VMH Magazine - October/November 2014

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Vikki Marie Hankins Magazine!

Stephanie Moore Stars Are Her Books

Vikki Hankins !

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Moving to the Next Level


SPECIAL:! ! Chick-fil-A Founder


Andrea NelsonRoyes

Integrity, ! Principles, ! Spirituality

Children & Education


! Step-by-Step Tips on Conducting Effective Business Meetings

Oct./Nov. 2014


Photography by: Vikki Hankins

“We all know that the scoreboard of any business is the profit it produces. Without profit, we cannot take care of our employees, our families, or contribute to the betterment of our communities. !

! ! !

The question is: !

! ! !

How do we balance the pursuit of profit and personal character? For me, I find that balance by applying Biblical principles. I see no conflict between Biblical principles and good business practice.�!

! ! ! ! !

S. Truett Cathy!


Founder, Chick-fil-A" Billionaire





! by Vanisca Ford (Columnist)! ! Change Isn’t Always a Bad Thing !


I count it a "privilege" to have been a contributor for FSM, and am equally excited about being a part of the new VMH Magazine.! Eckhart Tolle once said, “Some changes look negative on the surface; but, you’ll soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” ! With that being said, I offer our faithful supporters these words of wisdom: Be encouraged, EVERYTHING in life happens according to God's purpose and plan. Yes, even those things that don’t make sense to us (at the time); requiring change. ! WHY? Because change isn’t always a bad thing, it could simply be an external shifting and/or placement; repositioning you to receive something better.! As a rule of thumb, if we keep God as our "guide" in ALL that we do, He'll help us navigate through every unfamiliar and unforeseen twist and turn of life; causing us to end up in the Right Place at the Right Time. ! God’s word promises to "Never leave us....nor forsake us." He promises that "He'll supply ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory." And you know that our Father is super-duper rich right? Therefore, making our part simple, ONLY BELIEVE!! In fact, God loves us soooooooo much that sometimes He'll trump our plans for His plans, just so we don't miss our appointed time. And this VMH transition is one of those times.! So let’s rally behind our editor and chief, Vikki M. Hankins to make this her best publication ever. She’s already proven herself strong in having the ABILITY to reach unimaginable goals…so, here is just another OPPORTUNITY; re-positioning her journalism’s posture for another level. ! I’m certain that you can expect a rejuvenated and renewed masterpiece, strategically created through God's GRACE; offering undeserved and unmerited Favor, making it “marvelous" in all of our eyes.! Through your thoughts and prayers please help me lift Vikki M. Hankins up; reminding her that the "Best Is Yet to Come!”!


Continual Blessings,
 Ms. Vanicsa!


12! Conducting Good Business Meetings!


By Joel D. Levitt!


Vikki H. Media

Editor-in-Chief! Vikki Hankins

Journalists Morgan Amos

Kimberly Moore


Columnists! Vanisca Ford

Suzette Hinton

Garry L. Jones


Contributor (Visiting)! Joel D. Levitt

Photography! Sherman Hankins

Vikki Hankins

Garry L. Jones

! !

Follow Us:

Photo Credit: iStock

Cover Photography by Garry L. Jones

8. Obedience vs. Sacrifice by Garry L. Jones! Retired Lieutenant Garry L. Jones shares his opinions, actions and rationale on President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the criminal justice system.!

! 14. Stephanie Moore - Passion, books & Education by Morgan Amos


She’s a wife, mother, member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc., author, motivational speaker, and community activist who is passionate about helping children reach their full potential.

30. Tribute to S. Truett Cathy - Founder of Chick-fil-A by Vikki Hankins Cathy built one of the nation's largest family-owned companies as Chick-filA reached $5 billion in annual sales in 2013

32. 100 lbs Down: A Lifestyle Change No Dieting, Takia Easley by Kimberly Moore Once weighing 267 lbs and wearing a size 24, Takia Easley reached her breaking point. Her Incredible 100 lb Weight Loss Story

!34. Behind the Scenes Photography! !The Art of Photography with Nicole Bice-Bey

Food For Thought:


The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. 6

Interior Design Showcase: Siren O.M.


A Conversation with Tamara Davis, Owner of Diva 4 Life Entertainment by Morgan Amos

A Private Look Into Elegance and Grace


! 26

Notes in Humility

! ”I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.”

! !

~Oprah Winfrey “Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.”


~William Temple


OBEDIENCE VS. SACRIFICE Continued Service in Justice !

!During the morning hours of September 25, 2014, SecreCommentary by Garry L. Jones

tary of State Colin Powell said on the Bill Maher program (during the morning hours) that mass incarceration was caused by the Rockefeller drugs. No duh!!! In case you don’t know what the Rockefeller Drug law means let me explain. On May 8th, 1973, is when Governor Nelson Rockefeller signed his eponymous drug laws, implementing a policy regiment of criminalization and marking the start of America’s unparalleled race to incarcerate. Why did it take 40 years for the government to correct a failed system? Nevertheless President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder did some major correction in that area.


Later on in that same day (September 25, 2014) I find out that Attorney General Holder is resigning. What in the hell is going on. Is Colin Powell getting ready to take his position?


My career began with the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 1991 as an officer; subsequently I was promoted to a Senior Lieutenant. The prison population was rising like crazy and the mandatory sentencing guidelines for low grade, mostly drug offenders were causing the population to increase. I said the Government is going to go broke trying to incarcerate citizens that need drug treatment centers and counseling, versus imprisonment.


In some states it’s costing a total of $30,000 each year to incarcerate 1 inmate with a 25 years to life prison sentence. You perform the math; you’ll distinguish why the Federal Bureau of Prison was sucking up most of the Department of Justice Budget. Prisons were still being established and I know why.


When Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th President of the United States on that beautiful fall night I was listening to his acceptance speech, I caught what most people ignored; the President stated he wanted to reform the Justice Department. The President had already put the wheels in motion to reform the Justice department. Last year the President put Attorney General Eric Holder in charge to launch key sentencing reform. He did a great job and the Department of Justice prison budget has been cut. Based on the lack of logical thinking, it is clear the prison system was never meant to rehabilitate people who had broken the laws. It was meant to be another form of slavery.


Case in Point: It’s great that the inmates are learning job skills while in prison, but when they are released from prison

are they able to utilize their skills to help themselves? The answer is ‘no’ because they are not given a chance in the real world and they end back in the deadly revolving door cycle call recidivism.


This is just my opinion on this matter; I believed whole heartedly that what I'm speaking about is dead on target. The majority of the public does not realize how many products that are created in the prison system and the inmates are working for pennies on a dollar. I think once a person commits a crime, they should be punished in one direction or another, but shouldn't be punished for life, especially for a non-violent offense; 80 percent of the federal inmate population are incarcerated for non-violent offenses.


My life would change in 1995 when I led the Special Operation Response Team into a riot because the government went back on their word. During that time, they promised the inmates that they would sign off on legislation to reduce their sentences because it was shown that minorities were over sentenced for low level drug crimes. When the government reneged that's when all hell broke loose in the prison system and the fighting began. After the fighting was over with, my life shifted. I articulated to myself, “I'm working for a system I don't believe in.”


In conclusion Attorney General Eric Holder will not lose any money for resigning and of course the President would not lose any money for making hard decisions, but I lost my money as I fought for equal justice on this very issue, but God restored me and its ironic that the President of the United States was involved in my restoration process.


Although I’m still owed $100,000 from Social Security Disability, I wrote to the President of the United States and informed him about what happened to me every bit well as sent him the documents to prove that I was a victim of speaking out on the unfairness. A year later I received a letter from the Social Security Disability Office informing me that the President of the United States wanted my case to be investigated. Before I sent my letter off I prayed to God, it would get in the right hands.


When I prayed that night I asked God to restore me some more financially. I told God I wanted to speak more and if that is not his will, then I can accept it. When I awakenedI read a devotional by my home girl Beverly Patterson-Simon called "God is always on time with his word.” The second thing I read was when I picked up my own bible and read Proverbs 11:1 The Lord detests dishonest scales, but delight in an accurate weight. What does that mean for me exactly? The scales of justice are still upside down and the Lord doesn’t like it. Later in the day, I received two calls from an organization I speak for from time to time asking me to speak to legislation on medical marijuana (another drug that caused the high incarceration rate to skyrocket); this is not a popular subject, but if I’m chosen then I will obey his will.


‘If I can have any impact, I want women to feel good about themselves and have fun with fashion.’ First Lady, Michelle Obama

Photo Credit: iStock @heckmannoleg

The Path

Photography By Sherman Hankins


7 Symptoms of Bad Meetings & What You Can Do About Them By Joel D. Levitt

The door to the meeting room opens and it’s the person who called the meeting, running 10 minutes late because the previous meeting ended late and he had to stop by his office and pick up some notes to remind him of what this meeting was about. The folks already in the room are discussing last night’s game and wondering how long the meeting is going to last. Only one person remembers getting the notes from the last meeting. And he’s the only one that has a copy of the report they’re supposed to discuss.

Does this sound or feel familiar? You’re not alone. One topic that everyone can agree on is this: meetings are often a waste of time and money. Scary meeting statistics abound. Software company Atlassian’s infographic states that U.S. businesses waste $37 billion a year. Some of that meeting time may have been wasted in your organization. What is strange is why this situation isn’t on the top of anyone’s list to get fixed. If we are wasting billions, why don’t corporations make the effort to fix the problem? Perhaps it boils down to a lack of accountability. But this is something that is entirely within our control. Here are some symptoms of bad meetings and what you can do to fix them.

Your meetings ramble on without a clear purpose. if there’s an agenda, no one follows it. Good meeting practice says that a specific agenda will almost always reduce the time wasted in a meeting. A poll of 471 management leaders noted that 90 percent of those polled attributed the failure of most meetings to a lack of advanced planning and organization. So be sure to send out an agenda before the meeting. Review the agenda at the beginning of the meeting and gain agreement to follow it. It’s also important to empower people to point out when the meeting veers off the

agenda. That way everyone can share the responsibility to keep things on track.

People are doing their own thing during the meeting – texting, talking on the phone, responding to email, carrying on unrelated conversations.

One way to avoid this is to establish ground rules that everyone agrees on before the meeting begins. These rules include removing temptation by setting limits on texting, email and phone conversations, and requiring people to listen without interrupting. Even if people have agreed in advance to these rules, they may need to be reminded of the ground rules at the beginning of the meeting or during the meeting itself if the rule-breaking is particularly egregious. Such reminding may be done by fellow members or by the meeting leader if there is one.

People show up who are not prepared. They haven’t read the report, document or spreadsheet that the meeting was about or they have not done the research they promised to do. A well-run organization holds staff members accountable for doing their jobs and keeping their promises. But real life often falls short of how we know we should operate. Holding people accountable should be part of any set of ground rules for meetings. When you distribute the agenda in advance, state clearly the preparation that is expected of each member who will participate. Even when you reiterate expectations, there may still be people who don’t think they are the people who are supposed to be prepared. In a separate setting, the meeting leader or their manager needs to state the obvious:

Meetings are places where people report on their work, share information, etc. When members fail to do what they promised, they are being disrespectful of other people’s time – those who came to the meeting in order to participate and learn what progress had been made. Not only are they being rude to coworkers – they are also creating actual economic waste of organizational resources.


There is no closure for decision-making. Decisions are discussed but nor decided. There is no agreement to support collective decisions once they are made and people continue to fight them, disavow them or bad-mouth them afterwards.

A good business process gets essential activities done with a minimum of waste. A good meeting process requires decisions or a decision that the topic be continued to the next meeting. Create the expectation that a decision will be made during the meeting and drive for consensus. If a decision still can’t be made, the decision may need to be kicked upstairs or assigned to a sub-group. Then, after everyone has their say and decisions are made, the decision needs to be supported by the entire group, even if some disagree. Otherwise the disagreements move underground and undermine the workings of all. There is one special exception: if the decision is illegal, immoral or dangerous. In such cases, dissent may be healthier for the organization in the long run than cooperating in the short run with bad decisions.

Meetings are dominated by a few talkers (not necessarily the leader) or there are knowledgeable people who never volunteer to speak up. Facilitation can improve both the process and the outcome of meetings. According to an article in the Fall 2006 issue of The Facilitator, using a skilled meeting facilitator increases the productivity of a project by 25%. Of course the magazine may have a bias, but having someone with training in meeting facilitation has the potential to improve most things. If that’s not an option, help the meeting leader develop some basic meeting facilitation skills that will help even out participation.

Meetings start and end late. Some people come late or leave before the end.

Timeliness is a matter of integrity. Here we are using the word “integrity” in the sense of being unimpaired or sound. Consider the integrity of the steel beams in a building. If one or more was missing or askew, wouldn’t the building sag or fall down? Similarly, the integrity of your work group or team is undermined when key people are missing during updates or decision-making times; it doesn’t matter why or how. They will inevitably miss important communications, updates, reframing of the issues under discussion, and waste everyone else’s time when they have to be specially brought up to date. Because they missed the original sequence of events, they may also leave the meeting with an erroneous impression of what was discussed or agreed upon. Set the expectation for timeliness in advance and then start and end the meeting on time. If you respect peoples’ schedules, they will be more likely to respect the integrity of the meeting and its objectives.

People leave meetings tired, frustrated, angry or depressed.


Your current meeting style might not be healthy for you. If your meetings include donuts, coffee, soft drinks and bagels, they may spike your blood sugar and then cause it to crash. Are your meetings longer than necessary or are they run without breaks? Or perhaps you are holding the wrong type of meeting for the particular time of day. Consider the logistics of the meeting to see if your meetings actually help or hinder the work of the organization.

With more than 30 years of management experience in the maintenance and engineering fields, Joel D. Levitt is a leading trainer of manufacturing, operational and maintenance professionals – having trained more than 15,000 maintenance leaders from 3,000 organizations in 25 countries. Since 1980, Levitt has been the president of Springfield Resources, a management consulting firm servicing clients of all sizes on a wide range of maintenance issues, and is currently the Director of International Projects at Life Cycle Engineering. Mr. Levitt is the author of 10 popular books and over 150 articles on maintenance management, as well a frequent speaker at related industry conferences. 10 Minutes a Week to Great Meetings is available in paperback and ebook from Amazon.com, www.maintenancetraining.com andwww.meetingdefender.com. 13

Stephanie Moore Passion, Books, & Education

by Morgan Amos

! Everyone meet Stephanie Perry Moore. She’s a wife, mother, member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc., author, motivational speaker, and community activist who is passionate about helping children reach their full potential. She started the Operation R.E.A.D. (Reach Every Attainable Dream) Program with her husband Derrick Moore, former NFL football player, now chaplin at Georgia Institute of Technology and her father, Dr. Franklin Perry, former Superintendent of schools in two counties in Georgia. They travel to different schools within the state of Georgia informing children of the importance of an education as well as what it means to strive for their dreams. “It’s one of those things where if we don’t stand up and encourage our children, then they’re going to fall by the wayside. If a student constantly hears you’re dumb, you can’t do it, or if they see F’s, D’s, C’s all the time, eventually

they’re going to say education isn’t for me…the goal is to motivate these kids so they can see that people care about them, that they can achieve greatness, and that they are here for a reason,” Moore said. Moore’s passion is even prevalent within her work as an author. She’s written over 60 books most of which consist of five book series like her latest release The Sharp Sisters and here bestselling series the Payton Skyy series, along with The Swoop List, which is due out in early 2015. “I love telling stories. If any person can pick them up and feel better through reading the series or book, then you know what, I’ve done something amazing.” Moore writes Young Adult book series. Some are Christian based and all are inspirational. She shared that it’s her style and something that’s worked well for her. 14

But for Moore, writing books wasn’t always what she wanted to do. While in the seventh grade, she wanted to pursue a career in film and television, and later on had the opportunity to intern for the Arsenio Hall show. It was in her 20s however that she discovered Terry McMillan’s Waiting to Exhale and Max Lucado’s He Still Moves Stones. Moore shared that she wanted to write a book that would minister to the heart, but was also a non-fiction Christian book. According to Moore, she went to the Christian bookstore and saw a section called Christian fiction but was disappointed to find that she couldn’t identify with any of the characters or titles. “I was disheartened to see covers with characters I couldn’t identify with, so I started praying and the Lord said why don’t you change it? Knowing that he would always be there, I was obedient and went back to the store another day. I got one of Janette Oke books and actually read title, and it ministered to my heart more than I thought it would,” she explained. Deciding to go back to the bookstore again, Moore discovered the Young Adult section. “I didn’t know it existed. I saw a bunch of titles from different authors and I wanted to produce something for girls that were sort of like me when I was that age, so off I started with Ms. Payton Skyy and truly never looked back or went away from writing YA.” “I’ve done some adult titles but I’m pretty much understanding that God’s given me the chance to be a YA author, and I feel a calling to want to write something that hopefully will inspire our youth.” Moore’s books feature college-aged, middle school, and high school characters. She even has books for kids in elementary school. “I’m excited to write what’s inside of me to put out and I write over all genres of YA…I truly have something for any age group as well as gender and now nationality.” When determining a storyline for her books Moore expressed that she starts with an idea, develops an outline, and just has fun taking the characters through that experience. She does admit however, that while it is fun, it can be an extensive process, but it’s good when you have an editor that knows what he or she is looking for. “It can be a tedious process, but when you find an editor that’s looking for something specific and you can meet that need then it goes a little smoother.” She shared, “Sometimes it’s the demand from the people that buy the books. They may request of a publisher to carry a specific type of series, and that’s how Lerner Publishing Group was excited about my series, The Sharp Sisters.” Moore explained that Learner had an actual non-fiction series on entrepre-

neurship for kids or teens and the schools or libraries were asking if there was a complimentary series that is fiction and deals with the same topic. Moore had what they were looking for and provided them with The Sharp Sisters series, which was released August 2014. Moore also does book tours. Currently, she is setting everything up for a fall book tour which will feature The Sharp Sisters series. The tour will take place in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. She hopes to have a book tour for the The Swoop List once its release in the spring of 2015. Moore’s books are available wherever books are sold such as amazon.com, in libraries, and even on her website www.stephanieperrymoore.com. She also plans to release book trailers for The Swoop List to get her readers excited for the upcoming series. As for advice she has for others interested in pursuing a career path similar to hers she said, “Don’t sit back and not pursue your goals and dreams; be consistent with your writing. It can be financially rewarding or it can be a penniless job. You need to understand why you are writing, who you are trying to get your work to, for, and inspire…once you know those things, you need to be relentless until you feel that book, poem, or what you have gets to who it’s for.” Moore considers herself a passionate dreamer and is happy that her books can be insightful and fun to people who read them. “I like writing books that have five in a series because if a kid reads one book and they have success just reading it, it’s a sense of accomplishment. They will want to read the next one and so forth,” she said. “Hopefully then their love for reading will transcend into math, science, social studies, as well as other literary works. Then they can feel accomplished stay in school and reach their dreams.” When asked what is a piece of advice that is most memorable to her she said, “I wanted to do television and film, and I still haven’t and God is making me okay with that. I was once told that, ‘Reach for the moon, for even if you miss you will be amongst the stars.’” “I have learned that finding success in the stars is a spectacular place to be. For me, the stars are my books. They are going to be a legacy I’ll have to leave and I am proud of the work I’ve done because it’s just been a labor of love I pray bless many.”


Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n Stephanie Moore visit: www.stephanieperrymoore.com


Dancing on the Stars Johnny & Belinda Ross


An Elegant Home


“The fulfillment is believing in something, finding purpose, and moving on that without fear. Whatever it is that you’re doing let it not be about benefiting yourself, let it benefit others in the process and somehow through your actions people are able to see that God is real.”!

Vikki Hankins


“I describe myself as strong-minded because no matter what someone else says to me, advises me to do, or says how I should be, I use my own mind to make decisions.”

! Vikki Hankins ! Publisher, Editor-in-Chief of VMH Magazine, Author, Speaker

Photography by: Garry L. Jones

Past, Present, & Future A Candid Look into the World of Editor-in-Chief

Vikki Hankins With only $3 in her pocket, Vikki Hankins would go on to create an inspiring, motivating, and uplifting magazine known as F.I.N.E. Success Magazine. In its two year span of being in publication, F.I.N.E. Success Magazine featured prominent figures on its covers, including but not limited to Multi-Millionaire Harris Rosen - Rosen Hotels & Resorts, Former Wrestlers Marc Mero and Diamond Dallas Page, Award-Winning Journalist Arthel Neville, Grammy Nominated Producers Marc Gordon of LeVert & LEVERT II and Grammy Nominated Producer Drumma Boy. In addition, the magazine has also highlighted significant issues surrounding health (mental and physical), education, political and matters related to social justice. However, for Hankins arriving at this stage wasn’t easy. She explained that she was able to start F.I.N.E. Success Magazine after visiting The Experience Christian Center for the first time located in Orlando, Florida. Her initial reason for visiting was at the advice of a friend, and as Hankins shared, she just wanted to get a piece of mind. “I went into that church and I sat in the back. I just asked God to give me a ‘piece of mind’ as to how I am going to pay my bills,” she expressed. While sitting in the church, Hankins explained that she was able to release a lot of emotions and even felt compelled to give God something. “I took one of the three dollars and dropped it into the basket at the church. I was on my way back to my seat, and the people sitting at the front of the church were trying to get my attention and told me that the pastor of the church wanted me.” According to Hankins, while standing at the front of the church, all she remembers is the pastor saying something to the affect of giving her $500. Shortly thereafter, the pastor calling upon 50 members of the church to come up

by Morgan Amos

where they each gave $10. When she left the church, Hankins had enough money not only to pay her bills, but she was also able to start F.I.N.E. Success Magazine. Hankins believes that during that time it was no one but God who helped her through that rough patch. “I really wanted to do something for people. I was determined regardless of my financial backing or lack thereof to go forward and not necessarily knowing all the details. Looking back on that, I just saw God in that because there’s no way in my mind that a person could only have $3 and things develop, the connections, and the people I was able to meet.” The very first issue of F.I.N.E. Success Magazine featured songstress Conya Doss on the cover. Hankins was able to land this interview thanks in part to her previous work with New York based magazine, Bronze Magazine. Deciding she wanted to feature and interview Doss for her own magazine, Hankins asked her former editor-in-chief if she could. Needless to say her editor-in-chief agreed. The coverage of Doss coupled with a friend on Facebook (Martha Samasoni) landed Hankins the opportunity of having member of the R&B group Levert, Marc Gordon grace the cover. “Each of these people have their legacies, brands, and there were people who were just coming in; it seemed to me there was a need for photographers to be able to place their work, journalists to be able to interview, along with others being able to showcase their talent or tell their stories,” Hankins expressed. “It just developed and it kept going. The people I’ve been able to speak with and meet frankly in my mind I feel I shouldn’t because it didn’t start with that, but developed into that so I think that’s miraculous; it’s a small miracle to me.”



The purpose and motivation behind F.I.N.E. tage of that in my opinion by using my abilities for Success Magazine is to motivate, inspire, uplift, and illegal and monetary gain and that area impacted highlight significant issues as previously mentioned, me,” she expressed. while also providing a While Hankins is platform for people to grateful for the teachings share their stories with the that being a Jehovah’s hope that it will inspire or Witness provided her, she motivate someone else. realizes that it also supAnd this is what Hankins pressed her as an individis all about. She shared, ual. “I no longer wanted to “ Vi k k i H a n k i n s i s a be a part of that organizawoman who aims to intion because looking back, spire, help people to unI now realize that I would derstand their purpose, never have the opportunity and also how they can to know who I truly am enjoy a more productive such as gifts, talents, or life while having fun.” She how I could attribute to continued, “Vikki Hankins other people’s lives in difenjoys doing for people, ferent ways had I rewhich is making them mained a Jehovah’s Witlook and feel good, makness.” ing them know yes you Not only did her can when they feel that troubles with the law afthey possibly can’t.” fect her, Hankins also had Hankins credits to deal with the unfortuher upbringing specifinate death of her mother. cally her mother, for proHankins’ mother commitviding her with the nected suicide. “When I wrote “…type of person who’s not afraid to shift ” essary tools needed to Trauma and Trauma II, I navigate throughout life. didn’t realize I had so She was raised Jehovah’s Witness and remained many suppressed emotions as a result from a that way until 25 years. “Starting out with my tragedy in my life, my mother’s suicide. I didn’t background, my lifestyle, and how I was raised, realize that I hadn’t dealt with that, that I was my mother was the one in terms of my principles, traumatized from it,” she expressed. Hankins exmy ethics, and even my spirituality…had it not plained that she was able to release her emotions been for the foundation she gave me I would not through writing. have survived the journey that I ended up with in Despite the battles that Hankins faced, she my life.” was able to persevere, and today is moving forUltimately, Hankins journey was not withward. One of the ways she is doing that is by reout its obstacles. Surrounding herself with the vamping the magazine. “I believe F.I.N.E. Success wrong group of people caused her to have some has served its purpose. What I wanted to do has run-ins with the law which impacted her greatly. been done; I think it’s a spring board for some“Going forward in my life, I ran into some troubles thing new.” That something new consists of workand I also ran into some people who were a direct ing on a new talk show, being asked to speak in impact to the troubles that I ran into, and the reaTrinidad about her work as an author, publisher, son why I say direct impact is because those her travels and more, as well as a new magazine around me were able to see my skills, talents, gifts publication platform for the readers and guests. and my drive more than I was able to see it.” “ I “I’m the type of person who’s not afraid to shift to was 18 or 19 years old and so they took advansee what needs to take place,” she said.


“Life is like a boat in the sea. When the sea is rough, the only way to keep your boat moving forward is to keep rowing.�

Part of that shifting includes addressing a letter she received from another publication, SUCCESS Magazine asking that she discontinue F.I.N.E. Success Magazine because it is infringing upon their magazine by using the word ‘success’. Hankins was adamant about not discontinuing her magazine and stated, “I replied to them [SUCCESS Magazine], and let them know I’m not infringing on their trademark. People can differentiate between F.I.N.E. Success Magazine and Success Magazine. Our logos are different, our taglines are different, and I have F.I.N.E. in front of success which is an acronym for ForeverInspired, Never Ending.” Hankins learned that those whom she wanted to support through the use of F.I.N.E. Success Magazine advertising and marketing weren’t utilizing the platform. “Another thing is, I wanted the small business owner to have business opportunities that are at times unaffordable in mainstream media. Most look forward to an interview and to share their story, but didn’t want to necessarily invest in themselves and take advantage of the readers of F.I.N.E. Success (in essence exposure for brands).” She further expressed, “There have been a lot of people who have tried to circumvent the business side and not advertise or promote their product and are trying to get things for free and I don’t believe in that…you work for what you want, you pay for what you want…if you want your business or product to thrive, you invest in it, if you don’t believe in it, don’t do it.” Hankins refuses to let those obstacles prevent her from doing what she wants and loves. She is appreciative of her team and the recognition she’s received surrounding her efforts as a speaker and publisher. “I have an awesome team, determined people sticking in there, without pay.” As for the recognition she’s received, Hankins accepted the award for leadership and success in the publishing industry last month from the NABCJ. “Wow, someone actually awarded me for my publishing abilities and the work that I do. That was a major highlight for me. Not that I need accolades that’s not it,” she said. “I just feel that when you work hard sometimes people can take you for granted, and to know that award means appreciation, that’s good for anybody’s momentum.” The other highlight for Hankins was when F.I.N.E. Success Magazine celebrated its first year anniversary.

Hankins was happy to see all of the people there support her and the magazine. With all that Hankins has accomplished she feels that success is connected with belief and shared that when one believes in something they must act on it. “The fulfillment is believing in something, finding purpose, and moving on that without fear. Whatever it is that you’re doing let it not be about benefiting you self, let it benefit others in the process and somehow through your actions people are able to see that God is real.” She also offers some advice to inspiring entrepreneurs and authors. “Doing your research and investing in your business are the two most important things. A lot of what I see happening is people are relying solely on social platforms. Social media is powerful; it will do what it needs to do.” She continued, “But you have to network, go out to certain events, get out from behind the computer and go out and meet, talk, and interact with people. Build a relationship with people who could possibly take your business or your product to the next level.” It’s evident that Hankins has staying power. “I want to be remembered for making a way for people in one way or another; help others to truly be who they were meant to be and live free because you can, and let me show you how.” [Some time after this interview was conducted, SUCCESS Magazine won the civil action suit against F.I.N.E. Success by Default Judgement. Hankins did not have the resources to fight the case, but instead was forced to ‘stay the course’, change the name and move on.]

Publisher Vikki Hankins


Andrea Nelson-Royes

Andrea Nelson-Royes

The Importance of Reading for Children by Morgan Amos


Andrea Nelson-Royes is a wife, mother, educational researcher, and author. She’s published two books and her research has been featured in the Reading Improvement Journal and Illinois School Journal as well as within the WorldCat Library. Her core passion is reading and she feels that reading is fundamental to science, social studies, math, and every other subject that the child learns. “I always had a desire to help within the community to let children know what their resources are, and the power of words,” Nelson-Royes said. Nelson-Royes obtained her doctoral degree in educational and organizational leadership. All of the research she’s conducted has been on her Photo Courtesy of Andrea Nelson-Royes own. She shared that obtaining her research for the books and articles she’s written takes a lot of work. “I don’t teach in the educational system; I am an educational researcher, and during my research, I’ve actually gone out and conducted studies, researched online, and have gone to the library. I follow whatever avenue there is to compile my information.” As she gathered her research, Nelson-Royes found herself facing an unwanted obstacle. “One of my biggest obstacles when I was conducting my research was I was told by a prominent figure in the educational system that if my study came out showing that tutoring was effective for children that schools would be forced to offer tutoring to children. “I found it quite appalling that someone in the educational field would not want something exposed that could help children,” she expressed. In 2012, Nelson-Royes released her first book Transforming Early Learners into Superb Readers: Promoting Literacy at School, at Home, and within the Community. She explained that she wrote the book for two reasons. One, being the desire to help children and to help the parents be able to help their child understand and learn the importance of reading, and her second reason was the biggest reason of all. “One of my biggest motivations for this book was my youngest child. She struggled with learning how to read.” Nelson-Royes said she and her husband saw her daughter’s struggle and the help from her and her husband as well as with her daughter’s own motivation to improve really helped her. The motivation behind her second book released last year, Success in School and Career: Common Core Standards in Language Arts K-5 derived from her former editorial assistant along with an endorsement she received from educator Dr. Jamilah Jor’dan. Nelson-Royes is currently working on her third book Why Tutoring?: A Way to Achieve Success in School. “There is a lot of research showing that tutoring is a very powerful avenue for helping children; we need all avenues to help them,” she said. Nelson-Royes expressed that in five years she would love to continue and be an advocate within the educational field, and would love to be featured in educational learning magazines. It is clear that not only is reading a passion for Nelson-Royes, but also children having the opportunity to receive a high-quality education. She feels that in order to achieve this, it starts with the parents and from there being able to build a positive and influential relationship with your child’s teachers are important. But with the current budget cuts regarding schooling, teachers going on strike, schools closing, and so much more, it can be difficult to obtain. NelsonRoyes feels that changes need to be made to the educational system. “I think money should be allotted to schools especially in technology. There are so many different ways a child can learn, and more funding needs to go towards helping the teachers help the children so they cannot only focus on reading, but also learning other subjects,” she explained. With all that Nelson-Royes has accomplished, she said that the highlight of her career was when she published her first book. She expressed that it was a passion, a desire, and she is glad that her work can be beneficial to parents, educators, and those who utilize her material. Nelson-Royes shared a quote by Carl Jung that’s featured in her first book that she feels is powerful and that all educators should hold important within their hearts. “An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” When asked how she defines success she shared, “I define success as doing what I want to do; a passion that makes me happy and being able to give back.” If you would like to learn more about and purchase Nelson-Royes books visit www.amazon.com. 24


“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”- Philippians 4:13 This verse continues to motivate Tamara Davis to follow her passion. “I have always believed in that scripture. When you get that in your mind, you believe it and your unstoppable,” Davis shared. “No matter what people say, go after your dreams, your goals.” Davis is a musical artist and business woman also known by her stage names Tammy D or Ms. F.A.T. (Fierce And Thick). She started her own business Diva 4 Life Entertainment back in February of last year. Her business not only provides her an outlet to release her music, but also provides other plus-size women a platform to also feel confident and achieve their goals. “I target the plus-size market specifically because in actuality, women in the U.S. alone are a size 12 and over, and a size 12 is considered plus-sized…the reality is you only see a small percentage of what the U.S. looks like in mainstream media.” She continued, “Everyone is not getting butt injections or liposuction to make their selves look like a made up Barbie Doll. There’s women out here that’s comfortable in their own skin…I accept the way I am. I do promote healthy eating and living; it’s just a reality Tamara Davis! that not everyone is going to be a size two…I would Owner,! like to see a more inclusive resemblance in mainDiva 4 Life stream media which is one reason that has driven me Entertainment to start my own company.” Some of the ways Davis does this is by hosting events one of which is called Stilettos and Curves located in Atlanta, Georgia. She is also currently working on a fashion show as well as a fitness expo called Sneakers and Curves. As for her music, Davis has two singles available called Ms. F.A.T. and Diva 4 Life, which you can hear on m.soundcloud.com, and shared that she is currently in the works of putting together an album, which will feature something she likes to call “popspirational” music, pop music with an inspirational message behind it. Davis got her start in the entertainment business as a junior in college interning for Radio One which is located in Atlanta. “I did an internship with one of the radio stations here in Atlanta which is Hot 107.9. I interned in their marketing and promotions department where I gained a lot of knowledge,” she said. As an intern, Davis did street promotions, helped with concerts, as well as live broadcasts. This internship eventually landed her full-time employment with Radio One in their research department. Working in their research department also landed Davis the opportunity to help and launch the syndicated television network TV One. “We reached out to different people and gathered information of what typeof shows they would want to bring back and see on an African-American channel.” Davis explained that after the information was collected, TV One was started from that. Davis attended Clark Atlanta University where she obtained her B.S. in management. She said that she always knew she had a niche for marketing and promotions. But even with this passion and experience she had gained while working, she decided to take a break from the entertainment business. According to Davis, she worked in banking for about seven to ten years. Still, she expressed that she felt a void and decided in 2010 to leave her job in banking and move out to California where her sister was also living at the time. “I had the Hollywood bug for a second and wanted to explore my options as far as getting back into entertainment.” It was in California where Davis got into acting and plus-sized modeling. She shared that while in California she registered with different casting companies and was promoting herself as a plus-sized model. “When you promote yourself in that light, there are not a lot of roles that are available that fits my description.” Davis expressed that she was fortunate enough to receive a call from an agency that was looking for plus-sized models to cast in entertainment artist and comedian, Nick Cannon’s video “Famous”. “I was excited for the opportunity. It was great exposure,” she said. Davis explained that “Famous” was a comical video and featured herself, another plus-sized model, comedian Luenell, and Nick Cannon in a scene. Davis explained that her experience on set with the crew was nice, but there was an incident with one of the make-up artist. Davis shared that when it came time to do her make-up for the scene, the make-up artist working with her wasn’t using make-up that fit her skin complexion and when the make-up artist went to the person in charge on set informing her of this, Davis was told that she didn’t have a choice. “That was the first time I was like wow, another 26

woman telling me you don’t have a choice. I knew then that even though I am getting this opportunity, there’s more work to be done as far as promoting equality within the industry regardless of size, regardless of sex or race…I just knew I had a long road ahead of me,” she said. That long and painful road also involved the unfortunate death of her twins. “It was a life changing circumstance. I became pregnant with twins and throughout my pregnancy experienced complications.” Davis’ twins were born prematurely and died shortly after they were born. “I was looking forward to having children, excited, and had embraced it, but I guess God saw fit for a different plan to happen for me,” she expressed. It was during this devastating time that Davis found the courage to audition for comedian and actress Mo’Nique’s show called Mo’Nique’s F.A.T. (Fabulous and Thick) Chance, which would be televised on Oxygen Network. Davis auditioned, but didn’t make it on the show. However, the opportunity she received to speak with Mo’Nique personally had a lasting impact on her. Davis explained that her and Monique were both pregnant with their twins around the same time, and auditioning for her show would not only provide her with the opportunity to share her story, but to also meet one of her favorite comedians. In addition to meeting celebrities like Nick Cannon, Luenell, as well as Mo’Nique, Davis also got the opportunity to meet entrepreneur and author, Daymond John. Davis att e n d e d J o h n ’ s e ntrepreneurial three-day workshop and said that was the best investment she could have ever made for herself. “Sometimes you have to invest in yourself and gain the knowledge that you need so you can progress in that industry.” In 2012, Davis moved back to Atlanta. With a new focus, Davis was more determined than ever to get her business together. “One of my favorite models at Clark Atlanta University that we go by is find a way or make one. “So I had to make an opportunity in order for me to survive.” Since starting

her business, Davis has gotten the opportunity to travel to California to do shows. “A lot of people say I do PR, but I don’t really call myself a PR person. I just like to promote, that’s kind of how Diva 4 Life has gotten to where it is now,” she shared. As for advice for those interested in starting their own business Davis said, “Seek God first to find out what your actual purpose is in life. Once you have your purpose, you combine it with your passion, then you’ll get on the right track with living the life you’re meant to live and you’ll be happy with it.” “My purpose in life is to help others, encourage others, and I don’t mind sharing my past trials and tribulations to help someone else.” When asked what she would like to be remembered for she said as a woman who never gave up, and shared that five years from now she would like to have a key position in the city of Atlanta as well as being one of the top promoters letting her company and her brand be recognized worldwide. “With me being in a male dominate industry, it can be intimidating, but that’s where I don’t let fear set in. I build the relationships I need to build, I make the connections I need to make, and I just am myself.” To find out more about Tamara Davis visit www.artistecard.com/TammyD by Morgan Amos

INSPIRATIONAL CORNER Do What Refreshes You! by Suzette Hinton

I am so glad that Deepak Chopra caught a whiff of this spiritual nugget and passed it along to us! True service comes from a soul expanded. A soul expanded is a love-filled soul. An ego-driven soul is a soul constricted.


You know the ego, that part of us that gives to get. We seek some pay off and believe that will give us joy. The politician who kisses the baby while on the campaign trail seeks a pay off. He seeks to be seen as human, caring and trustworthy; but when he refuses to pass legislation that will ensure that the same baby he kissed will have food, shelter and medical care, he does not truly esteem the office he thinks will bring him joy. We call it political posturing. Puts a bad taste in our mouths.


Before rushing to judge the politician, however, consider how we do the same. We are a society that gives to get. None of us are exempt—myself included. Despite the selflessness I saw modeled by my parents, I gave to get. I wanted attention. I longed for it. I craved it. So when I liked a guy and overheard him say he needed something, I made it my purpose to give it to him. I smiled when he thanked me profusely but my heart ached when I saw him walk away with another girl. What I wanted was for him to see me romantically. That never happened.


Loving and wanting to be loved is human. It is part of us as intimate beings. That is legitimate. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is how we set ourselves up for suffering. It's the hidden agenda of it that is destructive. It’s when we impose our agendas on the unsuspecting. I am of the opinion that it is just as unsavory as the politician kissing the baby. It might not have equal consequences, but it’s just as disparaging.

! So how do you know when it's true service? !

It's when serving others brings you inexplicable joy! It's when something inside swells up to meet you. I call it tapping into that delightsomeness. It's when you tap into the gifts and talents you have been given and by exercising them, you feel alive. You exercise them for yourself ! It feeds you. It fuels you. You feel connected. You feel creative. You feel better. That's a soul expanded.


I had flickers of that feeling when I drew pictures with my sister, when I sang on the front porch, when I danced to The Supremes’ “Don’t Mess With Bill,” when I lined up my teddy bears and dolls and taught them what I had learned in school that day. If I were to do those things now, however, I wouldn’t experience the same childlike joy.


I think that is the part that eludes us seekers. We are told all the time to look within but nobody tells us how. We are asked what we liked doing as children, but it no longer fits our adult life. God knows, I looked inside. But nobody told me what to look at. Without that vital piece, all I saw was failure. My inadequacy and incompetence got in my face and taunted me. I didn’t want to see that! It was embarrassing. It was humiliating. So I stopped looking within.


If that’s you, I ask that you look within again but this time I’ll tell you what to look at. Identify what you love to do. That’s it. Don’t look at what’s broken or what needs to be fixed. Look beyond that. Look at what you love, truly love. It could be reading. It could be singing. It could be cooking. It could be gardening. Whatever it is, identify it. Sure, you can look back to what you loved to do as a child. As an adult however you might have to update just a little. You might not be able to run around naked! What you can do is look for what that meant for you. Maybe it was the expression of your free spirited way of living that has somehow gotten buried under adult obligation.


That’s how my writing career started. It’s my adult update. It started with journaling. I was going through some heavy stuff and journaling became my release. It gave me an outlet to say what I needed to say, how I needed to say it without being judged or criticized for it. I noticed that when I did it, I felt better. When I didn’t, I felt suffocated by what was happening in my life. I didn't know that it would be the key to inner fulfillment. I didn't even care. All I knew was it kept me sane.


Life brought me other opportunities. I read that writing could drive traffic to my fledgling website. I read about how to get started and began writing about what I felt passionate about. I checked the monitoring tool one day to see how much traffic was going to my website. That was underwhelming. What I did observe however was the number of people reading my articles, commenting, sharing and printing them. I was hooked! One opportunity for expansion led to another and then another. Now, I write from that expansion.


My soul went from constricted to expanded merely from my doing what I loved. Instead of gasping to breath, it was giving me a breathing space that I could share with others. Like rubbing a cold glass of Lipton iced tea against my face and neck, it was refreshing.

! Do what refreshes you !

This is the key to inner fulfillment and to service. Make time for this key. Do what refreshes you until you go from so-so to full out joyful. Do it until you feel yourself expand beyond where you are. Do it until your mind changes about what you see when you look within. Life will catch wind of it and send you more opportunities to expand on it. That is the birthing place for service. Life will show you who has been waiting for you to arrive. Life will show you how to share it with them.


Let your heart swell and break open into the Universe. If enough of us do it, think of all the people we could help!

A Tribute to S. Truett Cathy

by Vikki Hankins

Photos Courtesy of Chick-fil-A Press

Many of us, at one point or another, have enjoyed a tasty chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A. Have you ever considered the person behind the scenes that started this business? Clearly, these chain fast-food stores did not simply ‘appear’ on the scene. Who is the person behind such a delectable, chicken-based menu? Believe it or not, the man behind the scenes was not college-educated and at one point lived in the housing authority projects as a young man. His name; Mr. Samuel Truett Cathy. Truett, as he was called growing up, opened his first Chick-Fil-A store in the Greenbriar Mall, located in Atlanta, GA. That was back in 1967. That 1 store has since multiplied into 1,800 successful stores, serving millions of customers. According to a recent press release, Mr. Cathy is credited with creating the original Chick-fil-A Chicken

Sandwich and pioneering in-mall fast food, Cathy built one of the nation's largest family-owned companies as Chickfil-A reached $5 billion in annual sales in 2013. Currently, there are more than 1,800 Chick-fil-A restaurants operating in 40 states and Washington, D.C. Remarkably, Cathy led Chick-fil-A on an unparalleled record of 47 consecutive years of annual sales increases. Cathy's oldest son, Dan, became president of Chick-fil-A in 2001 and chairman and chief executive officer in 2013, while Truett Cathy continued in the role of chairman emeritus until his death. Today, Mr. Wayne Blessitt is the Franchise Operations Manager of the original store; starting his career with the chain at 17 yrs. old, Blessitt has a deep respect for Cathy’s business ethics and spiritual principles. When faced with operational challenges, Blessitt simply asks himself, “What would Mr. Cathy do.” 30

The press release further states, Cathy was a devout Southern Baptist who taught Sunday school to 13year-old boys for more than 50 years. As an extension of the founder's faith and the clearest example of incorporating biblical principles into the workplace, all Chick-fil-A restaurants—without exception—operate with a "Closedon-Sunday" policy. Rare within the food service industry, this policy allows employees a day for family, worship, fellowship or rest and also underscores Cathy’s desire to put principles and people ahead of profits. Chick-fil-A will remain privately held and closed on Sundays. Cathy was often quoted as saying: "I'd like to be remembered as one who kept my priorities in the right order. We live in a changing world, but we need to be reminded that the important things have not changed. I have always encouraged my restaurant operators and team members to give back to the local community. We should be about

more than just selling chicken, we should be a part of our customers' lives and the communities in which we serve."How does one become successful in business? Mr. Samuel Truett Cathy has more than one answer for this question. But the ultimate guide for his success as the founder and owner of one of America’s favorite fast food chains, is to ‘ground your business on spiritual foundations. Let all that you do be a glory to God (including business affairs and business ownership).’ In my opinion business growth such as Mr. S. Truett Cathy’s, is as a result of loving your work, maintaining integrity and sticking to your beliefs in the process. Chickfil-A produced sales of $5 billion in 2013. Chick-fil-A was recognized in 2014 as one of America’s “Top 20 Most Admired Brands.”


Former President G. Bush and S. Truett Cathy

+Healthy Living


biscuits with grape jelly and I cut back on my soda intake to one 20oz a day. We used to have cases of soda and I used to drink about three cans a day. Now I don’t drink any soda at all unless I have an upset stomach and I’m weaning myself off of bread.

-100 lbs

Rolls Royce Engineer Takia Easley Shares Her Victory At 31, Takia Easley is looking better than ever. She’s feeling great, living great and doing all the right things to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. It took a while to get here but her weight loss journey is as real as it gets. Once weighing 267lbs and wearing a size 24, Takia reached her breaking point. In December of 2003, after seeing a picture of herself, she just couldn’t take it anymore. “In that photo, I noticed a shadow cast behind me and after looking closer my father pointed out that there was no shadow, that was my butt,” recalled Takia. Now a size 10, weighing 167lbs and several marathons later Takia is glowing in each and every picture. I guess things do get better with age, juggling a career as an engineer at Rolls Royce, Takia is the perfect example of what it looks to balance a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Takia Easley

Kimberly: I must admit, I notice a glow about you besides your weight what has changed, did you love yourself before weight loss or is it more of a confidence thing?

Takia: I think it’s more of confidence. I never thought I was ugly so I didn’t look in the mirror and hate the person I saw. The picture that made me change, I thought I looked good that day but when I got the pictures back I looked uncomfortable. I was like what is going on? I always knew I wanted to lose weight so I just started making small changes. I read an article about a group of women that made small changes so that’s what I did. I didn’t know how to lose weight. I thought my genetics were wired to be a heavy person. I didn’t realize that my diet was horrible and I wasn’t doing enough activities so I made small changes and I saw results that propelled me to keep moving forward. Did I love myself I don’t want to say no but I didn’t have the confidence that I have now. I wanted to be accepted, I was more of a people pleaser but today I really don’t care. My phone doesn’t ring at all but life is good. I definitely value myself more. Some of it came with the weight loss and some of it came from life experiences. But now I’m not much a people pleaser but I do value the people in my life. Kimberly: So inquiring minds want to know, how did you do it? I mean you lost 100 lbs. Take us down memory lane and tell me more about your first few steps. Takia: Well first I started going to the gym and I stopped going out to eat. In undergrad we used to go out to eat for lunch and dinner---it was our way of socializing. Then I started cooking green beans and grilling chicken breast on the George Foreman grill. I ate the same breakfast which was grits with sugar, two

Kimberly: What was that like, did you have moments when certain things didn’t work for you, if so details please? Takia: It all worked out for me, there were moments when I was weak and fell back into old habits but the overall weight trend has been downward. Kimberly: I remember noticing your first drastic weight lost which was in ’07 or ’08 you lost about eighty pounds, so what has inspired you to keep going? Takia: Things like this, like people being inspired by my success. People are always complimenting me on my accomplishment. I want to look good for myself, and there are so many health benefits with the weight loss. At 267 lbs, I’m pretty sure I was a heart attack waiting to happen. Kimberly: How important is exercise in your routine and how many times a week do you exercise?

Takia: Now I work out 3-4 days a week. Working out is very important to me because not only does it make me look good but it’s a confidence boost. Kimberly: So how do you juggle work and living a healthy lifestyle? Takia: Most times I work out in the morning before I go to work. The alarm clock goes off at 4:30, I might answer it at 4:45-5:00. The most common routine is I run three miles or an hour on the stair master. I get done at the gym around 6:00 am no later than 6:15 am. Then I go home and get ready for work. At work we have a salad bar so if I don’t make my lunch, I make a salad. If I go out, I’ll make healthy choices. I don’t do a lot of bread, most of the time some kind of salad or protein or I’ll have some fresh fruit and yogurt as an afternoon snack. Kimberly: What do you do to motivate yourself ? Takia: I imagine how I’ll look when I’m smaller. I have a friend I met in college and we email each other every day. We’ll talk about anything from what we ate that day to workouts that worked for us. If today was a good day or a bad day and we encourage each other every day. Here’s another thing I do, if I’m out shopping and I see something I like in a smaller size, I’ll buy it as motivation. 32

Kimberly: How did you handle temptation?

Takia: I’m doing a 10k at the end of Takia: I resist temptation most of the time but sometimes I this month so I give in. If my colleagues go out to a place like Taco Bell I’ll probably need to take food with me like strawberries so I won’t just sit there and start training (laughwatch them eat. The gym is a priority so I say no a lot. ing). The one I did over the weekend Kimberly: Do you cheat on your diet? was a 5k so I need to build up to six miles. Takia: My eating habits are more of a lifestyle At the end of the not a diet so I really don’t cheat. If it’s month I’m dosomething I want I eat it. Diets work but ing a 10k and they are not livable for instance--- if tentatively a my mom makes a pound cake for 15k in No“My eating habits are Thanksgiving, I’ll have some cake. vember but more of a lifestyle not a I’m defiKimberly: How do you maintain diet…” “Diets work but Takia Easley (Before) t nitely goyour weight loss? Some people lose they are not livable…” ing to try the weight and regain it shortly after and find a “Turkey Run” on Thanksgiving, something so what’s your secret? so that the family can get out and be active before we Takia: By always watching it. It has to be take in that feast. a lifestyle because you can never workout Kimberly: Thanks for sharing your story I think there are so enough to compensate for a bad diet. I’ll give myself a range many of us that needed to hear it. So, what advice would you and once I reach my limit I’ll bring it back down. It’s not a give to others who are struggling with the weight loss battle? destination it’s a journey. I used to give myself a hard time if I put on a few pounds but now I realize I’m still beautiful I just Takia: Make small livable changes, nothing drastic because it need to do what I have to do to get the extra pounds off. may not work. People will tell you all the time you’re fine where you are but your personal goal is just for you. Keep it Kimberly: So I see you’ve done plenty of marathons since interesting otherwise you’ll get bored doing the same thing. you’ve adopted your healthy and fit lifestyle, what’s next for you?

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Andrea Nelson-Royes! Spearheads the Issue of Illiteracy

Order Transforming Early Learners into Superb Readers & Success in School and Career: Common Core Standards in Language Arts K-5, at www.amazon.com! www.barnesandnoble.com or visit! www.andreanelsonroyes.com !

Interior Design Showcase Siren O.M.

Photo Credits: @sirenodla

“Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.” Coco Chanel


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