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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is the Eastern Ontario Model Forest? The Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) is a vision of a sustainable forestry. It involves the implementation of world class practices and forest sustainability demonstration projects that embody the concept of sustainable forestry. The corporation encompasses the 'EOMF Group', a not-for-profit corporation that includes the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, the Bosque Modelo Calakmul Model Forest twinning project in Mexico and Supplementary Projects.

Vision: "to champion the concept and practice of sustainable forestry for all its values in Eastern Ontario through the cooperative efforts of its residents and supporters".

The EOMF is also a network. At the present time the network involves 65 partners and member organizations and a contact list of 528 individuals, project leaders, members and/or businesses. The Model Forest is funded and supported by both the Federal Government through the Canadian Forest Service and membership funds, cash, indirect donations, services in-kind donations and other income. On a geographic basis, the EOMF encompasses all of Eastern Ontario, including the urban lands of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, making it the most populated and diverse Model Forest in Canada. Evaluation Like all other Model Forests in Canada, the Eastern Ontario Model Forest has reached the five year mark of its life. Each of Canada's 10 Model Forests are required to undergo an evaluation under Section 8.0 of their Agreement with Forestry Canada (Canadian Forestry Service (CFS)). The evaluation is to be completed by September 30, 1996. To define the scope of the evaluation, a workshop of 35 members and partners of the EOMF was held in December 1994 to develop an evaluation framework upon which this evaluation is based. The following evaluation addresses each of the issues listed in the sidebar.

The Evaluation Framework identified issues: Relevance; Management; Communications; Partnerships; Forest Management.

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