Giuseppe Longhi Sustainable urbanism
Sustainable urbanism principles
New trends, new urbanism Uman centric creative society
Creators & empathizer
Knowledge workers
Factory workers
Lisbone Conference i 2010 Beyond consumers, workers, dependents: a Europe of creators
Lisbone Conference: to promote collaborative design Requirements: Iper Connectivity Capability to manage complexity Processes and structures virtualization Uman capabilities increase
From innovation to creativity Innovation: “The past few decades have belonged to a certain kind of person with a certain kind of mind—computer programmers who could crank code, lawyers who could craft contracts, MBAs numbers analizer"
Creativity: "The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind—creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers and meaning makers. Artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, big picture thinkers—will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its joys.”
Toward a collaborative design
able to involve any stakholder
Ask not what the planner can do for you
Ask what we can do together
The infrastructures are: Mentals Ethics Economics Physicals Naturals ‌.the infrastructures are visibles and invisibles
The plan structure: a shared platform
Connect higher education, research, economy, people - Promote dissemination and exploitation of new settlements and social organization - Tranform the result of higher education and research activities in social innovation
Scenario thinking
Where there is no vision, the people perish Proverbs 29:18 "Imagination is more important than knowledge. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science." Albert Einstein That human mind is like a parachute, it functions better when it is open. Albert Einstein
VISIONE CREATIVA DELL’UE European spatial planning scenarios
Development axis
Urban network
European landscape NL
Design structure: Atoms and Bits
Bits Atoms
Design compatible with carring capacity
Design compatible with resources metabolism
Natural resources optimization
Aria, Clima Acque meteoriche Biodiversità: animali Biodiversità:vegetazione Energia Acque di superficie Biodiversità: animali d’acqua Suolo, Mare Acque sotterranee Risorse minerarie
Natural resources: morphology
Physical resources optimization
Physical resources
The creative city morphology 1. Sites to develop new ideas Schools, lab, cultural foundations, ecc.)
2. Sites
to transform ideas in goods ans services involving local and international people
Lab, hightech, marketing, cultural end finance services
3. Sites to involve people in creative process Forum, museum, civic centers, cultural foundations
4. Sites to organize working Services firms, legal offices, ecc.
5. Sites to show and trade ideas Fairs,marketing companies, P.A. offices Fonte: C. Landry, “The creative city�, Earthscan, London 2000
and goods to attract the market
Physical resources: 0 waste
Natural and physical resources:
Design and bit infrastrutture: From dematerialization to ubiquitous city
New net infrastructures
The net connect every stakeholder
From the net to ubiquitous city
Ubiquitous city:production platform
Ubiquitous city:public services platform
Ubiquitous city:security platform
Ubiquitous city:health platform
Ubiquitous city map
MIT- S. Francisco
Bulgarian ubiquitous city
A city able to connect equity, natural resources, human capital, dematerialization.