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American Association of Teachers of French - Wisconsin
American Association of French Teachers-Wisconsin Chapter
President Cathy Stresing Fond du Lac School District presidentAATFWI@gmail.com
President-Elect Andrew Irving presidentelectAATFWI@gmail.com
AATF-WI website: aatfwi.org Join us on Facebook: AATF-Wisconsin frenchteachers.orgAATF website: Secretary-Treasurer Brian Wopat Onalaska High School treasurerAATFWI@gmail.com
Past President Kara Torkelson Wausau West High School pastpresidentAATFLWI@gmail.com Concours Oral concoursoralAATFWI@gmail.com
AATF Regional Representative Tom Sapp tsapp@loy.org
Les dernières nouvelles de AATF-WI!
ATF successfully held its second Concours Oral virtuallyA
this spring. We had a rec ord number of participants including students in Singapore. There were 27 teachers who facilitated the participation of 240 s tudents from 23 different schools. 44 judges filled out 720 forms and awarded 223 gold medals and 17 silver. For the last three years, M. Brian WOPAT has been artfully organizing our concours and making sure that all students had a successful experience. Brian has decided to hand ov er the reins this year. The new coordinator of our Concours Oral is Mme Lorraine POPLASKI. Lorraine is a French teacher from Green Bay, and we are thrilled to welc ome her on board, grateful that she has decided to take on this role
AATF-WI would like to encourage you to attend the WAFLT Fall Conferenc e November 3-5. AATF will be conducting its yearly meeting on Saturday morning where we will giv e an update on our ev ents and budget. As always, door prizes will be drawn. You are also invited to join us for our “share fair” Friday afternoon. This is an opportunity for all French teachers to give and get ideas , plans, and activities and to provide support to each other and each other’s programs. Hoping to see you there!
On an exciting note, we are pleas ed to present two outstanding French teacher candidates for WAFLT president elect. Andrea BEHN and Brian WOPAT will be running, and we wish them both the best of luck. We are certain that either one will represent AATF and will s uccessfully fulfill the res ponsibilities that this position holds. We encourage you all to vote as the time approaches.
Don’t forget you can always write an article for The Voice (the publication you’re reading now)! As you know, during the school year a plethora of “things ” can come up. I invite you to reach out to AATF and me
PresidentAATFwi@gmail.com if you would like me to put out a message to members. Please let me know if there are any announcements you would like shared, have questions that I can answer or have ideas that we can collaborate on. I look forward to sharing information about future workshops, graduate credit opportunities, and teaching resources, as well as working with all of y ou. Cathy Stresing