1 minute read


3 Tea Bags

1 cup fresh Lemon Juice


3 tablespoons Honey

1 drop Bergamot

3 drops Wild Orange

Add the teabags to a heatproof jug and add 4 cups of boiling water and allow to steep for 4 minutes then remove the teabags.

Lemon and Orange Slices for garnish if desired. Y O U ' L L N E E D M E T H O D

Stir in the honey while the tea is still hot to allow it to melt.

Once cooled, stir in the lemon juice, Wild Orange and Bergamot.

Pour over ice and garnish with lemon and orange slices if desired.

Do you seek assurance that you ' re on the right path? Take a time out and enjoy this cool refreshing drink while you clear your mind and take some relaxing deep breaths. Enjoy the stillness and let yourself be reassured that everything is going to work out the way that is right for you. The Bergamot and Wild Orange will uplift you, giving you the confidence to continue on your journey with joy and trust. E X P E R I E N C E

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