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WAFLT Executive Board Contact Information
WAFLT Executive Board & Contacts for Wisconsin Association For Language Teacher s
President Dan Tess Brookfield Central High School president@waflt.org President-Elect Victoria Carter Onalaska High School awards@waflt.org Past-President Linda Havas Greendale Schools linda.havas@greendaleschools.org Secretary Brian Wopat Onalaska High School wopbr@gmail.com Treasurer Kellie Villalobos Muskego High School treasurer@waflt.org DPI International Education/ World Languages Consultant Pamela Delfosse pamela.delfosse@dpi.wi.gov NNELL Representative Jessica King Fox Point-Bayside School District jking@foxbay.org Fall Conference Program Committee Co-Chairs Linda Havas Greendale Schools Cathy Stresing Fond du Lac School District program@waflt.org Local Arrangements/Exhibits Sub-Committee Lee Belanger-Gonzales Kenosha Unified School District lbelange@kusd.edu Finance Committee Chair Cathy Stresing Fond du Lac School District stresings@aol.com Communications & Publications Chair Lauren Rosen University of Wisconsin webmaster@waflt.org Member Services Subcommittee Chair Victoria Carter Onalaska High School carvi@onalaskaschools.com The VOICE of WAFLT Subcommittee Chair/Editor Katy Dueppen Middleton High School voice@waflt.org Advertising Subcommittee Chair Josh LeGreve Green Lake School District advertising@waflt.org Public Relations / Advocacy National Chair Pablo Muirhead MATC advocacy@waflt.org State Chair Joslyn Hegelmeyer Brookfield East High School advocacy@waflt.org Discover Languages Contest Coordinator Devin Pettys Onalaska High School petde@onalaskaschools.com Grants & Scholarships Dan Tess Brookfield Central High School grants@waflt.org Professional Development Chair Jamie Gurholt Stateline Community Foundation, Beloit/French Alliance, Milwaukee profdev@waflt.org HS Guests Subcommittee Chairs Danielle Chaussee Oconomowoc High School chausseed@oasd.org Amber Little Stoughton High School amber.little@stoughton.k12.wi.us Mentoring/Leadership Project Julie Horvath Beloit Memorial High School MOPI Training Coordinator Jodi Ziemann jziemann@berlin.k12.wi.us Summer PD Chair Iva McLean Academies of Racine at Park High School iva.mclean@rusd.org Language Association Representatives
AATF-WI President Cathy Stresing Fond du Lac School District presidentAATFWI@gmail.com AATG-WI President Melanie Lasee Ashwaubenon High School mlasee@ashwaubenonk12.org WiATJ President Magara Maeda UW-River Falls magara.maeda@uwrf.edu WLTA President Nate Kolpin Wauwatosa School District kolpinna@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us OWL Vacant
WACLT President Yongyan Liu Milwaukee yongyan.liu85@gmail.com AATSP-WI President Jessica Santiago New Berlin West High School jessica.santiago@nbexcellence. org
The VOICE of WAFLT appears twice annually, in the spring and fall, with copy deadlines of January 1 and June 1. Manuscripts describing world language pedagogy as well as study and travel opportunities and experiences are always welcome, and, if accepted, generally will appear in the next issue. Submissions for publication should be saved as a Google document or Microsoft Word document and sent as an email attachment to voice@ waflt.org. Any photos or graphics must be sent as separate attachments in a .jpg format.