May 28, 2015, t: 01 t: 901 5556/7, September 6, 2018 056 781 7070 e:
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kilkennytoday September 6 - 27, 2018
May 28, 2015, 01 901 5556/7, September 6, t:2018 t: 056 781 7070 e: e:
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214 face driving ban Local motorists just one offence from losing licence By Jake Maxwell A TOTAL of 214 motorists in the county are within a simple VSHHGLQJ RŕľľHQFH RI EHLQJ EDQQHG IURP GULYLQJ DFFRUGLQJ WR ÂżJXUHV MXVW SXEOLVKHG E\ WKH Road Safety Authority (RSA). 7KH ÂżJXUHV GRFXPHQW WKH QXPEHU RI GULYHUV LQ HDFK FRXQW\ ZKR KDYH SHQDOW\ SRLQWV RQ WKHLU OLFHQFH KRZ PDQ\ SRLQWV WKH\ KDYH DQG ZKDW WKRVH SRLQWV ZHUH incurred for. They are accurate up to the date of July 31 last. 7KH\ VKRZ RQ WKDW GDWH
PDUJLQDOO\ RYHU WKH OLPLW UDWKHU WKDQ DQ DXWRPDWLF EDQ Garda HQ is planning to introduce “widescaleâ€? deployment next year of KDQGKHOG GHYLFHV WR HQDEOH gardaĂ on the roadside to check LI D GULYHU LV GLVTXDOLÂżHG +RZHYHU WKH SODQ LV dependent on the willingness RI WKH *RYHUQPHQW WR SURYLGH additional funding to implement WKH SODQ JLYHQ WKH OHYHO RI ,7 costs associated with it. Continued on next page
Irene Cullen and Tracey Massey at The Mamma Mia Experience Party in support of Littlehill and Cara Rescue, Kilford Arms Hotel. Image by Rue Photography . Lots more pictures inside
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
Jules O’Rourke (7) who launched the 35th All Ireland Credit Union Art Competition recently. Pic: Julien Behal
news in brief 365 patients on trolleys in August THERE was 365 patients recorded on trolleys in St Luke’s Hospital last month making it one of the busiest Augusts on record there. That’s according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation which has released WKHLU ¿JXUHV IRU WKH PRQWK +RZHYHU WKH ¿JXUH ZDV VWLOO a substantial drop on last year’s when a total of 432 people had no bed, the most overcrowded the local hospital has been in August since records began there in 2010. /DVW PRQWK MXVW ¿YH KRVSLWDOV had more patients on trolleys than St Luke’s – they are Cork University Hospital, Letterkenny, Galway, Limerick and Waterford.
Aplly now for sports grants
Bluebird to create 450 jobs
Clubs across Kilkenny city and county should apply now for the â‚Ź40 million Sports Capital Grants programme, according to Fine Gael Junior Minister, John Paul Phelan. Over â‚Ź1.42m was shared among a host of organisations across Kilkenny under the 2017 programme and it is hoped that, given the quality of applications typically received from clubs in the region, this might even increase further or next year.
BLUEBIRD Care is to create 450 new jobs in the coming 12 months. The jobs, which will be spread across the country, will vary from Clinical Nurse Managers to Care Assistants and will add to the already outstanding team of 1800 in place. The homecare provider will be creating 30+ new jobs in Bluebird Care Carlow,
Kilkenny and Waterford owing to an increased demand for services in the local area and the regional growth of the company. Local Franchise Director Brian Egan commented: “Bluebird Care are proud of the high-quality professional service they provide across Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford. We are delighted to announce that we are
seeking to recruit a number RI QHZ VWD྾ LQ WKH FRPLQJ PRQWKV 7KHVH DGGLWLRQDO VWD྾ will allow us to increase our capacity and the professional range of services we provide to our customers. We’re encouraging anyone who may have an interest in working in this exciting care sector to join us at our open day to learn more about the work we do.�
Motorists close to driving ban Continued from previous page: GardaĂ have no way when stopping drivers to instantly check their record at the roadside. Following a six-month pilot in Limerick, An Garda SĂochĂĄna said 50 members have been provided with a fully secure operational smartphone with a number of policing apps, LQFOXGLQJ D JDUGD WUDŕľśF DSS 7KH WUDŕľśF DSS JLYHV PHPEHUV access vehicle data and driver licence data on the Garda Pulse computer system. The vehicle data includes: vehicle warnings; make, model, year, chassis number current owner; motor tax status and vehicle intelligence catalogue. Driver licence data includes driver name, address and date of birth as well as licence status — LQFOXGLQJ LI GULYHU LV GLVTXDOLÂżHG by court order or penalty points or if the licence of the dead person is being used. The statement said the pilot has been extended for three months to test other functions: “These additional features provide the user with the ability to electronically scan number plates and license documents having to do data entry.â€?
There is no place for racism here, says Mayor “THERE is no place for racism in Kilkenny.â€? Those are the words of the Mayor of Kilkenny Peter Cleere who has said both he and locals are upset over reports of racial abuse aimed at the new Rose of Tralee on a night out in the city recently. The Mayor said it is not representative of the people of the area who are very proud of Waterford Rose Kirsten, who has close links to Kilkenny also. An investigation is under way into an alleged racist verbal attack on the newly crowned Rose of Tralee, Kirsten Mate Maher. It comes after gardaĂ were called to the Blue Door fast food outlet in Kilkenny city in the early hours recently. Ms Maher and her boyfriend were allegedly abused by two male customers in the takeaway on John Street at around 3am. It is understood Ms Maher, who was last week crowned the Rose of Tralee, had been out socialising with her boyfriend and other friends earlier in the night and had stopped at the fast food premises on their way home. One man is alleged to have racially abused her before her boyfriend intervened by asking him to stop. The second man then became involved and gardaĂ were called. It is understood gardaĂ took
statements from everyone present but it is not yet known if a prosecution will follow. Steve Cronly of the Rose of Tralee festival committee said they were aware an incident had been reported to the gardaĂ and he said Ms Maher would not be making any comment. He said that regrettably Ms Maher had been subjected to racist abuse from people in the past and that it was something she and many others in this country have to deal with on a regular basis. Mr Cronly added that as Rose of Tralee, Ms Maher intends to highlight the fact that society here is becoming more diverse and that there is no place for racism. Maher emerged victorious at the 59th Rose of Tralee fesWLYDO EHFRPLQJ WKH ÂżUVW HYHU African Irish winner, and the third Waterford Rose to claim the title.
Tributes paid to Marty TRIBUTES were paid recently to the 22-year-old Kilkenny man who died in a motorbike crash. His motorbike struck a barrier on the Tramore Road near Waterford City. GardaĂ are appealing for witnesses to what happened to come forward. Martin ‘Marty’ Walsh (22) was from Slieverue and was remembered as a young man
who ‘brought so much life to everything he did’ and was a joy to be around and described as a “popular and friendly� young man. Heartbroken friends took to social media to remember Marty. “Marty, you were the most popular and friendliest person I knew! You will genuinely be missed hugely by everyone,� one pal said.
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
Leave the VAT rate alone, hotel owners urge
news in brief Get ready for Positive Ageing AGE Action is calling on community groups in Kilkenny to organise events around the county for Positive Ageing Week 2018 which takes place from October 1, UN International Day of Older People, to October 7. %LOO\ 2Âś.HHŕľľH 3URJUDPPH Manager, Age Action said “A recent study shows that more than half the babies born in wealthier countries since 2000 may reach their 100th birthday. The benHÂżWV RI OLYLQJ ORQJHU DQG JHWWLQJ older are immense and they affect all parts of our lives from RXU ÂżQDQFHV WR RXU KHDOWK DQG leisure. Positive Ageing Week is all about exploring all the positive aspects of getting older and celebrating with the older people in our communitiesâ€?
Get ready for Age Action week
A bumper tech programme of workshops and headline speakers has been announced for DojoCon 2018, which takes place in Kilkenny this October. +XQGUHGV ZLOO ÀRFN WR WKH FLW\ for the global conference for the worldwide community of CoderDojos, which has something to appeal to every tech interest, age and ability.
By Jake Maxwell
Kilkenny Masters basketball team win the Lar Murphy Memorial Masters Tournament in an epic final against Waterford Vikings with a score of 21 to 19. Image by Rue Photography
We’re tops of Foodie list By Jake Maxwell KILKENNY has been named Ireland’s Foodie Destination of the Year 2018 The city and county won out over 10 shortlisted destinations in this year’s awards, organised by the Restaurants’ Association of Ireland (RAI). The awards also saw Kinsale named ‘Ireland’s Foodie Town’. Kilkenny has developed “an eclectic and diverse food
DQG WRXULVP RŕľľHULQJ ZKLFK includes top quality gastro pubs, a range of Irish and LQWHUQDWLRQDO IRRG RŕľľHULQJV and even Michelin Star restaurants,â€? judges said. Multiple enhanced food RŕľľHULQJV ZHUH FLWHG LQ Kilkenny’s win, including food trails, cooking classes, the #TasteKilkenny brand, ‘Kilkenny Solidarity Dinners’ and a ‘Dig a Little Deeper’ campaign encouraging visitors to stay longer. Judges were impressed
with an interactive touch screen search facility in the city centre, aimed at assisting visitors and locals alike. The Top 10 list is: Armagh Boyne Valley Cavan Derry Galway Kilkenny Kinsale Mid & East Antrim Borough Monaghan and Glaslough Sligo
HOTEL and guesthouse owners in Kilkenny are calling on the Government to avoid introducing measures in this autumn’s budget which could damage the tourism industry. Aidan Quirke, Chair of the South East branch of the Irish Hotels Federation says the 9% 9$7 UDWH KDV EHHQ VKRZQ WR be the right rate for the sector, bringing the country more closely in line with tourism 9$7 UDWHV LQ RWKHU FRPSHWLQJ European countries and enabling Irish tourism to become more competitive. “Its positive impact has exceeded expectations. Over 65,000 new jobs have been created across every town and county since 2011, making the 9$7 UDWH RQH RI WKH PRVW successful job-creation initiatives in modern times. “Here in Carlow and Kilkenny our local tourism sector now supports 6,200 jobs and contributes some â‚Ź155m to the local economy.â€? Tourism is one of Ireland’s
largest indigenous industries, supporting approximately 235,000 jobs. Hoteliers warn that while the industry has made great strides in recovery in recent years, this growth cannot be taken for granted. The Irish Hotels Federation represents almost 1000 hotel and guesthouse across the country. The Federation says it is one of the key components to the recovery in tourism in recent years and continues to support jobs in the sector and encourage reinvestment. While the sector has achieved a return to growth, Mr Quirke says that there is no room for complacency with the tourism VHFWRU IDFLQJ HQRUPRXV GLŕľśculties due to the uncertainty around Brexit and the fall in the value of sterling. “Our industry is heavily dependent on the economic environment of our major source markets, and we are very vulnerable to external economic shocks, as the fall in UK visitors has shown.â€?
Time called on 31 local pubs in the last 12 years THERE were 31 less pubs in Kilkenny and overall 1,477 less pubs in Ireland last year than in 2005, representing a 17.1% drop in businesses across the country, according to the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI). In 2017, there were 7,140 pubs nationwide – a decline IURP LQ 7KH ¿JXUHV are based on an analysis of the OLTXRU OLFHQFH ¿JXUHV SXEOLVKHG by Revenue - which tracks the number of premises that have publican’s licences (7-day licences that allow the sale of beer, wine and spirits to be consumed on-site). Rural counties saw the most VLJQL¿FDQW GURS LQ SXEV ZKLFK serve as a major source of employment regionally. In 2005, there were 7,831 pubs in Ireland outside of Dublin. In 2017, that number dropped by 18.7% to 6,367. In contrast to publican’s liFHQFHV R྾ OLFHQFHV VDZ DQ LQ-
crease of 11.8% since 2005. 3,331 premises registered an Rŕľľ OLFHQFH LQ FRPSDUHG to 2,966 in 2005. Licences for wine-only bars and restaurants were also up 3.1%. In total, there were 866 fewer liquor licences registered in Ireland in 2017 than in 2005 – a decrease of 5.6%. According to the DIGI report Ireland’s Hospitality and Drinks Sector and Your Constituency - authored by DCU economist Anthony Foley and published last year, Carlow-Kilkenny hospitality and drinks businesses enable 4,654 jobs and generate â‚Ź122 million in revenue for local tourism economy. &RPPHQWLQJ RQ WKH ÂżQGings, Padraig Cribben, Chief ([HFXWLYH 2ŕľśFHU 9LQWQHUVÂś Federation of Ireland and member of DIGI said: “The number of pubs are down 17.1% in the period from 2005 to 2017 which is a worrying statistic.
These pubs are small businesses, mainly in rural Ireland, that SURYLGH VLJQLÂżFDQW HPSOR\PHQW and continue to create jobs in local communities. “In Carlow-Kilkenny alone, hospitality and drinks businesses enable 4,654 jobs while in Donegal, there are 368 pubs and 7,445 jobs supported by the industry. “This demonstrates the scale of employment that this sector creates rurally. “However, the sharp decline in the number of pubs is worrying and is further evidence of the need to monitor the industry and ensure the necessary supports are in place to reverse this trend. “While the Government committed to assist small rural businesses recover during the recession, business owners in the drinks industry were challenged by two increases in alcohol excise tax in Budget 2012 and Budget 2013.â€?
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
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kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
Starting your fitness journey
t’s a daunting task if you haven’t exercised in years. It’s even more daunting if you’ve never entered a gym or if your FRQÂżGHQFH KDV KLW URFN bottom on account of a diminished sense of self in relation to how your UHĂ€HFWLRQ LV VWDULQJ EDFN DW \RX over your sedentary lifestyle. But it can be made a whole lot easier with the right choices. Step 1. Decide now: Abolish one of your worst enemies, namely ‘procrastination’. If your waistline is a lot bigger WKDQ \RXU FRQÂżGHQFH DQG GHtermination, make the move by teaming up with a partner, family member or friend who also needs a lifestyle change. Step 2. Make the right choices: Whether opting for a gym membership, personal training or classes, it’s paramount to ÂżQG WKH ULJKW J\P RU ULJKW LQstructor. In an industry saturated with pop-up gyms, and in an HUD RI TXLFN ÂżUH FHUWLÂżFDWLRQ substandard instructors with
Step 6. Shop for good food: With today’s selection of suSHUPDUNHWV R྾HULQJ DQ HFOHFWLF choice of healthy foods at very competitive prices, there is simply no excuse. Your trip to the supermarket is as important to as your trip to the gym.
Johnny Ryan, Advertorial very little practical experience are plentiful among the good ones. Do your research and lean on reputations and reviews before spending money. Step 3. Start with small steps: Work in mini-increments. Trying to quantify a long-term plan can be overwhelming. Get yourself into a small exercise routine daily and one that is conducive to your ability. Know your limits and try to exceed them gradually with the help of your instructor or trainer. Step 4. Don’t be deceived by
Photographer of the Year 2018 Gold Winners Margaret Moylan (Beginner), Bernie Kelly (Intermediate) and Derville Conroy (Advanced and Overall) at the opening of Kilkenny Photographic Society’s Exhibition in MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre. Image by Rue Photography DOMS: That’s ‘delayed onset muscle soreness’ and it will not be your friend after you partake in an unfamiliar activity. I see it all the time with new clients. They become alarmed and the soreness can be discouraging. Be sure to rise above this as it can be a major factor in scuppering your plans if you submit mentally and fail to realise that you are going through a phase
of adapting to new physical stresses for the better. Step 5. Be consistent: If your weight gain is the result of poor or unhealthy lifestyle habits, you’ve already shown consistency. You now need to apply the same consistency in a more structured, healthy manner. Eventually your workouts will fuse into a positive choice.
Step 7. Eat sensibly: A balanced healthy nutrition plan is paramount. It is the largest portion of your ticket to weight loss. You don’t have to starve yourself or take weight loss supplements to lose weight and tone up. Get to know your food and how your body assimilates it. Step 8. Mix food preparation with time to cook: The hectic lifestyles of today’s society doesn’t lend itself well to long hours in the kitchen. Failure to prepare good food is one of the key factors in returning to substandard, convenient calories. Step 9. Respect your body: Get adequate sleep and adequate water intake. These are
two commonly underestimated but essential variables to an overall health plan. Step 10: Don’t neglect your mental health: Carefully select your environment. Try and be mindful of what elevates and diminishes your sense of mental wellbeing and make a concerted H྾RUW WR VSHQG WLPH ZLWK WKRVH who encourage and inspire you. In Part 2, We’ll be outlining tips and tricks to lose body fat and tone up the healthy way. Johnny Ryan is the owner of Kilkenny’s most popular weight loss and toning service, Fennelly Fitness. Johnny is a TXDOL¿HG 6WUHQJWK &RQGLtion coach with over twenty¿YH \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH LQ Health and Fitness. His sports SUR¿OH LQFOXGHV ERG\EXLOGLQJ awards and multiple wins at National level, including EuURSHDQ DQG :RUOG &KDPSLRQship titles and records, in the sport of natural Powerlifting. -RKQ FDQ EH FRQWDFWHG YLD LQIR#IHQQHOO\¿WQHVV FRP ZLWK any queries or questions.
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
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kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
Andrea Štimac, Mary Armstrong, Helena Darcy and Harold Woods at The Mamma Mia Experience Party in support of Littlehill and Cara Rescue, Kilford Arms Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Ed Murphy and Kim Lein Huynh at Kilkenny Photographic Society’s Annual Exhibition, MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre. Image by Rue Photography
Mary and Lindsay Kerwick, Heather and “Pooky” Larkin at The Mamma Mia Experience Party in support of Littlehill and Cara Rescue, Kilford Arms Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Kersty Evans, Kayleigh Dunne and Joanne Westergren at The Mamma Mia Experience Party in support of Littlehill and Cara Rescue, Kilford Arms Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Latohya, Nya, Zach and Michael Hammond (the birthday boy) at Cleveland Mike’s 60th Birthday Bash, Brewery Corner. Image by Rue Photography
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
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kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
CHANGE THE PANE – KEEP THE FRAME!™ KEEP COOL AND COSY ALL YEAR ROUND! This is the NEW money-saving way to upgrade to the very latest in double glazing
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We guarantee to install the most energy efficient unit to suit your frames.
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Whitemill Industrial Estate, Wexford Telephone: 053 9144111 Web: Email: ‘Leaders in Energy Efficient Glazing’
The company you can trust Established 1928
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
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kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
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Blackberry Bounty
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
ninenottomiss BOOK BOOKof ofthe theweek week
TV TVSHOW SHOWof ofthe theweek week FILM of the week
THE POOKA PARTY Shona Shirley McDonald
“Late August, given heavy rain and sun For a full week, the blackberries would ripen. At first, just one, a glossy purple clot Among others, red, green, hard as a knot” (Seamus Heaney) MANY of us are familiar with Seamus Heaney’s evocative poem “Blackberry Picking”and as I write this weeks’ column the blackberry bushes around the county and the country are heaving under, what appears to my eyes anyway, a bumper crop of fruit this year. The European Blackberry or Rubus fruticosus to give it its scientific/Latin name belongs to the genus Rubus which also includes the raspberry and in turn these are part of the Rosaceae family – that’s the Rose family to you and I. But enough of this fancy Latin terminology most people know the blackberry bush as the “bramble” – a word meaning any impenetrable thicket. The fruit of the bramble, the blackberry is technically not a berry at all, but an aggregate fruit composed of a conglomeration of small fruits known as drupelets. Blackberries are one of nature’s superfoods. They are packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C which can help protect against chronic disease and cancer. They are a great source of fibre due to the many tiny seeds provided by the druplets. They also contain salicylates, a group of analgesics that include the active ingredient in aspirin. It is no wonder these fruits have been so popular with humans and are known to have been eaten by European inhabitants right back to 8,000 BC. During the Great War children in the UK were given time off school to collect blackberries to make juice that was sent to soldiers to help maintain health. Equally wildlife from birds to mice, foxes and badgers love these tasty fruits. So if you are collecting blackberries this Autumn please only take what you need and be sure to leave plenty for our wildlife.
A magical and beautifully illustrated story about loneliness and the power of friendship by a highly acclaimed Waterford based illustrator Shona Shirley McDonald. High in the mountains lives a magical created call The Pooka. The Pooka loves living there on its own and spends it’s time singing, gardening, dancing and reading. One day The Pooka realises it feels a bit lonely and misses it’s friends. So it decides to inivited everyone to a great big party with music and cake. Will anyone turn up? Or will everyone turn up? come to The Pooka party and find out what happens.
WALK of the week
KEITH LEMON: COMING IN AMERICA Sundays 3e 10pm The show follows the irrepressible Keith Lemon as he and some of his best loved sketch show characters, head to L.A. to try to break America. With a documentary film crew recording his every move, Keith Lemon: Coming In America, charts Keith’s journey as he attempts to realise his ultimate dream of hosting his own US chat show. After all, if James Corden can do it, why not Keith Lemon?
PLAY of the week
BLACK 47 ROI Rating: - 15 It’s 1847 and Ireland is in the grip of the Great Famine that has ravaged the country for two long years. Feeney, a hardened Irish Ranger who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, abandons his post to return home and reunite with his family. He’s seen more than his share of horrors, but nothing prepares him for the famine’s hopeless destruction of his homeland that has brutalised his people and where there seems to be no law and order. He discovers his mother starved to death and his brother hanged. With little else to live for, he sets a destructive path to avenge his family.
LAUNCH of the week
ARIES - This week is a 9 Keep growing stronger. Take care of yourself. Assert your wishes. Talk about how you’d like things to be. Get expert assistance. TAURUS - This week is a 6 Something you try now doesn’t work. Rather than forging new path, revise familiar routines and upgrade the organization levels. # GEMINI- This week is a 6 Your friends can help with a breakdown. Reach out to your network to discover the resources you need. You can GR ZLWKRXW VRPH VWX൵ CANCER- This week is an 8 A professional dream lies within view despite obvious obstacles. Put in some sweat equity. Take charge, and budget carefully. LEO- This week is a 7 Broaden your view to include wider horizons. Keep agreements, and make deadlines. Share your thoughts and dreams.
DALTON HOUSE DAY CARE CENTRE SPONSORED WALK September 15th 2.30pm Dalton House Day Care Centre will be holding their 3rd Annual Sponsored Walk on Saturday, 15th September 2018 in Gowran. Sponsorship cards are available in Dalton House and all sponsored walkers go free! If you would prefer you can pay on the day, Adults €10/Teens €5 (under 12s Free). Registration will commence at 2:30pm in Gowran Parish Hall. The walk will be opened by the Mayor of Kilkenny Peter “Chap” Cleere at 3pm. There will be refreshments and a raffle in the Hall after the walk.
GIG of the week
UNDERNEATH Watergate Theatre, 8pm 15th September
CHERISH THE LADIES-HEART OF THE HOME Watergate Theatre, 8pm 16th September
Sticks and stones didn’t break Her bones, but words and pointing crushed Her. Is Beauty really only skin deep? Does Ugliness hide somewhere deeper? This stunning play is a blackly comic, rich and vivid tale of a life lived in secret, a testament to the people who live on the fringes, under the nose of everyday life. The multi award-winning Fishamble production explores the surface, and what lies underneath. Tickets €16.00 from www.
Irish American Tour de Force, Cherish the Ladies, release their brand new album “Heart of the Home”. This long-running, Grammynominated, Irish-American super group was formed in New York City in 1985 to celebrate the rise of extraordinary women in what had been a male-dominated Irish music scene and for more than three decades, these women have toured the world, played the White House and the Olympics and recorded 17 critically acclaimed albums including their latest release, “Heart of the Home”.
MUSIC of the week
COMEDY GIG of the week
VIRGO- This week is a 7 Don’t rush into a purchase. Talk it over with your partner. Adjust the budget, and wait to see what develops. LIBRA- This week is a 7 Communication resolves a roadblock with your partner. Release outdated preconceptions. Clean a mess, apologise. SCORPIO- This week is a 9 Focus on building strong, healthy foundations. The excellent work you’ve been GRLQJ UHÀHFWV \RX ZHOO Slow to avoid mistakes. SAGITTARIUS- This week is an 8
Fun and romance call to you. Make plans with someone you enjoy. &RPSURPLVH WR ¿QG WKH middle ground between one view and another.
ALBERT H AMMOND LIVE AT LYRATH 20th September Multi award winning Singer / Songwriter, Albert Hammond, comes to Lyrath Estate on Thursday 20th September, with his band, for one memorable show! Tickets are now on sale from Hotel Reception on (056) 776 0088 or email, They are also on sale in Rollercoaster Records in Kilkenny City and also online at . Tickets cost €35.00 plus Booking Fee/Service charge. Seats are unreserved. Pre-concert dining available in Yew Restaurant from 5.00pm.
THE ROB STRONG BAND The Field Bar, September 11th 9pm Led by frontman Rob Strong whose blues/ soul vocal stylings have earned him the title”The Godfather of Soul”, this is an act not to be missed. His powerful stirring renditions of blues classics are the stuff of legend. Playing to packed houses as Doyen of the Showband era was commonplace for Rob and his Band and that hasn’t changed in his only Kilkenny residency every Tuesday night @The Field.
LOOKING DEADLY September 14, The Visual, Carlow, 8pm A wedding is the craic, birthdays are grand but you can’t beat a good Irish funeral. Yeah it’s sad… but ya know what’ll help with that? Kind words, hang sangwiches, a glass of warm porter, milky tea, a bad ballad, a snog with that cousin you know you shouldn’t fancy and a fight over who thought more of the dearly departed. Now you’re ready for the three day wake! Having sold out around Ireland, Foystown’s two rival funeral directors are back with the rollercoaster that is the battle for the funeral of local legend, Big Tom McCarthy. Looking Deadly will make you laugh and cry, just like any decent funeral should.
CAPRICORN- This week is a 7 )DPLO\ FRPHV ¿UVW 7HPSHUV may be short. Don’t make expensive promises. Avoid knee-jerk responses. New facts dispel old fears. AQUARIUS-This week is a 7 Creativity doesn’t always work in a linear fashion. Follow inspiration where it leads. Costs can vary widely, though. PISCES- This week is an 8 Your ideas are attracting attention. Take advantage RI SUR¿WDEOH RSSRUWXQLWLHV Don’t spend it before you get it. Finish a tough job.
kilkennytoday September 6, 2018
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kilkennytoday September 6, 2018