‘Smart ideas need interaction, impassioned conversations, constructive conflict and shared struggles to grow. With 1.250 professionals and more than 13.000 students we assure a inspiring dialogue and successful results. We combine innovation, applied sciences and creativity with strong entrepreneurial skills. Discover the possibilities and meet the experts in food innovation, health & care innovation, trending technologies and many others.’
Joris Hindryckx, President VIVES University College Isabel Vanslembrouck, director Research & Development VIVES University College
‘Slimme ideeën hebben behoefte aan interactie, passionele dialogen, opbouwende discussies en een gezamelijke aanpak om te groeien. Met 1.250 medewerkers en 13.000 studenten garanderen we jou een constructieve dialoog en succesvolle resultaten. Wij combineren innovatie, praktijkgerichte wetenschappen én creativiteit met sterk ondernemerschap. Ontdek nieuwe mogelijkheden en ontmoet onze experten in voedingsinnovatie, zorginnovatie, nieuwe technologieën en vele andere.’ Joris Hindryckx, algemeen directeur Hogeschool VIVES Isabel Vanslembrouck, directeur Onderzoek en Valorisatie Hogeschool VIVES
Tielt Roeselare
FOOD INNOVATION A number of social trends put the food industry for greater challenges. For example, the growth of the population will increase the demand for food by 70% in 2050. Climate change is resulting in a shortage of agricultural land. The ageing population draws special attention to balanced and healthy food. Some priorities and opportunities are: • Reduce food loss and food waste; • The valorisation of additional streams and residual products; • The development of functional and healthy food; • The development of creative recipes. By conducting Applied Research, VIVES wishes to contribute to a responsible and innovative food sector. It is our ambition to develop taste and high-quality products that meet the demand of the ever-changing needs.
FOCUS The research at VIVES is mainly aimed at three main areas. Based on great socialeconomic challenges and our own expertise we focus on Food Innovation, Health & Care Innovation and Trending Technologies.
HEALTH & CARE INNOVATION West-Flanders is the first province in Belgium to face the consequences of the ageing population. Our province is also most acutely confronted with a general reduction in the number of employed people. We are also dealing with a changing demand for
care. The people who will demand care in the
If we look to the future and our wish to improve
location to develop and test various products and
welfare and wellbeing, we need to have an ex-
services that meet this changing and increasing
cellent knowledge of IT. By implementing new
demand for care.
future, will want to manage their own care. People will want to live at home for as long as possible. These trends make West-Flanders the ideal
technologies, VIVES provides answers to social and industrial questions.
In order to create successful innovations, VIVES
The IT expertise of VIVES involves the research and
works together with various care providers and
development of mobile applications (apps), net-
businesses. VIVES takes on the challenges and
works, and big data and ‘the Internet of Things’.
addresses the new dynamics involving care. After
The expertise in the manufacturing industry varies
all, the person requiring care is a direct or indirect
from 3D techniques & additive manufacturing and
client in the care economy and therefore an
mechatronics to applications using new materials.
important partner.
VIVES joins creative businesses in Flanders in order to create a modern manufacturing industry where technology and science education go hand in hand.
NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF 65 YEARS AND OLDER IN THE TOTAL POPULATION OF WEST-FLANDERS, BELGIUM The number of people of 65 years and older will only increase in the years to come, from 22% in 2014 to 32% in 2060. SOURCE: POM WEST-FLANDERS
LESS THAN 19% 19%-19,9% 20%-24,99% 25%-29,99% 30% OR MORE
Research • Subsidised Applied Research • Contractual Applied Research
Knowledge valorisation • Social service • Permanent education • Symposiums
Agro and Bio Technology
Business Management
Care Innovation
Education innovation
Social Innovation
Product and Process development
‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ Aristoteles
What can VIVES offer you? • Advice and support; • Training and coaching by experts; • Test set-ups and prototyping;
“Discover the potential of your idea and see how our experts and know-how can help you make the difference.”
• Market research and requirement analyses;
VIVES University College
• Open Labs;
R&D department
• Interaction with students via bachelor tests and
Doorniksesteenweg 145
traineeships; • Wide regional network (organisations and government bodies).
8500 KORTRIJK, BELGIUM T +32 56 26 41 60 e-mail: