2 minute read
Wings of His Love
Surrender it all Surrender it all
I am here with you every step of the way
I have been with you before you took your first breath and opened your mouth to cry out!
You can cry out, my child
I hear you even when you don’t say a word, whether the tears flow or not
I can hear your heart
I know your hurts I know your disappointments
I know your thoughts, your dreams, your desires
I put my desires in your heart Like a mother places a baby down to sleep Or a woman prepares a meal for her family Or a gardener plows the soil and places a seed to be watered and nurtured!
I place them there, my love, to be fulfilled
I receive pleasure when I see them take root and flourish in your life
Look to me Be still Be quiet
Hear my voice I speak to you all the time
Turn everything off Come to me and with me Take my hand
I have so much to say So much for you All you must do is believe!
Trust me, and if you fall, I will be there to pick you up Trust me in it all I have you in my capable, strong, and sovereign hands
Keep your eyes on me I will lead you in this dance of life
When you’re tempted to run ahead Stop and look back!
I am always there, always there!
Watching over you Never too far
We take this ride together, my treasure I am always with you I love you
Rusanne is a published author, podcaster, speaker, advocate and teacher for young people, including those with additional needs.
She was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, representing her state in the 1984 Miss USA pageant. Her home has been in Australia since 1999.
“Rusty,” as the Aussies like to call her, loves to study, write, walk on the beach, and hang out with her four boys. She is a full-time carer for her youngest son. Life is full-on!