Indian Yoga Poses to Wave off Neck Pain
Balasana or child’s pose: This pose not only neck pain relief and back pain but also calms your brain. It stretches the hips, thighs and ankles and makes you feel fresh
Natraja Asana or Reclining Twist: Natraja Yoga Pose makes your muscles more flexible, it takes you to that state of contentment and bliss.
ViparitaKarani asana or Legs-up-the-wall: This yoga pose gently stretches the back of the neck, relieves mild backache and eases fatigue, helps in avoiding cramps and feet.
Marjaryasana or Cat Pose Indian Yoga: Doing this would provide a gentle massage to your spine and belly organs absolutely free of cost, while also relieving you of neck pain
UtthitaTrikonasana or Extended Triangle Pose: The purpose of Yoga is to relieve you from pain, not to give additional pain.