Principles of Spatial Organization
Super Cheap House House for Physically Challenged Person
Дуже Дешевий Будинок Будинок для людини з особливими потребами
Barrierless Space. Motivation
Безбар’єрний простір. Мотивація
Therefore this project offers one-leveled budget homes, which are produced on the factory and assemled at the site in short time. Each solution is suitable for disabled and for ordinary people for. The prototype of planing constructor helps to design buildings with a different configuration, equipment and exterior.
Тому цей проект пропонує однорівневі бюджетні будинки, що виготовлені на фабриці і зібрані на будмайданчику в стислі терміни. Кожне з рішень підходить як інваліду, так і звичайній людині. Прототип планувального конструктора допомагає створювати будівлі з різним плануванням, комплектацією і зовнішнім виглядом.
The surrounding world of things is mostly designed for healthy people. But there are people among us who feels themself helpless in usual for us conditions. There are 2 640 000 physically challenged in Ukraine. Half of them are able-bodied, but in fact works half of them. In addition each family has elderly persons, sick relatives, someone brings up a disabled child, someone struggling with traumatic experiences from accident in their prime. Even one percent from the total number of disabled employees (which means 3 300 homes) is a good opportunity for architects, builders and investors.
Навколишній світ речей розрахований головним чином на здорових людей. Але серед нас живуть ті, хто відчуває себе безпорадними у звичних для нас умовах. В Україні проживає 2 640 000 інвалідів. Половина з них працездатна, але працює ще в два рази менше. До того ж, в кожній сім’ї є люди похилого віку, хворі родичі, хтось виховує дитину-інваліда, хтось у розквіті сил переживає наслідки нещасного випадку. Навіть якщо взяти один платоспроможний відсоток від загального числа працюючих інвалідів, ринок в 3 300 будинків — — непогана можливість для архітекторів, будівельників та інвесторів.
All vertical communications such as stairways and lifts are eliminated in the project. Therefore, the house is one-storeyed. The floor level coincides with ground level to provide the freedom of movement. There are no thresholds inside the house and all doors are sliding. Which solution is better — rooms organized along a lengthy corridor or a compact planning? For a person, who spends most of the time at home, an elongated path from room to room diversifies the daily expirience and helps to stay fit. For a person, who lost mobility in elderly age, compact planning is required. All equipment in the house like a kitchen furniture, bathtub, wardrobe or bed is designed for physically challenged. Ordinary people can easily use this equipment, but physically challenged person can’t use a common bathtub or wardrobe. Geometry and the dimensions of the furniture, rooms and function zone are designed to be easily used by a disabled person. Special attention is given to the creation of a favourable psychological climate. Panoramic glazing provides a link between inner and outer space which is important, because the person spends most of its time at home. Window shutters with perforated holes provide protection of the glazing, privacy and thermal control. Kitchen, living room and dining are merged together to create significant comfort zone, which is complemented with covered terrace.
The House Like a Car. The Ideology of the Project Modification 05c of Super Cheap House with “Rheinzink” cladding Модифікація 05c Дуже Дешевого Будинку з оздобленням “Rheinzink”
The main project objective is to create an object, that could be produced industrially with high quality materials and verified ergonomic and construction solutions. Everyone is used to the mass production products such as: mobile phones, cars, computers, etc. It takes a lot of a time and resources to design and test of such items always taking into account previous operating experience. However, residential house is built and invented from scratch every time in spite of its need for considerable financial investment. This slows down the progress in the domain. Repetition, testing, improvement of the same model will make the house better. It will be cheaper, faster and easier to produce the house on the factory and after that assembles it on the site. Variability of exterior envelopes, ability to choose cladding materials, furniture, equipment and house configurations from ready-to-use modules will provide diversity.
Realization of Idea. Tool Box
The principles of spatial organization are realized in two variants of planning with 155m2 and 85m2 area, called Cheap House and Super Cheap House. The prototype of planning constructor helps to design house configurations with different area and equipment from ready-to-use modules. The model range of the Super Cheap House offers different exterior solutions. As a result comes out the tool box, which satisfies needs of a large number of consumers.
Cheap House
• There are two versions of the project: for ordinary family and for the family with a physically challenged person. • The house is 29.5m x 8.5m large, therefore it requires 600—1 000m2 plot. • The version for a family with a physically challenged person includes three parts: parts adjusted for the physically challenged person and his (her) family members are integrated by the central part with living room, kitchen and dinning room. Each bedroom zone includes hall, bathroom and patio. Such planning demonstrates two independent parts integrated by a zone of common usage. • Two ramps lead to the entrance with two terraces. Sun shutters system on the front edge of terrace protects panoramic glazing and creates closed patios. Bedroom and office windows have no street view. That creates privacy atmosphere in dense urban conditions. • There are washing pan with gitter and handshower in each hall. Shoes and dog can be washed right after the walk. It is important for houses, located in the countryside. • Office, workshop or gym can be situated in a special room next to the living zone. • One of the bathrooms is fully equipped for physically challenged, second only partially. The bathroom for physically challenged includes the bathtub with the side door, removable seat and a strengthen sink. Folding handrails are installed around every bathroom fixture. • Large bedrooms have their own patios and roomy wardrobes.
Super Cheap House
• The house is designed for a capable physically challenged person, who live alone or with close person. • A 600m2 plot can be used to place the house. In that case the house must be connected to external water supply and sanitation system. • The central corridor is the main part of the house and is 1.35 or 1.5m wide. The passages and turn areas are 0.9—1.5m wide, the mounting height of furniture is 0.3—1.4m. • There are two ramps on both sides of the house. They lead on terrace 1.6 x 2.2m large. The ramp is 1.6m wide and has a standard gradient 8%. • The standard width of hall equals 1.6m. The hall is furnished with a horizontal line of suspended shelves, hat shelves and coat rack, that are mounted at 1.4m height. • A 05c variant is provided with additional side panoramic glazing with sliding segments. • The sun shutters, projection screen and doors can be controlled remotely. • The main corridor finishes in a dinning zone. Physically challenged person has a special place at table, to be able to move without disturbing anyone. • All doors in the house are sliding. Entrance doors are energy saving. Door guides are leveled with the floor. • Kitchen is designed as horizontal suspended working area and is a 3.5m length. Movement zone 1.4m wide goes along the front. Breakfast bar is located on the other side. • There are special equipment for physically challenged person and enough space for a wheelchair manoeuvring in bathroom. • Standard area of bedroom with side bed is 16m2. It’s very comfortable to lie in bed and look through a large, from-floor-to-ceiling window. • A 03c, 05c, 01d exterior solutions with traditional cladding is showed with extra side terrace.
03c Model Range of Super Cheap House
Three exterior variants of 03с, 05c, 01d are designed using innovative“Rheinzink” cladding and also with traditional stucco, wood and brick tiles cladding too Три варіанти зовнішнього вигляду 03с, 05c, 01d представлені як в інноваційному оздоблені, так і з використанням традиційного тиньку, дерева, цегляної плитки
It consists from classic and improved envelopes, which differ with number of parameters such as: type of the roof, number of translucent surfaces and their size, external or protected from fallout ramp, additional outdoor terrace, etc. The sum of these values forms the lion’s share of building budget. Especially it concerns to large panoramic glazing. Envelope facing is using qualitative and not always cheap in short-term perspective materials. However, the façade from traditional materials, needs to be repaired every five or fifteen years. Instead of that, the external envelope what is made from “Rheinzink”, “Trespa”, “Alucobond” or “Resopal”, don’t need to be often repairing. Three exterior variants of 03с, 05c, 01d are designed using innovative“Rheinzink” cladding and also with traditional stucco, wood and brick tiles cladding too. There was no try to save costs when design internal components of framework. For example, it was initially decided to use a Dupont Tuvek UV Fasade membrane, because it had shown as the best in framed houses. Panoramic windows Zerringer have vertical supports with heat, which prevent condensation and icing process in winter. This technological innovation will be supplemented with the heating system Warm Floor. The house has ventilated façade, so the internal air conditioning system can stay natural.
Planning Constructor
The prototype of planning constructor allows creating houses from the room modules. The price of the house is directly proportional to its size, equipment and cladding. Standard planning set includes all necessary functional zones, and even moderate package provides acceptable living conditions. The family of four persons can live in the three stars house type. Each planning configuration provides a separated wardrobe in addition to the hall. Due to the central corridor scheme any house can be adjusted for physically challenged. Also the houses can be designed using modules from different rows of constructor.
Framework and Facing
Modification of the 05c with a flat roof performed in the traditions of modernist villa. Central panoramic glazing is added with one more side glazing. Sun blinds system regulates light stream and protect the glass. Green roof Zinco compensates greenery area, wich is occupied with the house and creates additional insulation
Модифікація 05с з пласким дахом в традиціях модерністської вілли. Центральний вітраж доповнено бічним. Система віконниць регулює потік світла і захищає скло. Зелена крівля Zinсo компенсує площу зелених насаджень, що зайнята будинком і створює додаткову теплоізоляцію
Monolithic slab, strip or pile foundation serves as the basis of the house. It can be steel or timber frame with the corresponding step 400 or 600mm. 200mm-thiсk insulation is protected with vapour barrier from the both sides. Reducing thickness of insulation with the desire to decrease building costs will make interior microclimate too hot in summer and too cold in winter. There is a ventilated space between the vapour barrier and cladding. Therefore, the exploitation period of dry ventilated façade is longer than the one of wet blind façade. It is possible to adjust any parameter in this structural scheme like inner and outer finishing, material of framework elements, membrane model, etc. The possibility to manipulate these parameters allows flexibility in controlling house budget.
Планувальний конструктор
Дозволяє зібрати з готових модулів приміщень будинок, ціна якого прямо пропорційна його розміру, варіанту оснащення та оздоблення. Стандартні рішення включають весь необхідний функційний набір приміщень, і навіть сама помірна комплектація створює прийнятні життєві умови. У варіанті «три зірочки» може проживати сім’я, що складається з чотирьох осіб. Кожне планування крім холу передбачає окреме гардеробне приміщення для зберігання одягу. Будь-який з будинків, завдяки коридорній системі, може бути переобладнаний для інваліда. Також будинок можна складати, комбінуючи приміщення з різних рядів конструктора.
Конструкція та оздоблення
Основою для будинку слугує монолітна плита, стрічковий або стовпчастий фундамент. Стійки каркасу виготовляються з дерева або металу. Відповідно крок елементів каркасу складає 400 або 600мм. У площині каркасу розташований утеплювач товщиною не менше 200мм, який захищений гідрота паробар’єром. Якщо зекономити на його товщині, влітку в приміщеннях буде надто спекотно, а взимку холодно. З боку вулиці між гідробар’єром і зовнішнім оздобленням знаходиться вентиляційний прошарок. Тому строк служби сухої конструкції фасаду, що вентилюється, значно більший, ніж глухого. У такій конструктивній схемі можливо налаштувати будь-який параметр: зовнішнє і внутрішнє оздоблення, матеріал каркасу, марку мембрани і т.інш. Можливість маніпулювати цими параметрами дозволяє контролювати бюджет будинку. 5