deadly chess Men!” In December 1973, Weird Mystery Tales No. 9, by DC, had a story called “Checkmate!” They they’ve played chess to a draw for many years, the vicious Squire Kent’s rage knows no bounds when he his beaten by his friend Deacon Fitzugh. In December 1973, The Witching Hour No. 37, by DC, has a story called “The Devil’s Chessboard,” written by George Kashdan (no relation to Isaac Kashdan). In May 1974, Ghostly Haunts No. 138, published by Charlton Comics, had a story called “the Devil’s Chessman,” written by Nick Cuti. Al Kline makes a deal with Satan and finds that his new pieces have trapped Kline’s soul. In January 1975, Giant-Size Defenders No. 3, published by Marvel, shows the Hulk, Fantastic-4, and Flash battling on a chessboard. The title is “When the Grandmaster plays – the prize is Earth.” In November 1975, Dark Shadows No. 34, by Gold Key, shows a chessboard and pieces being stabbed. In December 1975, Weird War Tales No. 43, by DC, shows army men fighting on a chess board. In 1975, International Master John Watson wrote The Incredible Adventures of Chessman as a comic book, published by The Chess House. In the Spring of 1976, Arcade No. 5, published by Print Mint, featured a story on the Great Ajeeb, the chess playing automaton. The story was written by Kim Deitch. In August 1976, Marvel Spotlight No. 29, by Marvel, shows Ironman battling chess pieces. The bad guy says, “You are but a pawn in Conquer Lord’s master play!” Ironman replies, “And a pawn is doomed to die!” In July 1977, the cover of Unknown Soldier No. 206, by DC, shows a battle on a chessboard with the words, “Your struggle is hopeless, unknown soldier…you’re just a pawn in the hands of the Black Knight.” In December 1977, Detective Comics No. 474, by DC, has a giant chess in the Batcave. Batman and Robin are standing on a giant chessboard. In January 1978, Master of Kung Fu No. 60, by Marvel, shows a battle on a chessboard, with the title, ‘doom game.’ In 1978, Battlestar Galactia comics featured a story called “Chess-Players of Space.” In February 1979, The Pink Panther No. 61, by Gold Key, had a story called “The Cheating Chess Player.” The Inspector cheats at chess. In December 1979, Archie’s Joke Book No. 263, by Archie Comics Group, the cover shows Archie losing chess to a kid. In May 1980, Justice League of American No. 178, by DC, shows a chess game played by an evil villain and the Manhunter from Mars, with trapped JLA members as chess pieces. The story is called “The Chess-Master of Mars.” In May 1980, Star Wars No. 35, by Marvel, has Darth Vader playing chess against the star warriors. The feature story is called Dark Lord’s Gambit. In January 1981, Savage Action No. 3, by Marvel, had a story called, “The Chesmaster.” In September 1981, The Mighty Thor, by Marvel, featured Thor on its cover in battle on a chess board. One of the stories is called “The Godwar Gambit.” In February 1982, Brave and the Bold No. 183, by DC, shows Batman being cornered on a chessboard by villain chess pieces.
May/June 2012
White Knight Review The villains are called the Chessmen (Rook, Knight, Bishop, and Pawn). The story was written by Denny O’Neill. In July 1982, Star Rider and the Peace Machine No. 1, by Star Rider Productions, has a story called, “The Chess Game of Death,” written by Ric Estrada. In October 1982, Iron Man No. 163, by Marvel, shows Iron Man (Tony Stark) fighting on a chess board. The title tagline says, “The Challenge of the Chessmen.” The story is called Knight’s Errand. In November 1982, Iron Man No. 164, by Marvel, shows Iron Man in a fight with a chess bishop. The cover says, “Beware the Bishop! He may look like a man of the cloth…but he’s really a deadly chessman.” In April 1983, Epic Illustrated No. 17, published by Marvel, had a story called “The Chess Game,” by Pepe Moreno. In January 1988, Millinnium No. 1, published by DC Comics, introduced The Grandmaster. In November 1990, Simpsons Comics shows Mr. Burns playing chess with Simpsons pieces on the cover. In 1992, Cold Equator (Le Froid Equateur) by Enki Bilal introduced chess boxing. In 2003, chess boxing became a real sport directly inspired by how it appeared in this graphic novel. In June 1993, Alpha Flight No. 121, by Marvel, feature a villain group called The Chess Set. They include the Brass Bishop, the Dark Tower, the Killer Queen, and King Coal, and the Over-Knight. The story is called “The Return of the Brass Bishop.”
In August 1994, Shanda the Panda No. 5, by Antactic Press, has a story called, “Chesspieces.” In Janaury 1997, Star Wars: Tale of the Jedi No. 4, has a story called “Pawns of the Sith Lord.” Naga Sadow plays a deadly game of chess and the Daragon siblings are his pawns. In November 1997, Humongous Man No. 2 , by Harrison and Stepp, was published with a story called “Chess and the Crooked Hat.” It also featured a story called “The Politics of Chess.” In September 1999, Frank Frazetta Fantasy Illustrated No. 8, by Quantum Cat, featured a story called “The Chess Game,” written by Joe Pruitt. In 2002, Captain Britain, by Marvel, featured a story called “Merlin at his Chessboard.” In 2003, Smax No. 3, Death (Lionel) plays chess, who happens to be terrible at chess. He plays against the “wily peasants,” but the peasants always win. In July 2005, Smoke No. 3, by IDW publishing, has a story called “The Men on the Chessboard.” In August 2005, Rakan: The Lone Warrior No. 5, has a story called “ChessMaster.” Rakan has become a player in a deadly chess match. The chess pieces are living men. In September 2008, Marvel Adventures Avengers No. 26 featured the Avengers challenging Galactus to a chess match. The Avengers are the pieces. Thanks to a blunder by Hulk, the game is stalemated. In April 2009, Seaguy, vol 2, Slaves of Mickey Eye, Seaguy plays chess with The Gondolier (Death) in New Venice, and wins. The graphic novel is by Grant Morrison.
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
Okay you have to keep your energy up to concentrate on your next move. Here are some ideas for some sweet goodies to munch on while you think about getting out of that forked bishop position. Better yet, offer your opponent a sweet distraction while you ponder your next insidious trap.
Chess Wedding Cakes If you love Chess and your fiancée loves you and maybe even your fiancée loves chess too, what a better way to tie the knot (or knight) than having a chess themed wedding or at least a chess wedding cake. Perhaps you met her on an online chess site, blog or chat room. Maybe she beat you at a tournament (of course you let her win). Many caterers and bakeries can make a chess cake for just the occasion. There are chess piece toppers, candles and edible chocolate kings and queens, chess decor and more. Don’t forget the right mating position. Many people get what is called a mated wedding cake where the queen has the king in a checkmate position. When she ask you if you want a chess wedding... say I do!
Chess Cheesecakes, Brownies and Cupcakes
Combination cheesecake and chocolate...Yum! Brownies and cupcake chess pieces...double yum. If I can eat a taken brownie piece, who cares if I win or not, as long as I get the most pieces!
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
Chess Birthday Cakes
Here are a few photos of Chess Cakes from the internet. Some are homemade and others are by professional bakers. Either way, what better way to celebrate your B-day than to slice up g1 + g2 + h1 + h2. And you could even use candle pieces if your turning 32 (just be careful when blowing out the candles that you down tip over the king and resign).
Chess Cookies
Okay for those who are culinary challenged and find that baking and decorating a cake is way beyond their skill set you can always purchase some chess piece cookie cutters online and delight your friends in a wonderful game of edible speed chess. Go ahead; use your chess clock as an oven timer. And for those who are altogether allergic to ovens, they can always just purchase some Chessmen cookies.
Delicious Dark and white Chocolate Chess Pieces and Boards
CHOCOLATE! Everybody loves CHOCOLATE! You can buy the molds if you’re handy or simply order them online if you’re wealthy... like a successful grandmaster. Warning however, this chess set will go quickly!
White Knight Review
May/June 2012
In the 1940’s Michael Romanoff (1890-1971), a Hollywood restaurateur and chess player, opened up Romanoff ’s restaurant on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. It was famous for some of its chess-playing clientele such as Humphrey Bogart. Sammy Reshevsky gave a 30 board simul there in the 1950s. The restaurant closed in 1962.
The Pan de Amerikana in Metro Manila
The Pan de Amerikana in Metro Manila (92 Ordonez St, Concepcion Dos, Marikina City), Philippines is the first and only chess themed restaurant in the Philippines. It has been in business since the 1950s when it was a bakery and is now a self service restaurant. All the tables have inlaid chess boards and the restaurant can accommodate 100 diners. You can also borrow a set of chess pieces at the counter and play chess while you eat. In 2011, it built a two story chess museum featuring different chess pieces from around the
world. The sets on display include the regular Staunton design, a Star Wars chess set, a Chinese chess set, etc. The walls are surrounded with chess paintings. Its chess plaza, with its Roman amphitheater inspired stage, houses chess pieces that are 3 ½ feet tall. It also has a giant chess clock for looks. The Chess ‘n’ Checkers Pub and Restaurant in Allentown, Pennsylvania (1801 Airport Road) is a chess (and checkers) themed restaurant that advertises “the best game in town.” The tables have chess boards inlaid in the wood. The restaurant boasts large dining tables and swords, helmets, armor and goblets everywhere. There is a life-sized knight in armor standing guard in the alcove. There is King Arthur memorabilia scattered throughout the restaurant. The upstairs focuses on chess and the downstairs focuses on checkers. You can order The Chess &Checkers Pub and Restaurant Knights Naughty Nachos, The Pawn’s Poppers, or the Sicilian Dragon’s Crabby Spinach Dip. You can play chess while dining there. The Chess Restaurant in Budapest, Hungary (Dob Street 63) is a chess-themed bistro with traditional Hungarian cusine as well as Italian-French bistro cuisine. The interior features a large White Queen and a large Black Queen on one of its walls. It has an inlaid chess table with large chess pieces The Chess Restaurant in Budapest as you walk in. The chess Beachfront Restaurant in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia offers informal fine dining. It has a black and white themed décor with a giant chess board and pieces as its main focal point. The restaurant and bar has a giant set of chess pieces inside, where you can play chess. Checkmate Bar and Restaurant in South Kensington, London (129 Cromwell Rd) is a black and white chessthemed venue. The floor is in a big checkerboard square pattern and the bar always has a chess board nearby on the counter. The place offers a cuisine of British and Thai food. 28
May/June 2012
White Knight Review
Book Review
by Bill Wall
Invisible Chess Moves by Yochanan Afek and Emmanuel Neiman published by New In Chess 2011. 240 pages.
This is an interesting chess book that tries to explain how to discover blind spots in chess and why players overlook simple wins. The thesis of the book is that there are certain moves that are more difficult than others to see, almost invisible. This invisibility is demonstrated by the fact that these moves may go unnoticed by both players, and remains unseen throughout the game and even after subsequent analysis. The purpose of the book is to show the reader the mechanisms that can make a move invisible. The authors make a big distinction between an invisible move and a blunder. A blunder is a big mistake, like leaving the queen hanging in one move. Such major blunders are frequently decisive for the result of the game. Invisible moves generally do not affect the final result. Both players could have missed it. There are four chapters, broken up into objective invisibility and subjective invisibility. Chapter 1 deals with hardto-see moves. They can be quiet moves and positions, intermediate moves, alignment problems, and even forgetting the rules. For a beginner, knight moves are harder to see than rook moves. Even grandmasters miss a backward rook move more than a forward move, and it is harder for them to see a horizontal move that a vertical move. The more ‘brutal’ a moves is (a check, a capture, a direct threat), the easier it is to see. A serious player begins has analysis by checking all the forced sequences first, and the easiest to calculate. The harder, invisible moves, are more difficult to find, but become obvious once you see them. Chapter 2 deals with geometrically invisible moves
such as the horizontal effect, changing wings, backward moves, backward knight moves, pins and self-pins. The authors say that humans have a bias in favor of forward moves, and we overlook backward moves. We think of forward moves as good and backward moves as bad. Therefore, backward and even horizontal moves are rejected, perhaps even on a subconscious level. They are invisible to us, never reaching consciousness. If such moves do suggest themselves, we usually dismiss them since they lose a tempo. Chapter 3 is called invisible moves for positional reasons. It deals with pawn structures, weakening of the king’s defenses, unexpected exchanges (that get me a lot), unusual position of a piece, and anti-developing moves. Chapter 4 is called invisible moves for psychological reasons. There is a section on blunders in World Chess Championship matches. It also has a section on forward moves in defense and backward attacking moves. The end of the book has a test of positions (53 exercises) and index of players. The book has hundreds of diagrams as well as many unique examples and instructive explanations of invisible moves and how to discover your blind spots in chess. For each diagram, the question is the same: What is the best move for White or Black? Assume that probably the player was not able to find it in the actual game. The book won the 2011 Book of the Year. 29
White Knight Review Annotated Game
May/June 2012
In Retrospect
by Bill Wall
Studying annotated (games with comments) is a great way to see why certain moves are good or bad.
Hikaru Nakamura (USA) - Arthur Bisguier (USA) New Jersey 1998. King’s Indian Defense. Hikaru Nakamura, born December 9, 1987, is currently America’s highest rated player. He started playing chess at age 5. He was a chess master at age 10 and was the youngest person to beat a grandmaster in tournament play. In 2003, he became a grandmaster at the age of 15. In 2012, he was the 6th highest ranked chess player in the world, with a FIDE rating of 2771. His USCF rating is 2858. Here is the game in which 10-year-old Nakamura defeated 68-yearold grandmaster Arthur Bisguier. Bisguier – Nakamura, New Jersey 1998. King’s Indian Defense. 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 [King’s Indian Defense] 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Bg5 O-O 6.f4 c5 7.d5 b5 [similar to a Benko Gambit. Black gives up a pawn for quick development. Nakamura could have played the safer 7…Qa5 and 8…a6] 8.cxb5 a6 [or 8…Qa5] 9.bxa6 Bxa6 10.Bxa6 [White did not have to take the bishop. He could have played 10.Nf3 Bxf1 11.Rxf1 Qb6 12.Qe2] 10…Nxa6 11.Nf3 Qb6 [threatening 12…Qxb2] 12.Rb1 c4 [preventing White from castling] 13.Qe2 [threatening 14.Qxc4. White could also play 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.e5 Bg7 15.Qd4] 13…Rfc8 [Black could also try 13… Nh5 14.Nd2 f6 15.Nxc4 Qc5 16.g4 fxg5 17.gxh5 gxf4] 14.Qf2? [White is threatening 15.Qxb6. He wishes to trade queens or try to castle. Perhaps stronger would have been 14.Bxf6 Bxf6 15.e5 dxe5 16.fxe5 Bg7 17.a3. Black soon gets an attack using his knights.] 14…Nc5 [Now Black threatens 15… Nd3, forking the queen and king.] 15.O-O? [Perhaps 15.Qg1 Nd3+ 16.Ke2. If 15.Qc2, then 15…Nd3+
16.Kd1 Rxa2. Now Black gets his other knight in the game.]
15…Ng4! [Attacking the queen. The queen must now leave the g1-a7 diagonal and Black will get a discovered check against the White king.] 16.Qe2? [Perhaps 16.Qc2 Nxe4+ 17.Kh1 Nef2+ 18.Rxf2 Nxf2+ 19.Kg1 Nd3+ 20.Kf1 Rab8 21.Nd1, but it looks like Black is winning] 16…Nxe4+ [Discovered check against the king] 17.Kh1 Ngf2+ 18.Kg1 Nh3+ 19.Kh1 Nef2 20.Rxf2 Nxf2+ 21.Kg1 Ne4+ [Here, Bisguier resigned. After 22.Kh1 Nxc3 wins more material] 0-1
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May/June 2012
White Knight Review
Bill Ask Bill Wall
From Bob L – What is the best selling chess book and what chess books do you like? Bob, perhaps the best selling chess book is “Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess”. It sold over a million copies. The books I like include My 60 Memorable Games by Fischer, the Chess Informant and New In Chess Series, My System by Nimzowitsch, My Chess Predecessors series by Kasparov, and any of my 33 chess books that I have written. Simon S – Who has the best world championship record? Is it Kasparov? Simon, for men that may be true (Kasparov has had the highest rating of 2851, but he did lose to Kramnik and Deep Blue in a match. For tournament and match play of Bobby Fischer is hard to beat. Emanuel Lasker was world champion for almost 27 years. But the real record goes to Vera Menchik-Stevenson (1906-1944). She was world women’s champion from 1927 to 1944. She defended her title six times and won every time. In world championship play, she only lost 1 game. She drew 4 games, and won 78 games decisively. John B – What country is the best in chess and which one has the highest per capita chess population? John, Russia is still probably the best country in the world for chess. For the highest per capita population, you can’t beat Iceland. It once had 8 grandmasters living in Reykjavik, Iceland, which has a population of just over 100,000 people. Beersheba, Israel probably has the highest percentage of grandmaster per capita of any city now.
Frank B – Who has the largest chess The game lasted 237 moves and library in the world? How big is was won by Black. Kosteniuk is a your chess library? former world women’s champion. In terms of time, a game between Frank, that would be Lothar Stepak and Mashian in Israel Schmid of Germany. He has in 1980 lasted 24 hours and 30 collected over 20,000 chess books. minutes. 193 moves were made in The largest public library for chess that game. is the J.G. White Collection at the Cleveland, Ohio public library. It Steven T – Who has won the most has over 32,000 chess books and over 6,000 volumes of bound chess chess tournaments? periodicals. I have about 5,000 Steven, chess master John Curdo chess books and converting a lot of of Boston has won at least 865 that in e-books (I have run out of chess tournaments in his career, space). mostly in the New England area. Former world champion Anatoly David M – What’s the largest chess Karpov has won over 170 chess tournament? tournaments, more than any grandmaster in history. David, it must be a scholastic tournament that draws over 1,000 Dan C – do chess players lose their kids nowadays. In 1935, the skill and ability as they get older? USSR Trade Unions sponsored a chess tournament. It had close Dan, yes, most do lose their to 700,000 entrants, the largest powers of concentration after 40 or entrants of any chess tournament. so. But you still have older players Every year in the United Kingdom, that still play a good game of chess. there is a Chess Challenge in all the Right now, Yuri Averbakh is the schools. In 2004, there were 71,000 oldest chess grandmaster in his 90s. children from over 2,000 schools Blackburne played chess until he that participated. That may have died at the age of 82. Bronstein was been the largest scholastic chess still writing chess books in his 80s. tournament in the world. In 1985, Arthur Dake (1910-2000) played the U.S. Scholastic Championship chess for over 75 years. Harlow drew 1,572 chess players. There Daly won the championship of may be larger tournaments on the Main at the age of 85. Bernard Internet at ICC or or Friend became a chess master for It is estimated that the first time in his life at the age there are over 200 million people of 71. Valery Grechihin and Larry who play chess on the Internet all Kaufman became grandmasters at over the world. the age of 60. Gisela Gresser won the US women’s championship at Mike K – What’s the longest game in the age of 63. Rea Hayes won the chess? Tennesse championship at the age of 76. Kirk Holland was still playing Mike, theoretically, a chess in USCF chess events in Chicago game could last for hundreds at the age of 94. Korchnoi is still or thousands of moves. But in playing grandmaster chess at the age tournament play, the longest of 82. Edward Lasker was playing tournament game in terms of chess postal chess at the age of 95. David moves is between Nikolic and Lawson wrote a chess best seller, Arsovic, played in Belgrade in 1989. Paul Morphy: The Pride and Sorrow It lasted 269 moves. The game of Chess at the age of 89. Jacques ended in a draw after 20 hours of Mieses was still giving chess play. There have been at least 10 exhibitions in his mid 80s. tournament games that have been Do you have a chess related over 200 moves. The longest decive question for Bill? game was between Fressinet and email him at Kosteniuk in Villandry in 2007. and we’ll post it here. 31