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Patchouli is a manifesting oil, which helps you take your amazing ideas manifest them physically. It enables you to connect both the spirit and body together so they can work in unison which will allow you to physically manifest your dreams and visions. It grounds the spirit and your ideas into the body, bringing all its magic with it. When we bring our ideas from the spirit world into the physical world they become easier to manifest. It helps you take responsibility for putting your knowledge into action. It's all very well knowing something, but you need to take that knowledge and do something with it. This oil will help you take inspired action in working towards your manifestations and develop a deeper appreciation of the abundance you already have, thus helping you attract more. It's a grounding and stabilising oil that will help bring you into the present moment. It allows us to take time to rest and to go into ourselves to find inspiration and truth so we can manifest what our heart, mind and spirit truly desire when working as a whole together. This is THE most important oil when turning your dreams into reality.

Lime is an exceptional oil for gratitude. It will help you appreciate ev little things in life and fill your heart and soul with gratitude. You will feel thankful for all the things in your life - no matter how small, and everyone around you too, allowing you to see the best in them and appreciate them for who they are, and not for who you expect them to be. The appreciation you feel for life will bring joy to your heart and give you a real zest for life, clearing all negativity and discouragement and encouraging the heart to grow and change in a positive direction. It will make you smile, laugh and elevate you to a higher place, raising your vibrations even further which will help you attract an abundance of what serves you best on your incredible life journey. It will energise you and cleanse negativity from your life and connect you to the depths of your soul, allowing your best version to appear with a balanced heart and mind. Adding Lime to a blend can help to circulate it through the entire body, spreading it to all the organs and meridians. Let your inner warrior emerge and embrace the positive changes that Lime will bring to your life!