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beograd, uskočka 7, T:, e:



Rođen za izvrsne Made for the superior



Kada je Hans Vilsdorf osnovao brend Tudor, 1926. godine, imao je viziju časovnika koji pristaje onima čiji je životni stil beskompromisan, nekonvencionalan, pomalo fanatičan i u svakom pogledu izvanredan. „Razmišljam o časovniku čija bi cena bila pristupačnija od naših Rolex časovnika, a koji bi ipak postigao najviši kvalitet i standard pouzdanosti po kojem je Rolex poznat“, objasnio je svoju ideju Vilsdorf. Od tog trenutka, Tudor je postao trendseter u svetu časovničarstva, stvarajući hronografe specifične namene, kreirane za ekstremne vremenske uslove. U skladu sa svojim avanturističkim duhom, Tudor je pokrenuo kampanju Born to Dare čiji moto glasi: „Posvećeni smo klasici, ali ne poznajemo status quo – ne zadovoljavamo se postojećim. Zato uzimamo ono

When Hans Wilsdorf founded the brand Tudor in 1926, he had the vision of watches that could fit those whose lifestyle is without compromises, unconventional, a bit fanatic and in all the aspects exceptional. “I’m thinking about a watch with a price tag that is more affordable than other Rolex watches, but still possessing the top quality and reliability standards that Rolex is famous for “,Wilsdorf explained his idea. From that moment on, Tudor has become a trendsetter in watchmaking, creating chronographs of specific purpose, created for extreme weather conditions. To match his adventurous spirit, Tudor launched a campaign Born to Dare whose motto was: “We are dedicated to the classic, but we don’t settle to status quo – we are not satisfied simply with what we have now. Therefore we take what’s best from the past, the best watchmaking practice, skill, experience, meth-



Tudor je trendseter u svetu časovničarstva

Tudor is a trendsetter in the watchmaking industry

najbolje od prošlosti, najbolju časovničarsku praksu, veštinu, iskustvo, metode, tradiciju, najbolji dizajn. I pomeramo granice uvođenjem novina“.

ods, tradition and the best design. We are pushing the boundaries by introducing innovations. “

Slogan istovremeno odražava i bogatu istoriju brenda, kao i njegovu budućnost, ukazujući na pionire koji su nosili časovnike Tudor, njegovu matičnu kompaniju Rolex, kao i na osnivača oba brenda, Hansa Vilsdorfa.

The slogan, at the same time, expresses the rich history of the brand, as well as its future, referring to the pioneers that used to wear Tudor watches, the mother company Rolex, and the founder of both brands, Hans Wilsdorf.

Tudor danas nastavlja da živi ovaj ideal sa neverovatno pristupačnim cenama i atraktivnim dizajnom ručnih časovnika koji odišu starovremenskom klasikom i duhom nostalgije.

Tudor keeps living these ideals with incredibly affordable prices and attractive design of the wrist watches that possess the old fashion classic and the spirit of nostalgia.




Black Bay S&G



Stvoren za izazove Made for challenges

Elegancija sa snažnom porukom u slavu 60 godina ronilačkih ambicija - Heritage Black Bay S&G, kreiran je za one koji se usuđuju da prkose izazovima.

Elegance with a strong message to celebrate 60 years of scuba diving ambitions - Heritage Black Bay S&G is created for those who dare take challenges.

Proizvođač luksuznih časovnika, švajcarski brend Tudor, često je percipiran kao trendseter u časovničarskoj industriji, a to i potvrđuje ovom dvobojnom, do sada najluksuznijom, verzijom ručnog časovnika iz kolekcije Heritage Black Bay.

The manufacturer of the luxurious watches, the Swiss brand Tudor, has often been perceived as a trendsetter in watchmaking industry, and it has been confirmed with this two-colored, so far the most luxurious version of the wrist watch from Heritage Black Bay.

Heritage Black Bay S&G predstavlja elegantnu kombinaciju čelika i žutog zlata u nostalgičnom maniru. Izvorno ronilački časovnik, zadržao je formu i proporcije karakteristične za kolekciju Black Bay, s tim da su rotirajući prsten, kao i krunica izvedeni u žutom zlatu. Narukvica od čelika takođe je oplemenjena zlatom duž celog središnjeg dela, dajući sveukupnom izgledu nešto ozbiljniju notu.

Heritage Black Bay S&G represents an elegant combination of steel and yellow gold with a touch of nostalgia. Originally a submersible watch, it kept its form and proportions typical for Black Bay, but the bezel and the winding crown are made of yellow gold. The bracelet is made of steel but it is also enhanced with gold along the mid-section of the bracelet, making it look smarter.



Black Bay S&G 79733N Čelik i žuto zlato / Steel & yellow gold Cena/Price: 4.690 €

Časovnik predstavlja elegantnu kombinaciju čelika i žutog zlata u nostalgičnom maniru Opremljen kalibrom MT5612 manufakture Tudor, Heritage Black Bay S&G premijerno predstavlja funkciju datuma u okviru Black Bay kolekcije. Kućište prečnika 41 milimetar izrađeno je od čelika i vodootporno je do 200 metara dubine. Crni brojčanik, sa kultnim snowflake kazaljkama, zaobljen je pri ivicama, na isti način kao i safirno staklo. Referenca koju ponosno nosi ovaj model je M79733N.


Equipped with calibre MT5612 manufactured by Tudor, Heritage Black Bay S&G, for the first time, presents the function of date in the Black Bay collection. The case with 41 mm diameter is made of stainless steel and it is water resistant up to 200 meters. The black dial, with recognizable snowflake hands, has curved edges, in the same way the sapphire glass does. M79733N is the proud reference for this watch.

This watch represents an elegant combination of steel and yellow gold with a touch of nostalgia


Black Bay S&G 79733N Kožna narukvica / Aged leather strap Cena/Price: 3.550 €

Jedinstven i specifičan proces ručno tkanih narukvica daje časovnicima posebnu originalnost, ne samo po stilu i trendu, već i po tome što pruža superiornu udobnost na ruci. Osim na narukvici od čelika i zlata, Heritage Black Bay S&G je dostupan i na braon kožnom kaišu. Tu je i obavezna treća narukvica, tkana, u braon boji, koja se dobija uz jednu prethodno odabranu.

Unique and specific process of hand-woven straps provides these watches a unique originality, not just in style and trend, but also it provides a superior comfort for the wrist. Except the steal and gold bracelet, Heritage Black Bay S&G is available with brown, brushed leather strap. There is also the third, fabric, brown strap that comes included with one previously selected.




Black Bay Steel



Profesionalni ronilac... Professional scuba diver

Namenjen profesionalnim roniocima, avanturistima, ali i svima koji žele pouzdan, kvalitetan ronilački merač vremena, Black Bay Steel pleni izrazitim skladom. Ovaj tip časovnika popularnost, pre svega, duguje svom izgledu budući da deluje moćno i muževno. Karakteristični elementi novog Heritage Black Bay Steel časovnika inspiraciju pronalaze u istoriji brenda Tudor. Zadržavši iste linije i proporcije Black Baya, ova verzija prezentuje najvažnije elemente koji su krasili Tudor kultne ronilačke modele, poput karakterističnog crvenog trougla u centralnom markeru prstena - danas vrlo traženog i retkog atributa na časovnicima u retro stilu. Takozvana „big crown” na ovom modelu pleni, uz prepoznatljive snowflake kazaljke. Ovaj časovnik iz Tudor manufakture poseduje dominantno kućište prečnika 41 milimetar, izvedeno od poliranog i brušenog čelika, kao i čelični rotirajući prsten na kojem je ugravirana 60-minutna skala. Brojčanik je markantne, crne boje, uz funkciju datuma na poziciji tri sata. Heritage Black Bay Steel predviđen je za ronjenje do dubine 200 metara, a u skladu sa individualnim stilom dostupan je na čeličnoj narukvici ili veštački pohabanom kožnom kaišu, uz obaveznu dodatnu tekstilnu narukvicu maslinasto zelene boje.

Made for professional scuba divers, adventurers, but also for everyone who wants a reliable, top quality submersible watch, Black Bay Steel enchants you with its exceptional harmony. This watch owes its popularity, above all, to its appearance, since it looks so powerful and masculine. The characteristic elements of the new Heritage Black Bay Steel watch found the inspiration in the history of Tudor brand. Keeping the same lines and proportions of Black Bay, this version presents the most important elements that characterize typical TUDOR submersible watches, like a recognizable red triangle in the central marker of the bezel, which is a rare and highly desired attribute on watches in retro style. Along with the recognizable snowflake hands, “big crown” is another striking feature of this model. This watch, manufactured by Tudor possesses a dominant 41 mm diameter case, made of polished and brushed steel, bezel made of stainless steel, and it has an inserted element made of steel that has a 60 minute scale engraved on it. Dial is imposing, black and it has the display for the date at the position of 3 o’clock. Heritage Black Bay Steel is designed for diving up to 200 meters, and according to the individual style it is available with a steel bracelet or artificially worn leather strap, with additional olive green fabric stripe.



Svojim dizajnom, Heritage Black Bay Steel predstavlja kulminaciju šezdesetogodišnje časovničarske umešnosti i istorije.

With its design, Heritage Black Bay Steel represents a culmination of sixty years of watchmaking craftsmanship and history.

Inspirisana časovnicima koje je Tudor proizvodio tokom 50-ih i 60-ih godina prošlog veka, čelična narukvica je na današnjem modelu Heritage Black Bay Steel izrađena tehnikom takozvanog „zakivanja”.

Inspired by watches that Tudor produced in 50s and 60s in the previous century, steel bracelet on the current model Heritage Black Bay Steel is made by using the riveting technique.

Vrlo upečatljivim izgledom, modelima iz linije Heritage Black Bay, brend Tudor nastavlja tradiciju proizvodnje luksuznih profesionalnih ronilačkih časovnika započetu 1954. godine. Model Heritage Black Bay najviše elemenata koristi od časovnika koji su tokom 70-ih godina prošlog veka bili kreirani za pripadnike francuske mornarice, sa karakterističnim izbrušenim stranicama i detaljno ukrašenim rubovima kućišta.

With its striking appearance, with models Heritage Black Bay, brand Tudor continues its tradition of producing luxurious professional submersible watches that started in 1954. Model Heritage Black Bay uses the majority of elements from watches that were created in the 70s for the French navy, with characteristic brushed edges and detailed decorated case edges.


Ovaj časovnik deluje moćno i muževno

This watch looks powerful and masculine


Izrazito muževan Emphasized masculinity Časovnik Heritage Black Bay, koji svojim retro izgledom podseća na slavne pretke, pokreće Tudor manufacture, automatski mehanizam MT5612 sa 26 rubina, 70-satnom rezervom snage i COSC sertifikatom

Black Bay Steel 79730 Čelična narukvica/ Steel bracelet Cena/Price: 3.560 €

Heritage Black Bay watch, that resembles its famous ancestors with its retro look, is launched by TUDOR Manufacture, it has automatic mechanism MT5612 with 26 rubies, 70 hours of power reserve and COSC certificate.

Black Bay Steel Kožna narukvica Aged leather strap Cena/Price: 3.260 €

Black Bay Steel Dodatna platnena narukvica / Additional fabric strap




Black Bay Chrono



Prefinjeni sportista Sophisticated athlete Zavodljivim linijama koje evociraju stil prošlih vremena, časovnik Tudor Heritage Black Bay Chrono namenjen je svim zaljubljenicima u klasiku sa sportskim duhom. Ova verzija modela uspešno miri starovremenski šik sa robusnošću i upotrebljivošću, što ga čini idealnim za svakodnevno nošenje.

With its seductive lines that evoke the style of vintage times, Tudor Heritage Black Bay Chrono watch is made for those who love classics with the sports spirit. This version of the model successfully mixes the oldfashion chic with robustness and functionality, which makes it ideal for everyday use.

Model Heritage Black Bay Chrono smelo kombinuje nasleđe dve tradicije po kojima je Tudor prepoznatljiv – profesionalnih ronilačkih časovnika i trkačkih hronografa.

Heritage Black Bay Chrono model daringly combines the heritage of two traditions Tudor is famous for – professional submersible watches and racing chronographs.

U kontrastu sa mat crnim brojčanikom i dva podbrojčanika, model Heritage Black Bay Chrono ima odličnu čitljivost u svim uslovima. Funkcija datuma prikazana je na poziciji šest sati.

With a contrast of a matt black dial and two sub-dials, Heritage Black Bay Chrono model has exceptional visibility in all conditions. Display for the date is at the position of 6 o’clock.



Tudor Heritage Black Bay Chrono pokreće prvi Tudor manufacture automatski mehanizam sa funkcijom hronografa, kalibar MT5813, koji je nastao kao rezultat saradnje sa Breitlingom. Mehanički sklop visoke preciznosti i dokazane otpornosti omogućuje nesmetan rad sa autonomijom od 70 sati i sertifikovan je od strane zvaničnog švajcarskog Instituta za kontrolu hronometara (COSC).

Tudor Heritage Black Bay Chrono is powered by the first Tudor Manufacture automatic mechanism with the function of chronograph, calibre MT5813, which is the result of cooperation with Breitling. The mechanism with high precision and certified resistance allows the perfect operation with autonomy of 70 hours and it is certified by the official Swiss Institute For the control of chronometers (COSC).

Heritage Black Bay Chrono ostao je dosledan estetici linije po čuvenim uglastim kazaljkama, zaštitnim znakom brenda od 1969. godine.

Heritage Black Bay remained faithful to aesthetic of recognizable angular hands, the brand’s trademark since 1969.

Čelično kućište promera 41 milimetar, sa safirnim staklom, poseduje garantovanu otpornost za rad do dubine 200 metara. Karakteristična tahimetarska skala hronografa ugravirana je na fiksnom prstenu brojčanika upotpunjujući sportski dizajn novog modela.

Steel case with 41 mm diameter, with sapphire glass, possesses the guarantee that it is resistant to depths up to 200 meters. Characteristic tachymeter scale of the chronograph is engraved on the fixed bezel completing the sports design of the new model.

Kao i svi modeli iz kolekcije Black Bay, i Heritage Black Bay Chrono ima sopstvenu verziju dodatne tkane narukvice, tamnoplave boje. Osnovna narukvica je izrađena u dve varijante – od nerđajućeg čelika ili prvoklasne kože.

As all the models of Black Bay collection, Heritage Black Bay Chrono has the version with additional fabric, dark blue strip. The original bracelet has two options – made of stainless steel or first class leather.


Heritage Black Bay Chrono smelo kombinuje nasleđe dve tradicije po kojima je Tudor prepoznatljiv

Heritage Black Bay Chrono daringly combines the heritage of two traditions Tudor is famous for


Serija Heritage časovnika Line of Heritage watches Serija Heritage časovnika U čuvenoj seriji Tudor Heritage nalazi se model Heritage Chrono koji je kreiran 2010. godine, iako tradicija izrade hronografa Tudor datira još iz 1970. godine. Za stvaranje nove serije ključna je bila savremena i slobodna interpretacija prvobitnog hronografa. Iako je zadržana osnovna Tudor estetika, dodati su joj savremeni časovničarski trendovi

Black Bay Chrono 79350 Čelična narukvica/ Steel bracelet Cena/Price: 4.740 €

In the famous line Tudor Heritage there is a model Heritage Chrono that was created in 2010, even though the tradition of making the chronographs of Tudor watches dates back in 1970. For creating a new line, the key was a contemporary and free interpretation of the first chronograph. Even though the basic Tudor aesthetic was kept, some modern watchmaking trends were added

Black Bay ChronoBraon kožna narukvica / Brown leather strap Cena/Price: 4.440 €

Black Bay Chrono Dodatna platnena narukvica / Additional fabric strap 101

David Beckham

„Tudor me je privukao pažnjom koju poklanja detaljima, što sam odmah mogao da uočim na svim njegovim modelima”, obrazložio je svoju saradnju sa brendom Tudor jedan od najpoznatijih i najboljih svetskih fudbalera - Dejvid Bekam. „Zatim sam saznao sve i o istoriji brenda njegovom avanturističkom duhu, pionirskom zaranjanju u morske dubine i učešću u smelim ekspedicijama. I bio sam upecan na prvu loptu“.

“Tudor drew my attention with its details, and I immediately saw that in all their models”, David Beckham, one of the most famous and one of the best football players in the world, explained his cooperation with Tudor. “Then I learnt all about the history of the brand: its adventurous spirit, pioneering dives into the sea depths and participation in daring expeditions. And I was immediately hooked “.





Rođen za izazove Born to dare

Zvezda kampanje kompanije je fudbalski as, filantrop i modna ikona, muškarac od stila – Dejvid Bekam. Bilo da nosi fantastičan ronilački časovnik od zlata i čelika Tudor Black Bay S&G ili Black Bay Chrono, uz klasično odelo i ležerni džins, Bekam ostavlja utisak muškarca koji zna šta želi i čemu teži. „On je spreman na sve. On prkosi svojim strahovima. On se svakog dana usavršava i nudi novu verziju sebe. Tudor je odvažan, rođen za izazove i smeo, baš kao i Dejvid Bekam” – obrazlažu saradnju iz kompanije Tudor. Osim što je poznat kao veliki poklonik i kolekcionar vrhunskih ručnih časovnika, u čijem je vlasništvu i nekoliko modela Rolexa, Bekam je odabran za novo zaštitno lice brenda Tudor zbog svog životnog puta. Ovaj Britanac svetskog glasa, pripada ligi najvećih imena u istoriji fudbala - uporan, marljiv, vredan, pun želje i volje za uspehom. Verovanje da se sve može ostvariti uz iskrenu želju, trud i napore dovelo ga je do statusa jednog od najboljih fudbalera današnjice i titule kapitena reprezentacije Engleske. Iako se povukao iz profesionalnog sporta, Dejvid Bekam je nastavio da inspiriše na drugim poljima. Njegove filantropske aktivnosti usmerene su na zaštitu i dobrobit dece širom sveta. Dugogodišnji ambasador dobre volje UNICEF-a, već više od decenije zalaže se za podizanje zdravlja i obrazovanja dece u Africi.


The star of the campaign is a famous football player, philanthropist and fashion icon, the man of style David Beckham. Whether he is wearing a fantastic submersible watch made of gold and steel Tudor Black Bay S&G or Black Bay Chrono, with a classic suit and casual jeans, Beckham leaves the expression of a man who knows what he wants and what he aims for. “He is prepared for everything. He defies his fears. He improves himself constantly and offers the new version of himself. Tudor is daring, born for challenges and brave, just like David Beckham” – they explain the cooperation in Tudor company. Other than being famous as a watch lover and collector of excellent wrist watches, who owns several Rolex watches, Beckham has been selected as the latest brand face of Tudor because of his life story. This famous British is one of the greatest players in the history of football – persistent, hardworking, active, and eager to achieve success. He never took anything for granted. That attitude gave him the status of one of the best football players today and the title of the captain of the English national team. Even though he is no longer in professional sport, David Beckham is still inspiring in other fields. His philanthropic activities are aimed to provide protection and wellbeing of children around the world. He has been a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF for over a decade and he is dedicated to promotion of health and education of children in Africa.





Black Bay 41



Prepoznatljiva elegancija Recognizable elegance

Black Bay 41, predstavnik je linije Tudor Heritage Black Bay, prečnika 41 milimetar, tankog kućišta i fiksiranog prstena od poliranog čelika.

Black Bay Steel 41, is the representative of Tudor Heritage Black Bay, with 41 mm diameter, thin case and fixed bezel made of brushed steel.

Tudor je u izradi ovog modela zadržao osnovni oblik časovnika iz linije Black Bay. Remodelovanjem časovnik je dobio klasičniji izgled opisan kao sportska elegancija. Pomenute odlike uočavaju se najviše na kućištu koje je znatno tanje, zbog čega rukav košulje lagano klizi preko časovnika. U istom duhu su i ostali elementi, kao i ravno safirno staklo, inače ispupčeno kod ostalih Black Bay modela, minimalistički uklopljeno u fiksni prsten od poliranog čelika.

Tudor kept the original shape of the watch from Black Bay. Remodeling gave the watch more classic appearance and it is described as sports elegance. The above mentioned characteristics are perceived mostly in the case that is much more thinner, which allows the sleeve of the shirt to slide gently over the watch. The same spirit is kept in other elements, flat sapphire glass, otherwise protruded in other Black Bay models, is placed in a fixed bezel made of polished steel in a minimalistic style.



Black Bay 41 ima i karakteristične uglaste kazaljke, detalj koji je predstavljen u katalogu Tudor još davne 1969. godine, u kolekcionarskim krugovima poznate kao „snežne pahulje”. Konačno, tu je i masivna krunica, prepoznatljiva još od prve generacije Tudor ronilačkih časovnika, vodootpornih do dubine 200 metara (660 ft).

Black Bay 41 Black Bay Steel 41 has characteristic angular hands, a detail that was presented in Tudor catalogue back in 1969, known as “snowflakes” among the collectors. Finally there’s a massive winding crown, recognizable since the first generation of Tudor submersible watches, water resistant up to 200 meters (660 ft.).

Heritage Black Bay Steel 41 dostupan je sa narukvicom od čelika ili braon kože i dodatnom narukvicom od materijala modernog kamuflažnog dizajna. Narukvica je napravljena posebnom tehnikom tkanja i zaštitni je znak serije Tudor Heritage.

Heritage Black Bay Steel 41 is available with bracelet made of steel or brown leather with additional fabric strap in fashionable camouflage design. Strap is made by using a special weaving technique and it’s the trademark of Tudor Heritage.


Remodelovanjem Black Bay 41 dobio je klasičniji izgled opisan kao sportska elegancija

Remodeling gave Black Bay 41 watch more classic appearance, described as sports elegance


Vanvremenski šik Timeless chic

Kao i ostali modeli iz linije, i Black Bay 41 ima brojčanik inspirisan ronilačkim časovnicima Tudor koji su proizvedeni tokom 50-tih godina prošlog veka

Black Bay 41 79540 Čelična narukvica/ Steel bracelet Cena/Price: 2.770 €

As all the other models from this line, Black Bay 41 also has bezel inspired by submersible Tudor watches that were made in the 50s.

Braon kožna narukvica / Brown leather strap Cena/Price: 2.470 €

Dodatna kamuflažna narukvica / Camouflage fabric strap




Clair De Rose



U tri veličine i šest varijanti, Tudor Clair de Rose savršeno pristaje ženi koja želi da joj ručni časovnik bude verni pratilac od jutra do mraka. Klasika koja nikad ne izlazi iz mode, obrađena na moderan način, čini ovaj časovnik neodoljivo privlačnim.

Tudor Clair de Rose comes in three sizes and six designs and it is perfect for a woman who wants to have her watch to be her faithful companion from dawn till dusk. Classic that never comes out of style makes this watch irresistible.

Tudor Clair de Rose ostaje dosledan estetskim načelima po kojima je ova slavna linija damskih časovnika već decenijama prepoznatljiva: mekim i zaobljenim linijama središnjeg kućišta i upadljivoj krunici za navijanje, koju sada krasi kupolasti dragulj - plavi spinel.

Tudor Clair de Rose remains faithful to aesthetic principles which made this famous line of women watches recognizable for decades: gentle curves of its middle case and its striking winding crown which on this model is set with a blue spinel cabochon.

Clair de Rose je dostupan u tri veličine, prečnika 26, 30 i 34 milimetara.

Clair de Rose je is available je in three sizes, 26, 30 i 34 mm diameter.



Unutar kućišta, u potpunosti izrađenog od čelika, smešten je automatski samonavijajući mehanizam koji ima rezervu snage od 38 sati i nosi sertifikat švajcarskog Instituta za zvaničnu kontrolu hronometara (COSC). Kućište je otporno na vodu dubine do 100 metara. Ovaj časovnik poseduje izuzetnu ženstvenost koja istovremeno odiše nežnošću i smelošću. Budući da linija Clair de Rose može da se pohvali dugom istorijom, ovaj hronometar na najlepši način prikazuje Tudor nasleđe kojem duguje svoju neprolaznu lepotu i vrhunski kvalitet. On je podsećanje na slavne pretke iz linija Princess, Glamour i Miss Tudor.

Tudor Clair de Rose savršeno pristaje ženi koja želi da joj ručni časovnik bude verni pratilac od jutra do mraka

Tudor Clair de Rose is perfect for a woman who wants to have her watch to be her faithful companion from dawn till dusk

In the case, which is entirely made of stainless steel, there’s an automatic, self-winding mechanism that has the power reserve of 38 hours and it is certified by COSC (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute). Case is water resistant up to 100 meters. This watch is incredibly feminine and it is both gentle and daring at the same time. Since Clair de Rose has a long history, this chronometer expresses, in the best possible way, the Tudor heritage, to whom it owns its timeless beauty and top quality. It is a reminder of the glorious ancestors Princess, Glamour and Miss Tudor.



Za dame od glave do pete For ladies, from head to toe Narukvice za ovaj prefinjeni časovnik mogu biti od čelika ili crne krokodilske kože. Brojčanik časovnika je priča za sebe. Urađen poput opala koji preliva boje, može da bude sa dijamantima ili bez njih, stvar individualnog ukusa svake dame

Clair De Rose 34 mm 35800 Čelik/Steel Cena/Price: 2.170 €

Bracelet for this sophisticated watch can be made either of stainless steel or black alligator leather. Dial of this watch is yet another story. It is made to resemble opal with its changing colors, and it can come with or without diamond, depending on the individual preferences of each lady

Clair De Rose Brojčanik sa 8 dijamanata, kožna narukvica 8 diamonds dial, black alligator strap Cena/Price: 2.460 €

Clair De Rose Platnena narukvica / Woven fabric strap Cena/Price: 1.970 €


Lady Gaga



Preporod pop kulture

Reinventing Pop Culture Nesvakidašnji glas. Ikona stila. Nagrađivana

Astounding voice. Style icon. Awarded

glumica. Sve ovo opisuje Lejdi Gagu, pop

actress – Lady Gaga is all of this and much

ikonu današnjice koja svojim teatralnim

more, pop icon of the modern world who

nastupom, životnim stilom i harizmom

enchants millions of fans around the world

fascinira milione fanova širom sveta

with her theatricality, life style and charisma

Dobitnica je šest Grammy nagrada, jednog Zlatnog globusa, bezbroj MTV nagrada. Prodala je 150.000.000 singlova i više od 30.000.000 albuma. Lejdi Gaga doživela je slavu i poštovanje kojim može da se pohvali svega nekolicina pravih svetskih zvezda.

Six Grammy Awards, one Golden Globe, countless MTV awards, 150 million singles and over 30 million albums sold. Lady Gaga has achieved a level of fame and respect few stars ever have.

Sve je to rezultat njenog jedinstvenog recepta za uspeh – prirodnog talenta, napornog rada, pravih izbora i neizmerne zahvalnosti prema svojim fanovima - malim monstrumima, kako ih ona naziva. Sve što ona radi ima posebnu dimenziju koju odlikuje autentična pojava i provokativni stil. Kontroverzna je kada posećuje glamurozne događaje, daje političke izjave, kada je društveno angažovana. Takav je i njen pristup umetnosti. Ona je performer i predstava sama po sebi, gde god da se pojavi.

This is a result of her unique recipe for success: raw talent, hard work, bold choices and immense gratitude to her fans, her “little monsters” as she calls them. Everything she does has a special dimension characterized by her bold appearance and provocative style. She is controversial when attending some glamorous events, giving political statements, when she is socially engaged. That is her approach to art. She is a performer, a show, wherever she shows up.



Pevačica, kompozitor, plesačica koja ima revolucionarni pristup svemu, svoju publiku osvaja nekonvencionalnim pogledom na umetnost. Sama stvara umetnost kroz tekstove i muziku, svirajući gitaru i klavir, kroz pokret, kroz glas. Ona podiže strahopoštovanje, pažnju i svest svojim neverovatnim vokalnim sposobnostima i umetnošću koju stvara. Lejdi Gaga se ne bavi samo muzikom, već šalje ozbiljne poruke i utiče na javno mnjenje. Ona je i veliki aktivista. Lejdi Gaga je globalna, vodeća modna ikona, svesna da odeća i aksesoari koje nosi mogu da pošalju snažnu poruku. Bezvremenski i autentičan, Black Bay je izbor Lejdi Gage. Kako prestižni švajcarski proizvođač časovnika Tudor, nakon Dejvida Bekama dvadeset godina nije imao ambasadora za svoj brend, u avgustu 2017. godine prvi put je izabrao ženu za promociju svog brenda. I to nikog drugog do Lejdi Gagu. Ovo je revolucija za kompaniju Tudor i znak velike promene u percepciji njihovog brenda. Njihova politika, otkad su osnovani, bila je da budu inovatori i pioniri novih trendova u proizvodnji časovnika, bez obzira da li su predstavljali nove materijale ili su vintidž dizajn uklapali u hronometre visoke tehnologije. „Mi smo klasika, ali odbijamo status quo”, smatraju u ovoj kompaniji. Nastala iz želje da prevaziđe standarde, Tudor filozofija proizvodnje časovnika traži inspiraciju u svom nasleđu uključujući najsavremenije tehnologije, ekskluzivne inovacije i pionirsku kreativnost. Tudor ni danas ne odustaje od prvobitne vizije istinskog kvaliteta. U dizajnu časovnika reinterpretirana je bogata istorija kako bi se stvorilo nešto potpuno jedinstveno – smela fuzija originalnosti i savremenog u nenadmašivom proizvodu.


A singer, a composer, a performer, a dancer – she has a revolutionary approach to everything, and she wins her audience over with her unconventional approach to art. She creates her art through the lyrics and music, by playing the guitar and the piano, through movement and voice. She raises awe, attention and awareness with her incredible voice and art she creates. Lady Gaga is not active only in the world of music but she also sends serious messages that affect the public opinion. She’s a great activist Lady Gaga is a global, leading fashion icon, aware that her clothes and accessories can send a strong message. Timeless and authentic, Black Bay is Lady Gaga’s choice. Since the Swiss manufacturer of Tudor watches didn’t have the ambassador for its brand for twenty years, after David Beckham, in August this year, they have chosen, for the first time a woman for the promotion of its brand. And it was no other than Lady Gaga. This was revolutionary for Tudor company and it marked a great change in perception of this brand. Their policy, ever since the company was founded, has been to be innovators and pioneers of the new trends in watchmaking, whether they presented the new materials or they incorporated the vintage design in chronometers of high technology. “We are the classic, but we refuse Status Quo”, is the opinion of the company. Made out of desire to surpass the standards, TUDOR philosophy seeks inspiration in its heritage including the latest technologies, exclusive innovations and pioneering creativity. Tudor has never given up their original vision of the true quality. In watch design Tudor reinterprets the rich history in order to create something utterly unique – daring fusion of originality and contemporary in unsurpassed product.

Tudor je prvi put izabrao ženu za promociju svog brenda

Tudor has chosen for the first time a woman for the promotion of its brand



We’re devoted to the classic. But reject the status quo. We keep the best of the past. The best watchmaking practices, the best designs. And push the boundaries of what’s new. Born for a purpose. Field-tested to the extreme. For those who are up for anything. Those who face their fears. Those who reinvent themselves every day. A TUDOR is #BornToDare


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