3 minute read
A Purposed Creation
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 NET
There is something about the world around me that sparks a genuine response of awe-inspired reverential worship. From the vast blue expanse above to the mysterious world of the depths of the sea, creation proclaims His greatness. All are a witness to His renown, acclaim, and distinction as the Architect and Designer of the abundant life that permeates everything around us and within us.
As a kid, I loved to watch the bustling activity of ants as they marched to orders unseen or unspoken. This little microcosm of a much larger world fascinated me. I still love to take a moment from time to time to pause from the hustle and bustle of my life and revel in the hustle and bustle of another life, so different from mine, yet so alike. And every time, I am in awe and wonder at my Creator, spurring whispered words of reverence and adoration to Him.
One of my family’s favorite pastimes is diving. My husband instilled this love in me and my children. As my face hits the water and I gaze into this world within a world, I marvel at the vibrant colors, multiformity, and distinctly different way of life. From their seemingly counterintuitive form of respiration to their contrasting mode of transport, this peculiar domain inspires praise provoked by an overwhelming sense of wonderment and awe.
One of my favorite pieces of creation is trees. South Florida is home to many native, indigenous species and many that were transplanted here from around the world. Between the numerous varieties of palms, the expansive arms of the banyan, and the gorgeous Giant Kapok Tree on display in the heart of West Palm, brought here from the Amazon rainforests, they are a lovely tribute to the copious creativity of the Maker of all. In many locations, we have roads lined with arching trees, their arms stretching up and inward, creating an enchanting canopy sweeping the sky above. As I am enraptured by the experience, my heart fills with a sense of the divine, and I cannot help but raise my eyes to the heavens, raise my arms to the sky, and raise a hallelujah to the one supreme Builder, Producer, and Composer of it all.
“God’s splendor is a tale that is told; His testament is written in the stars. Space itself speaks His story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing His skill in creation’s craftsmanship.” Psalm 19:1 TPT