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Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG Brämabüelstrasse 11 7270 Davos Platz T + 41 (0) 81 417 67 77 F + 41 (0) 81 417 67 78

Mr. Jaros Vitèzslav Bartosova 1648 TSCH-69662 Straznice

Davos, 06.05.13

Reservation Confirmation no. 1226442 from 07.05.13 Dear Mr. Vitèzslav , Thank you for your interest in our accommodations. We are glad to confirm the following booking for you:

C A M P I N G , L a n d w a s s e rs t ra s s e

3 9 , 7 2 7 7 D a v o s Gl a ri s , +4 1 (0 )8 1 4 1 7 0 0 3 3 Detailed camping information w w w . c a m p i n g -d a vo s . c h -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Booking: 13.06.13 until 17.06.13 2 camp site with power connection for 8 people total CHF 472,80 Arrangement: 4 overnights and Davos Inclusive Card, taxes and VAT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In order to guarantee this reservation, please return the signed reservation confirmation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alteration and cancellation policy: -Bookings 0-30 days before arrival are definite -Cancellation 14 – 1 days before arrival: 50% of the package -No-shows or early termination: 80% of the price -Our alteration and cancellation policy conditions will be used, if the room is not resold -Our cancellation conditions are not applicable in case the room can be sold further. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Payment is due upon arrival. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yours sincerely, MOUNTAIN HOTELS Kaya Gadmer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Place/ date and signature

Please return the signed booking confirmation to Davos Klosters Bergbahnen AG. Place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising in regard to this confirmation/agreement is Davos. The Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) applies.

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