Feb 15

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Feb.Vol .61 ss. 01 2015 I


Out l i ne oft he new Cl ub Per mi tr ul es Genui ne i s genui nel y bet t er The new 2015 Sci r occo i s her e!

The Official Magazine of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria www. vwcl ub. com. au Fi nd us on f acebook

Vol kswagen cl ub ofVi ct ori a

60 Years in

the making

Feb. Vol. 61 2015 I s s . 0 1


The Of f i ci alMagazi ne of t he Vol kswagen Cl ub ofVi ct ori a

Pr esi dent Vi cePr esi dent Secr et ar y Tr easur er Edi t or WebMast er Cl ubHi st or i an Techni calOf f i cer Member shi pSecr et ar y Cl ubPl at eSchemeOf f i cer Cr ui seandEvent sCoor di nat or Const i t ut i on&Associ at i onMat t er s

endarofEvent s 4 Cal U p c o mi n g E v e n t D et ai l s 5 esi dent ’ sRepor t 6 Pr cePr esi dent ’ sRepor t 7 Vi l l i amst ownmeet i ngRepor t 8 Wi G e n u i n e i s g e n u i n e l y b e t t e r 10 tRi ver 12 Kennet r occot estdr i ve 13 2015Sci +Pol o 14 GTI ubper mi tr ul es 18 New cl t yr epor t 20 Xmaspar st or i an’ scor ner 22 Hi st or i ani nSanFr anci sco,USA 23 Hi D u b s i n t h e S q u a r e 24 shi pFor m 25 Member

:pr esi dent @vwcl ub. com. au :vi cepr esi dent @vwcl ub. com. au :secr et ar y@vwcl ub. com. au :t r easur er @vwcl ub. com. au :edi t or @vwcl ub. com. au :webmast er @vwcl ub. com. au :hi st or i an@vwcl ub. com. aup:0417593573 :t echni cal @vwcl ub. com. aup:0394640366 :member shi ps@vwcl ub. com. au :chpl at es@vwcl ub. com. aup:0413355850 :event s@vwcl ub. com. au :const i t ut i on@vwcl ub. com. au

Calendar of Events

Wagensvi l l e4

Upcomi ngEventDet ai l s VWCVGener alMeet i ng-Thur sdayt he19t hofFebr uar y TheAust r i anCl ubMel bour ne-90SheehanRoad,Hei del ber gWest3081 Meal saval abl ef r om 6pm wi t ht hemeet i ngst ar t i ngat8pm. Br i ngyourVW andmakeuseoft hel ar gepar ki ngar ea.

Mont hyCof f eeRun 21stofFebr uar y Headondownt oDakDakCaf ef or f ant ast i cf ood,cof f eeandcompany . Seeaddr ess bel ow

Unit2 1-3 Bignell Rd Moorabbin VIC 3189 Open 7am-3pm Mon-Sat Lunch from 11:00 weekdays Saturday is all day breakfast menu Wagensvi l l e5

Pr esi dent ’ sRepor t HappyNew Yeart oal l ! Aswesi ther ewr i t i ngt hi s,t heyeari sj ustbegi nni ngt ogetbackt onor mal i t y , andt omor r ow Iwi l lgot ot heDakDakCaf ef ort hecof f eer un-t hi swi l lbe t hef i r stof f i ci algat her i ngf ort heyear .Ipl ant ot aket heMar k1Gol ff orar un. I ' m wonder i ngwhatyouhavedonet oandwi t hyourbel oved vehi cl esovert hebr eak.Imanagedt omakeaf ew i mpr ovement st ot hecamper van,f i t t i ngawat ert ankgauge,i nsi de/ out si det her momet er s,andr ewi r i ngsome i nef f ect i vel i ght i ng.Thevanal sogotapol i sh,sowewi l lber eadyf or Kennet tRi ver .Assomeofyoumayknow,wi t ht hehel pofAndr ew and St uar tEr mel ,Imanagedt oobt ai na1971f uel i nj ect edf ast backType3, whi chhadbeenst or edi nashedwi t habl ownupengi nesi nce1992. Thebodyoft hi swi l lcl eanupr at herni cel y-i ti sr eal l yt oogoodt o f ul l yr est or e.Mechani cal l yi twi l lgetabsol ut el yever yt hi ngandIhopet ohavei tr unni ngf orDubsi nt he Squar ei nAl bur yon26Apr i l .Myson,Chr i s,i skeent ot akei tt ot hatevent . I twon' tbei mmacul at e,buti twi l lbeor i gi nalandver yr espect abl e. AsIsi ther edr i nki ngwi neandwr i t i ngt hi s,now aweekl at ert hanwhenwewr ot et hepar agr aphsabove,I shoul dr epor tt hatt hecommi t t eehadi t st hi r dannualPl anni ngMeet i ngl astSunday ,wi t hal mostal loft he commi t t eei nat t endance.Thegr i dpr oducedshowsayearofvar i edact i vi t i es,wi t hmor ef ocusonout i ngs now t hatt heCl ubBeet l eRest or at i onPr oj ecti scompl et ed. Byt het i met hi si ssueoft heNewsl et t eri spubl i shed,t hecasualgat her i ngatWi l l i amst own-Pi r at esand Pi zzas-wi l lhavet akenpl ace,andIhopet hatmanyofyouwi l lhavebeenabl et oenj oyi twi t hus.Thi s eventwasver ywel lr ecei vedl astyear ,andi teasesusi nt ot heyear ' sact i vi t i es.Att het i meofwr i t i ngt he venuef ort heFebr uar yGener alMeet i ngi sst i l lbei ngf i nal i sedandwehopet obeabl et oannouncet hi sat t heWi l l i amst ownevent . Asyoumayhaver eal i sed,wenowhaveanewEdi t or ,Jor dan Bevacqua,ouryoungestcommi t t eemember , andaver ykeenVW ent husi ast-i tr unst hr oughhi svei nsashi sgr andf at herwast r ai nedatt heVol kswagen f act or yatCl ayt on.I ti sgr eatt oseeyoungpeopl ebei ngi nt er est edi nol dandnew Vol kswagens.I ti sabi t ofachal l engecomi ngt ogr i pswi t ht hesecompl i cat edpubl i shi ngpr ogr ams,andJor dani smaki nggr eat pr ogr ess,andweshoul dcongr at ul at ehi m onhi sf i neef f or t s. Wel l ,her ewear epi cki ngi tupagai noveragl assatourl ocalr est aur ant .Manyofyouenj oyedt hecasual ni ghtl astFr i dayatWi l l i amst own,wher eatl east75at t ended. Tomor r ow ni ghti st hef i r stcommi t t ee meet i ngf ort heyear .Onei t em onouragendawi l lbet hechangest ot heCHPl at esscheme,whi chwi l lnow r equi r et hatowner sofal lvehi cl esseeki ngi ni t i alCH r egi st r at i onsubmi tt hei rcar sf ori nspect i onbyt he Cl ub' sCHof f i cer ,ongi vendat es( t obeadvi sed) .Fol l owi ngt hi s,aRoadWor t hyCer t i f i cat ewi l lber equi r ed -a Vi cr oads r equi r ementnow. Due t ot he addi t i onalpr ocedur alwor kr equi r ed oft he Cl ub by t hese changes,achar gewi l lappl y .Al lcl ubswi l lbesi mi l ar l yef f ect ed.Member sshoul dnot et hatt hechanges bei ngi mpl ement edhaver esul t edf r om somecl ubsnotadher i ngt ot hespi r i toft her ul es.Vi cr oadshas r esponded t ot hese anomal i es,and Ibel i eve t hatt hi s cl ub shoul d cont i nue wi t h ourpol i cy ofst r i ct adher encet ot her equi r ement soft hescheme. Att i mehasmovedonwhi l ewehavebeenwr i t i ngt hi scol umn-overt hel astmont h-wecannow advi se t hatt henextGener alMeet i ng,onThur sday19Febr uar y ,wi l lbeatTheAust r i anCl ubi nWestHei del ber g. Checkt hewebsi t ef oraddr essandt i mi ngs.Thi sshoul dbeagoodst ar tt ot heCl ub' sagendaofGener al Meet i ngsf ort heyear .Comeal ongandenj oyt heGer man/ Aust r i anf oodandambi ance.Ther ewi l lbepl ent y ofpar ki ngspaceandoppor t uni t i esf oryouadmi r eoneanot her ' scar s. Looki ngf or war dt oagr eat2015-pl easedoj oi ni n. Yourpr esi dent Ll oydDavi es Wagensvi l l e6

Vi cePr esi dent ’ sRepor t Smel l sl i keTeam spi r i t ! I ft heVW Cl ubhadapoolr oom i twoul dbef i l l i ngf astaswe speak.Anot hert r ophywasj ustaddedt ot hecol l ect i ont hi s mont h,wi t ht heVWCVwi nni ngBestCl ubdi spl ayatt heTor quay Mot orshow.Weseem t obemaki ngagr eathabi toft hi sas wewont hesamet r ophyatt hi sshow l astyear . Weal sot ookoutBestCl ubDi spl ayatPi cni catHangi ng Rockmanyyear sago.Notabadef f or tatal l !Att her at ewear egoi ng,we’ l l needt ohi r eamai dj ustt okeepdust i ngal lt hesepr i zes! I t ’ sgr eatt oseesomanypeopl eat t endt hesegr eatshowsandshowi ngof ft hei r cl ubcol our satt hesamet i me.Unl i kemanycarcl ubsatt heseshows,we suppor tandencour ageal lmodel sofVol kswagens,new andol dandnotj ust speci f i cyear sorst yl es. Wehavesuchal ar gevar i et yf r om f r eshl yr est or edt o or i gi nalpat i na,dai l ydr i ver st oweekenduseonl y ,l ow i nt heweedst o“speed bumpsdon’ tbot herme”.Nott oment i ont henewerVWsf r om t hel astf ew decadeswhi chhaver eal l ymadeamar kf ort hemsel ves! Wi t hef f or t sl i kemember sr est or i ngt heCl ubBeet l e,vol unt eer satDayoft he Vol kswagenandFeder at i onSquar e,t her ehasbeenar i sei npar t i ci pat i ng member swant i ngt odomor ef ort hei rcl ubt hanj ustat t end.Thi shasbeena br eat hoff r eshai rasweneednew f acest obeoutt her ei nt heVW wor l d!Att ech dayswegetmor eandmor epeopl ecomi ngwhohaveneverl i f t edaspanner bef or e.Wi t ht heKennet tRi verCampoutweekend,wegetmor emember s,who ar en’ tnor mal l yt he“out door s”t ype,pi t chi ngt ent sorbuyi ngCampervansand havi ngagr eatt i mei ndoi ngso. Thi si swhatwear eabout .Enj oyi ngourcar sand t hepeopl eweal lshar eani nt er esti n. Sonextbi gcarshow ordi spl ayt hatcomesup,wehopet oseemor ef r eshf aces andevenf r esherVeeDubsat t endi ng!Whi l stwear en’ tt her ef ort het r ophi es,i t ’ s ni cet ober ecogni sedf ort heef f or tever yoneput si n. AndasDar ylKer r i gansai di nTheCast l e–‘ Thi si sgoi ngst r ai ghtt ot hepool r oom! ’ Ri char dGr aham Vi cePr esi dent

Wagensville 7

Febr uar yGener almeet i ng-Wi l l i amst own

Thef i r stgener almeet i ngoft heyearsaw ar ound80VWCVmember sandguest sgat herat t hePi r at esTaver ni nWi l l i amst own. Her et heywer et r eat edt of i neweat herandmember s’vehi cl est opor eover ,al lwi t ht heci t y skyl i neasabackdr opacr osst hebay .Anot hert r eatwaspi zzasuppl i edbyt hecl ub( t hanks t oSt uEr melf oror gani si ngt hi swi t hmi l i t ar ypr eci si on) .Ref r eshment swer eavai l abl ef r om t heTaver nandaf ew st ayedont osampl et hem f oranumberofhour saf t ert hemeet i ng f i ni shed. TheCl ubr af f l edof fapi eceoff r amedar tdonat edbyAndyRyanwi t hpr oceedsgoi ngt o char i t y .Wi t hsomehar dsel l i ngoft i cket st hi sr ai sed$345!Agr eatef f or tandabi g t hankyout oal lwhopur chasedt i cket sandt oAndyf orhi sgener ousdonat i on.Dar i n Gr ant ham wast hel uckywi nnerwhodonat edt hepi ecet ohi sson’ sbedr oom. Anot herbi toff unf ort heni ghtwasadar ebyacoupl eofmember st odr essi nt heper i od oft hei rcar s,sosomeser i ousl yugl y70spol yest ercl ot heswer eal soondi spl ay .Thi swas abi tofal aughbutmaybesomet hi ngt heCl ubcoul ddoagai ni nt hef ut ur e. Thankyout oal lwhoat t endedandor gani sedt hi seveni ng.Seeyouatt heAust r i anCl ubon Thur sdayFebr uar y19f oranot hergr eatni ght . Phot oscour t esyofWendySat r apMi cheaux Chr i sJef f es EventCoor di nat or

Wagensville 8

Phot osbyWendySat r apMi cheaux

Genui nei sgenui nel ybet t er Genui nePar t s–I si twor t hi t ? I t ’ saquest i onweal laskour sel veswheni tcomest i met or epl ace t heconsumabl esonourVol kswagen-i si twor t husi ngVol kswagen Genui nePar t s? Theshor tanswerf ort hoseofusi nt hei ndust r yi sar esoundi ng ‘ Yes’ .Thebenef i t sofGenui nePar t sar et hatt heywer edesi gnedas ourcar s wer e bei ng desi gned,meani ng per f ectf i t ,and f act or y qual i t yst andar ds. Let ’ sl ook at a coupl e of exampl es of t he benef i t s of some Vol kswagenGenui nePar t s: Genui neCool ant( G13++)–A l i t t l eknownf actonGenui neCool ant i st hati tdoes f armor et han keep yourengi ne cool .Genui ne Vol kswagen Cool antcont ai nscor r osi on i nhi bi t or swhi ch coatt he met alsur f aceswi t hpr ot ect i vef i l m.Gi vent hedi f f er entmet al sused t hr oughyourengi ne,i ti si mpor t antt hatt hef or mul at i oni scor r ect . Anot herbenef i tofGenui neCool anti st heagent scont ai nedwi t hi n t hati nhi bi tf oami ngwhi stt hecool antci r cul at est hr ought heengi ne, andsequest er i ngagent st hatneut r al i zehar dwat erandpr eventt he bui l dupofl i mescal edeposi t s.

Wagensville 10

Genui neOi lFi l t er s–ast heVol kswagen engi neer sdesi gned t he engi ne i n your car ,t he l ubr i cat i on f i l t er i ng syst em was al so desi gned;t hi si ncl udest heoi lf i l t erf i t t ed.Theper f ectf i t mentoft he oi lf i l t erandt hef i l t er i ngpr oper t i eswer eal ldesi gnedt oensur et hat yourengi nei skeptl ubr i cat edandheal t hy.Thr ought housandsof hour sofdevel opment ,Vol kswagenengi neer shavef oundt hef i l t er t hatwor ksspeci f i cal l yf oryou. Thesear eacoupl eofexampl esofwhyVol kswagenGenui nePar t s ar et heonl ypar t st hatshoul dbef i t t edt oyourVol kswagen,andi t ensur est hatyourVol kswagenst aysaVol kswagen! Wor dsbyTonyCour t

Wagensville 11


Thef ut ur eVWCVPr esi dent ,Ll oydDavi es,checki ngout t hesur fatt heKennet tRi verBeachi nMar ch1971 Ladi esandgent l emen,yest heKennet tRi verCampouti sonagai nf ort het wel f t hyeari nar ow.Weal waysst ay att heKennet tRi verHol i dayPar ksi t uat ed164kmsf r om Mel bour neandr i ghtont hemagni f i centGr eatOcean Road.Asmostofusknow,t hedr i vet ogett her ef r om Tor quayi sononeoft hewor l d’ sgr eatsceni cr oadsandt he vi ewsar et ot al l ybr eat ht aki ng. TheVWCVdoesnotr unagr oupcr ui sedownt oKennet tRi verasmember sgener al l ychooset oar r i veatdi f f er ent t i mesont heFr i day ,butsomegett her easear l yast heTuesdayorWednesdayoft hepr ecedi ngweek.Theusual f or matoft heweekendi sar r i vewhenyouwant ,setupcamp,openacanofl emonadeandr el axf ort hebal anceof yourst ay .Weusual l ygetbet ween20t o30si t esf ul lofVWsandt hei rowner sandf r i ends.Thel ongr angesur f f or ecastl ookspar t i cul ar l yf avour abl esodonotf or getyourf avour i t eboar d. Wehavemadeapr ovi si onalr eser vat i onatt hepar kf oral ar gegr oupofpower edcampsi t esf ort hecl ubf orFr i day andSat ur dayni ght s.I fyoui nt endt ogopl easecont actt hepar kdi r ect l yon1300664417,t el lt hem youar ewi t h t heVol kswagenCl ubandmakeabooki ngASAPast hi si sschoolhol i dayt i me. Thi si sat r ul ygr eatandi coni cVWCVeventandi sonet hatmustnotbemi ssed.JanandIhavebeent her ef oral l t heel even( 1 1)pr evi ousKRsandwewoul dnotmi sst hi sf orqui ds. Seeyout her e. JohnSt evens

Wagensville 12

New Sci r occoR

Ther evi sedVol kswagenSci r occoRar r i vedt hi sFebr uar y ,andf ort hemostpar tt henewsi sgood. Thest yl i ngi sr ef r eshed,t or quedel i ver yi si mpr oved,t her e' smor et echnol ogyasst andar dandl eat herseat sar e f i nal l yavai l abl e.But ,andi t ' sapr et t ybi gbut ,t heSci r occoRi si ncr edi bl yst i f f l yspr ung,andonacombi nat i onof nowst andar d19i nchal l oysandpat chyVi ct or i anbackr oadst her i dei sanyt hi ngbutpl easant . . .I t ' sal mosta shameconsi der i ngt her estoft hecari sj ustsogood. Vol kswagenAust r al i asayst henewl yr evi sedSci r occoRhasa" f ai r l yf i r m suspensi onset up" . Suf f i cet osayt hecompanydoesn' tl i ket oover st at et hi ngs.Fai r l yf i r mi st heunder st at ementoft heyear ,aki nt o sayi nganacet yl enecut t i ngt or chi sf ai r l yt oast y . . . Yes,t henew Sci r occoRi sf i r ml yspr ung,andi ncombi nat i onwi t hMel bour ner oads,new l owpr of i l e19i ncht yr es andanAdapt i veChassi sCont r ol( ACC)syst em of f er i ngt hr eef l avour soff i r m,t her i dei s,wel l ,youguessedi t , f i r m. So,t hat ' st hebadnewsoveranddonewi t h. . .Thegoodnewsi st hatal mostever yot herf acetoft heSci r occoR' s per f or mance,f or m andf unct i oni si mmensel ycapabl e,notl eastofal lwi t ht hecl evercar r yoverXDLel ect r oni c l ocki ngf r ontdi f f er ent i alwhi chdoesast er l i ngj obofdi st r i but i ngt he2. 0l i t r et ur bo' s330Nm oft or que. Wesampl edt hesi xspeedmanualver si onoft hef acel i f t edt hr eedoor ,andf oundt heshi f tandcl ut cht obebot h cooper at i veandr at herf ocussed–j ustt het hi ngf orext r act i ngal lt hepoweryoucar et ouse,exact l yasyoucar e t ousei t . Vol kswagenal soof f er st heSci r occoRi nconj unct i onwi t hasi xspeeddual cl ut cht r ansmi ssi on,and( f i nal l y)wi l l al soof f erl eat heruphol st er y . Thenew Gol fRi nspi r edl ookswi l lal sobr i ngawel comechangef orbuyer schasi ng' somet hi ngdi f f er ent ' .I t ' s wor t hnot i ngatt hi spoi nt ,however ,t hatt heSci r occoi sbasedon' ol d'Gol ft echnol ogy .Whi l et hel at estGol fVI Ii s bui l tonVol kswagenGr oup' sl at estMQBpl at f or m,t heSci r occosol di er sonwi t hGol fVbasedunder pi nni ngs. Thecabi n,muchl i ket her estoft hecar ,i swel lpr esent ed,pr ovi desdeepl ybol st er edseat s( t woi nt hef r ontand t woi nt her ear )andsi mi l arst or agel evel st ot heGol f .Ther earseat sspl i t50: 50,i fyoushoul df i ndt heshoppi ng doesn' tf i t ,butr eal i st i cal l y ,mucht hel i kebackseati t sel f ,t hecar goar eawi l lpr obabl yonl ybeusedoccasi onal l y , andt henf orashor tper i odoft i me. Bi xenonandLED headl i ght s,mat t echr omemi r r orscal ps,r earswi velbadgewi t hr ever si ngcamer aandnew bi nnacl est yl egaugesf ort ur boboost ,oi lt empandst opwat chal laddt ot heof f er . TheSci r occoRi sn' tacommut ercar–r ear war dvi si bi l i t yi spr obl emat i cwhenmanoeuvr i ng,par ki ngandi nt i ght under gr oundcarpar ksandt hel i ke.Butt ot hi nkoft heSci r occoR i nsuchamundaner ol ewoul dbet omi ssi t s r ai sond' et r e. Thi si saf ast ,eager handl i ngcart hatal t houghf i r mi sdevi l i shl yenj oyabl e,aur al l yent er t ai ni ngandst r i ki ngl y at t r act i ve. Ast heonl yt hr eedoormodelcur r ent l yof f er edbyt heGer manj ugger naut ,Ihopei tmai nt ai nsaf i r m pl acei nt he VW l i neupf ormanyyear st ocome.

This article is brought to you by www.motoring.com.au/ Wagensville 13

Thi sOEM+Pol oi smor et hanj ustshi ny

Wor dsandPhot osbyJor danBevacqua

Af t erseei nghow cl eanaPol ohast obet o wi n‘ BestPol o’at2014’ sDayoft he Vol kswagen,Icoul dn’ thel pbut wantt oseemor eoft he wi nni ngcar .

Sowhoownst hi sspot l essbeast ? Mynamei sTonyCour tandI ’ mt hePar t sManager f orBayf or dVol kswagen. How di dyouent ert hewor l dofVol kswagen? Thr oughwor ki ng.I ’ vebeeni nt heaut omot i ve i ndust r yf orawhi l eandj ustwant edachange,soI gotmysel fa‘ gi g’wor ki ngf oranot herVol kswagen deal er shi pi nt hei rpar t sdepar t ment .Aspeopl e say,‘ Ther esti shi st or y’andI ’ vel ovedt hepr oduct eversi nce. Whatgotyoui nt er est edi nt heaut omot i ve t r ade? Igr ew upar oundwor kshops.Myf at herwasa mechani cbyt r ade,andwasal wayst ol dIwasn’ t al l owedt obecomeamechani c.SoI ci r cumnavi gat edt hatandgoti nt opar t si nst ead. Tel lusaboutyourPol o? I t sanMY14Pol oGTIwi t ht heCTHengi ne( t hel ess t r oubl esomeengi ne) ,i t ’ sj ustoverayearol d,and i sdr i vendai l ybymyf i ancée,hencet henumber pl at es.Igetaskedaboutt hem al otasI ’ mt heone whot akesi tt ocarshows.Webot hl ovei tt obi t s. Wagensvi l l e16

Whatchangeshaveyoumadet ot hePol o? I t ’ sr unni ng a‘ Har di ngPer f or mance’i nt ake,H&R l ower i ngspr i ngs,10mm ESCwheelspaces,Mi l l t ek cat backexhaust ,andPol oRr earwi nganddi f f user . I nt er i orwi se, ther ear ej ustsomecar bonDSG paddl e ext ensi ons,f ormybi ghands,andt heWRCl ogoon t hest eer i ngwheelandengi necover . Whatdoesyourf i ancéet hi nkoft hepaddl e ext ensi ons?They’ dbet hemostobvi ouschange. I ni t i al l yshewasn’ tabi gf anoft hem.Shedoesn’ t uset hem soi t ’ snott oomuchofawor r y.She’ sused t ot hem now. Ispysomef act or yaddi t i onsl i ket hegenui ne car bonmi r r orcaps.Whatot herOEM t ouchesar e t her e? Thei deabehi ndt hecari st het hemeofGenui ne addi t i ons.Themi r r orcaps,wi nganddi f f user ,and badgesar eal lgenui neVW i t emsf r om over seas model snotseenher ei nAust r al i a.Ij ustt r awl edt he par t scat al ogueandor der edt hem t hr oughwor k. What ’ st hepl anf orf ut ur eaddi t i ons? I t ’ soneoft hoset hi ngs.Ipr omi sedIwasn’ tgoi ngt o pl aywi t ht hi scarwhenweboughti t .Thatl ast edf our weeks!Isai dIwasn’ tgoi ngt obuyanyt hi ngf ori t t hatyear .Soont hef i r stofJanuar yi tal lst ar t ed. Theonl yot hert hi ngIwantt oaddi sasetofdi f f er ent wheel s.Ihaveasetofmot or spor twheel ssi t t i ngat wor k-t hey’ r et hesamesi zebutl i ght er .WhenIcan j ust i f yt hem duet oneedi ngr epl acementt yr est hey’ l l goon. Al lal ong,t hei deahasbeen,‘ I t ’ saGTI .Iwantt o dr i vei tl i keaGTI .Idon’ twantexcessi vel yl ow or l oudasi tdr awsat t ent i onandi tmakesi tt oodi f f i cul t t odr i vequi ckl y. ’ What ’ st hebestexper i enceyou’ vehadi nt hi scar ? Iwentt oTasmani aatt heendofl astyearwi t hsome f r i endswhot ooksomehi ghhor sepowercar s.Two days’wor t hofdr i vi ngoverat housandki l omet r esof someoft hebestr oadsi nAust r al i a.Thepol owas sensat i onal .Icameawaywi t hadeeperappr eci at i on ofi t sabi l i t i es. I ’ vet akenwhatt hef act or yhasgi venusoutoft he box,andj ustr ef i nedi twi t houtgoi ngcr azy.Hence t heexhausti sj ustcat back. Themi ndseti ssubt l eandpr act i calandnotbei ng over l yl eer ywi t hl oudpai nt .That ’ snotme.I t ’ saGTI wi t hsmal lchangest hatonl ysomeonewhol ooks cl osel ywi l lappr eci at e.

Wagensvi l l e17

New Cl ubPer mi tRul es2015

Cl ubPer mi tScheme–changesi mpl ement ed2Febr uar y2015

Backgr ound Vi cr oadspr oposedsomechangest ot heSchemei nSept ember2014andcl ubswer ei nvi t edt osubmi tr esponsest ot hepr oposedchanges.VWCVI ncmadeasubmi ssi onatt hi s t i met oVi cr oads.TheCl ubwasadvi sedi nJanuar y2015oft hef i nal i sedchanges,and t hatt heywoul dbei mpl ement edon2Febr uar y2015.Atourf i r stcommi t t eemeet i ngf or t heyearonThur sday5Febr uar y ,t hechangeswer edi scussed,t oget herwi t ht hei mpl i cat i onsf ort heCl ub,anddeci si onswer et akenast ohow t heCl ubwoul dhandl et henew r equi r ement s.

Exi st i ngCl ubPer mi t s Ar r angement sf orexi st i ngCl ubPer mi t sr emai nt hesameasbef or e,exceptt hatt heCl ub i snow r equi r edt oadvi seVi cr oads o i fwebecomeawar et hatamember ’ svehi cl ehasbeen‘ i l l egal l ymodi f i ed’ ,and o i famemberhasceasedt obeaf i nanci almemberoft heCl ub I tshoul dbenot edt hatvehi cl escannotbemodi f i edaf t ert heor i gi nalappr ovalwi t houtt he aut hor i sat i onof ,andani nspect i onby ,t heCl ubPer mi tOf f i cer .Apar tf r om t heabove poi nt s,i ti sbusi nessasusualf oral lexi st i ngcl ubper mi t s.Per mi tr enewal scanbedone atanyr egul arCl ubmeet i ngormai l edt ot heCl ubwi t hast ampedsel f addr essedenvel ope ( t hi si sessent i alf oreaseofadmi ni st r at i on) .

Vol kswagenCl ubofVi ct or i aI nc. P. O. Box1215 Mel bour ne3000 Rememberyoumustbeaf i nanci almemberatal lt i mest ohol daval i dCl ubPer mi t .

New Cl ubPer mi tAppl i cat i ons I ti snow amandat or yr equi r ementf oral lvehi cl est ohaveanel i gi bi l i t yi nspect i oncar r i edoutbyan appr ovedVW cl ubel i gi bi l i t yof f i ceraspar toft heassessmentofani ni t i alcl ubper mi tappl i cat i on. ForVWCVI nc. ,t heCl ubEl i gi bi l i t yOf f i cerwi l lbet heCl ubPer mi tOf f i cer( CPO) .Thi sel i gi bi l i t yi nspect i oni sar equi r ementofVi cr oadst odet er mi newhet hert hevehi cl ei smodi f i edbeyondmodi f i cat i onsal l owedundert heper mi tscheme.Vi cr oadshaspr ovi dedanew f or m ent i t l ed–‘ Vehi cl eel i gi bi l i t yandst andar dsdecl ar at i onf orcl ubper mi tvehi cl es’ . Thecl ubel i gi bi l i t yof f i cer ,whencar r yi ngoutani nspect i on,i sr equi r edt ot akephot ogr aphsoft hevehi cl e,i ncl udi ngphot osoft hevehi cl e’ scompl i ancepl at es( t or ecor dt heVI NandEngi nenumber s) , andt or ecor dt he‘ aspr esent ed’condi t i onoft hevehi cl e.Thesephot osandcopi esoft heel i gi bi l i t y decl ar at i on,appl i cat i onf or m andr oadwor t hycer t i f i cat ear enow r equi r edt obekeptbyt heCl uband maybecal l eduponatanyt i mebyVi cr oadsaspr oofoft heel i gi bi l i t yoft hevehi cl et obepar toft he Scheme. Oncet heel i gi bi l i t yi nspect i onhasbeencompl et ed,t heCPO i sr equi r edt of i l loutandr et ur nt ot he membert heel i gi bi l i t ydecl ar at i on.Themembert hent akest hi st oVi cr oadst oget herwi t hacompl et ed‘ Cl ubPer mi tAppl i cat i onFor m’andacur r entRoadwor t hyCer t i f i cat e( RWC) . Thevehi cl e‘ el i gi bi l i t y’decl ar at i onal socer t i f i est hemember ’ scur r entf i nanci alst at usi nt heCl ub,as wel last hecat egor yoft hevehi cl e’ sel i gi bi l i t y.Ast hi si nspect i onandt her el evantpaper wor kwi l l t akesomet i met ocar r youtandhast obedonewher et her ei saccesst oacarhoi stt ocheckf ormodi f i cat i onsandt aket her equi r edphot os,achar geof$200wi l lnow bel evi edf ort hi spr ocess.Thi sf ee wi l lal socoveryourannualr enewalofyourvehi cl e’ sPer mi t .Duet ot het i meconsumi ngnat ur eof t hesei nspect i onsandpaper wor k,t heCPO wi l lschedul ei nspect i onsessi onst of i ti nwi t hhi sot her commi t ment s. Thegoodnewsi st hatVi cr oadshascl ar i f i edwhatmodi f i cat i onsar eper mi t t edundert heCl ubPer mi t Scheme.Thi si sagr eatst ept owar dscl ear i ngupwhathadbeenaver yconf usi ngar ea. I nf or mat i onont hemodi f i cat i onsar esetdowni n‘ Vehi cl eSt andar dsI nf or mat i onVSI 33’andshoul d ber eadi nconj unct i onwi t ht heot hergui del i nesavai l abl eont heVi cr oadswebsi t e.I fyourcari s modi f i ed,pl easecheckt heVi cr oadsgui del i nesr eaccept abl emodi f i cat i ons.Thi scoul dsaveadeal ofyourt i me. I nsummar y,t hepr ocesswi l lnow beasf ol l ows– 1 Cont actt heCPO t oar r angeabooki ngf oryourvehi cl eatt henextschedul edi nspect i onsessi on 2 Att het i meoft hei nspect i on,payt he$200f eei ncash( t heCl ubdoesnothavecr edi tcar df aci l i t i es) 3I fyourcari sel i gi bl ef orr egi st r at i onundert heScheme,younow needt oobt ai naVi cr oads Roadwor t hyCer t i f i cat e( RWC)f r om al i cencedt est er 4 Sendacopyoft hi sRWCt ot heCPO 5 TheCPO cant henf i nal i set heappr oval Cont actwi t ht heCPO canbemadebyemai latchpl at es@vwcl ub. com. au Ki ndr egar ds Andr ew Er melandMi chaelCr oni n Cl ubPer mi tOf f i cer s Wagensvi l l e19

VWCVChr i st maspar t y2014 Theset t i ngf ort hi sannualevent ,asusual ,wasLl oyd' smancave.Ther ewasawonder f ult ur n up,t hebi ggesteveri nt hi spossi bl yourei ght h yearoft hi sf or mat . Wecooked Kr anski es, sausages,andhambur ger s-somemember s' vei nsmi ghtnotyethaver ecover ed-andt her ewas al sor oastchi ckenandsal ads.Manymember sal sobr oughtsweett r eat st oshar e.Ihavet o r epor tt hatal lf oodwaseat en! Thehi ghl i ghtf ort hechi l dr enwast hear r i valofFat herChr i st mas( t hankst oPet erBr ut y) .Sant a had aspeci alhel pert hi syeari n Ri char d Gr aham who ensur ed t hatt hegi f t sf oral lchi l dr en at t endi ngwer eappr opr i at et ot hei rageandi nt er est s–agr eatef f or t ,Ri char d.Manyadul t sal so hadf unsi t t i ngonSant a’ skneeandhavi ngt hei rphot ost aken! Undoubt edl y,t hehi ghl i ghtoft hedaywast hepr esent at i onoft heRest or at i onPr oj ectBeet l et o t hewi nneroft her af f l e,Rod Bi r r el l . Thecarl ooked asmagni f i centasusual ,and al t hough member swhohadwor kedont hepr oj ectwer esor r yt oseei tgo,t heywer edel i ght edt hati thad beenwonbyacarent husi ast .Rodwasver ygener ousandcompl i ment ar yaboutt hecarand br oughtchocol at esf oral landr af f l et i cket sf oral lwhohadwor kedont hepr oj ect . Wehave hear df r om hi m si nceandhehadagr eatt r i pbackt oGeel ong,despi t et her ai n,andhasenj oyed t aki ngt heBeet l eoutsever alt i messi nce;eacht i met hecart ur nsheadsandi smuchadmi r ed. Her e’ st oanot herChr i st masPar t yt hi syear–putSunday6Decemberi nt oyourdi ar y. LynDavi es Secr et ar y

Wagensvi l l e20

Wagensville 21

Hi st or i an’ sCor ner

Thi syeari nt he‘ Cor ner ’wehopewecanf i ndsomemor ei nt er est i ngt al esf r om ourcl ubnewsl et t er ,t he ‘ Wagensvi l l eNews’andot herVol kswagenpubl i cat i onsoft hatt i me.Ther ehasneverbeenabet t er oppor t uni t yt or ef l ectont hepastnow t hatwehavecel ebr at ed60year sofVol kswagenCl ubofVi ct or i ai n Aust r al i a.( Seenextmont hf orsomer ef l ect i onsont heyeari nt he‘ News’ . )Thi syeari s50year ssi ncet he i nt r oduct i onandpr oduct i onoft heType3Fast back( VW 1600)i nAust r al i aandacr osst hewor l d.TheVW 1600Fast backwaswel comedwi t hmuchf anf ar east hel at estmodeloft he‘ new’Vol kswagenandt he expect at i oni nAugust1965wasver yhi ghf ort hear r i valoft hi smodel .Ihopeyouenj oymydi scover i es andpl easef eelt ocont actmei fyoucanenl i ght enusf ur t herorcor r ectt her egi st erast owhatact ual l y happenedatt hatt i mei nt heCl ub’ shi st or y. ……i nJanuar y/ Febr uar y2005 PaulKi nseywast heCl ubPr esi dent ,Ri char dGr aham wasVi cePr esi dent ,Andr ew Er melwasSecr et ar y, Andr ew Donnel l ywasTr easur er ,RossWool l eywasMember shi pSecr et ar y,Gr oup5andMot or spor t Secr et ar ywasJonEdsel l ,Edi t orwasMat tKi nseyandCl ubHi st or i anwasDaveEvans.Thecommi t t ee hadj ustst ar t edt hei rpl anni ngf or2005cl ubyearandt hemagazi newasf ul lofgoodbi t sofapr ogr am f i nal i zi ngwi t hanexci t i ngDOTVW!Thepr ogr am st ar t edwel lki cki ngof fwi t haTechDayatVol kscar eon 101Thi ngsyouwant edt oknow aboutRUST!Thenextday,13t hFebr uar y,wecont i nuedwi t hPi cni cat Hangi ngRockwhi chwasanal lcarshow t henandnott heFor dMust angpr edomi nanceoft oday!The mont hwasr oundedoutwi t ht heGener alMeet i ngont he15t hhol di ngt heCl ubTr ophypr esent at i onwi t h f r eef i ngerf oodatt heRACVCl ubi nt heci t yandt hef i r str oundoft heGr oup5Mot or khanaf ort heyear hel datt heGeel ongMot or spor tCompl exi nLar a. Feat ur edi sagr eatst or yonEr i kaBehr endt ’ swonder f ult r i pt ot heCapeYor ki naBeet l e.Campi ngbyt he si deofar i verundert heshadel ookedgr eatbutwaspr obabl ymandat or yi nt heheat !Jongavean excel l entpageandahal fmot or spor tr epor twi t hal lt hedat esf ort heGr oup5Mot or khanaandSpr i nt Event saswel last heGeel ongMot or spor tCompl exdat es.Thecl ubhad423member sandmanyadsi n t he‘ ForSal e’sect i on,oneofnot ef r om JohnSt evens–1960Kombi ,compl et ewi t hEngi ne&Chassi s number s,r est or abl e$1000. ……i nJanuar y/ Febr uar y2000 St eveEr melwast heCl ubPr esi dent ,JonEdsel lwasVi cePr esi dent ,Techni calOf f i cerandMember shi p Secr et ar y,Bi l lSunder mannwasSecr et ar y,I var sNei ber gswasTr easur er ,Gr oup5andMot or spor t Secr et ar ywasCamer onSt ewar t ,Edi t or swer ePhi lI r wi nandBr ent onCol esandPubl i cOf f i cerwasDave Evans.Thecommi t t eehadf i nal i zedal otoft hei rpl anni ngf ort he2000cl ubyearwi t hanA4pageof act i vi t i es!Ofi nt er estwast he‘ News’as aBl ackandWhi t eA3pr oduct i onf ol dedi nt oa12A4page br oadsheetwi t honephot oont hecover–ahugel eapf r om t hequal i t ymagazi newehavet oday. Maj orVWCVnewswast hef i nal1999Cl ubChampi onshi ppoi nt scor ewi t ht heCl ubChampi on–Camer on St ewar t( 192)f r om r unnerupBer ndWachson171.I twasgr eatt oseePatWhi t aker( ExCl ubpr esi dent& Edi t orf ort he1960s)i nt hepoi nt sandst i l lget t i ngt oaVWCVmeet i ng!Fi nal l yi t ’ sofnot et hatt hef i r st cr ui sef or2000t oPor t seawasor gani zedbyNat hanLever shaandAnt honySur i e–15year st odayofour f i r steventf ort hi syearwasatt heot herendoft heBayatWi l l i amst own! Thanksf oral lt hewonder f ulf eedbackf r om l astyear .I ti sgr eatt oheari tf r om t hi ssi deoft hekeyboar d andi fyouhavesomest or i est ohel pme,pl easesendt hem i n. Regar ds, Chr i s Wagensville 22

Hi st or i ani nSanFr anci sco,USA Onmyt r i pt ot heUSAl at el astyear ,Iwasagai npl easedt ocheckoutt hel ocal Vol kswagenscenei nt hel andoft heGol denGat eBr i dge. I tt ookmenot i met of i ndVol kswagensar oundoneoft hel ar gestci t i esont heWest Coast .Thewat er cool edVW communi t yi sst r ongwi t hheal t hysal esofnew Vol kswagens i nt hi spar toft heSt at es.Ther ewer eonl yaf ew ai rcool edBeet l esandKombi sspot t edi n t hebackst r eet sofSanFr an. Myhi r ecart hi st i mef orat r i pt oYosemi t eNat i onalPar kwasaGMCAr cadi a,anupgr ade f r om aJeepGr andCher okee.Thi swasani mpr essi vemot orcarandabi tdaunt i ngt o dr i veont her el at i vel ynar r ow wi ndi ngr oadst ot heNat i onalPar k.I thadapower f ulV6 mot or288hp( 215kW)–sameengi neast heVECommodor eandt hr eer owsofseat swi t h acr esofspacei nt hebackandi nt hecabi n.It hi nkt hi svehi cl ei si deal l ysui t edt ot hebi g Amer i candr i verandappear edt obeonl ysl i ght l ysmal l ert hanaSubur ban–anyonewho hasseenonewi l lknow whatImean!Thevi si tt ot heYosemi t eNat i onalPar kwasa wonder f ulexper i encewi t hspect acul arr ockf or mat i onsandl ot sofl ocalwi l dl i f et osee anddel i ghtal lt hevi si t or st ot hi sr egi on. Thenextai r cool edVol kswagenIsaw wasont hewayt ot heNat i onalPar k.Thi si swher eI f oundabi gbumperor i gi nal l ygol di sh1600LBeet l ewi t hsomespeci alar t wor k.I twas l ocat edi nabackcar par kofal ocalr ealest at eagentanddi dnotl ookl i kei thadbeenon t her oadf orsomet i me! AsIl ef tCal i f or ni a,If el tt heneedt of i ndoutmor eaboutt hel ocalVol kswagensceneandI havesi ncebeeni ncont actwi t hamemberofaVW cl ubi nt hear eaandhopet ogi veyou mor edet ai l si nt henearf ut ur e.Unt i lt hent her esear chont hatl ocalVW scenewi l l cont i nue. Your si nt oUSAVol kswagens, Chr i sScane Cl ubHi st or i an

Wagensvi l l e23

Forsal e Col ouror i gi nalMtBl ue. Pur chasedf r om myf at heri n1968andal waysgar aged.St r ai ght ,nor ust .Di f f er ent i al over haul edabout1970,engi nedover haul edwi t hnew cam shaf tandover si zed r i ngsi n 1978. Recent l ynew cl ut ch,br akesandaxl eboot s.I nt er i orneedsf ul lr est or at i i on.Doorhi nges andwi ndow r ubber swor n.Thi r dgearwor n.Carwi l lcl i mbf r om Mont r oset oOl i ndai n t opgearandi sst i l lcapabl eof70MPH.Ihaveagoodmai nt enancer ecor d. RoofRack.Dur al umi noral umi ni um.Rest sonf ourr ubberpadssuppor t edbyst ai nl ess st eelpl at esembossedwi t ht hewor d" Her cul es" .Thesear ebal lj oi nt ed soast of i tt he r oofshape.Ei ght eenwoodensl at sf or mt hebase.Fourcl i pst i ght enedbyAl l enKey at t acht ogut t er .Theseneedr econdi t i oni ng.Amostat t r act i veandf unct i onalVW accessor y ,t hel i keofwhi chIhaveneverseen. Cont actEvanph97511991

ForSal e Af t eryear sofhavi ngt ot r ackdownsunbakedor i gi nal s, f i nal l ya110% f ai t hf ulr epr oduct i onoft her ar eaccessor y har dt opr ooff ort heCount r yBuggyi savai l abl e. Thecostwi l lbe$850. 00unpai nt edi nsi de,or$900. 00wi t h aFl ow CoatMi stGr eyont hei nsi de( youwi l lbeabl et o haveadi f f er entcol ouri nsi dei fyouwantbutt heGr eyi s or i gi nal ) .Thi spr i cei si ncl udi ngGST. Pi ckupi sf r om Echuca. Foral li nqui r i escal lLi ndsayWi l sonon( 03) 50816275

PLEASENOTE:Al lent r i esi nt hi ss ec t i onMUSTi nc l udeei t herr egi s t r at i onnumber ,engi nenumberorVI N number .Adv er t i s ement swi t hout t hes edet ai l sWI LLNOTbepubl i s hed.Adv er t i s ement swi l lbel i mi t edt oaper i odoft hr eemont hs .I fy ouwi s ht oc ont i nuey ouradv er t i s ement bey ondt hei ni t i al t hr eemont hper i od,ory ouri t em/ c arhasbeenSOLD,pl eas ec ont ac tt heEdi t ors ot hes pac ec anbeal l oc at edt oNEW Ads .

W agensvi l l e News

The Official Magazine of t h e Vo l k s w a g e n C l u b o f Victoria

I fnotr ecei vedpl easer et ur nt o: VOLKSWAGENCLUBOFVI CTORI AI NC.GPO Box1215 Mel bour neVI C3001 Pr i ntPostAppr oved100018822

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