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New Year Sales Edition


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New-look town moves step nearer Council seeks team to get regeneration plan moving A NEW-LOOK Carlow Town has moved a step nearer with the news that the County Council has invited tenders from a team to implement the regeneration plan. The project got a big boost last month when it was announced that the council would receive Government funding to help get regeneration to the next stage. Now the council is looking for a “multi-disciplinary team” to “guide the development of the town”. The team will be led by economic consultants but must also have expertise in architecture and urban design, civil engineering and quantity surveying. The winning bidders will have to research and produce the Carlow Town - Regeneration Vision and Implementation Strategy, including an economic analysis and master plan to

guide the development to 2040. The counil’s vision for the town was set out earlier this year in the My Carlow plan. It is focussed on delivering a town centre that meets the needs of locals, tourists and businesses by providing easy access, attractive surroundings and public spaces suitable for relaxing and socialising and as venues for a variety of events. The plan, which was open for public consultation, envisaged the creation of a new central plaza in the Potato Market with attractive architectural features, seating areas and a space for events to attract both locals and tourists. It called for new pedestrian access to the town from the Fairgreen Shopping Centre; XSJUDGHV RI DOO VWUHHW ¿QLVKHV including footpaths; new street furniture including public lighting, seating and bins.

2018 2018!

Ann and Jo Douge at the 2018 Christmas Carol service in St Mary’s Church . Lots more pictures inside


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carlowpeople New Year Sales Edition



Brexit a worry for our hotels IT has been a good year for tourism but hotels in Carlow DUH OHVV FRQÂżGHQW DERXW WKH year ahead, largely because of Brexit. Less than half of hotels (49%) now report a positive outlook for the next 12 months compared with the 82% who had a positive outlook this time last year, according to the latest barometer from the Irish Hotels Federation (IHF). While 73% of hotels have seen some increase in overall business levels this year, growth from north America and Europe has masked the poor performance of the UK market, due to the drop in Sterling. This is having a direct impact on hotels, with 52% reporting a drop in business from Britain this year while 40% have seen a drop in business from Northern Ireland. “We are increasingly concerned about the direction that Brexit is taking and the impact that heightened uncertainty is having on our sector,â€? said Aidan Quirke, Chair of the IHF’s South East branch.

carlowpeople New Year Sales Edition

GAA fund surplus is a bonus for Jack and Jill

Brian Fitzpatrick, AXA Business Development Executive; Carmel Doyle, Jack and Jill Foundation CEO and Helen Carberry, AIB Head of Resources, Investments & Insurance. A PLAN established to help *$$ FOXEV LV DOVR EHQH¿WLQJ FKLOGUHQ ZKR VX྾HU VHYHUH delay in their intellectual and SK\VLFDO GHYHORSPHQWDO $,% DQG $[D KDYH SUHVHQWHG The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation with a cheque for Ÿ ZKLFK ZLOO SURYLGH PRUH WKDQ KRPH QXUVLQJ hours for children under the

DJH RI ¿YH ZLWK VLJQL¿FDQW VHYHUH OHDUQLQJ GLྜFXOWLHV The Jack and Jill Foundation has helped 41 children in Carlow, and AIB’s donation will continue to support children in our FRXQW\ 7KH IXQGV DUH D VXUSOXV IURP WKH $,% *$$ +RPH ,QVXUDQFH VFKHPH $,% SDLG Ÿ WR D PHPEHU RU

supporter of any GAA club ZKR SXUFKDVHG D QHZ KRPH LQVXUDQFH SROLF\ 7KH EDQN ZLWK KHOS IURP AXA, decided to donate the UHPDLQLQJ VXUSOXV IURP WKH VFKHPH WR -DFN DQG -LOO ³$,% LV GHOLJKWHG WR EH DEOH to contribute the fund,�said Helen Carberry, AIB Head of Resources,

Closure of post offices damages rural life - TD THE forced closure of post ofÂżFHV LV KDYLQJ D VHULRXV GHWULPHQWDO NQRFN RQ HŕľľHFW RQ ORFDO communities, Carlow-Kilkenny TD Bobby Aylward has said. Mr Aylward criticised the Government for failing the people of rural Ireland through what he described as its “inadequate responseâ€? to the closure RI ORFDO SRVW RŕľśFHV The Fianna FĂĄil TD spoke out after he asked the Minister for 5XUDO $ŕľľDLUV 0LFKDHO 5LQJ about his plans to ensure the viability and sustainability of towns and villages in rural areas. He told the minister that two communities in his constituency have recently lost their ORFDO SRVW RŕľśFHV Âą ZLWK D WKLUG earmarked for closure over the coming months. “While I acknowledge and appreciate that long-serving postmasters and post mistresses are fully entitled to take their retirement, I am not happy with the way in which the Government is using this as a smokescreen for the closures,â€? he said. Mr Aylward rejected Government claims that it has

no operational responsibility for An Post. “The buck stops with the Government,â€? he said. “They should be making more RI DQ HŕľľRUW WR HQVXUH WKH YLDELOLW\ RI WKHVH SRVW RŕľśFHV ´ Mr Aylward argued that in order for An Post to thrive, it should be providing more and better services to local communities. He said elderly people, in rural areas particularly, rely heavLO\ RQ WKHLU ORFDO SRVW RŕľśFH IRU basic services that would otherwise force them to travel long distances. “It saddens me to think that elderly people in particular are being disenfranchised,â€? he said. Junior Minister Sean Canney, meanwhile, has been urged to reverse the decision to close ruUDO SRVW RŕľśFHV Independent TD Michael Fitzmaurice said it was time for his fellow Independent – recently appointed minister of state at the Department of Rural and Community Development – to take an immediate stand on this issue and look after the people working and living in rural Ireland.

A very merry Christmas at the markets IT HAS been a hugely successful Christmas for Carlow Farmers’ Market and traders have now decided to open for an extra day. The market will open on December 22 and 23, supplying IUHVK YHJHWDEOHV ÂżVK FKHHVH meats and treats. The 16 stall-holders will be on site from 9am up to 3pm on both days. “It’s an extremely busy time of year for us traders but also for our customers,â€? said Farmers Market Chairman, Liam Ryan. “That’s why we’ve decided to open for a second day. Nobody has to panic – we’ve everything they need from starters to desserts and it’s all fresh, all local.â€? Carlow Farmers’ Market is one of the few authentic farmers’ markets where producers are all local, produce their own

products and sell mainly their own produce. The market started trading in July 2004. It supports the local economy and provides opportunities for other food producers or farmers to set up small food businesses and meet the growing demand. FAMILY FUN: Families also Ă€RFNHG WR &DUORZ &KULVWPDV Market. “This is just a wonderful event and it’s great to see so many families out,â€? said municipal mayor Ken Murnane. Organiser, Stuart Montgomery, RI WKH /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH described the event as “very successfulâ€?. “We were delighted to see so many people turn out to experience a festive family event,â€?he said.

KITCHEN: St Clare’s Hospitality Food Kitchen will open for Christmas Day with a special treat planned for those who use the service, thanks to D VXFFHVVIXO FRŕľľHH PRUQLQJ DW Graiguecullen parish centre . “We raised a few quid from WKH FRŕľľHH PRUQLQJ DQG WKH Christmas stalls, which was great,â€? said organiser Isobel Brooker. “With the funds raised we hope to buy a gift for each person on Christmas Day. So all in all, it’s something to look forward to. The community is just amazing and always responds when we look for support. We also had a bag pack at Dunnes Stores that was so well supported. They always come up trumps for us.â€? To make a donation, contact Isobel on 085 7891263 or Michelle at the food kitchen on 059 9170993.

carlowpeople New Year Sales Edition


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carlowpeople New Year Sales Edition

Tips for a perfect turkey Take advice from our chef and make dinner a winner LAST week we brought you Safefood’s hygiene tips for Christmas cooking. This week chef Adrian Martin has some advice on how to tackle the turkey.

celery and onion. It’s a wonderful base for making gravy and you can keep the cooking juices from the roasting tin to make your gravy – delicious!

Don’t stress Why don’t you try to get some prep done the day before, like making your soup, having the dessert ready and peeling and chopping all your vegetables. You want to relax and enjoy yourself on Christmas day, so GHOHJDWH WKH GL྾HUHQW MREV

(DV\ RQ WKH VWXྜQJ A turkey will cook more evenly LI LW LV QRW RYHU VWX྾HG &RQVLGHU ORRVHO\ ¿OOLQJ WKH FDYLW\ ZLWK garlic and thyme, or small wedges of lemon or clementine. 2YHU VWXྜQJ ZLOO PHDQ WKH KHDW won’t get to the centre and your turkey won’t cook.

Cover up Turkey breast can be lean so covering the breast with strips of bacon or prosciutto will help keep in the moisture and add H[WUD ÀDYRXU Butter and baste You can rub butter over the bird and under the skin to help ÀDYRXU WKH WXUNH\ DQG VHDVRQ LW with salt and pepper. Always baste the turkey during the cooking process. I advise every KRXU <RX FDQ ¿QG FRRNLQJ times for your turkey size at Vegetable base Sit the bird on a trivet of vegetables, such as carrots,

Let it rest Always allow the turkey to rest before you serve. Do this by covering with tin foil and then with a couple of tea towels. This will ensure the bird can rest without losing too much heat and it also allows all the juice back into the bird for a moist turkey. Leftovers Leftover turkey should be covered and stored in the fridge within two hours of cooking. Before storing it, allow it to cool. You can help it cool down by removing all the meat from

Your choice Remember to buy your turkey as close to Christmas as possible and store it in your fridge or freezer as soon as you can. You can choose traditional freerange turkeys on the bone or ERQHG DQG UROOHG WXUNH\V VWXŕľľHG RU XQVWXŕľľHG This is the whole turkey taken Rŕľľ WKH ERQH DQG UROOHG DQG WLHG into a nice joint. It contains the white breast meat as well as the darker leg meat. Other options are the Turkey Crown (white breast meat still on the bone) or boneless turkey breast (just the white meat). Chloe, Jessica, Martina, Cordelia, Serina and Mrs Harrette in St Marys Church for a Christmas Carol service the carcass and cutting it into smaller pieces. Store in an air tight container in the fridge. In the soup Remember to use up the carcass, you can make stock for soup.

the bird. Ensure there is no pink meat, The turkey should be piping hot all the way through. If you have a good thermometer (this might be a nice Christmas present) probe the thigh. I t should read about 75oC.

How do you know it is cooked? At the thickest part of the leg the juices should run clear from

Carving the turkey Make sure your knife is very sharp. Hold the turkey secure

with a large fork. Cut the skin between the thigh and the breast. Bend the thigh outwards, cut through the hip joint, removing whole leg. Separate the thigh from the drumstick. Cut towards wing, cut through the wing joint. Hold the fork against the side of the breast. Slice evenly, starting DW WKH QHFN FDYLW\ /LIW Rŕľľ WKH slices with the fork and knife.

Healthier options If you’re looking for healthier options at Christmas, you can trim the skin from your turkey , try a breadcrumb, nut and seed VWXྜQJ LQVWHDG RI VDXVDJH URDVW potatoes in a little vegetable oil as a healthy alternative to butter Steam vegetables instead of boiling or roasting them For more information see

Top shop books its place on the hit list The Nolan sisters with Clare Nolan at the 2018 Christmas Carol service in St Mary’s Church

Think before you pour those fats DON’T let your festive cooking become a pain in the drain this Christmas. That’s message from Irish Water and Clean Coasts to the people of Carlow. The two organisations are running a Think Before You Pour Christmas campaign to raise awareness of the damage caused by pouring fats, oils and greases down the kitchen sink. They may seem like liquid when poured but once they reach the pipes they cool and can cause severe blockages and, ultimately, pollute coastal waters. When they combine with wipes and other sanitary items that shouldn’t

EH Ă€XVKHG GRZQ WKH WRLOHW fatbergs can form causing extremely serious problems. Pat Ă“ SĂşilleabhĂĄin of SeaLife Aquarium in Bray, is supporting the campaign.. “Life in our seas and oceans is already under constant attack from plastic pollution, agriFXOWXUDO UXQ RŕľľV DQG LOOHJDO dumping at sea not to mention WKH HŕľľHFWV RI FOLPDWH FKDQJH ´ he said. “A healthy marine environment is dependent on HŕľľHFWLYH DQG HŕľśFLHQW ZDWHU treatment plants. This means that we need to avoid putting anything in our waste water system that treatment plants ZLOO VWUXJJOH ZLWK ´

A CARLOW town bookshop has been selected as one of Ireland’s best in a national newspaper survey. The Sue Ryder Shop in Tullow Street was placed among the top 35 independent bookshops by the Irish Times. “Carlow is well serviced for major booksellers, but a hidden indie gem is upstairs in the Sue Ryder charity shop, where secondhand books are organised DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH 'HZH\ ÂżOLQJ system,â€? said the newspaper. For our neighbouring county, there was praise for a Wexford shop.“The jaunty paintwork on the facade of New Ross Books extends to its witty presence on Facebook,â€? said the newspaper. The overall winner was a Belfast bookshop, No Alibis. The Irish Times said: “It VSHFLDOLVHV LQ FULPH ÂżFWLRQ EXW its shelves are heaving with all genres ... genuine enthusiasm, lovely people, nerdy knowledge, student discount, book and album launches, kind to children and dogsâ€?. In 2017, 11.1 million books were sold in Ireland – up nearly 15 per cent on 2013.

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Happy New Year and thank you to our loyal readers and advertisers

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Planning for a bereavement Losing a loved one is a heartbreaking time and trying to plan a IXQHUDO FDQ EH H[WUHPHO\ GL൶FXOW ZKLOH JUHLYLQJ This is why more and more people are opting to preplan their funerals - to ensure that their life is celebrated as they wish and WR UHOLHYH VRPH RI WKH SUHVVXUH DQG VWUHVV IRU WKRVH OHIW EHKLQG Planning a funeral or memorial service is a highly personal process, and your decisions will be shaped by your life experiences, your relationship to the deceased, what the deceased wanted or what you desire for yourself after you die, what you FDQ D൵RUG DQG D P\ULDG RI RWKHU IDFWRUV Making funeral plans at the time of death are particularly dif¿FXOW EHFDXVH WKH WLPH IUDPH LV VKRUW DQG HPRWLRQV DUH KLJK DV VXUYLYRUV DUH GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKHLU JULHI By making the choice to preplan, funeral plans can be made at DQ\ WLPH DQG R൵HU PDQ\ DGYDQWDJHV )XQHUDO +RPHV FHPHWHUies and other funeral service companies can help you preplan a IXQHUDO IRU \RXUVHOI \RXU VSRXVH RU D SDUHQW There are many things to consider when planning a funeral and it can be helpful to leave a guide for those who will be RUJDQLVLQJ LW Make sure that you have made your wishes known, such as whether you would like to be buried or cremated, if there is a VSHFL¿F VRQJ RU UHDGLQJ \RX ZRXOG OLNH DW WKH FHUHPRQ\ )XQHUDOV DUH TXLWH H[SHQVLYH DQG VR LW LV ZRUWK ORRNLQJ LQWR IXQHUDO LQVXUDQFH RU RWKHU ¿QDQFLDO SODQQLQJ WR HDVH WKH ¿QDQFLDO EXUGHQ ,I SODQQLQJ DKHDG EH VXUH WR ORRN DURXQG DW WKH GL൵HUHQW VHUYLFHV R൵HUHG DQG EHIRUH VLJQLQJ DQ\ FRQWUDFWV EH FOHDU DERXW ZKDW LV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH SULFH )RU WKRVH ZKR ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV SODQQLQJ IRU D ORYHG RQH PDQ\ ZHEVLWHV R൵HU D XVHIXO µFKHFNOLVW¶ WR DVVLVW \RX LQ WKH SURFHVV You may want to think about other ways of making the funeral UHÀHFW WKH OLIH RI WKH SHUVRQ ZKR KDV GLHG People sometimes like to include elements that will add a VSHFLDO WRXFK WR WKH IXQHUDO VHUYLFH 6RPH RI WKH WKLQJV SHRSOH FKRRVH LQFOXGH KRUVH GUDZQ KHDUVHV RU WKH UHOHDVH RI EDOORRQV )ROORZLQJ WKH IXQHUDO VHUYLFH \RX PD\ ZDQW WR FRQVLGHU D PHPRULDO Memorials are a way to remember our loved ones and can UDQJH IURP KHDGVWRQHV DW D JUDYH WR D VLPSOH ÀRZHU LQ D JDUGHQ RI UHPHPEUDQFH Memorials provide comfort for many people, giving them a SODFH WR YLVLW WR UHPHPEHU WKH SHUVRQ ZKR KDV GLHG When choosing a memorial it is important that you have time WR UHÀHFW RQ \RXU GHFLVLRQ DQG XQGHUVWDQG WKH GL൵HUHQW UHJXODWLRQV WKDW PD\ D൵HFW \RXU FKRLFH

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carlowpeople January 1, 2019

PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council

I, Tony Condon, am applying for planning permission for the redevelopment of the existing property known as Tullow Motor Factors, Church Street, Tullow, Co. Carlow. The development consists of the change of use of the existing ground floor unit from motor garage to two retail / office units with entrance lobby to a two-storey extension over ground floor to accommodate 3 new two bed apartments and 1 one-bedroom apartment and all associated site works. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application


059 914 1877



In loving memory Helen (Nellie) Malone, 88 Green Road, Carlow, whose 13th Anniversary occurs on January 12th 2019 WIFE Will those who think Of her today, a little prayer to Jesus say. Tony

18 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Robin Redbreast

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ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


Robin (Photo Justin Ivory) AFTER Santa’s reindeer the most iconic animal associated with Christmas must be the Robin. Images of our favourite, cheeky little bird are everywhere this time of year - cards, cake decorations, tree decorations, ornaments, wrapping paper – the list goes on. How did the Robin come to be associated so much with Christmas? Well, the answer, believe it or not, is to do with postmen delivering Christmas cards. The sending of Christmas cards really started in Victorian times in the mid-18th century, 1843 to be precise, and was the brainchild of a civil servant called Sir Henry Cole. The postmen who delivered the cards wore bright red coats and became known as “robins� or “redbreasts�. As Christmas cards became more popular, Nativity scenes gave way to snow scenes with Robins on them. The snow scenes, initially, were a reminder of the very bad winter of 1836 and the robins represented the postmen who deliver the cards. Although known as ‘redbreast’ if you look closely at a Robin the breast is actually orange. So how come we call it Robin Redbreast? Well until Tudor times and the first oranges were brought back by explorers there was no word in English for the colour orange. Prior to that the AngloSaxons used the word Ruddock for the Robin, which means ‘red bird’. From the late Middle Ages it became known as the ‘redbreast’. Christmas for many centuries has primarily been a Christian feast and there are many stories associating the Robin with Christianity and how it got its red breast. Legend has it that a Robin flew to assist Christ on the cross and tried to pull out the thorns in his head. In doing so the Robin pricked itself and got stained in blood. As a remembrance of that kind act all Robins ever since have had a red breast. On that note I would like to wish all the readers of the column a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


CELEBRITY HOME OF THE YEAR RTE 1, Wednesday January 2, 9.35pm


Have you ever been in the position where you want to make changes in your life? Do you feel you are missing your a calling? When try to start to make positive changes in your life, do you find yourself too exhausted to even think about it? Or maybe you just don’t know what to focus on first? Well, Andrea Hayes’s new book Mind Body Soul journal might be exactly what you need as we start reading this year. The Mind Body Soul Journal is a timeless book, beautifully illustrated with pages for journaling - an indispensable companion if you want to live a more focused, positive life. Available now in all good book stores.

There’s somethign very enjoyable abo7t getting a glimpse inside someone else’s home, especially that of a celebrity. this one-off special gives viweres a peak at the glamorous abodes of five famous faces, as they compete to claim teh coveted title. Judge Hugh Wallace, interior designer Deirdre Whelan and architect Peter Crowley, have the job of picking a winnner from the homes of artist Robert Ballagh, broadcaster and entrepreneur Ramona Nicholas, writer Jon Boyne, meteorologist Jean Bryne and singer Eleanor McEvoy.

American musical fantasy film directed by Rob Marshall, and a story by Magee, Marshall, and John DeLuca. Now an adult with three children, bank teller Michael Banks learns that his house will be repossessed in five days unless he can pay back a loan. His only hope is to find a missing certificate that shows proof of valuable shares that his father left him years earlier. Just as all seems lost, Michael and his sister receive the surprise of a lifetime when Mary Poppins -- the beloved nanny from their childhood -- arrives to save the day and take the Banks family on a magical, fun-filled adventure.

GIG of the week

KIDS EVENT of the week

ACTIVITY of the week

ASLAN The Tower @ Dinn RĂ­ Carlow Saturday, 26th January

TALBOT TIGERS KIDS’ CLUB Talbot Hotel, Portlaoise Road, Carlow T: 053 59 915 3000

FIT CLUB CARLOW Unit 4, Killeshin Road, Graiguecullen, Carlow T: 085 157 7902 E:

Aslan, who took their name from the heroic lion in C.S. Lewis’s series of books chronicling the fictional land of Narnia, sickness (Aslan is the Turkish for ‘Lion’), emerged from the working class areas of Finglas and Ballymun in Dublin’s Northside, in the mid 1980s. They released a demo single, ‘This Is’, in the Spring of 1986, which was a huge hit and became the longest ever play-listed single on Ireland’s pop radio station, RTÉ 2fm. They have a most unique sound and are by far one of the best bands this great land of music has ever produced. See you there.

The Talbot Tiger Kids Club is a firm favourite with children of all ages. Running every day during school holidays and on Saturday and Sunday during the school term. Children go to The Dome Family Entertainment Centre under the watchful eyes of the Kids Club Co-Ordinators while they go explore the ball pits and crawl tubes and slides of Congo Quest for two whole hours. Then afterwards for the last hour of Talbot Tiger Kids Club, the children return back to the hotel to watch a movie and snack out on popcorn and cordial.

Carlow’s No 1 fitness club combines worldclass coaching & customised nutrition with community accountability and fun, to help you achieve your fitness goals faster than you could ever imagine! Mark and Sarah have devoted a lifetime to improving their physical fitness and conditioning, competing and winning at national levels. They bring all their energy and passion to helping you make those big fitness breakthroughs and push through any limiting beliefs. Training one on one with a personal trainer is one of the surest ways you can achieve your fitness goals.

PLAY of the week

CONCERT of the week

COMEDY of the week

ARIES - Compute expenses, DQG SD\ ELOOV &DVK ÀRZ is on the rise. Keep taking SUR¿WDEOH DFWLRQV 2WKHUV SURYLGH D ERRVW <RX FDQ JHW what you need. TAURUS - Guard your energy. Take restorative WLPH IRU \RXUVHOI ,QFUHDVH \RXU FRPIRUW ]RQH 5HYLHZ options with a personal GHFLVLRQ $GYDQFHV QRZ KDYH ODVWLQJ EHQH¿W GEMINI- Private FRQWHPSODWLRQ SURGXFHV satisfying plans and REMHFWLYHV 6ORZ GRZQ DQG FRQVLGHU RSWLRQV 0DNH VXUH you’re building on stable foundations. CANCER- Teamwork JRHV WKH GLVWDQFH ZLWK D FROODERUDWLYH SXVK 7KURZ \RXUVHOI LQWR D VKDUHG H྾RUW ,QVSLUH RWKHUV WR YLFWRU\ <RX FDQ VXUSDVV DQ REVWDFOH together. LEO- $ OXFN\ EUHDN reveals new professional SRVVLELOLWLHV 5HO\ RQ D strong team. Forge ahead ZLWK D FUHDWLYH SURMHFW ,QYHVW LQ \RXU RZQ VXFFHVV VIRGO- Widen your KRUL]RQV E\ H[SORULQJ around the edges. The news FRXOG D྾HFW \RXU GHFLVLRQV 0RQLWRU FRQGLWLRQV DQG go for a dream. Take extra ground. LIBRA- 2SSRVLWHV DWWUDFW Collaborate for shared ¿QDQFLDO JDLQ $YRLG UHFNOHVV VSHQGLQJ ,QYHVW time, energy and money for your family’s future. SCORPIO- Compromise FRPHV HDVLHU $ SDUWQHUVKLS ÀRZHUV ZLWK ORYH DQG attention. Strengthen bonds DQG WLHV 6KDUH VSHFLDO moments together. SAGITTARIUS- 3UDFWLFH DQG polish your work, health DQG ¿WQHVV URXWLQHV %XLOG energy, and strength through

BRENDAN GRACE THE FUREYS THE SCOURGE Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Friday 4th January ‘19 Visual. T 059 9172400 Visual. T 059 9172400 T: 059 914 2002 E: Friday 4th January 8pm Saturday 19th January The greatest family comedian of our The Scourge is a deeply moving and hilarious Legends of Irish music the Fureys are generation, Brendan Grace, celebrates over renowned for songs like: ‘When You Were play about a small-town Irish family who are 40 years in business. His latest show features Sweet 16’ , ‘The Green Fields of France’ , ‘Red struggling to cope with their mother’s illness Rose CafĂŠ, et al. They have been entertaining some brand new material and some ‘Old as they visit her in the nursing home where audiences for 41 years and inevitably changes Favourites’ from his vast repertoire His sense she has spent the last years of her life. This have occurred. Their brother Paul died in 2002 of timing and ability to read an audience is play is based on Michelle Dooley Mahon’s without equal. A brilliant character actor, his and Finbar left in1996. However George and debut novel ‘Scourged’, a memoir dedicated Eddie have continued to delight audiences on ‘Bottler’ character is legendary and is now to her late mother whose voice was sadly featured at every performance. Apart from their tours and have released a new CD ‘The silenced by Alzheimer’s disease. It takes a his obvious ‘star quality’ in all aspects of his Fureys‌40 years on‌to be continued’ . Their nostalgic look back at growing up in rural performance Brendan’s drawing power is emotive songs stir many emotions, tears and Ireland and Michelle’s own personal battles laughter, sadness and joy. A Fureys’ concert is enormous and the ‘House Full’ sign is the norm with depression and diabetes written with rather than the exception at his concerts. always a night to remember emotion and humour.

CAPRICORN- 5HOD[ DQG have fun with friends, family and your sweetheart. $GG URPDQWLF WRXFKHV DQG DPELDQFH WR LQVSLUH LQWLPDWH FRQQHFWLRQV /RYH JURZV DQG ÀRZHUV AQUARIUS-Home is where your heart is. Feather your nest with softness and warmth. Provide nurturing IRRGV DQG FRPIRUW PISCES- &UHDWLYH SURMHFWV and ideas abound. Writing DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQV EORRP 2UJDQL]H \RXU WKRXJKWV DQG DUWLFXODWH ZKDW \RX ZDQW WR say. Get your message out.

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