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DIRECTORY OF SERVICES 1996 Welcome to the first edition of the Ontario Woodlot and Sawmill Operators' Association DIRECTORY OF SERVICES. The information contained in this Directory was compiled from data provided by our members through a Directory Survey which was published in a recent issue of the S & W Report (Winter/Spring 1996). The Directory is broken down into three sections: Consultants/Contractors, Sawmillers and Speciality Products. A quick index of all entries is provided at the end. This premier edition is being provided to all members at no charge with the goal of helping to put woodlot owners in contact with the forest services available within our Association. Members of the general public may obtain a copy for a minimal fee by contacting the office of the Ontario Woodlot and Sawmill Operators' Association at (613) 692-0017, Fax (613) 692-0831, email, or by mail P.O. Box 599, Dickinson Street, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5. Although every attempt was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information presented, some errors or omissions may exist. We encourage you to report such errors or omissions to the Association as soon as possible. All corrections will be made at the next publication date.

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