1 minute read
Geranium helps you find the true and unique path that you want to c yourself. It creates trust amongst your choices, helping you to believe in yourself and the journey you ' ve chosen. It helps you open your heart and trust others on your journey and helps you attract the right people into your life that will help you find your truth and create your abundant dreams. It’s great for those times when your logical doubt steps in and tries to pull you away from your manifestations and believing in the abundant life you can create. It encourages warmth and trust in your heart and allows this trust to spread to your mind, restoring faith in yourself and your projections so you can create the life you desire. It helps us see that there are lessons in life and it allows us to learn from them while keeping our hearts soft and our minds open to all the possibilities that life hands us and that we can create. This oil is an emotional healer and helps you to trust that good things are coming and there's good out there in the world, reminding us to stay focussed on what we want, rather than on what we don't want.