8 minute read
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
President Jessica Santiago New Berlin West High School jessica.santiago@nbexcellence.org
Past President Kathy Varda JEDI Virtual School k.m.stenlund@gmail.com
President Elect Bridget Geboy-Helfenstein School District of West Allis-West Milwaukee gebob@wawmsd.org Secretary Alix Madden Pittsville School District maddeale@pittsville.k12.wi.us
Treasurer Catalina Cabello Pacelli Catholic High School, Stevens Point ccabello@spacs.k12.wi.us
Webmaster Josh LeGreve Green Lake School District joshlegreve@gmail.com Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Nicole Thompson School District of New Berlin nicole.thompson@nbexcelle nce.org NSE Coordinator Victoria Carter Onalaska High School carvi@onalaskaschools.com Concurso Oral Coordinator Barb Olsen Kettle Morraine High School barbara.olsen@kmlhs.org
Join us on Facebook: tinyurl.com/AATSP-WITeac hers
¡Hola / Olá! ¡Un gran saludo de AATSP-WI! / Saudações a todos do AATSP-WI!
n 2023 we’re looking to fill this leadership position:
ISociedad Honoraria Hispánica Coordinator — Responsibilities include keeping a database of the members of the chapter. They advocate for teachers to implement chapters of SHH. They serve as a resource for chapter sponsors in the state of Wisconsin. Nominate your colleagues! Please email Jessica Santiago, jessica.santiago@nbexcellence.org, if you are interested in joining our Board or with any nominations by October 15, 2022. Voting will take place at the AATSP-WI Networking Session during the WAFLT 2022 Fall Conference.
The “P” of AATSP-WI
Are you a Portuguese Teacher? Do you know someone who is? We are seeking greater PORTUGUESE REPRESENTATION in AATSP-WI! Please consider joining, sharing information about AATSP-WI with your fellow Portuguese Teacher colleagues/contacts, or emailing Jessica Santiago, jessica.santiago@ nbexcellence.org, with any contact information so she can reach out to them. Muita obrigada!
Achievements of 2021-2022 School Year We have 155 registered members for 2022. NEW! Members are invited to participate in a BOOK CLUB. —The goal of the book club is to provide a community where AATSP members can read and discuss literature together, en español. It is in no way a formal club, so feel free to join us for this novel, and skip out on the next or vice-versa! —Look for a new book selection at the WAFLT Fall Conference (and win a copy of the book in our raffle!) —Email Alix Madden, maddeale@pittsville.k12.wi.us, for more information about joining the book club.
Concurso Oral: We had 268 students participate; the contest was virtual with a two-week window to submit a recorded Flipgrid; we plan to continue the Concurso Oral virtually. —10 student winners received $100 scholarships.
National Poster Contest winners from Wisconsin: First Place 2nd-3rd grade: Tavish M.; and Third Place 4th grade: Zora S. —State-level winning posters can be viewed on our AATSP-WI website —This year celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the National Poster Contest, with a theme of Valuing Our Roots and Building Our Future.
The National Spanish Exam is no longer a state-level position; the exam is coordinated nationally, with results sent to individual teachers.
Sociedad Honoria Hispánica: Two students in Wisconsin won the Bertie Green Junior Travel Award to Puerto Rico this year: —Kate B. from Waunakee Community High School —Jesús H. from Arrowhead High School
Upcoming events for the 2022-2023 school year: National Teach Spanish Week: [aatsp.org/page/NationalTeachSpanis hWeek] Sunday, September 25–Saturday, October 1, 2022. National Teach Portuguese Week: [aatsp.org/page/NationalTeachPortugu eseWeek] Sunday, October 30–Saturday, November 5, 2022. AATSP-WI Networking Meeting during the WAFLT Fall Confernece, November 3-5, 2022. AATSP-WI Share Session during the WAFLT Fall Conference, November 3-5, 2022. Nominate a Spanish/Portuguese Teacher for the AATSP-WI Distinguished Educator Award. Each year AATSP-WI recognizes a teacher throughout the state that has made an impact in the classroom and/or in our organization. —The nomination form will be available on our website and Facebook page at the end of August, will be due on October 1, 2022, and the winner to be announced during the networking meeting at WAFLT Fall Conference, 2022. Book Club: Continuous and casual - check our website and Facebook page, or email Alix Madden, maddeale@pittsville.k12.wi.us, for the joining link, book information, or book suggestions.
Concurso Oral: Submissions will be virtual in 2023 with submissions date TBD (mid-February–early March, 2023). Please check for more details, registration information, and selections on our website. Poster Contest: Do your students have artistic talent? Entries may be hand-drawn (K-12) or digital (9-12), with a 2023 theme and submission date TBD (early March 2023). The winner(s) of the state competition will be sent on to the national AATSP Poster Contest. See our website for information. National Spanish Exam: Students discover individual proficiency compared to the rest of the country. Winners earn gold/silver/bronze/ honorary distinction, and may qualify for scholarship to Concordia Language Village, International Travel, and College Scholarships. 2023 test date is TBD (mid-April–early May). Register your students here. Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica: Interested in starting a chapter? Need support or suggestions for how to encourage student participation or service opportunities? Not sure how to arrange an induction ceremony? Contact Nicole Thompson, nicole.thompson@nbexcellence.org —We are seeking a Coordinator for SHH for 2023. Email Nicole Thompson or Jessica Santiago for more information. Interested in supporting AATSP? Join AATSP-WI today!
Become a new member and enjoy the benefits for your students’ achievement and your professional collaboration and support for just $45 here.
Membership benefits: Professional networking and collaboration with local and international teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional learning and development opportunities Annual conference with more than 200 sessions Study-abroad scholarships, conference attendee travel stipends and awards Wealth of student awards, scholarships, travel opportunities Student participation in Concurso Oral speaking contest, Poster Contest, National Spanish/Portuguese Exam Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (10-12) or la Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad (1-8)
Join us on our Facebook group: AATSP-WI Teachers
Look for updates and local information online @ wiaatsp.org.
¡Todos a una! Todos por um!
Jessica Santiago

WAFLT Awards, Scholarships, and Grants: Details & Forms available @ waflt.org
WAFLT Distinguished Language Educator Award: WAFLT's highest recognition, may be conferred annually on an individual of the language teaching profession who has demonstrated long-term achievement and service to WAFLT and to the profession locally, statewide, regionally, and/or nationally. Nomination Deadline: March 15
Anthony J. Gradisnik Award: May be conferred on an individual or group especially from outside the world language teaching profession who shares Mr. Gradisnik's enthusiasm and advocacy for language education in such areas as international education, early language learning, and creative initiatives in language education. Nomination Deadline: March 15
Frank M. Grittner New Teacher Award: May be conferred annually on an individual new to the language teaching profession with one to three years experience who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and leadership in the promotion of language learning and international understanding; has given service to school, community, and state organizations; and has shown commitment to regional and national organizations. Nomination Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Excellence in Language Study Award: May be conferred on students who have demonstrated great achievement and progress in language study and who exhibit great potential for further achievement in the language. Students currently enrolled in a world language course offered at their school. Elementary, middle school, high school, and post-secondary students are eligible. Nomination Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Honors in Language Study Award: May be conferred on students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in and commitment to their school’s language programs. Students currently enrolled in the most advanced world language course offered at their school; high school and post-secondary students are eligible. Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Future Language Teacher Award: May be conferred annually on students in teacher-training programs who have shown exceptional promise and potential to become outstanding world language educators. Students currently enrolled in a teacher-training program are eligible. Nomination Deadline: April 1
Donna Clementi Award for Excellence in World Language Programs: Recognizes one school and/or district that promotes language learning through quality programs. WAFLT Professional Service Award: May be presented annually to recent retirees who have served both the profession and their students in providing quality world language education. Recent retirees with a minimum of ten years’ experience as world language educators and who have been members of WAFLT a minimum of five years within the past ten years are eligible. Nomination Deadline: May 15
WAFLT Recognition of Merit: May be presented annually to individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching or who have made significant contributions to the language teaching profession. Nomination Deadline: February 15
WAFLT Student Travel Scholarship: Designed to help Wisconsin pre-collegiate world language students to participate in language and cultural immersion programs, this scholarship was established in 1999 to honor O. Lynn Bolton, a Spanish teacher in the West Allis-West Milwaukee school district. Nomination Deadline: December 1
WAFLT Scholarship for Professional Development: Designed to help world language educ ators in Wisconsin improve their classroom teaching skills, this scholarship was established in 1995 to honor Professor Roma Hoff as she retired from the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The fund was expanded to honor Professor Constance Knop who retired from the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1996, and again in 2005 to honor the memory of Professor Irène Kraemer who served in many capacities at Carthage College. Nomination Deadline: April 15
WAFLT Scholarship for Tomorrow’s Teachers: Designed to offer financial assistance to attend the WAFLT Fall Conference for up to 20 college-level students preparing to become language teachers. Deadline: September 25
WAFLT Special Projects Grants: Designed to support research efforts, exchange initiatives, special programs, and projects that clearly demonstrate an ability to benefit a broad constituency of world language educators and students in Wisconsin. Deadlines: April 15 and November 15 WAFLT Central States Extension Workshop Grant: Designed to offer financial support for two WAFLT members to attend the Central States Extension Workshop each spring. Recipients of the grant are expected to work together to present a WAFLT Extension Workshop at the Fall Conference in Appleton. Deadline: December 15