Driving Sustainable Agriculture through Developing Green Growth Strategies: Strategic Sustainability Governance – Supporting Regional Development by Applying Triple Bottom Line Values to Local Collaborative Management for Agriculture and Environmental Quality Adopting Green Growth Strategies for Managing Environmental Quality, Climate Change Contingency, Developing Social Capability and Local Capacity Planning for Agricultural Economic Development. A Strategy and Framework Towards Achieving Sustainability Results in Indonesia.
AUTHOR: Associate Prof. Vivienne Tobassa Eggers (NZ/Australia) MA Int. Rel. Human Rights & Intl Law, M Arts, Post Grad Dip. Commerce, Com. Law Master Commerce Management & Sustainability INSTITUTION: STIE Widya Wiwaha, Yogyakarta Indonesia Email: Vivienne.Tobassa@icloud.com Abstract: Indonesia since colonial rule holds notions of Dinas and Adat to frame the concepts for local governance and social cultural organization. Governance is adopted into relevant village and community life in variant forms of agricultural management, human social development and environmental management. This paper elucidates contextual considerations for adopting green growth strategies into regional and local village community economic development as enhanced frameworks of Good Governance – arising out of global trends and survival necessity. The discussion describes rationale, methods and approaches for conducting Ecological Footprint Analysis and other Sustainability management assessment to develop the green governance framework. The impetus is to gain knowledge surrounding regional and local needs for environmental planning management, climate change responsiveness; rural village social and agricultural development. The paper elaborates targeting goals of good governance results through implementing Triple Bottom Line – Environmental, Social and Economic Values measures. The position asserted is that Triple Bottom Line indicators encapsulated within a sustainability managerial governance framework enable measurable validation and accountability. This facility serves to validate critical integrated development strategies of driving green growth. These strategies are essentially raising education awareness, development of social cultural adaptive resilience, communications knowledge enablement, collaborative management (heterarchic concilience) and coordination of community practices.
Keywords: good governance / economic reform / interdisciplinary governance / triple bottom line / economic sustainable management / transformation management / social development / heterarchic concilience / governance strategy / collaboration / integrated governance /Education development /green growth strategies / environmental mangement/ sustainability management / social development management frameworks /Knowledge
Governance Frameworks for Accountability, 2015 – Vivienne Tobassa Eggers – Stie Widya Wiwaha
Governance Frameworks for Accountability, 2015 – Vivienne Tobassa Eggers – Stie Widya Wiwaha