Indian Yoga Tips for this winter
Indian Yoga can be your additional protective cover this winter, providing you warmth and the strength to fight common infections. We bring you a few yoga remedies that can help you fully enjoy the spirit of the season. 1. Keep Warm However tempting may be the idea of sleeping in, try not to avoid your daily yoga time. It will help you keep warm and also prevent those regular aches and stiffness in joints. Start
your day with a few rounds of Surya Namaskar and follow them up with some warm-up exercises.
2. Keep the Bug at Bay Come winter and behind it follow cold, cough, viral fever and the like. Practice helps strengthen body immunity so that you can keep the bacteria at bay.
Practicing pranayama’s (breathing exercises) helps clear chest congestion, which is so common during winter, and also helps boost immunity. The best for the season is Surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing). Kapal Bhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing Technique)also heats up the body and is good to practice in winter. 3. Indulge But Burn It Out
Eat whatever you like but make sure to sweat it out with some active yoga asanas like Paschimottanasana,
Shalabhasana (postures) and stretches that help reduce weight while toning the internal organs as well.