1 minute read
100g Beeswax
100g Coconut Oil
Glass Jar
Candle Wick
10 drops Cinnamon Bark
10 drops Geranium
30 drops Wild Orange
20 drops Frankincense
Sea Salt Coarse Grain
Mica powder to add colour if required. We suggest green for abundance, but you can choose any colour you like. Y O U ' L L N E E D M E T H O D
Crystal - Citrine, Clear Quartz, Tigers
Eye, Jade, Green Aventurine
Dry Herbs & Flowers - Choose from Cinnamon Sticks, Basi, Cloves, Bay Leaves, Peppermint Coins
You can add as many crystals, herbs and flowers as you like, just let your creativity guide you
Add water in a pan and bring to the boil, make a double boiler by adding a glass or metal bowl, allowing the base to sit in the water approximately 2 cm but not touch the bottom of the pan
Gently melt the beeswax and coconut oil mixture, stirring it as it melts. Cut the candle wick to the desired length and using hot glue or melted wax, stick it to the centre of your glass jar
Stabilise the wick by wrapping it around a pencil and balancing it across the jar to keep the wick central and upright.
Once the wax is melted add a teaspoon of mica powder and mix well if you want to colour your candle
Take the wax off the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes, add the oils and stir them in gently.
Gently pour 95% of the wax in your jar leaving 2cm at the top for the topping and remaining wax Allow to set for several hours, saving 5% of the wax for the topping
Once your candle has set, re-melt the remaining 5% of your wax and gently pour it onto your candle.
Add your selected crystals, coins, herbs and flowers into the melted wax and sprinkle some salt
Allow to set fully and trim the wick.
Let your candle sit for a further 24hrs before lighting.
Use this beautiful manifestation candle to light up your world and call in what you truly desire and what will serve your life's journey.
Be creative and add colours, herbs, crystals, coins etc to it to help you attract abundance. Light it while you ' re manifesting or while you ' re saying your affirmations or meditating.
When you have finished and are blowing it out, remember to say thank you to the universe, as showing gratitude is a huge part of manifesting and it will help raise your vibrational level.