VMH Magazine - December 2015

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A Vikki M. Hankins Lifestyle Magazine!

Richard Branson Kevin Spacey

! World Business Forum NYC STORY MAKERS

When You Look Good, You Feel Good Rites of Passage Positive Impact on Youth

BONUS: The Christmas Love Box Story

6 Valuable Ways To Invest In Yourself

Give and Take, Does Helping Others Truly Drive Success? December 2015

Great opportunities come to all

but many do not know they have met them.



Are You The Writer of Your Story? “Everyone’s ‘story’ has the ability to teach. I think my true sentiment to the subject is, are ‘you’ writing your story?” - Vikki Hankins By Vikki Hankins!



6 Tips to Start Investing In Yourself It’s easy to forget that you are your own best asset - don’t. As we ease into this new year, take a moment to pause, reflect and reset how you live in the present and what you want for yourself in the future. Creating a personal investment plan entails mindset, action and belief in what can be.



by Peter C. Diamond



Does Helping Others Drive Success? ‘Good guys finished last’. Does this apply to entrepreneurs as well? Does success only come to those that aggressively pursue clients? Wharton Professor, Adam Grant addresses these questions in his book entitled, Give and Take, Why Helping Others Drives Our Success.


By Vikki Hankins!

16. Kevin Hart’s Stunt Double,

Justin Charles Evans Talks Ride Along 2 & Overcoming Fear!


He’s a 20 year gymnast, an aerialist, a circus artist, an actor, and for the last couple of months, he’s been a stunt man and stunt double for actor and comedian, Kevin Hart.



By Morgan Amos!



Rites of Passage - A Positive Impact of Today’s Youth


Pastor Aaron L. Parker Builds Youth Through Development Program


The concept of rites of passage existed extensively in traditional African societies and still exists today. Generally, a rite of passage formalizes the movement from one stage. Specifically, in reference to youth, a rite of passage formalizes the development of the young into adults.

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By Garry L. Jones !


Mass Shootings Can This Growing Epidemic Reverse An interview with Retired Lt. Garry Jones (FBOP), Police Officer Arthur Avant and New Zealand City Council Member Marthat Samsomi on Gun Violence.


When You Look Good You Fell

Good When we look to external sources to validate or tell us how we look, then how we feel is largely based on what others tell us. So, in essence we begin living to solicit approval from others on how we look. Can we change this? By Ali Bandele

! 38.

The Christmas Love Box

The Christmas Love Box is ‘that’ communication. Started by Christine & Bob Martinello, The Christmas Love Box is not only a way of expressing terms of endearment, but unintentionally acts as a healing mechanism. The perfect family Christmas gift.

! I moaned because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.


Publisher! Vikki Hankins Media & Publishing, LLC Editor-in-Chief Vikki Hankins Assistant Director Garry Jones!



Journalist/Contributors Vikki Hankins Morgan Amos Garry Jones


World Business Forum NYC Showcase !

Pg. 22

Contributors (Visiting) Ali Bandele Peter C. Diamond


Photography Vikki Hankins Garry Jones Alisha Davis Sherman Hankins

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Media Assistant Alisha Davis

Cover Fashion: TEYXO Fashions Cover Photographer: Garry Jones

Actor Kevin Spacey

Photo Courtesy World Business Forum

!! www.vmhmagazine.com


ARE YOU A STORY MAKER? What is your story? Will it impact those around you? I tend to believe everyone’s ‘story’ has the ability to teach. I think my true sentiment to the subject is, are ‘you’ writing your story? We can float along through the maze of life sticking to the status quo or we can take leaps of faith and challenge ordinary systems.


In my opinion ‘ordinary’ won’t bring the improvement(s) we’d like to see in the world. However, story making, change and improvements can be bittersweet. I, for one am all to familiar with the journey. I chose not to stick to the status quo; I blindly took risk that challenged me along the way!


Starting out as a writer/author, I sought to publish my work only to face mainstream madness in the world of book publishing, media and marketing. The doors to the majors were closed tight to an unknown writer such as myself. Who was I to think mainstream publishers wanted anything to do with my ‘scribbles’.


Certain I had something to contribute to the world, I took to research and learned the trade of book publishing, media and marketing. I was ambitious, optimistic and super excited about my new found mission; also naive! If I recounted my dismay, frustrations and the politics associated with entrepreneurship, you’d end up reading a ‘book’.


Be that as it may, if I had a choice I would do it all over again, but implement my present knowledge and wisdom. As a publisher/entrepreneur, I am in a position to empower others, help people see their dreams, and tap into their talent. I’m on an amazing journey! As I take a moment to reflect on the places my business has taken me, it surreal.


Granted, my work has yet to compete with mainstream machines, but as I continue to expand in my field, I’m not so certain I will run a good race. My personal success is not the point; I pose the question - what is your story? How are you impacting those around you? More importantly, how can we all become better influencers and story makers?

Vikki Hankins

6 Tips to Start Investing in Yourself By Peter C. Diamond|

It’s easy to forget that you are your own best asset because so much time is spent reacting to the wants and needs others. This is particularly true if you’re over 35. With the omnipresent demands of career and family you find little time for yourself.


By not investing in yourself and your betterment you are diminishing your personal value. Over time you will find yourself feeling depleted, bored and frustrated realizing you’ve done little to improve your wellbeing. Worse yet, you will be left behind as others are advancing and enhancing their career and life. A tennis instructor once said, “Either you are on a quest to continually improve your tennis game or you are getting worse, there is no staying the same.” The same holds true for your career and life.


As we ease into this new year, take a moment to pause, reflect and reset how you live in the present and what you want for yourself in the future. Creating a personal investment plan entails mindset, action and belief in what can be. Here are six tips to get you started:

! MINDSET ! Appreciate and accept what you have !

It’s easy to lose sight of accomplishments made and the good in your life. In today’s hyper-connected world people are constantly sharing their achievements and good fortune. Without a healthy dose of self-esteem you can under-appreciate your efforts. In comparison to others they may not seem as meaningful or grand. It’s not uncommon to shine the harshest light on yourself. This unwittingly draws your attention to what you don’t have.


Tip 1: Reflect on the past year and make note of what you are grateful for, your favorite experiences, memories, personal highlights and career successes.

! Amplify what matters most !

You spend years gathering and holding on to wants and needs that you thought were critical to who you are,

such as; I want and need the next promotion, I want and need a bigger house, I want and need more stuff, etc. During this dizzying pursuit, all too often you lose sight of what matters most including your own best attributes. They get pushed down or layered over by doing what you think is the right thing to do, act or be in order to gain success and acceptance.


Tip 2: Get reacquainted with what’s best about you and make sure it’s front and center in your life and how you interact with others. This could be your playfulness, kindness toward others or sense of adventure. You owe it to yourself and those around you to let your best self shine bright.

! ACTION ! Acquire a new skill !

There is a prevailing sentiment that once past age forty, you’re too old for change or you can’t spare any time in an already over-scheduled day or there is no imminent business need to learn a new skill. With this mindset you are compromising your personal growth and perceived value as it relates to your colleagues and others in your industry.


Tip 3: To enhance your personal value, identify a new skill to add to your repertoire. If this skill is within the context of your current job check to see if your company will pay for it especially if it will benefit your team or organization. Go one step farther and create a learning agenda for the next twelve months. Each month pick an interesting topic to investigate or skill to learn.

! Actively pursue your life !

Investing in your health and physical well-being should be non-negotiable. Not surprisingly, this can be relegated to the sidelines. Without awareness, you can spend most of your day sitting in the car, at work and at home. Exercise has not only physical benefits but also mental. It can provide a welcome relief from daily stresses and serve as a distraction from negative


thoughts. Increased physical activity can lift your mood and improve sleep patterns.


Tip 4: Be active. Be engaged. Get up and start doing. Put yourself into motion. What form of exercise do you like most? Dancing, walking, running, swimming, skiing, racquetball, boot camps, biking, spinning, etc. Add a healthy dose of exercise to your daily routine.

! BELIEF ! Anticipate happiness !

When dealing with day-to-day career and life challenges it’s easy to let unjustified fears drag you down. This could be apprehension about increased responsibilities, a new boss, your continued job performance or family. The unknown can create scenarios that play out over and over in your head usually ending in disaster. This is referred to as pre-worrying; thoughts that consume so much mental space that you aren’t focusing on the present thereby losing valuable time to positively influence your situation and those around you.


Tip 5: Instead of being weighed down by the heaviness of worry, opt to be lifted up by the joy and prospect of happiness. The next time your mind is flooded with anxiety about a future event bring your attention back to the present and anticipate a positive outcome.

! Allow good things to happen !

How much of your life is spent moving away from what you don’t want? You may not have thought about your life through this lens but for most people they make decisions in order to avoid what they don’t like or things that cause them angst, pain or discomfort.


Tip 6: Open yourself up positive change. Move toward what you want by spending your time and energy in activities that your believe in and will enhance your personal growth.


You owe it to yourself and those around you to invest time and energy in what will make you flourish and prosper.


Peter C. Diamond, “The Amplify Guy”, is the author of Amplify Your Career and Life: 4 Steps to Evaluate, Assess and Move Forward. He is a professionally trained, certified coach. He works with hundreds of senior-level executives and others to guide them through change, ranging from navigating career shifts and creating better work-life fulfillment to greater career and leadership enlightenment, and renewed self-respect. His corporate clients include Leo Burnett, United Airlines, National Association of Realtors, Razorfish, mcgarrybowen, Fresenius Kabi, PVS Chemicals, Human Rights Watch and Intelligentsia Coffee. For more information, please visit www.petercdiamond.com and connect with him on Twitter, @petercdiamond.


photography vikkihankins.net





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Does Helping Others Drive Success? By Vikki Hankins|

‘Good guys finished last’. Does this apply to entrepreneurs as well? Does success only come to those that aggressively pursue clients? Wharton Professor, Adam Grant addresses these questions in his book entitled, Give and Take, Why Helping Others Drives Our Success.


By nature I believe myself to be a giver. However I’ve found that in business, those that get ahead faster oftentimes are takers. Givers are people with compassion that tend to place others before themselves. Takers place themselves first and care less about how another feels. In business, takers place their agenda before the clients, whereas givers tend to care more about the client and their results.


In a piece I recently read, New York Time Best Selling Author, Adam Grant paints clear pictures of the giver and the taker, yet introduces a third term to describe ‘even exchange’; the matcher. The matcher believes in tit-fortat, and relationship governed by even exchanges of favors. Here are a few points that I took away from the abstract for the book:


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…success depends heavily on how we approach our interacts with other people. Takers like to get more than they give, whereas givers like to give more than they get. Givers and takers differ in their attitude and actions towards other people. Matchers strive to preserve an equal balance of giving and getting.

As entrepreneurs, surely both categories need ‘results’ in order to become a success, but how one goes about it is what makes the difference. In my opinion there has to be a happy medium for both the giver and and the taker.


Says Grant, “The givers are the people who will volunteer to provide help, make introductions, share knowledge, be mentors, without asking for anything in return from the people that they help.”


Due to countless episodes of Little House on The Prairie (their town store), I believe the exchange of merchandise

for currency can still operate as it once did, with grace and dignity.


According to an interview with Dave Kerpen (CEO of Likeable Local), Grant shared this view,


“Many givers fail by sacrificing themselves for others: they say yes to all of the people all of the time with all of the requests. Successful givers are more thoughtful and selective: they have clear priorities about who to help (givers and matchers, exercising caution with takers), how to help (giving in ways that align with their interests and expertise, making it energizing, efficient, and reputationally beneficial), and when to help (carving out time for supporting others that doesn’t interfere with their own priorities). In short, successful givers balance their own ambitions with the desire to make a difference in others’ lives.” *


Based no the above, it is important that givers ‘balance’ and use ‘discernment’ when determining to whom they are going to give to.


Within this abstract that I read, Grant shared the story of a giver who at first seem to end up with the short in of the stick, questioning his abilities as a business owner, but the tables turn - in his favor. So it is possible to use true ‘keep the client first’ practices and run a successful business! Give and Take, Why Helping Others Drives Success help us figure out how.


Adam Grant is Wharton’s top-rated teacher. He has been recognized as one of HR’s most influential international thinkers, BusinessWeek’s favorite professors, the world’s 40 best business professors under 40, and Malcolm Gladwell’s favorite social science writers. Previously, he was a record-setting advertising director, a junior Olympic springboard diver, and a professional magician.


* Reference: Dave Kerpen is the founder and CEO of Likeable Local.


Kevin Hart’s Stunt Double Talks Ride Along 2 & Overcoming Fear!


By Morgan Amos

Consistency and faith are two things that Justin Charles Evans feel strongly about. He insists that if you stay consistent, have faith, and believe in yourself anything is possible. He’s a 20 year gymnast, an aerialist, a circus artist, an actor, and for the last couple of months, he’s been a stunt man and stunt double for actor and comedian, Kevin Hart. “I’ve been very blessed and I feel grateful to have this life and all of the things that have happened challenged me to grow,” Evans said. Born and raised in Columbus, Mississippi, Evans developed a love for tumbling at an early age. He shared that he didn’t watch a lot of TV or play with video games growing up, so he would go outside and flip around in the grass. He loved and enjoyed his new found talent, and explained that he wanted to further his passion into becoming a gymnast and aerialist. “Tumbling was a pursuit because it was something I was natural at. I would go outside and flip around in the grass, and I started off as a street tumbler with dreams of wanting to do gymnastics and acrobatics,” he shared. His dreams pushed him further within his career. He became a gymnast and got involved with power tumbling. Evans felt that power tumbling was a better suit for him since he spent all of his time tumbling and flipping in the grass as a child. He’s danced with Terrie Axam and Atlanta Total Dance Company where he studied Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, as well as other forms of dance, he’s performed for The Black Arts Festival, appeared in international print ads with Coca Cola, Converse/Footlocker, performed with Cirque du Soleil at the opening of the new Coca Cola museum, not to mention being featured in Tyler Perry’s “I Can Do Bad All By Myself.” “I work with an agency called Xcel Talent Agency, and I work with them through dance and talent. I started doing extra work that’s how I got the Tyler Perry film “I Can Do Bad All By Myself,” he said. Evans also worked on the play “The Three Stooges” as a dancer. It was there he met stunt coordinator, Sarah Regan. Weeks later, Regan

Justin Charles Evan (right) Pictured in Youtube Video with Kevin Hart as Stunt Double

would introduce Evans to a gentleman who worked on the set of “Scary Movie 5.” Evans played one of the apes within the movie. He was then invited to the set of “The Hunger Games” where he met Larnell Stovall and Noon Orasatti. “I didn’t know what I was going on the set for. I thought I was going to be on “The Hunger Games” and I was so happy,” he explained. He walked on to set, and to his amazement, Orasatti said, “Oh my God, you’re perfect!” “I was sitting there thinking perfect for what, “The Hunger Games?” Stovall agreed, according to Evans. “Yes, you are. Can you still do all that stuff we saw on your demo?” Stovall asked him. Evans assured them that he could, and not long after he was invited to another rehearsal but the gentleman didn’t provide any further details. Evans met with Stovall. They talked about their careers, and Stovall informed him that before he became a stunt coordinator, he was a dancer for Mariah Carey. According to Evans, Stovall gave him two weeks training in fight and stunt reaction in things like falling down stairs and high falls. Evans said it wasn’t long before he was working on the set of “Ride Along” with Kevin Hart and Ice Cube. “I didn’t know they were going to be able to use me throughout the entire movie,” he expressed. He was a success within the movie. Kevin Hart even gave him some useful advice. “He told me to be precise and don’t mess up, which made me nervous, but it was a good thing because it made me concentrate even more to the point where Kevin Hart said he couldn’t have done it without me, which made me feel a lot better.” !12

He feels that it was inspiring to work alongside Kevin Hart, and that working with him was one of the best experiences of his life. “Kevin is somebody who jokes a lot, but he is super focused. He’s always working, he takes time out for his family, you can see the grace that he has in the things that he does because when you really look at it, Kevin is not an actor, he’s a comedian. He studied and transformed himself into an actor and now he’s successful,” he said. “Now that I am working as an actor, I see how hard he had to work to actually get where he is and use that comedic timing, using the skills to be the professional he is today. I see that he networks, he’s always putting himself out there to be that person and to be known, which is something I aspire to do in furthering my career and my craft.” Not only has Evans appeared as Hart’s stunt double in “Ride Along” and “Get Hard,” but he will also appear in “Ride Along 2” due out in January 2016. “I definitely keep up with Kevin’s camp, and I am hoping to be his stunt double within his next movie,” he expressed. Right now, Evans is working on a project called Soulful Christmas that will start December 4-6, working with Stepp Stewart, a gentleman who he’s worked with on the musical Cindy. “It’s a great opportunity for me to further my stage and acting, as well as give my body time to recoup from doing the stunts,” he said. When he has time off, Evans does things like yoga and acupuncture to make sure he takes care of his body, mind and spirit. Besides working with Kevin Hart, Evans has done stunt work for the film “Lila and Eve,” which starred Jennifer Lopez and Viola Davis, and will also be doing stunt work for the TV show “Game of Silence” starring lead actor, Larenz Tate. Evans stays active within dance classes, practices religiously in aiki jujutsu, and trains with Jason Croom in Pilipino Martial Arts, and shared that it’s important to keep on top of his skills because he never knows what he may be called in for. He credits all of his training and aerial work for helping to prepare him for all he has accomplished thus far. In 2012, right before he was slated to do “Ride Along,” Evans was on the Costa Concordia ship that sank over in Italy, which resulted in 32 casualties. He was doing a photo shoot over there when he and a friend of his decided to go on the cruise.

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(continued from page 13) “It was devastating for me be-

cause I was in a place where I wasn’t mentally right,” he shared. “I’ve been through a number of things that made my life difficult.” Evans has Polycystic Kidney Disease and was forced to go days without his medications due to these unfortunate events. In addition, he suffers from PTSD as a result of what he had to undergo while on the ship. “When the ship crashed, we lost everything. I went through all types of withdrawals because I lost my medication. I didn’t know if we were going to die,” he expressed. He shared that people contemplated jumping off the ship or tying blankets together to try and get off the ship. “When the lights went out, it was mayhem, it was hell. We basically were refugees. We slept on concrete floors,” he explained. Evans credits God and D’AIR, a program he’s been a part of for seven years for helping him get through this ordeal. “I pray a lot. I looked inside myself and said what can I do? What makes me feel good? I surround myself with a good circle of people,” he s h a r e d . “D’AIR was a big part of it because I taught at-risk youth and helped them to get over their fears, and I found that helping them get over their fears helped me to get over mine.” For Evans, working with the at-risk youth within the D’AIR program has been very healing for him so much so that he feels it is the God within him to give back and help others. With all that Evans has accomplished, he takes nothing for granted. He wants people to know that despite the adversities in life, fear is just false emotions that appear real, and if you can take that and remember it during the times you are scared, you can get through things. “You have to have belief, belief in yourself, belief that things will work out. I see myself happy and my ultimate goal is to have generational wealth. I want to be able to make money whether I get out of bed or not. My goal is to do art, travel and be a service to others and this world,” he explained. “I am a light to this world because I realized with my light, I can actually help others and I think that is what I am here for to inspire others and the world.” To find more about Justin Charles Evans visit: www.justbeingjustin.com


Be The Attitude You Want Around You


The year was 2003 when I moved to Atlanta, Georgia from Tallahassee, Florida. I knew I needed to be connected with a church. I think God recognized that in order for me to reach my full potential as a Christian I had to unite with a church whose leader was a true man of God. I could feel the pressure within my heart telling me you don’t have the luxury of searching around Atlanta to find a church you like. Whether this feeling came from the Holy Spirit I don’t know, but I’m glad I listened and until the day I never regretted it. The first sermon was called Weapons of Mass Distraction from Aaron L. Parker the Shepherd of the church; the sermon was powerful, yet a child could understand the message. I said to myself, “This shepherd is not politically correct and neither was I.” I believe in giving it to you straight with no chaser. I continued to attend Zion Hill Baptist Church for a year before I joined. I found myself attending Bible study, something I hadn’t done in the past. I also found myself attending Church School on Saturday mornings, something I’d never heard of in the past. Church School is a school of Love, Learning and Service, you have an opportunity to illuminate yourself with a short 45 minute class ranging anywhere from the new testament to the old testament. All my life I have read the Bible but didn’t comprehend much and when I read the King James version I didn’t comprehend anything. I didn’t know what was going on the inside, but I began to receive revelations from God, when I read the bible, I was able to comprehend things that I couldn’t comprehend in the past. This was spooky because I didn’t believe in that. I didn’t hear voices like some people said they heard, but eventually I would come to understand God speaks to us in many ways. One Sunday while attending church I heard the pastor announce the Rites of Passage Program would start within a month and you don’t have to be a member to participate, but members have their privileges. It was further announced that if we knew someone in the community that could benefit from the program invite them to come to the church and sign up. The program was free of charge; as a matter of fact, every program we have at church is free, especially for the people in the community. Parents were breaking their necks (not literally) to insure their child could secure a place in the course of study. I’d always heard about the Rites of Passage, but didn’t quite understand it. After doing further research I came to understand what the program was about.

Little did I know some communities charge participants anywhere from $300 to $1,500 to participate in the Rites of Passage Program. During that time, the program was in its 10th year at the church.

Pastor, Aaron L. Parker

To clarify, the concept of rites of passage existed Photographer Garry L. Jones extensively in traditional African societies and still exists today. Generally, a rite of passage formalizes the movement from one stage in life to another. Specifically, in reference to youth, a rite of passage formalizes the development of the young into adults. The youth are introduced to life skill classes for 13 weeks. For over 20 years, Zion Hill has developed, nurtured and molded teens (13-18) by aiding them in their transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Through this program, young participants gain a better understanding of the richness of their culture, the brilliance of their minds, the sacredness of their bodies and the power of their faith. The program is growing larger and larger every year. On November 15th, 2015, Zion Hill Baptist Church held their 20th Anniversary Rites of Passage Program. There was a total of 63 children graduating and a total of 670 graduates from 1995 – 2015. The program was awesome, standing room only with a church that can hold up to 3,000 people. The greatest treat was when the grads from the past united with the present graduates on stage. In conclusion, in light of all the negative things we read in the papers and see on television about our black youths, there are positive activities our youth are doing to improve their lives. Be not discouraged a change is going to come. Zion Hill Baptist Church is located in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia. Zion Hill is a diverse, multi-generational community of faith built on the solid rock foundation of love and service with over 35 local and global Outreached Ministries. The church motto is Living to Love and Loving to Serve. To learn more visit: www.zionhill.org

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am e r ur D o Y ving i L Yo u e r A


Tips to Start Your Exercise Regime & Stick With It !

!Set an appointment. Pick out the times when you want to exercise, and schedule ahead. Keep your appointment with yourself ironclad, and don't let other engagements interfere. If you keep a calendar on your phone or computer, set alarms that will remind you of your workout time.


Replace a habit. Most of us have some unnecessary and not particularly enjoyable habit, such as watching TV, that could be replaced by (or added on to) exercising. Ask yourself how much time you spend on this habit, and whether or not you could exercise at the same time. If the answer is yes, make a new rule that stipulates (for instance) that you can only watch television if you're exercising at the same time.



Write down your measurements. As you start to trim up, seeing your progress can increase your confidence. Measure your neck, arms and ankles as well.


Use it as social time. If you have a standing appointment with a friend or family member to spend time together, see if he or she is willing to incorporate exercise into that time. Instead of doing step aerobics together, though, consider doing a more social activity, like playing a game such as tennis or dancing.


Routine is the key. After about 2 weeks of the routine, you will find it a lot less of a chore.

Stay accountable. Keep track of when you exercise and for how long. Make notes in your calendar, or keep an exercise journal. Writing down what you actually do will keep you accountable and show you how hard you're actually working. Additionally, looking back and seeing how much you've done can create an inspiring sense of accomplishment. Track your measurements. Instead of keeping track of your exercise success by how much weight you lose, try keeping a soft tape measure handy and measuring your waist and hip size. You might build muscle and gain weight, but you'll lose inches.


Drink water! Drinking water is absolutely the best thing you can do for your body. Always bring water to your workout sessions. Remember not to drink excessive amounts of plain water after strenuous workouts - your body loses salts through sweat, and too much plain water can help to flush out whatever is left. Sports drinks can be helpful for intense workouts, but consider the sugar content if your goal is to lose weight. Originally Published at Wiki




STORY MAKERS By Vikki Hankins


The World Business Forum conference, held at the Lincoln Center’s David H. Koch Theater in New York City, was comprised of a selection of icons and experts who make up a group of “Story Makers” – protagonists who are building the future rather than recounting the past; those who are making their own stories; and individuals who have achieved the extraordinary.


There’s something v e r y unique about the power of s t o r y telling from a ‘ s t o r y maker’. Audiences are more inclined to listened to a skilled story maker because of their experience(s). For me, there’s a layer of enrichment added to my life as result of WBFNY. I’d like to share three main points from speakers that spearheaded my growth and thinking process at WBFNY: Photo Courtesy WBFNY


Jim Collins (Lecturer and Author of Good to Great, Built to Last and How the Mighty Fall):


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“We only succeed by helping others succeed.” “50% of great leadership is what you do with the unexpected.’


“Find a way to make a distinctive impact on people.”

!George A. Kohlrieser (Bestselling Author, Consultant, Media Commentator Motivational Speaker) :


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and Professor/Author Adam Grant

“Are you living your calling.” “If you’re not inspiring, you’re not leading.” “People do not naturally resist change, they resist the pain of change and the fear of the unknown.”

Adam Grant (Author and Professor at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania):





“Givers add more value to companies and others.” “Givers make an organization prosper a n d s a c r i fi c e themselves.” “Style is how you treat people most of the time.”

!It was most reassuring to

listen to the facts on givers. For a moment it felt

Photo by WBFNY

Me Pictured with Adam Grant





Actor/Producer, Kevin Spacey! #WBFNY Keynote Speaker

Photography by Vikki Hankins

Sir Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin Group Comprises More than 400 Companies):


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“I was relatively shy as a young man I had to train myself out of it.” “If you create something and you’re proud of it, there’s no point in hiding it under the bushes.” “Make sure people love the company they work for.”

Walter Isaacson (Author of Steve Jobs; CEO,Aspen Institute, a Former Chairman of CNN and Managing Editor of Time magazine):


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! Carolyn Everson, VP Global Marketing Facebook

Photo by Vikki Hankins

For a moment it felt as though ‘givers’ in entrepreneurship are doomed, but contrary to sound, givers are not only assets to a company and others, but they actually come out successful winners. This information helped me feel more comfortable in my skin, as I enjoy giving. Of course one must balance this, but overall it’s okay to be me. Thanks to Mr. Grant’s insight we now know givers actually succeed!

“Creativity is a team sport.” “People who give build great teams because they are willing to share the credit.” “It’s not how much you get out of the river, it’s how much you put into the river.”

Walter Isaacson also shared his conversations with Steve Jobs surrounding writing the Steve Jobs autobiography. Steve Jobs wanted Isaacson to write an “honest” book; Jobs didn’t want Isaacson to favor him nor dismiss the words of others. Personally, I think this is very telling of Jobs when it comes to transparency, and opinions. Said Isaacson on the CEO of Apple Inc., “Steve had an intuitive feel for what would work.”



Carolyn Everson (Vice President of Global Marketing Solutions at Facebook):


1 “The way leaders conduct themselves sets the tone for the culture.” 2 “We believe ‘connectivity’ is a human right.” 3 “Be a listening community to a client market.”


Mark Zecherburg is connecting the world, strengthening businesses and reuniting families. I’ve seen first hand results of the aforementioned. When there’s a critical message that needs to be delivered at times people have opted to send the message through Facebook; in particular if the direct contact information is unknown. Entrepreneurs have connected with consumers and established other partnerships as a result of Facebook. Finally families have reunited through Facebook, after many years of separation.


Walter Isaacson, Author of ‘Steve Jobs’

Photo Courtesy WBFNY

Pictured w/ Walter Isaacson,! Author of ‘Steve Jobs’

Jim Collins, Author of Good to Great

Photography by Vikki Hankins

Photo: WBFNY

Photography Courtesy WBFNY

Author Signing

Photography Courtesy WBFNY

George A. Kohlrieser, Bestselling Author Photo: WBFNY

Photography Courtesy WBFNY

I stand in admiration of both Walter Isaacson and Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs produced and introduced a ‘machine’ (Macintosh) that promotes creativity, imagination and endless endeavors for creators. Jobs was a genius that opened the door for people like me; without his creativity, and imagination we would not be able to strengthen others, improve business systems or design full proof plans for the entrepreneurs with a dream. (continued from page 25)


As for Isaacson, I admire the fact that he agreed to tell Jobs’ story. Though Isaacson is known for writing stories on history makers, I think I am most impressed with Jobs’ story because I live in the Steve Jobs era and am a recipient of his genius.

2. “We are no longer living in a world where we have to stick to the status quo.” 3. “We should aspire to be innovative.’


There’s something very unique about the power of story telling from a ‘story maker’. Audiences are more inclined to listened to a skilled story maker because of their experience. As I listened to Kevin Spacey share the story of the sleeping lady with the ticket, I was completely captivated by this event in his life, but more than that the message or moral of the story.



Although he struggled with the decision to take the ticket from the woman sitting next to him, the bigger picture is where this led his career and ultimately his life. You see, Spacey took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself. How many times have opportunity presented itself in our lives?

1. “Stories of the very substance our existence…It’s what makes one company better than another.”

As I embraced the words of the speakers at World Business


Kevin Spacey (American Actor, Film Director, Writer, Producer, and Comedian):



“Six most powerful words…’let me tell you a story.’”


-Kevin Spacey

Photography Courtesy World Business Forum NY

Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin with Host Chris Stanley

Photography Courtesy World Business Forum NY

Photo by Vikki Hankins

(continued from page 27) Forum New York, I knew without a doubt that I too Am a ‘Story Maker’. Story Makers create possibility, inspiration, and hope for communities around the world. Story Makers unite, innovate and do not accept the ‘status quo’. This point was brought out repeatedly during WBFNY (World Business Forum New York).

My ‘Selfie’ During WBFNY

Photo by WBFNY


Gun Violence Cycle in America WHY MASS SHOOTINGS PERSIST

Retired Lt. Garry Jones (FBOP), Police Officer Arthur Avant & New Zealand City Council Member, Martha Samasoni discuss the critical subject of gun violence.

Interview by Vikki Hankins |

It has become commonplace for everyday people to carry guns and other heavy artillery suited for combat. What has become of our world? Shopping malls, movie theaters, colleges, high schools and even elementary schools have become targets for slaughter. Is pain and mental instability the driving force behind the actions of the people that take the lives of innocence? How do we regain control of America and began showing neighborly love and respect for one another?!

A very profound question indeed – America is a land filled with hope and endless possibilities, where people from all over the world travel to pursue their dreams. “In New Zealand you would not need a gun on your person or in your house for protection, unless you were a gang member would you feel the need to have that mindset, but a majority of our community can co- exist without it and that’s something I hope will continue in NZ…”, says Samasoni of her community.!

Retired Lieutenant (FBOP) and Founder of Advocate 4 Justice, Garry L. Jones says of the widespread violence epidemic, “Even though a background check is done on people purchasing guns, it doesn't matter, because people without criminal backgrounds are killing people as well – with assault weapons. If you banned assault weapons people are going to obtain them illegally.”!

Police Officer Arthur Avant uses unique techniques to teach children to protect themselves as well as steer them away from drugs and bullies – through song, dance and reading. In reflecting on the horror and his duty and a police officer, he had this to say:!



Granted, there will always be some form of disturbance, but when one sends their children off to school, the expectation is for them to return home safely or when one goes to see a movie the idea is to enjoy the film, not scramble to the floor for fear of being killed by a spree of bullets.!


According to news reports the guns used at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the Newtown, Connecticut were a Glock 9 mm handgun, a SIG Sauer handgun and a .233 Bushmaster semi-automatic assault rifle. Only months before this tragedy, in Denver (Auora), Colorado, at the premier of the movie ‘Dark Knight Rises’, the shooter had a AR-15 military-style assault rifle, a shotgun and 2 pistols that resulted in 71 people getting shot and a number of deaths. Is it fear of one’s neighbor that prompts people to purchase military type artillery? The Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms, but it goes without saying that the right to bear arms does not extend to slaughtering children and innocent movie-goers.!


“Not only is this an issue of violence, but it goes back to our laws and the need for change; the need to change laws that have overloaded the prisons with non-violent offenders. Violence is rampant, yet Congress is set on focusing their attention on people that can be rehabilitated through treatments and programs versus long prison sentences. It’s backwards, in particular when you see gun violence spreading like a deadly disease, killing innocent lives,” says Jones.Various countries seem to not feeling the growing terror that America feels today. Martha Samasoni, a Representative on Pacific Advisory Group for Wellington, New Zealand City Council, has many friends in America and is quite concerned; she had this to say about the loss of innocent lives in such a tragic way, “It (the report of the shooting) came on our news here (New Zealand), but why have we created a fearful community? How has this happened in the land where dreams can come true?”!


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“We are sworn in to protect and serve and we also not only go through shoot or don't shoot training but also have first responder training. I don't know the statistics but it's to my belief as a D.A.R.E instructor and juvenile officer, that with an officer being in the schools such as SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS is a preventative measure and deterrent to anyone that plans or plots to come into a school and carry out such an act.”!


With sheer emotions, Officer Avant shares the impact Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has had on him, “I have not stopped crying since this incident because (as an officer) I’m in and out of our schools with hopes that anyone who may think about entering our schools for violence won't be able to figure my routine.”!


“It’s a very heartbreaking situation and whenever someone decides to perform an act it’s hard to prevent because he or she knows their plan they can possibly know the schools routine for safety. Exactly how to prevent these actions will be very hard to figure out, but I think every school needs an officer there or several to make routines everyday in the hallways but change it every day.”!


Will banning guns be enough or will America have to examine more areas that trigger such horrific actions? “If people want to shoot, kill or hurt someone they will find a way. Case in point, a man was banned from a club during my years in college,” says Jones, “but he still found a way to not only get in the club, but he also brought a gun in the club and ended up shooting me with it. !


When a person intends to harm another even with stricter guns laws implemented – one way or another they will find a way.” “Though I feel assault weapons should be outlawed if someone wants to inflict harm on a group of people they are going to find a way to do this – that's the world we live in.”

Study finds cancer link for muscle-building supplements


A study associates taking muscle-building supplements with an increased risk of testicular cancer. Men who used such pills and powders were more likely to have developed testicular cancer than those who did not, especially if they started before age 25, took more than one supplement, or used the supplements for three or more years.

“The observed relationship was strong,” said Zheng, who led the study at Yale University before joining the Brown University School of Public Health as a professor of epidemiology. “If you used at earlier age, you had a higher risk. If you used them longer, you had a higher risk. If you used multiple types, you had a higher risk.”

Men who reported taking muscle-building supplements, such as pills and powders with creatine or androstenedione, reported a significantly higher likelihood of having developed testicular cancer than men who did not use such supplements, according to a new study in the British Journal of Cancer.

Testicular cancer incidence rose to 5.9 cases per 100,000 men in 2011, from 3.7 cases in 100,000 in 1975, Zheng said. Researchers aren’t sure why.



Moreover, said study senior author Tongzhang Zheng, the associated testicular germ cell cancer risk was especially high among men who started using supplements before age 25, those who used multiple supplements and those who used them for years.

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“Testicular cancer is a very mysterious cancer,” he said. “None of the factors we’ve suspected can explain the increase.”


The study is the first analytical epidemiological study of the possible link between supplements and testicular cancer, the authors wrote in the journal. The work was inspired by mounting evidence that at least some supplement ingredients may damage the testes.


“Our study found that supplement use was related to a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. These results are important because there are few identified modifiable risk factors for testicular cancer,” said Russ Hauser, professor of environmental health science at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a main collaborator of the research.

Future large epidemiologic studies and lab experiments would be necessary to establish a causal link between supplements and testicular cancer.


The study’s lead author is Ni Li of Yale University and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Other authors are Pat Morey of Harvard T.H. Chan School of “Our study found that supplement Public Health; Theodore R. Testing the odds Holford, Yong Zhu, Yawei use was related to a higher risk of Zhang, Bryan A. Bassig, Stan To conduct the study, developing testicular cancer. These Honig, and Helen Sayward of Zheng’s research team Chu Chen and Stephen results are important because there Yale; conducted detailed Schwarz of the Fred are few identified modifiable risk Hutchinson Cancer Research interviews of nearly 900 men from Massachusetts Center; Peter Boyle of the factors for testicular cancer.” and Connecticut — 356 of International Prevention and whom had been diagnosed Research Institute in Lyon, with testicular germ cell France; Zhibin Hu and cancer, and 513 who had not. In the interviews, Hongbin Shen of Nanjing Medical University; and researchers asked the men not only about their Pable Gomery of Massachusetts General Hospital. supplement use but also about a wide variety of other possible factors such as smoking, drinking, exercise The U.S. National Institutes of Health, the National Natural habits, family history of testicular cancer, and prior Science Foundation of China, The Beijing Natural Science injury to their testes or groin. Foundation, and the Beijing Nova Program supported the

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After tallying their data and accounting for all those possible confounders, as well as age, race, and other demographics, the researchers found that the men who used supplements had a 1.65 odds ratio (a 65-percent greater risk) of having developed testicular cancer compared to the men who did not use supplements.




The researchers defined “use” as consuming one or more supplements at least once a week for four consecutive weeks or more.


The odds ratios increased to 2.77 (a 177-percent greater risk) among men who used more than one kind of supplement, and to 2.56 among men who used supplements three years or longer. Men who started using supplements at age 25 or younger also had an elevated associated odds ratio of 2.21, the researchers calculated.


“Considering the magnitude of the association and the observed dose-response trends, muscle-building supplements use may be an important and modifiable exposure that could have important scientific and clinical importance for preventing testicular germ cell cancer development if this association is confirmed by future studies,” the authors conclude in the study.




When You Look Good You Feel Good Written By Ali Bandele

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I am sure most people have heard the phrase, ‘When you look good, you feel good’. Though there may be some biological truth to this statement, I will focus on the implied meaning of it and that is ‘when people think they look handsome or pretty then they typically feel better about themselves’. For many people, wearing nice clothes, fancy shoes, stylish accessories and a nice haircut or trim from their barber or hair dresser, usually makes this statement true.!


Blogs, magazines, television, music videos and retail advertisements constantly reinforce this notion by showing our favorite athletes and stars ‘looking good’ and as a result ‘feeling good’. Being that we often emulate what we see, we in turn go out and buy those things that make the athletes and stars look good, assuming that it will do the same for us. However, given the state of affairs of this land, maybe we should take a closer look at this statement and ask if it is really true. With so many people flooding the malls and internet each day spending billions of dollars on fashion and cosmetics, annually, there should be millions of people in society ‘feeling good’ because they spent the money to ‘look good’.!


However, when one watches the news, reads Facebook posts or observe others in the work, people don’t seem to be ‘feeling as good as they look’. Many people at work don’t even speak to each other, husbands and wives don’t talk, kids in school are often mean to each other, people in public settings are often not friendly, but many of them ‘look good’. Maybe it’s wrong to assume that when people feel good that they typically are friendly, happy, are generous and treat others better, but it’s not a far stretch to assume that they at the very least more pleasant. If people are ‘feeling good’, it is most certainly a temporary feeling.!


Why is our ‘feeling good’, so short lived? Don’t we pay to ‘feel good’? That doesn’t seem like a good return on our investment. I am beginning to feel that ‘when you look good, you feel good’ should be ‘when someone else tells us we look good, we feel good’, and if we are truly honest with ourselves, isn’t that what we really mean anyway? If not, why don’t we just walk around the house every day when we are alone in our best outfit if it makes us ‘feel good’?!


When we look to external sources to validate or tell us how we look, then how we feel is largely based on what others tell us. So, in essence we begin living to solicit approval from others on how we look. Everything seems to be tied into the external which is probably why so many shallow relationships exist on all levels. Everyone is so busy trying to look good first; hoping to feel good sec-

ond, not realizing that their ‘feeling good’ is based on an illusion anyway. It’s based on the words of people who are not qualified in any capacity to tell us anything, with their limited vision.!


So what happens when you take those expensive clothes off? Do you still feel good? Or when you take off that expensive make-up—do you still look good? If the answer is no, then what happened to that feeling? Did it disappear when the mask was taken off?!


We have become addicts; addicted to the validation of others. We have given others dominion over us and we have become powerless, just reactionary beings at the ever changing whims of others. Like thermometers whose temperature is set by the surrounding area, rather than a thermostat that controls the temperature of the surrounding area, our feelings are controlled by others. Most of us can only ‘see’ with our eyes and unfortunately for humans, seeing is believing.!


There is so much to life that the eyes are incapable of seeing; things that only the heart can comprehend; for the heart allows us the ability to see the beauty in all things, most importantly ourselves. No one should have power over how we feel. If we decide that we want to be happy or smile, why should someone who has a different agenda be able to take that away from us?!


I am not suggesting that people not dress how they want or look how they want, but that how we feel should come from inside not outside. I believe that if we focused on ‘feeling good’ from within, the outside will take care of itself. People will be able to see the light that shines deep within us and will be drawn to that beauty that can radiate from us all. We make and wear the clothes and make-up, but too often the clothes and make-up wear us.!


A much better saying and practice would be, ‘when you do good, you feel good’. This at least gives you power; the power to make a difference in yourself and someone or something else.!


So the next time you want to ‘feel good’, ‘do good’-Plant a tree, hug a friend, smile just because, help someone in need and feel the magic happen.”!

“Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle your diet and nutrition are set and you're working out you're going to feel good.”!


Jason Statham







The Christmas Love Box A Family-Oriented Gift

since. It has been the best gift, to share the gift of love with family and friends, one love note at a time.

By Vikki Hankins|

Christine: For the past 10 years I have shared the tradition with friends and groups when I was doing speaking events. Year after year, people tried it and then came back to me and say, “This tradition is so beautiful and powerful. Can you write a book about it or make it?” I thought, I don’t know how to do that. Then in 2012 I thought about turning into a kit. It was a difficult year. My father was terminally ill and both my parents were living with us. My Dad passed away in April and my son David graduated from high school in May. During that summer Dave and I were going through all his ‘stuff’ to decide what he was going to bring with him to college in Aug. He wanted to bring a piece of the family with him, so he packed family photos along with a few love notes in his wallet. It was then that I felt in my heart that this was something really special. Our sacred family tradition built a foundation of love in our family and each child could hold the love of family and friends forever.

The Christmas Love Box is changing the rules of human interaction. Granted communication(s) have advanced immeasurably in our tech-savvy world, but every once in a while we need expressions outside of texting, emails and snapchat. Simply stated we need the human ‘touch’, ‘emotions’ and ‘love’ from each other.


The Christmas Love Box is ‘that’ communication. Started by Christine & Bob Martinello, The Christmas Love Box is not only a way of expressing terms of endearment, but unintentionally acts as a healing mechanism.


A recently published article by the Click it Paper, shares it’s impact on the Smith family: Kim Smith said she grew up in a dysfunctional family and the love notes helped her brothers and sisters share some much needed emotions. “There were a lot of tissues; a lot of healing was done,” said Smith, who also noted the dialogue was opened to share about her faith and about love for family. “It was so meaningful to all of us.”


I had the opportunity to speak with co-founder Christine Martinello, here’s what she had to say:

! VMH: How did The Christmas Love Box begin? !

Christine: It started in 1999 on a cold, wet day in November, when I took my children – 5 year old David, 3year old Tina & 2-year old Steve- Christmas shopping. We were walking around a huge store and we were looking at all this stuff. The kids were pointing out toys they would like to get for Christmas. I was looking at everything on the shelves and this thought went through my head, “What can I buy my kids to show them how much I really love them?” There was nothing in the store, so we went home empty handed that day.”


Later that night, my husband Bob & I were trying to figure out how to show love for Christmas instead of just giving presents. We decided to write love notes to the kids and each other. On Christmas Eve day we each wrote a love note or drew pics to each other telling each other what we loved about each other. On Christmas Even night we gathered together in the living room, lit candles and read the birth of Jesus story from the Bible. Then we went around the room reading each other the love notes. It was a night filled with peace, appreciation and love for each other. The tradition was born and we have done it every Christmas Eve

! VMH: What inspired your family to share the tradition? !


Bob & I prayed for months about what God wanted us to do next and I felt him nudging us to create it. God gave our family this gift and now it was time to share it with others. So we did. After a lot of development and hard work, we came up with The Christmas Love Box. Each kit includes a fully illustrated ‘Christmas Love Box’ book with children’s story, poems about love that Bob wrote and an adult ‘How to’ section with everything families need to get started. There are also 30 Christmas Love Note cards and a keepsake box for storage. The Christmas Love Box is our favorite holiday tradition and we hope it will become yours too!


VMH: How has the Christmas Love Box impacted other families?


Christine: Everyone who does the tradition is impacted in a meaningful and unforgettable way. When love is released many amazing things happen from healing hurt relationships to hugs & tears, to a deeper connection with our loved ones as we feel the magic of love.


For more information about The Christmas Love Box visit: www.christmaslovebox.com

The Christmas Love Box Kit




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