Greenpepper interactiv

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WHO ARE WE? Green Pepper is a contemporary rock band formed by Daniel Pertsev. A band with great professional skills, full of knowledge about the industry from the top to the bottom, really hard working, a band with the huge potential, desire, faith and very bright and powerful ideas. Victories and failures, achivements and mistakes - through all the years, aquiring more and more experience Daniel Pertsev finally found the right way to go. He came up with the creation of «YES MIRACLES» - the most important album of his life. «Here and Now», «Everything is possible, just dream big and never stop working», «A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes» Gandhi, «Start living», «Realise the moment», «Dream, Live, Love», «The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do» Steve Jobs - these are some of the main credos of the ablum.

“Rhyme Selektah & Arnold William” is a duet formed by the rapper and singer Rhyme Selektah and the upcoming hip-hop producer Arnold William. The story of the duo is not the long one; but each participant achieved lots of aims and goals as an artist and as a musician in some other projects. Putting together all the experience in music (and it is almost 15 years for the both of the members) they came up with a high quality product and even more.


Rhyme Selektah & Arnold William “The Bottom: Take-Off” is that album that shows music from the perspective that we see and live in. That perspective, that is never being shown to the hip-hop community before. Created with skills and unique manner of each and every member of this project, the album has that “oldnew” or we can say “new-old” sound. While everything we get through the different social networks, see on the TV or hear on the radio sounds pretty much the same; “The bottom: TakeOff” has its special appeal that will be understood by the masses and at the same time staying 100% real and lifebased music. That is why there is no doubt about the commercial success of this very album. All those who know “the bottom” will surely find the reflection of it in the music; the others will feel “the take-off” : growth and levitation…

MUSIC Green Pepper The aim of the album wasn’t about the achieving of commercial status. «YES MIRACLES» is a true album made with true feelings and believings. The album itself being made with our hearts, our own ideas, our dreams and the extract of ourselves, turned out to be a complete and powerful product, which nevertheless became commercial because of the high skills and the realness of everyone, who participated in the creation of the record. Every person will find something touching, something that he likes, something he believes in. Everyone will surely find his own miracle in this album.


WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? In this digital era we live, specifically in music industry the big part (not everything) of what you you hear and see is fake. Both of methaphorical and non-metaphorical ways. The faces and bodies are not real, the voices are artificially generated, so less and less you can hear a good natural vocals live and raw on a concert. There is practically no more art and creation, almost everyone thinks about how to make more money first, instead of making the product better, making it true and real. No more sense, no more dreams, no more knowledge, no more moral principles and no more desire to act, to achieve something in life.

ÂŤMoney, fame and b*thcesÂť (c) is the aim. But everything is not lost.


WHY WILL GREEN PEPPER WORK? Everything is not lost and there are still a lot of examples. The most vivid and real example we can see is Adele. Adele made the revolution in music indusrty just being herself and creating her own music, without 20 producers around. And this is not a phenomenon. This is just «being real» and «making good music, which comes directly from our hearts». And we don’t care how sentimental you can find these words. This is the truth.

The fact is - this music is needed, the «realness» is needed, sense. Ideas and faith. Miracles are needed.


AIMS. HOW WILL IT WORK? The main aim is to create a great complete and powerful product - «YES MIRACLES» and “The Bottom: Take-Off”. When the albums are finished the first step is to sign a contract with an independent label. Today’s industry works in such way, when we don’t think about starting our professional career through bonding with one of the three majors. Our strategy is a little bit different. We are creating our own record label and turning it into one of the best in the industry, starting it with two amazing and surely successful projects: Green Pepper and Rhyme Selektah & Arnold William.

There are 3 types of a record deal: 8-14% artist’s royalties

Roaster (Full Contract)

20-30% artist’s royalties

License (Promotion, Distribution)

50-60% artist’s royalties

Publishing (Only Distribution)

As we are creating our own record label 100% of the income will be ours.



We are also already working on signing with a management or a manager for our two project as soon as possible after receiving the investment. We already have some connections in this area. The way of our development: Investment

«YES MIRACLES», «The Bottom: TakeOff»

Own Record Label

Full Contract


«YES MIRACLES», «The Bottom: TakeOff» Release

Our aim is to share the «message», to create and to live the real music, real feelings, real life, we want to inspire, we want motivate, we want to give love and joy to people, we want to play thousands concerts with millions of people, where we and all of which of those people will(are) be as one. Music is our life and we dedicate ourselves to it. Only in this case something great can be created. We are not afraid to say we’ll reach it all, we know it and we work and will work hard for it day after day. The point is who will be next to us on the world stages, who will be the person to believe in us, our music and ideas, to give us the opportunity to start and to take it all on a higher level from the beginning, who will make our miracle happen. Maybe You.

INVESTMENT Designer, Web Builder, HTML Developer, SEO specialist, Photographer, Session Musicians Studio Session (Recording and Mixing)

$8 000

$7 000

$10 000

Operating Expenses (Equipment, Flights Rents etc.)

$120 000

$8 000 Music Video + Studio Sessions Video

$40 000

Mastering at Sterling Sound (NYC)

Promotion, Publicity, SMM

$40 000 Album cover and full design work

Viral Promotional Video, Albums Teasers

$4 000

$3 000


Album Sales

As we showed before there are three types of a record deal. We are signing the Roaster contracts with our own label. * Average price of an album on a record label: 10$

Roster Contract: Artist gains $1-2 for a CD Label gains $8-9 for a CD

As we are the artists and the record label, we gain 100% of the income.

17 500 CD’s = $122 500 100 000 CD’s = $700 000 (incl.VAT 30%)

Here you can see the possible income. We took $120 000 of the investment for the purpose. And as You see the amount of CD’s, that have to be sold to reach $120 000 is not big at all for two artists, even on the contrary. We are talking about all the sales both of physical and digital (iTunes, Amazon etc.) CD’s. Then the most important things are the products, which are great and needed, we can assure you. Stunning thought-out promotion, marketing (CTA, Guerilla, SMM, Direct etc.) and viral advertising, music videos and live performances - all these will bring us on the top.


Live Concerts

An album support tour in general can be made of 300 shows (like Thirty Seconds To Mars’s tour) or more probable - 150-200. The number of the shows for the new breaking artists could variate from 40 to 100 and even more, depends on the artist. A concert fee for a new artist is very variable too. Usually a well promoted new artist can gain from $20 000 to $50 000. Knowing the projects we assume our price will be from $10 000 to $40 000 at the beginning. So here are some possible tour incomes (min. and max.): 40 concerts, fee $10 000 = $400 000 100 concerts, fee $10 000 = $1 000 000 40 concerts, fee $40 000 = $1 600 000 100 concerts, fee $40 000 = $4 000 000

Average 70 concerts, fee $25 000 x 2 artists = $3 500 000 = $2 450 000 (incl. VAT 30%)

For sure, sometimes a half , sometimes 1/4(more probable) o lesser of the income is always spent on the all possible organisational matters, on the staff salary, manager, booking agency, sound equipment etc., but still the income is big.



Merchandise has always been another decent part of he income for the artist. Stores of brand products of the artist are always online (internet stores), so the sales will be permanent. A really huge number of products are always sold on live shows. T-Shirts, Posters, Stickers, Badges, Hats, Bags, Necklaces, Books, Cups - the number and the sort of the products are uncountable. Average prices of named products: T-shirt, Bag ~ $20-30 Poster ~ $5-10 Sticker, Badge ~ $5 Necklvace with the Logo ~ $10 Hat, Cup ~ $15-20


Now let’s just take the example of a live concert. Sales on a concert depend on the number of the audience. We will take the average sales a bit reduced to the minimum: 200-1000 T-Shirts - $5000-25 000 200-1000 Posters - $1500 -7 500 500-700 Stickers, Badges - $2 500-3 500 300 Necklaces with the Logo - $3 000 300 Hats, Cups - $5 250 ~ $30 750 for a show x 2 artists = $61 500 70 shows = $3 013 500 (incl.VAT 30%)

Artist’s royalties. Publishing.

Movies, Advertising, TV-Shows, Games, Live Concerts, Radio. Anywhere and anytime the artist’s music is used the artist is paid. This type of the income is one of the basic. Our music is very commercial and very good for some certain areas. It could be used in movies and advertising very much. And surely on the radio. The incomes are enormous. Music industry is one of the biggest industries and the opportunities are uncountable, especially if you know how it works.


P R O M OT I O N Viral Advertising As an example we show You a little part of Green Pepper’s viral advertising: Video. «Visual» attack. Aims: motivate and inspire people, create kind of a mystery and enter the people’s subconscious.

This is Green Pepper’s logo. Before the album release it’s going to be the channel between Green Pepper and the people’s minds. We are going to make this visual image go viral.

The name of the album is «YES MIRACLES», thereupon we are making a great inspiring video, where people are going to talk about miracles and what miracles mean to them. When the video ends there won’t be any information about the album or the band, all you could you see on the last frames is our logo and the hashtag, which will be turned into a trend - #sayyestomiracles. We already bought a domain -, where at the beginning only this video, the logo, all the photo, video and written responses with the named hashtag will be. All of this is already interesting and attractive, all of this is already kind of a mystery. It can’t be explained for 100% in written, these are emotions, that will make people be influenced mentally.

Before the album release, day after day, people all over the world will change their profile images at all possible social networks to our logo without any explanation, day after day thousands of instagram photos with people dressed in the t-shirts with our logo on will appear, day after day thousands stickers in the biggest cities all over the world will be glued in the most crowded places. So, when a person will see this logo, this visual image at least twice: in the video and in the instagram or walking down the street, his subconscious simply will not allow him to pass by, when a person will see a music album with this logo on the CD (or the iTunes cover), it will obviously buy and listen to this album and find it’s own miracle in it.

WEB AND PUBLIC Today everything is done through the web, today only your «views», «likes» and your web presence are considered, only these decide will you go on line or play on Ellen’s or Fallon’s show. So the most prominent part of our promotion, and the most important, will be done through web by the team of professionals. We direct our resources on the work with video networks: YouTube and Vimeo. Everyone understands the importance of the named net-

works, everyone knows a great number of successful careers started from millions views on YouTube, there are: PSY, Justin Bieber, Pentatonix, Boyce Avenue and many many others. That’s why, if talking about Green Pepper, after the viral video «Say Yes To Miracles» we are making a music video of the first single. All the promotion will be powerful and effective.

Some of the promotional channels: Facebook, VK, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine,, Soundcloud, Flickr, Pinterest, Opinion Leaders (Social networks and blogs: LiveJournal, Tumblr, Blogger etc.) Word of mouth, Reddit, Foursquare, Public Advertising: TV-Shows, Radio.


Everyday people are fighting against something or someone, everyday is a game, a competition, a war; everyday we try to prove our rights and to put ourselves above the others, but the point is that first of all we are fighting against ourselves, the point is that we are all one, and only when we understand this something will change. «YES MIRACLES» and «The Bottom: Take-Off» are about this. «The Bottom: Take-Off» is about the reality, it is about the people, about everything around us, that may be unnoticed in daily life, it’s about the world. «Yes Miracles» is about love and unity, about life and harmony, about understanding, about respect, about the fact that only we are to decide the way to live our lives - to stand still or to move forward, because here are no obstacles if you dream, believe, love and work hard.

Thank You for the attention! Daniel Pertsev Skype: daniel.pertsev

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