201 1
From the Chairman and President Moving Forward I’ve had the privilege of serving as chair of the VMNH Board of Trustees for Fiscal Year 2011. Even through difficult economic times, VMNH has continued to move forward. VMNH is blessed to have very capable staff, as well as a committed and supportive Board of Trustees. Under Dr. Keiper’s leadership, VMNH’s research and collections professionals have made advancements in their respective fields, which continues to help set VMNH apart from many museums of similar or larger size. Through the most generous gift from the T. Marshall Hahn family and the hard work of our staff, the Hahn Hall of Biodiversity was opened during 2010. Other temporary exhibits were also displayed during 2011, which led to additional patrons from 40 states and
8 countries coming to VMNH during the last year. VMNH was reaccredited by the American Association of Museums in December 2010. Less than 5% of U.S. museums receive this designation. We have also worked with the VMNH Foundation Board of Directors to move our fund raising relationship forward and create a collaborative environment, which will help solidify the future of VMNH both regionally and around the Commonwealth. Also, as VMNH moves forward to 2012, a terrific slate of new officers of the Board of Trustees, in conjunction with Dr. Keiper and the staff, are set to take VMNH even further.
Novel Martin
Chairman, VMNH Board of Trustees
New Heights Fiscal year 2011 saw many great accomplishments for the Virginia Museum of Natural History Foundation, with tremendous support for a variety of new exhibits, programs, and events. The museum celebrated the opening of the new Hooker Furniture Discovery Reef, providing a hands-on, interactive play and discovery area for children. This project was made possible by a generous donation from the Charity League of Martinsville-Henry County, building on the existing naming support from the Hooker Furniture Corporation. The museum also celebrated the opening of the Hahn Hall of Biodiversity, the museum’s newest permanent exhibit. This spectacular new exhibition explores the concept of biodiversity through dozens of African wildlife specimens, as well as interactive elements. Dr. T. Marshall Hahn, Jr., president emeritus of Virginia Tech, provided financial support and donated
dozens of African wildlife specimens from his personal collection to the museum for use in the exhibit. In addition to providing support for new exhibits, the VMNH Foundation hosted its 24th annual Thomas Jefferson Awards dinner and ceremony on April 8 at the museum, with nearly 150 guests on hand. Dr. Douglas Owsley, division head for Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, served as keynote speaker at the event. With additional grants and support for summer camps, educational programs, future new exhibit galleries, and much more, the VMNH Foundation will continue to work with museum staff and trustees to build on recent successes and reach new heights.
Gail D. Smith
President, VMNH Foundation Board of Directors
From the Director
Shaping the Future During this past fiscal year, we witnessed a perfect example of why museum collections are a necessity in our society. Dr. Judith Winston, VMNH Curator of Marine Biology, coauthored a paper that compared recently collected Antarctic bryozoans, or moss animals, to specimens obtained a century ago by the explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott. Bryozoans grow like small corals on hard substrates such as rocks, and as they grow form rings inside their bodies in a way similar to tree trunks. By measuring the size of the growth rings in the older museum specimens and comparing them to new specimens, Dr. Winston’s team documented increasing ring size in modern versus old specimens. This shows accelerated growth in recent decades. The significance of this find is the connection to more carbon in our atmosphere that is being absorbed by the growing bryozoan colonies. In other words, the study became an indirect measure of a changing atmosphere over time. As our curators collect new materials, they are stored in our
museum and made available to scientists of the future. As the collections grow, VMNH will prosper and maintain a vital link to our natural resources of the past. We live in a changing world, with a changing atmosphere, a growing human population 7 billion strong, and increasing stress on our natural resources. Natural history museums are a key to developing plans for the long-term sustainability of our presence on Earth. The 10+ million specimens in the VMNH collections are irreplaceable treasures for all humankind.
Joe B. Keiper, Ph.D.
VMNH Executive Director
Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia: Bob McDonnell, Secretary of Natural Resources: Doug Domenech
Museum Board of Trustees C. Novel Martin, III, Roanoke, Chairman
Christina S. Draper, Richmond
Arelene Milner, Keysville
Sammy Redd, Martinsville, Vice Chairman
Nancy R. Fitzgerald, Huddleston
Monica T. Monday, Martinsville
James W. Severt, II, Washington, D.C., Treasurer
Paul Fleisher, Richmond
Dr. J. James Murray, Jr., Charlottesville
Missy Neff Gould, Richmond, Secretary
Dr. Oliver S. Flint, Jr., Alexandria
Kimble Reynolds, Jr., Martinsville
Thomas C. Honer, Roanoke
Janet Scheid, Vinton
Pamela A. Armstrong, Martinsville
Conover Hunt, Hampton
Dr. Philip M. Sprinkle, Martinsville
Dr. LeAnn S. Binger, Petersburg
Dr. Mervyn R. King, Martinsville
Stephen D. Walker, Charlotte Courthouse
Dr. Mark A. Crabtree, Martinsville
Lee A. Lester, Martinsville
Lisa Lyle Wu, Arlington
Gail D. Smith, Belville, NC, President
H. Clay Gravely, Martinsville
Hal G. Prillaman, Martinsville
Kelly S. Cain, Martinsville, Vice-President
Anthony Jackson, Collinsville
Robert H. Smith, Richmond
E. Larry Ryder, Axton, Treasurer
Bradley T. Johnson, Martinsville
David Sweet, Martinsville
Manly Boyd, Martinsville, Secretary
Dr. David C. Jones, Martinsville
Forrest Truitt, Martinsville
Suzanne Lacy, Axton
Dr. Denise Unterbrink, Martinsville
Gayle F. Barts, Sutherlin
Richard Lawhon, Martinsville
Meredith Vaughn, Martinsville
E. G. Bradshaw, Stuart
Judith Matthews, Martinsville
Kris Willard, Penhook
J. Smith Chaney, Martinsville
Anna S. McClain, Martinsville
Dr. James L. Wilson, Martinsville
Lynn Davis, Blacksburg
Lynnie Mitchell, Martinsville
Lisa Fultz, Martinsville
Paige Frith, Martinsville
Dr. William Morris, Union Hall
Ellen Wood, Martinsville
Jean S. Adams, Martinsville
Teresa L. Lilly, Martinsville
Katherine Slaughter, Charlottesville
Briggs Andrews, Roanoke
Dr. Anne C. Lund, Farmville
Dennis H. Treacy, Smithfield
Brenda H. Campbell, Ridgeway
Martha W. Medley, Martinsville
Robert A. Williams, Martinsville
Elizabeth C. Cole, Martinsville
Honorable W. Tayloe Murphy, Mount Holly
Dr. Max Wingett, Martinsville
Gary Collins, Martinsville
Daniel Oakey, Richmond
W. Bruce Wingo, Richmond
Dr. Porter Kier, Lottsburg
Edwina H. Pancake, Charlottesville
George W. Lester, Martinsville
Edwin G. Penn, III, Martinsville
Foundation Board
Foundation Advisory Board
Museum Staff Executive Director’s Office Dr. Joe Keiper, Executive Director Cindy Gray, Executive Director’s Assistant Administration & Services Gloria Niblett, Director of Administration & Services Rhonda Casey, Human Resources Manager Glynda Cassady, Procurement Manager Rian Culligan, Building Operations Manager Debbie Curry-Menefee, Security Guard Frank DeShazo, Security Guard Joe Dillon, Trades Technician John Hairston, Security Guard Reneé Hairston, Fiscal Technician Alex Johnson, Security Guard Brenda Keen, Custodian Timothy King, Security Manager Ottie Leffel, Trades Technician Paula Morris, Administrative Assistant Lynette Perkins, Fiscal Technician Sr. John Sherman, Security Guard Robert Wilson, Security Guard Research & Collections Dr. James Beard, Director of Research and Collections/Curator of Earth Sciences
Haley Cartmell, Collections Manager Dr. Alton Dooley, Associate Curator of Paleontology Jill Harris, Registrar Dr. Richard Hoffman, Curator Emeritus of Recent Invertebrates Dr. Nancy Moncrief, Assistant Director of Research and Collections/Curator of Mammalogy Dr. Elizabeth Moore, Curator of Archaeology Lynn Pritchett, Geology Lab Assistant Janet Roetken, Administrative Assistant Mary Catherine Santoro, Librarian Dr. Lauck Ward, Curator Emeritus of Invertebrate Paleontology Dr. Judith Winston, Curator of Marine Biology Education & Public Programs Dr. Dennis Casey, Director of Education & Public Programs Aileen Bourne, Adult Volunteer Coordinator Tena Bullins, Office Manager Jo Carter, Educator/Southside Virginia Christy Deatherage, Museum Education Coordinator Jennifer Gaden, Outreach Educator/Central Virginia Glenda Hairston, Out of School Education Coordinator Robin Jensen, Youth Education Coordinator Ann Mallek, Outreach Education Coordinator/Central Virginia Nancy Newman, Outreach Educator/Central Virginia Samantha Nguyen, Education Assistant Tamara Poles, Nature & Outdoor Education Manager Susan Walton, Outreach Education Coordinator/Eastern Virginia
Marketing & External Affairs Ryan Barber, Director of Marketing & External Affairs Kenneth Barksdale, Visitor Services Specialist Valerie Barrow, Visitor Services Specialist Vickie Bondurant, Visitor Services Specialist Melody Cartwright, Senior Graphic Designer Diane Clark, Visitor Services Manager Evelyn Clark, Barista Joel Clifton, Exhibit Hall Technical Specialist Jessica Davenport, Publications & Exhibits Manager Brad Harris, Exhibits, Research, and Visitor Services Assistant Betsy Ivey, Visitor Services Specialist Donnie Jones, Exhibit Hall Program Specialist Lucy Moore, Visitor Services Specialist Kelsey Penn, Visitor Services Specialist Letitia Pulliam, Visitor Services Specialist Zachary Ryder, Marketing Associate Development Garth Mills, Director of Development Charlotte Harter, Administrative Assistant Barbara Helmick, Grantwriter Cian Robinson, Major Gifts Officer Carolyn Seay, Special Events/Facilities Rental Manager
Finance Virginia Museum of Natural History
Statement of Operations July 2010 through June 30, 2011 2009 – 2010
2010 – 2011
TOTAL REVENUE AND SUPPORT.................................. $3,628,647
REVENUE AND SUPPORT Commonwealth of Virginia............ $2,386,588 $2,612,965 Federal Funds.....................................$40,000 $140,905 Gifts and Grants................................$229,109 $153,977 Admissions.........................................$43,626 $47,275 Memberships......................................$10,059 $10,492 Other Income....................................$310,560 $183,825
EXPENSES Administrative and Support...........$1,445,708 $1,636,390 Collections Management.................... $92,880 $99,127 Research...........................................$560,718 $589,120 Education and Outreach....................$791,275 $686,348 TOTAL EXPENSES...............................$2,890,581 $2,990,985 TOTAL INCOME BALANCE.................... $129,361
Virginia Museum of Natural History Foundation
Income Statement July 2010 through June 30, 2011
2009 – 2010
2010 – 2011
REVENUE AND SUPPORT Gifts and Contributions........................$51,268 $27,101 Membership Dues................................$33,863 $36,137 Capital Campaign.................................$20,070 $35,365 Other......................................................$5,789 $7,913 TOTAL REVENUE AND SUPPORT...................................... $110,708 $106,516 EXPENSES Salaries and Wages...............................$50,030 $47,067 Contractual Services...............................$9,425 $5,927 Supplies..................................................$3,776 $4,374 Other....................................................$46,144 $43,623 TOTAL EXPENSES.................................. $191,375 $100,991 TOTAL INCOME BALANCE..........................$1,333 $5,525
VMNH Highlights... As the state museum of natural history serving the entire Commonwealth, the Virginia Museum of Natural History hosts award-winning exhibits, ground-breaking scientific research and collections, and innovative educational programs both at the museum and through outreach programs statewide. As we approach the 5–year anniversary in our new facility in March 2012, we continue to develop new exhibits, programs, and global scientific research collaborations. Below are just a few of the museum’s major accomplishments over the past fiscal year. As you read about these important accomplishments and milestones, we hope you will consider supporting the museum now and in the future. We look forward to seeing you at the museum in 2012 and beyond! • The museum earned re-accreditation from the American Association of Museums, a distinction earned by fewer than 5% of museums across the U.S., in 2010. • The Radford University Museum of the Earth Sciences became an Affiliate of the Virginia Museum of Natural History in 2011. The VMNH affiliation program further advances the museum’s mission as the state museum of natural history for Virginia, serving all citizens of the Commonwealth.
Education • The Museum’s education and public programs continue to reach more students, teachers, and museum-goers. In 2010–2011, 844 educational programs reached 18,467 people. Education staff served 45 school divisions with 267 programs at the museum and with 577 programs through outreach offices in Martinsville, Charlottesville, and Newport News. • For the first time in its 15-year history, four Virginia Science Standards Institutes were held and graduate credit was available through Virginia Commonwealth University School of Education. The
institutes were held at Westmoreland, Twin Lakes, and Hungry Mother state parks. Forty-four fourth and fifth grade teachers from across Virginia participated in this week-long intensive experience aimed at increasing teacher confidence and supporting the Virginia Standards of Learning. The next generation of the VSSI for 2011 will be the Virginia Science Institutes for STEM Education (VSISE). VSISE will consist of six-day summer learning experiences designed to support the implementation of the Science Standards of Learning and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Four week-long institutes will be held in July and August. • VMNH hosted the fourth museum fieldtrip for the 2011 Hollins Elementary Science Institute for Teachers (HESIT). This professional development institute is designed for elementary teachers sponsored by Hollins University and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia through a federal Improving Teacher Quality grant. Led by Drs. Casey and Beard, participants toured the museum and went on a Piedmont geology fieldtrip where participants had the opportunity to collect classroom samples of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Thirty teachers in partnering school divisions and a private school teacher in the region were selected to participate. Partnering school divisions include: Roanoke and Salem cities, and Roanoke, Botetourt, Floyd, Franklin, Montgomery, Henry, and Craig counties. • Outreach educational programming now extends into the classrooms of Eastern Virginia. The Eastern Virginia Outreach office is led by Susan Walton. Walton, a resident of Newport News, has been recognized as a top educator in the Commonwealth throughout her teaching career of more than 30 years. Areas now served include the counties of Charles City, Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, Mathews, Middlesex,
VMNH Highlights Continued... New Kent, Northampton, Southampton and York, along with the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake. • During Earth Day at VMNH, partnering community organizations conducted programs for students during this conference-style event. Participants included the Southwestern Piedmont Master Naturalists, the Dan River Basin Association, the Master Gardeners, and the US Army Corps of Engineers. The keynote speaker was Astronaut Patrick G. Forriester who talked about his experiences working with NASA. Over 200 students from Patrick Henry Elementary, Martinsville Middle School, and Albert Harris Elementary participated in this event. • The 2010 Summer Adventure Camps were offered for various age groups ranging from three to 10 years of age. Before and after care as well as on-site meal options were utilized by campers. Camps included: Dinosaur Adventures, Under the Sea, Great Sense of Nature, Scrumdidlyumpious Art, and Marvelous Messes. • From its inception, VMNH has been involved in the Virginia Master Naturalist Executive and Steering committees. Staff members are currently serving in leadership roles in local chapters in the Charlottesville, Hampton and Martinsville areas. The Southwestern Piedmont Chapter held its fourth member training in the fall of 2010. Along with five other natural resources agencies, VMNH renewed its commitment to the program. Volunteers with the local chapter made significant contributions to the VMNH in 2010. The Southwestern Piedmont Chapter reported 490 hours (valued at $10,256) of volunteer time at the museum, including interpretive programs, research assistance to museum scientists, and assistance with museum collections. • VMNH hosted a Flying WILD Workshop on December 4 led by Suzie Gilley, Wildlife
Education Coordinator/Project WILD Coordinator with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. Twenty participants including VMNH educators, master naturalists, and area educators took part in the training that included both educator and train-the-trainer sessions. • VMNH Volunteer Interpreters (VI) elected officers in late 2010. Officers include: Aileen Wilson, president; Linda Hill, vice president; and, Evalyn Chapman, secretary. • Education staff participated in several professional development opportunities including Great Science for Girls training with ongoing web casts, After-school Science Plus, Growing Up Wild workshop sponsored by Project Wild, and Sharing Nature Workshop. Staff members were trained in First Aid and became certified. Glenda Hairston, VMNH outof-school education coordinator and Dr. Casey attended the Great Science for Girls Training Institute in Philadelphia, immediately followed by the Virginia Association of Science Teachers annual professional development institute in Hampton. Hairston and Casey represent the museum with GSG for MHC After 3. Hairston, Casey, and Susan Walton, eastern Virginia outreach education coordinator staffed a VMNH outreach education booth at the institute and Casey gave three presentations on VMNH education programs. Other professional development conferences, institutes, and publications included the Virginia Science Education Leadership Association Annual and Strategic Planning meetings; the Virginia Association of Science Teachers Professional Development Institute; and editorial review board of the Journal of Virginia Science Education. • The Martinsville-Henry County Community Nature Initiative (MHC CNI), funded by The Harvest Foundation of the Piedmont, is in now in its third year of providing children and adults an interactive approach to outdoor
VMNH Highlights Continued... learning. MHC CNI complements the content students receive in traditional classrooms in the Martinsville and Henry County school systems. MHC CNI, in coordination with the Henry County Parks and Recreation, hosted the second annual Piedmont Kite Festival was held at Jack Dalton Park on March 12 with 750 visitors. The MHC CNI conducted the second annual Earth Week Celebration April 15 – 23. We partnered with over a dozen organizations in the area to coordinate this week long event to bring the community together to celebrate the environment. • Over the weekend of February 18–20, Tamara Poles and Dr. Casey led an enthusiastic group of seven local teachers in developing a curriculum guide that will support teachers in conducting more science-related activities with students outdoors. Once completed, the guide will be available for download on the VMNH website. • VMNH education staff and Joseph Cornell’s Sharing Nature Worldwide teamed up to offer a first-of-its-kind professional development opportunity. Designed for teachers, environmental educators and community leaders, Virginia Institute for Natural Youth Leadership (VINYL) combined Sharing Nature activities and youth leadership development strategies and feature local outdoor venues. • VMNH continues to be committed to the Martinsville/Henry County After 3 program by providing academic programming for four after-school sites including Boys and Girls Club of Martinsville/Henry County, Collinsville YMCA, Bassett Community Center, and Fieldale Community Center. During the month of July, VMNH educators led five week-long summer camps for each of the MHC After 3 sites. After the students went back to school, VMNH educators brought programming to the after school sites. On November 12, a culminating event for the Boys and Girls Club Teen Center and
their parents was held at the museum. Students displayed projects they created during fall programs. • The number of schools taking part in the Partners in Academic Excellence increased in 2010-2011. Education staff visited Parent/Teacher meetings in the beginning of the school year to introduce programming availability. Patrick Henry Elementary and John Redd Smith Elementary schools continue their partnership by providing monthly programs to each grade level. New school partners include Stanleytown Elementary, Carver Elementary and Collinsville Primary. By the end of the current school year, VMNH educators had delivered 313 outreach programs to kindergarten through fifth-grade students at these Martinsville – Henry County Public Schools.
Research and Collections • Excavations by VMNH scientists continued at the Carmel Church research site in Caroline County, Virginia, near Richmond. The Carmel Church site is one of the densest concentrations of fossil bones east of the Mississippi River. The most exciting find in 2011 was a partial humerus (arm bone) from the giant bird Pelagornis, the first time this species has been reported from Carmel Church. Pelagornis is an example of a pseudodontorn, or false-toothed bird. Pseudodontorns are thought to be the largest known flying birds with a wingspan of over 6 m (20 feet), making them twice the size of the largest living birds. Other specimens collected included three lower jaws from baleen whales, the ear region from the baleen whale Diorocetus, a sea turtle humerus, and a 50-million-year-old vertebra from the giant sea snake Paleophis. • VMNH Curator Dr. Judith Winston, together with an international team of scientists, recently found the first conclusive evidence of increased carbon uptake and storage by Antarctic marine
VMNH Highlights Continued... life. The scientists compared recently collected colonies of bryozoans –– seabed filter-feeding animals that look like branching twigs –– with creatures collected 100 years ago by Antarctic explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott. Dr. Winston was also one of 23 scientists nationwide to be part in a recent expedition to survey the biodiversity of the Gulf of Mexico’s ocean floor. The expedition was funded by BP through the Florida Institute of Oceanography in the wake of the BP oil spill. • VMNH Curator Dr. Richard Hoffman co-authored an article describing a new species of milliped (more commonly known as a millipede, or thousand legger) discovered in the rainforest of Colombia. Hoffman worked with Professor Eduardo Florez and graduate student Daniela Martinez, both at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, on the species identification and accompanying international journal article.
Exhibits • The museum hosted the special exhibits Eyes on Earth, Animal Secrets, Living off the Land, and Documenting Diversity. • The museum had a variety of exhibits and displays at remote locations throughout Virginia and beyond. Sites included the Virginia Living Museum, the Caroline County Visitor Center, the Danville Science Center, and more. • The museum celebrated the opening of the new Hahn Hall of Biodiversity, Hooker Furniture Discovery Reef, and Fossil Overlook exhibit areas. Museum staff continue to develop new and updated displays that further enhance visitors’ experiences.
Events • The museum was awarded a Distinguished Lecture Series program and accompanying educational programs from the Consortium for Ocean Leadership’s Deep Earth Academy. In addition to
a lecture by Dr. James Cowen of the University of Hawaii, Deep Earth Academy staff conducted school programs and teacher workshops at the museum. • The VMNH Foundation held its 24th annual Thomas Jefferson Awards dinner and ceremony on Friday, April 8 at the museum, with nearly 150 guests on hand. Dr. Douglas Owsley, division head for Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, served as keynote speaker at the event.
Development • VMNH received a $5,000 grant award from the LEGO Children’s Fund in December 2010. The grant has enabled the museum to provide engaging activities to stimulate elementary school children and middle school youth of Martinsville and Henry County in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through the after school Youth Empowered in Science (YES) program. Partnering providers include the Boys and Girls Club, Martinsville and Collinsville YMCA, and the MHC After 3 sites. • The museum received a $92,100 grant from AEP to help fund a new permanent watersheds and trout biology exhibit scheduled to open at the museum in 2013.
ANNUAL FUND DONATIONS Dr. Richard Hoffman The Hermes Family Foundation Ruth Chaney Rosie Craig Groves/Chaney Foundation Dr. Donald Holsinger Charlotte McClain Worth and Katherine Carter Gael Chaney Elaine and Larry Ryder Irving and Jett Groves Donald Prillaman Ryan Bowman Roy T. Mitchell Richard Lawhon Mr. and Mrs. L. Randolph Isley Mack and Jeri Draper Jane Heyward Dr. Tom and Dr. Denise Unterbrink David H. Lewis Arthur M. Sleeper Wendell Keyes Manly Boyd Langhorne S. Mauck Ivey C. Stone Gail Doyle Smith Anne Chatham Marie Ramsey George and Louise Harris Ellen Thomason Current Events Club Will Pannill W. E. Geisler Stanley Bowles Robert and Prudence Swerlick Rappahannock Electric Ralph Eckerlin Ralph E. Shank Phil and Paula Burnette Paul and Margie Eason Martinizing Dry Cleaning Luther and Dina Ensminger Lucy Armante Lucy Andrews LeAnn and Roy Binger L. D. and Retha Oakes Kathryn Frith John Ran and Lucy Smith James Tobin Gayle Barts Evelyn Trent Ellen Wood Eliza and Jim Severt
Elif Wilk Edwina Pancake E Zen Dr. David C. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Flint Donald W. Richman Donald Moore Donald J. Deaton Coy and Linda Park Charity League of Martinsville Brad and Christine Kinkema Betsy and Mark Ivey Barry Dorsey Barry and Edith Greene Barbara Matthews Axa Foundation Robert Holtman Robert and Merlow Luttrell Milton Barber Max Wingett Harold L. Atkins Gilbert C. Brittle Dr. Carolyn Wells Carol Lougheed Betty Scott Anita Nelson Celena and James Barton Dr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Flint Lynn Davis Will and Meredith Vaughn Reed Anderson Martha Reed James and Frances Fetter J. Shelton Scales J. Carolyn Seay Beverly Moore Mary C. Santoro Larry and Carolyn Turner Barbara Epperly
Gael and Smith Chaney Ruth Groves Chaney The Charity League of Martinsville and Henry County Dominion Foundation The Wilbur S. Doyle Family Elster Foundation James B., Jacob E. and Mary Kathryn Frith Richard P. Gravely Jett and Irving Groves Groves/Chaney Foundation Kitty Sue and Clyde Hooker Frank M. and Suzanne Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Lester Memorial Hospital of Martinsville and Henry County Claude Moore Charitable Foundation National Geographic Society Mr. and Mrs. Will Pannill Stanley Furniture Company, Inc. Mrs. Ivey C. Stone Mary Ellen and Vince Stone $10,000 – $24,999 BB&T Bank Bank of America Dr. David A. Compton and Dr. Cynthia M. Compton Roxann Dillon Groves/Chaney Foundation Butch and Virginia Hamlet Dr. Richard Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. David Jones Dr. Mervyn and Virginia King Debbie and Ben Lewis MainStreet BankShares, Inc. Bob and Jackie McLachlan Barbara C. Matthews CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Roy and Lynnie Mitchell Edwina H. Pancake 2005–2011 Wright and Gail Doyle Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert $1,000,000 and above H. Spilman, Jr. Commonwealth of Virginia SunTrust Bank The Harvest Foundation of David and Kathleen Sweet the Piedmont Dr. and Mrs. Bate C. Toms, Jr. Drs. Tom and Denise Unterbrink $500,000 – $999,999 $2,500 – $9,999 $250,000 – $499,999 Jan Albaum and Harry Cerino Lee and George W. Lester, II Mark Anderson National Science Foundation Briggs and Cathy Andrews Virginia Tobacco Annonymous - In honor of Indemnification and Vincent C. Stone Community Revitalization LeAnn and Roy Binger Commission Kelly and Janice Cain Mr. and Mrs. L. Dudley Walker Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cole, III Mark and Rebecca Crabtree $100,000 – $249,999 Carolyn Anderson Davis Hooker Furniture Dr. Paul and Dr. Margie Eason The Lacy Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Flint, Jr. $25,000 – $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Flythe George B. Jr. and Jean S. Adams David and Judy Garland Andrew and Anna Gehrken Anonymous Tim and Kristi Gette Barnett Commercial Realty Rupak Ginn and Nancy Redd Company, Inc. Barry and Eydie Green Bassett Furniture Industries Thomas and Judy Harned Foundation Mrs. John E. Hooker Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Randolph Isley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Johnson James and Cecelia Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lewis Martinsville First Savings Medical Staff Memorial Hospital Martha and Gene Medley Reed Moore Missy Neff Daniel G. Oakey Edwin G. Penn, III Philip Morris Company Wanda and Hal Prillaman In Memory of Paul Ragland Amanda Redd Sammy Redd Elaine and Larry Ryder S&K Office Supply, Inc. James and Eliza Severt Dr. Arthur Sleeper Dr. Edward Snyder Dr. Philip M. Sprinkle Donna J. and Dennis H. Treacy Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Toms, Jr. Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited Forrest and Virginia Truitt George L. Wallace, M.D. Pat B. Wallace, M.D. Kris Willard West Window Corporation Dr. James L. Wilson Ms. Ellen Wood Dr. Anthony B. and Lisa Lyle Wu $1,000 – $2,499 American of Martinsville, Inc. Mrs. Lucy Armante Ward and Pam Armstrong Ann and John Austin Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Balabanis Jim and Nancy Baker Mike and Nancy Bell Christine Bennett Blue Ridge Packaging Corp. Boxley Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Casey Evalyn Chapman Joel, Tammy, Zachary and Katelin Clifton Gary C. Collins Edgar and Margaret Dietrich Barry Dorsey William and Sarah Fain Nancy R. Fitzgerald James H. and Sandra T. Ford Nick and Christine Fraser Fred and Linda Gehrke In Honor of Nina Gravely given by Gwen Bow Sowdon George and Lou Harris Larry A. and Betty L. Heaton Dr. and Mrs. Donald Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Hooker, Jr. Conover Hunt Katie and Cameron Kitchin Kiwanis Club of Martinsville Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kostarab Dr. Leon A. Lackey Susan Lester Dr. David H. Lewis
Anne C. Lund George Lyle Novel and Jackie Martin Judy and John Matthews Langhorne S. Mauck Charlotte McClain McKee Collins Funeral Home Dr. William Morris J. J. Murray, Jr. Samira Najjar – In Memory of Fred Najjar Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Philpott Linda Prillaman Dr. Clarence and Ann Reaser Dennis Reeves Kimble Reynolds, Jr. Rotary Club of Martinsville Scott and Tami Sapp Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Toms Misses Margaret-Ann and Elizabeth Toms Jim and Etta Wilson Dr. Max and Roslyn Wingett Cari and Will Zimmer $999 and under (FY 2011 only) J. Shelton Scales
MEMBERSHIPS Tiger Swallowtail Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Lacy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Stone Cardinal Ms. Cyndee Morton Mrs. Marty Fleenor Mrs. J. Clyde Hooker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard U. Lawhon Mr. and Mrs. C. Novel Martin, III Mr. and Mrs. Hal G. Prillaman Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rocovich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ryder Dr. and Mrs. George A. Stermer, Jr. Dr. Judith M. Szulecki Mr. and Mrs. L. Dudley Walker Dogwood Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bassett, III Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Davenport, Jr. Ms. Roxann B. Dillon Dr. Barry M. Dorsey Drs. Paul and Margie Eason Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ford Mr. and Mrs. James B. Frith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gould Mr. and Mrs. James H. Johnson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John B. LaFave Dr. and Mrs. William Morris Mr. Sammy Redd Mr. James W. Severt, II Mrs. Bate C. Toms, Jr. George L. Wallace, M.D. and Pat B. Wallace, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wenkstern Ms. Ellen Wood Smithsonian Dr. Caren Aaron and Mr. Darren Aaron Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Adkins Mrs. James Andrews Mr. and Mrs. James M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Balabanis Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Barts Mr. and Mrs. Dan Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Jim Berry Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Boisseau Ms. Sharon H. Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Kelly S. Cain Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Casey Mr. Harry E. Cerino and Ms. Jan Albaum Mrs. William C. Cole, III Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Collins Mrs. William R. Creal Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Cross Dr. and Mrs. Craig B. Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Dietz Imogene Hodge Draper Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fain Mr. and Mrs. Larry Farrar Mr. J. Ronald Ferrill Mrs. Mary Kathryn Frith Mrs. Jane Gardner Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Giesler Mr. R. Gilbert and Ms. S. Wolen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Hammack Mr. and Mrs. William S. Henika Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham Hollifield Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Honer Ms. Conover Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ivey Dr. and Mrs. David C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. R. Louis Judson Mr. Milton Katsifos Mr. and Mrs. Skip Kuchenbuch Mrs. Mary Lawhon Mrs. A.J. Lester Dr. and Mrs. W. BentonLewis Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthews Mr. Julien McCarthy and Ms. Judith A Pate Mrs. Charlotte McClain Mrs. Mary P. McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Metz Mr. and Mrs. John Milner Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Mitchell, Jr. Dr. Nancy Moncrief and Mr. Phil Holleran Dr. and Mrs. James K. Muehleck Dr. and Mrs. J. James Murray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Coy M. Park, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Peitz Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Penn, III Dr. and Mrs. Duncan M. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Prillaman Dr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Reaser Mr. Laird Reed Dennis E. Reeves Dr. Janet W. Reid Mr. J. W. Rhea Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Riddle Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robertson Mr. John Ross Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rucker Mr. Ralph E. Shank, Sr. Dr. William R. Shealy Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Sleeper Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith Mr. and Mrs. N. Franklin Smith Mrs. Heather Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wright Smith, Jr. Ms. Marilyn Smith Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stauffer Dr. William I. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Webster, III Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Danny Winn Dr. E-an Zen Dr. and Mrs. William Zimmer Family Boys and Girls Clubs of M-HC Mr. Thomas R. Adajian Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Adams Mr. and Mrs. David Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Amato Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Anderson Hon. and Mrs. Ward L. Armstrong Mr. John Ashburn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Austin Mr. and Mrs. John Austin Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Ayers Ms. Elizabeth Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baran Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Barber Mr. Mark Barnhart and Ms. Heather Hanawalt Mr. and Mrs. Len L. Barrow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bartelt Mr. and Mrs. James Barton Dr. Jim Beard and Ms. Laura Chiudioni Theresa Bechtel and Dave Meyer Mr. and Mrs. James Belcher
Ms. Paige Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Benfield Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berkhead Dr. Jim Bier Mr. Norman Biersbach Ms. Leanna Blevins and Mr. Gavin Russell Mr. and Mrs. Manly Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Branscom Ms. Doris Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Brittle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks Mr. Brian Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Marty Bullins Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Burke Ms. Saundra G. Burkland Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burns Mr. Robby Burton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bushnell Ms. Sarah Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byrd Ms. Rhonda Cagwin Mr. Jay Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cecil Justine Church Mr. and Mrs. David T. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clark J. Clebourne Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clifton Carmen Coble Brenda Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Rives Brown Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Compton Nicole Corbin Kenneth Corinash Gloria Craddock Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Crawley, Jr. Luis Tomas Cualing William Cundiff Ruby Davis Mr. and Mrs. Duane Davis Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davis Darlene Davis Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Devine Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dodson Dr. and Mrs. Alton Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Doss Mr. and Mrs. Arlen C. Doss Marie-Bernice Downey Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dunn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dyches Rev. Thurman O.Echols, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Edgerton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eisman Dr. and Mrs. John D. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Estes Mr. and Mrs. Mack N. Evans Thomas E. Fain Michael Fatten Bonnie Favero Crystal Ferguson Jennie Finney Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fisher Cathy Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Flint, Jr. Anne Flues Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Flythe Mr. and Mrs. Burr Fox Laura Frazier Mrs. Heather Fretwell and Mr. William Gallop Dare D. Frey Betty Joe Fulcher Lisa Fultz Felix C. Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner James Garnes Mr. and Mrs. Phillip P. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatewood Dr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Gendron Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gilley Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Globman Ms. April Goard Ms. Julia O. Gravely Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Groves, Jr. Ms. Heather Hack Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hackenberg Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Hagood Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hall Ms. Tammy Hall Mrs. Nancy Hall Mr. David G. Hanby Ms. Kristy Handy Mr. and Mrs. George H. Harris Sr. Ms. Ann Harris Ms. Yvonne Harris Ms. Ruby Harter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatchett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Haynes Ms. Carol Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hensley Mr. and Mrs. Ray L Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill Ms. Maria Hinson Mr. and Ms. Darryl Holland Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Holland Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. Roger Holtman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Howe Ms. Kristi Howell Mr. Thomas H. Howland and Dr. Bozenna Howland Mr. and Mrs. James Hudgins George W. Hundley, Jr. Shelbie Hundley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hundley
Jeanette Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ince Mr. Drury E. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. L. Randolph Isley James Jackson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jamison Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Johnson Bradley T. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jones Eric Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Jordan Patricia K. Jordan Mary Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Keen Dr. and Mrs. Mervyn R. King Mr. and Mrs. Tim King Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kinkema Mr. and Mrs. Billy Kirby Betty Jo Knick Jeannie Knott Alice Kopinitz Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kosztarab Brandi Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Laine Joyce Laine Mr. and Mrs. S. Harold Lamm Tracy Lange Mr. Gordon and Dr. Melissa Lannom Corey L. Larson Mr. and Mrs. James Lawless Carolyn L. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lawrie Heike Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lee Ms. Janet Lewis Dr. and Mrs. David H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ward Littlefield Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Long, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lorence Ms. Christina Lubeck Ms. Lindsey Lugrin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luttrell Mr. and Mrs. George Lyle Ms. Sharon Lynskey Mr. and Mrs. Jerone Mabe Dr. Eugene Madonia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Magruder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Mallard Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Manning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Margrave Ms. Melinda Marshall Ms. Amanda Martin Mr. and Mrs. Derek Martin Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Martin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Matthews Ms. Judy Mattox Mr. and Mrs. John Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Paul May Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Mazurek Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow McCain Dr. and Mrs. David B. McConnell Rev. and Mrs. Joseph McKissick Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMillan Mrs. Bertha Merriman Dr. and Mrs. H. Marvin Midkiff Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Miner Mrs. Lynnie Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mittag Mr. and Mrs. Eric Monday Ms. Pricie Mooney-Walker Dr. and Mrs. J. Peyton Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Moore, Jr. Ms. Shelira Morrison Ms. Victoria Moss Mrs. Elizabeth Muir Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Niblett Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Louis Norton Ms. Elva G. Nunley Ms. Cristy O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Oakes Mr. and Mrs. Preston H. Page Mr. and Mrs. James W. Paris Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Peitz Ms. Keisha Perez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petschke Mrs. JoAnne Philpott Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Philpott Ms. Jennifer Pierre Ms. Julia Pinkard Mr. and Mrs. Shane P. Pinkston Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pinnix Mrs. Teresa Plageman Mr. Jason Plogger Ms. Phyllis Porter Dr. and Mrs. W. Dan. Prince, III Mr. Ralph W. Pyles Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rachner Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ray Mrs. Simone H. Redd Mr. Charles E. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reins Mr. and Mrs. Doug Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roach Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rockwell Mr. Mal Rorrer Mrs. Sue W. Rosser Ms. Kelly Rothrock Dr. and Mrs. James Rountree, Sr. Ms. Maudie Russ Mr. and Mrs. William T. Salser Mr. Kenneth C. Sands Mr. and Mrs. Mike Santoro Ms. Gina Shelor Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shelton Mr. John R. Sherman Mr. Chris Shively Mr. Dean Shostak Ms. Elizabeth Shulam Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shuler Ms. Julie Shumate Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bob Soper Mr. and Mrs. Derick Soper Mrs. Kathryn V. Sparrow Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sprinkle Ms. Darla Staley Mr. and Mrs. Guy P. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. James I. Stegall Ms. Victoria H. Stephens Ms. Jeanne Stillman Mr. and Mrs. Cawley R. Stine
Ms. Rebecca L. Stone Mr. Marshall W. Stowe Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Stultz Mr. Harold Suain Mr. and Mrs. David Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tatum Ms. Mary Lee Tilley Mr. James Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tomczak Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Totten Mr. Kyle S. Trent Mr. and Mrs. Forrest H. Truitt, II Mr. Don Turner Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Turner Dr. Denise Unterbrink and Dr. Thomas Unterbrink Mr. Chadwick VanDyke Mr. and Mrs. Will Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vegh Ms. Tara Vipperman Ms. Laura Wade Mr. and Mrs. Davis B. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Noel Ward Rev. and Mrs. Lynwood Wells Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Wells Mr. and Mrs. James White Mr. and Mrs. Ebb H. Williams, III Ms. Lisa C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Max F. Wingett Mr. and Mrs. William E. Winn Dr. Judith E. Winston Mr. Ronald K. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woods Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wotring Mr. and Ms. Chris Wright Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Wu Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yann Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Yellin Mr. and Mrs. Monroe A. Young Mr. Jifen Zheng Mr. and Mrs. James R. Zinck Individual Ms. Margaret Adkins Mr. John Anders Mr. C. Reed Anderson, Jr. Mr. Harold L. Atkins Mr. Eugene M. Baird Ms. Kimberly Barto Ms. Carolyn Beale Mr. Douglas G. Belcher Mrs. Nancy Bell Ms. Christine M. Bennett Mrs. Nancy Betz Mr. and Dr. Roy Binger Mr. Robert C. Bowman Ms. Barbara Bradshaw Mr. F. Lamar Brandt Mrs. Catherine S. Bridges Ms. Suzanne M. Britt Mr. Edwin G. Burch Mr. B.J. Carter, III Ms. Jo Carter Ms. Ruth-Decker Chaney Ms. Evalyn T. Chapman
Mr. David R. Coffey Ms. Sandra Coleman Ms. Martha S. Cooper Ms. Carolyn A. Creasy Mrs. Ruth Dandridge Mrs. Lynn M. Davis Mr. Gregg Dean Mr. Russell Deatley Ms. Grenda Dennis Mrs. Julie DeShazo Ms. Karen Despot Ms. Mary Loose Deviney Ms. Christina S. Draper Ms. Doris J. Eanes Ms. Pat Edwards Mr. William A. Eggleston Mr. Ronald W. England Ms. Barbara T. Epperly Mrs. Janet P. Fentress Mr. James C. Firebaugh, Jr. Ms. Nancy R. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fleisher Mrs. Mary T. French Mr. Doug Frith Rev. John T. Fulcher Ms. Fran L. Gale Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Gray Ms. Mary E. Green Ms. Katherine Hairston Mrs. Michele Handy Mr. Joshua Hanks Mr. Don Hanson, Sr. Mr. William Harder Mr. James R. Harris Ms. Jill Harris Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Harter Mrs. Katherine Heldreth Mrs. Barbara Helmick Ms. Susan Henderson Mr. Clark S. Hewitt Ms. Deborah Hiatt Mr. Shawn Hickman Mrs. Iliene L. Hite Ms. Betsy Holsinger Ms. Helen Howell Mr. Matthew Joyce Ms. Kristin Landrum Ms. Catherine LaPrade Mr. Charles Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Ottie J. Leffel Mr. Frankie G. Legaux Mr. Edward M. Linker Mr. Raymond H. Mann, Jr. Mrs. Langhorne S. Mauck Mr. and Mrs. James McClain Mr. Merril Mille Mr. Donald P. Moore Mr. William T. Moore
Mrs. Nancy Nash Ms. Annita P. Nelson Ms. Edwina H. Pancake Mrs. Barbara Parker Ms. Aurelia G. Perkins Mrs. Mary Pickett Ms. Jane Pilson Rev. William M. Plonk Mr. Jesse K. Powell Ms. Nicole Powers Miss Elizabeth Pritchett Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Pritchett Ms. Lee Probst Ms. Marie A. Ramsey Mrs. Polly Randolph Mrs. Lynn Regan Mr. and Mrs. Kimble Reynolds, Jr. Mrs. Mavis T. Rice Mr. Edwin S. Robinson Mrs. Janet Roetken Ms. Carolyn Rosser Mrs. Sue W. Rosser Mrs. T. S. Rothrock Ms. Allyson Rothrock Mr. Zachary S. Ryder Ms. Mary Catherine Santoro Mr. J. Shelton Scales Ms. Erica Schulze-Ising Ms. Betty Scott Mr. Ralph E. Shank, Sr. Mr. Dan Shaw Ms. Deborah J. Smith Ms. Eve Solomon Mr. Rusty Spence Mrs. Nancy U. Stanley Mr. Danny W. Stevens Ms. Christina Tademy Ms. Ellen Thomason Ms. Janet Tillie Mrs. Evelyn Trent Mr. Kenneth Tuley Mrs. Anne B. Vipperman Ms. Lillian B. Wall Ms. Linda Whalley Mrs. Kris Willard Mrs. Diane Willis Dr. James L. Wilson Ms. Rachael Wingfield Ms. Christa Winingham Mrs. Virginia D. Wiseman Ms. Margaret P. Witt Ms. Rachel Wood Mrs. Anne Woodruff Mr. Fred V. Woodson, Jr. Ms. Donata Worrell Mr. Charles Wray Ms. Kerry Yellin Ms. Mary Ziglar Student Ms. Virginia A. Crabtree Ms. Kimberly Legaux
OTHER Accounting and Tax Service
of Martinsville AMVETS Post, Inc. AXA Foundation Bill Teegen Insurance Agency Blackwell Industries
Boys and Girls Clubs of M-HC Collinsville Printing Co., Inc Commonwealth Laminating Corps of Engineers Currituck Golf Club Dominion Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kramer Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Casey Dr. and Mrs. J. James Murray, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James K. Muehleck Dr. and Mrs. Lauck W. Ward Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Crabtree Dr. and Mrs. Mervyn R. King Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kosztarab Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Fraser Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sprinkle Dr. and Mrs. W. Benton Lewis Dr. and Mrs. William Morris Dr. Denise Unterbrink and Dr. Thomas Unterbrink Dr. Harry Jopson Dr. Janet W. Reid Dr. Joe B. Keiper Dr. Nancy Moncrief and Mr. Phil Holleran Dr. Noel T. Boaz Dr. Ralph Eckerlin Dr. Richard L. Hoffman Exchange Club of Martinsville George L. Wallace, M.D. and Pat B. Wallace, M.D. Greenbelt Native Plant Center Harvey Dentistry Hollins University Infinity Acres LLC King’s Grant Retirement Center Lawyer Nursery, Inc. Lockman and Associates Mallard and Mallard, CPAs Martinsville Area Community Foundation Martinsville DuPont CU Massannutten Resort MPS Mr. and Dr. Roy Binger Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Wu Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Bob Letts Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Harter Mr. and Mrs. Briggs W. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. C. Novel Martin, III Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Craig Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Niblett Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sowdon Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Lampe Mr. and Mrs. Eric Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Loomis Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Frith Mr. and Mrs. James Barton Mr. and Mrs. John Austin Mr. and Mrs. John Austin Mr. and Mrs. John Bondurant Mr. and Mrs. John C. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Barts Mr. and Mrs. Manly Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Mike Santoro
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Holland Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Barber Mr. and Mrs. Steve Draper Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gould Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Honer Mr. and Mrs. William J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Winston Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Wright Smith, Jr. Mr. Brad Harris Mr. C. Reed Anderson, Jr. Mr. Danny Turner Mr. Harry Byrd Mr. Ira Seay Mr. John M. McGrath Mr. Michael Murphy Mr. Sammy Redd Mr. Stephen W. Kendrick Mr. Talmadge Mitchell Mr. Tim Hale Mr. Wayne Kvasnicka Mr. Zachary S. Ryder Mrs. Barbara Helmick Mrs. Betsy F. MacCord Mrs. Donna Floyd Mrs. Dorothy C. Bolling Mrs. Joan Ragland Mrs. Kris Willard Mrs. Lynnie Mitchell Mrs. Mary Pickett Mrs. Nancy Bell Mrs. Nancy Betz Mrs. Polly Randolph Mrs. Virginia D. Wiseman Ms. Anna L. Wells Ms. Aurelia G. Perkins Ms. Avis Aheron Ms. Carolyn Seay Ms. Charlotte W. Anderson Ms. Conover Hunt Ms. Debbie Hall Ms. Elizabeth Pegram Ms. Jill Harris Ms. Joy Garrett Ms. Judy Mattox Ms. Julia F. Boynton and Ms. Frances F. Whitener Ms. Martha Livingston Ms. Mary Catherine Santoro Ms. Nancy R. Fitzgerald National Golf Club Radon Safe Virginia Tech Foundation
American Electric Power Company Bank of America Bassett Office Supply BB&T Charity League of Martinsville Commonwealth Laminating Department of Game & Inland Fisheries Falwell Corporation Ferrum College First Investors Consulting Group Harvey Dentistry Lawrence Distributing Lester Penn Coal & Oil Lockman & Associates Lowes of Martinsville Martinizing Dry Cleaning Martinsville DuPont Credit Union Martinsville Uptown McPeake Hotels MHCEDC n’Telos National Wild Turkey Federation New College Institute Norris Funeral Home Patrick Henry Community College Patterson Vending Pepsi Beverage Company Radford University Rotary Club of Martinsville- Henry County Sam’s Club SunTrust Bank Susan Holt Accounting & Tax Service Tacoma The Eye Site Trout Unlimited Virginia Lottery Vistar Eye Center Walmart Westlake Country Club Willard Companies WNLB
Corporate Patron Carter Bank and Trust Hooker Furniture Corporation Corporate Sponsor Marjorie Sutton Memorial Foundation Corporate Small Business Blue Ridge Packaging Corporation El Norteno Mexican Restaurant Martinsville First Savings Bank Norris Funeral Services, Inc. Rotary Club of Martinsville S and K Office Products, Inc. T. R. Properties, Inc. Preferred Caterer Members Chick-fil-A Painted Plate Catering Pepper Moon Catering Pizza Hut Pigs-R-Us, Inc. Quality Catering and The Gallery Quality Inn/Dutch Inn Ratatouille Catering, LLC Rising Sun Breads, LLC Susan Critz Catering Tacoma
21 Starling Avenue, Martinsville, VA 24112 I 276.634.4141 I www.vmnh.net
The Virginia Museum of Natural History is an agency of the Secretary of Natural Resources for the Commonwealth of Virginia The Virginia Museum of Natural History Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.