Books for professionals by professionals ®
Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame: From Novice to Professional Creating computer games is a fascinating combination of an art and a science, and can make a rewarding career or hobby. Do you know you can write cutting-edge games that run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X with open source technologies and freely available tools? In this book, I introduce you to Python—a powerful, dynamic language— and explain how to use the Pygame library to quickly develop compelling games. I also explain how to create three-dimensional graphics using OpenGL, the technology behind many commercial games, such as the Quake series. My aim for Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame is to make game development accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Previous programming experience is useful but not essential, because the first two chapters introduce the Python programming language—or serve as a refresher course if you are already familiar with Python. Further chapters cover how to use Pygame to set up a graphical display, draw to the screen, handle events, and read input devices. I also talk you through essential topics such as creating game characters with artificial intelligence and playing sound (including music). Four chapters are devoted to the topic of three-dimensional graphics in games, and show you how to manipulate objects in a virtual world and render impressive visuals with lighting and special effects. The math involved in programming a game with three-dimensional graphics can be intimidating, but I explain it in visual terms rather than the more traditional pure mathematical approach you find in textbooks. I also share with you a few of the tips and tricks I have picked up over the years in my career as a professional game developer. I hope to be playing one of your Pygame creations in the future! Will McGugan Companion eBook
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Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional
Foundations of Python Network Programming Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right
ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-872-6 ISBN-10: 1-59059-872-5 53999
US $39.99
Companion eBook Available
Game Development with Python and Pygame
Dear Reader,
The EXPERT’s VOIce ® in Open Source
Game Development with
Python and Pygame
From Novice to Professional Create stunning video games using popular open source technologies!
Will McGugan
Shelve in Python User level: Beginner–Intermediate
9 781590 598726
this print for content only—size & color not accurate
spine = 0.802" 344 page count