Editor’s note:
All Vitality ar ticles represent the views of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publisher. We accept no responsibility for the variability in outcomes achieved by the usage of these views, and they are not meant to replace the advice of a physician
Cover photo: Rosehips in the Snow cour tesy Istockphoto
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Thewinter season is upon us, and with it we look forward to snowy fun outdoors and holiday entertaining indoors. Yet budgets are tight and resources are l i m i t e d . H o w t o s a v e m o n e y ? O n e approach is to try more meatless meals. This month we bring you a collection of recipes by some of Toronto’s top cooks who offer favourite plant-based dishes from Stuffed Squash to Vegan Lasagna to Gingered Sweed Potatoes This treasure trove provides plenty of budget-friendly meal ideas suitable for the holiday table
And those who like to leave town during the winter season will be interested in our feature by Julie Daniluk which describes the “Must-Have Homeopathic Travel Kit.” Here we discover the go-to remedies she has used during her travels such as Arsenicum Album for food poisoning, Cocculus Indicus for jet lag, and Oscillococcinum for ‘flu-like symptoms These remedies are available in most health food stores, or can be ordered online through www.boiron.ca to make up your own customized travel kit.
Note: Julie’s approach to homeopathy is intended for f irst-aid use, so if you’re seeking a deeper constitutional approach then it’s best to visit a Classical Homeopath. To
f ind dozens of case histories by experts who used homeopathic medicine to treat health disorders such as depresssion, insomnia, and infertility type “homeopathy” into the search bar on our website. Meantime, there have been interesting new developments in the world of natural health over the past several weeks. On one hand, lawyer Shawn Buckley and his team at the Natural Health Products Protection Assn have been working hard to defend Bill C-368 which aims to protect our access to natural health products Thanks to wide ranging public suppor t, he has had good success in the House of Commons a l t h o
SEETA SHIWMANGAL (seeta@vitalitymagazine com)
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SEETA SHIWMANGAL (listings@vitalitymagazine com)
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o t ove r. ( Vi s i t
https://x.com/nhppa for updates.)
On the other hand, there is much excitement in Canada’s natural health community thanks to the appointment of Rober t F Kennedy, Jr as Secretar y of Health and Human Ser vices by U S president-elect Donald Tr ump Why? As a defender of freedom of choice in healthcare and advocate for detoxifying the American food s u p p ly, Ke n n e d y w i l l e n a c t p r o f o u n d changes to health policy in the U.S. which will in tur n affect our own countr y. For d
Ke n n e d y ’s
American healthcare scene, see Zoltan Rona’s ar ticle this month entitled “Big Changes Coming in 2025 ” This could signal the star t of a new era
Overall, Vitality’s Winter issue is chock full of ideas for optimizing your wellness,
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freeing yourself from toxic habits, and discovering new people, places, and things to enrich your life’s journey
You are welcome to post questions and/or comments about any of our content on our website at www vitality magazine.com or on our Twitter feed at https: //x.com/VitalityOnline
Have a great winter! Julia Woodford, Editor
F l ex i b i l i t y exe r c i s e s a r e often included in the exercise regimens of athletes a n d exe r c i s e r s N ew research published in the S c a n d i n a v i a n Jo u r n a l o f
M e d i c i n e & S c i e n c e i n Sports suggests that levels
o f f l ex i b i l i t y m ay a ff e c t s u r v iva l i n m i d d l e - a g e d individuals.
After analyzing data on 3,139 people (66% men) aged 46 to 65 years, investigators obtained a body
f l ex i b i l i t y s c o r e , t e r m e d Flexindex. This score was derived from a combination
o f t h e p a s s ive r a n g e o f motion in 20 movements involving 7 different joints, resulting in a score range of 0 to 80
Flexindex was 35% highe r i n wo m e n c o m p a r e d with men During an avera g e f o l l ow - u p o f 1 2 9
ye a r s , 3 0 2 i n d iv i d u a l s ( 9 . 6 % ) c o m p r i s i n g 2 2 4 men and 78 women died.
F l ex i n d ex ex h i b i t e d a n i nve r s e r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h m o r t a l i t y r i s k a n d wa s nearly 10% higher for survivors compared with nonsur vivors in both men and women.
Levels of flexibility may affect the rate of survival in older people; Constituents of apples & red grapes have anti-cancer properties
After taking age, body mass index, and health status into account, men and wo m e n w i t h a l ow Flexindex had a 1.87- and 4.78-times higher risk of d y i n g , r e s p e c t ive ly, t h a n those with a high Flexindex
“Being aerobically f it and strong and having good balance have been previously associated with low mor tality We were able to show that reduced body flexibility is also related to poor survival in middle-aged men and women,” said cor re-
s p o n d i n g a u t h o r C l a u d i o
Gil S. Araújo, MD, PhD, of t h e E xe r c i s e M e d i c i n e C l i n i c – C L I N I M E X , i n Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
He added that as flexibility tends to decrease with aging, it may be wor th paying more attention to flexibility exercises and routinely including assessments of body flexibility as par t of all health-related physical f itness evaluations
URL upon publication: https://onlinelibrar y.wiley.c om/doi/10.1111/sms.14708
Excerpts from the News Briefs Archives
R e s e a r c h h a s i d e n t i f i e d several natural compounds found in cer tain foods as h av i n g t h e p o t e n t i a l t o star ve prostate cancer cells and inhibit the g rowth of prostate cancer
Scientists f irst tested 142 n a t u r a l c o m p o u n d s o n mouse and human cell lines
prostate cancer cell g rowth when administered alone or in combination with another nutrient.
T h e m o s t p r
i n g active ing redients were then fur ther tested: ursolic acid, a waxy natural chemical found in apple peels and r o s e
, t h e bright yellow plant comp
resveratrol, a natural comp
cancer cells
d t o increase concentrations of these compounds beyond
levels found in a healthy
d i e t f o r a n e ff e c t o n prostate cancer cells The p a p e r a l s o d e m o n s t r a t e d
h ow t h e s e p l a n t - b a s e d chemicals work together:
c o m b i n i n g u r s o l i c a c i d
w i t h e i t h e r c u r c u m i n o r
resveratrol prevents cancer
c e l l s f r o m g o b bl i n g u p something that they need to g r ow, g l u t a m i n e . S o t h e uptake of a nutrient needed by prostate cancer cells is blocked by nutrients that are found in these foods.
This study was posted
o n l i n e i n n p j P re c i s i o n
O n c o l og y T h e r e p o r t i s available at https://tinyurl com/y9btsg4u
R e s e a r c h e r s h ave f o u n d that taking acetaminophen
d u r i n g p r eg n a n cy c a n inhibit the development of
t h e m a l e s ex h o r m o n e
t e s t o s t e r o n e i n t h e m a l e fetus It also increases the risk of malfor mation of the
t e s t i c l e s i n i n f a n t s , a n d affects future male behaviour (Acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, is a popular pain-relieving subs t a n c e s o l d u n d e r b r a n d
n a m e s s u c h a s Ty l e n o l , Tr i a m i n i c , o r A c e t .
Testosterone is a male sex hor mone that helps develop the male body and male prog ramming of the brain.)
A mouse study demonstrated that a reduced level of testosterone means that male characteristics do not d eve l o p a s t h ey s h o u l d, wh i c h a l s o a ff e c t s s ex d r ive M i c e ex p o s e d t o
p a r a c e t a m o l a t t h e f e t a l
stage were simply unable to copulate in the same way as control animals Male prog ramming was not properly e s t a bl i s h e d d u r i n g t h e i r fetal development, and this could be seen long afterwards in adult life
Fur ther, the treated males did not attack other males, were unable to copulate, a n d b e h ave d m o r e l i ke female mice when it came to urinar y ter ritorial marking. Because the trials were r e s t r i c t e d t o m i c e , t h e r e s u l t s c a n n o t b e t r a n sfer red directly to humans; but the har mful effects sugg e s t e d i n t h i s r e s e a r c h would make it improper to under take the same trials on humans
This study was published in the August 2017 issue of the journal Reproduction A link to similar research is at: h t t p s : / / w w w. s c i e n c e d a i l y .com/releases/2015/05/150 520151626.htm
Scientists have concluded that long-ter m use of popular hear tbur n dr ugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is associated with an i n c r e a s e d r i
a t h . ( P r ev i o u s s t u d i
h a d linked PPIs to other health
i s s u e s , i n c l u d i n g s e r i o u s kidney damage, bone fractures, and dementia. This is the f irst study to link these dr ugs with g reater mor tality risk. Millions of people take PPIs, which are widely prescribed to treat hear tbur n, ulcers, and other gas-
Let’s be real; travelling is a double-edged sword On one side you’ve got sunsets, new foods, and exciting adventures. On the other? Jet lag can make you feel like a zombie, questionable b eve r a g e s o r m e a l s c a n
t h r ow yo u o ff , a n d t h e potential of dreaded cold or ‘ f l u s y m p t o m s s e e m t o know exactly when you’re going on vacation.
But fear not! Your friendly h o m e o p a t h i c t r ave l k i t i s here to save the day – like your personal health cr usader but in tiny, pellet-sized doses I f irst star ted using homeopathy in 1999 while attending herbalism school, and found it effective and easy to pack on a trip.
Invented by a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th centur y, homeopathy has been around for over 200 years The basic idea is “like cures like.” In other words, if a substance causes symptoms in large doses, it can resolve those symptoms when given in tiny, diluted amounts Think of it as f ighting f ire with f ire – with way less risk of burning the house down.
Hahnemann also came up with the concept of potentization – diluting and vigorously shaking the remedy (a process called succussion) to enhance its healing powers In homeopathy, it’s not just about what’s in the remedy but the energy it car ries It’s like tur ning up the volume on a song until you really feel it – except with less noise and more healing.
Travel can be unpredictable, but with a well-stocked homeopathic kit you’re ready for anything – from jet lag to food poisoning to muscle aches and pains
How I Saved Alan’s Stomach (& our trip)
During our last trip to France, my husband Alan ordered a different menu item than me at a local Lyon restaurant, and I didn’t sample his meal The next mor ning, he came down with ter rible food poisoning
T h a n k f u l ly, I h a d my homeopathic travel kit with me. Using a few doses of a homeopathic remedy along with a quick combo of probio t i c yog u r t a n d m a n d a r i n skin zest, he became symp-
t o m - f r e e i n 2 4 h o u r s . I p u l l e d o u t my v i a l o f
A rs e n i c u m A l bu m ( wh i c h , fun fact, I had received as a gift after touring the Boiron f a c t o r y i n Fr a n c e … V I P perks), and voila! The probl e m wa s s o l ve d . T h i s i s incredible because he had been down for the count –nausea, riding the porcelain pony, and all the fun that comes with food poisoning. Boiron is the largest manu-
people rely on it with 32 million in the UK, 193 million in the US, 10.6 million users in Canada, and a whopping 1.2 billion users in India.* To put it simply, homeopathy involves remedies that are prepared by diluting the original substance (could be from a plant, mineral, animal or other natural source) and succussing it to enhance its effects.
f a c t u r e r o f h o m e o p a t h i c m e d i c i n e s i n t h e wo r l d, known for its commitment to making fresh mother tinctures and then potentizing t h e m w i t h s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t technology After touring the factor y, I can conf ir m the r e m e d i e s a r e m e t i c u l o u s ly p r e p a r e d, e n s u r i n g q u a l i t y and effectiveness
T h e d o s e o f A rs e n i c u m
Album I had on hand was 15 C, which is recommended to be taken ever y 30 minutes when things are rough In Alan’s case, within 12 hours he was already perking up and even star ted eyeing the cheese shops in Lyon (with a b i t o f c a u t i o n t h i s t i m e ) Crisis aver ted, and we were back to enjoying our foodf illed adventures in no time
H o m e o p a t hy i s a t y p e o f Traditional Complementar y a n d I n t eg r a t ive M e d i c i n e (TCIM) used all over the world. In fact, millions of
Tr ave l l i n g c a n b e u n p r edictable Having a homeopathic travel kit is like car r ying a pocket-sized solution for ever y possible hiccup Here’s a list of ailments than can be addressed with these handy remedies:
JET LAG Cocculus Indicus (also in Cocculus Indicus Composé)*
• Dosing: 15 CH, 5 pellets, 3 times per day, during your flight and the day after landing or as directed by your health care practitioner.
• O r i g i n : C o c c u l u s Indicus, one of the medicinal ing redients in Cocculus indic u s C o m p o s é , i s d e r ive d from the dried seeds of the A n a m i r t a c o c c u l u s p l a n t , native to India and southeast Asia
• Why It’s a Lifesaver: Known and used in homeopathy for f ighting fatigue, disorientation, and the “what time is it again?” confusion t h a t c o m e s w i t h c r o s s i n g time zones. It helps balance your body’s inter nal clock, making it ideal for travelrelated exhaustion
• Emotional and Physical Effects: This remedy helps
those feeling exhausted, as if they can’t keep their eyes open. It is par ticularly helpful for headaches and diff iculty concentrating after a long flight.
• Dosing: At the onset of influenza symptoms, dissolve the entire contents of one tube-dose of pellets in the mouth. Repeat two more doses at 6-hour inter vals
Boiron is known for making fresh mother tinctures and then potentizing them with state-of-the-art technology
For established ‘flu symptoms, take one tube-dose of pellets mor ning and evening for 3 days
For infants under two years old, dissolve contents of one tube in water before administering, and follow the same dosing regimen as mentioned above
• Origin: Oscillococcinum is derived from the hear t and liver of the Muscovy duck (Anas barbariae)
• Why It’s Helpful: This remedy is a favourite in France, known for its early inter vention benef its. If taken at the f irst sign of flu-like symptoms, it can reduce the duration of flulike illness so you can get back to enjoying your trip instead of being stuck in bed
• Emotional and Physical Effects:: It’s perfect for sudden onset symptoms like chills, fever, or body aches. This remedy is also helpful when you feel overwhelmed by ‘flu symptoms, providing relief.
Arsenicum Album
• Dosing: 15 or 30 CH, ever y 20 minutes, for when reacting to food And then as things improve, change the dosage to ever y 2 to 3 hours until the digestive system settles.
• Origin: Arsenicum Album is made from arsenic trioxide, a naturally occur ring mineral Through the process of potentization, it is transfor med into a nontoxic remedy
• Why It’s Essential: Used when a person’s food choices come back to haunt them, this is a go-to remedy for digestive distress including food poisoning.
• Emotional and Physical Effects: This remedy works for those feeling restless due to stomach issues. It’s especially effective for fatigue alongside digestive upset.
Nux Vomica (also in Nux vomica Composé)
• Dosing: 5 pellets, 3 times per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner. I like to take it half an hour before travel, as needed
• Origin: Nux Vomica is derived from seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree, native to SE Asia. Traditionally, it is used for digestive and nervous system issues
• Why You Need It: Known and used in homeopathy, it’s a lifesaver for those times when wobbly boat rides or winding
car jour neys when even looking out the window makes you queasy. Nux Vomica also effective for nausea caused by rich foods or overeating.
• Emotional and Physical Effects: Ideal for individuals who feel ir ritable, impatient, or overly sensitive to stimuli when they are unwell. It also suppor ts those experiencing stomach cramps, headaches, a n d s l u g g i s h n e s s f r o m m o t i o n s i c k n e s s o r f o o d indulgence.
Arnica montana (also in Arnica Composé)
• Dosing: Internally, 9CH or 30CH, taken after injury and every 2 to 3 hours. Externally, a topical gel called Arnicare Gel can be applied to bruised or sore areas.
for bumps and br uises I’ve used it many times – like when I tripped on cobblestones and br uised my knee. And the topical gel is my goto for sore muscles after a day of adventure; it always makes me feel like I’m ready for round two!
• Origin: Arnica Montana is derived from the Ar nica flower which g rows in the m o u n t a i n s o f E u r o p e a n d Nor th America. This bright yellow herb has been used f o r c e n t u r i e s t o a d d r e s s br uising, inflammation, and muscle pain.
• W hy Yo u Wa n t I t : Known and used in homeopathy for muscle and joint pain inflammation, this is a must-have when your adventurous spirit leaves you with bumps and br uises
• Emotional and Physical E f f e c t s : T h i s r e m e d y i s excellent for individuals who f e e l s t r e s s f o l l ow i n g a n injur y. It’s also benef icial for people with sore muscles, br uises, or swelling, helping them recover quickly and get back to their activities
• Pe r s o n a l n o t e : Whether for hiking in the mountains or tr ying out a new spor t, Arnica Montana acts like my travel insurance
• Note: Boiron’s Ar nica C o m p o s é i n c l u d e s C a l e ndula off icinalis as one of its active ing redients, alongside other components such as A r n i c a m o n t a n a a n d Hypericum perforatum
As a nutritionist and avid traveller, I noticed that I have the best results when I do these three things:
1. Start Early: At the f irst sign of symptoms, get your remedy out – don’t wait until you’re curled up in agony
2. Stick to the Dosing: M o r e p e l l e t s d o n ’t e q u a l more power. Follow the reco m m e n d e d d o s e a n d l e t homeopathy work
3. Avoid Strong Flavours: M i n t , c o ff e e , a n d o t h e r strong flavours can interfere with remedies Skip them 15 m i n u t e s b e f o r e a n d a f t e r dosing.
Note: there are instances where a 200C potency might b e m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e i n homeopathy, especially for acute or intense conditions, as well as for emotional and
p s y c h o l og i c a l s t a t e s t h a t need a deeper or more systemic response It’s advisable to consult a qualif ied homeopath before using higher potencies
My Pyramid of Healing
Travel can be unpredictable, b u t w i t h a we l l - s t o c ke d homeopathic kit you’re ready for anything Whether it’s jet lag, food poisoning, or muscle soreness from those epic hikes, homeopathy offers a natural, gentle way to stay h e a l t hy a n d e n j oy yo u r adventures
I like to think of health as a pyramid – my Pyramid of Healing if you will. At the b a s e i s a n t i - i n f l a m m a t o r y nutrition. This is the foundation; what you eat daily as yo u r b o d y ’s f u e l , a n d I a lway s p r i o r i t i z e n u t r i e n t -
r i c h , a n t i - i n f l a m m a t o r y foods to keep my system strong and balanced.
Next, in the middle of the pyramid, come herbs. Think of them as your ever yday
a l l i e s . U s e t u r m e r i c f o r
i n f l a m m a t i o n , g i n g e r f o r digestion, or echinacea when your immune system needs a boost They provide a powerful, natural way to suppor t the body and bridge the gap between nutrition and homeopathic remedies.
And f inally, at the top of the pyramid is homeopathy. This is where the precision of tiny doses comes into play, addressing those acute, sudden issues that pop up, like Alan’s food poisoning incident or jet lag Homeopathy, for me, is the cher r y on top that completes the holistic picture, giving me the conf idence to travel, explore, and live fully without wor r ying about unexpected setbacks.
So next time you’re packing for a trip, remember to b uild your pyramid! Star t with solid nutrition, look for local herbs, and f inish with some tr usted homeopathic remedies. It’s a travel toolkit that keeps you feeling your best, no matter where you go Bon voyage, and may yo u
* Note: Composés are combination remedies created by Boiron formulators
Editor’s note:
For more remedies and travel ailments, see extended version of this article posted at: https://vitalitymagazine.com/ a r t i c l e / t r a v e l - w e l l - t h
Author bio:
Nutritionist Julie Daniluk RHN is the award-winning, bestselling a u t h o r o f M e a l s T h a t H e a l I n f l a m m a t i o n a n d S l i m m i n g Meals That Heal. Her 3rd book, Hot Detox, was on the Canadian Bestsellers list for 11 weeks in 2017. J u l i e ’ s 4 t h b o o k , B e c o m i n g S u g a r - F r e e , w a s released on September 7, 2021 Julie has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows, including The Dr Oz Show She enjoyed 13 seasons as a resid e n t e x p e r t f o r Th e M a r i l y n Denis Show The second edition of Meals that Heal Inflammation is launching Dec 31, 2024 and was chosen as one of the most anticipated books of the fall by I n d i g o M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a t www juliedaniluk com and conn e c t w i t h h e r o n Ti k To k & Instagram @juliedaniluk
1st demonstrated by Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla.
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PolarAid® encourages the overall health of the body:
“This will be the fourth PolarAid I’ve purchased! I fully believe in this product and it’s power! I’ve given them to family members and we’ve all had great success with it.” C.A.T. (Vista, CA)
(Editor’s note: The following collection of recipes was originally published in December 2017 and has since been updated for re-release this month )
Theholidays are a time when f r i e n d s a n d f a m i ly g a t h e r around the table to break bread and c a t c h u p o n n ew s a n d g o s s i p
Traditional holiday menus tend to be heavy on the meat, but with tighter food budgets and the rise in popularity of plant-based meals, we thought it would be fun to offer a collection of yummy recipes from some of Toronto’s top cooks. So here is a selection of favourite main courses and side dishes to delight your friends and family, and satisfy even the most discriminating guests.
or a side dish alongside other vegetarian mains
S t u f f e d S q u a s h o r P u m p k i n
by Nettie Cronish, chef, author, and teacher
The roots of har vest festivals go back to when people f irst g rew food Jewish people celebrated the Feast of the Taber nacles, ancient Greeks feasted in honour of the har vest goddess Demeter, and ancient Romans celebrated the goddess of g rain, Ceres Holidays can be tough if you are vegetarian or vegan People associate specif ic foods with cer tain holidays, and those foods are as much a par t of the holiday season as any other par t of the obser vance. But, you can create new traditions! What’s new today will, in time, become tomor row’s tradition.
The following dish can be ser ved as a main course, or as a side dish alongside other vegetarian mains. Squash shell
3 acor n or butter nut squashes, or small pumpkins
Olive oil (for basting)
1) Slice squashes in half vertically; remove seeds, f ibres
2) Baste with olive oil
3) Place squash halves, cut side down, in a 13” x 9” inch baking pan lined with unbleached parchment paper
4) Cover with parchment paper and bake in a 400°F oven for 40 minutes, until fork tender
5) While squash is baking, prepare stuff ing
Stuff ing
3 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
2 cups thinly sliced, washed leeks
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp minced fresh ginger root
2 stalks celer y, sliced
2 por tobello mushrooms, chopped
1 cup organic cor n ker nels
½ cup tamari
5 cups cubed wholewheat or gluten-free bread
½ cup chopped fresh herbs (parsley, basil, and thyme)
1) In large skillet, heat oil over medium heat; cook leeks for 5 minutes. Add garlic, ginger, celer y, and mushrooms; cook for 5 minutes
2) Stir in cor n, 2 Tbsp of the herb mixture, and tamari Reduce heat to low; cover and cook for 5 minutes or until vegetables are softened Stir in bread cubes and remainder of fresh herb mixture; toss until moistened
3) Spoon stuff ing into four baked squash halves, and serve
by Natalie Prhat, CHN, author, blogger, and entrepreneur
It was my love for lasagna and transfor ming traditional meat-based dishes into vegan that inspired this recipe. And because most store-bought vegan cheese is not the most tasty, I decided it was best to omit the cheese completely and focus on flavour. This dish is a family favourite and always has my guests laughing in disbelief when they f ind out it’s 100% plant-based.
This recipe is divided into four par ts: 1) the chickpea walnut bolognese (the f illing); 2) the sauce; 3) the lasagna noodles; and 4) the nutty lasagna topping
Chickpea Walnut Bolognese
1-1/2 cups cooked chickpeas
Vegan Holiday Lasagna
3/4 cup raw walnuts
1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup of fresh parsley
2 Tbsp olive oil
In 375°F oven, toast walnuts for about 4 to 6 minutes. In a food processor, add cooked chickpeas, toasted walnuts, lime juice, onion powder, dried basil, sea salt, fresh parsley and olive oil. Pulse until mixture looks roughly g round Set aside (This mixture can be used as a g round beef substitute in any dish – I use it for tacos, pasta, or nachos )
1 Tbsp g rapeseed oil 1/4 tsp sea salt
1 pack button mushrooms, sliced
2 jars Pure Edible's Mediterranean Pasta Sauce (730 ml each)
To make the sauce, heat oil in a cast-iron pan and add mushrooms and salt Sauté for about 4 minutes on medium heat or until slightly golden brown. Add Chickpea Walnut Bolognese and Mediter ranean Sauce and mix well. Let this mixture simmer for a few minutes on low heat. Set aside.
Lasagna Noodles
1 package of Ar tesian Acres' Kamut Lasagna Noodles (Cook noodles according to instr uctions on the package.)
In a lasagna pan, add 1/2 cup water plus one scoop of sauce to the bottom of pan. Then add a layer of lasagna noodles, then top that with 2 to 3 scoops of sauce. Then place a layer of noodles on top, then a layer of sauce and a layer of noodles, until you have 4 layers of noodles and sauce Use up all the sauce
Then cover the dish and bake in a 400°F preheated oven for 45 minutes Remove the lid and bake for 10 more minutes uncovered, totalling 55 minutes in the oven
Continued on next page
Before ser ving, add this yummy mix to the top:
Nutty Topping:
In a food processor combine 1/2 cup brazil nuts, p l u s 1 / 4 c u p n u t r i t i o n a l
ye a s t , a n d 1 / 4 t s p s a l t . Sprinkle nut mixture over top of lasagna, along with a fresh basil leaf, and a drizzle of good quality olive oil.
M e s s y G i n g e r e d S w e e t P o t a t o e s
by Julie Daniluk, RHN, author, blogger, speaker, and cooking instructor
These two delicious and easy recipes are from my bestselling book Hot Detox The book details the healing b e n e f i t s
Medicine and Ayur veda food theor y The three Hot Detox principles to keep in mind include: 1) War m your food when it is cold outside; 2) Use war ming spices (i.e., ginger, cinnamon, and tur meric) to heal the gut; 3) Enjoy more energetically war ming foods (i.e., root vegetables and seeds). (Makes 6 servings.)
Ing redients:
2 Tbsp coconut oil ½ cup f inely chopped onions
2 Tbsp freshly g rated ginger
4 cups g rated unpeeled sweet potatoes
2 Tbsp organic lemon juice 1 tsp g round cinnamon
¼ - ½ tsp Herbamare herbed sea salt
1) Place coconut oil in a large pan over medium heat, and sauté onions and ginger until soft, about 5 minutes
2) Add the g rated sweet potatoes and lemon juice
Reduce the heat to low and sauté for 10 minutes, stir ring constantly, until the sweet potatoes star t to soften
3) Season with the cinnamon and salt to taste Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes Remove from heat and serve warm
To add a protein punch to this recipe, add two eggs to
the g rated sweet potatoes and omit the lemon juice
Recipe will resemble latkes
(Recipe reprinted with permission of Julie Daniluk RHN & HarperCollins © Hot Detox 2016 )
B e e t C a s h e w D i p
Packed with vitamins A and C, this dip is a good source of dietar y f ibre as well as iron and potassium. Due to its high f ibre content, beetroot is g reat for suppor ting the digestive system, helping to prevent constipation and keep bowels healthy and regular. The iron content in beetroot makes it good for those with anaemia and fatigue.
Ing redients:
1 cup raw cashews 1 cup raw sunflower seeds
2 cups f iltered water, for soaking the nuts and seeds
2 cups cooked sliced beets
½ cup organic lemon juice 1 tsp raw liquid honey
½ cup extra virgin olive oil ¼ cup f iltered water
2 Tbsp organic balsamic vinegar
2-½ tsp Herbamare organic non-GMO herbed sea salt
1) Soak the cashews and sunflower seeds in 2 cups of water for 4 hours Drain and rinse well
2) Combine all ing redients in a food processor and process until smooth.
3) Dip will keep for up to one week in the fridge.
(Recipe reprinted with permission by Julie Daniluk RHN & HarperCollins © Hot Detox 2016.)
B u t t e r n u t S q u a s h S o u p
The following two recipes were provided by Nimisha Raja –cooking instructor, writer, and speaker – and the Veggie Challenge team at the Toronto Vegetarian Association
G e t yo u r b e t a c a r o t e n e a n d o t h e r antioxidants with this bright, war ming soup The ginger and spices will bring welcome aromas to the kitchen on a cold winter’s evening. Ing redients:
1 large onion, diced
1 medium butter nut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed
2 car rots, peeled and sliced
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and diced (include the peel)
Water or vegetable broth (2 to 3 cups)
1 cup light coconut milk 1 tsp fresh g rated ginger
1 tsp g round cinnamon 2 cloves garlic, cr ushed
3 Tbsp lemon juice (one lemon)
Fresh cilantro or parsley for gar nish (optional)
1) In a large pot, heat a thin layer of water When water is ver y hot, add onions and sauté for about 2 minutes until soft. Add cubed squash, car rots, apple and enough water or broth to cover an inch above the veggies, about 2 – 3 cups
2) Cook for 15 to 20 minutes until vegetables are soft (test with a fork) Add coconut milk, ginger, cinnamon,
garlic and lemon juice
3) Purée with immersion hand blender until smooth.
4) Gar nish with cilantro or parsley if using (Note: This recipe freezes well.)
This is a nice variation on a standard g reen salad Beets are rich in iron and antioxidants. The lemon and orange juice in this recipe will help the diner absorb the iron in the beets. (Ser ves 4 – 6)
1 lb (4 to 5 medium loose) beets, peeled and g rated 1/2 cup raw chopped walnuts
2 organic Granny Smith apples, diced
2 large navel oranges, peeled and sectioned
1/4 cup raisins
2 Tbsp f inely diced red onion
3 Tbsp lemon juice (one lemon)
¼ cup orange juice
½ tsp salt (or to taste)
Fresh g round black pepper to taste
Mix g rated beets, walnuts, apples, oranges, raisins and onion in a large bowl.
In a separate bowl, whisk together lemon juice, orange juice, salt, and pepper and pour over salad If time allows, chill for a half hour or longer before ser ving. This salad gets better the longer it sits – so it’s a g reat make-ahead
recipe for potlucks or visits with friends and family
Variations: Substitute raw almonds, pecans, or sunflower seeds for walnuts. Add fresh chopped parsley as a gar nish.
n Nettie Cronish is a vegetarian chef, cookbook author and culinary instructor She has taught cooking classes at The Big Carrot for over 25 years and is a past board member of Fair trade Canada Her 6th cookbook, Nourish, Whole Food Recipes featuring Seeds, Nuts & Beans (co-authored with Cara Rosenbloom, R D ) won Silver at the Canadian Cookbook Awards in the Health and Wellness category Her 7th cookbook, called The Fair Trade Ingredient Cookb ook, is published by Whitecap and features ing redients from the 4 corners of the ear th Fair trade bananas, brown sugar, cocoa, coffee, coconut milk, icing sugar, olive oil, quinoa, spices, vanilla and tea are used in everyday recipes This is the world in your kitchen For more information visit her at: http://www nettiecronish com/
n Nutritionist Julie Daniluk, R H N, is a g raduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition She hosts The Healthy Gourmet on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) in Canada, a reality cooking show examining the battle between taste and nutrition Julie’s book, Hot D etox, provides an easy and delicious way to cleanse Combining g roundbreaking science with ancient Asian wisdom, Hot D etox walks you through a 3-, 10-, or 21-day detox plan with excellent results She has a 21-day course and extra book bonuses at w w w H o
Inflammation, advises on allerg y-free eating that tastes g reat and assists the body in the healing process, and the launch of its 2nd edition is December 31 Julie is best known as the in-house nutrition exper t on the Marilyn Denis Show (CT V) and has many insightful contributions on Facebook, Instag ram, and Twitter @JulieDaniluk Check out her recipes and nutrition tips at www juliedaniluk com
n Natalie Prhat, Cer tified Holistic Nutritionist and owner of www natalieprhat com works with a passion and plan to help businesses deliver a plant-based experience to their customers Natalie's ultimate vision is to uphold a limitless vacation experience with plant-based cuisine accessible worldwide For this reason, Natalie works to inspire change in the travel industry in order for businesses to ma ximize on oppor tunity by responding to the exploding global demand for plant-based options Her clients include Four Seasons Hotels and Resor ts, Royalton Luxury Resor ts, Planet Hollywood, and Iberostar Hotels To learn more about her services, visit: www natalieprhat com/services
n Nimisha Raja left the corporate world to dedicate herself to helping others adopt a healthier lifestyle She has taught vegetarian cooking classes and appeared on T V and radio stations for many years She was the former editor at Lifelines, a publication of the Toronto Vegetarian Association The T VA, now known as VegTO, is Toronto's go-to resource for all things vegan Their mission is to inspire people to choose vegan living – for the animals, our health, and the planet Their prog rams include Veg Food Fest, held annually in September at Harbour front Centre, offering 150 plant-based vendors and hours of prog ramming and lectures They also offer the Veg Guide, a guide to the GTA’s veg and veg-friendly restaurants and stores, available through www veg ca and their mobile app
Bigchanges are coming to freedom of choice in health care thanks to Donald Tr ump’s recent election as President of the United States I say this mainly because Tr ump has just announced that Rober t F. Kennedy Jr. will become the new U.S. Secretar y of Health and Human Ser vices (HHS) in 2025.
In light of his new job description, RFK Jr. has stated:
“FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.” (October 25, 2024)
infor med consent
During the Covid era, vaccine mandates in the U.S. and Canada became ver y oppressive as many people who refused the injections lost their jobs or were in other ways penalized.
As readers may recall, getting vaccinated b e c a m e m a n d a t o r y i n m a ny wo r k p l a c e s , schools, healthcare settings and other situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. And those who refused the vaccines were f ired from their jobs. Some doctors even lost their medical licences or were otherwise penalized for providing vaccine exemptions to patients. In shor t, there was no freedom to refuse the jabs.
Along with vaccine mandates came the insistence by public health agencies that masks needed to be wor n in public places along with maintaining at least 6 feet distance between people.
Within the medical profession, both American and Canadian doctors who provided their patients with notes for mask and vaccine exemptions were accused by their regulator y colleges to be guilty of professional misconduct And those doctors dared not say anything negative about masking or vaccines for fear of being admonished or de-licensed.
Many doctors who believed in freedom of choice in healthcare then simply retired from the practice of medicine (a signif icant loss to the healthcare industr y). Either that or they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees defending themselves in cour t No doctor has yet won their case against the Canadian licensing boards in cour t.
The public needs to know what is truly safe and effective –and what is not.
Only then can informed decisions be made.
People who wish to receive various vaccines should be able to get them, or at least freely discuss the use of vaccines with their doctor But in no way should any vaccine be forced upon an individual without their
Much like in many totalitarian regimes (e g Communist China) there was broad censorship of anyone speaking their mind about the strict public health policies during the Covid era
But going forward, ar med with his new regulator y powers RFK Jr. has stated that these mandates will be abolished
No doubt this will then lead to various lawsuits by those who have lost their jobs or were otherwise penalized for daring to speak out. Already this is happening on a small scale but will certainly accelerate with the new Tr ump presidency
Repeal of the 1986 Vaccine Immunity Law
“Suddenly, those trusted institutions seemed to be acting in concert to generate fear, promote obedience, discourage critical thinking, and herd seven billion people to march to a single tune, culminating in mass public health experiments with a novel, shoddily tested and improperly licensed technolog y so risky that manufacturers refused to produce it unless every government on Earth shielded them from liability” (Quote from “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Under cur rent U.S. law, if a vaccine causes a serious side effect or death the manufacturer is shielded from any liability Consequently, repor ts of blood clotting, pericarditis, pulmonar y thromboses, strokes, vasculitis, and other circulator y problems along with sudden death after vaccine injections are dismissed or censored as being misinfor mation or a conspiracy theor y. As the new secretar y of HHS, Kennedy will work to repeal the 1986 law that allowed dr ug companies immunity from prosecution for vaccine damages. This is as it should be and is something that will hopefully create safer vaccines at the ver y least.
From 2021 to 2023, VAERS (the U S Vaccine Adverse Event Repor ting System) repor ted an unusually high number of adverse reactions and deaths associated with the Covid-19 vaccines. Yet it’s estimated that only 1% of the actual number of vaccine injuries that occur red showed up in VAERS. Even so, both the media and medical establishment claimed that this repor ting was overblown and unreliable. Despite these claims, many respected scientists and physicians argued that the VAERS statistics were alar ming enough to cause them to reconsider injecting people with potentially toxic for mulas
Learn to make it shine
I believe that the public has been deceived about vaccine safety for far too long. A medical treatment s h o u l d n eve r c a u s e s o m a ny d e a t h s . A l t h o u g h i n j u r i e s a n d deaths have been well documented among the vaccinated population, conventional medical and phar ma sources continue to dismiss, deny, and ignore the increasingly common repor ts of vaccine dangers.
Fluoride has been linked to arthritis, osteoporosis, IQ loss, cancer, and more
Numerous doctors have repor ted these tragedies, only to end up losing their licences to practice medicine for daring to speak out to war n the public. Kennedy will likely put an end to this deception. The public needs to know what is tr uly safe and effective – and what is not. Only then can infor med decisions be made
RFK Jr has announced that the Tr ump administration will advise all U S municipalities to remove fluoride from water supplies. According to Kennedy (and this sentiment is echoed by numerous scientists):
“On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease Fluoridation is a dated practice that infringes on medical ethics by ignoring informed consent and lacks the rigorous scientif ic backing that its promoters claim makes it ‘safe and effective’ ”
For those concer ned about ingesting fluoride from American or Canadian tap water, I highly recommend supp
Pharmacognosy Magazine: “Curcumin reduces neurotoxicity induced by fluoride, par ticularly in the hippocampus and cerebral cor tex. Health effects of fluoride toxicity include various cancers, adverse reproductive activities, cardiovascular and neurologic diseases ”
Big Phar ma controls not only the medical profession but also numerous federal agencies that pur por t to protect the public. But in reality, these are just fronts for dr ug company prof its. RFK Jr. will aim to make the necessar y changes to force these agencies to be accountable for all the damage that vaccines and dr ugs that never should have been
put on the market have caused the public.
“One out of every six American women has so much mercury in her womb that her children are at risk for a grim inventory of diseases, including autism, blindness, mental retardation and heart, liver and kidney disease ”
Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Thousands of toxic chemicals are consumed in the American food supply ever y day, and this in tur n has led to an epidemic of obesity and chronic disease. Many preser vatives, flavour enhancers, glyphosate, as well as toxic heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercur y have been linked to immune system i l l n e s s e s , A D H D ( A t t e n t i o n D e f i c i t H y p e r a c t iv i t y Disorder), autism, and other neurological disorders
Getting these toxins out of the food supply will go a long way to preventing numerous chronic illnesses
“‘The Fauci generation’– children born after his elevation to NIAID kingpin in 1984 – are the sickest generation in American history and have made Americans among the least healthy citizens on the planet. His obsequious subservience to the Big Ag, Big Food, and pharmaceutical companies has left our children drowning in a toxic soup of pesticide residues, corn syrup, and processed foods, while also serving as pincushions for 69 mandated vaccine doses by age 18 none of them properly safety tested ” Robert F Kennedy Jr
We have all heard about the health hazards of consuming genetically modif ied organisms (GMOs) as well as the neurological dangers of many pesticides. RFK Jr. has been quoted as wanting to get these toxins out of our food supply. This may be easier said than done in the U.S., but already many European countries have banned these types of toxins successfully.
Canada often follows the U S in most of its health policies, but it’s cur rently a long way from adopting any of these American regulator y changes Thankfully, a change in Canadian health policy is likely to come with a change of gover nment next year.
First and foremost, what is badly needed is a change in the leadership of Health Canada. They were instr umental in mandating the vaccines in many of our workplaces,
schools, the militar y, and healthcare settings along with masking and distancing mandates that have hur t Canadians in many ways. Not only that but Health Canada has done a lot to censor and admonish anyone who has spoken out against the unjust mandates or recommended natural alternatives to treat viral illnesses
Only time will tell if we shall see changes that improve the health status of Canadians like what’s expected for 2025 in the United States
Author bio:
Zoltan P. Rona, MD, MSc, offers consultations on nutrition and natural remedies in Thornhill He has recently retired from medical practice as a Complementary and Alternative medical practitioner and now strictly offers nutritional consults To see more of Dr Rona’s articles, visit: www.highlevelwellness.ca and for appointments, please call (905) 764-8700. Office address: 390 Steeles Ave W , Unit 19, Thornhill, Ontario
• Trump picks Robert F Kennedy Jr to be his Department of Health and Human Services secretary https://www cnn com/2024/11/14/ politics/robert-f-kennedy-donald-trump-hhs/index html
• With RFK Jr Kids Could Finally Have an Ally in Washington https://childrenshealthdefense org/defender/r fk-jr-kids-health-chronic-disease
• Robert F Kennedy Jr will assume a new role https://www natur a l n e w s c o m / 2 0 2 4 - 11- 10 - r f k j r - w i l l -
health html
• Fluoride toxicity: https://greenmedinfo com/content/fluoride-fallout-how-science-exposes-water-fluoridations-hidden-dangers1
• Fluoride: Killing Us Softly: https://greenmedinfo com/blog/fluoride-killing-us-softly
• C u r c u m i n p r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t o n F l u o r i d e : https://pmc ncbi nlm nih gov/articles/PMC7502194/
• VAERS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine Adverse Event
• The New York Post: 23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID -19 vaccine: officials: https://nypost com/2021/01/15/23die-in-norway-after-receiving-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine/
• Japan Officially Names Covid mRNA Vaccine ‘Most Deadly Drug in History of Humankind’ https://thepeoplesvoice tv/japan-officiallyn
• Th e R e a l A
h t t p s : / / w w w. g o o d r e a d s . c
• RFK Jr to be involved in oversight of health and agriculture depar tments under second Trump admin: https://www naturaln e w s c o m / 20 24 - 11- 11-
• Censorship and the Call for Autopsies: Why the Truth Must Come Out https://philipmcmillan substack com/p/censorship-and-the-callfor-autopsies?utm source=notes-share-action
• Risk of systemic vasculitis following mRNA COVID -19 vaccination: a
• Talk Nation Radio Interviews with doctors on censorship and vaccine issues: https://talknation
– Continued from page 7
t r o i n t e s t i n a l p r o bl e m s . S o m e a r e ava i l a bl e ove r- t h ecounter such as Prevacid, Prilosec and Nexium.)
The researchers examined medical records of about 275,000 PPI users along with those of nearly 75,000 people who took a different class of dr ugs, known as H2 blockers, to reduce stomach acid
Those on PPIs for one to two years had a 50% increased risk of dying over the next f ive years Both PPIs and H2 blockers are prescribed for serious medical conditions such as upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and esophageal cancer, but over-the-counter PPIs are most often used for simple hear tbur n and indigestion and are one of the most commonly used classes of dr ugs in the U.S. For ever y 500 people taking PPIs for a year, there is one extra death that would not have otherwise occur red, translating into thousands of needless deaths ever y year.
This study was published online July 4, 2017 by the jour nal BMJ Open. A link to similar research can be found at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/ar ticles/325372
A study suggests that a high sugar intake by mothers during pregnancy may increase the risk of allergy and allergic asthma in their children The research involved almost 9,000 mothers who were pregnant in the early 1990s The study assessed maternal intake of free sugars during pregnancy along with allergies and asthma in their children at seven years, as def ined by positive skin tests to common allergens, namely dust mite, cat, and grass. (Until now, the link between sugar intake during pregnancy and allergy and asthma in offspring has received little attention.)
Comparing the 20% of mothers with the highest sugar intake versus the 20% of mothers with the lowest sugar intake, there was a 38% increased risk of allergy in the offspring and a 101% higher risk of allergic asthma. The study team found no association with eczema or hay fever. They speculated that the associations may be explained by a high mater nal intake of fr uctose, causing a persistent postnatal allergic immune response, which in tur n may be leading to allergic inflammation in the developing lung This type of study cannot prove cause-and-effect The sugar intake of the children themselves during early childhood was found to have no link to the risk of allergies or asthma, only the mater nal intake of free sugar
This study was published July 6, 2017 by the European R e s p i ra t o r y Jo u r n a l , a n d i s ava i l a bl e a t https://tinyurl.com/y82cck27 free of charge.
Every animal is afraid of pain and will do anything to avoid it. It’s natural. But this avoidance creates a whole host of problems. For example, anger, if not experienced in a functional way, can create a host of problems in one’s health and relationships. This ar ticle will explore how counselling can deal with guilt –a powerful emotion that can stifle joy and well-being Guilt is there for a reason It acts as a moral guide, signalling when some rule or law has been transgressed It tells us when we have done something wrong; it should guide our choices, not abuse us.
A counsellor cannot isolate and focus on just one blocked emotion, because it can often be one or a combination of several that are inhibited that leads to the problem.
For example, for many people anxiety is paired with
We tend to be unaware of the ways we unconsciously suppress emotions We are not born with suppressed emotions. Such suppression or avoidance is a learned response taught by our caregivers and the world around us...
joy The experience of joy can be accompanied by the anxiety that it won’t or can’t last, or that the joy is undeserved. One can also experience guilt about feeling anger at someone we care about. The actual emotion of anger feels good, but this kind can be painful because we suppress these feelings and instead experience selfcriticism and guilt.
In When the Body Says No, author Gabor Mate writes, “A therapist once said to me: ‘If you face the choice between feeling guilt and resentment, choose the guilt every time ’ If a refusal saddles you with guilt while
consent leaves resentment in its wake, opt for the guilt Resentment is soul suicide.”
However, I have seen plenty of cases where guilt is just as crippling. Take the example of a mother who suffers from a chronic illness and uses her illness in a manipulative way to get the attention she craves from her daughter
The daughter may feel tremendous guilt about getting on with her life and leaving her mother behind Can she imagine herself in f ive years down the road, happy and successful, while her mother is still ill and depressed? Can the daughter feel compassion and sadness about her mother’s situation and still get on with her life, or is she more likely to feel crippling shame and guilt?
Only a very mature person could have a frank discussion about all this without the deprecating self-talk that says she shouldn’t feel
the way she does On the other hand, how does the mother feel? Is she also tortured with guilt about needing her daughter’s attention so badly? What in her history makes her so needy?
In some cases, people use disease as a punishment by accusing themselves of being deserving of their illness. Or there could be guilt about being sick and a burden to others.
The counsellor is constantly watching for signals that don’t compute For example, if the patient smiles when he talks about his sick mother, the counsellor will challenge the smile Or a patient may talk in a monotonous, dead tone while recounting a situation she feels guilt about. The counsellor will challenge that lack of emotion. It’s all about challenging the defences against painful feelings and bringing awareness to the surface.
I had a patient who was tortured by so much guilt and self-loathing that he lived like a hermit He had
his own inner judge and jury, which condemned him for something that had happened in his childhood, over which he had no control. This guilt car ried over into his adult life and made it impossible for him to stand up for himself because he always judged himself in the wrong – whatever the situation. His girlfriend had just left him due to his inability to connect emotionally, and he ended up in my off ice knowing that something was wrong, but was not sure how to f ix it. He did not consider himself deserving of happiness and believed that any show of emotion on his part meant he was emotionally unstable He lived a life of doom and dread, with tight control over his thoughts His case was diff icult because he truly believed that he was bad, unworthy, and deserved to be punished
So we undertook an examination of each of his beliefs: whether each belief was truth or fantasy, or whether it was a valid belief for that person’s life, or worthless when examined. Was this or that belief truth or f iction? What evidence could he f ind that would back up this belief?
At f irst he could only accept on an intellectual level that his guilt was self-inflicted. We had to dig deeper to get to the part of him that really believed he was bad. We had to work slowly to help him distance himself from his guilt and to see it for what it was worth.
Gradually, he stopped sitting hunched in his chair, stopped looking like a condemned, crippled man, stopped the talk in his head that was always self-condemning A crack appeared in his gloomy outlook on life, and slowly he was able to embrace the good that was around him and know without doubt that he deserved it
We tend to be unaware of the ways we unconsciously suppress emotions We are not born with suppressed emotions Such suppression or avoidance is a learned response taught by our caregivers and the world around us What we counsellors do is try to help the patient acknowledge the real feelings she has and not what should be and, most importantly, to accept them – however unpleasant.
We are born perfect, but we are not born with a set of instructions. If we have been brought up imprinted with the wrong information from our caregivers or society, we can change it and take control of our life again. As Shakespeare wrote: “This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
Kate Kent has practised Traditional Chinese Medicine and Experiential Dynamic counselling in Toronto since 1985 She's now retired from acupuncture but continues with her counseling practice Her contact number is (416) 871-5252 and her email is ktkent3@gmail com
Go green this holiday season and visit the Toronto Botanical Garden’s Holiday Market coming up on December 13 – 15 It is an eco-minded, nature-inspired, shopping experience located near Leslie and Lawrence. Market Highlights:
• Over 60 local vendors
• Garden Shop featuring unique gifts and seasonal greens
• Local eats, warm drinks
• Outdoor campf ire
• Live music
• Free family fun on Saturdays
• Free demos on Sundays
• VIP Members Lounge
New This Year
Experience an enchanting floral cascade connecting the Garden Hall to the lobby created by their talented horticulture team. This incredible hanging garden installation features hundreds of flowers and plants collected from their garden. Don’t miss your chance to snap a holiday memory at their festive Self ie Stations Be sure to tag them @TBG Canada
The Book of the Month is: “The Fair Trade Ingredient Cookbook” by local author and chef Nettie Cronish
With The Fair Trade Ingredient Cookbook, Nettie Cronish gives consumers an understanding of the process – explaining how an ingredient qualif ies for fair trade certif ication and how that product reaches a supermarket shelf. Each chapter includes an interview with a fair trade producer and provides backg round along with the benef its of fair trade ingredients
Hours: Friday 2 to 6 pm; Sat and Sun 10 am to 4 pm.
Admission is FREE
And from Dec 20 - 22, Toronto Botanical Garden is hosting “Winter Blooms: Circus at the Garden ” This is an interactive and highflying circus show featuring breathtaking displays of aerial silks, acrobatics, strength, ar tistr y, and humour This feel-good show can be enjoyed solo or with family and friends looking for a holiday outing It is suitable for all ages. Admission: $40. For more information on any of TBG’s activities, visit: https://torontobotanicalgarden.ca or leave a message at (416) 397-1341
by Nettie Cronish
We live in an age when consumers are more informed than ever about what they buy, eat and use Local producers and chefs educate their customers to understand exactly where the food they consume comes from and how it was grown or raised
People are eager to educate themselves, and to spend money on products and ingredients that benef it their bodies, environment and communities. That is why buying fair trade ingredients has a tremendous social impact
From the cocoa farmers in Belize, the campesina coffee g rowers of Chiapas, the banana farmers and workers of Ecuador, to the Palestinian olive growers of the West Bank, this book is the stor y of f ar mers and workers sharing the desire for a better world.
The Fair Trade Ingredient C o o k b o o k i s f i l l e d w i t h diverse recipes using f air trade ing redients that would c h a r m m a ny a p a l a t e , including:
• Chai Rice Pudding using fair trade coconut milk
• Garlic Braised Swiss Chard with fair trade olive oil
• Guinness Cocoa Cake using fair trade cocoa
• Organic Meringues using
Astrologer and musician
Michael Moon will be at the Etheric Alignment Studio on January 11 to reveal his astrological predictions for the new year 2025
fair trade sugar
• Quinoa Falafel Balls using fair trade quinoa
• Espresso Glazed Coffee Cake using fair trade coffee
The Fair Trade Ingredient Cookbook is published by Whitecap Books Ltd. $34 95 CA | Paperback Available wherever books are sold. For more info visit: www.nettiecronish.com
During a special evening hosted by The Etheric Alignment Studio, Michael Moon will reveal the profound place within the great astrological cycles we are in at this momentous time. 2025 is a very intense year that can offer so much potential if we can attune to its power. Michael will share a general overview of 2025 followed by an attunement Meditation.
He will then read several participants’ charts to illustrate how we can personally attune with the new energy coming in.
Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 6 to 8 pm
Cost: $120 + HST per person
An acclaimed Astrologer practising inter nationally for over 30 years, Michael Moon is moved by the poetry of the sky and passionate about how it can guide our personal journeys here on Earth. His focus is not on telling the future but helping his clients co-create their best possible future.
With his love of Astronomy, Michael is an exper t at teaching Astrological concepts by revealing how the fascinating cycles of this great cosmic clock we live inside can point to our unique individual experience within the Universe Michael has the ability to read your astrological chart as a map of your soul, a personal medicine wheel, helping you connect to the bigger picture and patterns of your life and its place in the great mystery
A reading with Michael can answer questions such as: Why am I here? What am I meant to do? What’s going on? Why is this happening to me? How do I best move forward? Why are my relationships always like this? What is the timing of events in my life? How do I create or plan for my best possible future? It can help you rise above, through new awareness and understanding, the problems in your life to become the best You that you can be!
For more infor mation please call (416) 356-4855 or visit www ethericalignment com to book
To lear n more about Michael Moon visit www. thetempleofsound com
R ET R E AT h t t p s : / / w w w. s u g a rridge ca/retreat/silent-meditationretreat-with-liz-frost-5-night-stay/
D EC 13 - 15
F O R T H E H O L I DAYShttps://www sugarridge ca/retreat /mindful-self-compassion-a-weekend-retreat/
D EC 20 – 22 WI NTE R SO LSTI C E YO GA & M E D ITATI O N R ETR EAThttps://www.sugarridge.ca/retreat / w i n t e r - w e l l n e s s - y o g a - a n d - m e d itation-2/
JAN 10 -12
W I N T E R W E L L N E S S YO G A & M E D ITATI O N - https://www.sugarridge ca/retreat/winter-wellnessyoga-and-meditation-3/
JAN 17 – 19
R E BAL AN C E WE E K E N D https:// w w w. s u g a r r i d g e . c a / r e t r e a t / r e b a lance-weekend-retreat-2-2-2/
JAN 19
SC R E E N I N G – In the 1950s, Bruno
G r o e n i n g a t t r a c t e d w o r l d w i d e
a t t e n t i o n t h r o u g h e x t r a o r d i n a r y h e a l i n g s ; s i c k p e o p l e b e c a m e healthy, the blind were made to
Happy Winter Solstice
Saturday, Dec 21st / 2024
see and the lame walked While watching the films, many people r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e y s u d d e n l y noticed an energ y and a tingling sensation in their bodies. Many r e p o
n g f r o m addictions and help in diverse crises in their lives How magnificent that healings take place only by watching the films Through the teachings of Bruno Groening, g reat healings are still occurring today around the world See these two inspiring and extraordinary films and convince yourselves
Location: South Asian Women’s C e n t r e , 8 0 0 L a n s d o w n e Av e (@Dupont), Unit 1, Toronto, ON
Dates: The Phenomenon Bruno Groening: Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 23, Oct 12 / The Phenomenon of Healing: Apr 27, May 18, Sep 14, Nov 9
Time: 1:00 to 2:45 pm. Admission is free, donations are appreciated
Please contact: (647) 242-0761
Email: sousadin@yahoo.ca or visit: www bruno-g roening-film org
JAN 26 - 31 BAC K TO VITALIT Y: A Week Long Wellness Kickstar thttps://www.sugarridge.ca/retrea t / b a c k - t o - v i t a l i t y - a - 5 - n i g h t - w e l lness-kickstar t-2/
F E B 7 - 9
WE LLN ESS WITH I N: Retreat to Nourish Your Mind, Body & Spirithttps://www sugarridge ca/retrea t/wellness-within-retreat-to-nourish-your-mind-body-spirit-2/
F E B 9 – 14 M I N D F U LN ESS
BAS E D STR ESS R E D U CTI O Nhttps://www sugarridge ca/retreat /mindfulness-based-stress-reduction-mbsr-week-retreat-winter/
R E I K I I I C E RTI F I CATI O N All-day class by appointment Includes Healing Symbols, Long-distance h e a l i n g , I l l u s t r a t e d Wo r k b o o k
Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience. Email: virg inia@theinnereye ca (416) 960-1690
AU R AS AN D ALC H E MY. Join our free online session each Thursday night at 8 pm to study and discuss these fascinating topics. Visit www humanaura org to view the c o u r s e m a t e r i a l s To r e g i s t e r, email bookstudy@humanaura org or visit our website at: www.higherconsciousness ca
AYU RVE DA H EALI N G R ETR EATS in Nor thumberland County near Rice Lake, Ontario Book yourself a d a y o f Ay u r v e d
, Abhyanga massage, Shirodhara, Vedic Astrolog y Readings, Karma Emotional Release Therapy and more on our 8 acres designed with meditation/contemplation shrines for your healing. Come for the day or an overnight stay Information: www ayurvedaritualsspa com R
Toronto Learn to treat yourself &
Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years'
theinnereye ca (416) 960-1690
COSTA R I CA writing retreats (pick y
https://publishandpromote ca
AWAR E N ESS TH RO U G H M OVEM E NT classes Stay flexible and learn to move with ease and efficiency Classes are held online and in person For more information p l e a s e Vi
i t o u
i t e : https://www feldenkraiscentre co m/events/categories/online-classes/single-classes/ or send email to: abigail@feldenkraiscentre com
t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t : www drpragnell com or contact Dr Pragnell (519) 941-7553
COLON HYDROTH ER APY offered at Hockley Valley Naturopathic & C h i r o p r a c t i c C l i n i c , n e a r Orangeville Call Elinko at (519) 941-7553 or 1-800-397-3085.
COR E B ELI EF ENGI N EER I NG We repeat what we don’t resolve Lisa Sidorowicz, MA, B.Ed., CB E Master Practitioner & Trainer Please call (905) 510-7562, (905) 842-3305, lisa@thecore ca, www thecore ca
B ICOM B IOR ESONANCE: German frequency healing technolog y for burnout, stress, EM F, Lyme and Mold toxicity and 100s of other symptoms & conditions. Painless. E f f e c t i v e N o s i d e - e f f e c t s J o z e f Krop www ecohealthcentre ca
VI RGI N IA HART N ELSON. Turn your experiences and conditioning into power ful catalysts for healing and change Call (416) 960-1690, visit: www theinnereye ca, see ad page 23.
REMEMBER ACCOMPLISHMENTS from other lifetimes; transform old habit-patterns & liberate your purpose. Call Virginia Hart Nelson: (416) 960-1690, or visit: www theinnereye ca See ad page 23
HOLISTIC PSYCHOTH ER APY. The most power ful work Integ rating Psychotherapy with energ y-cent r e d m o d a l
remote Reg istered Psychother-
Counsellor with Master's Deg ree & Reg istered in Polarity Principles and Reiki Master Over 25 years' experience See ad pg 25 Visit
m , Victoria: (416) 916-6066
Professional, accurate, insightful readings by renowned psychic medium Reading by phone or in person, contact: (416) 921-0611, www margotpsychicservices com
PAM EL A R USSELL Reflexolog y for pain and stress relief from head to toe Dupont and Spadina office House calls 20 years of experience. Feet, hands & ears. Please call (416) 856-6589, or email pjrussell@sympatico ca
C o d e s , Th e t a H e a l i n g , & Psychotherapy Effie Hadzis B A , B.Ed., Reg istered Psychotherapist. Please call (416) 751-9619, visit www facebook com/aocliving
VI RGI N IA HART N ELSON Private treatments, and Cer tification all L e v e l s 30 + y e a r s ' e x p e r i e n c e Please call (416) 960-1690, or visit: www theinnereye ca, email: virg inia@theinnereye ca See ad pg. 23.
AY U R V E DA R I T UA LS o f f e r s A u t h e n t i c Ay u r v e d a G e t a w a y retreats, day trips or two to three night stay ON LI N E workshops in Indian Head Massage, Ayurveda products, Jyotisha/Vedic Astrolog y Readings. Call (416) 504-6049, email: info@ayurvedictouch com, visit: www ayurvedarituals ca
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Vitality’s next issue is: SPRING 2025 (released early March)
Advertising deadline: Jan 22 For more infor mation, email: listings@vitalitymagazine com
NATU R AL H EALTH Inc is for sale, which includes cer tified Courses and more To Inquire please call ( 70 5 ) 24 5 - 119 5 o r e m a i l : theCI N H@hotmail com
R ENT for holistic practitioners at 402355 Derry Rd East Mississauga $550 to $750 per month Email:
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F U R N ISH ED ROOM FOR R ENT in R MT clinic in Etobicoke Suitable for any reg istered practitioner Available 2 days per week, Thursdays and S u n d a y s $ 4 50 / m
e s laundry on-site and free parking Email: info@isling tonwellness com
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