Baselworld, najprestižniji sajam časovnika i nakita na svetu, u 2017. godini je imao svoje 100. izdanje. Nakon veka postojanja, Baselworld 2017 potvrdio je svoj status globalnog trendsetera. U skladu sa tim, kompanija Rolex premijerno je predstavila nove, bezvremene modele iz kolekcija Oyster i Cellini. Novi časovnici dolaze sa sertifikacijom Rolex Superlative Chronometer – simbolom najvišeg standarda u izradi časovnika kada je reč o preciznosti, rezervi rada, snage, vodootpornosti i automatskog navijanja. Nova sertifikacija podrazumeva i čak pet godina međunarodne garancije za svaki časovnik
Basel world, the most prestigious watch and jewellery fair in the world, had its 100th edition in 2017. After a century of existence, Basel world 2017 confirmed its status as a global trend setter. As such, Rolex presented, for the first time new, timeless models from Oyster and Cellini collection. New watches have the certificate of Rolex Superlative Chronometer – the symbol of the highest standard in watchmaking when it comes to precision, power reserve, strength, water resistance and automatic winding. The new certificate brings five years of international guarantee for each watch
Datejust 41
Arhetip klasičnog časovnika
The Archetype of the classic watch Za ljubitelje kultne kolekcije časovnika Datejust, za koju se može reći da je jedan od sinonima Rolex-a, model prečnika 41 milimetar prvi put je kreiran od čelika 904L, kao i u Rolesor verziji koja kombinuje čelik i osamnaestokaratno belo zlato.
For those who love the recognized Datejust watches, one of the synonyms for Rolex we could say, a model with 41 mm in diameter is made from the stainless steel 904L for the first time, as in Rolesor that combines the stainless steel and 18 karat white gold.
Kolekcija Oyster Perpetual Datejust 41, dostupna na oyster ili jubilee narukvici, ljubiteljima časovnika izrađenih u čeliku pruža obod u visokom sjaju, dok časovnik izveden u kombinaciji 18-karatnog belog zlata i čelika dolazi sa markantno nazubljenim prstenom. Obe verzije modela su dostupne sa belim, plavim, svetlo i tamnosivim ili crnim brojčanikom, a rolesor merači vremena dozvoljavaju i prisustvo dijamanata na brojčaniku.
Oyster Perpetual Datejust 41 collection is available on oyster or jubilee bracelet, provides for watch lovers a shiny smooth bezel, while the watch made of 18-carat white gold and steel is equipped with an imposing fluted bezel. Both versions of the model are available with white, blue, grey or black dial., and rolesor time measurers allow the presence of diamonds on the dial.
STIL ZA SVA VREMENA Datejust je ideal klasičnog časovnika zahvaljujući svojim funkcijama i elegantnom izgledu koji nikad ne izlazi iz mode. Iako je nastao davne 1945. godine, kao prvi samonavijajući i vodootporni ručni hronometar, Datejust je i danas jedan od najpopularnijih i najpoželjnijih časovnika na planeti. Svojom slavnom istorijom dao je pečat čitavoj epohi i postao večiti Rolex simbol.
TIMELESS STYLE Datejust is the ideal classic watch due to its functionality and elegant appearance that never go out of fashion. Even though it was created back in 1945, as the first self-winding waterproof wrist watch chronometer, Datejust still remains one of the most popular and most desired watches in the world. Its glorious history marked the entire period and became the timeless symbol of Rolex.
SPOJ ZLATA I ČELIKA Rolesor predstavlja spoj dva metala – plemenitog i svetlucavog zlata i otpornog, pouzdanog čelika 904L – kvaliteti koji savršeno oslikavaju eleganciju i osobine časovnika Rolex. Registrovan 1933. godine kao Rolexov patent, rolesor je postao znak prepoznavanja renomiranog švajcarskog proizvođača časovnika.
A MARRIEAGE OF GOLD AND STEEL Rolesor presents a marriage of two metals – precious and lustrous gold and resistant, reliable steel 904L all of these qualities perfectly mirror the elegance and performance that come together in a Rolex watch. Registered in 1933 as the Rolex patent, Rolesor has become a signature feature of this recognized Swiss watch manufacturer.
SIMBOL OTPORNOSTI NA VODU Oyster kućište je hermetički zatvoreno specijalnim alatom, što omogućava isključivo ovlašćenim Rolex časovničarima da pristupe krajnje preciznom mehanizmu, koji je optimalno zaštićen od spoljašnjih štetnih uticaja.
SYMBOL OF WATERPROOFNESS Oyster case is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that allows only Rolex watchmakers to access the movement, which provides optimum protection.
Mehanizam koji pokreće ove modele je Rolex-ov 3235, sa autonomijom rada od 70 sati i tolerancijom preciznosti od -2/+2 sekunde dnevno. Deklarisana vodootpornost je do 100 metara, a garancija je, kao i kod svih časovnika Rolex, pet godina.
Movement that operates these models is Rolex 3235, with the power reserve of 70 hours and precision tolerance of -2/+2 seconds a day. It is water resistant up to 100 meters, and the warranty period is, as in all Rolex watches, five years.
Datejust je jedan od sinonima Rolex-a
Datejust is one of the synonyms for Rolex
Naš predlog Our suggestions
Datejust 41 126334 White Rolesor Cena/Price: 8.600 €
Datejust 41 126333 Yellow Rolesor Cena/Price: 10.000 €
Datejust 41, univerzalni časovnik koji se uklapa u sve odevne kombinacije, nosiv je u svakoj prilici. Kao neprolazni Rolex simbol, klasičan, vanserijske pouzdanosti i legendarne vodootpornosti, decenijama pleni elegantnim, gospodskim stilom.
Datejust 41 126301 Everose Rolesor/ diamonds Cena/Price: 13.100 €
Datejust 41, a universal watch that can be worn with all the wardrobe styles and it can be worn on any occasion. As a timeless symbol of Rolex, classic, with exceptional reliability and legendary waterproofness, it draws the attention for decades with its elegant, aristocratic style.
Cellini Moonphase
Poezija lunarnog ciklusa Poetry of the lunar cycle
Jedinstven po elegantnom prikazu mesečevog ciklusa, Cellini Moonphase je veličine 39 mm u prečniku i izrađen je od osamnaestokaratnog everose zlata, legure koju je patentirao Rolex.
Unique with its elegant presentation of the lunar cycle, Cellini Moonphase has a case of 39 mm in diameter and it is made of 18-karat gold everose, an alloy patented by Rolex.
Ovaj model pokreće samonavijajući mehanizam koji u celosti izrađuje Rolex, a njegova patentirana jedinica za merenje mesečevih faza je garantovano astronomski precizna tokom 122 godine. Elegantan prikaz mesečevih mena smešten je u donjem delu brojčanika na izdvojenom plavom disku. Na zvezdanoj površini, pun Mesec izveden je od meteorita, dok je mlad Mesec predstavljen u vidu srebrnog prstena. Smena punog i mladog Meseca kroz lunarni ciklus, čini ovaj deo časovnika fascinantno privlačnim.
This model is operated by a self-winding mechanism that is entirely made by Rolex, and its patented unit for measuring the lunar phases is astronomically precise and that is guaranteed for 122 years. The elegant presentation of the moon phases is placed in bottom section of the dial on a separate blue disc. In the starry background, the full moon has a shape of a meteorite, and the new moon appears as a silver ring. Rotation of the full and new moon through a lunar cycle makes this section of the watch fascinatingly attractive.
Časovnik Cellini Moonphase poseban je po tome što duž kruga brojčanika ima i prikaz datuma, koji pokazuje tanana plava kazaljka sa polumesecom
Cellini Moonphase watch is special because it also displays the date around the circumference of the
na vrhu. Narukvica je izrađena od braon krokodilske kože sa preklapajućom kopčom, koja se lako podešava prema veličini zgloba. Pomenutu kopču od osamnaestokaratnog everose zlata, prvi put predstavljenu na časovniku iz kolekcije Cellini, diskretno krasi Rolex kruna. KLASIČNI ROLEX Kolekcija Cellini čuva tradicionalnu eleganciju časovnika Rolex i suptilno uvodi savremene elemente. Brinući o visokim standardima savršenstva, nastaju časovnici koji veličaju časovničarsko nasleđe i njegovu vanvremensku lepotu. NAJVIŠA HRONOMETARSKA SERTIFIKACIJA Poput svih časovnika Rolex, i novi Cellini Moonphase podvrgnut je hronometarskoj sertifikaciji najvišeg stepena. Ta ekskluzivna oznaka potvrđuje da je merač vremena uspešno prošao seriju testova koje je Rolex sproveo u sopstvenim laboratorijama i prema sopstvenim kriterijumima, koji prevazilaze norme i standarde u časovničarskom svetu. Sertifikacija se sprovodi na potpuno sklopljenom časovniku, garantujući najviši učinak na ručnom zglobu u pogledu preciznosti, rezervne snage, vodootpornosti i samonavijanja. Preciznost Rolex hronometra kreće se u rasponu od -2/+2 sekunde dnevno, ili više od dvostrukog nego što zahteva zvanična hronometarska sertifikacija. 50
dial, via a slim blue hand with a crescent moon at its tip. The bracelet of this watch is made of brown alligator leather with a clasp, which is easily adjustable to the wrist size. The above mentioned buckle, made of 18-carat everose gold, is for the first time presented in Cellini collection and it is discreetly enhanced by the Rolex crown. CLASSIC ROLEX Cellini collection keeps the traditional elegance of Rolex watches while subtly introducing modern elements. Watches are created to glorify the watchmaking heritage and its timeless beauty while appreciating the high standards of perfection. SUPERLATIVE CHRONOMETER CERTIFICATION Like all Rolex watches, the new Cellini Moonphase is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification of the highest rank. This exclusive designation testifies that the watch has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories according to its own criteria, which exceed watchmaking norms and standards. The certification applies to the fully assembled watch, guaranteeing superlative performance on the wrist in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding. The precision of a Rolex Chronometer is of the order of −2/+2 seconds per day, or more than twice that required of an official chronometer.
Cellini Moonphase podvrgnut je hronometarskoj sertifikaciji najvišeg stepena
Cellini Moonphase is submitted to chronometric certification of the highest standards
Naš predlog Our suggest
Cellini Time 50505 18 ct Everose gold Cena/Price: 14.000 €
Cellini Date 50519 18 ct white gold Cena/Price: 16.400 €
Kolekcija Cellini je kreirana u slavu moderne klasike i večne elegancije tradicionalnih časovnika. Kada se za Rolex kaže da je dustproff, waterproof i fashionproof, misli se na Cellini. Veran je istorijskim detaljima, kao što je dvostruki obod, a krasi ga neobičan brojčanik sa guilloche motivom, koji časovniku pruža drugačiji izgled iz svakog ugla. Dolazi isključivo u plemenitim metalima, što ga čini posebnim i prestižnim, u formi koja nema vek trajanja.
Cellini Dual Time 50525 18 ct Everose gold Cena/Price: 17.800 €
Cellini collection is a contemporary celebration of classic and timeless elegance of traditional watches. When it is said that Rolex is dustproof, waterproof and fashionproof we think of Cellini. It’s faithful to historical details, such as double bezel and unusual dial with guilloche motif, which gives the watch a different appearance from each angle. It’s made exclusively of precious metals, which makes it particularly prestigious and its form is timeless.
B A S E LW O R L D 2 0 1 7
Osvajač dubina Conquerer of the deep Rođendansko izdanje popularnog ronilačkog časov50 godina od izlaska izvornog modela pod ovim imenom, obogaćeno je novom dimenzijom i „kiklop“ uvećavajućim staklom za uveličavanje datuma.
With the birthday edition of the popular submersible watch Sea Dweller, Rolex celebrates the jubilee 50th anniversary of launching its first model, and it was given a “Cyclops” magnifying glass for date and new dimensions.
Sa kućištem promera 43 milimetra, jedini je Rolex dostupan u ovoj veličini, a od ostalih časovnika iz ove kolekcije dodatno se ističe crnim brojčanikom na kojem je crvenim slovima ispisan naziv modela, po uzoru na original iz 1967. godine. Jubilarni Sea-Dweller ujedno je i jedini časovnik iz svoje linije koji ima prepoznatljivu Rolex cyclops lupu za datum, povećavajući njegovu čitljivost.
With case of 43 mm in diameter, it is the only Rolex available in that size, and comparing to other models from this line it additionally stands out with its black dial with the name of the model written in red letters, based on the original model from 1967. Jubilee Sea Dweller is also the only watch in this line that has a recognizable Rolex Cyclops magnifying glass for the date, which increases its readability.
Sigurnosni ventil za otpuštanje helijuma doprinosi očuvanju vodootpornosti i reguliše pritisak koji može nastati u kućištu časovnika tokom faze dekompresije, sprečavajući ispadanje stakla i remećenje funkcija časovnika.
Safety valve for releasing the helium contributes to the preservation of water resistance and regulates the pressure that is accumulated in the case of the watch during the decompression phase, thus preventing the glass to fall off and obtaining the proper performance of the watch.
O YST E R P E R P E T UA L nika Sea-Dweller, kojim Rolex obeležava jubilarnih
PRODUŽENA SNAGA Mehanizam ovog časovnika poseduje chronergy sklop, patent Rolex-a koji kombinuje visoku energetsku efikasnost sa velikom pouzdanošću. Zahvaljujući novom sistemu od nikla i fosfora, otporan je i na magnetna zračenja, dok su efikasnost i rezerva snage ovog mehanizma sada produženi na skoro tri dana. ČITLJIV I U MRAKU Jednosmerni rotirajući prsten sa šezdesetominutnom podelom omogućava roniocima da precizno i pouzdano prate svoje ronjenje i vreme dekompresije. APSOLUTNO VLADA PRITISKOM Profesionalni časovnik za ronjenje, danas vodootporan do dubine 1.220 metara, Sea-Dweller je prvobitno dizajniran za pionire profesionalnog ronjenja u ekstremnim dubinama. Nastao nakon godina saradnje sa francuskim profesionalnim ronilačkim timom COMEX (Compagnie Maritime d’Expertises) i rigoroznih testiranja u stvarnim uslovima, Sea-Dweller je 1967. godine premijernim predstavljanjem ventila za helijum napravio istinsku revoluciju u proizvodnji ronilačkih časovnika. Rolex je proglašen službenim meračem vremena tima COMEX, a ventil za helijum je postao jedan od glavnih elemenata modernog ronilačkog časovnika.
PROLONGED POWER The mechanism of this watch possesses the chronergy, patented by Rolex, which combines the high energy efficiency with high reliability. Owing to the new system made of nickel and phosphorus, the efficiency and power reserve of this mechanism is now prolonged to almost three days, and it is resistant to magnetic radiation. READABLE IN THE DARK Unidirectional rotating with sixty minute graduated bezel provides the scuba divers to precisely and reliably monitor their dives and decompression time. ABSOLUTELY RULES THE PRESSURE A professional submersible watch, now water resistant to 1.220 meters, Sea Dweller was originally designed for the pioneers of professional extreme deep-sea diving. Created after many years of cooperation with French professional team of divers COMEX (Compagnie Maritime d’Expertises) and rigorous testing in real conditions, Sea Dweller presented the safety helium valve for the first time in 1967 and made a true revolution in manufacturing of submersible watches. Rolex was announced as the official time measurer for COMEX, and the helium valve became one of the main elements of a modern submersible watch.
Sea-Dweller je prvobitno dizajniran za pionire profesionalnog ronjenja u ekstremnim dubinama
Sea-Dweller was primarily designed for the pioneers of professional scuba diving in extreme depths
Sea-Dweller 126600 Steel 904L Water-resistance: 1.220 m / 4,000 ft Cena/Price: 10.400 €
Vrhunska vodootpornost i pouzdanost preporučuju liniju Deepsea najzahtevnijim ljubiteljima Rolex časovnika. Nagrađivani holivudski režiser Džejms Kameron i njegova ekspedicija Deepsea Challenger, trijumfalno su se spustili do impozantnih dubina, čime su postali deo nautičke istorije. Ronilački časovnik nove generacije može posedovati markantni crni ili d-blue brojčanik, predstavljajući omaž plavim nijansama podvodnog sveta. Rolex Deepsea koristi helijumski ventil, titanijumski poklopac kućišta, eksluzivnu tehnološku inovaciju poput ringlock sistema, kao i glidelock sistem proširenja narukvice radi lakšeg postavljanja na ronilačko odelo. Modernizovanim dizajnom kroz detalje transformiše klasičnu sportsku eleganciju u savremeni stil.
Top quality water resistance and reliability recommend the Deepsea line to the most demanding Rolex watch lovers. A famous Hollywood movie director James Cameron and his Deepsea Challenger expedition went triumphantly to the imposing depths, which made them a part of nautical history. This submersible watch of the new generation can have black, imposing or d-blue dial, representing homage to blue shades of the underwater world. Rolex Deepsea uses the helium valve, titanium case cover, exclusive technological innovation such as ringlock systems well as glidelock system of expanding the bracelet, for easier adjustment over the diving suit. More modern design through details transforms the classic sports elegance into the contemporary style.
Prirodni spoj Natural bond
Nemirna otvorena mora, brzina i snaga
Restless open seas, speed and power of
prirode samo su neki od elemenata trka
nature are only some of the elements of the
jedrilica. Preciznost je jedna od osnovnih
sailboat racing. Precision is one the main
odlika Rolex instrumenata za merenje
characteristics of Rolex time measuring
vremena. Kada se spoje ovi elementi,
instruments. When these elements come
dobijamo najprestižnije regate na svetu.
together, we get the most prestigious regattas in the world.
Regata je test volje i veštine da se precizna odluka donese u deliću sekunde. Trka
Regatta is the test for will and skill to make
zahteva ozbiljnu pripremu, a timski duh
precise decisions in a split of a second. Race
je najvažniji. Rolex je zbog svojih osobina
requires serious preparation and the team
razvio blisku vezu sa prestižnim regatama,
spirit is the most important thing. Rolex,
kao i sa moreplovcima sa kojima deli iste
due to its characteristics, developed a close
vrednosti i strasti
bond with prestigious regattas, as well as the sailors because they share the same values and passions
Početak leta u Sen Tropeu je idealno mesto i vreme za start trke na otvorenom moru. U duhu elegancije i ekskluzivnosti, Điralja kup okuplja preko 200 međunarodnih posada. Posle noćnih trka u Marselju i Sanremu, takmičari se okupljaju u Sen Tropeu na trodnevnoj atraktivnoj priobalnoj trci. Posle takmičenja posade se upućuju na plovidbu dugu 241 nautičku milju do Đenove preko rta Điralja, poznate navigacione tačke udaljene samo jednu nautičku milju od Korzike.
Ovo takmičenje posvećeno je finskom proizvođaču luksuznih jedrilica Nautor. Već pola veka ove elegantne jedrilice visokih performansi, poznate pod imenom Labud (Swan), sinonim su za superiornost, inovaciju i pouzdanost. Porto Červo je imenovan za dom otmenih labudica, a regata je poznata i kao „Trka džentlmena”. Svake druge godine lokacija trke se izmešta iz Porto Červa na Karibe. Rolex Swan cup je već 30 godina poznat kao partnerstvo dva prestižna brenda.
Samo najbolji sportski događaji zaslužuju da postanu partneri sa Rolexom, a svetsko prvenstvo je jedno od njih. Izrazito dramatična i impresivna, ova regata okuplja najelitnije posade iz sveta jedriličarstva. Sa tradicijom od samo devet godina, ovo je jedna od najboljih grandpri (Grandprix) trka. Merenje vremena, kao najbitnija komponenta ove trke u kojoj se svaka sekunda računa, od ove godine povereno je Rolexu.
Udaljenost: 241 nm (446km) Sen Trope (Francuska) Đenova (Italija) Osnovana: 1953. godine Datum: Svake godine u junu
Lokacija: Porto Červo (Sardinija), Devičanska ostrva (Karibi) Osnovana: 1960. godine Datum: Svake godine
Lokacija: svake godine različita Osnovana: 2008. godine Datum: Svake godine
The beginning of summer in San Trope is the ideal place and time to start an open sea race. In the spirit of elegance and exclusivity, Giraglia cup gathers over 200 international crews. After night races in Marseille and San Remo, the contestants gather in San Trope for a three-day attractive coastal race. After the competition, crews are sent to sail for 241 nautical miles to Genoa across Giraglia, famous navigation spot, only one nautical mile from Corsica.
This competition is dedicated to Finnish manufacturer of luxury sailboats Nautor. Over fifty years, these elegant sail boats with high performances, known as Swan, are synonym for superiority, innovation and reliability. Porto Cervo is a home of classy swans, and the regatta is known as “Gentlemen’s race”. Every second year the location for the race is moved from Porto Cervo to the Caribbean. Rolex Swan cup has been known for 30 years as a partnership of the two prestigious brands.
Only the best sport events deserve to become partners with Rolex, and the world championship is one of them. Extremely dramatic and impressive, this regatta gathers the most elite crews in boat sailing. With its tradition of only nine years, this is one of the best Grandprix races. Time measuring, as the most important component of this race where every second counts, this year was entrusted to Rolex.
Location: Porto Cervo (Sardinia), Virgin Islands (Caribbean) Started: in 1960 Date: Annually
Location: different each year Started: in 2008 Date: Annually
Distance: 241 nm (446km) San Trope (France) - Genoa (Italy) Started: in 1953 Date: Annually in June 62
Septembar je pravo vreme da krenete na Sardiniju gde se održava jedna od najspektakularnijih trka na svetu. Elitni Porto Červo svake godine ugosti najbolje skipere i posade sa najmodernijim jedrilicama na svetu. Ovo je mesto gde ćete pronaći najveće inovatore u industriji koji lansiraju trendove. Skup vrhunskih tehnologija, vodećih dizajnera i talenata je pod pokroviteljstvom Rolexa od 1985. godine.
Rolex trka na Sredozemnom moru je trka spektakularnog kursa sa brojnim zagonetkama koje zahtevaju intenzivnu pripremu. Jedinstvena po tome što počinje i završava na istom mestu, ova trka na otvorenom moru kreće se putanjom suprotnom od kazaljki na satu. Simbol trke je aktivno vulkansko ostrvo Stromboli, poznato i kao Svetionik Mediterana. Vulkan na ostrvu erupcijama osvetljava mračno nebo i pruža neopisive prizore posadama koje prolaze posle zalaska sunca.
Trka Rolex Fastnet, najveća okeanska trka na svetu, održava se u nemirnim morima Britanskih ostrva. Sa tradicijom dugom skoro čitav vek, ovo je jedna od najzahtevnijih trka na otvorenom moru.Trka Rolex Fastnet redovno privlači preko 300 plovila iz 20 zemalja, i oko 2.500 profesionalaca. Ova trka zahteva ozbiljnu pripremu i ima poseban značaj za one koji učestvuju. Od 2001. godine Rolex podržava avanturistički duh njenih učesnika.
Lokacija: Porto Červo (Sardinija) Osnovana: 1980. godine Datum: Svake godine
Lokacija: Valeta (Malta) - Eolska ostrva - Panteleria Lampedusa (Italija) Osnovana: 1968. godine Datum: Svake godine u oktobru
Udaljenost: 605 nm (1,120 km) Cowes (UK) Fastnet Rock (Irska) - Plymouth (UK) Osnovana: 1925. godine Datum: Svake prestupne godine
September is the right time to head to Sardinia where one of the most spectacular races in the world is held. The elite Porto Cervo each year hosts the best skippers and crews with the most modern sail boats in the world. This is the place where you can find the greatest innovators in the industry and they launch the new trends. Gathering of high technologies, leading designers and talents has been sponsored by Rolex since 1985.
Rolex race in the Mediterranean is the race with spectacular course with many riddles that require intensive preparation. It is unique because it starts and finishes in the same place and this race in the open sea moves counter clockwise. Symbol of the race is the active volcanic island Stromboli, known as the lighthouse of the Mediterranean. The volcano on the island illuminates with its eruptions the dark sky and shows the incredible scenes to the passing crews after the sunset.
Rolex Fastnet race, the greatest ocean race in the world, is held in the restless sea of the British Isles. With a century old tradition, this is one of the most demanding races in the open sea. Rolex Fastnet race regularly attracts over 300 boats from 20 countries, and around 2.500 professionals. This race requires serious preparation and it is particularly significant to those who participate. Since 2001 Rolex has been supporting their adventurous spirit.
Location: Porto Cervo (Sardinia) Started: in 1980 Date: Annually
Location: Valetta (Malta) – Aeolian Islands - Pantelleria - Lampedusa (Italy) Started: in 1968 Date: Annually in October
Distance: 605 nm (1,120 km) Cowes (the UK) - Fastnet Rock (Ireland) - Plymouth (UK) Started: in 1925 Date: Each leap year 63
Yacht -Master II
Jedriličarski san Sail boating dream
Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master II je profesionalni jedriličarski časovnik, prvenstveno namenjen zaljubljenicima u nautiku i jahte, regatnim skiperima i iskusnim nautičarima.
Oyster Perpetual Yacht Master II is a professional sailing watch and it is primarily dedicated to those who love sailing, regatta skippers, yachting enthusiasts, and experienced sailors.
Yacht-Master II je savršen primer forme koja prati funkciju. Dizajniran da zadovolji potrebe profesionalnih skipera, prvi je hronograf za regate sa patentiranim sistemom za programiranje odbrojavanja, sinhronizaciju i mehaničkom memorijom.
Yacht Master II is a perfect example of a shape following the function. Designed to satisfy the needs of professional skippers, it is the first chronograph for regatta with patented programmable countdown with a mechanical memory.
Odbrojavanje se programira pomoću rotirajućeg prstena, što je potpuno inovativno rešenje koje svrstava Yacht-Master II u kategoriju časovnika nove generacije. Prsten dolazi sa izuzetno čvrstim i otpornim keramičkim cerachrom umetkom, na kome su oznake najpre ugravirane, a zatim ispunjene zlatom. Masivno kućište je prečnika 44 milimetra, vodootporno do 100 metara dubine, a brojčanik je pregledan i čitljiv uprkos brojnim oznakama.
The countdown is done via rotating ring, which is a completely innovative solution that places Yacht Master II into the category of watches of the new generation. The ring has strong and resistant ceramic cerachrom section, with marks that are engraved first and then filled with gold. Massive Oyster case is 44 mm in diameter, guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 meters, and the dial is readable in spite of all the markings.
06 05
Ovo je jedini Rolex časovnik kojem je ime ispisano na spoljašnjem prstenu, a ne na brojčaniku. Časovnik je dostupan u verziji od osamnaestokaratnog žutog zlata, čelika, u everose Rolesor izvedbi i osamnaestokaratnog belog zlata u kombinaciji sa platinom. Narukvica je oyster, sa sigurnosnom kopčom oysterlock koja sprečava slučajna otkopčavanja i easylink produžetkom od pet milimetra. TROSTRUKI SISTEM ZAŠTITE Osnovni deo kućišta izrađen je iz jednog komada metala. Na prednjoj strani nalazi se safirno staklo otporno na ogrebotine, dok je zadnja strana hermetički zatvorena posebnim poklopcem na navoj. Krunica za navijanje je oplemenjena triplock zaštitom, patentiranim trostrukim sistemom za vodootpornost, i bezbedno je pričvršćena za kućište. INSTRUMENT ZA REGATNO ODBROJAVANJE Na lakiranom belom brojčaniku oznake vremena su presvučene sjajnim slojem chromalight, na poziciji šest sati smešten je podbrojčanik malih sekundi, a u sredini je luk sa vremenskim oznakama za regatno odbrojavanje koje vrši zasebna kazaljka u obliku strelice. Yacht-Master II pokreće Rolexov automatski mehanizam 4161 sa rezervom snage od 72 sata, koji beleži odstupanje od najviše dve sekunde dnevno, što je dovoljno ne samo za švajcarski hronometarski sertifikat COSC, već i za mnogo zahtevniji Superlative Chronometer sertifikat. 66
This is the only Rolex model that has its name written on the bezel, not on the dial. The watch is available in version made of 18-karat yellow gold, steel, everose Rolesor and 18-karat white gold combined with platinum. The bracelet is Oyster, with safety clasp oysterlock that prevents accidental unlocking and easylink 5mm extension. TRIPLE PROTECTION SYSTEM Basic segment of the case is made of a single piece of metal. The crystal is made of scratchproof sapphire, and the case back is hermetically screwed down with a special tool. The winding crown is fitted with the Triplock triple waterproofness system and the crown screws down securely against the case. TOOL FOR REGATTA COUNTDOWN On a glazed white dial, hour marks are covered with a luminous coat of chromalight, at the position of 6 o’clock there’s a sub-dial for seconds, and in the middle there’s an arch with time marks for regatta countdown that is performed with a special hand in the shape of an arrow. Yacht Master II is operated by Rolex automatic mechanism caliber 4161 with 42 rubies and power reserve of 72 hours, with precision tolerance of −2/+2 seconds per day, which is enough not only for COSC Certificate, but even for more demanding Superlative Chronometer certificate.
Ovo je jedini Rolex časovnik kojem je ime ispisano na spoljašnjem prstenu, a ne na brojčaniku
This is the only Rolex watch that has the name written on the bezel, not on the dial
Naš predlog Our suggest
Yacht-Master II 116680 Steel 904L Cena/Price: 17.200 €
Yacht-Master II 116681 Everose Rolesor Cena/Price: 23.100 €
Novi Yacht-Master II prepoznatljiv je po izmenjenom brojčaniku, novim kazaljkama koji su zaštitni znak linije Rolex Professional, unapređujući očitavanje naglašavanjem vizuelnog utiska. Brojčanik odlikuje trouglasti indeks na poziciji 12 sati, kao i pravougaoni satni marker na poziciji za 6 sati, za intuitivno očitavanje funkcija. Rolex Yacht-Master II dostupan je u četiri atraktivne verzije kombinujući čelik, zlato i prestižnu platinu, uz najviši nivo izrade.
Yacht-Master II 116688 18 ct yellow gold Cena/Price: 39.900 €
New Yacht-Master II is easily recognized by the altered dial, new hands that are Rolex Professional’s trademark, which helps better reading and it emphasizes the visual impression. Dial is now characterized by a triangular index at the position of 12 o’clock, as well as the rectangular hour marker at the position of 6 o’clock, for the intuitive function reading. Rolex Yacht-Master II is available in four attractive versions, combining steel, gold and prestigious platinum, with the made of the highest level.
The Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master II u akciji The Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master II in action Procedura starta regate je odlučujuća za put ka pobedi. Odvija se u tri faze, vizuelnim i zvučnim signalima. Yacht-Master II omogućava skiperima savršenu pripremu za start i obezbeđuje odličnu startnu poziciju.
Pre trke
The procedure for regatta start is decisive for winning. It goes on in three stages, with visual and sound signals. Yacht-Master II provides skippers a perfect preparation for the start and gives them and excellent start.
Početak odbrojavanja
Yacht-Master II je savršen mehanizam za sinhronizaciju. Sa jedne strane su signali za početak regate, ustanovljeni i precizni, sa druge strane želja za kontrolom vremena. Programiranje odbrojavanja započinje skiper do 10 minuta pred početak trke okretanjem komandnog prstena na časovniku. Kada se jednom programira, odbrojavanje ostaje mehanički sačuvano.
Zvanično odbrojavanje počinje zvukom pištolja i zastavicom. Skiper u tom momentu pritiska prvo dugme i od tog trenutka jedna kazaljka odbrojava sekunde, kao klasični hronometar. Druga kazaljka, sa crvenim trouglom na vrhu, pokazuje preostalo vreme od započetih 10 minuta do početka trke.
Prilika za savršeno usklađivanje skiperovog časovnika sa zvaničnim signalima regate nastupa kada se po drugi put čuje zvuk pištolja i podiže još jedna zastavica. Pritiskanjem donjeg dugmeta na časovniku kazaljka koja odbrojava sekunde, kao i kazaljka koja pokazuje preostale minute, automatski se sinhronizuju sa novim signalom da bi se nadoknadio bilo koji nesklad.
Yacht Master II is a perfect mechanism for synchronization. There are signals for the regatta start, that are precise, and on the other side there’s a desire to control the time. The skipper programs the countdown 10 minutes before the race starts by turning the command ring on the watch. Once programed, the countdown remains mechanically saved.
The official countdown in regatta starts with a gunshot and a flag. At that moment, skipper pushes the first button and from that moment on one hand counts the seconds, like the classic chronometer. Another hand, with a red triangle at the tip, shows the remaining time, from the 10 minutes that started before the race.
The opportunity for a perfect synchronization of the skipper’s watch with official regatta signals raises when the sound of a gun is heard for the second time and when another flag is raised. By pushing the middle button on the watch, hand for the seconds, and the hand for remaining minutes, automatically is synchronized with the new signal to compensate any discrepancy.
Before the race
Starting the countdown
Poslednja provera
Prelaženje startne linije
Zvanični deo početka regate podrazumeva i drugi pripremni signal - zvuk sirene i spuštanje zastave koja označava 5 minuta do starta. Ovo je trenutak kada skiper može da proveri da li je Yacht-Master II sinhronizovan sa zvaničnim odbrojavanjem. Časovnik pokazuje tačno u sekundu koliko je vremena ostalo do momenta kada može da se pređe startna linija.
Početak trke označava završni zvuk pištolja i spuštanje signalne zastave koja označava 10 minuta. Pošto je manevrisao brodom do poslednje sekunde prema indikacijama Yacht-Master II odbrojavanja, skiper je savršeno pripremljen da pređe startnu liniju tačno na signal i obezbedi odličnu startnu poziciju.
The official part of the regatta start means another preparation signal – sound of a siren and lowering of the flag which marks five minutes. This is the moment when skipper can check whether Yacht Master II is synchronized with official countdown. The watch shows precisely, in a second, how much time is remaining to the moment when the start line can be crossed.
Start of the race is signaled by the final gunshot and lowering of the signal flag that marks 10 minutes. Since the skippers have maneuvered the boat till the final second according to the indications of Yacht Master II countdown, they are perfectly prepared to cross the start line exactly when the signal is given and thus provide a perfect starting position.
The final check-up
Crossing the start line
Yacht-Master 40
YAC H T- M A S T E R 4 0
Dragulj u bojama duge
Jewel in the colors of the rainbow Savršen izbor za leto i uživanje sa stilom jeste Yacht-Master 40, časovnik koji spaja vrhunsku Rolex tehnologiju, nenadmašni kvalitet i vanvremenski dizajn. Jer Rolex je više od luksuznog časovnika, Rolex je životni stil. Ono što ovaj Yacht-Master 40 čini jedinstvenim i neuobičajenim za jedan Rolex časovnik jeste drago kamenje u raznim bojama kojima je optočen rotirajući prsten. Iako su i ranije krasili časovnike iz serije Yacht-Master, dragulji nikada nisu bili na modelima prečnika 40 milimetara. Nautički časovnik Rolex Yacht-Master je izrađen u osamnaestokaratnom everose zlatu, sa crnim brojčanikom visokog sjaja i rotirajućim prstenom u oba smera. Vodootporan, precizan i pouzdan, popularni časovnik već pet decenija simbolizuje tesnu i uspešnu povezanost Rolex-a i nautičkog sveta.
Yacht Master 40 is a perfect choice for summer and enjoyment with a style, the watch that bonds Rolex high technology, unbeatable quality and timeless design. Rolex is more than a luxurious watch, it’s a lifestyle. What makes Yacht Master 40 unique and unusual for a Rolex watch are jewels in different colors that are lined on the rotating bezel. Even though they previously enhanced other watches from Yacht Master series, jewels had never been on watches with diameter of 40 mm before. A nautical watch, Rolex Yacht-Master is made of 18-karat everose gold, with a black shiny dial and bidirectional rotatable bezel. It is waterproof, precise, reliable and popular. For five decades it has symbolized a close bond of Rolex and nautical world.
NALIK VRATIMA PODMORNICE Sa prednje strane kućišta je safirno staklo otporno na ogrebotine, sa zadnje poklopac sa navojem, dok je krunica zaštićena trostrukim sistemom triplock, čime je zagarantovana vodootpornost do dubine 100 metara i deluje poput vrata na podmornici.
LIKE A SUBMARINE HATCH The crystal of the case is made of scratch-resistant sapphire glass, screw-down case back, and the winding crown has triplock triple waterproofness system, which guarantees water resistance up to 100 meters, and it acts as a submarine hatch.
OTPORAN NA TEMPERATURNE OSCILACIJE Srce časovnika je oscilator, sa plavom parachrom oprugom od ekskluzivne legure, patentiran i u celosti izrađen u fabrici Rolex. Neosetljiva na zračenja magnetnog polja, ova opruga pruža izuzetnu stabilnost pri izlaganju temperaturnim razlikama i ostaje, u slučaju udara, i do deset puta preciznija od tradicionalnih opruga.
RESISTANT TO TEMPERATURE OSCILATIONS The heart of the watch is the oscillator with the blue parachrom spring made of exclusive alloy, patented and made in Manufacture Rolex. Resistant to magnetic field radiation, this spring offers perfect stability when exposed to temperature oscillations and it remains, in case of a shock, ten times more precise that traditional springs.
Ono što Yacht-Master 40 čini jedinstvenim i neuobičajenim za jedan Rolex časovnik jeste drago kamenje u raznim bojama kojima je optočen rotirajući prsten
REVOLUCIONARNI OYSTERFLEX Prvi put u svojoj istoriji, Rolex je 2015. godine predstavio oysterflex, koji estetski i u pogledu komfora asocira na gumeni kaiš, dok je po otpornosti uporediv sa metalnom narukvicom. U samoj konstrukciji ovih oysterflex narukvica kriju se elastične lamele od titanijuma preko kojih je korišćen elasoterm – crna gumena legura visokih performansi. Na unutrašnjoj strani nalazi se patentirani sistem jastučića koji stabilizuju časovnik oko ručnog zgloba, dok je sigurnosna kopča oysterlock izvedena od osamnaestokaratnog everose zlata.
REVOLUTIONARY OYSTERFLEX For the first time in its history, in 2015 Rolex presented a rubber bracelet oysterflex, which aesthetically and in comfort resembles a rubber bracelet, but its resistance compares it to the metal bracelet. It the construction of these oysterflex bracelets there are titanium blades that are overmoulded with – a black rubber mixture with high performances. The inside of the Oysterflex bracelet is equipped with a patented longitudinal cushion system that stabilizes the watch on the wrist, and the safety buckle oysterlock is made of 18-carat everose gold.
What makes Yacht-Master 40 unique and unusual for a Rolex watch are precious stones in different colours that line the bezel
YAC H T- M A S T E R 4 0
Yacht-Master 40 116695SATS 18 ct Everose gold / Oysterflex bracelet Gem set bezel Cena/Price: 60.100 €
Nastup kompanije Rolex na Baselworldu 2017 obeležio je zaista poseban časovnik. Ekskluzivna verzija popularnog modela Yacht-Master, izrađena od everose zlata sa markantnim brojčanikom crne boje, magičnim prstenom i novim oysterflex kaišem sa easylink sistemom, ostavlja bez daha. Sa druge strane, atraktivna Yacht-Master everose gold kombinacija sa čelikom, zaljubljenike u nautičke časovnike nastavlja da impresionira u dve veličine kućišta, prečnika 40 milimetara, sa crnim brojčanikom, i kućištem prečnika 37 milimetara, dimenzijom predviđenom za damski zglob, u čokoladnoj varijanti brojčanika.
Rolex presented the company in Basellworldu 2017 with one really special watch. The exclusive version of the popular model Yacht-Master was made of Everose gold with the imposing black coloured dial, fabulous bezel and new Oyster flex bracelet with Easylink system, and it leaves you breathless. On the other hand, attractive Yacht-Master Everose gold combination with steel, keeps impressing those who admire nautical watches with two sizes, 40 mm in diameter with the black dial, and 37 mm, dimension appropriate for lady’s wrist, with the chocolate coloured dial.
Rolex & Daytona
Hram moto-trka A Temple of motor racing
Dejtona Bič, grad u Floridi, ušao je u istoriju
The city of Daytona Beach, Florida, has gone
kao mesto gde je rođena brzina. Na plažama
down in history as the birthplace of speed.
ovog grada moto- trke su se odigravale još
Motor racing took place on its beach from
od 1903. godine i mnogi kopneni rekordi u
1903, and many world land speed records
brzini oboreni su upravo ovde. Najznačajniji
were broken there, the most significant
je bio onaj od 276 milja na sat (445 km/h)
culminating at 276 mph (445 km/h) in 1935. In
1935.godine. U Sjedinjenim Američkim
the United States today, Daytona Beach is still
Državama, Dejtona Bič se i dalje smatra
considered the “world center of automobile
svetskim centrom automobilskih trka.
racing”. From its headquarters there, the
Međunarodna korporacija trkačkih staza iz
international speedway corporation Oversees
svog sedišta koje se tamo nalazi, nadgleda
13 American racetracks including the
13 trkačkih staza u Americi, uključujući i
legendary Daytona international speedway.
legendarnu međunarodnu trkačku stazu
Daytona also hosts the governing bodies of
Dejtona. Dejtona je takođe i domaćin
NASCAR and Grand-Am
upravnih tela za NASCAR i Grand Am
Legenda o strasti A Legend About Passion
Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona simbol je čitave jedne istorije koju je obeležila strast za brzinom i automobilizmom. Ovaj model časovnika, nastao 1963. godine, postigao je izvanredan uspeh u svetu moto-sporta zahvaljujući pouzdanosti i performansama. Poznat samo kao Daytona, dobio je status ikone kao jedan od najpoznatijih hronografa na svetu. Njegovo ime je sinonim tesnih, decenijama dugih veza između prestižnog brenda i zaljubljenika u auto-trke. Bilo da se odnosi na kolevku auto-trka na Floridi, gde je smeštena i istoimena trkačka staza na kojoj se danas vozi trka izdržljivosti „Rolex 24 časa Daytona“, ili da je reč o legendarnom Rolex hronografu koji je „rođen“ za vozače ovih trka, Daytona je, u svakom
Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona is the symbol of the history that was marked by the passion for speed and cars. This watch was made in 1963 and it has established an extraordinary track record in the world of motor sport thanks to its reliability and performance. Known simply as the “Daytona”, it has risen to the rank of an icon as one of the best known chronographs in the world. Its name is the synonym for the close, decades’ long bonds between the prestigious brand and car racing enthusiasts. Whether it refers to the cradle of motor racing in Florida, where the race track with same name is located and where the endurance race is still held
slučaju, priča o zanosu koji nosi brzina na četiri točka. Ona počiva u srcu legende koju su tokom vremena tkali pioniri brzinskih trka i vanserijski vozači. Svaka od ovih istorijskih ličnosti svedočanstvo je neiscrpne, plodne i na obostrano zadovoljstvo inspirativne veze koju Rolex neguje sa svetom profesionalnog automobilizma. Sve je počelo 1903. godine na čuvenoj dugoj peščanoj plaži u gradu Dejtona bič u Americi, na kojoj su srušeni brojni svetski rekordi u auto-trkama. Apsolutni kralj ove staze bio je Englez Malkolm Kempbel (Malcolm Campbell), koji je tokom 30-ih godina prošlog veka suvereno vladao ne samo Dejtonom, nego i celim svetom auto-trka. Sve uspehe slavni automobilista je postigao u svom čuvenom automobilu marke Sunbeam, poznatijem kao Blue Bird, noseći Rolex Oyster na ruci. Zanimljivo je da je Kempbel, kao i čuveni italijanski industrijalac Đani Anjeli, nosio svoj Rolex preko rukava. Odlikovan titulom sera, Kempbel je uprkos brojnim ljutim rivalima čak devet puta obarao svetske brzinske rekorde u periodu od 1924. godine do 1936. go-
nowadays “Rolex 24 hours Daytona“, or to the legendary Rolex chronograph that was born for the driver of these races, Daytona has always been a story about the elation over speed on four wheels. It rests in the heart of the legend that was being told over time by the pioneers of speed and outstanding drivers. Each of these historical figures represents a testimony for limitless, productive and inspirational bond that Rolex cherishes with professional motor racing, to the mutual satisfaction. It all started in 1903 on the famous long sandy beach in Daytona Beach in America, where many world land speed records had been broken. The absolute king of this track was an Englishman Malcolm Campbell, who solely reigned not only Daytona, but the entire world of motor racing in the 30s. The famous driver achieved his success in his famous car sunbeam, better known as Blue Bird, wearing Rolex Oyster on his wrist. It is interesting that Campbell, just like the famous Italian industrialist Gianni Agnelli, wore his Rolex over the sleeve.
dine, od kojih se pet odigralo na Dejtona Biču. On je bio prvi čovek u istoriji auto-sporta koji je u svojoj „Plavoj ptici“ premašio brzinu od 483 kilometara na sat. U telegramu koji je nakon trke 1935. godine uputio kompaniji Rolex, Kempbel je rekao:„Rolex časovnik koji sam nosio tokom jučerašnjeg pokušaja obaranja rekorda i dalje savršeno radi bez obzira što je bio tretiran prilično grubo i surovo“. Naravno, proizvođač prestižnih časovnika je medijski propratio svako Kempbelovo obaranje rekorda. Otac Rolexa Hans Vilsdorf (Hand Wilsdorf) je bio oduševljen kako uspesima proslavljenog engleskog šampiona, tako i njegovim ekscentričnim načinom života. Rolex je u njegovu čast proizveo najmanje jedan primerak Oyster Malcolm Campbell časovnika. Prva zvanična trka na plaži Dejtona, održana je početkom 1936. godine. Vozilo se 78 krugova, a ukupna dužina trke iznosila je 400 kilometara. Dejtona Bič je posle rata, tačnije 1962.godine, asfaltirana a sama trka dobija internacionalni karakter (Daytona International Speedway).
Pol Njumen, zaljubljenik u automobilizam, ikona muškog stila, redovno je nosio isključivo Cosmograph verziju Daytona časovnika
Paul Newman, motor racing enthusiast, icon of the men’s style, regularly wore Cosmograph version of Daytona watch
Campbell was given the title of Sir, and in spite of numerous rivals, he managed to break the speed record nine times between 1924 and 1936, and five of these took place in Daytona Beach. He was the first man in history of motor racing who, in his Blue Bird, drove faster than 483 km/h. In telegram that he sent to Rolex after the race in 1935, Campbell said: “Rolex watch that I was wearing yesterday while trying to break the record still works perfectly even though it was treated rather roughly .“ Of course, the manufacturer of the prestigious watches has followed every Campbell’s record breaking. The founder of Rolex Hans Wilsdorf was thrilled with every success of this English champion and his eccentric life style. In his honor, Rolex made at least one copy of Oyster Malcolm Campbell watch. The first official race on the beach of Daytona was held in 1936. 78 laps were driven, and the race was 400 km long. Daytona Beach was paved after the war, in 1962 to be precise, and the race became international (Daytona International Speedway).
I dan-danas, ovo mesto se smatra planetarnim centrom automobilizma, pod čijim okriljem International Speedway Corporation supervizira 13 američkih trkačkih nadmetanja, uključujući i famoznu Daytona International Speedway.
Even today, this place is considered a planetary center of motor racing and the International Speedway Corporation oversees 13 American racetracks including the legendary Daytona International Speedway.
Po glasovitoj Dejtoni nazvan je i jedan od najpopularnijih modela Rolexa – Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona. Efikasan, precizan, čitljiv, izdržljiv, pouzdan, vodootporan i opremljen samonavijajućim mehanizmom, ovaj časovnik je istovremeno elegantan i večan. Sudeći prema planetarnoj popularnosti, ovaj primer savršenog spoja forme i funkcije može se slobodno proglasiti najsuperiornijim hronografom današnjice. Njegova perfekcija, posle više od 50 godina od nastanka, proizilazi iz dugog i posvećenog procesa usavršavanja. Korak po korak, ovaj časovnik je istinski hroničar jedne časovničarske legende.
The famous Daytona has given its name to one of the most popular models of Rolex– Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona. Efficient, precise, readable, reliable, water resistant and equipped with self-winding mechanism, this watch is both elegant and timeless. Judging by its planetary popularity, this example of the perfect bond between the form and the function can be easily announced as the most superior chronograph today. Its perfection, 50 years after it originated, comes from a long and dedicated process of perfection. Step by step, this watch is truly telling us a story of a watchmaking legend.
Njegova preteča, izrađena 1963. godine, bila je poznata kao hronograf sa mehanizmom na ručno navijanje. Ovaj časovnik, koji je bio namenjen profesionalnim vozačima auto-trka, ubrzo je dobio natpis Cosmograph i tako je lansirana nova generacija Rolex hronografa opremljena tahometarskom skalom na prstenu brojčanika.
The model before this one was made in 1963, and it was known as Chronograph with hand winding mechanism. This watch, which was made for professional motor racing drivers, soon got the inscription Cosmograph and thus a new generation of Rolex was launched, equipped with tachometer scale on the bezel.
Usledilo je uvođenje novih brojčanika, među kojima se pojavila i jedna specijalna verzija. Postala je poznata kao Pol Njumen (Paul Newman) brojčanik, budući da je slavna američka filmska zvezda, ikona muškog stila,
New dials followed, and one special version appeared. It became known as the Paul Newman dial, since the famous American movie star, motor racing enthusiast, icon of the men’s style, regularly 79
inače i sam zaljubljenik u automobilizam, redovno nosio isključivo ovu verziju Daytona časovnika. Karakterisao ga je beli brojčanik uokviren crnom trakom i crnim podbrojčanicima, sa sitnim sekundnim i minutnim markerima u crvenoj boji, koji na taj način stvaraju upadljiv kontrast. Na samom brojčaniku ovog modela prvi put se našao i naziv Daytona. Daytona je 1965. godine dobila crni prsten brojčanika i ušrafljujuće tastere za funkciju hronografa, što je doprinelo još većoj sigurnosti i otpornosti na vodu njegovog oyster kućišta. U prilog tome, natpis Oyster našao se od tog trenutka na svim brojčanicima, zajedno sa ispisom Cosmograph. Pet godina kasnije, Daytona je doživela još jedan blagi redizajn, a časovnik je sada pokretao novi mehanizam - kalibar 727. Daytona se proizvodila sa minimalnim izmenama sve do 1988. godine, kada su izrađena dva nova modela prečnika 40 milimetara. Najveća novina zapravo je bio sasvim novi automatski mehanizam, kalibar 4030. Ovakvu verziju Rolex je proizvodio sve do 2000. godine, kada je konačno predstavljen Daytona hronograf sa mehanizmom 4130 i 44 rubina, razvijen i izrađen u sopstvenim pogonima. Na Baselworldu 2004. godine predstavljen je model Daytona u kućištu od 18-karatnog žutog zlata, sa brojčanikom u leopard šari, prstenom brojčanika sa 36 žutih dijamanata i satnim oznakama koje su takođe bile ukrašene dijamantima. Među poslednje novitete ubraja se model sa keramičkim prstenom brojčanika iz 2011. godine i dve godine kasnije izrađen model u kućištu od platine. Najsvežija varijanta Cosmograph Daytone dogodila se 2016. godine kada su načinjena doterivanja čeličnog kućišta. Izrađen vrhunskom visokom tehnologijom, prefinjen i oličen visokim sjajem, monoblok cerachrom prsten brojčanik u crnoj keramici zamenio je dotadašnji metalni sa gravurom. Ova vizuelna i tehnička evolucija predstavlja naklon istoriji brenda i modelu iz 1965. godine koji je imao crni umetak na prstenu brojčanika, ali izrađen od pleksiglasa.
wore this version of Daytona watch. Its main feature was a white dial surrounded by the black ring and black sub-dials, with small red markers for seconds and minute, thus creating a contrast. On the dial of this model, for the first time the name Daytona could be seen. In 1965 Daytona got the black ring in the dial and screw in buttons for chronograph function, which added to its safety and water resistance of its Oyster case. Oyster inscription, from that moment on, was on every dial, along with Cosmograph. Five years later Daytona was again slightly redesigned, and the watch was operated by a new mechanism caliber 727. Daytona was produced with slightest changes till 1988, when two new models were made with 40mm in diameter. The greatest novelty was completely new automatic mechanism caliber 4030. Rolex produced this version till 2000, when they finally introduced Daytona chronograph with mechanism 4130 and 44 rubies, developed and made in Manufacture Rolex. In Baselworld in 2004, Daytona was introduced with the case made of 18-karat yellow gold, with leopard pattern dial, bezel with 36 yellow diamonds, and hour marks that were also enhanced with diamonds. Among the latest novelties, there’s a model with ceramic bezel from 2011, and two years later a model with the platinum case was made. The latest version of Cosmograph Daytona appeared in 2016 when the steel case was enhanced. Made by using the high technology, sophisticated and shiny, monoblock cerachrom bezel made of black ceramics replaced the previous metal one with the engraving. This visual and technical evolution represents a salute to the history of the brand and the model from 1965, which had a black insert on bezel, but made of Plexiglas.
Cosmograph Daytona
Rođen za trku Born to Race
Rolex Cosmograph Daytona primer je savršenog spoja visoke tehnologije i elegantnog dizajna. Naslednik istoimenog modela iz 1965. godine, Daytona je tokom istorije stekao kultni status, posebno među zaljubljenicima u automobilizam.
Rolex Cosmograph Daytona is the example of perfect bond between the high technology and elegant design. It is the heir of the model with the same name from 1965. Over years, Daytona gained an iconic status, especially among motor race enthusiasts.
Savremena verzija popularne Daytone dostupna je u 18-karatnom žutom, belom i everose zlatu. U novom dizajnu je upotrebljen cerachrom, koji se nalazi na spoljašnjem prstenu, izrađen od crne keramike koja časovniku daje visoki sjaj. Cerachrom je patentirao i proizvodi Rolex, a poseduje apsolutnu otpornost na ogrebotine, promenu boje usled negativnog uticaja UV zraka i koroziju. Crni prsten urađen je po uzoru na model iz 1965. godine.
Contemporary version of popular Daytone is available in 18-karat yellow, white and everose gold. Cerachrom was used in design and the insert in bezel was made of black ceramics, which makes the watch shiny. Cerachrom was patented and made by Rolex, and it is absolutely scratch proof, it is resistant to changes in color that could occur because of negative UV rays and it is also corrosion resistant. Black bezel is designed to resemble the model from 1965.
Unutar kućišta, časovnik dolazi sa samonavijajućim automatskim mehanizmom i dnevnom preciznošću do +2/-2 sekunde. Otporan je na uticaj magnetnog polja, a obezbeđuje rezervu snage za precizno funkcionisanje u mirovanju i do 72 sata. Staklo je safirno, otporno na ogrebotine, a 40-milimetarsko kućište izrađeno je iz jednog komada osamnaestokaratnog zlata. Cosmograph Daytona, osim mehaničke izdržljivosti, potvrđuje i otpornost na vodu dubine do 100 metara, a atraktivnost duguje i oysterflex narukvici od elastomera. Uz časovnik dolazi i Rolex zeleni žig, karakterističan za sve modele ovog brenda, i garancija od pet godina. NEPOGREŠIVI MERAČ BRZINE Za potrebe modela Daytona, izvorno namenjenog vozačima automobilskih trka, broj komponenti mehanizma je smanjen, čime je značajno poboljšana njegova pouzdanost. ČUDESNA KERAMIKA CERACHROM Obod brojčanika od najsavremenije keramike cerachrom ima brojne prednosti, kao što je otpornost na koroziju, ogrebotine i uticaj UV zraka. Zahvaljujući tankom sloju osamnaestokaratnog zlata ili platine na oznakama za sate i minute, omogućena je krajnje čitljiva tahimetarska skala. Cerachrom je izrađen od jednog komada keramike i dodatno garantuje sigurnost stakla na kućištu i vodootpornost.
Inside the Oyster case, the watch has the self-winding automatic mechanism, precision tolerance of +2/-2 seconds, resistant to magnetic field influence and power reserve provides 72 hours of precise functioning while being still. Crystal is made of scratch resistant sapphire glass, and case with 40mm in diameter is made of a single piece of 18-carat gold. Cosmograph Daytona, apart from its mechanical resistance, confirms the water resistance up to100 meters, and it is attractive owing to the Oysterflex bracelet made of elastomer. This watch is accompanied with the green Rolex stamp, typical for all the models of this brand, and warranty period is 5 years. UNMISTAKEBLE SPEEDOMETER For Daytona, originally made for motor racing drivers, the number of components of the mechanism is decreased, which increases significantly its reliability. MIRACULOUS CERAMICS CERACHROM Bezel made of the latest ceramics cerachrom has numerous advantages, like corrosion, scratch and UV resistance. Thanks to the thin layer of 18-karat gold or platinum on numbers and marks for minutes, bezel has extremely readable tachometer scale. Cerachrom is made of single piece of ceramics, which guarantees the crystal safety and water resistance.
Ključni detalj identiteta Daytone je ugravirana tahimetarska skala na spoljašnjem prstenu koja omogućava merenje prosečne brzine po satu
The key detail of Daytone identity is engraved tachometer scale on the bezel which provides measuring of average velocity per hour
Naš predlog Our suggest
Cosmograph Daytona 116518LN 18 ct yellow gold / Oysterflex Cena/Price: 25.300 €
Cosmograph Daytona 116519LN 18 ct white gold / Oysterflex Cena/Price: 26.400 €
Rolex je na sajmu Baselworld 2017 promovisao Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytonu, u 18-karatnom žutom i belom zlatu, ali i u zanosnoj everose nijansi. Tri nove verzije opremljene su i cerachrom prstenom od crne keramike i inovativnom oysterflex narukvicom od elastomera, sa ojačanjima u vidu metalnih pločica, do sada viđene isključivo na meraču vremena Yacht-Master. Najnovija evolucija poznatog časovnika predstavlja sklad najsavremenije tehnologije i uglađene estetike, koja odaje počast nasleđu legendarnog hronografa. Poput svih Rolex satova i nove Cosmograph Daytona verzije odlikuje sertifikat Superlative Chronograph.
Cosmograph Daytona 116518LN 18 ct yellow gold / Oysterflex Cena/Price: 25.300 €
In this year’s Basel world, Rolex promoted Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona, made of 18-carat yellow and white gold, but also a dazzling everose shade. Three new versions are equipped with cerachrom bezel made of black ceramics and innovative oysterflex bracelet made of elastomer, with reinforcement of metal plates, that had been used only in Yacht-Master time measurers so far. The latest evolution of the famous watch represents a harmony of the latest technology and sophisticated aesthetic, which honours the heritage of the legendary chronograph. Like all the Rolex watches, new Cosmograph Daytona versions also have Superlative Chronograph certificate.