STARTING SOON – We offer an in-person Saturday-morning program, Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy Encounter, which is designed to immerse students in Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy (wisdom of humanity) and its many practical applications, from the personal inner path of spiritual development, to Waldorf education, biodynamic farming and much more. The program runs from September 2023 through May 2024 at the RSCC’s Thornhill campus. Visit us online at rscc.ca or in person at our free introductory evening to learn more:
Free Intro Evening Wed. Sept. 13, 7:30 pm • Saturday morning classes begin Sept. 23
A start-anytime, learn-at-your-own-pace version of this program is also offered, Foundation Studies Distance. Or for a smaller first step, check out the fully-online Anthroposophy: An Introduction course described below.
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) – clairvoyant, spiritual scientist of the early 20th century; inspirer of Waldorf education, biodynamic farming, and holistic approaches to medicine, economics, architecture, religion, nutrition, therapy, among others. The founder of anthroposophy: Anthropos – every human being, and Sophia – divine feminine wisdom.
Dr. Steiner described anthroposophy as ‘a path to knowledge, which intends to lead what is spiritual in the human being to what is spiritual in the universe.’ His published works number over 330 volumes making him among the most prolific authors of all time.
His lectures at Oxford, in Dornach, Oslo, Berlin, Paris, Stuttgart, Prague, Vienna, the Hague, London and other cities in Europe drew hundreds of listeners looking to engage with new ways of knowing oneself and the world.
Now you can learn more about the man, his work and his contribution to humanity. Anthroposophy: An Introduction is a fully online, at your own time and pace, low-cost course. To find out more, go to https://rscc.ca/online/
Rudolf Steiner College Canada’s full-time grades and early childhood Waldorf teacher education programs are approved vocational programs under the Ontario Private Career Colleges Act 2005. Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy and the full-time and part-time Waldorf teacher programs for both grades and early childhood are recognized by the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA). Full-time and part-time early childhood Waldorf teacher programs are recognized by the International Association for Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Education (IASWECE) and by the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN).
enough iodine; Melatonin improves sleep in kids with autism; CoQ10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid for Long Covid; Black
Editor’s note: All Vitality ar ticles represent the views of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publisher We accept no responsibility for the variability in outcomes achieved by the usage of these views, and they are not meant to replace the advice of a physician.
Cover photo: Fall Har vest Vegetables
Herecomes fall, the time of year when we go back to school and work. It’s also a time when the media is abuzz with warnings about increased risk of infection from influenza, Covid, and assorted variants. While it’s true that a lack of vitamin D can lead to weakened immunity as we move indoors out of the sun, there are many ways to prevent sickness without the use of drugs. In addition to making an effort to keep those vitamin D levels up with sunshine and vitamins, it’s also a good idea to stock up on extra supplements with immune boosting powers.
This month, our News & Notes section car ries a repor t on the combination of black cumin seed and vitamin D as a potent antiviral duo In fact, black cumin seed is not only antiviral but also antibacterial, anticancer, and antidiabetic. Apparently, several studies have even shown this herb (Nigella Sativa) to be highly effective for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. Since it is cur rently available in capsules in health food stores, I suggest picking some up before Bill C-47 causes a crackdown on all supplements in Canada.
Fur ther on Bill C-47, herbalist Rick DeSylva recently sent us a Letter to Editor (see page 29) in which he explains that: “In spite of having been given a set of regulat i o n s by t h e N a t u r a l H e a l t h P r o d u c t s Directorate (2003) that classif ied natural
health products (NHPs) as separate from Dr ugs in the Food & Dr ug Act, that exempt i o n i s n ow b e i n g r e m ove d Manufacturers of NHP’s will have to follow the same set of regulations as phar maceutical companies; this will result in small and medium-sized companies going out of business, as they simply can’t afford dr ugstyle regulations.” DeSylva goes on to explain how this Bill will work to g reatly reduce the number of supplements available on store shelves, such that many of our favourite brands will essentially disappear. He is urging ever yone to read Shawn Buckley’s discussion paper on the subject, and get involved with NHPPA to stop Bill C-47 from wiping out our supplement i n d u s t r y. Fi n d o u t m o r e a t : https://tinyurl com/NHPPAactionplan
Another topic that’s getting lots of public attention this year is the rising cost of food, shelter, and transpor tation. Thanks to the inflationar y impact of our federal gover nment’s bad policy decisions, people are genuinely str uggling to make ends meet. And economic forecasters are saying that the upward pressure on food prices is only going to continue this winter
If you’re looking to stretch your shopping dollars to get more for less, consider plantbased foods They’re a good source of budget-friendly protein, vitamins, and minerals. This month we offer a feature on “Healing Foods for Fall” by nutritionist Sarah Vrabel who presents several recipes including one for Stuffed Acorn Squash that could serve as an economical alternative to the traditional turkey served at Thanksgiving Of course, you can prepare this protein-rich dish anytime you have a craving for a savoury, flavourful meal to feed the family
Since fall is har vest season in Ontario, it’s a perfect time to browse the far mers markets for good deals on f r u i t s , veg e t a bl e s , a n d herbs. I f ind the prices at t h e s e m a r ke t s a r e o f t e n ver y competitive with big box stores, and by buying direct from the far mer we s u p p o r t l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s that offer fresher products
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If it’s tr ue that prices will go even higher this winter, then we need to prepare by capturing the f all har vest with old-fashioned methods of dr ying, fer menting, pickling and stocking the pantr y w i t h n a t u r e ’s b o u n t y Fo r tips on easy ways to preser ve foods, see the ar ticle by Julie Daniluk, RHN posted at: http://tinyurl com/capturethehar vest
And see our annual Guide to Organics for some excellent links to organic farms, markets, suppliers, and gardening resources. Visit: https://vitalitymagazine.com /annual-guide-organics/ By the way, if you want m o r e Vi t a l i t y i n b e t we e n q u a r t e r ly m a g a z i n e s , we post regularly on Twitter at w w w t w i t t e r c o m / Vi t a l i t y Online or you can get a free subscription to our monthly newsletter Email: subscribe @vitalitymagazine com
Julia Woodford, Editor(The following three reports a re re p r i n t e d f ro m t h e monthly “Literature Review & Commentary” by
In this 2022 research, the authors reviewed 61 studies (including 163,021 pregnant women) that estimated the p r eva l e n c e o f i n s u ff i c i e n t iodine intake during pregnancy in different regions of the world The overall prevalence of insuff icient iodine intake was 53% The prevalence was 46% in Nor th and South America.
Pregnant women living in countries with insuff icient iodine status had a higher p r eva l e n c e o f i n a d e q u a t e i o d i n e i n t a ke ( 8 6 % ) t h a n women living in countries with suff icient iodine intake (51% prevalence)
C o m m e n t : I o d i n e d e f iciency in pregnant women can lead to impaired fetal g r ow t h a n d d eve l o p m e n t .
Low iodine status in utero and during infancy has been associated with lower IQ in l a t e r c h i l d h o o d . A l t h o u g h increased use of iodized salt h a s d e c r e a s e d wo r l d w i d e prevalence of iodine def iciency, an estimated 2 billion
Iodine intake (derived from sea vegetables) has been found to be insufficient among pregnant women; and a Japanese study found that melatonin can help autistic kids to fall asleep
p e o p l e a r o u n d t h e wo r l d h ave i n s u ff i c i e n t i o d i n e i n t a ke . T h e E n d o c r i n e Society, American Thyroid A s s o c i a t i o n , Te r a t o l og y Society, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that women receive prenatal vitamins containing 150 g rams per day of iodine during preconception, pregnancy, lactation. Some prenatal vitamin products contain iodine, but others don’t
Pa t r i o t a E S , e t a l P r eva l e n c e o f insuff icient iodine intake in pregnancy worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis Eur Jour nal Clin Nutr 2022; 76:703-715
T h i s s t u d y e n r o l l e d 1 9 8
J a p a n e s e c h i l d r e n ( m e a n age 11 2 years) with autism spectr um disorder who had average sleep onset latency of at least 30 minutes (i e , it took them at least 30 minutes to fall asleep) The child r e n we r e r a n d o m ly assigned to receive, in double-blind fashion, melatonin (1 mg or 4 mg) or placebo before bedtime for 14 days
The primar y outcome was shor tened sleep onset latency, as assessed with an elec-
t r o n i c s l e e p d i a r y S l e e p onset latency shor tened signif icantly in the 1 mg and 4 mg melatonin g roups comp a r e d w i t h t h e p l a c e b o g roup (-22 0, -28 0, and -5 0 minutes, respectively; p < 0 0001 for each melatonin dose compared with placeb o ) . N o s e r i o u s a d ve r s e events were repor ted
C o m m e n t : T h i s s t u d y f o u n d t h a t m e l a t o n i n c a n improve the ability of children with autism spectr um disorder to fall asleep The lower dose (1 mg) was nearly as effective as the higher d o s e ( 4 m g ) . A l t h o u g h m e l a t o n i n wa s g e n e r a l ly well tolerated, it is important to remember that melatonin is a hor mone, and that its long-ter m safety in child r e n h a s n o t b e e n we l l researched.
Studies in elderly individu a l s w i t h i n s o m n i a h ave found that, once melatonin resets the biological clock, it can be discontinued in many c a s e s w i t h o u t c a u s i n g a r e t u r n o f a b n o r m a l s l e e p patter ns. An attempt should also be made to wean children from melatonin after it h a s a c h i eve d t h e d e s i r e d benef it
Hayashi M, et al Melatonin treatment and adequate sleep hygiene interventions in children with autism spec-
tr um disorder: a randomized controlled t r i a l J A u t i s m D ev D i s o r d 2022;52:2784-2793
One hundred seventy-four Italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome that had developed after a Covid-19 infection were treated at a clinic that provided multiple inter ventions, including analgesic and anti-inflammator y medications, antidepressants (mostly for treatment of pain), anticonvulsants that have an analgesic e ff e c t ( p r eg a b a l i n a n d gabapentin), psychological c o u n s e l l i n g , p hy s i o - k i n esotherapy, physical reconditioning, and yoga/pilates.
Two-thirds of the patients a l s o r e c e ive d c o e n z y m e Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid (100 mg per day of each) for two months, while 58 p a t i e n t s d i d n o t r e c e ive these supplements (control g r o u p ) T h e t r e a t m e n t assignments were apparently not randomized The propor tion of patients who had a c o m p l e t e r e s p o n s e (def ined as at least a 50% improvement in the Fatigue Severity Scale score) was higher in the supplement g roup than in the control g roup (53 5% vs 3 5%)
Comment: These f indings suggest that the addition of coenzyme Q10 and alphalipoic acid to a comprehensive treatment prog ram can
i m p r ove o u t c o m e s i n patients with ‘long covid ’ The difference in completer e s p o n s e r a t e s b e t we e n g roups may at f irst glance s e e m i m p l a u s i bly l a rg e (53% vs 3 5%) It should be noted, however, that 73% of the patients in the control g roup who failed to have a complete response did have an improvement of 20 to 50% on the Fatigue Severity
S c a l e R a n d o m i z e d c o ntrolled trials are needed to conf ir m the results of this study
Barletta MA, et al Coenzyme Q10 + alpha lipoic acid for chronic COVID syndrome Clin Exp Med 2022, Aug 22
(The previous reports are by Dr Alan Gaby, author of “Nutritional Medicine,” a comprehensive textbook for healthcare professionals and educated nonprofessionals More information at: https://doctorgaby com/
These reports are reprinte d w i t h p e r m i s s i o n f ro m Tow n s e n d L e t t e r: T h e E x a m i n e r o f A l t e r n a t i v e Medicine For information ab o u t s u b s c r i p t i o n s , v i s i t : w w w t o w n s e n d l e t t e r c o m , info@townsendletter.com)
from John Weigel, Ireland
• The unsettling rise Of ‘Microwave Syndrome’ –Cour tney Gilardi’s 10-year-old daughter never had problems sleeping But in August 2020, the mor ning after a 5G cell tower was switched on within 450 feet of their Pittsf ield, Massachusetts home, she woke up complaining of headaches, dizziness, a buzzing in her head, and general malaise. Nor mally, she gets up at 8 am. But on that day, she didn’t come downstairs until the after noon
“She didn’t look well, and said that she was headachy, dizzy, buzzy Those are not words that she has ever used to describe how she’s been feeling before,” Ms Gilardi said
The girl, her sister, and Ms. Gilardi herself who said she star ted experiencing sleep disturbances, rapid hear t rates, and mig raines, were all soon diagnosed with microwave syndrome, a condition known to develop after a person is exposed to electromagnetic f ields (EMFs) emitted by wireless technologies. The doctor’s advice was simple: Stay away from your home h t t p s : / / w w w. z e r o h e d g e . c o m / m e d i c a l / u n s e t t l i n g - r i s emicrowave-syndrome
from Pauline Keeley, Dublin
• Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions – Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disr upting lear ning, the Dutch gover nment has announced
The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the star t of next year
https://www bbc com/news/world-europe-66107027
• Mobile phones and Cyberbullying – Mobile phones should be banned from schools because lockdown has affected children’s “discipline and order,” the education secretar y has war ned Gavin Williamson told The Telegraph that phones should not be “used or seen during the school day,” though he said schools should make their own policies.
Phones can act as a “breeding g round” for cyber-bullying and social media can damage mental health, he added.
https://www bbc com/news/technology-56663010
• UN warns of risk of having smartphones in school –The United Nations has war ned of the risks of smar tphones in schools, stating “only technology that suppor ts lear ning” is merited in schools. Mobile devices can cause distraction, risk pupil privacy and lead to cyber-bullying says Unesco, the UN’s education, science and culture agency.
But less than one-in-four countries have laws or policies banning phones in schools, the repor t found In the UK, head teachers set the r ules but restrictions apply in most schools https://www bbc com/news/technology-66312128
The above information was provided courtesy of Andrew Michrowski, founder of PACE, The Planetary Association for Clean Energ y based in Ottawa, Ontario He is also the founder of Essentia, a company that specializes in EMF p ro t e c t i o n d ev i c e s Fo r m o re i n fo r m a t i o n v i s i t :
Max Langen, Orthomolecular News Service
Nigella sativa, also called black cumin, is one of the most impor tant medicinal plants in the world today. Its seeds (also called “black seeds”) have been used for thousands of years as a spice and condiment, and in several traditional medicine systems to treat a wide range of diseases. This plant is described and acknowledged in ancient medical and religious literature. The Bible mentions Nigella sativa as “curative black seed ” It is also known as prophetic medicine since Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, refer red to it as “cure for ever y disease except death ” It was mentioned in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine and was also described in traditional Arabic and Islamic medicines
compounds including thymoquinone have strong
antifungal, antihistaminic, anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-epileptic, anti-asthmatic, anti-allergic, antitussive, anticoagulant, analgesic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective and neuroprotective effects, among others.
Nigella sativa has shown in several studies to be highly effective for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19, massively reducing severe outcomes and mor tality. Many people might still be alive had this therapy not been widely ignored Also, the combination of nigella sativa and vitamin D has shown to be remarkably effective in the clearance of viral infection
• Possible Treatment for Covid-19
In numerous case studies, Nigella sativa was found to not only prevent Covid-19 in many people, but also to accelerate the recover y and reduce the development of severe symptoms or death in patients with Covid-19. Several compounds of nigella sativa, including thymoquinone, nigellidine and alpha-hederin have proven antiviral and antiinflammator y effects Thymoquinone can inhibit the main protease in SARS-CoV-2, causing a “strong anti-SARSCoV-2 activity.”
VITALITY MAGAZINE – FALL 2023 9 www vitalitymagazine com
A recent randomized controlled trial showed that if treatment with nigella sativa is started early in the disease course, shortly after symptoms begin, serious complications can be strongly reduced
A prospective prophylaxis study with 376 par ticipants has shown that daily consumption of 40 mg/kg of nigella sativa seeds (= 3,000 mg per day for a 75 kg pers o n ) r e d u c e d t h e r i s k o f d eve l o p i n g a s y m p t o m a t i c case of Covid-19 by more than 60% Of note, the results of this study were already available in Januar y 2021. A widespread recommendation to use nigella sativa could therefore have been an effective way to limit the pandemic and reduce the incidence of symptomatic infections in the population.
In a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) with hospitalized Covid-19 patients, the treated g roup received standard therapy and 80 mg/kg/day of encapsulated nigella sativa seeds plus 1 g/kg/day of honey The results showed that the treated g roup had signif icantly faster viral clearance and recover y In fact, those who received NS + honey recovered almost twice as fast. Overall, the patients in the treated g roup had an 82% lower risk of death compared with the control g roup Impor tantly, the striking results of this high quality study were available in Nov. 2020, during the f irst year of the pandemic
Therefore, by 2020 it was clear that this treatment could possibly reduce the fatality rate of hospitalized Covid-19 patients by 80%. Since then, millions of Covid-19 patients have died, but many of these deaths might have been prevented, not only with nigella sativa and honey, but also with other natural and or thomolecular treatment protocols that have shown to be similarly effective in reducing mor tality of Covid-patients.
Impor tantly, earlier treatment with nigella sativa can even prevent the prog ression and development of severe stages of Covid-19. A recent RCT showed that, if treatment with nigella sativa is star ted early in the disease course, shor tly after symptoms begin, serious complications (and therefore hospitalization etc ) can be strongly reduced Among those patients who only received the standard treatment, 17% developed a severe case. However, among those who received nigella sativa seeds for a duration of 2 weeks, only 1% developed severe symptoms, a 93% reduction. The results of this RCT were published in Januar y 2021
A recent RCT conf ir med that daily treatment with 1,000 mg of nigella sativa seed oil (in capsules) improved recover y from Covid-19 The patients in the inter vention g roup (standard therapy + nigella sativa) recovered signif icantly faster from symptoms than those in the control g roup (who only received standard therapy). The inter vention g roup had a 75% lower risk of requiring hospitalization.
Even before the roll-out of those experimental dr ugs, many people died from side effects of typical conventional medicine Prescription dr ugs are one of the leading causes of death in Europe and in the US. Or thomolecular or nat-
ural medicine has been shown to be highly effective for many conditions and diseases, suggesting that most of these deaths from conventional dr ugs could possibly be prevented by more widespread use of natural treatment approaches Of course, each individual’s situation is different and may require different treatment approaches Health issues should always be discussed with an or thomolecular or natural health care provider who can offer medical advice and help f inding the best natural (or natural + conventional) treatment for an individual
Many nigella sativa products are available and not all of them are high quality. When choosing nigella sativa capsules (rather than the raw seeds), one should make sure that the seed oil is cold-pressed, to ensure that the capsules contain the seeds’ effective compounds The colour of the oil needs to be golden and a bitter smell/taste should prevail. A lighter yellow colour would be a negative sign, which indicates that too many of the compounds have been removed during the processing.
NOTE: This ar ticle is excerpted from a longer version published by the Or thomolecular News service that explains even more therapeutic benefits of nigella sativa, and offers a complete list of research references. To see extended version, go to: https://vitalitymagazine com/ar ticle/black-cumin-seed-vitamind-top-antiviral-combination/ For a free subscription to OM N S, go to: http://or thomolecular org/subscribe html or visit the archive http://or thomolecular org/resources/omns/index shtml
The Neem Tree has been used in Ayur vedic Medicine for over 5,000 years. It is indigenous to southeast Asia and is called “The Village Phar macy” because of its extensive benef its in therapeutic and personal care
K l a u s Fe r l ow, m a s t e r h e r b a l i s t , f o u n d e d Fe r l ow Botanicals 25 years ago Since then the company has been manufacturing a broad range of Neem products with excellent results They were the f irst manufacturer in Canada to receive Health Canada approval for the use of Neem Cream for relieving eczema. Their extensive product line includes:
Rosa Rejuv: a luxurious beauty cream that contains rosehip oil, hyaluronic acid gel, silk peptide powder and more, which combine to give the skin a f ir mer, plumper texture with improved elasticity.
Wild Yam Cream: contains Vitex extract, wild yam extract, and black cohosh which are well known for easing women’s health issues such as PMS or menopause.
Neem Cream and Neem Oil: Can be used to relieve eczema, psoriasis, dr y skin, and minor wounds;
Ferlow Botanicals’ product line is available at The Big Car rot and other local retailers To f ind out where it’s available in your area visit: https://www.ferlowbotanicals.com or call 1-888-747-6287
Thereis a lot of infor mation available these days on food and nutrition – what to eat, what not to eat, and ever ything in between. As an energy healer, holistic nutritionist, and cook my approach to food takes in the energetics, nutritional prof ile, and most impor tantly the taste of food.
While I ag ree that it is impor tant to nourish our bodies with foods high in nutrients, I also believe that priority should be placed on the energetic proper ties of the foods we consume.
Having this expanded approach to nourishment on more than one level has allowed me to create an intuitive eating char t (pictured below) This char t illustrates the connection between different foods and different chakras (energy centers) in the aura. For example, foods that g row underg round (potatoes, tur nips, root vegetables, etc ) or on the g round (squash, mushrooms, etc ) have a ver y g rounding influence, which is connected to the root chakra.
So if someone is feeling uncentered or ung rounded, I would recommend that they eat more foods that are g rown under or on the g round. This is also linked to the energy of the ear th as an element –g rounding, centered, and balanced
T h i s a p p r o a c h a l s o e m b r a c e s t h e influence of food as colour therapy. For example, retur ning to the root chakra, not only do foods g rown on or under the soil have a g rounding influence, but so do foods that are reddish in colour or hue (i e apples, cherries, pomeg ranates, etc ) The energetic frequency of the colour red, when consumed by our physical body, gets absorbed into our aura (energy f ield). This allows the g rounding energy to per meate through the f ield, connecting with healing frequencies of the root chakra and bring-
ing balance both to the physical and energetic bodies
On the other hand, fruits and vegetables that grow on branches have more of an airy or ethereal influence. For example, while it’s true that eating an apple nourishes us physically, it also nourishes us on a spiritual level through the aura, which in turn helps to build and activate the light body.
As we head into the cooler autumn season, it’s impor tant to honour the cycles of Mother Nature by nourishing our bodies (and energy f ields) with war m, g rounding foods. This provides hear ty fuel as we go back to school and work, and helps build our stamina for the busy days ahead
Below are four plant-based recipes that not only taste good, they also help to nur ture and balance our ear th star, root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.
A delicious show-stopper of a main course, this dish is great to serve for Thanksgiving as a plant-based option. Simply omit the cheese to make it vegan, if desired (Yield: 2 servings)
1 medium acor n squash (also known as pepper squash)
1 cup of already cooked g rain of your choice: brown rice, quinoa, or far ro*
1 shallot, peeled and minced f inely
2 cloves garlic, peeled chopped f inely
2 Tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 tsp chopped fresh thyme
1 tsp lemon zest
Squeeze of lemon juice
2 Tbsp roasted slivered almonds
1 Tbsp roasted pumpkin seeds
2 Tbsp dried cranber ries
2 Tbsp g rated par mesan (optional)
3 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
(*Far ro is an ancient grain that looks similar to brown rice, available at health food stores and some grocery stores.)
1. Preheat oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2 Top and tail the acor n squash (cut a little piece off the top and bottom) Set the squash on a cutting board, and carefully use a shar p chef ’s knife to slice the squash in half from tip to stem. Use a large spoon to scoop out the seeds and strings, and discard these pieces
3 Place the squash halves cut side up on the lined baking tray. Drizzle a bit of olive oil (about 2 tsp) over the squash, and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper. Rub the oil and seasoning into the squash Then tur n the squash over, so that the cut sides are facing down on the parchment paper. Bake until the flesh of the squash is easy to pierce through with a small knife, about 30 to 45 minutes.
4 While the squash is cooking, prepare the stuff ing Heat a medium skillet over medium high heat, and add 1 Tbsp olive oil. Add minced shallot and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until softened. Add chopped garlic and cook for 30 to 60 seconds until frag rant Add 1 cup of cooked g rain of choice (brown rice, far ro, or quinoa) and mix **
5. Add 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley (reser ving 1 tbsp for gar nish), thyme, lemon zest, a squeeze of lemon juice, slivered almonds/pumpkin seeds, dried cranber ries, and g rated par mesan (if using) Season with salt and pepper Taste and adjust seasoning. Remove from heat.
6 When the squash halves are cooked, remove from oven Tur n the cooked squash halves over so that the cut sides are facing up. Using a spoon, divide the stuff ing mixture evenly between the two squash halves. Top with a bit more olive oil, and a bit more par mesan cheese (if using)
Retur n the squash to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes
7. Sprinkle the stuffed squash halves with remaining 1 tablespoon of the chopped parsley, and ser ve war m Can be eaten on its own or enjoyed with a salad/other side dishes. Enjoy!
* * C o o k g r a i n o f c h o i c e according to package directions Yo u w i l l n e e d 1 c u p t o t a l o f cooked g rain, so if for example you are using brown rice, you only need to cook ½ cup as it will double when it cooks and become 1 cup
(NOTE: You can prepare this recipe in advance by making the f illing the day before, and roasting the squash on the mor ning of Stuff the squash, wrap and place in fridge
Remove from fridge 1 to 2 hours before you want to cook it, and heat it up in the oven (350°F) for about 15 minutes, or until war m. Ser ve and enjoy!)
Portobello (or Tofu) Pot Roast
Warm, comforting, and tasty – this is a wonderful dish to throw on the stove on the weekend. Double or triple the recipe to have easy leftovers during the week. (Yield: 2-3 servings )
2 large por tobello mushrooms, cut into bite-sized cubes (substitute tofu cubes for the por tobellos if you don’t like mushrooms)
7 new potatoes (also known as baby potatoes or creamers – aka small potatoes), cut into 1/8ths
2 car rots, peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces
1 shallot, peeled and f inely diced
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 tsp vegan or regular Worcestershire sauce
2 cups vegetable stock
1 Tbsp tomato paste
½ cup red wine
2 dried bay leaves
6 sprigs of rosemar y
Salt and pepper, to taste
Olive oil
1 to 2 pieces of your prefer red bread (optional – to accompany the meal and dip your bread in the sauce. Can use cr usty bread, baguette, gluten-free, etc )
Slur r y:
2 Tbsp chickpea flour (or cor nstarch)
2 Tbsp water
1. Heat 2 Tbsp of olive oil in a large, medium-deep pot.
2. Add diced shallot and sauté until soft, about 1 to 2 minutes
3 Add minced garlic and sauté until frag rant, about 30
4. Add car rots and por tobello mushrooms; allow to cook for 3 minutes
5 Add tomato paste, and let it cook for about 2 minutes.
6. Deglaze pot with red wine, and let liquid reduce by half
7 A d d n ew p o t a t o e s , Worcestershire sauce, vegetable stock, bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper
8 Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover Allow to cook until all veggies are knife tender, about 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.
9 Remove thyme, rosemar y, and bay leaves Taste and adjust for seasoning (salt and pepper)
10. Make a slur r y by mixing 2 tbsp of water with 2 tbsp of chickpea flour (or cor nstarch) in a small bowl until smooth Stir into pot, and bring to a boil to let it thicken the dish
11. Ser ve in a bowl with bread and enjoy!
This is my non-traditional twist on a curry, and one of my most popular recipes The quinoa gets cooked in an aromatic coconut milk broth, and soaks up every drop of flavour. You can swap the sweet potatoes for any other roasted root vegetable (think carrots, parsnips, beets) If you ’ re not into quinoa, you can explore other grains – but will have to adjust liquid ratios/cooking times accordingly.
(Yield: 2-3 servings.)
1 large or 2 small sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into small (1 cm) cubes
2 shallots, peeled and roughly chopped
3 cloves of garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
2” piece of fresh tur meric, peeled and roughly chopped (or 1 tbsp jar red puréed tur meric)
1” piece of fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander
½ tsp g round cardamom
¼ tsp g round cloves
1 tsp cur r y powder
½ tsp garam masala
2 tsp smoked paprika
1 cup quinoa
¼ cup water
1 can coconut milk (398 ml)
2 c u p s o f g r e e n s s u c h a s a r u g u l a , c h o p p e d spinach/kale/chard, your choice
¾ cup olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
(Continued next page)
1 Preheat oven to 400° F
2. Toss sweet potato cubes in a b ow l w i t h s a l t , p e p p e r, smoked paprika, and about ¼ cup of olive oil (or enough to coat)
3 . P l a c e swe e t p o t a t o e s evenly on a lined baking tray and roast for 40 minutes or until cooked through. Remove and set aside
4. While the sweet potatoes are roasting, star t the cur r y. In a food processor, pulse shallots, garlic, tur meric, and ginger while slowly adding enough olive oil until it makes a paste (about ½ cup).
5 Heat a deep pot on medium high Add the paste, and let it cook out for 8-10 minutes, stir ring occasionally.
6 When the paste begins to brown lightly, add the spices. Toast the spice and paste combination for about 30 seconds, until frag rant
7 Add the quinoa, water, and coconut milk Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover for 20 minutes. Tur n off heat, and let sit covered for 5 minutes
8. Fluff quinoa with a fork. Fold in sweet potato cubes and whatever g reens you like (ar ugula, etc )* Season to taste with salt and pepper. Enjoy!
(*Note: If preparing this ahead of time, don’t add the greens until you are ready to eat. If added too far in advance, they turn a gross green colour that is not appetizing )
A delicious seasonal side dish that can be prepped ahead of time, and kept in the fridge as a quick meal accompaniment during the week. The key to this dish is making sure that everything is cut into roughly the same size, so that the veggies cook evenly. You can substitute any veggies you don’t like for other options such as rutabagas, potatoes, etc (Yield: 4-5 servings)
2 parsnips, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
2 car rots, cut into 1-inch pieces, (optional to peel or leave skin on. Scr ub if leaving skin on)
2 sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces (optional to peel or leave skin on. Scr ub if leaving skin on)
2 tur nips, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
4 cloves of garlic, peeled
6 sprigs fresh rosemar y
½ bunch fresh thyme
Olive Oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Preheat oven to 425°F and line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
2 Peel and cut the vegetables into about 1-inch pieces You can leave the peel on for the car rots and sweet potatoes if desired, but be sure to scr ub them if you do
3. Place the cut vegetables and garlic cloves in a large mixing bowl Add about 2 Tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper Mix until all vegetables are evenly coated
4. Spread the vegetables evenly over the two baking sheets Place 4 rosemar y sprigs on top of vegetables (2 per tray).
5 Roast for 25 minutes Remove baking sheets from oven. Using a large spatula or spoon, stir the vegetables to bring the outer pieces towards the middle, and the middle pieces towards the edge of the baking sheets.
6 Place back in oven for another 15-25 minutes, until vegetables are golden and tender, and a shar p knife can pierce each type of vegetable easily.
7 Remove thyme leaves from stems, and remove rosemar y leaves from remaining 2 sprigs. Chop rosemar y leaves until they are roughly chopped
8. Sprinkle thyme leaves and chopped rosemar y leaves over the vegetables Stir with spatula to coat evenly Taste a piece to check for seasoning – add more salt and/or pepper if needed.
9 Ser ve war m as a side dish, or allow to cool and keep in the fridge to have ready for meals during the week. Simply re-heat and ser ve
P l e a s e e n j oy t h e s e wo n d e r f u l g r o u n d i n g m e a l s Remember that staying g rounded during the autumn season helps us to prepare for the slow, hiber nating, and reflective energies that the upcoming winter season can bring.
Author bio:
Sarah Vrabel is an energ y healer and Holistic Nutritionist with a backg round of 10 years in professional cooking Sarah has combined her diverse skill set to create Crystal Nutrition, a spiritual-based business that offers 1:1 energ y healing + intuitive eating sessions, monthly meditation circles, healthy recipes, and online courses
In addition to this, she makes and sells Crystalline products (handmade salt soaks and energ y sprays) She currently facilitates in-person sessions in Etobicoke (Royal York/Kingsway area), and also offers vir tual sessions
For more information, please visit www crystalnutrition ca You can also email crystalnourishment@gmail com, or connect via I n s t a g r a m @ c r y s t a l n u t r i t i o n A s w e l l , p l e a s e c h e c k o u t https://www eventbrite ca/o/crystal-nutrition-29790895663 for any upcoming events in the Etobicoke area
unknown and there is no specif ic cure for this condition, but various treatments are used to control the symptoms There appears to be a genetic link within families but this is still unclear
Women with endometriosis have a higher risk of developing ovarian, breast, and endometrial cancer One study wor th noting was recently published in Cancer Epidemiolog y, Biomarkers & Prevention. It found that: “Women who are postmenopausal and consume sugar sweetened beverages are more likely to develop endometrial cancer than those who didn’t. In fact, the study points out that high sugar intake can increase the risk of endometrial cancer by 78% ”[2]
The medical treatments offered are pain killers, surgical procedures including hysterectomy, and hor monal prescriptions Common hor mone-affecting dr ugs include Lupron, Progestins and Danazol. There are, however, some natural remedies that are effective at controlling symptoms without the need for synthetic hor mone therapy and surger y.
is a diagnosis that affects over 190 million women worldwide. It’s a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uter us g rows in other areas of the body, occur ring in women during their reproductive years. This endometrial-like tissue can g row all over the bowels, the bladder, and the kidney system. It’s one of the leading causes of infer tility, a n d u p t o 5 0 % o f i n f e r t i l i t y c a s e s h ave
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e M ayo C l i n i c , “ Wi t h endometriosis, the endometrial-like tissue acts as endometrial tissue would – it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstr ual cycle But because this tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped ”[1] This creates inflammation and pain with each menstr ual cycle Scar tissue (adhesions) for ms and the fallopian tubes can close leading to infer tility Abnor mal bleeding and painful periods may also result
The f irst thing to do is reduce consumption of foods that can increase inflammation That includes dair y, processed foods, ref ined sugars, wheat, caffeine and simple carbohydrates as much as possible. Also avoid alcohol, soy, and red meats because of their estrogenic effects. High estrogen can make endometriosis symptoms worse.
The first thing to do is reduce consumption of foods that can increase inflammation, including dairy, wheat, sugar, processed foods and soy
Other symptoms include painful intercourse, painful bowel movements, painful urination, excessive bleeding, spotting and bleeding between cycles, painful digestion, constipation, bloating, chronic lower back and abdominal pain, pelvic pain and chronic fatigue.
There’s a g reat book out called Meals That Heal Inflammation by Julie Daniluk which is an excellent guideline for those wanting practical infor mation on how to deal with inflammation naturally through diet alone
Eating more g reen leafy vegetables, celer y, beets, blueber ries, salmon, bone broth, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds and hemp hear ts will help reduce inflammation on a long-ter m basis.
M a g n e s i u m - r i c h f o o d s l i ke p u m p k i n seeds, sunflower seeds, black beans, avocado, almonds, bananas, Swiss chard and spinach can help to soothe the uter us and reduce pain
Inflammation can also be reduced with high omega-3 foods like flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, trout,
sardines, anchovies and mackerel If you consume f ish on a regular basis, watch out for high mercur y content This can usually be offset with chlorella, cilantro, selenium, mung beans, and vitamin C.
There is a ver y long list of chemicals in the environment t h a t m i m i c t h e e ff e c t s o f e s t r og e n t h a t c a n m a ke endometriosis and other estrogen dominant conditions worse. These mostly involve plastic products, some cosmetics, bisphenol A and PCBs See: https://womeninbalance org/2012/10/26/xenoestrogens-what-are-they-how-toavoid-them/
VITEX (CHASTE BERRY EXTRACT) – 1,000 mg daily can stimulate the production of more progesterone by the body that can offset high estrogen levels
This herb tea can help ease pain and cramping in many cases of endometriosis Experiment with doses to see where you get benef its Chamomile contains chr ysin, which helps suppress the g rowth of endometrial cells.
BERBERINE (500 mg 3 times daily) – is a herbal extract that is antibacterial and can both neutralize bacterial toxins a n d r e p a i r ga s t r o i n t e s t i n a l d a m a g e o f t e n s e e n w i t h endometriosis It also improves insulin resistance much like the dr ug metfor min, without side effects.
GREEN TEA – has also been shown to inhibit endometrial g rowth and studies show that it can reduce endometriosis prog ression. Drink it regularly too.
CURCUMIN – This constituent of tur meric is a powerful anti-inflammator y supplement which is capable of improving pain caused by endometriosis Usually 1,000 mg
daily is effective, and far safer than prescription dr ugs
I N D O L E - 3 - C A R B I N O L (200 mg daily) from cr uciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and br ussel sprouts can p r eve n t ex c e s s e s t r og e n s t h a t stimulate spread of endometriosis.
Curcumin, a constituent of turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory supplement
N - AC E T Y L - C Y S T E I N E (NAC) (1,000 mg daily) – has been shown in at least one study to make endometriosis disappear without side effects. NAC helps the body make more of its glutathione in the liver. Glutathione is the body’s most impor tant antioxidant
PYCNOGENOL (PINE BARK EXTRACT) (100 mg daily) – shows evidence of benef its for endometriosis through its powerful antioxidant proper ties
MILK THISTLE – A good dose is usually 1 tablespoon daily to enhance liver health The liver can detoxify high estrogen levels that helps offset estrogen dominance and this reduces endometriosis symptoms.
PEPPERMINT HERB TEA – can also be effective in moderate amounts. It can cer tainly reduce abdominal pain and inflammation
Other anti-inflammator y herbal remedies that can be used include lavender, ginger, cinnamon and clove.
The dose depends on the individual. It’s applied to the skin and can be used by more severe cases of endometriosis to reduce symptoms In Canada, one requires a prescription from a licensed MD or ND.
B COMPLEX VITAMINS (100 mg or more daily) –can benef it ordinar y health in many different ways. Vitamin B6 will also boost body progesterone levels but should be taken in a balanced B complex in order to prevent other B vitamin def iciencies.
ZINC BISGLYCINATE (50 mg daily) – is recommende d b e c a u s e t h i s i s a ve r y c o m m o n d e f i c i e n cy i n endometriosis sufferers. It can help in pain control.
Milk Thistle can help the liver detoxify excess estrogen levels to relieve endometriosis
A S H WAG A N D H A – i s a herbal remedy that helps with adrenal gland stress, so it can be u s e d i f s t r e s s t r i g g e r s endometriosis symptoms
C A N NA B I S – T h e a m o u n t s used are variable but studies indicate that CBD oil can help ease endometriosis pain and inflammation The liquid for m is prefer red over inhaled for ms.
C r e a m s , o i n t m e n t s a n d o r a l supplements are legally available over the counter.
P RO B I OT C S A N D P R E B I OT I C S c a n i m p r ove endometriosis symptoms especially in those with an imbalanced gut flora. There are many companies that make these available in powder or capsule for m Use at least 50 billion units of a broad spectr um probiotic daily
ACUPUNCTURE – can help most chronic pain conditions so is well wor th doing. Some studies have shown benef its for those suffering from endometriosis
CASTOR OIL PACKS – can be used topically to reduce pain and inflammation in the abdominal and pelvic area as needed
Heat packs and Clar y Sage can be effectively used topically as well for acute pain control.
Some New Hope
New research on endometriosis involves a fundamental rethinking of this condition not as a disease of the pelvis,
but rather “a whole-body d i s e a s e ” M u c h o f t h i s research has evolved from thinking more holistically wh e n c o n f r o n t i n g e n d om e t r i o s i s . Fo r a n o t h e r thing, research on genetics has shown similarities to s eve r a l o t h e r d i s e a s e s involving severe inflammation Some common and d i ff e r e n t f o r m s o f endometriosis could eventually result in some new hope for many chronic sufferers.
Acupuncture can help most chronic pain conditions, so is well worth doing; some studies have shown benefit for those with endometriosis
Most recently, Japanese researchers found a common for m of bacterium called fusobacterium (found in gum disease) was playing a role in the g rowth of endometriosis lesions and that it could potentially be treated with existing antibiotics This may be the reason why the herbal extract berberine could be a potentially effective treatment but def initive proof is still lacking for that. On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier, berberine is har mless and has been repor ted by several sources as an effective remedy
The standard medical remedies should not be abandoned if they are effective but it should not be forgotten that side effects of synthetic hor mones can result in abnor mal blood clotting, high blood pressure, strokes, and hear t attacks in many young women On the other hand, the natural approaches can often also produce benef icial results without any of the dangerous side effects. Work with a holistic doctor or naturopath for personalized natural treatments of endometriosis.
Zoltan P Rona, MD, MSc, offers consultations on nutrition and natural remedies in Thornhill He has recently retired from medical practice as a Complementary and Alternative medical practitioner and now strictly offers nutritional consultations To see more of Dr Rona’s articles, visit: www.highlevelwellness.ca and for appointments, please call (905) 764-8700. Office address: 390 Steeles Ave W , Unit 19, Thornhill, Ontario
https://toronto citynews ca/2023/07/07/endometriosis-treatmentdelays-can-lead-to-devastating-effects-on-fertility/
12 Natural Remedies for Endometriosis: https://www verywellhealth com/natural-treatments-for-endometriosis-89275
9 home remedies for Endometriosis: https://www medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321402
Herbs for Endometriosis: https://www healthline com/health/ herbs-for-endometriosis
17 Proven Natural Remedies for Endometriosis: https://thehiddencures com/natural-remedies-for-endometriosis/ Meals That Heal Inflammation. https://www.juliedaniluk.com/ julie-daniluk-s-meals-that-heal-inflammation-book
Herbal remedies for endometriosis: https://www medicalnewstoday com/articles/herbs-for-endometriosis
Natural Treatments for Endometriosis: https://www larabriden com/endometriosis-natural-treatments-really-work/
Estrogen dominance and endometriosis: https://endometriosis net/living/estrogen E
ncbi nlm nih gov/32316608/
Fo o d s t o Av o i d i f y o u h a v e h i g h E s t r o g e n : h t t p s : / / f o o d . n d t v. c o m / h e a l t h / f o o d s - y o u - m u s t - a v o i d - i f - y o u - h a v ehigh-estrogen-levels-3770971
Dr Axe on Endometriosis: https://draxe com/health/endometriosis-symptoms/
Endometriosis Breakthrough: https://www theguardian com/society/2023/aug/10/its-really-only-the-beg inning-are-we-on-the-cuspof-a-breakthrough-in-endometriosis?ref=futurecrunch com
High Estrogen Foods: https://draxe com/nutrition/5-high-estrogen-foods-avoid/
Xenoestrogens – How to Avoid: https://womeninbalance org/ 2012/10/26/xenoestrogens-what-are-they-how-to-avoid-them/
I n d o l e - 3 - c a r b i n o l e f f e c t s . h t t p s : / / p u b m e d . n c b i . n l m . n i h . g o v /36432626/I-3- C
Fo o d s o u r c e s h t t p s : / / l p i o r e g o n s t a t e e d u / m i c / d i e t a r yfactors/phytochemicals/indole-3-carbinol
Traditional Chinese Mediicine Practitioner
Over 30 yrs Clinical Experience;
President of Toronto Institute of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture;
Executive Director of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
Communicating with the subconscious mind can be a fascinating, fulf illing, transfor mational experience of healing and self-discover y I’m g rateful to have had the tr usted role of guiding p e o p l e t h r o u g h d i a l og u e s w i t h t h e i r s u b c o n s c i o u s mind using a belief change t e c h n o l og y c a l l e d C o r e Belief Engineering for over two decades. Here are some t h o u g h t s a b o u t h ow t o understand the main drivers of our behaviour, how our s u b c o n s c i o u s m i n d i s organized, and how best to communicate with our subconscious mind
L i m i t i n g c o re b e l i e f s create stuckness – Most people want to communicate with their subconscious mind because they’re seeking freedom and resolution from stuckness They want to change the negative selfsabotaging ways they feel, react, and behave. In order to affect lasting change in o u r b e h av i o u r s , we m u s t address the powerful subconscious engines fueling our thoughts and emotions –our core beliefs.
Your core beliefs are your tr uths. From the moment you were conceived, ever ything you felt, saw, heard and experienced was recorded by your mind to create
the engines fuelling your cur rent thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Your repetitive, habitual feelings and s e l f - l i m i t i n g p a t t e r n s a r e being r un automatically by your core beliefs – whether you’re aware of them or not
Yo u r c o re b e l i e f s a re h a rd a t wo rk c re a t i n g self-fulf illing prophecies –As you move through life, your core beliefs collect evidence to suppor t and valid a t e t h e i r ex i s t e n c e , a n d therefore get fur ther solidif ied and entrenched in your mind. If you believe that life is a str uggle and full of people who are out to get you, then this is how you’ll perceive and respond to ever ything that happens to you
the network of beliefs that for m your view of your pers o n a l r e a l i t y Yo u r c o r e b e l i e f s a r e p r e m i s e s –a c c e p t e d w i t h o r w i t h o u t proof – that allow you to explain your past and predict your future. They’re the foundation you built your understanding of reality on. They’ve become interwoven in the fabric of who you are and how you perceive yourself, others, and life itself
C o re b e l i e f s c re a t e automatic programs – The core beliefs that give you the most problems today are the
o n e s t h a t yo u c r e a t e d o r a d o p t e d b e f o r e yo u we r e conscious, before you had developed the ability to reas o n T h e s e b e l i e f s we r e for med to protect you and h e l p yo u m a ke s e n s e o f things. ”If mommy’s mad, I must be bad” isn’t tr ue of course, but is a perfectly understandable and natural explanation for a child to m a ke T h e s e s i m p l i s t i c black and white beliefs have become entrenched in your mind They’ve become perm a n e n t p e r c e p t u a l f i l t e r s t h r o u g h wh i c h yo u v i ew yourself and ever ything that happens to you – without you even thinking about it. Yo u r r e a c t i o n s , t h e n , b e c o m e a u t o m a t i c . A s someone wise once said: “A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind.”
The core beliefs you don’t even know about are the ones r unning your show The core beliefs that you for med in response to incidents you don’t remember when you were not yet conscious are
If you believe you’re fundamentally unlovable, you’ll not allow yourself to receive love You’ll not be able to believe that you are loved by the people who do love you (which is ver y fr ustrating for those people) And you’ll r u n va r i o u s s t r a t eg i e s t o push love away or sabotage it or destroy it. These air tight strategies prove how unlovable you believe you are. Yo u r b e l i e f s c r e a t e yo u r reality and your reality conf ir ms your beliefs
Core beliefs as gate keepers – It’s not simply a matter of identifying limiting core beliefs and then just pulling them out like slivers It’s also not as simple as identifying a positive belief that you want to hold and then just placing it inside your mind like a new prog ram Our core beliefs are more sophisticated and complex than that Your core beliefs won’t allow you to see, accept, or know what you don’t believe Contrary messages will be blocked, distorted, or
To affect lasting change in our behaviours, we must address the powerful subconscious engines fueling our thoughts and emotions – our core beliefs
simply rejected by your mind. For example, if you don’t feel worthy of praise, you won’t be able to receive praise Period You’ll be skeptical of people who try to give you the gift of a compliment You’ll be wondering what they want, what they’re up to, or how they’re trying to manipulate you.
Why aff irmations can fail – If an empowering aff irmation, such as “I’m successful” is suggested to a mind that’s already open and accepting of this concept, the belief will resonate as truth and expand It’s like a seed being planted in fertile soil. However, if the aff irmation “I’m successful” is met with resistance – a contradictory core belief like “I’m a failure” or “I don’t deserve to succeed” or “I’m unworthy” –that aff irmation will be over ruled or trumped It’ll be kicked out of the mind, invalidated and rejected. Every. Time.
How can you access your core beliefs? – Working with core beliefs is essential to making lasting change But how do you access them so you can identify, examine, and change them? An understanding of how the subconscious mind organizes and stores core belief systems is essential in order for you to work with your core beliefs
A brilliant compartmentalization – I haven’t found the subconscious mind to behave like a computer that can just be reprog rammed by recoding or mechanistically replacing or removing unwanted f iles or prog rams. Rather, I know the subconscious mind to be a highly intelligent, dynamic, responsive storehouse of infor mation that’s organically organized as a complex compar tmentalization of “par ts ” This natural compar tmentalization is reflected in expressions such as, “I’m at odds with myself ” or “I’m of two minds.” You may have heard yourself reflect, “Par t of me thinks I’m lovable but another par t of me knows that’s a pipedream.”
Multiple subpersonalities – Par ts were for med in response to specif ic emotionally signif icant experiences in our childhood. What happens is the mind for ms a compar tment in which it houses the energy and unresolved emotions attached to the original event – your energy and the energy of whoever was involved The par t also stores the core beliefs and decisions we created at the time of the event and all of the prog rams, emotions, patter ns, coping strategies, defense mechanisms, automatic reactions, and triggers associated with those beliefs Each par t is like a mini sub-personality, each with its own distinct beliefs, world-view, rationale, logic, and sense of identity and time
This means that you have to get to know your parts. Just because they are part of you doesn’t mean you know or understand them. Your parts each have distinct points of view that might be opposite or even offensive to your conscious point of view. Getting to know your parts is time well spent.
Parts to the rescue – It’s impor tant to understand that each par t was for med to help and protect you, to the best of your limited ability and understanding at the time Each par t was created with a distinct pur pose and plays a specif ic pro-
tective role in the makeup of your mind. Without inter vention, your par ts tend to remain suspended in a time war p of when they were originally for med – usually in childhood. (It’s interesting that your most controlling par ts were created before you were conscious!) When you attempt to communicate with your subconscious mind, don’t assume that your par ts know who you are. They might not. Don’t assume your par ts are in touch with cur rent reality They probably aren’t. Most par ts haven’t been spoken to before. Most par ts are young and don’t know your cur rent age or reality
Unintentional Declarations of War – It’s ver y common for people to hate their mental and emotional blocks. Without realizing the negative impact they’re having internally, they say things like, “I want to get rid of this reaction!” or something to the effect of, “I wish I could just eradicate this way of thinking from my being!” While such fr ustration and pain is totally understandable, it’s ver y impor tant to understand that your subconscious par ts will perceive these comments as blatant declarations of war They will feel under imminent attack of annihilation. In response to such spoken or unspoken threats, your par ts will ar m themselves, dig in, and batten down the hatches. Any of your attempts at communication will be met with inner fear, anxiety, anger, rage, defensiveness and massive resistance.
How we do is as important as what we do – If you want to effectively communicate with your subconscious par ts, how you do it is as impor tant as what you do. Par ts are complex and multifaceted subpersonalities Don’t assume your par ts will be open to talk to you. If you don’t create a space of genuine safety, they won’t be Remember that most par ts you want to communicate with are children. It’s essential to create an environment of security, openness, respect, acceptance, and honesty with your deeper mind. Pay attention to how you are speaking to yourself Pay attention to your tone. Abusing, judging, scapegoating, shaming, blaming, insulting, raging at, lying to, manipulating, criticizing, rejecting, or invalidating their perspectives will result in your par ts for tifying themselves against you
You cannot attempt to steamroll the subconscious mind and expect a war m reception You cannot just show up like a new gun-slinging mayor in town and begin making demands and pulling up the floorboards without expecting to encounter some harsh resistance! So don’t assume your par t’s stubbor nness, objections, refusals or resistance is negative. It’s not. How would you respond to someone who was diminishing you or being impatient, intolerant, and fr ustrated with you? Your par ts’ feelings and perspective are as valid as yours and deser ve to be considered and understood
Toxic self-talk – Most of us who marinated in the toxicity of constant criticism as children have inter nalized this criticism and now experience it as var ying deg rees of harsh self-beat and self-invalidation You’d never think of speaking to someone else, especially someone you love, the way you speak to yourself This is something to think about What you say to yourself matters How you talk to yourself mat-
ters Your par ts have already powerlessly endured years of criticism, judgement, and intolerance. More of the same isn’t helpful Kindness, compassion, patience, understanding, and acceptance towards yourself will go a long way. Actually, it’s the only way
Unknown protectors on a mission – Remember that your par ts are committedly doing ever ything in their power to protect and help you, even if how they’re doing this isn’t apparent to you. Remember that even if you don’t understand how your par ts are supposedly benef itting you, they are indeed benef itting you. Know that even if your par ts’ reactions seem illogical, this doesn’t mean there isn’t valid logic at play on a deeper level. Once you’re able to dialogue with your par ts, their brilliant logic will become apparent You’ll understand exactly why your par ts have been doing what they’ve been doing It will all make sense If you enter the communication knowing this, you’ll be able to hold space for the par t’s answers with safety, curiosity, humility, g ratitude, and respect. And your par ts will respond in kind.
tr uly counter-productive outdated strategies with new, positive roles in your mind. Your par ts will be enthusiastic about embracing new roles that will help and suppor t you in positive, healthy, productive ways.
The mind wants to heal – Just as the body is designed to heal, I believe that the mind is also designed to heal When given the right approach in a conducive, loving, safe, non-judgmental environment, the mind will welcome the oppor tunity to do so. And in so doing, you will not only strengthen your connection with your subconscious mind but you will also begin to foster an invaluable loving and tr usting relationship between your conscious and subconscious mind.
Help is at hand – Navigating the ter rain of the subconscious mind with its universe of core beliefs and par ts is not always easy, clear, or straightforward. If you feel that your attempts at working with your par ts have not gone the way you desire, you might consider entr usting this essential work to a specialist
Parts are ingenious
Once a safe, suppor tive, accepting, non-judgmental environment has been created, you’ll be more able to establish a good rappor t with the subconscious par ts you want to get to know Because your par ts exist to help and protect you, they’ll embrace being brought into alignment with your conscious goals and perspectives They’ll be open to replacing their thought-to-be helpful but
Since 1998, Lisa Sidorowicz has been using Core Belief Eng ineering to help people of all ages dialogue effectively with their subconscious par ts to create transformational, lasting change. Lisa Sidorowicz is a Master Practitioner of Core Belief Eng ineering, and is available for private sessions by appointment. Visit: www.thecore.ca, lisa@thecore.ca Call 905-842-3305
T h e 3 r d a n n u a l To r o n t o Tantra Festival is an epic 4day jour ney that will deepen your connection with yourself, with others, and with all! It’s taking place Sept. 7 to 10 at a beautiful camp 2 5 hours nor th of Toronto.
Connect with like-minded and like-spirited people and join a g rowing community. L ive a l i f e o f p l e a s u r e , t o u c h , c o n n e c t i o n , a n d sacredness in all you do
The festival features respected teachers from classical, Neo-Tantric, and Taoist traditions, transformational workshops, embodiment practices, sensual and energetic exploration, and lots more There’s something for everyone!
While all gender expressions are welcome, tantra is about working with polarity. The festival encourages the exploration of your multidimensional nature as masculine, as feminine, as both, and neither.
A few all-inclusive tickets are still available. Find out more at www torontotantra festival.com
The Toronto Tantra Festival invites those with a spirit of adventure and sacredness to join them Sept. 7 to 10
I was deeply g rateful for my husband’s 2023 Valentine’s Day gift to me: a cer tif icate for a “hot oil” Indian head massage and facial from the Ay u r ve d a R i t u a l s S t u d i o Spa Boutique
I ’d m e t t h e s p a ow n e r Andrea Olivera a few years prior at the previous location of her spa on Bathurst Street in Toronto As we entered the new countr y spa, located just east of quaint Bewdley, Ontario (near Rice Lake) we could see that Andrea has ex p a n d e d h e r v i s i o n a n d offering. First, the scent of rose petal incense rose to
Treatment packages at the Ayurveda Rituals Spa include a floral hot oil massage and facial
g reet us at the door Then we we r e t r e a t e d t o a r i t u a l washing of our hands with rose water – the star t of a l u x u r i o u s a n d c e r e m o n i a l experience
We p r o c e e d e d t o t h e kitchen with its 10-seat dining table where specialty teas, water, chocolate and fr uit beckoned. The whole house is decorated with a play on white walls, flowers and guilded fur niture. An Indian prince or princess would feel at home here.
Later, we relaxed in front of a roaring f ire in the living room decorated with ar t and Indian deities, each ador ned w i t h c r y s t a l s a n d f l owe r petals My husband, meanwh i l e , wa s ex p l o r i n g t h e large proper ty and gardens. L a t e r h e s h owe d m e t h e s t r e a m t h a t m e a n d e r s through lovely woods and pathways that lead to benches and statuar y where one can sit in quiet contemplation. I especially enjoyed sitting in front of Buddha, Ganesha and Mother Mar y. The lands str uck us both as an ideal space for a little getaway or a wedding.
The next day, Andrea led
me to the private treatment room where I laid face down under a soft cotton cover. As s c e n t e d wa r m o i l wa s decanted in slow drips onto my hair and head – I realized this ceremony was traditionally enjoyed by India’s various maharajas Then my r e l a x a t i o n d e e p e n e d a s wa r m o i l wa s m a s s a g e d down my back along with hot stones. This was my favourite par t I actually fell asleep, it was so relaxing!
Then I flipped over and received the “goddess treatment” that included more war m stones, hot oil and head massage, and a facial w i t h yog u r t Wa r m we t cloths moisturized my skin a n d A n d r e a w r a p p e d my hair in a beautiful scarf of my choosing so my hair could fur ther absorb the floral oils. When it was time to go, I practically floated out of the place!
( N o t e : T h e ab ov e i s excerpted from a longer testimonial that can be found on the Ayurveda Rituals Spa website )
R ev i ewe d by Va n e s s a Mor rell who owns and opera t e s B r e a k Fr e e Transfor mations – a wellness centre and Pilates & Yoga studio near Sundridge, O n t a r i o C o n t a c t h e r a t breakfreetransfor mations@ gmail com, 705-774-1696
To lear n more about the spa treatments and restorative Ayur veda healing packages call (416) 504-6049 or v i s i t h t t p s : / / ay u r ve d a r i t ua l s s p a . c o m / ay u r ve d a - h e a ling-sanctuar y-packages/ or see ad on page 15
Richard DeSylva RH, DNM
For anyone connected with the natural health industr y, either directly as a practitioner or manufacturer, or simply as one who takes s u p p l e m e n t s , t h e r e i s a looming challenge on the horizon that spells major t r o u bl e . B i l l C - 4 7 h a s already been passed into law, thanks to the federal gover nment slipping it into a larger unconnected Bill.
This is a ‘red flag’ right off the bat In spite of having been given a set of regu l a t i o n s by t h e N a t u r a l Health Products Directorate (2003) that classif ied natural health products (NHPs) as separate from Dr ugs in the Food & Dr ug Act, that exe m p t i o n i s n ow b e i n g removed This and fur ther changes have been listed in l aw ye r S h aw n B u c k l ey ’s “Discussion Paper” I recommend that ever yone read this excellent analysis to get a clearer picture of what Health Canada is planning.
In addition to removing this exemption, the industr y is facing onerous and costly measures. Whereas the fee f o r n o n - c o m p l i a n c e wa s $5,000 per day before, once enacted by Cabinet this fee w i l l c o s t $ 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 p e r
NHP’s will have to follow the same set of regulations as phar maceutical companies; this will result in small and medium sized companies going out of business, as they simply can’t afford dr ug-style regulations.
This in tur n will g reatly reduce the number of NHPs available; both practitioners a n d t h e p u bl i c w i l l n o longer be able to use them in their practice, or take them for their health issues. And for herbalists who have operated under the exemption from the regulations, s e r i o u s t h o u g h t m u s t b e given to the possibility that the compounding exemption may be cancelled
So all the supplements that you now take may substantially disappear. This is a major issue such that the p u bl i c a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l s need to mount a legal challenge and drive home the point that we must continue to have access to all the NHPs cur rently available.
A number of years ago when we fought against Bill C-51, letters to the Health Minister were delivered in b r i m m i n g wh e e l b a r r ow s . This needs to happen again, along with a full scale legal c h a l l e n g e . Fo r a g ove r nment to state that a Bill such as this is ‘non-negotiable’ is an insult to democracy and the right of people to make their own health decisions.
If you don’t want to have to resor t to phar maceutical products, then get involved with Shawn Buckley’s and the NNHPA’s effor ts. There is no time to waste! Find out m o r e : h t t p s : / / t i ny u r l . c o m / NHPPAactionplan
S E PT 7 - 10 TH E 3R D AN N UAL TO RO NTO TANTR A F ESTIVAL is an epic 4-day journey that will d e e p e n y o u r C o n n e c t i o n w i t h yourself, with others, and with all! It’s taking place at a beautiful camp 2 5 hours nor th of Toronto Respected teachers from classical, Neo-Tantric, and Taoist traditions, t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l w o r k s h o p s , e m b o d i m e n t p r a c t i c e s , s e n s u a l and energetic exploration, and lots more There’s something for everyone! A few all-inclusive tickets left www.torontotantrafestival.com
S E PT 9 R E I K I 1: 9 am – 4 pm www.marlenegeorge.com
S E PT 12 R E I K I S HAR E: 7 - 8 pm $5.00 www.marlenegeorge.com
S E PT 14 LET'S TALK R E I K I on z o o m $ 5 . 0 0 . 8 - 8 . 30 p m www marlenegeorge com
S E PT 18 H E A L I N G C I R C L E o n z o o m $ 5 0 0 8 - 8 : 30 p m www marlenegeorge com
S E PT 23 R E I K I I C E RTI F I CATI O N Learn to treat yourself & others I n c l u d e s P r i n c i p l e s o f H e a l i n g , c h a k r a s , e n d o c r i n e g l a n d s
Illustrated Workbook Virg inia Har t N e l s o n , 30 y e a r s ' e x p e r i e n c e . Please call (416) 960-1690, or email: virg inia@theinnereye ca
Happy Autumn Equinox Saturday, September 23rd
S E PT 23 R E I K I 11: 9 am - 4 pm www marlenegeorge com
S E PT 26 H EALI N G C I RC LE: 7:30 to 8:30 pm $5 00 Information at www marlenegeorge com
S E PT 28 M I N D F U L M E D ITATI O N z o o m $ 5 0 0 8 - 8 : 30 p m www.marlenegeorge.com
O CT 5 R E I K I S HAR E 7 - 9 pm $5 00 www marlenegeorge com
O CT 10 M I N D F U L M E D ITATI O N $ 5 . 0 0 . Fr o m 8 t o 8 : 30 p m www.marlenegeorge.com
O CT 12 H EALI N G C I RC LE 7:30 - 8:30 pm $5 00 Information at: www marlenegeorge com
O CT 16 H EALI N G C I RC LE from 8 to 8 :30 pm on zoom $5 00 www marlenegeorge com
O CT 21 R E I K I I C E RTI F I CATI O N Learn to treat yourself & others. Includes P r i n c i p l e s o f H e a l i n g , c h a k r a s , e n d o c r i n e g l a n d s I l l u s t r a t e d Workbook Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience Please call (416) 960-1690, or send email to: virg inia@theinnereye ca
O CT 24 H E A L I N G T H R O U G H B R EATH I N G zoom $5 00 8 - 8:30 pm www marlenegeorge com
N OV 18 R E I K I I C E RT I F I C ATI O N Learn to treat yourself & others Includes Principles of Healing, c h a k r a s , e n d o c r i n e g l a n d s Illustrated Workbook. Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience Call (416) 960-1690, or send email to: virg inia@theinnereye.ca
N OV 25 R E I K I 11: 9 am - 4 pm www.marlenegeorge.com
N OV 28 H EALI N G C I RC LE on z o o m 8 - 8 : 30 p m $ 5 . 0 0 www marlenegeorge com
AWAR E N ESS TH RO U G H M OVEM E NT classes Stay flexible and learn to move with ease and efficiency Classes online and in person Visit https://www feldenkrais centre com/events/categories/onl i n e - c l a s s e s / s i n g l e - c l a s s e s / o r send email inquiry to Abigail at: abigail@feldenkraiscentre com
O CT 3 LET'S TALK R E I K I on zoom $5.00. From 8 to 8.30 pm. Info: www marlenegeorge com
O CT 10 & N OV 7
D O YO U EVE R WO N D E R WHAT LI F E I S ABO UT? Learn about your unique blueprint. Inner Peace Movement one hour community seminar 1:30 pm or 7:30 pm Cost $20 + H ST. Carrot Common Room 212, 348 Danfor th Avenue Visit us at: www innerpeacemovementof canada.com or facebook.com/ I P M C a n a d a o r e m a i l u s a t : ipmwithLeslie@gmail com
O CT 26 T I M E F O R H A P PY R E L ATI O N S H I PS zoom $5.00. From 8 - 8:30 pm www.marlene george com
O CT 28 R E I K I 11: 9 am - 4 pm www marlenegeorge com
AU R AS AN D ALC H E MY Join our free online session each Thursday night at 8 pm to study and discuss t h e s e f a s c i n a t i n g t o p i c s Vi s i t www humanaura org to view the course materials. To reg ister, email b o o k s t u d y @ h u m a n a u r a o r g o r visit www higherconsciousness ca
N OV 4 R E I K I 1: 9 am - 4 pm www.marlenegeorge.com
N OV 7 M I N D F U L M E D ITATI O N z o o m $ 5 0 0 8 - 8 : 30 p m www marlenegeorge com
N OV 8 LET'S TALK R E I K I on z o o m $ 5 0 0 8 - 8 : 30 p m www marlenegeorge com
N OV 13 R E I K I S HAR E 7 - 9 pm $5 00 www marlenegeorge com
N OV 15 H EALI N G C I RC LE 7:30 - 8.:30 pm $5.00. Information: www.marlenegeorge.com
N OV 23 N I N E P R I N C I P L E S F O R J OYO U S LIVI N G on zoom $5 00 8 - 8 :30 pm Information: www marlenegeorge com
YO U R G UAR D IAN AN G E LS can help you move forward with confidence. Learn more. Attend an Inner Peace Movement Seminar in your area Visit: www innerpeace movementofcanada.com or faceb o o k c o m / I P M C a n a d a a n d I P MToronto, meetup com/innerp e a c e - m o v e m e n t - o f - c a n a d a o r email: ipmwithleslie@gmail com
CO U NTRY R ETR EAT. Looking for a relaxing getaway to renew your e n e r g y a n d r e c o n n e c t w i t h nature? Join us for an event, workshop or retreat this fall Visit: 189stonehill com/workshops/
R E I K I I I C E RTI F I CATI O N All-day class by appointment Includes Healing Symbols, Long-distance h e a l i n g , I l l u s t r a t e d Wo r k b o o k Virg inia Har t Nelson, 30 years' experience. (416) 960-1690, virg inia@theinnereye ca
AK ASH IC R ECOR D R EADI NG with joebencze@rogers com
M A R L E N E G EO R G E H e a l i n g Through Breathing www marlene george com, (905) 796-0101
VITALI F E CLI N IC (Since 2009)Digestive Health through Colonics, E n e m a s , H o m e C l e a n s e K i t s –Toronto East Beaches – Quiet, priv a t e , e f f e c t i v e P l e a s e v i s i t : www vitalifeclinic com / call (416)
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COR E B ELI EF ENGI N EER I NG We repeat what we don’t resolve Lisa Sidorowicz, MA, B Ed , CB E Master Practitioner & Trainer. Call (905) 510 - 756 2 , o r ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 330 5 , lisa@thecore ca, www thecore ca
M A R L E N E G EO R G E . C r a n i o s a c r a l Th e r a p y M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a t w w w m a r l e n e g e o r g e c o m , o r c a l l
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Vitality’s next issue is: WINTER 2023 / 2024
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T N E LSO N Tu r n your experiences & conditioning into power ful catalysts for healing & change Call (416) 960-1690, visit: www.theinnereye.ca, see ad pg 26
AN I MAL EN ERGY M EDICI N E Pets are Family! Our pets are an integ ral par t of our family, their health and h a p p i n e s s a r e i m p o r t a n t Sometimes the problem is not p h y s i c a l Th i s i s w h e r e C a r o l comes in! As a cer tified Animal B o d y Ta l k P r a c t i t i o n e r C a r o l c a n uncover the root cause of Physical, Mental, or Emotional imbalances to help release trauma and tension, or residue from past emotional trauma or unusual behavior
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R EM EM B ER ACCOM P LISH M ENTS from other lifetimes, transform old habit patterns & liberate your purpose Virg inia Har t Nelson: (416) 960-1690, www theinnereye ca See ad pg. 26.
MARGOT PSYCH IC SERVICES. Professional, accurate, insightful r e a d i n g s b y r e n o w n e d p s y c h i c medium Reading by phone or in person, contact: (416) 921-0611, www.margotpsychicservices.com
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VI RGI N IA HART N ELSON. Private treatments, and Cer tification all Levels. 30 years' experience. (416) 9 6 0 - 16 9 0 , w w w t h e i n n e r e y e c a , email: virg inia@theinnereye ca See ad pg 26
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TORONTO AUTHOR of 17 published books offers editorial services to writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, stories I can help Inquiries: TorontoBookDoc@gmail.com
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