Vitality Magazine Spring 2013

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spring 2013

Protein’s role in weight loss

Enriching life experiences

in bloom Let your skin shine


or ds Ye s, th es e tw o w ! er ca n go to ge th

Your guide to a superb spring

EVERY TUBE HELPS BEAT CANCER. By purchasing any Cancer Council sunscreen you are helping to fund cancer research, patient support and education.

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Hello, glorious, sun-filled days. Spring is the season of renewal and excitement – a promise of good things to come. Longer stretches of daylight are slowly spilling into the early and late hours of the day. The milder mornings invite you to a dawn jog atop the dewy grass of your local park.

Immersing yourself in the garden after work, or meeting friends for an alfresco coffee becomes much more enticing in spring. As your surroundings bloom into a new season of freshness and life, it’s also the perfect time to reinvigorate yourself. Vitality magazine can help!

And dusk offers opportunity for a post-dinner walk around your neighbourhood – a time to unwind and converse with family.

We have three Vitality Spring Wellness Packs worth $80 to give away. Each pack includes Well Naturally High Protein Mini Bars, Dextro Energy Sports Tabs and Liquid Gels, Derma e Cracked Skin Relief Crème and Cancer Council SPF 30+ Day Wear and Active Ezi Clip Sunscreens.

This issue can inspire you to: Train right. Personal Trainer Michael Chiovitti shares his tips on how to maximise your workout. Page 35.

Eat fit. Food Scientist and nutrition expert Wlad Budnik discusses the role of a protein-rich diet for weight management. Page 8.

Polish yourself to perfection. Look and feel spring-sublime with our spring beauty must-dos. Page 22.

Go the distance. Imagine running your first 10km event! It could be more achievable than you think. Our panel of professional athletes is here to help you get started. Page 28.

Get happy! For your chance to win, simply email us: and tell us in 30 words or less how you plan to reinvigorate yourself this spring. The best three responses will win! Use subject line: Spring Wellness.

Please note: This and all competitions throughout the magazine close on 30/11/13. Winners will be notified via email after this date.

What is it that makes you truly happy? Banish the blues once and for all, and join us in the pursuit of happiness. Page 17. 3

in season

The l atest Nutrient spotlight


How many times a week do you feel tired during the day? It’s a common problem experienced by many. One way to boost your energy levels is to ensure you’re getting enough iron in your diet. Iron is the nutrient that helps transport oxygen around your bloodstream. If you are low in iron, your cells will not get enough oxygen, and you will feel tired. Getting more iron is especially important for women of reproductive age.

Boost your dietary iron intake by including the following foods in your diet: Red meat, poultry, seafood, fish and eggs are high in haem iron – the kind most easily absorbed by the body. It is recommended that you eat red meat 3-4 times each week. Foods rich in vitamin C help the body absorb iron. So for example, pair a steak with some sautéed capsicum for a bigger iron boost. Conversely, caffeine will reduce the absorption of iron, so avoid too much cola, tea and coffee.

Study: Lack of sleep = poor food choices It’s a terrible feeling – trying to get through your day when you haven’t slept well the night before. Your inclination is to reach for something high in sugar to give you an instant (yet fleeting) energy boost. It’s for this reason that a lack of sleep is often associated with a higher likelihood of obesity. Scientists have now found that sleeplessness could actually alter the way our brains work, which in turn causes us to crave junk food. The team of researchers from the University of California conducted a study on 23 healthy, young adults. They used MRI technology to scan the participants’ brains after a sound night’s sleep, and again after a restless night. The scans showed that a lack of sleep caused diminished functioning in the brain’s frontal lobe – the section that controls complex decision-making. It also affected primal brain sections that control basic desire and motivation. In conjunction with these observations, participants’ food preferences also changed.


“What we have discovered is that high-level brain regions required for complex judgments and decisions become blunted by a lack of sleep, while more primal brain structures that control motivation and desire are amplified,” said Matthew Walker, a UC Berkeley professor of psychology and neuroscience and senior author of the study. “This combination of altered brain activity and decision-making, may help explain why people who sleep less also tend to be overweight or obese.” These studies highlight a specific brain mechanism for why we crave junk food after a sleepless night.

Trouble sleeping? Try Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink. A natural, effective alternative, Chillax is made with Montmorency Cherry Juice and Lactium – two natural ingredients proven to help calm, and assist with a deeper, more refreshing sleep.

in season

s team Recipe from Linda Ellul, Vitality Brands sale Ingredients:

• 100gm Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Choc 00gm Butter •1 • 100gm Almond Meal



Made using Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate.

• 3 eggs 0gm Caster Sugar •5

Ganache Frosting:

m Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate • 150g l Cream • 150m

Method :

smooth, elt chocolate slowly over double boiler until 1. M for wave micro the in r or on 50 per cent powe approximately 30 seconds. Check, then if power. needed, put back for 15 seconds at 50 per cent d meal and melted chocolate, mix well. almon Add fluffy. and light until 2. Beat butter and sugar a small, round cake pan. fully combined and light in texture. Pour into 3. Add eggs one at a time and mix well until es, depending on your oven. 4. Bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 30-45 minut is ready. er – if the skewer comes out clean, the cake skew a 5. To test if the cake is ready, pierce it with ool before icing. 6. C

To make the frosting:

olate and cream in a bowl together. 1. Put Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Choc r. Stir vigorously. If chocolate is icrowave for 1 minute on 50 per cent powe 2. M look glossy. seconds on 50 per cent power. Mixture should 20 for wave still a little unmelted, return to micro 3. Spread over cooled cake.

puddings, pancakes or as as a delicious chocolate sauce to pour over Linda’s note : Ganache can also be used a strawberry dip. d baking sweetener ier, eliminate the frosting and use a stevia-base If you would like to make this cake a little health instead of sugar. quantities for a large cake. Recipe suits a small tin. Double the ingredient

Seasonal star: asparagus If ever there were a vegetable that best represented spring, asparagus would surely be it. Verdant and springy with a flourishing tip, these spears of goodness have a fresh, yet complex gourmet flavour and appearance. Indeed, it’s the spring conditions that allow asparagus to flourish: ample rainfall, combined with warmth and sunshine, encourage the spears to burst through the soil. Nutrition: Asparagus boasts an abundance of nutrients including B group vitamins, vitamin C, iron, folate and potassium. It has also been found to have significant antioxidant levels. Selection: When selecting asparagus, the spears should be firm and springy with compact tips. When broken, the spears should “snap”. Discard the woody ends of the asparagus before cooking. Storage: To maximise freshness, store asparagus wrapped in a damp tea towel and plastic wrap, and pop into the vegetable crisper in the fridge. Or stand the spears in a glass of water and place in the fridge. Eating: Asparagus can be steamed, stir-fried, barbequed or tossed raw in a salad. Try it with: Salmon and eggs for breakfast; tomato, chickpea and a squeeze of lemon juice for a fresh, filling salad, and chicken and mushroom for a delicious pasta. 5

in season

Smart swaps Swapping a carb-heavy dinner like a whole bowl of pasta or rice for a protein and veggie based meal can save you some serious kilojoules. If you’re craving carbs, make the pasta or rice a side dish to a skinless chicken fillet or lean beef with tomato-based sauce. Better yet, try quinoa. This tasty alterative to rice is available in the health food aisle. It’s low in carbs, high in protein and boasts essential amino acids like lysine, plus calcium, phosphorus, and iron. To minimise the fat content in your dinner, always choose lean meats and cook with a small amount of olive oil or cooking spray, instead of butter.

Headache fighting foods Instead of taking pain relievers next time your head is throbbing, try upping your intake of the foods that may help fight a headache. Potassium: Found in potato, banana, watermelon Magnesium: Found in banana, watermelon, Dextro Energy Sports Tabs Water: Foods with high water content include cucumber, watermelon, strawberry, grapefruit, and rockmelon.


Save time and effort seeking healthier choices in the supermarket. FoodSwitch allows you to scan the barcodes of your favourite packaged foods and see at-a-glance nutritional information for more than 37,000 products, with traffic light-style colour-coded ratings for total fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt. It also suggests healthier alternatives to that product, from the same category (find the healthiest chocolate bar for example). FoodSwitch also has a gluten function to help you detect gluten-free products with ease. Well Naturally Chocolate on FoodSwitch: it doesn't get any healthier!


in season

Feeling grumpy?

Run for weight-loss Running is regarded as one of the most effective exercises for weight-loss. To accelerate your progress, take heed of these top running tips: Simply spend more time running – to burn more calories. Add a maximum of 10 per cent more kilometres each week. If you run in the morning, try adding another short run at night. If you can’t bring yourself to run everyday – because of injury or lack of interest – then swap running with another exercise such as swimming, cycling or elliptical training. Don’t be afraid to crank up the speed or add inclines to your run. Running a hill with a five-per cent grade burns about 3-5 additional calories a minute. But only do these kinds of runs once a week, to avoid injury.

We know chocolate makes us feel good, but could there be a scientific reason for this? Dark chocolate could help improve our mood, according to a recent study conducted at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne. The polyphenols in dark chocolate were shown in the study to increase calmness and contentedness in the participants. The benefits of polyphenols include a reduction in the oxidative stress that causes many diseases. Polyphenols naturally occur in plants and are a vital part of the human diet. “Anecdotally, chocolate is often linked to mood enhancement,” said Matthew Pase, Swinburne PhD candidate and lead author of the study. “This clinical trial is perhaps the first to scientifically demonstrate the positive effects of cocoa polyphenols on mood.” The randomised study involved 72 healthy men and women aged 40-65 years. These participants drank a daily dark chocolate drink with either 500 mg of

Don’t pay too much attention to the calorie counter on the treadmill – it can’t detect your metabolic rate, which makes a difference to the amount of calories you will burn in each session. eight it up: Add strength training to your weekly regime to W increase your lean muscle and running power. Squats, lunges, bench presses and triceps dips are all effective.

Healthy tip: Increase your intake of fruit and veg To maintain healthy eating patterns, aim for half of your breakfast to contain fruit, half of your lunch to contain vegetables, and half of your dinner to contain vegetables. Snacks should also be half veggies or fruit.

cocoa polyphenols, 250 mg of cocoa polyphenols, or no cocoa polyphenols. The participants were unaware as to which quantity of polyphenols they were drinking. After 30 days, those who drank the high dose concentration reported feeling calmer and more content, when compared to reports from participants who drank lower doses. Healthy hint: Feel even happier eating your chocolate, by choosing one that’s sugar free: Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate is made with 70 per cent cocoa and sweetened not with sugar, but with plant-based, natural sweetener Stevia. So you get the benefits of the polyphenols in the 70% cocoa, and the delicious taste, without the empty calories of sugar!


eat fit

for weight-loss Looking to get a little lighter for summer?

Aren’t we all! Swapping some of those carbs for protein is a great way to stay fuller for longer

– meaning you won’t need to eat as much to feel satisfied. Vitality Brands’ Food Scientist Wladimir Budnik discusses how protein can

help bring you a little closer to your goals. What’s that? Tummy rumbles again? Didn’t you just eat an hour ago? The sensation of hunger is predominantly related to the contraction of stomach muscles triggered when there is no or little food in your stomach. A hormone called Ghrelin, released when blood sugar levels get too low, is thought to prompt this action. Protein-rich foods are a great way to suppress hunger for longer. They have a low GI and a high satiety factor (i.e. a state of suppression of appetite), which means they help regulate your blood sugar levels and moderate those sugar/carb cravings (making it easier to say no to that jam doughnut)! Protein takes longer to digest in your body thanks to its molecules, which are larger and more complex than the majority of carbohydrates in high-carb foods. As a result, the residence time of proteins in the stomach is longer, so you stay “fuller for longer” and more likely to eat again later, than sooner.

Replacing some carbs with proteins will reduce insulin production (needed to metabolise the sugars produced from the digestion of carbohydrates) after each meal. This in-turn reduces the feeling of hunger. If you exercise regularly, protein has further benefits: Almost every single organ or cell in our bodies contains protein of some description – they are the building blocks of life, therefore, protein can assist with muscle recovery after a workout. Much research has been undertaken into which proteins satisfy for longer and the weight of evidence suggests that animal proteins are superior to plant proteins in this regard. Both the versatility of dairy proteins as used in high protein foods and snacks, and their satiating properties make them a better choice than the majority of plant proteins. A highprotein diet however, should incorporate a variety of protein-rich foods. This includes nuts and seeds, legumes, eggs, fish, lean meat and chicken, low-fat yoghurt and cheese, soy products, and protein bars and shakes. If weight loss is your goal, it’s good to include high protein foods in every meal, along with vegetables and carbs in order to have a well-balanced diet. There’s no harm however, in the odd high carb snack such as air-popped popcorn or some multi-grain crackers. Remember, carbs are not all bad! Your body needs them to fuel the brain and muscles. Low-GI carbs will also help you feel fuller for longer. These include grain-based products like muesli, oats or bran for example.


eat fit

Low-GI fibre sources like legumes, beans and lentils boast protein and fibre. The latter of course, plays a big part in helping you stay svelte. Carbohydrates are important in our diets as they are ultimately digested to their simplest form, the sugar called glucose, which is vital for brain function (the brain is the only organ in the body that must have an adequate supply of glucose in order to function). Also carbohydrates provide the “instant fuel” for our muscles, allowing us to respond with speed and power to any situation. So, is protein still more filling that low-GI carbs? Not necessarily. Some low GI carbohydrate based ingredients such as whole grains, resistant starches, and complex carbohydrates contain soluble dietary fibre, which helps with the feeling of satiety, both by way of being slow to digest and reducing the body’s insulin response after eating a meal. Proteins are widely cited in the literature as the macronutrient with the most potent satiety-inducing effect and protein-enriched diets are well known to initiate satiety effects.

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• Double Choc • Peppermint Surprise • French Vanilla • Caramel Fudge • Cherry Delight • Banana Fudge


Ban Fudgeana Bar

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SPRING feature

Spring is the season for personal renewal, and joyful, outdoor adventures. Experience it all this season.

Fresh air Stuck inside despite the beautiful weather? Let the outdoors come to you and open those windows. The fresh air will help you feel more energised, think clearer, and breathe freshness into your home or office. If you need to clear your mind, listen to the sounds outside. Birds, breeze, branches swaying – it’s these simple things that can help you re-focus. Exposing your eyes to daylight will also help regulate the hormones that control your moods and sleeping patterns. Nothing beats a walk outside, however, so try your utmost to fit it into your day.

Keep walking The sun is shining, the days are mild. It must be walking season! Let your feet and imagination guide you. A daily walk will help boost your vitamin D levels and get the oxygen flowing through your body. Here are some ways to infuse interest into your daily stroll.

• Mix things up a little and take your walk in a park or reserve you’ve never visited, stroll along the sand at a local beach or riverfront, or admire the flora in a botanic garden. • Get some culture into your walk with a guided walking tour of a particular precinct in your local city. From food to art, history to architecture, shopping to coffee, a host of operators run tours to suit all tastes in most capital cities around Australia and New Zealand. • Be a tourist in your own town and design your own walking tour around your favourite city spots. • Walk for charity or personal challenge by participating in a fun run or walk in your local city. The Bloody Long Walk from Lighthouse to North Head, NSW takes place on November 3. The course takes in some impressive coastal scenery along the way. The Spring Into Shape Series in Melbourne is held on 22 September, 27 October and 24 November this year. Participants can choose between 15, 10 or 5km events. • Try Nordic walking. Using lightweight poles, Nordic walking (pictured) utilises your upper body muscles to help burn more calories (about 400 calories per hour), improve your posture and reduce joint pain. It’s an exercise that can be enjoyed by most people of varied ages and abilities.


SPRING feature

Plan the perfect picnic A quintessential spring experience, a picnic is the perfect way to get outside, and spend quality time with your loved ones. It can be as rustic, or as elegant as you wish. Start by selecting a venue. It doesn’t just have to be your local park. It can be a beach, a riverside reserve, a rooftop overlooking the city, a botanic garden, a farmhouse – be a little adventurous. Next, prepare your food. Finger food is generally the easiest, and again, this can be as elegant or as casual as you feel. Choose foods that can be served cold, such as wraps or baguettes with fresh fillings, mini quiches, Turkish bread and dips, cold meats and cheeses. Nuts and antipasto items like sundried tomatoes and olives are also great for nibbling on during a picnic. Sweeten the menu with fresh fruits – berries work especially well as there is no preparation required.

Take it outside

Be sure to bring a cooler bag to keep dairy, meats and egg-based foods at safe temperature during your picnic. To ensure your comfort, think ahead about picnic blankets, foldout chairs and a shade umbrella. Also, ensure you dress comfortably – after all, you’ll likely be lying on a picnic rug for a few hours. Think about the activities you will enjoy once you’re done eating. Will you be exploring your surroundings, or simply lazing about on your picnic blanket? Be sure to bring any items you need for your walk – good shoes, sunscreen and hats, water and a map if necessary. Remember, this is about spending quality time, so put your phone away and immerse yourself in the moment.

Get ready to grow

The warmer weather and longer days make it much more tempting to enjoy the outdoors. Why not do so at every opportunity? Spring is the time to get your outdoor living space all spruced up in time for daylight savings. Whether it just needs a good clean or de-clutter, or you need to purchase some new potted plants, ornaments or outdoor furniture to improve the look and feel of the space, your patio, balcony or decking should be a relaxing sanctuary; a space to enjoy quality time with family and friends. Once your outdoor living area is ready, be sure to utilise it. Make the effort on balmy nights to sit outside and eat dinner (great way to get the brood away from the TV!).


Have you ever tried to grow your own herbs, veggies or fruit? Spring is the perfect time to get out into the garden, plant some seeds or seedlings and watch them flourish as the warmer weather arrives. The simplicity of preparing the soil, planting the seeds, and nurturing your plants to life is very tranquil and immensely rewarding. Plus, there’s nothing lovelier than cooking with your freshly picked, home-grown produce. It could also be a great way to get your children to eat their greens! If you’re new to gardening, check out The Little Veggie Patch Co. Their easy-to-follow books, stepby-step videos and personal advice will help you get your garden growing in no time! Plus, their special veggie crates allow you to grow your own – even if you don’t have a huge backyard.

SPRING feature

Pre-Christmas catch up Fresh foot forward Stiletto and sandal season is almost here, so start giving your feet some TLC. Book your beauty therapist for a proper pedicure. They will slough away dead skin cells on your heals and all over the feet, shape your toenails, clip away cuticles and deeply hydrate your feet. Top it all off with a bright, spring welcoming polish. Maintain your manicurist’s good work with a daily application of Derma e Cracked Skin Relief Crème. This deeply nourishing crème utilises the healing power of Bay Leaf Oil, Arnica Extract and Clove Oil to soften, smooth and soothe your skin.

We know it still seems ages away, but Christmas has a way of creeping up on us. And with it comes that crazy time of year, when “real life” seems to get put on hold and replaced with present shopping, party planning and summer holidays. Spring is therefore a great time to catch up with friends and family that you may miss over the silly season. Keep it simple and enjoy a coffee at a local café, a shopping day or casual dinner.

And now that your feet look great, it may be time to splash out on some new shoes! (Hint, hint.)

Throw a little party Spring is worth celebrating, so make it an excuse to host a garden party or barbeque in your backyard. Invite your nearest and dearest; serve some delicious fare made from spring produce and theme the event to reflect the freshness of the season. Decorate with colourful blooms and potted plants; serve fresh, fruity cocktails; play lively party music and have some lawn games planned to keep guest entertained. Remember, you can’t predict the weather, so always have a “plan B”, in case of rain or cooler conditions. Either invite your guests inside, or have some marquees at the ready. An outdoor heater or two could also come in handy if you live in a cooler climate.



Be there

Enjoy exciting spring events in your home state.

Tesselaar Tulip Festival

Dandenong Ranges Victoria, September 12 – October 8 Standing in an infinite field of flowers – it doesn’t get more “spring” than this. The famous Tesselaar Tulip Festival this year celebrates its 60th birthday with a dazzling showcase of events. Visitors flock to admire the fields of vivid tulips in an array of varieties and colours; they also enjoy events like Turkish, Dutch and Irish cultural weekends, and Food, Wine and Jazz weekend. There is also Seniors Week and Children’s Days. Make a complete weekend of it and explore the beautiful Dandenong Ranges – at its best in spring. There are several other gardens and national parks in the area that are also well worth some time.

Mud Run

Sydney Intern Equestrian C ational e November 30 ntre, Get down and dirty during Mud Run! Com petitors splosh , slip and slide th eir way along a six-kilometre ob stacle course, which of course There’s also so includes mud ! me hill climbing , racing around Equestrian Cro the famous Sy ss Country Cou dney rse, and a few expect to come surprises. Just home clean! Th don’t is event is perfe all ages and ab ct for competit ilities – you can ors of even walk the course if you lik e.

kets BrisStyle Indie City Hall Mar

Brisbane, September 14, October 12, November 9 Source some interesting, hand-made, indie wares and support local artisans in the process. Meander along the ground floor of the historic Brisbane City Hall; enjoy tea e and cake, and pick-up som nd h-e hig creative, offbeat and objects of art.

Perth Urban Adven ture

Good Fo od Month October

– Nove

mber Join the foodie bri g on some ade and feast fine fare during G Month. E ood Food xciting ev e nts includ Noodle M e the Nig arkets, S ht hoot the photogra C h ef culinary phic com petition, Grub, Ba Good Pu r Hop co b combina c k tail and b tions, Ult ar snack imate Hig h Teas, p parties a nd hands op-ups, -on cook Good Fo ing class od Month es. takes pla Melbourn ce in Syd e, Brisba ney, ne and C anberra, with events th roughout spring.


Be a tourist in your own town and explo re the secret delights Perth’s CBD. Learn of about the city throu gh stories on the tow histor y, culture and n’s architecture. You ma y also discover a hid bar or two, and ga den in an appreciation for Perth’s live music The knowledgeab scene. le guides are happ y to answer all of yo questions. Perth Ur ur ban Adventure conc ludes at Rosie O’Gr in Northbridge wh ady’s ere guests can enjoy a complimentar y dr ink.

Adelaide Film Festival Adelaide, October 10-20 This biennial festival is a celebration of the moving image, and the ideas and filmmakers that bring them to us. The festival spans 11 days, and offers a program of feature films, documentaries, shorts, animations and new media works from around the world. Catch them in cinemas, galleries and on the city streets.

Your Health

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emotional wellbeing

Make time each day to remind yourself of what

really makes you happy – and then do those things more. Often it’s the simple things that bring us true inner peace and contentment.

Forget material possessions, you just need to make time for the things that really matter. Flip the page for some ideas.


emotional wellbeing


emotional wellbeing


fit for life

Can running be enjoyable? With a few tips from triathlete and fitness guru, Stef Hanson, it can!


Stef knows how to make running


fit for life

Stef Hanson is a triathlete, editor of Australian Triathlete Magazine and founder of Witsup – Women in Triathlon. Witsup is an initiative aimed at boosting the profile of women in triathlon, introducing women to the sport, and nurturing them on their journey.


the skin you’re in

in bloom Spring is here! Time to shake-off your winter

hibernation and embrace the warmth and vitality of spring. A big part of this is looking and feeling fresh – so now’s the time to get yourself polished to perfection.

You always feel your best when you’re looking your best. Proper grooming helps to transition you from “dreary winter slump” to “hello sunshine!” So try these spring beauty tips – we promise you’ll feel the difference.

Introducing Jasmine Elliot


the skin you’re in

Derma e is available from

Monaco Blue Dusk Blue PANTONE 16-4120

PANTONE 19-3964

Tender Shoot

Grayed Jade

PANTONE 14-0446

PANTONE 14-6011

Lemon Zest Poppy Red

PANTONE 13-0756

PANTONE 17-1664

African Violet PANTONE 16-3520

Nectarine PANTONE 16-1360

Linen PANTONE 12-1008

Emerald PANTONE 17-5641

This article was adapted from one featured on beauty heaven: 23

Everyday SPF 30+ For the family, the sunscreen for everybody, everyday. • A light, non-greasy, moisturising sunscreen. • 4 hours water resistant.


• Available in 35ml Tube, 50ml Ezi Clip, 75ml Roll On, 110ml Tube, 200ml Finger Spray, 220ml Bottle, 250ml Trigger Spray, 500ml and 1 Litre Pump Pack. • Made in Australia.

By purchasing any Cancer Council sunscreen you are helping to fund cancer research, patient support and education.

new! Cancer Council Oil Free SPF 50+ Sunscreen Cancer Council SPF 50+ Oil Free Clear Sunscreen Continuous Spray is the new, easy-to-apply sunscreen. Suitable for: Those with oily or blemish-prone skin. Those demanding a quick application, with minimal fuss • Very high SPF 50+ protection. • Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection. • Quick to apply, continuous spray, won't block pores. • Non-comedogenic and oil free. • 2 hours’ water resistant. • Available in 175g Aerosol. • Made in Australia.


What will you do today to help beat cancer? Repel SPF 30+ The two in one sunscreen that helps protect you from mosquitoes as well as protecting you from the sun. • 2 in 1 formula. • Protects from sun and repels flies and mosquitoes. • 2 hours water resistant. • Available in 50ml Ezi Clip, 110ml Tube and 500ml Pump. • Made in Australia.

the skin you're in

Ultra SPF 50+


If you love the great outdoors, you need a hard-working sunscreen! Suitable for: Those wishing to prevent premature skin ageing. Those wanting Ultra protection to suit their outdoor lifestyle.

Sensitive SPF 50+


Soothe, soften and protect your skin with a dermatologically-tested sunscreen. Suitable for: Those with sensitive, allergy-prone skin.

• Very high SPF 50+ protection.

• Very high SPF 50+ protection.

• Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection.

• Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection.

• Advanced formula for extra UV protection.

• Dermatologically tested to minimise irritation.

• 4 hours water resistant. • Available in 50ml Ezi Clip, 75ml Roll On, 110ml Tube, 200ml Finger Spray, 220ml Bottle, 250ml Tube, 500ml Pump.

• Paraben and fragrance-free.

• Made in Australia.

• 4 hours water resistant.

• With Aloe Vera and Vitamin e to soothe skin. • Available in 110ml Tube. • Made in Australia.

Kids SPF 50+


Serious sun protection is child’s play with Cancer Council SPF 50+ Kids Sunscreen – specially formulated for delicate skin.

Active SPF 50+


Get a grip! This oil free, dry-touch sunscreen is perfect for those who require a non-slip grip.

Suitable for: Specially-formulated and dermatologically tested for delicate skin. Great for children of all ages.

Suitable for: Sports people, gardeners, outdoor workers. Those who prefer a dry-touch sunscreen. Anyone who enjoys an active, outdoor lifestyle.

• Very high SPF 50+ protection.

• Very high SPF 50+ protection.

• Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection.

• Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection.

• Fragrance-free and paraben-free.

• Oil-free and non-greasy.

• Dermatologically tested.

• Unique mineral silica base imparts a dry touch feel on the skin.

• 4 hours water resistant. • Available in 75ml Roll On, 110ml Tube, 500ml Pump. • Made in Australia.

Sport SPF 50+

• 4 hours water resistant. • Available in 50ml Ezi Clip, 110ml Tube, 200ml Finger Spray. • Made in Australia.


Work SPF 50+


Behind every winning performance is the right sunscreen!

Outdoor workers require a tougher kind of sun protection.

Suitable for: All sports people who require a high performance sunscreen.

Suitable for: Outdoor workers who need to maintain a non-slip grip on tools and equipment. Those who prefer a dry-touch sunscreen.

• Very high SPF 50+ protection. • Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection. • Sweat-resistant – will not run into the eyes during demanding physical conditions.

• Very high SPF 50+ protection. • Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB protection.

• 4 hours water resistant.

• Quick to apply.

• Available in 50ml Ezi Clip, 110ml Tube, 200ml Finger Spray, 500ml Pump.

• Will not attract dust and dirt.

• Made in Australia.

• Provides a dry-touch feel. • 4 hours water resistant. • Available in 200ml Finger Spray, 500ml Pump. • Made in Australia. 25

Eat Fit

As the weather warms-up, we rejoice at the chance to start shedding those heavy, winter layers in favour of lighter clothing. If only it were that easy to shed the winter kilos! Well, with the right attitude to your diet, you could be closer to your weight loss goals than you think. Fitness Food Nutritionist Tricia Rufus shares her top tips.


If you need any more advice, or a personalised plan to help you “spring clean” your diet and step into a slimmer, healthier you in time for summer, feel free to contact me on my website or Facebook page. I’d love to hear from you. Change your food, change your life! Tricia Rufus is a nutrition coach, personal trainer and owner of Fitness Food. For more information, contact her on: Facebook: Fitness Food By Tricia Rufus Website: Instagram: fitnessfood_tricia_rufus



Have you ever contemplated competing in a running event? With a plethora of events on offer, from charity runs to scenic runs, novelty runs to shorter runs, you’ll be sure to find one to suit you. Don’t be daunted – the challenge could be more attainable than you think. We asked our Dextro Energy athletes for their top tips on preparing to run your first 10km race:





out now! Have a healthier, happier spring with these exciting new products.

Refresh your décor Bring that holiday feeling back into your living room with the Pacific Pillow Co’s range of Australian made and designed cushions that incorporate images of idyllic locations. Featured here is the serene Airlie Beach on the Northern Queensland coastline.

Water with zing Your eight glasses a day never tasted so good! The Citrus Zinger is designed specifically for citrus fruit, allowing the nutrients, flavours and aromas from the fruit to be released into the water, while the pulp, rind and pips are kept at the bottom of the bottle for steeping more flavour.


We have four Citrus Zingers to giveaway. Simply email us: and tell us in 25 words or less why you need to up your intake of water each day.

Look good on the go No need to pull out the ironing board – the Kambrook Swift Steam Garment Steamer removes wrinkles and creases from a range of fabrics, to keep clothes looking sharp. Simple to use, it delivers a powerful, continuous steam action. Perfect for use on freshly laundered items, or freshening up shirts and dresses that have become creased in the wardrobe.

Blend right in Perfect for busy people who love to eat well on the go, the Kambrook Blitz2Go Personal Blender allows you to blend and drink smoothies, juices and protein shakes in the same bottle. Simply remove the blade holder and replace with closable drinking lids to sip on the go.


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No-pain pumps

Hang around Spring is the time for getting out into the garden, and what better way to enjoy your backyard, than to admire it from the Amazonas Spherical Globo Hanging Chair and Stand. This impressive piece is weatherproof, and European designed and manufactured. Available from

Goodbye, glare

Protect your eyes from UV in style, with these sleek, new retro-inspired sunglasses from Maui Jim. Comfortable to wear, they feature patented seven-layer PolarizedPlus2速 lens technology that cuts 100 per cent of UV rays and 99.9 per cent of glare from above, below and behind each lens.

Party season is here and that means wearing those ridiculous high heels. Avoid the accompanying pain with Insolia All Day Heels WIN! All - a patented insert that pairs of Insolia 4 ve We ha th or changes the geometry w , ay aw Heels to give ay D us l of high heels, shifting ply emai : 4.95 each. Sim $1 weight from the ball and info@vitalitybra hy to the heel where it ords or less w tell us in 25 w ur yo of re naturally should be. need to take ca you . ect line Insolia feet. Use subj s se on sp The best 4 re will win.

Shake, rattle and roll Zoku Slush and Shake freezes liquids in minutes, to create a cooling slushy. A great way to encourage your kids (and yourself) to get more fruit into their diet!

Scent-sational WIN!

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Emmelle handcrafts a range of all-natural soy wax candles in stylish glass containers, tea lights and oil burner melts. Each candle is individually hand poured in Melbourne using quality soy wax, natural, lead-free cotton wicks and delicious fragrances. Emmelle candles are triple scented, for a room-filling aroma. 31

the skin you're in

Holly's story

Derma e Psorzema testimonial Suffering three years with a debilitating skin condition,

Gold Coast teenager Holly Ralph thought she’d tried every product under the sun, until a friend gave her Derma e Psorzema Crème and Body Wash to try.


hen her condition first appeared, Holly was just 10 years old. At the time, she was not the bright, carefree child she should have been.

Her dream of becoming a model was frustrated by a condition that was slowly smothering not only her aspirations, but also her self-esteem, social life and emotional wellbeing. What began as a red, itchy rash in Holly’s belly button, quickly spread to invade her legs and trunk. “Doctors first attributed it to a kind of tropical rash, possibly caused by too much swimming,” says Holly’s Mother, Tina. “It then it moved on from there, and they thought it was dermatitis, and then, as it spread down the body and over the limbs, they basically said they didn’t know.” The final diagnosis of two Brisbane specialists, though imprecise, was an immune deficiency disease that affected Holly’s skin. Something, these experts said, they’d never seen in adolescents. “No one could say decisively what it was,” Tina says. "To this day, we have not had a 100 per cent diagnosis.”

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felt really bad. I was “ Iscared to go out, and

just didn’t want anyone to see me.

Holly’s home city is a national Mecca for holiday makers who flock there to bask in the heat, soak up the sun, and refresh in the surf. Shorts, singlets and sandals are naturally de rigueur for holiday-makers and locals alike. But Holly’s condition prevented her from wearing any of this, let alone enjoy any of the Gold Coast’s attractions. “I felt really bad. I was scared to go out, and just didn’t want anyone to see me. I just wanted to hide all day. I couldn’t go swimming when the condition was at its worst, because salt water and chlorine would just burn. Even when my skin wasn’t that bad, I was still too embarrassed to wear bathers at the pool – even if no one else was there.


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It was always red and hot, and it was always weeping. And really, really itchy. I couldn’t really go to sleep either, because my skin would stick to the sheets.”

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Holly describes her condition at its worst and she grimaces as she recalls the “bad blisters”: “There was pus, it would weep, and make me very ill. I just tried not to look at it.

Holly Ralph

“I couldn’t go to my friends’ parties; I couldn’t go to theme parks with them. I wouldn’t sleep over at their houses because I was scared that I’d wake up after scratching in my sleep and there would be scabs in the bed. “I just saw my friends at school, and I didn’t even want to go to school because I knew I would get teased. At one point, I had to have two weeks off.” Attending school became a daily battle, with antibiotic nausea wreaking a dizzying havoc on Holly’s stomach, and never really subsiding. “I would have the medication morning and night, and when I woke up, I would still feel sick from the night one. I didn’t want to eat, though I knew I had to, and I’d get headaches,” Holly recalls.

Holly's leg before using Derma e Psorzema Crème and Wash.


After one week of using Derma e Psorzema Crème and Wash.

the skin you're in

“I would tell her, you’ve got to eat breakfast, because you’ve got to go to school and learn, and she’d take one mouthful and say ‘Oh, I’m going to vomit’, but she had to eat, to then take that morning’s medication. It was just a spiralling effect,” Tina says. Constant antibiotics were not the extent of Holly’s treatment. Tina spent thousands on antibiotic crèmes, antiseptic clothes wash, special shampoos, oat bath, oat bombs, lavender bath, tea tree oil, goat’s milk soap, even an oxygen crème spray that was marketed as a “miracle”. “It was so not a miracle,” Tina frowns. “We tried everything from prescription to natural. It didn’t matter if someone was a doctor, a friend or a neighbour, if they suggested we try something, we did. We spent thousands upon thousands on the treatments and appointments.” Despite their best efforts, nothing could completely heal Holly’s skin: “It would subside if she stuck to the antibiotics, but never really went away." Tina says. When a friend of Tina’s handed Holly a tub of Derma e Psorzema Crème and a Tube of Psorzema Body Wash, Holly had been suffering for three and half years.

was amazing how well “ Itit repaired the skin in such a short amount of time, and it was the first time that it was clear – completely clear.

The mother and daughter were naturally jaded by this stage, but despite her cynicism, Holly dedicatedly used the Wash twice daily in the shower, and applied the Crème three times a day. It took just 48 hours before she finally felt relief. “On the second day, I remember saying ‘I think it’s working!’ It just brought relief to my skin. The Derma e was really light. It absorbed quickly and made my skin feel nice and smooth and moisturised. It felt really nice,” Holly describes.

“We used lots of oil-based products previously, and they’d just stick to her clothes and her bed sheets, and form a barrier on the skin, so when she was weeping, it was sealing the wound, causing it to be pocketed within the skin. Whereas, the Derma e would absorb into the skin and almost dry it up,” Tina says. “It was amazing how well it repaired the skin in such a short amount of time, and it was the first time that it was clear – completely clear. Nothing. Scars of course, but other than that, not one scab. We haven’t seen that for years.” Within three days, Holly noticed marked improvement: “By the third day, I woke up and some of it was gone! Everyday it just got better and better. Within about a week to a week and a half, my condition was completely cleared.” “I am so happy,” Holly grins. “When my skin cleared, the first thing I said was – ‘I’m going out! Let’s go to the theme parks, let’s go to Wet n Wild!’ I went out shopping and bought lots of shorts and skirts, and new cosies, too.” Holly’s summer is looking bright again for the first time in years, with water sports firmly back on the agenda: “Our social weekends revolve around the water – whether it’s an island that we visit to just relax, or Holly loves kneeboarding, wakeboarding and water-skiing; we can do that this summer,” Tina beams. “We already recommend Derma e to other people. My friend has really sensitive lips and she reacts to lipstick. We gave her some Psorzema Crème, and she’s wearing lipstick now.”

so happy! When “ Imyamskin cleared, the

first thing I said was – I’m going out!

As for the future, Holly’s dream of becoming a model is now a little more tangible. Having recently been accepted with a Gold Coast modelling agency, Holly just got offered her first stand-in role. “It’s just really exciting,” says Tina, as Holly nods away happily. “It’s not that she wants it to happen, it’s that it’s actually happening.” With her skin, and her dreams now firmly intact, Holly has an optimistic future to look forward to.

Derma e is available in Terry White Chemists, Soul Pattinson, Force 10, Friendly Care, Shop Smart, Pharmacy Direct, Chemist Outlet and Pharmasave. Also available online: For more information please visit About Derma e: Derma e is a pioneer of natural skincare, with 28 years of trading experience in the US. Encompassing six extensive ranges, Derma e covers all the bases when it comes to beautiful, healthy skin. Each product contains scientifically proven natural ingredients to suit all skin types. The products that helped Holly: Derma e Psorzema Body Wash and Crème.


Vitality is a seasonal health and happiness magazine dedicated to helping you live your life to the full. Bursting with fresh ideas on fitness, good food, product innovations, events and lifestyle activities, Vitality is a wonderful wellness companion.

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Vitality Brands Worldwide is an Australian owned company dedicated to developing “wellness” products that help people feel healthier and happier, thereby influencing their lives in a positive way.


Vitality Brands Worldwide Pty Ltd Level 2, 415 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3123


P: 03 9861 7000


F: 03 9882 6058


Exercise. Love it or hate it – we need it. We need it to keep out heart healthy, we need it for strong joints and bones and we need it for our vanity! But let’s be honest, no one loves spending hours in the gym – it’s a waste of time! Or is it? Michael Chiovitti, exercise scientist and director of Bodyology, Melbourne explains. If you’re one of those people who moves from the treadmill, to the rower, to the bike and back to the treadmill in an attempt to get “toned” without “bulking”, then yes you are wasting your time. Through no fault of your own, you are attempting to burn off fat by ultimately expending more calories than you consume which theoretically makes perfect sense. You’re simply a victim of the “calories in and calories out” system, which will help you lose weight initially, but it won’t give you the lean and athletic body you desire. You’re wasting your time. If you have no interest in your aesthetics (your appearance), and your ultimate goal is purely aerobic endurance, then you’re on the right track. There is no substitution for hard work if your goals are fitness or strength based.

However, if you’re trying to “tone-up” (oh that word makes me sick to my stomach – I will explain shortly) then countless hours of cardio, spin classes and circuit training isn’t the best way to go about it. A structured resistance-training program (weights, machines, body weight exercises etc.) will help you reduce your overall body fat percentage faster (and with greater longevity) than cardiovascular training. I’m not telling you to avoid all forms of cardio/fitness work, but I’m asking you to consider changing your weight training: cardio training ratio, which is probably 30 per cent : 70 per cent at the moment, to something more like 80 per cent : 20 per cent. Yes, you will be sorer than you’ve been in the past, yes you will need to go into the weights section of the gym and yes you may need to drink supplements with pictures of blokes that have veins like garden hoses on the front of them (but don’t worry, you will never look like that – I promise). Why is it that on a busy night at the gym, the cardio area is filled with frantic women trying to burn off calories, and the weights area is full of blokes trying to work out how they can get more calories in?! At some point in time, many moons ago, the fitness industry came up with the term “tone”. By definition, this term refers to tightening up those loose flabby areas and smoothing out the cellulite (another word made up by the fitness industry). If you look at the actual physiology of “toning”, it involves two separate processes, happening simultaneously: 35


Michael Chiovitti is an Exercise Scientist who has worked with the general public and athletes as a strength and conditioning coach for almost 10 years. His experience ranges from working with 60-year-old retirees, to body builders and Olympians. Michael is the owner of Bodyology, a boutique high performance-training centre in Victoria that specialises in individualised testing and programming. For more information, email Michael: Or visit his website:


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Flavoured with style Peppers Salt Resort and Spa Kingscliff, New South Wales For an advantageously located beachside escape, peppered with luxury, book yourself into Peppers Salt Resort and Spa. Katie Waggott reviews her recent stay. Located just 20 minutes from Coolangatta airport and 30 minutes from Byron Bay, Peppers Salt Resort and Spa offers a plethora of activities. Whether you choose to laze the days away by the resort and lagoon style pools, stroll down to the patrolled Kingscliff Beach, or treat yourself to a massage at the world-class spa facility, The Spa At Salt, Peppers is a haven of relaxation. Peppers Salt Resort & Spa is the ideal base to enjoy a whole host of activities from bushwalking through World Heritagelisted National Parks to hiring a bike and exploring the beautiful surrounds of the Northern Coast of New South Wales. On my recent visit during a work trip, I was thrilled with my experience. I absolutely love the resort at Salt and really look forward to working away and staying there. The resort is quite special, you have a little village of shops and restaurants on your doorstep with the beach just a short stroll away. At the end of your day, you can wind down with a walk or bike ride or simply have a glass of wine and watch the sun set. I had to visit in winter recently and was still spoilt on my stay, even though the sun was hiding from me. It was a particularly windy and wet day, but once my workday was done, I was able to have a spa bath in my room, order room service and I also had access to a multitude of newly released movies (which were free for me to watch). I suppose you’d call it a girl’s night in! The in-room amenities were Peppers-branded, and I must say that I don’t normally use in room amenities but I forgot my shampoo and body wash. I found that the amenities smelt amazing and weren’t drying to the skin and hair, which other branded hotel amenities can often be. The staff at reception were incredibly attentive, and this level of service extended to the spa, where I booked a massage one evening to help me relax. The new spa owner Nicole was wonderfully accommodating, and happily squeezed me in for a treatment, as I was booking last minute. The massage was fantastic, as were the facilities, which were warm, relaxing and inviting – I know I will be booking in advance next time I visit.

integrity team play Vitality Brands Worldwide is an Australian owned company dedicated to developing “wellness� products that help people feel healthier and happier, thereby influencing their lives in a positive way.

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