Vitality Magazine Winter

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winter 2013

Time for Bed Preparing yourself for improved sleep

winter skincare


ness Diet > fit y > im m u n it


Getting your daily dose of natural antioxidants is now easier with our delicious AntiOx Snack Bars and Chocolate. A diet high in natural antioxidants can assist with fighting free radicals that can cause poor health, thereby improving your immunity and overall sense of wellbeing. --------------------------------

AntiOx Snack Bars

AntiOx Chocolate

are made with super fruits, super grains, wholegrains and delicious forest fruits, and covered in rich, 70% cocoa dark chocolate. The chocolate is sugar-free and sweetened naturally with plant-based stevia. Try our Acai, Goji, and Chia & Quinoa varieties.

combines the antioxidant super power of sugarfree, 70% cocoa dark chocolate and superfruits goji and acai. The result is an antioxidant hit that is equivalent to 12 cups of green tea! Plus the chocolate is sweetened naturally with plant-based stevia - eliminating excess calories. Try our Acai and Goji varieties.

Available in the health section. For the latest health and wellbeing ideas, visit

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How does the chilly season make you feel? Does it drive you into hibernation mode, staying indoors as much as possible, snuggling up by the heater, and feasting on comfort food? Or does it fill you with a brisk resolve to maximise the shorter days and cooler nights? We may be well into winter, but that’s nothing to be woeful about. You can still stay warm and cosy whilst living life to the full. The Vitality Winter Issue is teeming with ideas on fitness and leisure

activities to boost your winter wellness. From thermal mineral spas to steamy saunas, a little self-indulgence can help to warm your body and soul when the days are dreary. Another great way to lift both your temperament and temperature is exercise. It’s so important that your fitness doesn’t falter during the cooler months. We offer tips on fun, indoor fitness activities to try.

This issue can also help you to: Take advantage of the longer nights by getting more sleep! Our sleep special on page 20 shows you how to prepare yourself for a more restful slumber. Super-charge your immunity the natural way. By eating antioxidant rich foods, controlling your stress levels and keeping yourself active, you could avoid a trip to the doctor this season! Turn to page 12. Hydrate, nourish and protect your skin. Winter conditions can be harmful to the health of your skin. Be proactive with our tips on preventing dry, dull skin this winter. Eat for energy and avoid sugar. Our newest expert columnist shares the nutrition advice she offers her clients for gaining energy, not body weight.

We have three Vitality Winter Wellness Packs to give away. Worth $80, the pack includes AntiOx Snack Bars and Chocolate, Derma e Natural Skincare products, Chillax Natural Sleep Drink and Well Naturally Chocolate. For your chance to win, simply email us: and tell us in 25 words or less how this issue will help you boost your winter wellness. Use subject line “Vitality Winter”. The best three responses will win!

Treat dad on Father’s Day. Show your love for dad on the 1st of September with a little help from our Father’s Day Gift Guide. Please note: This and all competitions throughout the magazine close on 31/08/13. Winners will be notified via email after this date.


in season

The l atest drink to health


Black tea contains powerful antioxidants that help combat cholesterol. A three-week US study found that participants’ bad cholesterol levels fell by 11 per cent after drinking several cups a day. Sounds like our cup of tea!

stop missing zzz's smart swaps You crave: a packet of chips

Feeling tired isn’t the only side-effect of not getting enough sleep. Missing out on at least six hours of sleep, multiple times a week, can also affect your genes. Indeed, over 700 genes - those that control your stress levels and immunity - can be impacted when you don’t get at least six hours of sleep each night.

Be good and have: Rice crackers with reduced-fat cheese – they’re lower in saturated fat, and you get calcium, too. Or, crunch on some air-popped popcorn. It’s high in fibre and packed with antioxidants. But limit it to one cup (popped).

a match made in health Did you know that certain foods, paired together, can have unique health benefits? Enjoying eggs for breaky? Lay them on a bed of cooked spinach. Eggs contain vitamin D, which produces calcitrol – a hormone that aids with calcium absorption. And as spinach contains calcium, this leafy green veggie makes the perfect partner for eggs.


Adding salmon to your lunch? Wash it down with a glass of tomato juice. The omega-3s in salmon work with the tomato compounds to reduce homocysteine in your blood. Homocysteine has been linked to heart disease. Cramming some carbs for dinner? Stir some bitter foods like rocket leaves through your pasta. Bitter foods induce enzymes in the body, aiding digestion and helping to break-down carbohydrates.

in season

Discover indoor workouts seasonal star: pumpkin There’s something so warming and hearty about pumpkin, so it’s just as well that this delicious vegetable favourite is at its best in winter. Particularly plentiful this season are Kent and Butternut varieties. Pumpkin is packed with essential minerals, vitamins A, C and E, and fibre. It’s also low in kilojoules. The perfect partners for pumpkin are “sweet” spices like nutmeg and cinnamon, as well as salty flavours from bacon, crumbly cheese or parmesan. Nuts also work well. Try roasting pumpkin and featuring it in warming risottos and raviolis. Or make a steaming pumpkin soup, packed with other veggies, for the ultimate healthy winter dinner.

Made using the Breville Makes approximately 2 cu

Just because it’s cold or dark outside, doesn’t mean you should skip the exercise. Visit your local leisure centre and make a splash during a morning swim. The water is warm - creating a delightful contrast with the cool weather (who wants to stay in bed?!). And aside from the way it feels, swimming also has numerous health benefits: it’s no-impact so there’s minimal injury potential, and it also helps burn more kilojoules because the resistance from the water makes you work harder. Now, where are your bathers?

All in One

ps of dip


oot • 4 medium (700g ) beetr • 1 garlic bulb e • 2 teaspoons lemon juic tablespoon horseradish •1 cup (65ml) light olive oil •¼ alt and freshly-ground •S black pepper urkish bread to ser ve •T

To do :

pat dry. . Wash beetroot well and 1. Preheat oven to 200°C ce beetroot and garlic onto a baking ove garlic and Cut top off garlic and pla ke for 30 minutes then rem tray and drizzle with oil. Ba k beetroot for a fur ther 15-20 minutes turn beetroot over and coo Set aside to cool completely. r. or until beetroot is tende quarters. peel off skin and cut into 2. Once beetroot is cool, n. Squeeze garlic out of ski bowl using the in One food processing ssemble the Breville All 3. A Quad blade. ts into processing and remaining ingredien lace beetroot and garlic 4. P bowl. Place lid on bowl. cess until ect speed 13-15 and pro ttach the motor body; sel aping down the sides of processing 5. A scr mix ture is almost smooth, . ary ess bowl if nec 6. Serve dip chilled with

Turkish bread.

Don’t wish to get wet? Check out the fitness classes on offer at your local gym. From Step to Sh’Bam, Pilates to Pump, various classes cater to all fitness levels and working out with others will help keep you motivated to move. Of course, you could just stay home. Invest in set of dumb bells or kettle bell and get some weight training in. Try increasing the weight and decreasing the reps to accelerate fat burning. A mix of cardio and weight-bearing exercise will help you lose weight and tone-up, too.


in season

Tea tree oil does not come from the same leaf as that used in drinking tea, but like tea, it is reputed for its calming properties - albeit for your skin. Tea Tree Oil is antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. This natural healers is useful as a treatment for skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. It can also be used to treat sunburn, prickly heat, burns, cuts and grazes, cold sores, lesions, fungal infections, gingivitis, insect bites, chicken pox and dandruff. Tea Tree oil has been used as a topical solution to skin problems for centuries, with Indigenous Australians considered the first to have utilised this powerful healing oil for therapeutic baths, insect repellent, and to relieve bites and burns.

For a fuss-free tea tree solution, try Derma e’s Tea Tree Range, including Tea Tree Oil, Antiseptic Cream, Face & Body Wash and Itch Relief Lotion. Made using the highestquality tea tree oil in effective quantities, Derma e Tea Tree We have one Derma e Tea Tree pack worth $76 to giveaway, containing Derma e Tea Tree range also contains Vitamin E Oil, Antiseptic Crème, Face & Body Wash and - to nourish and hydrate skin Itch Relief Lotion. Simply email us: while it heals. com and tell us in info@vitalitybrands. 25 words or less why you need the Derma e Tea Tree range. Use subject line “Tea Tree”. The best response will win.

This makes sense, considering the tree from which tea tree oil is derived, is native to Southeast Queensland and Northeast New South Wales. Doctors also widely used Tea Tree oil to treat skin ailments early in the 20th Century - a practice which has since been revived. Indeed, over the past 70 years, researchers around the world have amassed evidence of the astounding antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock 6

How do you feel when your alarm goes off in the morning? Ready to race out of bed, or repeatedly hit the snooze button? The difference could depend on which sleep phase you’re in. The Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock is an intelligent alarm clock that analyses your sleep patterns, and wakes you up in the lightest sleep phase. This is the most natural way to wake up - and should see you rising with more energy. Bring on the day!

in season

STUDY: Sleep helps the brain reset Are you a morning person? Do you feel refreshed, raring to go and full of ideas when you begin your working day? Scientists believe there could be a reason for this. Recent research from the University of WisconsinMadison involved studying the sleeping brain to determine exactly what purpose sleep plays in healthy brain function. They found that the brain “re-sets” itself when we sleepclearing less relevant information, consolidating significant memories and making room for the new material we’ll learn tomorrow. When we lack sleep, the brain is not ready to receive new information the next day - making us irritable and inefficient. (Don’t we all know that feeling!) The study was led by neuroscientist and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi. He observed the sleeping brain to exhibit strong brainwaves and extrapolated this to indicate that the brain was unwinding - clearing out unnecessary information during the night. Tononi’s research is ground-breaking in that it examines the true purpose of sleep.

Trouble sleeping?

He hypothesises that sleep gives the brain’s synapses the chance to slow down to minimal levels. Considering the brain uses 80 per cent of its energy powering synaptic activity, it’s not hard to imagine why sleep is so important.

Have you tried Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink yet? This unique blend of Montmorency cherry juice and Lactium helps you relax and get a deeper, more refreshing sleep.

Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Mousse Try this healthier chocolate mousse recipe from Vitality Brands National Business Manager Kasia Tomczyk. you’ll need

• 135g Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate – Rich Dark • 60g unsalted butter • 2 large eggs, separated • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar • 120ml whipping cream Optional to serve: ell Naturally Sugar Free •W Dark Chocolate curls • Whipped cream • Fresh strawberries

what to do

Melt chocolate and butter in a large, glass, heatproof bowl over large saucepan of simmering water. (Do not allow water to touch base of bowl.) Remove from heat. Allow mixture to cool slightly, before stirring-in egg yolks. Place mixture into refrigerator to cool completely. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar slowly in a small bowl, with electric mixer until soft peaks form. The whites should resemble snow, and not appear dry. Whip cream and fold into chocolate mixture.

Divide mousse among serving glasses or dishes; refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight. Serve topped with whipped cream and chocolate curls, or fresh strawberries.


Do not begin to stir melted chocolate until it has completely melted. This will allow chocolate to retain its lustre. Chocolate and butter mixture is suitable to microwave. Use room temperature eggs for best results. Recipe is not suitable for freezing.

Fold-in egg whites in two batches.


winter feature

Forget hibernation: The chilly season brings many joyful experiences. Splash your cares away in a day spa, sip some healthy tea, exercise-off your winter woes, knit for relaxation, feast on seasonal produce and enjoy exciting events.

winter health and fitness The shorter days of winter don’t mean you have to end up with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or fat and unfit. There are many health, fitness and mental health reasons why the shorter, cooler days of winter should be embraced, argues Naturopath and Respiratory Therapist Tim Altman B.Sc., B.G.Sc. (Naturopathy). 1. Take advantage of the longer nights that result from the short days to get more hours of quality sleep. Research has indicated numerous benefits of a good night’s sleep, including:


2. Engage in regular short bursts of exercise. Whilst the shorter and colder days make it difficult and less inviting to be outdoors for as long as in the warmer months, regular short bursts of exercise (i.e. 30 minutes, 5-6 days per week) will be great for your energy levels and metabolism – and therefore your waistline. 3. Take advantage of the season to engage in different activities and sports to keep your fitness and social life interesting. Great indoor sports for winter, that can also enhance your social life include: • Gym • Gymnastics

✔ Reduced risk of heart attack

• Swimming

✔ Reduced cancer risk

• Pilates

✔ Reduced aches and pains

• Yoga

✔ Reduced risk of diabetes

• Zumba

✔ Reduced stress levels

• Dance classes

✔ Better metabolism and potential for weight loss

• Aerobics

✔ Better energy and happier moods

• Spin classes

✔ Better relationships and sex life

• Tai chi

✔ Improved immune system function

• Indoor soccer

✔ Improved brain function

• Indoor cricket

✔ Glowing skin

• Basketball/netball

(For tips on getting a better sleep, turn to page 20.)

Racquet ball: Table tennis, squash, hand ball, fencing, • badminton etc.

winter feature

4. Embrace the delicious seasonal foods. Many of the winter fruits and vegetables have incredible health benefits including prevention of cancer and heart disease. Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C, whilst green leafy vegetables, including cabbage, kale, spinach, lettuce etc., are probably the richest in nutrients of any foods in the vegetable kingdom. They are high in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, folic acid and the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Other vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are also high protein and are also extremely rich in many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

6. Take a vitamin D supplement. Recent research has indicated that a majority of Australians are deficient in vitamin D (especially over winter) – manufactured in the skin when in contact with sunshine (UV rays), vitamin D plays a vital role in utilization of calcium and phosphorous for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis. It also plays roles in cardiovascular health, the immune system and prevention of some cancers. Tim Altman is the founder of Natural Flow, is a Naturopath and Respiratory Therapist with vast experience in breathing dynamics, nutrition, movement and health and well-being. Since developing his latest health intervention, Natural Flow, Tim creates tailored programs to assist people with stress reduction and other health interventions.

work off winter Exercise can benefit your mind and body in many 5. Take advantage of the contrast between the cold of the environment and the warmth of indoors by embracing the fantastic health benefits of saunas. Whilst not widely understood or used in Australia, saunas have been extensively used in Scandinavia, Northern Europe, Russia and Japan for thousands of years. Research has indicated they offer benefits including: • Great for detoxification • Boosting the immune system and preventing colds and flus • Glowing, clean and healthy skin • Improved recovery from exercise • Increased muscle power and concentration • Weight loss • Generalised feeling of well-being (post sauna) • Better sleep Two saunas a week will make a huge difference. Either conventional saunas or far-infrared saunas can be used. Many saunas also come complete with light therapy facilities which are also fantastic for preventing the winter blues (often referred to as SAD). Consult your health or medical practitioner for information on healthy and safe use of saunas.

ways - particularly in winter, when wellness often falls by the wayside. Besides - there’s no healthier way to warm up on those chilly days, than with a good workout. Exercise is great for: immunity : Winter is the time most of us experience cold and flu. Exercising is thought to raise antibodies in the blood, assisting the body to fight infection. Research from the University of South Carolina found that people who did 60-80 minutes of exercise most days of the week, were the least likely to catch a cold. Another study was conducted by the Appalachian State University and the University of North Carolina in the US. It involved over 1,000 healthy adults aged from 18-85 years. Following a series of tests and examinations to determine each participant’s health and fitness levels, participants were followed over a 12 week period during autumn and winter. Those who were fit, researchers found, were much less likely to contract a cold, and if they did, the duration was much shorter than that of less-fit participants.

weight loss: It’s easy to slip into the “winter

mindset” when it comes to weight management. The cold weather and short days make us crave comfort foods, and because we have our winter woollies to hide beneath, we’re less worried about excess weight gain. But remember those extra kilos won’t simply melt off come summer. Winter is the time to be proactive with weight management! According to experts, just 55 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 times a week is enough for weight loss. Research from the University of Pittsburg found that women who lost weight and kept it off for two years burnt off around 7,707kj a week, which requires around 257 minutes of exercise.


Winter feature

gi v e to get Life can get us down at times, and remaining resilient can be hard. But don’t let the negatives impact you! Ditch the icy demeanour and be the better person, to attract good in return. Here are some simple ways to melt the ice and

emotional wellbeing : Less sunlight

in winter, the idea of going to and from work in the dark, and increased time indoors, is all bound to take its toll on your emotions. Beat the winter blues with exercise. The chemical effect of exercise is the release of endorphins - powerful chemicals that lift our mood. The mental effect is the sense of achievement we feel at maintaining an exercise regime, and the sense of control (we are proactively improving our health). Exercise is also thought to help boost concentration levels and help tackle stress, anxiety and depression. For the biggest emotional boost from exercise, do your workout in the morning. A study by the University of Glasgow found that those who did an AM workout experienced a 48 per cent rise in mood, versus those who did evening workouts, at 19 per cent.

get that “warm and fuzzy” feeling back: ❤ P ractice smiling instead of frowning. Each time you feel your brown furrow, replace this expression with a smile and remember what you love about life. ❤ Wave when another motorist lets you merge before them, and return the favour next time someone indicates to slip in front of you. ❤ Smile at people on the street. ❤ Let the person in the queue go before you. ❤ Do a good deed. ❤ Ask a work colleague how they’re doing - with genuine interest. ❤ T ake a few moments to speak to those you pass each day neighbours, people in the lift at work, the barista at the cafe. ❤ Be courteous to customer service staff - no matter how rushed you are.

Which brew is most health-tea? A simple cup of tea serves so many purposes - it can calm us down, warm us up, heighten our alertness, refresh us, and provide an excuse to indulge on luscious baked indulgences (high tea anyone?) So do you know your brews and the health benefits they bring? Tea is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant native to China and India. The tea we drink comes in white, green, black, oolong and pu-erh varieties. The difference is the way the tea leaves are treated once they’re picked. Tea’s main claim to health fame is its polyphenol content. Polyphenols are antioxidants that help neutralise the free radicals that contribute to illness and disease in the body. (Also found in dark chocolate.)


The level of polyphenols present in tea is dependent on how processed and oxidised (exposed to oxygen) the tea leaves are. The more oxidised, the less polyphenols.

White: Tea in its purest form, white tea is uncured and unfermented. Green: Made with steamed tea leaves, green tea has been minimally processed, meaning it retains high concentrations of antioxidants called catechins. The health benefits of green tea have been studied for over 10 years in labs, and this powerful beverage showed potential to fight heart disease, cancer, diabetes, weight loss, dementia and stroke. Such studies have not been conducted in real life scenarios however, so it’s difficult to extrapolate such results. Green tea is also believed to aid in digestion. Black: Made with fermented tea leaves, black tea has the highest caffeine content and still retains considerable levels of antioxidants.

Oolong: Popular in Chinese culture, Oolong tea is partly fermented. It is said to aid digestion. Pu-erh: Made from fermented and aged leaves, pu-erh tea is believed to assist with digestion, weight loss and hangovers!

Winter feature

Wash away your winter woes in an indulgent day spa this season. Here’s our selection of the most sublime.

Enjoying the peak of hot spring bathing at Peninsula Hot Springs, Victoria.

Peninsula Hot Springs in Rye, Victoria

Golden Door Spa and Health Club in Main Beach, Gold Coast

utilises natural hot mineral water, which flows from the earth into numerous thermal pools. There are over 25 mineral pools in the bath house area alone - ranging in temperature from 36ºC to 43ºC. This spa wonderland is a natural, outdoor oasis, surrounded by rocks, billabongs and flora. Climb the stone paths to the pinnacle, stopping to bathe in the many pools along the way, until you reach the spa on the peak - overlooking lush, undulating landscape. On the way back, enjoy spa highlights like the grotto, reflexology walk and Turkish steam room.

offers spa baths, steam rooms, lap pool; and fitness facilities like gym and tennis courts. A decadent treatments menu tempts you with face and body treatments, massage, hand and foot care, and specialty services. Try a customised facial, mud wrap, salt scrub, Kahuna style massage or Vichy shower.

Be there

enjoy leading winter events in your home state

City of Perth Winter Arts Season

Melbourne Winter Masterpieces

until September 8

While the flowers may not be blooming in your garden, they can still be admired in Claude Monet’s paintings. Step into the National Galle ry, and bask in the floral hues of Monet’s iconic garden at Giverny. Peruse over 50 masterpie ces from the Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris, as well as paintings from leading international muse ums and private collections.

until August 31

This winter will transform Perth into a hub of cultural activity, with nearly 200 events from WA’s leading and up-and-coming arts organisations, venues and independent artists. The 9th annual and biggest season yet offers theatre, film, comedy, opera, literature, dance, music, visual arts, poetry; cabaret and circus; plus free and family events.

eatre stralian Dance Th Image courtesy Au otography copyright Ph . rth Pe of y and Cit Chris Herzfeld.

n Race XPD Expeditioan d outback

Flinders Ranges ptember 1-13 South Australia Se

s ce involves team XPD Expedition Ra rs from all over of four competito , mountain the world, trekking g for 5-10 Bondi M biking, and kayakin ar adventure. ing cit ex is th in ever y Su kets days h nday ug thro W h at h a Participants race p p e n a s er ov in Bond winter? the day and night i over T he Bon , se d ur c co i Markets o re u et rs om e ! O pe n 700 kil of e ac h Su market s to nday, th offers s pushing themselve e talls sell designe rance. ing orig r clothin the limits of endu in a l g, exotic ha ndma imports de jewe , ll e r y , arts, c home w rafts, ares, re tro furnit vintage clothes. ure and Browse wares a interesti midst a ng beachfr ont sett ing.


Your Health

When winter descends, one of our main objectives is to avoid getting sick; yet we’re often lucky to escape the cooler months unscathed by cold and flu. This season, before you turn to flu vaccines and medications, bolster your immune system the natural way: by eating the right foods and practicing a healthy lifestyle.

Diet White blood cells boost immunity. The more you have, the stronger your defence against illness. Particular vitamins and molecules, present in everyday foods, can increase your white blood cell count and help guard against illness. They are as follows: Vitamin C: A potent antioxidant, vitamin C aids the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight infection. A cold’s number one enemy, vitamin C also raises levels of interferon – an antibody that protects the cell surface from viruses. Vitamin C is present in bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, sweet potatoes, strawberries, goji berries, kiwi fruit, oranges, grapefruit and fresh and dried herbs – especially thyme.

Pomegranate: This ancient super fruit contains twice the level of polyphenol antioxidants as red wine and up to 10 times the amount in a cup of green tea. Goji: These small, red berries are reputed for their extremely high concentration of antioxidants, including carotenoids. They are also rich in vitamin C. Acai: This little blue berry has the highest ORAC count of all berries. It contains over 16 phytonutrients and antioxidants, with twice as many antioxidants as blueberries. Vitamin E: This vitamin helps protect cells against free radical damage by promoting the growth of B-cells – immune cells that produce antibodies which quash bacteria. Foods containing vitamin E include raw sunflower seeds, dryroasted almonds, pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, paprika, chilli powder, cumin, olives, dried apricots, tomatoes, spinach, and herbs like oregano, basil, thyme, sage and parsley.

Antioxidant super fruits: The recommended daily intake of antioxidants is between 3000 and 5000 ORAC units (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). A selection of “super fruits” is reputed for their particularly high antioxidant value. The following super fruits are used in the AntiOx range of Chocolate and Snack Bars: 12

Beta carotene: Increase the number of infection-fighting cells in your body by eating foods rich in beta carotene. This powerful antioxidant also eliminates surplus free radicals. Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, squash, coriander, tomato, goji berries and spices like cayenne pepper all contain beta carotene.

Your Health

Bioflavonoids: These aid the immune system by protecting the cells of the body against environmental pollutants. Bioflavonoids also enhance the function of vitamin C. They have an antibacterial effect, stimulate bile production, promote circulation and assist with fighting allergies. To get the benefits of bioflavonoids, eat sweet peppers, chocolate, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tropical fruits, strawberries, cranberries, apples, garlic, and spinach.

Super-charge your antioxidant intake: For a delicious antioxidant boost, try AntiOx Snack Bars and Chocolate. These tasty, healthful snacks are made using super fruits goji berries, acai and pomegranate. The Snack Bars also feature ancient grains for additional benefits. Products in the AntiOx range are made using 70% cocoa dark chocolate that’s sugar free and sweetened naturally with stevia.

Selenium: This mineral has antioxidant powers, and is required by the body in trace amounts. Selenium is present in cereals, meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. It’s also in Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, barley, brown rice, and oats. Zinc: Providing excellent support for a healthy immune system, zinc can also calm stress and bolster your metabolism. It’s found in dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, oysters, wheat germ, low-fat roast beef, sesame seeds and tahini. Omega 3 fatty acids: These help reduce inflammation and impart essential fats. They increase the activity of phagocytes – the white blood cells that consume bacteria. Contained in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel, omega 3 fatty acids can also be found in walnuts and flaxseeds, soy and kidney beans and olive oil. Avoid frying your fish and olive oil to preserve the omega 3 content.

Stress It’s well-known that prolonged stress can impact your immune system. Whether it’s severe, or just the general, day-to-day kind, chronic stress can also lead to related conditions like obesity, addiction and depression. Naturally, these all have greater impact on your immune system. In responding to stressful situations, your body behaves in several different ways. This includes increased blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate; increased blood glucose; blood thickening and the release of hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and endorphins. While they are useful in fight-or-flight situations, these responses can place pressure on your immune system in the long term. To combat daily stress, try yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, positive visualisation, “me-time”, stretching and self-awareness of when your stress is getting out of hand. Continued > 13

Your Health

While these are great short-term solutions, fighting stress in the long-term involves some deeper reflection. Be conscious of what is really causing you stress. Do you allow enough time to get to work in the morning? Is your job just more stress than it’s worth? Are personal relationships doing more harm than good? Is more communication needed? Once you decide on the source of the stress and how to combat it, your immune system and your life will improve.

Sleep If you’re deprived of sleep, inflammatory cytokines increase, while t-cells decrease. T cells (T lymphocytes) are a type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. They have a key function in cellmediated immunity. An imbalance of inflammatory cytokines and t-cells will weaken your immune system. Furthermore, if you are tired, you’re more likely to consume more caffeine and sugar. Sugar can contribute to the spread of yeasts like Candida albicans. Consequently, this can lead to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, which amounts to decreased immunity. Adults should aim for around eight hours of sleep each night.

• Stay away from stimulants like caffeine and sugar. • Avoid eating heavy, slow digesting foods like animal proteins too close to bedtime. • Ensure your bedroom is a comfortable temperature. It should be a few degrees cooler than other times of the day. • Check that your mattress and pillow are comfortable and still of good quality. If they are old or worn, consider replacing them. • Repeat your bedtime routine each night – go to bed and wake up at the same time, every time. • Give yourself time to unwind and get into sleep mode before going to bed. A warm bath, cup of tea or a good, non-technical book are some good ways to relax and say good night to the cares of the day. Furthermore, the drop in temperature after you exit the bath will induce sleepiness. • Avoid watching television and using your computer or phone too close to bedtime. • Try Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink



Your Health

Exercise Regular, moderate exercise can strengthen your immune system. Try a brisk walk, a hike, yoga, swimming or cycling. Many expert theories exist as to how exercise can boost immunity:

Fluid Water is essential for sound bodily function. It can help flush toxins from the body, and keep mucous membranes moist, making it harder for germs to attach to nose and lungs. For optimal results, drink water between meals. Remember that salads, fruits and raw vegetables also contain significant amounts of water, so increase your intake of these foods.

Heat Spice up your life and improve your immune system. Many herbs and spices speed up metabolism and boost circulation and this helps guard against illness. Boost the flavour of your dishes with cayenne pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves and paprika.

• The rise in body temperature associated with exercise may help kill germs. • Exercise releases endorphins, thus controlling stress and allowing for a stronger immune system. • When you sweat during exercise, this helps cleanse the body of toxins that could make you ill. • Exercise increases blood flow, and this sends immune-defensive cells circulating at a faster pace through your body.


father’s day

Dad does it all: He works hard, keeps the kids amused, does the Saturday morning sports run, helps with the homework, loves mum, keeps the house maintained, and cracks cheesy “dad jokes”. Show dad he’s loved this Father’s Day and present him with a thoughtful gift on the 1st of September.

History buff

Boom, boom, boom

Shine those shoes

Perfect for the knowledgeable dad, the HistioGraph is a world history timeline poster that depicts the rise and fall of people, nations and cultures from 1500BCE to the present day.

If dad loves to boogie, the Logitec Mobile Boombox will allow him to play his music aloud, from smartphones, tablets or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. These wireless speakers are around the size of two Rubik’s Cubes, but boy do they boom!

Great for all those dapper dads who pride themselves on having shiny shoes, Method Leather Love Wipes take the effort out of leather polishing. One wipe, and dad’s shoes will look as lustrous as new.

Social shirts Eternal Creation produces fair trade clothing and accessories that make people feel good, and look good. These cotton shirts are great for dads who are both style and socially-conscious.


Better bin nights It’s dad’s job to take-out the bins on bin night, right? Make his mundane task a little more enjoyable with’s range of wheelie bin stickers. There’s a “bloke”-inspired range, or you can customise your own.

father’s day

That’s smokin’

Fit for life

Smarter shaving

Forget the barbeque this Father’s Day - let dad smoke his food instead. The Muurikka Electric Oven provides a healthier way to cook delicious meats, fish, veggies or cheese – without oil. Perfect for camping or small outdoor spaces, the Electric Smoking Oven also roast and grills.

Force dad to keep his fitness in-check, with the Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity + Sleep Tracker. Worn as a wristband, the Flex tracks steps, distance, and calories burned during the day. At night, it tracks his sleep cycle and wakes him silently in the morning.

Help dad spend less on disposable razors by cleaning the blades with the RazorPit – a rubber device that rids used razors of residue that makes them feel “blunt”. The RazorPit’s sturdy thermo-plastic elastomer material provides friction as well as a soft-textured surface, allowing the blade to glide over it easily and remove any residue.

Sun god

Home is where the heart is

Winter warmer

Does dad love the great outdoors? The SunRocket uses the latest in solar thermal technology to heat and boil water in as little as 30 minutes (weather dependent). It can also pasteurise water for drinking, washing, cooking or sterilising – all from simple sunlight.

Remind dad to hurry home from work, with personalised sterling silver pieces from pony&pressed. The range includes giftware and jewellery – hand-stamped with your own message to dad.

Light up dad’s life with these Australian-made outdoor ovens and designer fireplaces from IMP. Complete the look with a personalised garden screen using dad’s favourite picture, footy team or design.

Snug hugs

Easy fish

On your bike

Help dad stay cosy, with luxurious bathrobes from Beautiful Robes. In various colours and styles, they’re fashioned from soft silk, cotton or microfibre.

Fit for the fussiest fisherman, the Swedish Fire Knife from Light My Fire allows dad to clean, cook and eat a fish with just one utensil. This ultrasharp knife comes equipped with a flint, to light anything from a stove to a campfire.

Dad can wear his passion for cycling proudly on his chest, with this limited-edition T-shirt from A’qto Cycling. Made from soft cotton jersey, it features an abstract water colour design.


father’s day

Grilling on the green Give a gift that reflects dad’s two biggest passions - golf and barbequing - with this golf themed BBQ tool set from

Jet set Next time dad travels, see him off in style with the new Spectra Collection from Victorinox. Marrying lightweight durability with seamless, 360 degree movement, these stylish cases are available in a spectrum of colours.


Hands on

Keep up with the kids

Sport with speed

Creating the perfect gift for new daddies, Belly Art allows you to safely and easily record your child’s prints, and apply them to ceramic mugs, mouse pads, stubby holders and stylish key-rings.

Send dad a hint that he needs to spend more time with his kids: give him the Crisp Big Wheel Scooter for adults. Australian designed, this scooter features wide alloy deck and adjustable handlebars. Available from

Active dads will love Speedminton the new racquet sport sensation for a high energy game on any open space without a net. Glow sticks in the Night Speeders even allow for a game in complete darkness!

Time for…

Sporty style

Paperless read

Decorate dad’s man cave with this customised wall clock from Lumbi. Nominate his top-12 destinations, pastimes, people, whatever, and have them printed on this Australian-made timepiece.

Swathe dad in style. Le Coq Sportif is reputed for its sports-chic style, including vintage bike polos, shirts and sneakers.

The Kobo Aura HD puts a library at dad’s fingertips, without the bulk or weight of a book. With an easy-use touch screen, dad can turn pages, bookmark locations, adjust font size and type, and search for all his favourite books.


My morning tea just got a whole lot better. #littlepleasures 50 likes

Well Naturally

• Delicious, smooth, satisfying chocolate in Milk and Dark varieties – 9 flavours to choose from. • Sweetened naturally with stevia, not sugar – eliminate excess calories. • Sugar Free Dark Chocolate contains no sugar and is made better-for-you with 70% cocoa – great benefits, and safe for diabetics.

• No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate retains only the natural sugar present in milk – no additional suga r is added.

Well Naturally - It’s in the health section. For the latest health, food and fitness tips, visit



r treat! # After dinne 210 likes

103 likes My afternoon indulgence to keep me going! #heavenly Like


your health

get some


In the last issue of Vitality magazine, we featured part one of our “Sleep Special” which discussed preparing your bedroom environment for the perfect night’s sleep. In this issue, we share our best advice for preparing yourself for a restful slumber.

You’ll be familiar with the phrase “body clock”. The formal term is circadian rhythm: a predominantly internally-regulated, roughly 24-hour cycle in biochemical, physiological, or behavioural processes. Your circadian rhythm regulates when you feel tired and is affected by external factors like the amount of light in the environment and the sleeping patterns you keep. When light drops, your body releases melatonin – a natural hormone that signals to your brain that it’s time to sleep, and makes you tired. Melatonin however, is not regenerated in the body. When we get older, melatonin depletes more and more. Hence the reason elderly people sleep so little. If your internal body clock is out of whack, help get it back on track and induce sleepiness by going to bed at a regular time. This consistency will regulate your circadian rhythm and signal to your brain when it’s time to sleep. It’s also important to get consistent amounts of sleep. Adults should get around eight hours each night. Sleeping in or having naps during the day will interrupt your sleep pattern and will not help.

Quit the afternoon coffee Most people know that caffeine works as a stimulant by raising your heart rate. Remember, caffeine is not just in coffee. It’s also present in cola drinks and teas. Try to have your last caffeinated drink 3-4 hours before bedtime.


youR health

Before bed Your sleeping environment may be perfectly designed for a good night’s sleep, but its benefits will be diluted if you don’t practice some sound preparation well before you hit the hay. It’s all about reducing stimulation and inducing relaxation in the hours leading up to bedtime. • Avoid exercising up to three hours prior to sleep, as exercise raises your heart rate and is therefore a stimulant. • Make time to unwind before you go to bed. Slipping between the sheets as soon as you get home may not give your mind enough time to transition into relaxation mode before you sleep. Note: unwinding does not mean watching TV. • Avoid stressful or thought-provoking conversations just before bed. Getting your mind into analytical mode will work against getting a truly refreshing rest. • If you have trouble relaxing, try reading a non-technical, non-complicated book before bed. It could help make you tired. • Another great way to relax before bed is to soak in a warm, soothing bath. The warm water relaxes your muscles, assists your circulation and raises your body temperature. As your temperature returns to normal around an hour after the bath, you will begin to feel relaxed and ready for bed. To enhance the bathing experience, dim the lights, use soothing music and aromatic oils and light some candles. Aromatic oils with calming properties include lavender, ylang ylang, neroli, chamomile, mint, passionflower and lime flower. You could even make your own relaxing bath powder using half a cup of honey, three cups of powdered milk and lavender buds.

tune-in to your senses If you still have trouble falling asleep when your head’s on the pillow, try tuning in to your senses instead of letting your mind wander. Focus on what you can hear, feel, smell and taste and stop worrying about tomorrow.

Just Chillax If you still have trouble falling asleep, or wake up during the night and need help getting back to sleep, try Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink. Chillax is made with Montmorency tart cherry juice - an ingredient rich in natural phytonutrients that supports sleep. It also contains Lactium - a milk protein derivative with natural calming properties that prepares you for sleep. Chillax therefore works to first calm and relax you before bed, and then helps you get a deeper, more restful sleep. Try some today for a better sleep tonight!



Trouble Sleeping?


Natural Sleep Support Drink

Find out more /chillaxnaturalsleepdrink 22

section try it

Certain activities can be therapeutic. Knitting is one of them. Some believe the rhythmic movement of repeating two stitches - knit and purl - can have a calming, meditative effect on the mind. A Harvard University study showed that knitting provoked a relaxation response in the brain and body. It also helped heart rate to drop by up to 11 beats per minute. Others argue that knitting’s mildly-addictive quality can distract from bad habits like binge-eating or smoking. And almost all knitters would agree that the achievement of knitting a garment - and subsequent praise that comes from the recipient/admirer can provoke feelings of self-worth.


try it

SCARF Using 5.50mm needles, cast on 70 sts. Beg Band Patt – 1st row – P3, K2, P2, K2, (P3, TW) 3 times, (P3, K2) twice, P2, (K2, P3) twice, (TW, P3) 3 times, K2, P2, K2, P3. 2nd row – K3, P2, K2, P2, (K3, P2) 5 times, K2, (P2, K3) 5 times, P2, K2, P2, K3. Last 2 rows form band patt. Work a further 26 rows band patt. Beg Main Patt – Work rows 1 to 6 incl from Graph or written instructions as follows 1st row – P3, K6, (P3, TW) 3 times, P3, K4, C4B, C4F, K4, P3, (TW, P3) 3 times, K6, P3. 2nd row – K3, P6, (K3, P2) 3 times, K3, P16, (K3, P2) 3 times, K3, P6, K3. 3rd row – P3, C6B, (P3, TW) 3 times, P3, K2, C4B, K4, C4F, K2, P3, (TW, P3) 3 times, C6F, P3. 4th row – As 2nd row. *** interm ediate 5th row – P3, K6, (P3, TW) 3 times, P3, C4B, K8, C4F, P3, (TW, P3) 3 times, K6, P3. 6th row – As 2nd row. MEASUREMENTS Rows 1 to 6 incl form main patt. Width cm 24 Cont in main patt until Scarf measures approx 180cm from Length (approx) cm 190 beg, ending with a 6th patt row. Beg Band Patt – MATERIALS Work 28 rows band patt (as before). Cast off loosely in patt. CLECKHEATON COUNTRY ARAN 10 PLY 50g balls Quantity (4006 Geranium) • 1 pair 5.50mm (UK 5) knitting needles. • cable needle. LL138 • wool needle for sewing in ends.



TENSION 18 sts and 23 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 5.50mm needles. NOTE – This Scarf is worked on larger needles and at a looser tension than usually recommended for this yarn.


6 4

5 3 1


side edge

side edge KEY AND SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS = Knit st on right side, purl st on wrong side. = Purl st on right side, knit st on wrong side.

= TW - Knit into back of 2nd st (taking needle behind first st), then into front of first st, slipping both sts off needle tog. = C4F - Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave at front of work, K2, then K2 from cable needle. = C4B - Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave at back of work, K2, then K2 from cable needle. = C6F - Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave at front of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. = C6B - Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and leave at back of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. Note:


When working from Graph, read odd numbered rows (right side rows) from right to left and even numbered rows (wrong side rows) from left to right.

beg here

try it


Woman Man

To Fit Head




MATERIALS CLECKHEATON COUNTRY 8 PLY 50g balls Main Colour (M – 0050 Cream 1st Colour (C1 – 2321 Honeydew) 2nd Colour (C2 – 1085 Gold) 3rd Colour (C3 – 2320 Leaf) 4th Colour (C4 – 2322 Clear Skies) 5th Colour (C5 – 2323 Garnet)

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

• 1 pair each 3.75mm (UK 9) and 4.00mm (UK 8) knitting needles. • pom pon maker or piece of cardboard. • wool needle for sewing seam.

*** interm edia te

TENSION 24 sts and 24 rows to 10cm over Fair Isle patt, using 4.00mm needles.

BEANIE Using 3.75mm needles and M, cast on 123 (129) sts. 1st row – K2, * P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1. 2nd row – K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end. Last 2 rows form rib. Work a further 10 rows rib, dec one st in centre of last row … 122 (128) sts. Change to 4.00mm needles. Beg Fair Isle Patt – NOTE – Do not weave colours in Fair Isle patt but carry colour not in use loosely across on wrong side. Always carry colours RC314g fair isle beanie to ends of rows and catch in at side edges. Always carry M above C1 and C4, C3 above C5, and C2 above C1. Work rows 1 to 24 incl from Graph. These 24 rows form Fair Isle patt. Work a further 14 rows patt. Shape Crown – Keeping patt correct, Next row – K2, * K1, K2tog, K3, rep from * to end … 102 (107) sts. Work 1 row. Next row – K2, * K3, K2tog, rep from * to end … 82 (86) sts. Work 1 row. Change to C1 for rem. Next row – K1, * K2tog, K4, K2tog, rep from * to last 1 (5) sts, K1 (5) … 62 (66) sts. Work 1 row.

ABBREVIATIONS beg = begin, beginning; cont = continue; dec = decrease; incl = inclusive; K = knit; P = purl; patt = pattern; rem = remainder, remaining; rep = repeat; st, sts = stitch, stitches; stocking st = knit right side rows, purl wrong side rows; tog = together.

Next row – K2 (0), * (K2tog) twice, K2, rep from * to end … 42 (44) sts. Work 1 row. Break off yarn, thread end through rem sts, draw up tightly and fasten off securely.

TO MAKE UP With a slightly damp cloth warm iron, press lightly, avoiding rib band. Join side edges to form back seam, matching pattern. Using a medium pom pon maker or two circles of cardboard 10cm in diameter with a 3cm hole in centre and all colours together, make a pom pon and attach securely to crown. Hat and Scarf knitted in Cleckheaton Country. For more information, visit:










KEY M - cream 0050 C1 - honeydew 2321 C2 - gold 1085 C3 - leaf 2320 C4 - clear skies 2322 C5 - garnet 2323
















beg here

Work these 6 sts for patt rep

Note - When working from Graph, read odd numbered rows (knit rows) from right to left and even numbered rows (purl rows) from left to right. 25

Natural Skincare Solutions That Work.

Looking for a natural skincare solution to nourish your winter skin? Derma e natural skincare has a range of products to suit your needs. From luscious Vitamin E Crème for dry skin, to solutions for winter itch and eczema, there is a Derma e product for you.

For more information on derma eÂŽ, visit or for a fact sheet, contact 26

The skin the Skin you’re in

winter skin saviours: As winter descends, a combination of harsh heaters and dehydrating air conditioning means your skin starts to feel a little taut and tight.

It’s now integral to do all you can, to deal with the sudden change in temperature. That is, moisturise, hydrate and nourish! 27

the skin you’re in

Here are the cool weather commandments

that you need to follow in order to score some supremely soft, winter-proof skin

Article first published in Beauty Heaven. Republished with permission. 28

the skin you’re in

products Achieve nourished, supple winter

skin with the these products.


A Winter Skincare Pack from Derma e

Natural Skincare Solutions That Work.

Do the right thing by yo ur skin this winter, and nurture it with this skinc are pack from Derma e, including Vitamin E Crèm e, Evenly Radiant Night Crème and Cleanser, an d Cracked Skin Relief Crème. Valued at $100 , we have one pack to giv e away. Simply email us: inf and tell us in 25 words or less how you plan to nurture your skin thi s winter. Use subject line “winter skin”. The best response will win !


your health

can chocolate be It sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. Studies show consuming dark chocolate can have a positive impact on heart health, cholesterol levels and cognitive function.

An Australian study has shown that eating certain quantities of cocoa (present in greater amounts in dark chocolate) can reduce one’s chance of having a stroke or heart attack. The cocoa content in dark chocolate makes it high in flavonoids, which help protect bodily cells from free radicals, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol, in turn helping to prevent heart problems. The team of researchers at Monash University, Melbourne surveyed over 2,000 people who possessed high risk factors for contracting heart disease. Researchers observed male and female participants over 10 years and discovered a correlation between eating 100g of dark chocolate a day and a reduced risk of stroke and heart attack. The dark chocolate must be made with a minimum 70 per cent cocoa to have such benefits.

Using a mathematical model, researchers deduced that eating 100g of dark chocolate each day could prevent 70 non-fatal and 15 fatal cardiovascular events per 10,000 people over a 10-year period. The study was the first to examine the long-term health benefits of flavonoids, which the researchers believe play a key role in preventing heart disease. “Our findings indicate dark chocolate therapy could provide an alternative to, or be used to complement drug therapeutics in people at high risk of cardiovascular disease,” said researcher Ella Zomer. “We’re not suggesting that the high-risk group use dark chocolate as their only preventative measure, but in combination with sensible choices, such as exercise.” This cheap and cheerful treatment could help the 30 per cent of Australians at high risk of cardiovascular disease.


your health

These findings were echoed in an Oxford University study on over 2,000 people aged 70-plus. The participants who consumed foods rich in flavonols like dark chocolate - scored higher on cognitive tests than those who did not eat such foods. It seems dark chocolate ticks so many boxes - just be sure to choose ones with at least 70 per cent cocoa and for even more benefits, ditch the sugary chocolate for a sugar free alternative. Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate is sweetened naturally with plant-based stevia, not sugar. So you get the health benefits of cocoa, without the health hazard of excessive sugar consumption.

Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate is made with 70 per cent cocoa solids, making it high in beneficial flavonoids. Numerous studies have also shown that consumption of chocolate has no impact on blood cholesterol and indeed some studies have shown that consumption of chocolate can promote the production of moderate quantities of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) commonly referred to as “good” cholesterol. Another study was conducted in Sweden over nine years on over 31,000 women. Participants who ate one or two servings of dark chocolate each week cut their risk for heart failure by as much as a third. An additional German study found that consuming one pip of dark chocolate each day lowered blood pressure and reduced risk of heart attack and stroke by 39 per cent. Another way dark chocolate assists heart health, is through satiating your sweet craving. Research conducted at the University of Copenhagen found that dark chocolate imparted a great feeling of satiety than milk chocolate - depleting cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods.

WIN ! A winter chocolate pack containing all nine varieties of Well Naturally better-for-you chocolate worth $25. We have 3 packs to give away - simply em ail us: info@ vitalitybrands.c om, and tell us in 25 words or less why you’d like to try Well Naturally Ch ocolate. Use subject line “Healthier chocolate”.

Could chocolate also be good for brain health? According to a University of Nottingham study, the answer may be “yes”. The study found that drinking dark chocolate could stimulate blood flow to the brain - boosting performance and alertness for around 2-3 hours. Again, this is thanks to the flavonol content in dark chocolate.


Eat Fit

Vitality magazine would like to welcome its newest expert contributor - nutrition coach Tricia Rufus. In her first column, Tricia shares her personal insights on how to avoid sugar and still maintain your energy levels throughout the day.


Eat Fit

Tricia Rufus is a nutrition coach, personal trainer and owner of Fitness Food. For more information, visit her website:; or find her on Facebook: Fitness Food By Tricia Rufus. 33

out now!

whip up a feast

Have a healthier, happier winter with these exciting new products.

stay snug When your feet are cold, you feel cold all over, so keep your tootsies toasty with these luxurious Lounge Socks from Cascada Textiles. Each pair is hand-knitted in the Bolivian Andes from 100% llama fibre.

Winter’s the perfect time to do some serious cooking. The Bosch Styline Kitchen MUM5 Kitchen Machines are not only pretty; they are also highly-functional. This all-in-one appliance can shred, blend, knead, beat, whisk, and more.

get toasty Few things are as warming as a steaminghot toasted sandwich in winter. Now you can make your toasted sandwich with a little more sophistication, thanks to the Breville Original ’74. This stainless steel jaffle maker features jumbo-sized cooking plates with a wide sealing edge, catering for a variety of bread types and sizes including Turkish, brioche, croissant and pita, as well as puff pastry.

chicken, basil and almond jaffle • 2 cups cooked chicken, shredded

1. Combine chicken, almonds, basil and aioli and season with salt and pepper.

• 20g whole blanched almonds, chopped

2. Preheat jaffle maker until green light switches on.

• ¼ cup chopped fresh basil

• Softened butter

3. Butter one side of each slice and place bread, buttered side down. Spread chicken mixture evenly over 4 slices and cover with remaining bread, making sure the buttered side is facing up. Place into jaffle maker, close lid and cook 3 minutes or until bread is golden and crisp.

• 8 slices wholemeal bread

4. Serve hot with an extra dollop of aioli.

• ¼ cup aioli • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


out now

design your own active wear

Mylo-dee is an innovative new concept in active wear that allows you to create customised pieces using an online digital designer app, tailoring garments to suit your individual body shape. All pieces are fashioned from a French-made, quick-drying fabric.

adorn yourself

on shine

Cold and flu germs are never more prevalent than they are in winter. Banish bacteria from your home with Resparkle’s range of organic, chemical-free cleaners. The antibacterial ingredients in Resparkle’s Organic Kitchen/Multi-Surface Cleaner and Organic Bathroom/Glass Cleaner will also keep germs at bay for longer.

Add some colour to your winter outfits with this “Sarah” bracelet from She Essence. It’s designed to promote positive energy for the wearer and is crafted from leather and Swarovski Crystals.

get carried away

grow your own Made from recycled leather, Happy Cow Hip Bags are the stylish way to store your important items while out and about.

There’s something so relaxing about being out in the garden. Nurturing and observing the growth of flowers, herbs and veggies can be a humbling experience that brings you back down to earth. For veggie patch novices wanting to grow their own, the Little Veggie Patch Co’s How to Grow Food in Small Spaces book will give you all the information you need to get started, with step-by-step instructions on growing your favourite veggies. What to plant in winter? This book has the answers! 35


Getting your daily dose of natural antioxidants is now easier with our delicious AntiOx Snack Bars and Chocolate. A diet high in natural antioxidants can assist with fighting free radicals that can cause poor health, thereby improving your immunity and overall sense of wellbeing. --------------------------------

AntiOx Snack Bars

AntiOx Chocolate

are made with super fruits, super grains, wholegrains and delicious forest fruits, and covered in rich, 70% cocoa dark chocolate. The chocolate is sugar-free and sweetened naturally with plant-based stevia. Try our Acai, Goji, and Chia & Quinoa varieties.

combines the antioxidant super power of sugarfree, 70% cocoa dark chocolate and superfruits goji and acai. The result is an antioxidant hit that is equivalent to 12 cups of green tea! Plus the chocolate is sweetened naturally with plant-based stevia - eliminating excess calories. Try our Acai and Goji varieties.

Available in the health section. For the latest health and wellbeing ideas, visit

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Vitality Brands products are available from the following leading retailers throughout New Zealand: Â

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Derma e Natural Skincare Solutions That Work.


Trouble Sleeping? TM


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Vitality is a seasonal health and happiness magazine dedicated to helping you live your life to the full. Bursting with fresh ideas on fitness, good food, product innovations, events and lifestyle activities, Vitality is a wonderful wellness companion.

Subscribe today to receive each issue to your inbox,


every quarter.

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Vitality Brands Worldwide is an Australian owned company dedicated to developing “wellness” products that help people feel healthier and happier, thereby influencing their lives in a positive way.

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P: 03 9861 7000


F: 03 9882 6058

integrity team play Vitality Brands Worldwide is an Australian owned company dedicated to developing “wellness� products that help people feel healthier and happier, thereby influencing their lives in a positive way.

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