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Clary Sage is a wonderful oil for calling in abundance as it stretches your spiritual v your creativity pour out of you, helping you to visualise what it is you want in life - but more than that, it allows you to see the bigger picture so you can imagine how your new vision would fit into it and if it really serves your life's purpose. It helps you to really get down and personal with your spirit, which allows you to genuinely understand the power within you and who you really are, bringing those magical parts that often lie hidden into the light, so you can allow yourself to shine and attract greatness. It's good for making you aware of what you ' re saying to yourself and helping you to eliminate any negative self-talk that might be lowering your vibrations. It can open your mind to the truth and to new ideas and show you a new positive way to view your life and even help you attain the life you want, because nothing has to hold you back, especially negative thoughts and self-beliefs which don't serve you. With manifestation it's important to stay focussed on what it is you want to achieve and never falter from that vision. Clary Sage helps you keep the image in your mind's eye, gain perspective and helps you shift into a growth mindset and away from one of scarcity and lack. Once you have a better understanding of your truth and your character, you'll be able to recognise your divine purpose and what it is you have to do to reach it, and then your desire will become so strong that nothing will be able to stop you. Clary Sage helps you create new ideas and clear the blocks so you can actually manifest those ideas if they truly serve you. It also encourages you to be open to new ideas and to understand what limiting beliefs are holding you back. If something is holding you back, use Clary Sage to help you find your gratitude again and to obliterate any distractions that are in your mind that are holding you back from what you want to achieve. Breathe in abundance and breathe out those low vibrations and limiting beliefs, so nothing gets in your way when it comes to bringing your visions and dreams from the spiritual world into reality.