Leo-Lion. The Amazing Adventures of a Champion Dog - By Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso

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Leo- LIO n



illustrated by Ernesto Guerrero Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso



NAME: A huge mutt with a very big head.

ALIAS: Mug. His alias comes from the absence of one of his ears, lost in one of many fights that made him worthy of many scars in his face and the respect of his dog mates.

BREED: Southern wooly.

ROLE IN THE GANG: Leader of the Apocalyptic Mutts.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A huge wooly dog, who is not a fan of brushing.

WANTED FOR: Biting car wheels, eating from the garbage, howling at the moon and living the mutt life shamelessly. He only obeys the park law.

NAME: A really skinny mutt with a crazy face.

ALIAS: Nape eater.

BREED: Barker scrawnyus.

ROLE IN THE GANG: Active member of the Apocalyptic Mutts. The best sniffer ever known and one of the hungriest dogs of the country.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A skinny and bony dog, with bulging eyes and covered in fleas and ticks.

WANTED FOR: Ripping garbage bags, pissing at the feet of the law and running around with his tongue out as if it’s the end of the world. He only obeys the park law.



NAME: A cute female dog that looks scary when she’s mad.

ALIAS: Empress.

BREED: Mutterrier bravus.

ROLE IN THE GANG: Spiritual and ethical guide of the Apocalyptic Mutts.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A female dog with a beautiful face and a beautiful body, with long lashes, and a flirty gaze. She shines like a gem among her ugly and smelly sidekicks.

WANTED FOR: Giving birth to litters of stray dogs, howling at the moon and teaching each and every one of her puppies how to howl. She only obeys the park law.

NAME: What an ugly dog, goodness!

ALIAS: Iguana.

BREED: Chileansis shepherd.

ROLE IN THE GANG: In charge of security because with his appearance he scares everyone that threatens the Apocalyptic Mutts.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A dog with crooked fangs, with scabies and almost bald because of it.

WANTED FOR: Scratching himself day and night, constantly scaring the neighbors for looking like a giant iguana, and leading a campaign against the use of bags to pick up dog’s poop. He only obeys the park law.


C957l Cruz Valdivieso, Nicolás, 1981-.

Leo-León : las asombrosas aventuras de un perro campeón / Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso ; ilustraciones de Ernesto Guerrero. –- 1a. ed. -– Santiago de Chile : Pehuén, 2018.

44 p. : il. col. ; 14 x 22 cm. –- (Infantil)

ISBN: 978-956-16-0778-1

1. Cuentos infantiles chilenos. 2. Perros – Literatura infantil. I. t. II. Guerrero, Ernesto, 1979-, il.

© Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso

© Ernesto Guerrero de las ilustraciones

© Pehuén Editores S.A.

Brown Norte 417, Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile

+56 2 2795 71 31 - 32



Inscripción Nº 283.136

ISBN 978-956-16-0778-1

Primera edición de 2.000 ejemplares, enero de 2018

Edición al cuidado de Marcela López O.


Alexandra Niehaus D.

Derechos reservados para todos los países.

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Leo- LIO n


Illustrated by Ernesto Guerrero Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso

This is the story of Leo, a poodle as white as snow that looked as if he was made out of popcorn. He had a pompom as a tail, and large ears that fell upon his eyes, just like feather pillows. He was the love and pride of his human mother, Loreto. They lived together in her apartment, and she brushed his fur and teeth. —You are lovely, Leo! My beloved poodle! —Loreto used to say, and he tried to smile at her with his teeth full of toothpaste foam.


Some evenings, Loreto took him to Fifi’s Salon, where cheerful brown skinned women applied the latest beauty and animal care products, until his hair shined like summer sun. Leo liked to be among dogs, even if they were forced to stay still while the women washed them and sang, and then they were put in small tubs to bathe them.

Leo owed his name to Leonardo di Caprio, Loreto’s other lover. He still remembers the night the actor won the Oscar. —Finally, you won! you handsome man! I love you, Leonardooo! —screamed at the woman while jumping in her bedroom. Leo barked crazily around the TV. His mother laughed and cried at the same time. “Mothers are not meant to be understood, but love”, thought Leo, and he went back to sleep, one of his favorite activities to get rid of boredom.

The dog spent his days with his neck through the balcony railing to see how the dogs and children played at the park while he waited for Loreto to come from work. When he heard the clicking of her heels getting closer in the corridors, clack, clack, clack, his heart sped up while he jumped and barked. “Ssssh!” Loreto said at the other side so that his barking would not bother the neighbors.


—Hello, my puppy!!! —She greeted taking him in her arms, and he licked her face, happy because she was back.

Leo was an apartment dog, he almost never went out, unless it was for the hairdresser and at night when he had to relieve himself. When he came across another dog, Loreto pulled his leash and lifted him up, out of fear of being bitten. —Just this once, let me play! Just for a while! —He pleaded, while hanging, a bit choked up and embarrassed, because he knew the other dogs did not want to bite him, but to sniff him, chase each other, and maybe become friends.

In his dreams, Leo went out without a collar or a leash, not even a harness. In the park he smelled the other dogs while shaking the pompom he had as a tail, they barked until they were voiceless, they chased around and played for hours. But when he was awake, the further he went was the dark staircase of the building, where Demon, the fat and wild cat that belonged to his neighbor, awaited to show him his sharp claws, his fur bristling like the devil, ready to strike him.

—The stairs are mine, loser! —Meowed the cat, while he ran at high speed to hide in the apartment.


Now he had to think twice before leaving when the door was half open.

One night, Loreto and Leo came back from the park when he heard at a long distance—thanks to his developed sense of hearing— a strange conversation from inside a rundown car that had the name “The Shark” written on the side. —Look there, by the traffic light, it’s a small and pricey dog! —shouted a squeaky voice. Leo stared straight at the car, inside where three men. —Our favorites! —said the second man. —Look at that shiny fur. Clearly, it is washed and brushed at Fifi’s Salon— said the third one. — Speed up before we lose it! —yelled the squeaky voice of the apparent boss.

Leo saw the car speeding up. The engine sounded like a drum-set made of cans, the rim of the wheels and the metal parts of the car seemed to dance while it approached them. It was the scary gang of the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves, from which he heard on the morning talk show that day. Leo barked desperately. —What happened, sweetheart? —Loreto asked, surprised. —It’s the feared gang of the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves gang! —he said, howling and kicking in the air. Loreto did not understand and kept waiting by the traffic lights. When he turned around, Leo saw Dough Face, the leader and


founding member of the terrible four-legged criminal organization, who had half of his body outside the window, smiling with his yellowish teeth.

His cap turned to the side emphasizing his huge brows, nose, and mouth. —You are mine, you small and pricey dog! —screamed Dough face at Leo with his squeaky voice, taking him with his strong arms. Suddenly, Dough Face pulled him inside “The Shark” and left his mother sitting on the street watching how they got away. —Help! They have stolen my beloved poodle! —Screamed Loreto inconsolably.

—Bravo, pals! —cheered Dough Face. —We are the best dog thieves in the country! —shouted Diamond in the Rough. —No one escapes us! — yelled Fat Marcelo. Then, they chanted a song that they sang after every robbery —We are the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves! We are number one! The cheekiest kings! We are the Small and Pricey Dogs Thieves! And for stealing your pet we have no shame! Leo cried, but his howls were barely heard. The Small and Pricey Dog Thieves gang carried along at full speed. Diamond in the Rough, who had a chewed hat with a diamond patch on his head, took Leo by the skin of his neck and put him close to his face. From sheer fright, Leo shut up and looked at him with fearful eyes.


The dog thief brought him closer to his nose. Once near, he smelled him from head to toes with his eyes closed. —What a fragrant dog! I bet two dollars that he goes to Fifi’s Salon— challenged Diamond, taking out his hat and throwing 2 bills inside. —I accept the bet. No one knows more about dog salons than I do— claimed Dough Face and threw 2 dollars inside the hat. Then he took Leo and smelled him from head to toe with a focused gaze, looking up to the sky just like wine tasters do.

—Undoubtedly, this dog was bathed at The Greased Dog Salon. Fat Marcelo, still driving and speeding up, took Leo in the air and sniffed him with the face of an expert. —I think he is a client of Atomic Pets— he said after smelling him thoroughly. Then, the radio played “You’ll never catch me”, the latest hit of the criminal music band The Resellers of

Rhythm, which made the gang of The Small and Pricey Dog Thieves dance joyfully. Leo never would have thought that the first time he had been sniffed would be like that, so he closed his eyes without even barking.

When he woke up, he was inside a cage. He opened his eyes and he saw other dogs at his sides, and a few more dogs beyond them.

They were surrounded by Chihuahuas, toy Fox terriers, medium size poodles, miniature poodles, Pekigneses, and even a Prague ratter, all of them small and pricey dogs. —Who are you? Where are you from? Which breed are you? —asked the other dogs barking at the same time. The walls of the fenced warehouse were dirty and it smelled like a dirty dog.

—Where are we? —Leo asked a French bulldog that was lying on the cell next to him. —What does it matter if we are never leaving here? Our king’s lives are over— barked the bulldog with apathy. —Where are we, buddy? —Leo asked a pug that was on the other side doing jumping jacks. —At the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves hideout. We are held here while we wait for them to sell us to new owners. I want to be in shape, so I will be chosen among the first ones. Have you seen something sexier than a fit dog? —asked the athletic pug.


Leo howled in a heartbreaking way when he realized he would not see his mom again. The chihuahuas, toy fox terriers, medium size poodles, miniature poodles, Pekigneses and even the Prague ratter howled in choir after him. —Don’t cry, if one of us starts the rest cannot stop. And at the end we don’t know why we began. It is better to exercise to keep the mid full— said the pug doing push-ups against the floor of his cage.

In one of the offices of the Canine Animals Crime Precinct, Loreto made a report with Sergeant Misfortune, the chief of the subdivision of theft and traffic of small and pricey dogs. I demand you to search everywhere for Leo, my beloved poodle! —said Loreto. —There is a rash of robberies of small and pricey dogs, lady. In the last few weeks there have been thefts of chihuahuas, toy fox terriers, medium size poodles, miniature poodles, Pekingeses, and even a Prague ratter! All of our investigations point at the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves gang as the culprits. Or maybe it is the Big and Exotic Dog Thieves gang... We are not very sure. Tonight, we will begin our search without fail, or maybe tomorrow, but there’s a chance it is the day after tomorrow. For sure, it will be before next week. I hope our car has gas so we won’t have a


breakdown when we do the search. That would be a real misfortune! —said Sergeant Misfortune, and Loreto sighed upset.

At the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves hideout, the dogs kept barking to a hilt, until the door threatened to open. Dough Face pushed with so much strength to enter through the door, that the door came back hitting him right on the nose. —Ouch! —he cried and entered the place a little blinded. —What is going on, squeaky dogs! —he screamed while touching his pained nose. Dough Face stopped in front of Leo. —You are the one causing such ruckus, small and pricey dog?


When Leo got close to the bars, he hit the door with a stick. The poodle jumped backwards and he cowered in the corner of the cell, scared and covering his eyes with his paws. —Hahaha! These tiny dogs are such scaredy-cats— Said Dough Face cackling.

When they were alone in the dark again, the dogs heard a creak and they saw amazed how the bars of Leo’s cage opened. They froze before the magical event, Dough Face’s stick broke the lock.

—Snowflake, get me out! —barked the chihuahua.

—Get me out, Whitey! —howled the toy fox terrier.

—Me first! I knew that we would be best friends since you came here! —squeaked the Prague ratter.

That night, Leo stayed awake, listening carefully to every movement of the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves gang. They played cards and drank beyond the door. —I bet two of those small brown dogs for two small white dogs! —Shouted Dough Face. —Okay! I added the Prague ratter! —answered Diamond in the Rough. —Give me more wine! —yelled Fat Marcelo inebriated.

Only when there wasn’t any more noise in the hideout, Leo opened the cage carefully. He tip-toed through the corridor and pushed the door, that put resistance. —Use all of your weight— whispered the pug, inflating his muscles. Leo pushed against the door, which finally opened. He stuck out his head, the table was full of empty bottles and Dough Face, Diamond in the Rough and Fat Marcelo slept soundly.

An ace hung from the last one’s hand. —This is my chance— said Leo to himself and he walked quickly. The hideout’s door was open. Because he was rushing, he touched a bottle with his tail, and it rolled on the floor. The Small and Pricey Dog Thieves woke up from their drunken state, and they realize Leo was trying to escape. —Caught in the act, small dog!— shouted Dough Face getting in his


way. —Come here, popcorn— said Diamond in the Rough approaching his side. —I have fancy food for you— said Fat Marcelo approaching his other side. Leo gathered up courage and began running to the door.

Diamond in the Rough and Fat Marcelo jumped to catch him, but he dodged them, which made their heads collide, and they ended up holding each other on the floor. Dough Face ran at him, but Leo slipped and passed between his legs, making a small hole that left him on the floor and as folded as a snake’s fart, after a weird twist. The dogs barked crazily from their cages—Leo! Leo! Leo!

Leo left the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves hideout behind. Outside, the night was dark and cold, the street lights barely lit up the streets. The poodle walked close to the wall, feeling like with every step he got closer to the unknown. A long howl made him tremble and the noise of sirens made his blood run cold. The shadows of trees looked menacing and he even saw a pair of bats flying. The sound of loose metal from the Shark alerted him, his escape had not finished. He hid inside a bush that scratched him with its twigs but allowed him to be invisible to the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves when they passed by him. —I want


you to bring me that small and pricey dog, now! I’ve never smelled a dog like that before! —he heard Dough Face yelling so loudly that he almost broke the Shark’s windows.

—I can’t be so unlucky! —said Leo to himself, after leaving his hiding spot, and he realized he was being followed, again. It wasn’t Dough Face and his lackeys, his stalkers were silent, their shadows hid as soon as he turned around. He walked quivering to a park, where he felt the heavy breathing of a pack of ferocious dogs that were behind him. Leo ran with all of his power trying to escape, but he crashed into a tree that appeared out of nowhere. The shapes of sharp teeth surrounded him, meanwhile the poodle made himself small, like a snowball, or a ball of white yarn, waiting for the worst. The dogs lifted their snouts to the sky and howled. —It is dangerous for an apartment dog to be alone here— said the one that looked like a leader, a big and furry dog that lacked an ear and had scars from different fights.

—Nice to meet you, everyone calls me Mug. We are the Apocalyptic Mutts and this is our territory. Leo tried to speak, but no bark came out. He was so scared that he couldn’t even take his paws off his eyes.

—Look at me when I speak. It was me who barked at that corner. I broke the tires. Being a mutt made


me wiser than the devil— said the dog elongating himself. Leo uncovered his eyes and looked at the pack, they were scary yet beautiful at the same time. In the face of every single one of them lived dozens of different breeds, there was fire in their eyes and their snouts smelled like fresh garbage.

—I’m Leo, and I’m lost. A cute female dog approached him. Mug looked at her. —These are my mates, Empress, our fierce and loyal guide. Mother of liters and liters of mutts. The flirty mutt barked as a greeting. —He is Iguana, meadow’s biggest fear, faithful and brave like no other— said Mug pointing to a dog that had almost no hair because of scabies. Iguana sniffed him while moving his tail, and he scratched desperately with his hind legs. —And Nape Eater, the best fighter and sniffer I’ve ever met—said Mug, pointing to a skinny and bony dog with bulging

eyes. —The worst that could happen to you with us is that you could get fleas or scabies—he told Leo. —Get what? —asked the poodle. The Apocalyptic Mutts laughed.

After returning from the Canine Animals

Crime Precinct, Loreto began to make posters with the cutest picture she had of Leo to distribute on the street, and to stick them on lamp-posts and trees. She missed her dear poodle with all her heart. —If that wimp Misfortune does not bring him back, I will do it myself! —she promised with tears in her eyes.

Leo enjoyed the freedom with the intensity of those who experienced it for the first time. He spent his days playing, running, smelling with the other dogs, everything that he dreamed of doing. At night, when his eyelids were heavy with sleep, Mug told him about their lives as revolutionary mutts, who did not believe any other rule than the park law. Among the pack’s favorite things, according to Iguana, was rummaging through garbage bags, taking naps at any given time and place, barking and howling, scratching all the time and following the cars wheels, even if their lives depended on it. The thing they were most scared of were humans, because when they got mad they took it out on


them, said Empress. With the pack they protected each other from the dog pound, the drunkards, other packs, and any threat from the park, confided Nape Eater with his bulging eyes.

At the Small and Pricey Dog Thieves hideout, Dough Face could not believe what had happened. —How did you fix this lock so badly, Diamond in the Rough? Weren’t you such a great locksmith? — he asked. —Well, well I’m not... I’m a diamond in the rough, you just have to polish me more than others. Maybe in 20 more years my work would be amazing—answered Diamond. —I’ve never seen a small and pricey dog that shines that much and has that smell... — lamented Dough Face. —Calm down, we will steal another small and pricey dog, just as shiny and with a nice smell like that one— Fat Marcelo said, trying to comfort him. —No other will be like him... — answered Dough Face. At night, the gang roamed the neighborhoods searching for Leo, listening to sad songs about long lost lovers in the Shark with the loudest volume.

Loreto handed out flyers with Leo’s face before and after going to work. She carried a backpack full of them, and she didn’t return home until there were no more flyers left. —If I wait for that wimp Misfortune to move, I will never find him! —she said


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