WAFLT Annual Meeting Minutes Saturday, November 6, 2021 (Meeting was conducted virtually) I. Greetings – Dan Tess II. Fall Conference Committee Program Committee – Shaniya Stengl C Conference Overview: 165 attendees, nearly 30 pre-recorded sessions, 5 workshops, and 40 live sessions. C Watching the recorded sessions after the conference – All can watch on Hopin through the Replay tab through Sunday, after that, please be patient as we transition the videos from Hopin to another platform that will be able to be shared to all attendees and members. C 2022 Theme: Level Up: Embracing Change, Empowering Learners Local Arrangements – Lee Belanger-Gonzales III. Secretary’s Report – Brian Wopat MOTION: Kellie Villalobos moved and seconded by Victoria Carter to dispense the reading of minutes and accept as written. The motion passed. IV. President’s Report – Dan Tess C Emailing members to fill vacancies has resulted in only a few spots filled. Your word of mouth and personal connections to colleagues makes more of a difference than an easily-deleted email. If you have colleagues who are ready to add WAFLT leadership to their CV, now is the time. C Save the date! Power Hours (11/18, 12/16, 1/20, 2/17, 3/10, 4/21, 5/19) V. Treasurer’s Report – Kellie Villalobos Note: EB Stipends went out on 11/3/21. Please email me if you don’t receive it within ten days.
MOTION: Victoria Carter moved and seconded by Shaniya Stengl to dispense the reading of the treasurer’s report and accept as written. The motion passed. VI. DPI World Language and Global Education Consultant’s Report – Pam Delfosse VII. NNELL Report – Jessica King C Save the date for FLESFEST 2022 on Saturday, February 19, 2022. The conference will be FREE and held virtually. The theme is Enhancing Connections, Confidence, and Communication in our Interdependent World. For more information about previous conferences, visit C Join NNELL to support and advocate for early language learning and teaching. VIII. Professional Development Committee – Jamie Gurholt Career Changers – Seeking someone energetic to step into this role. Virtual PD – Jamie Gurholt & Julie Horvath C Currently we are supporting the virtual Power Hours each month (run by Linda Havas). Upcoming, there is a possible virtual December Share Fair (Anita Alkhas) and a definite (date TBD) spring Share Fair in the Fox Valley area (Zoe Witzeling). Lastly, the ACTFL conference is again virtual on November 19-21, sessions will be available for view beyond the conference, until February 28, 2022. They also have ongoing virtual professional development options.
IX. Summer Professional Development Committee – Danielle Chaussee and Jenny Piorkowski Summer Institute – Danielle Chaussee & Jenny Piorkowski C Currently seeking 2022-2023 Leaders. MOPI – Jody Reif Ziemann C MOPI not held the past 2 years. C Considering several sites for possible 2022 training. X. Grants, Scholarships, & Awards Grants & Scholarships C Two Grants will be voted on via email. C December 1: Deadline for Special Projects Grant, Student Travel Scholarships, and CSC Extension Workshop Grants. Awards C No report until December meeting. C Reminder to all to nominate their colleagues and students for the many awards. High School Guests C This was not held this year, so no updates. C We’re excited to hold it again next year (in person). XI. Public Relations Committee State advocacy: Still seeking State Advocacy Co-chair. One teacher has been contacted. National level advocacy: C Pablo Muirhead and Dan Tess attended Language Advocacy Day virtually February 3-5, 2021. Janet Rowe was a CSC representative.