Welcome to our new magazine, written to help anyone and everyone who wants to change their diet.
Join all the others who are now going vegan to save animals, improve their health and protect the global environment. It’s the most positive step you can take – a hundred pluses and no minuses.
Viva! is a very active vegan campaigning group. We go undercover into places that most people never see – dismal factory farms, slaughterhouses and markets - where we film the reality and launch nationwide campaigns that attract huge media coverage. This way, we talk to
millions of people every year and show them what is really happening to farmed animals.
Our aim is simple – to end the suffering that billions of animals have to endure by getting people to give up eating meat, fish, eggs and dairy. We can proudly claim that we have played an enormous part in the dramatic change that is now happening as millions of people proudly become vegan and meat consumption falls.