Carlow People 27 03 2018

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March 27, 2018


12,000 COPIES

Senator opposed Referendum Bill Murnane O’Connor: ‘problem with wording’ LOCAL Senator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor was one of ten who this week voted against the Bill that needed to be passed in order to allow a referendum on the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution to be held. The Bill was debated in the Seanad late into Monday night and it was past 11 p.m. before the vote was called. It was passed by a decisive majority of 35 votes to ten, but the Carlow Senator was one of those on the dissenting side. She was one of 32 Senators who took part in the debate. Despite ultimately voting against the Bill, she said ‘I have no issue with the Referendum – because the Irish people will do the right thing’. She went on to add however that she objected to the exact wording the proposal to go

before the people, and for this reason, she would be voting against the Bill. She noted how she was in a position to do so because Fianna Fáil had decided to give its members a free vote on the issue, meaning they were allowed to vote according to personal feelings rather than having to side with a party viewpoint. Her Oireachtas colleagues from the Carlow/Kilkenny constituency, Bobby Aylward and John McGuinness, had both also voted against the Bill. The passing of the Bill however paved the way for a Referendum to be held. The date has since been set for Friday May 25. Minister for Health, Simon Harris, has appealed for ‘a vigorous but respectful’ debate by both sides in the run-up to voting day.

Margaret Hupalo amongst the dignitries on the viewing stand celebrating her first St. Patrick’s Day parade in her native Carlow after flying over from New Jersey, joined by her niece Isobel Dunne. Lots more pictures inside


t: 059 914 1877

carlowpeople March 27, 2018

Tullow the venue for the AGSI conference

news in brief Failte Pope Francis A SIX-YEAR-OLD pupil from Gaelscoil Eoghain UĂ­ Thuairisc in Carlow will have a piece of her work included in a special book to be published later this year, to welcome Pope Francis to Ireland. GrĂĄinne Nic UistĂ­n was the county winner in a nationwide competition that invited children to put pen to paper to write poems, stories or essays to mark the upcoming Papal visit, which will take place in August. The book will be titled ‘FĂĄilte 3RSH )UDQFLVÂś $OO SURÂżWV IURP it will go towards the Children’s Medical & Research Foundation at Crumlin Children’s Hospital. Tom Ryan, the new Director General of the GAA.

Universities Bill A SIGNIFICANT further step has been taken along the pathway that will eventually allow the merger of the Institutes of Technology in Carlow and Waterford, to form a Technological University for the South East (TUSE). The Technological Universities Bill was recently signed into law by the Government, paving the way for the merger of the two institutions. A university has long been sought for the region, in the expectation that it ZRXOG VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ LQFUHDVH employment and other opportunities in the area.

Carlow native Ryan takes the top job in the GAA CARLOW native Tom Ryan is the new top man in the GAA, having last week been appointed the new Director General (Ă rd StiĂşrthĂłir) of the Association. His term in the hotseat will begin on April 1 and will span the next seven years. Ryan (48) has spent the past eleven years as Director of Finance for the GAA, having joined from Brown Thomas

in in 2007. He will become the 19th Director General in the history of the GAA, and the ÂżUVW IURP &RXQW\ &DUORZ Ryan has been living in 'XEOLQ IRU D QXPEHU RI years and is a member RI WKH )DXJKV *$$ &OXE 7HPSOHRJXH WKHUH ZKHUH KH FXUUHQWO\ VHUYHV DV WUHDVXUHU He retains a strong interest in Carlow GAA matters however, and like so many

others, was thrilled with the UHFHQW GRXEOH VXFFHVV RI WKH FRXQW\ÂśV VHQLRU IRRWEDOOHUV DQG KXUOHUV He says he is looking forward to the challenge DKHDG Âľ, DP KXPEOHG DQG H[FLWHG WR EH DVVXPLQJ WKLV position and I am greatly looking forward to serving the association and its members to the very best of P\ DELOLW\ Âś KH VDLG

THE Mount Wolseley Hotel Spa and Golf Resort in Tullow was the venue for last week’s 40th annual conference of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI), where delegates threatened to take industrial action in protest at the Government’s ongoing refusal to allow them to strike. A core issue in the dispute is the refusal to grant the AGSI trade union status. The Association’s President, Antoinette Cunningham, branded this decision ‘discriminatory’ during her keynote address at the conference, and warned that the approximately 2,000 members of the AGSI could take industrial action as a result. Sgt Cunningham said: ‘There is a very real problem with the continued denial of this Government to address the issues around how

Gardai can exercise equal industrial rights as other citizens. ‘We believe that the Government is not interested in genuine and meaningful engagement with AGSI to resolve these matters and the opinions of workers don’t count. ‘Let me be clear, the fact that the right to strike and the right to trade union status continue to be denied to us is not only disadvantageous but discriminatory – this is an issue. ‘Not only is there a denial but there is a refusal to engage in discussions around these matters. This is simply not good enough. ‘We want discussions with the Minister for Justice around the strike issue,’ she said. The Minister, Charlie Flanagan, later said he was working ‘on removing any need for gardaĂ­ to take industrial action.’

New book on the life and work of scientist Tyndall A NEW book on the life and works of leading 19th century Carlow-born physicist and mountaineer John Tyndall is to be launched at a special event in Dublin next week. The launch of ‘The Ascent of John Tyndall – Victorian Scientist, Mountaineer, and Public Intellectual’ will take place in Hodges Figgis bookstore on Dawson Street next Wednesday, April 4, at 6 p.m. All are welcome. The book draws extensively on journals, letters, literary articles DQG VFLHQWLÂżF SXEOLFDWLRQV RI WKH time. It paints a detailed picture of John Tyndall and his world, DQG LV WKH ÂżUVW PDMRU ELRJUDSK\ on him in more than 70 years. Tyndall was born at Leighlinbridge in 1820. He was son of John Tyndall, a shoemaker and constable, and Sarah Macassey from Ballinabranna, whose family were farmers. He became

known as a leading physicist in Great Britain in the 1850s, DQG DW ÂżUVW ZRUNHG SULPDULO\ LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI GLDPDJQHWLVP DQG infrared radiation. From 1853 to 1857, he was Professor Physics at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London. He was also a pioneering mountaineer, climbing almost exclusively in the Alps. He ZDV D PHPEHU RI WKH ÂżUVW WHDP

ever to climb the Weisshorn there, and later led one of WKH ÂżUVW WHDPV WR FRQTXHU WKH Matterhorn. He combined his passion for mountaineering and his expertise in science by extensively studying glaciers and glacial motion. +LV VWDQGLQJ LQ WKH ÂżHOG LV VR immense that glaciers have been called after him in both Chile and Colorado, USA. Meanwhile, there is a Mount Tyndall in California and another in Tasmania, while his name also of course lives on through Tyndall College here in Carlow. The new book was authored by Roland Jackson, who is himself a seasoned mountaineer and highly regarded scientist, who has been Head of the Science Museum in London, Chief Executive of the British Science Assocation, and the Executive Chairman of Sciencewise. It has an RRP of ÂŁ25 Sterling.

carlowpeople March 27, 2018



carlowpeople March 27, 2018

news in brief Thousandaire TICKETS are now on sale for a ‘Who Wants to be a Thousandaire?’ quiz night fundraiser which will be held in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel at the end of April, in aid of Ballon National School. The event will take place on Friday April 27 and will see eight people picked at random to answer questions leading up the ladder to the top prize of €1,000 – all with the help of the famous ‘lifelines’ of Ask the Audience, 50/50, and Phone A Friend. Tickets cost €15 each and they can be bought directly from the VFKRRO R൶FH RU E\ WHOHSKRQLQJ (087) 7691927. Tickets can also be had at the door on the night. All funds raised will go towards enhancing the outdoors areas of the school.

Memorial Service THE ‘You Are Not Alone’ Carlow Family Support Group will host a Memorial Service for loved ones of those who lost their lives through substance misuse next Friday evening (April 6). The venue will be Askea Church and the Service will commence at 6 p.m. All are welcome. For more information, please call (085) 7872730.

At the opening were Senator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor, Mary Walsh (CEO, Carlow County Development Partnership), Cllr Andrea Dalton and Joanne Donohoe (SICAP Development Officer).




Disney ÀRDW ZDV best entry in parade A FLOAT by local historian and author Jimmy O’Toole and his family, that celebrated the great Walt Disney’s links with Carlow, took the prize for best entry in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in the county town. Second place went to the Bavarian marching band who were special guests this year, while in third place were the representatives of The Involvement Centre from St. Dympna’s Hospital. The top three received plaques that were sponsored by Douglas Jewellers, and cash prizes. The Community Award (sponsored by Senator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor) went to Equal Chances Polish School, while the Highly Commended/ New Business Award went to Metal Art. Meanwhile, winners in the Bilingual Shop Window Display competition were: 1, Glór Cheatharlach (display in the window of The Sue Ryder Shop); 2, Little Piggies Shoes for Kids (Tullow Street); 3, Supermac’s (Burrin Street); 4, Carpenter’s (Barrack Street).

Tinryland man to be sentenced for assault on woman A TINRYLAND man who raped and seriously assaulted a woman and left her with life changing injuries from which she is unlikely to recover is to be sentenced at the Central Criminal Court on April 23 next. Anthony Cassidy (34, pictured) had pleaded guilty there to the rape and serious assault of the woman in the early hours of the morning of June 25 last. A garda said extensive CCTV footage, which was shown in court, tracked Cassidy’s movements to and from where he dumped his unconscious victim on the outskirts of the town. She said there was no footage of the incident, but grainy CCTV imagery showed a man dragging another person to the location where the victim was discovered 12 hours later. The garda told Conor O’Doherty BL, prosecuting, that the victim was found unresponsive with her top pulled up to her collar bone and her trousers partially removed. Subsequent medical reports showed she had been beaten around the head and neck area, leaving her with serious injuries. The court heard she spent weeks in intensive care in hospital. The garda said that after his arrest Cassidy initially denied meeting the victim, telling Gardaí: ‘I wouldn’t rape a woman. I’d pay for it in a brothel before I’d do that’. When DNA evidence linking him to the victim emerged, he admitted hitting the woman

DERXW WKH KHDG ZLWK KLV ¿VW EXW said he could not recall any sexual encounter. However, he later admitted to the rape. In a victim impact statement read to the court, the woman said she was now completely dependent on her family for assistance. ‘I need so much help in all areas of my personal care, (Cassidy) has taken my privacy then and now,’ she said. She described the ongoing physical pain, immobility and night terrors following the attack, saying: ‘Every time I close my eyes my assailant haunts me’. Addressing Cassidy at the end of her statement, the woman said: ‘Your act of pure evil stole so much for me but after today I am closing the door on this’. Cassidy already has 34 convictions. These include two for assault, and one in the UK for soliciting for sex.

Out to tender again HOPES are now high that remaining work on Tyndall College and the Carlow Institute of Further Education may be complete by September, deVSLWH WKH KLJK SUR¿OH FROODSVH in January of Carillion, the 8. ¿UP WKDW ZDV WKH SULQFLSDO contractor on the €100 million project. Contracts for the Carlow site and four others around the FRXQWU\ WKDW ZHUH DOVR D൵HFWHG

by the collapse have been retendered, and the Department of Education expects bids back ‘within weeks’. The work on the Carlow site is said to be approximately 90% complete. It is anticipated that the successful tender will be awarded and work recommence in time for completion by the beginning of the 2018/’19 academic year next September.

carlowpeople March 27, 2018



carlowpeople March 27, 2018

news in brief BPS Scheme A HELP clinic for local farmers who need to make online applications for the Basic Payment Scheme will be held in the Springhill Hotel in Kilkenny next Friday, April 6, from 4 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. 6WDŕľľ IURP WKH 'HSDUWPHQW of Agriculture will be there to provide one-to-one assistance to anybody who needs help with their application. This assistance is in addition to existing supports such as telephone helplines, ‘how to’ guides, and instructional videos. Anybody requiring further information is asked to telephone (076) 1064420.

Best Managed &2'' 0XVKURRPV EDVHG DW 'RZQLQJV QHDU 7XOORZ ZDV D new addition to the national 'HORLWWH %HVW 0DQDJHG Companies network when this year’s list of successful businesses was announced recently. Codd’s was one of 22 new entries to achieve ‘Best Managed’ status following D GHWDLOHG TXDOLÂżFDWLRQ DQG judging process. This took into consideration the complete performance of the business, ORRNLQJ EH\RQG WKH ÂżQDQFHV at criteria such as operational excellence, strategy and human resource processes.

Winners in history project are praised THE winners of 2018 Carlow Historical and Archaeological Society’s ‘National Schools History Project Competition’ KDG WKHLU ZRQGHUIXO HŕľľRUWV DQG research recognised at a prize giving ceremony in Carlow County Museum last week. The history competition, which is now in its twelfth yea,r ZDV RSHQ WR DOO ÂżIWK DQG VL[WK class pupils who live or attend school in County Carlow. Jim Shannon, one of the judges, said that they were very impressed with the standard of the submissions this year and congratulated the winners on their achievements. He hoped that this would enhance their interest in County Carlow’s history. Claiming the top prize this year was Matthew Ellis from Carlow National School, Green Road, Carlow town with his project on 6W '\PSQDÂśV +RVSLWDO Matthew will now see his project published in the 2019 edition of Carloviana, the Society’s annual journal. In second place was Helena Cranny from Ballon National

Funding for creative community projects

â‚Ź80,000 of funding has been made available to Co. Carlow in this year’s ‘Creative Ireland’ programme, which aims to encourage community artistic endeavours. Expressions of interest in accessing this funding are now EHLQJ LQYLWHG E\ WKH $UWV 2ŕľśFH of the County Council, which administers the scheme at local level. An information evening on the scheme will be held in the :RRGIRUG 'ROPHQ +RWHO RQ Monday April 9, from 6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. It is intended to give communities an opportunity to meet others, share information, and to learn about the potential All the ‘National Schools History Project Competition’ prize winners with Jim Shannon, of the scheme. competition judge and Bertie Watchorn, President of Carlow Historical and Archaeological A maximum grant of â‚Ź20,000 Society at the prize-winning ceremony in Carlow County Museum. is available to any single School with her project on All these winning entries are National School for his project project. 75% of the approved Carlow and the Famine. Third currently on display in Carlow om the Old Carlow Gaol; Eoin project cost will be supported place went to Eva Jones from County Museum, and admission 'R\OH %RUULV 1DWLRQDO 6FKRRO by the County Carlow Creative Ballinkillen National School is free. for the Borris Viaduct and Ireland Programme with 25% with her project about St. This year the Society awarded Railway; Victor Harkin from being met by the successful Forchern’s Well. Highly com- Best in School Awards to the Scoil Molaise, Old Leighlin applicants. mended by the judges was top entry from schools who for John Tyndall and Patrick See or the Aisling Kearns from Ballon did not receive one of the main O’Byrne form Scoil PhĂĄdraig ‘Creative Ireland Carlow’ National School with her proj- awards. The awards went to 1DRID 7XOORZ RQ 'XFNHWWÂśV page on Facebook for more ect on Ballymoon Castle. information. Oscar Siney, Bishop Foley Grove.

Fifty new SNAs in schools since 2011

WHERE HISTORY & CULTURE LIVE ON Rediscover Russborough – rich with paintings collected by the Earls of Milltown and donated to the National Gallery of Ireland in 1902, on view in their original surroundings for the fi rst time in over 100 years. The RHSI 18th century walled garden is available for pre booked groups For Family Fun there is a Maze, Fairy Trail, Playground & Tree Trail 2km Audio walking tour of the Demesne

Gift Shop &Restaurant


40% discount

from 14th April to 30th April on production of this voucher * Please note: this offer does not apply to groups

OPENING TIMES: 1st March to December, 7 days a week from 10am to 6pm

Tel: + 353 (0)45 865239 Email: Sat Nav GPS: Lat 53.135517 Long 6.572386

* Free Coach Park * â‚Ź2 Car Park Location: 20 km from Dublin off the N81 and 4.5 km from Blessington, Co. Wicklow, Ireland CP

THERE are 50 extra Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) in Carlow since 2011, according WR ORFDO )LQH *DHO 7' 3DW 'HHULQJ 'HSXW\ 'HHULQJ VDLG HQVXULQJ that children with special educational needs are supported and given the opportunity to reach their full potential is a key priority for Fine Gael in government. ‘This is a very welcome trend here in Carlow and is continuing WR EHQHÂżW VFKRRO FKLOGUHQ ZKR need extra support,’ he said. ‘The current allocation of 183 SN’s , an increase of eight on last year, means every local child who needs an SNA has one. ‘This makes a world of GLŕľľHUHQFH WR WKHVH FKLOGUHQ and their families in our community.’ 'HSXW\ 'HHULQJ FRQWLQXHG ‘In 2018, almost â‚Ź1.8 billion will be invested in Special (GXFDWLRQ QHDUO\ RQH ÂżIWK RI the overall Education budget, and up 43% since 2011.’ He also defended Fine Gael’s record on education spending during the recession years.

Texaco Children’s Art competition judge Eoin Butler with two entries from Co. Carlow – ‘The Gondola Man’ by Amy Dawson (14) of Tullow Community School, and ‘Playing in the Light of Sunset’ by Tasfia Hossain (11) from Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal. Winners in the competition will be announced in April.

Chamber launches Connections scheme ‘CHAMBER Trade Connections’ is the title of a new programme designed by County Carlow Chamber, with a simple aim of helping businesses across the county to meet new and existing trade partners, building relationships to help companies grow exports to various markets across the world. The inaugural event in the Chamber Trade Connections series is scheduled to take place on the April 19, where his Excellency Mr Peter Kok, the Dutch Ambassador

to Ireland, has accepted an invitation to visit businesses in Carlow and speak with Chamber members and invited guests in relation to trade between Carlow and the Netherlands. The Netherlands is Irelands 6th biggest trade partner, with exports of over $6.7bn to the country in 2017, and the Ambassador will open his visit with tours of companies who have existing trade ties with the County before attending a reception in the Arboretum to discuss current trade and potential opportunities.

carlowpeople March 27, 2018


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carlowpeople March 27, 2018

Hampstead Round 4-6 Ext. Table Now Only

€699 Save €450

The Sco Scott S Corner Group Now Only


Save €1200


carlowpeople March 27, 2018

Hampstead Round 4-6 Ext. Table Now Only

€699 Save €450

Now Only


Inspire Corner Group

Save €700

Now Only

€699 Save €700

Calia Large Dining Table

EZ LIVING INTERIORS SANDYFORD: The Boulevard, Sandyford, 18, Dublin EZ LIVING INTERIORS LITTLE ISLAND: East Gate Retail Park, Little Island, Cork EZ LIVING INTERIORS NAAS: Globe Retail Park, Naas, Kildare

EZ LIVING INTERIORS WATERFORD: Butlerstown Retail Park, Waterford EZ LIVING INTERIORS POULADUFF ROAD: Southside Estate, Pouladuff Road, Cork EZ LIVING INTERIORS BLARNEY STREET: Blarney St. (City Center), Cork

EZ LIVING INTERIORS NAVAN: Navan Retail Park, Athboy Rd, Navan, Meath EZ LIVING DISTRIBUTION CENTRE: Harbour Point Business Park, Little Island, Cork

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carlowpeople March 27, 2018

Fast-track your career into the healthcare profession ‌work as a phlebotomist! Advertorial THIS August sees the return of Geopace Training to Dublin with their two day phlebotomy training course. An increasing demand for skilled healthcare professionals has led to a shortage of allied healthcare workers, especially phlebotomists - the skilled healthcare professionals who take your blood. Demand is high within hospitals as well as many clinics and surgeries and RŕľľHUV D JROGHQ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU that “longed forâ€? career change! If you have good people skills, good manual dexterity and like the idea of working in a busy hospital or clinic, a phlebotomist job may be just the right job for you! Many people enter this profession when they are looking for a career change or a fresh start. Phlebotomists often work part time (mornings) but some do work full time as well as weekends and holidays. Blood samples are usually collected in the mornings and then analysed in the Path Labs in the afternoon.




Stunning new ranges on view Our new look showrooms have even more to offer. We’ve brand new displays with stunning ranges on view like this glossy, handleless Aviano kitchen. Call us on 059 918 2180 to arrange a free design consultation or book online at Carlow Shamrock Business Park, Graiguecullen. *Price shown excludes appliances.

“We train people from all walks of life and all agesâ€? exSODLQV -HQQLH (DJOHWRQ RŕľśFH manager. “We’ve had shop assistants, receptionists, beauticians and dental nurses, as well DV WHOHVDOHV VWDŕľľ XQHPSOR\HG school leavers and the retiredâ€? says Jennie. Once on the healthcare career ladder ambition often drives people to progress to working in the labs and to other specialised departments. Internal promotion is much easier once you are “on the ladderâ€? and have some experience. Many hundreds of Geopace trainees are now working as phlebotomists and a few have even chosen to work abroad where there is often a shortage

and growing demand for this specialised skill. If you like the idea of a career in healthcare then this may be just the job for you! Training takes place over two full days and culminates in the award of a UK nationally recognised DQG DFFUHGLWHG FHUWLÂżFDWH Âł:H SUDFWLFH RQ DUWLÂżFLDO DUPV´ VD\V Jennie. “And all our students have a lot of fun learning. We get a great deal of satisfaction when we later learn that they are working in their local hospital or GP Surgeryâ€?. If you would like to know more about phlebotomy as a career or to book a place on the August course visit Geopace Training’s website at www.

carlowpeople March 27, 2018

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Anna and Olive in Sam McCauley’s in Carlow Shopping Centre

Jenna Keellea, Aideen Ryan, Trudy Collier of Alive & Well

CARLOW Shopping centre is located within a beautiful refurbished stone building. It has a multi-storey carpark attached for easy access. It’s anchor store is Penneys while other retailers here include Claire’s, Peter Marks, Sam McAuleys, Trax, and Alive & Well. Other stores include: Carlow SPCA, Hale Vaping, Serena ODGLHV FORWKLQJ $྾RUGDEOH Blinds, Planet Auto, and Cups

and Cones ice cream. The shopping centre is served by a cafĂŠ and surrounding restaurants while there is also an Omniplex cinema located adjacent to the entrance also. Carlow Shopping centre is the dominant retail scheme in the Carlow Town centre area, attracting thousands of shoppers every week largely because of a strong line-up of national and local traders and the availability of a highly convenient car park.

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carlowpeople March 27, 2018

D Weddi Sunda


he Seven Oaks Hotel, Carlow has been delivering four decades of excellent service to generations of wedding couples. Experienced DQG IULHQGO\ VWD྾ XQEHDWDEOH atmosphere and incredible service are all part of the hotel’s reputation. The hotel is synonymous throughout the community and enjoys a loyal customer base, who fully appreciates the hotel’s place in the heart of Carlow. The team at the Seven Oaks Hotel have over 60 years’ experience ensuring your wedding day is one to remember for you and your guests. The Seven Oaks Hotel is delighted to announce that they are undergoing extensive bedroom refurbishments for 2018 & 2019, we have recently completed refurbishment of our elegant and stylish ballroom. We are currently re-landscaping new gardens for photographs and our wedding garden will have new

additions to make your wedding photos even more special. We are launching new wedding packages at our Wedding Workshop, “We feel that our new packages are very competitive, whilst looking after the Bride & Groom’s needsâ€? said Michael Walsh our long established General Manager. “We can adapt and tailor any of our packages to suit a couples individual requirements. We are here to deliver excellence in service and quality and make it a day for everyone to remember.â€? 7KH KRWHO LV RŕľľHULQJ DOO LQFOXsive wedding packages starting from just â‚Ź39.00 per person, which includes such extras as a drink of choice or half bottle of wine per person for your toast, wed-

ding bow sash’s, chair covers, champagne and red carpet DUULYDO DQG HYHQLQJ EX྾HW reception. In addition there are a range of services with our compliments, including personalised souvenir menus, personalised table plan and refreshments for your wedding guests on arrival. 7R FHOHEUDWH \RXU ¿UVW DQQLversary you will be invited back for a complimentary nights stay to include Dinner, Bed and Breakfast. At the end of your wonderful day the Seven Oaks Hotel spacious and comfortable bedrooms will cater for all your guests needs. This year we are doing someWKLQJ GL྾HUHQW D :HGGLQJ Workshop, Inglot Makeup are giving a Bridal Makeup Tutorial and Faith Amond LV R྾HULQJ KHU VW\OH DGvice for Mother of the Bride. )DLWK ZLOO DOVR R྾HU her expert advice on choosing the correct wedding dress style. Our newly refurbished ballroom will be partially set for a wedding banquet to showcase its elegance. For our Wedding :RUNVKRS ZH DUH R྾HULQJ DOO Brides and Grooms that book and pay their deposit by the 30th of April Free Themed Evening %X྾HW R྾ WKHLU :HGGLQJ Package and six months Free Gym Membership. We will also be giving away a door prize for Dinner for Two in TD Molloy’s Restaurant with a bottle of wine.


carlowpeople March 27, 2018

Don’t miss our ing Workshop on ay April 8, 2-5pm

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This year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade was one of Carlow’s most sucessful, drawing a big crowd with many hard-worked on floats and displays.

John O’Sullivan gives his rendition of Singing in the Rain in this year’s parade The Lawlers and Cuddy families wait for the parade

Amy, Shane Story and Gabriel at the St Patricks day Parade

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Carlow Youth Centre

Sean Nolan of Flame

Sarah Doyle and Mary Wynne of Enterprise House

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carlowpeople March 27, 2018


Claire Walsh and Gillian Brennan from Gala


Donal Keane FdSc HAA BC-HIS of Leinster Hearing Services

t 059 914 1877

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Claire Dooley and Eugina Alexandre, Zip Yard, Staplestown Rd.

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22 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Planet Cool!

carlowpeople March 27, 2018

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


LAST Thursday March 15, the world’s first permanent visitor centre dedicated to climate change, the Cool Planet Experience (CPE) officially opened its doors at Powerscourt House, Enniskerry. Somewhat ironically it took three attempts for the CPE to finally open its doors to the public as the first two attempts had to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions! The centre in Wicklow is the first of 10 that are planned to open around the globe over the next 3 years.

The Cool Planet Experience at Powerscourt (Pic: Justin Ivory) Being a lifelong wildlife and environmental nut and having spent over 2 decades actively involved at various levels in relation to many aspects of biodiversity, conservation, sustainability and by default global warming and climate change it was with much anticipation I awaited the opening of CPE and hot footed it along to experience the Experience for myself!


HARDY BUCKS RTÉ Two, Thursday 10.35pm


A new book, Martin McGuinness: The Man I Knew, released to commemorate the first anniversary of the passing of one of Ireland’s most iconic politicians, allows the world the opportunity to learn what people both sides of the divide really thought of the former Northern Ireland deputy first minister and exIRA commander. Collins shows how, to some, McGuinness was a terrorist, a figure of hate, while to others he was a hero who helped bring about lasting peace in his journey from freedom fighter to respected politician. The new book eschews both extremes.

RTÉ’s hit TV Show, Hardy Bucks are back again, and life is just rosy as far as Eddie Durkan is concerned. He’s happily living rent free in Buzz’s house what could be better, living with his best mate and having his certified nymphomaniac girlfriend Ciara,coming over to stay a few nights a week? The problem is, as Ciara see’s it, the place is a dosshole and she wants Eddie to step their relationship up a gear. As in, move out to a place of their own. Meanwhile, the Viper arrives in town driving his latest business an ice cream van he is using as a front to peddle hash.

Directed by Garth Davis and set in the Holy Land in the first century C.E., a young woman leaves her small fishing village and traditional family behind to join a radical new social movement. At its head is a charismatic leader, Jesus of Nazareth, who promises that the world is changing. Mary is searching for a new way of living, and an authenticity that is denied her by the rigid hierarchies of the day. As the notoriety of the group spread and more are drawn to follow Jesus’ inspirational message, Mary’s spiritual journey places her at the heart of a story that will lead to the city of Jerusalem.

COMEDY of the week

FAMILY FUN of the week

FESTIVAL of the week

ARIES- This week is an 8 Read, write and edit. You’re especially good with words today and tomorrow. Express what’s in your heart. TAURUS- This week is a 9 Keep showing up. Perform to the best of your abilities. You’re earning accolades and valuable reward. Spend within the budget to get what you need. GEMINI- This week is a 9 Allow more time for personal matters over the next few days. Nurture yourself with a new look. Indulge your own passions and enthusiasms. CANCER- This week is a 6 Slow down to consider options. New circumstances could change the game. Look for hidden opportunities.

DIRTBIRDS LIVE Visual Carlow, Old Dublin Road, Carlow April 5,8pm, â‚Ź19/17 Dirtbirds internet sensation are landing in Carlow for one night only! Don’t miss this hilarious, laugh a minute comedy show. Catch Dublin north siders Carmel and Debs as they chat about life, love and the ever-changing size of Kim Kardashian’s arse. South side sickeners Eleanor and Emer will be competing about everything whilst pretending their lives are sooo amazing and of course the not so beautiful beauty bloggers Dee and Andrea will be giving their latest beauty ‘tips from da town’. A brilliant girl’s night out!!!

SCREENING of the week

SECRET FAIRIES AND DINOSAURS GARDEN Arboretum Home and Garden Heaven, Old Kilkenny Road, Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow March 26- April 6

SCI-FI FILM WEEKEND Visual Carlow, Old Dublin Road, Carlow April 14 -15, â‚Ź8/6

We’ve put together a weekend of cool Sci-Fi films to show on the big screen to coincide with the work of Dennis McNulty, Alan Butler If your little ones are not in the mood for a and Damien O’Reilly on show. Films that will Easter egg hunt this year, why not visit us at be shown this weekend arethe forerunner the Arboretum Home and Garden Heaven and search for the secret fairies and dinosaurs. for the TV Show which debuted in 2016, Westworld (1973), The Invasion of the Body Great outdoor adventure for big and small Snatchers (1978) and Solaris. All films have a and there will lots to see for everyone. For PG certificate so are suitable for families under more information please visit the website or send us an email info@ parental guidance. A weekend pass for all We can’t wait to welcome you at 4 films is only ₏20. Booking is on the day or through the box office on 059 9172400. our garden.

KIDS FUN of the week

ACTIVITY of the week

LEO- This week is a 7 Show up for your friends and they do the same for you. Share resources, information and comfort. Teamwork provides especially valuable today and tomorrow. VIRGO- This week is an 8 A professional prize is within reach over the next few days. Forge ahead and go for it! Your team is with you. Create opportunities. LIBRA- This week is an 8 7KH QHZV FRXOG DŕľľHFW \RXU decisions. Study your route and destination. Leave VXŕľśFLHQW WLPH WR PDNH \RXU connections. Explore and investigate. SCORPIO- This week is a 7 Handle paperwork and ÂżQDQFLDO OHJDO RU LQVXUDQFH matters today and tomorrow. Monitor and contribute to shared accounts. SAGITTARIUS- This week is an 8

You and a partner cook up something delicious over the next few days. Compromise and stay receptive to another’s view.

Saving planet earth at CPE (Pic: Justin Ivory) What can I say - so enjoyed my visit. This place is Ăźber cool and pushing itself to the head of the vanguard of the sustainability zeitgeist. Like a naughty threesome of Blade Runner, David Attenborough and Erin Brockovich, CPE delivers its message using futuristic methods with a familiar, easy and engaging assurity while not backing down on the hard hitting facts. Do yourselves a favour and visit this place asap! P.S. Vists are via timeslots so advance booking via the CPE website is advisable.

LOVING VINCENT Visual Carlow, Old Dublin Road, Carlow April 18, 8pm, â‚Ź8/6

EASTER TREASURE HUNT Huntington Castle,Clonegal, Co.Carlow March 31- April 2,

I WISH I COULD DRAW Visual Carlow, Old Dublin Road, Carlow April 13, 11am - 1pm, â‚Ź65

Vincent van Gogh fans be aware, there is going to be a screening of the popular film Loving Vincent at the Visual. Armand (Douglas Booth) finds himself tasked with delivering one of Vincent van Gogh’s final letters. Along the way, he meets those who knew the artist during his final days. He becomes fascinated by the stories of a complex man and his mysterious death. This visually stunning film was shot in live action before artists hand painted every frame in the style of van Gogh.

We are looking forward to Easter this year with a return to our golden nugget treasure hunt. Each child will receive a basket and set of clues to help them gather the nuggets hidden around the garden. There will be lots of exploring in the Wilderness and Gardens and then a triumphant return to claim your chocolate gift! There is limited availability so don’t leave it too late! Ticket prices for children are ₏6.95 and includes a basket and some chocolate treats, and for adults ₏5.00.

Visual Carlow presents a four week workshop, starting on April 13 for four consecutive Fridays until May 4. ‘Taking a line for a walk’ underpins Bridget Flannery’s approach to drawing. Her workshops explore space and shape through a drawing process using whatever is at hand, pencil, charcoal, paint, twigs, and feathers while always emphasising keen observation. Bridget Flannery can be described as a painter of nature. Limited spaces available, so book your place now.

CAPRICORN- This week is an 8 (QHUJ\ ÀRRGV \RXU ZRUN KHDOWK DQG ¿WQHVV SUDFWLFHV Keep in motion to maintain momentum. AQUARIUS-This week is an 8 Integrate new faces into your circle of family and friends. Spend time with someone attractive. PISCES- This week is a 7 Home sucks you into its seductive enchantments. Create an inviting atmosphere.

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ACE CHIMNEY SWEEP Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email: DOG TRAINING


have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class. Any enquiries to

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Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338 TURF & FIREWOOD

TURF & FIREWOOD Massive quantity of 2017 shed stored seasoned Turf – Firewood

Call 087 7462440


059 914 1877

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carlowpeople March 27, 2018


TO ADVERTISE TEL: 059 914 1877 PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council We, Ballyknockan Homes Limited, wish to apply for planning permission for; The construction of 39no. new dwellings to include; 25no. Terraced two storey houses (2 & 3 beds), 4no. Semi-detached bungalow houses (2 beds) and 10no. Semi-detached two storey houses (2 & 3 beds); with the provision of rear access into terraced houses for bin storage, and associated car parking; Together with the completion of all previously granted landscaped areas, roads, footpaths and site development works associated with the previously granted development under reg. ref no. 03/430 (PL01.206855), all at Ballyknockan, Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the authority of the application, and such submissions or observation s will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for the construction of a proposed detached dormer dwelling, detached single storey domestic garage, proposed treatment plant/Polishing filter, well, site entrance and all associated works at Burton Hall, Palatine, Co. Carlow Signed: Adrian and Louise Oprea The planning application may be inspected and/or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow Town, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5

weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Carlow County Council Significant Further Information has been lodged in relation to 17 371: Planning permission is sought for the construction of a proposed two storey extension to the front of an existing two storey childcare building. This building is located to the rear (and within the grounds of ) protected structure CW110 (Old National School, Ballon). The extension shall comprise of the following: extended canteen/storage area to ground floor, extended out of school area to first floor, stairs to same, elevated walkway to rear, minor internal alteratons and all associated works at Ballon Rathoe Childcare Facility Ltd, Ballon, Co. Carlow Signed: Michael O’Toole on behalf of Ballon Rathoe Childcare Facility Ltd Significant Further Information has been furnished to the planning authority in respect of this proposed development, and is available for inspection or purchase at the offices of the Planning Authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public hours. A submission or observation in relation to the further information or revised plans may be made in writing to the planning authority within the statutory time limit. A submission or observation must be accompanied by the prescribed fee, except in the case of a person or body who has already made a submission or observation. Carlow County Council Full planning permission is sought to construct a single storey dwelling house, new site entrance, bored well, proprietary treatment system and associated percolation area, all ancillary site works and services at Ballymurphy, Tullow, Co. Carlow on behalf of Brian and Charlene Maxwell. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority - Athy Road - Carlow during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning

authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: P. Buckeridge. BE Civil. Carlow County Council Permission is sought for the extension to the front of existing community centre and all associated site development works at Drumphea, Garryhill, Co Carlow on behalf of Drumphea Community Centre Committee. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Peter Bolger Consulting, Engineers & Quantity Surveyors. Tel 059 9158005 Carlow County Council I Sean Hutton wish to apply to Carlow Co. Council for Permission for the Construction of a single storey Extension to the front elevation of my existing dwelling and all associated site works at 173 St. Marys Park Pollerton Road Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority

in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed James kealy Planning & Design Services 059 9139484 085-100 2 200 Carlow County Council Full planning permission is sought to construct a twostorey dwelling house, garage, new site entrance, bored well, proprietary treatment system and associated percolation area, all ancillary site works and services at Ticknock, Kiltegan, Co. Carlow on behalf of David & Alison O Neill. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority - Athy Road - Carlow during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We, Nick & Elaine Murphy, intend to apply for full planning permission for a two-storey dwelling house, bored well, waste water treatment system and soil polishing filter, together with all associated site and landscaping works, all at Kilmaglin, Fenagh, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning au-

thority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Strutec Architects, Engineers and Project Managers, Garryhill, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. Tel: 059 9727623. Carlow County Council I Ann Gittons am applying for outline planning permission for 3 No. dwelling houses with treatment systems and soil polishing filters and all associated site works at Kilcoltrim, Borris, Co.Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning author ity in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Byrne & McCabe Design Ltd, Architecture & Engineering Services. Tel: 059 9725684 Carlow County Council We, Fionnuala and Ronan Byrne are applying for permission for the erection of granny flat extension to dwelling under construction, granted under Planning Reference Number 16175 and all associated site works at St. Mullins Road , Tinnahinch , Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without condi-


tions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Byrne & McCabe Design Ltd, Architecture & Engineering Services. Tel: 059 9725684r Carlow County Council Planning Permission is sought for the construction of a machinery store and all associated site development works at Dublin Road, Borris, Co.Carlow on behalf of Kelly’s of Borris. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, County Hall, John Street, Co. Kilkenny, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Peter Bolger Consulting, Engineers & Quantity Surveyors. Tel 059 9158005 MIRACLE PRAYER

THE MIRACLE PRAYER Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. G.M.

TELEPHONE: 059 914 1877

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DATE Description / Course Title Presenter TIME PRICE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... APRIL Wednesday 4th April Introduction to pricing and Costing T.F. O’Donoghue & Co. 9.30am - 4.30pm 1 day € 30 Friday 6th April Your Business Idea - How to make it a reality Talent Pool 9.30am - 4.30pm 1 day € 30 Tuesday 17th April R-Innovate Grow Ballon IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Wednesday 18th April R-Innovate Grow Bagenalstown IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MAY Tuesday 1st May R-Innovate Grow Ballon IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Wednesday 2nd May R-Innovate Grow Bagenalstown IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Thursday 3rd May Critical and Creative Thinking Optimum Limited 9.30am -1.00pm Half day € 20 Thursday 10th May Building Customer Service Into Your Brand Preferred Marketing & PR Limited 10.00am - 4.30pm 1 day € 30 Tuesday 15th May R-Innovate Grow Ballon IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Wednesday 16th May R-Innovate Grow Bagenalstown IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Tuesday 29th May R-Innovate Grow Ballon IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Wednesday 30th May R-Innovate Grow Bagenalstown IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... JUNE Tuesday 5th June Research and Development Tax Credits - How Your Business can utilise Talent Pool 9.30am - 4.30pm 1 day € 30 Wednesday 13th June Prepare a Winning Tender Red PR 9.30am - 4.30pm 1 day € 30 Wednesday 13th June R-Innovate Grow Bagenalstown IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE Wednesday 20th June Negotiation For Win Win Half day Workshop Optimum Dublin 9.30am - 1.00pm € 20 Wednesday 27th June R-Innovate Grow Bagenalstown IT Carlow / LEO Carlow 9.30am - 4.30pm 4 days plus 2 mentoring sessions FREE

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