VolumeMAX'D March '13 - ORIGINS

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March-April 2013

The Official News-zine of Amplify Student Ministries



11 How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

There’s a plague going around, a disease that causes people to look fine on the outside but die on the inside. Isaiah chapter one gives us the plan to stay alive!

4 Origins

In the on-going quest to make sure we know what we believe, we turn our attention to where it all began to make sure our foundation is sure: Genesis.





5 The Fluff Bubble

7 SteinHOWer To

8 Necessary Knowledge

7 Straight Talk

9 Activate

An introductory lesson on the world of fluff. By Kirstie Heidenreich

Change is inevitable, but it all doesn’t have to be bad. However, a lot of it is your choice. By Clinten Decker

10 Necktie Revolution

Stay up-to-date on everything related to our College & Career Ministry. By T.J. Heidenreich

This month, Sierra takes us step-by-step through the process of drawing a bird. ...

Start adding these four simple ingredients to your everyday life for a boost to your relationship with Jesus Christ.

14 Your Perfect Fit

Discover your strengths in ministry using our rather silly and ridiculous diagram.

Not necessarily necessary, but we like to pretend none-theless. Test your international wits and Bible fruit wisdom!

8 Around StuMin

A quick look at what’s going on around Amplify lately. This month, we talk Bible Quizzing and Kids’ Power Hour!

15 Events

Details and dates for what’s going down in student ministry for March & April 2013.

Amplify is the Student Ministry of Pentecostal Assembly Church, 9 Ninth Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54703 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/theAmplify

Stalk us on the interwebs! TWITTER: @AMPL1FY

ISSUU: www.issuu.com/volumemaxd 03/2013


FAMILY. ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL words in the human language, just the mention of the word ‘family’ begins to fill our heads with emotional imagery. The smell of home, the sound of laughter, still frames of life events big and small cascading through your mind’s eye. For most, even with all of the disappointments and hard times that may have come along the way, the sense of and longing for family remains as one of the preeminent deeprooted common threads that run through us all. What is it about the quirky collection of individuals we claim as our own? What is it that ties us so strongly to them, that, as other friends and acquaintances come and go through the years, you can pick up a conversation suspended in time since the last holiday meal like not a minute has passed? Students, of course, have a hard time understanding this. You’ve yet to get in a line to hug in turn those you’ve spent the last twelve years learning and growing with, unable to imagine life without them, only to never see many of them in person again. You think that social media like Facebook will keep you close, but eventually you’ll wonder who they are and wonder how you grew apart. Life without coming home to your dad’s off-beat humor and mom’s disastrous labors in the kitchen is something that most teens either don’t consider or view in some kind of romantically 03/2013

sloped vision of personal freedom. The reality of a life away from home doesn’t sink in until the first time you go to your new “home,” and, while there may still be noise and chaos all around you, it’s not the noise and chaos you are used to, and it still just seems far too quiet. There is, and never will be, no place like where you’re from. And so we dutifully turn our attentions yet again to our Bibles. For some of us, it holds the same emotional charge that our childhood home creates. For others, its words are confusing, its stories distant, its narrative broken and hard to follow, like someone else’s story you’ve only caught bits and pieces of. But, just as our hearts always seek to return to the familiarity of our family in trying times, our spirits are drawn to those heavenly words because there is just something within them that rings more true and more real than any other words we’ve ever come across. We turn to the scripture, because there is someone who saw your face before your parents or even your doctor, and He is the author of this book. We turn to the scripture, because His story is bigger than our story, but our story is still a part of His story. We turn to the scripture, because as the seasons blur past and years seem to fly by, I become more and more convinced in my heart of hearts that this world is not my home. We turn to the scripture, because it is the smell of our heavenly home, it fills my heart with laughter uncontainable, and its mirage of still frames from its histories paint a grand tale of our holy Savior’s love, and the home He’s prepared for us. In this book we find where we’re truly from, and where we truly belong.

Clinten Decker Columnist

Writing his first article for VolumeMAX’D all of the way back in July of 2009 (“Game Over”), Mr. Decker has been serving up straight talk to teens for almost four years. And, yes, he was the author of the “Mysterious Flower” column during his stay in Costa Rica. Wait—what?

Sierra Steinhauer Expert

Things have never been easy with Sierra. No, seriously. Everything she writes is either a quiz or a challenge. You better pony up when you come across her content.

Kirstie Heidenreich Beat Writer T.J. Heidenreich Editor & Student Pastor

She’s so FLUFFY!!! And she’s finally ready to reveal how it’s done.

With a new generation of Amplify students arising, some of you may not be aware of the world of “fluff” that so many of us at Amplify have come to know and love over the years. I thought I would use this article to answer your most burning questions about fluff, as you have undoubtedly heard the term used at Amplify gatherings.

First things first. What is fluff? The great thing about fluff is that that it can be used as a noun (soft fibers from fabrics such as wool or cotton that accumulate in small, light clumps: “he brushed his sleeve to remove the fluff.”), a verb (to make something appear fuller and softer, typically by shaking or brushing it: “I fluffed up the pillows.”), or an adjective (“It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!”).

How does one jump into the world of fluff? A good way to get fluffy yourself is to start addressing others in fluffy ways. For example, instead of saying, “Hi Bob!” when you friend walks into the room, greet him by saying, “Hello, my little fluff puff!” You can also address people as little fluff balls, fluff nuggets, fluffies, or fluffwads. It’s fun; try it!

Why do I sometimes hear people talking in funny voices and I find out that they are speaking “in fluff”? This is the preferred method of fluffling communication. When one’s voice becomes light and fluffy and fluffy vocabulary is being used, it is called speaking in fluff. See a member of the youth team for examples.

VOCAB CHEAT SHEET A breakdown of your basic fluff words.

DEIGH The current situation does not please me. PUH Fine, whatever. MWAR This concerns me. NEIRDO You are soooo strange. MEH This does not concern me. FULU You are fluffy and I love you, but you’re making me want to say “PUH” right now. LULU You are fluffy and I love you. WHUT Either: I am too cute and fluffy for you to have asked me that question; therefore, I will give you a moment to reconsider. Or: That is super cool. PURGULA I am getting upset by this. PURGULA MURGULA I am really upset about this! But not seriously.


I want to bring friends to the Lord, but how I’m not sure how. What do I do

? a


PRAYER Every Friday there’s Amplify at 6:45pm. Every fourth Thursday 7pm.










First, you can’t give anyone anything you yourself don’t have. You need to make sure that you get away with Jesus often and consistently. You will have no greater help reaching the lost than being on fire in your heart for Jesus Christ for yourself. It may seem oversimplified, but that really is the biggest part!


steinHOWer TO Draw a Bird

CHANGE IS DEFINED AS MAKING SOMETHING FROM what it is, or from what it would be if left alone. It often requires a swamp, or exchange, or some kind. For example, changing shoes requires taking off one pair and putting on another, and changing seats means moving from one seat to another. Change can be positive or negative. Changing from a dirty shirt to a clean shirt is something everyone will appreciate, but putting on a dirty shirt after wearing a clean shirt isn’t pleasant for anyone involved. Throughout the course of life change will occur in our lives. We are constantly exchanging one passion for another or one role in society for a different role. In this constant changing process, it’s really easy to exchange something important for something else. This is where the danger occurs. It does no good to swap Biblical values for the values of modernism. Exchanging truth for convenience is not an acceptable change. These types of changes are self-destructive. Why? Because if our goal is heaven then we need to follow the path set by God, not the way constructed by man. We need to make sure that every time a change takes place in our lives that what we exchange will make our relationship with Jesus stronger, not weaker. Society is fighting for the attention of students, because students are the future. If they can get the younger generation to make changes, then society can be permanently changed. Not all change is going to be bad, but we must be certain that changes in our lives are God led, not society led. “For it is life to us if you keep your faith in the Lord unchanged.” - 1 Thessalonians 3:8, Basic English Version

Clinten Decker

-Sierra Steinhauer 03/2013

Necessary Knowledge Test your knowledge and deductive reasoning with these fun questions!

1. North Korea has how many internet users? A. Five B. 60,050 C. 605

Around StuMin Senior Bible Quizzing The return of Senior Bible Quizzing to Amplify Student Ministries has gotten off to a great start! This year, we have six quizzers: Hannah Barneson, Ella Budzinski, Nathan Hastreiter, Mary Morken, Regina Obcena, and Sabrina Steinhauer. They are being coached by retiredquizzing-rock star Carissa Schaffer, as well as her faithful helpers Kimberly Niesing, Gina Hastreiter, and Sierra Steinhauer.

2. What single European country is able to produce enough food to feed its own population? A. Spain B. France C. Germany

3. September 27th observes what day? A. Grandparents Day B. Armistice Day C. World Tourist Day

4. Which of the following foods are mentioned in the Bible?

The team has two tournaments under its belt already, including one first place finish in Madison, WI! Wooooo, go chAmplify! Several of the quizzers have made the all-tournament teams as well. Their next tournament is March 23rd in Fond du Lac. They will also be heading a special Senior Bible Quizzing Extravaganza out-of-state in April. Please remember to keep the quizzers and their coaches in your prayers as they hide God’s Word in their hearts!

A. Almonds B. Mangos C. Potatoes

5. If an individual is in Bible Quizzing for one year, they have learned what percent of the Bible? A. 0.08% B. 1.27% C. 2.65%

Kids’ Power Hour

6. Police dogs are trained to obey commands in what foreign language? A. German B. French C. Russian

7. What was the first product to ever have a bar code? A. Coca Cola B. Snickers Candy Bar C. Wrigley’s Gum Answers on the bottom left corner of page 15 :)

-Sierra Steinhauer 03/2013

WHAT?!? Yes, kids’ Power Hour (kPH) is BACK!!! We will be hosting six weeks of kPH starting Wednesday, April 3rd and running through May 15th. It is open for all children ages five through 11. Of course, this means that we’re going to be needing extra help! We need volunteers to bring a snack each week (enough for A LOT of kids!) and to help out hands-on with the little chillins! Please contact T.J. or Kirstie Heidenreich if you’re interested in helping out!

YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD You hear people in church talk about having a “relationship” with God, but you think to yourself, “I would love to, but I’m not really sure how to have a relationship with the Almighty God of the Universe! Where do I even start?!”


AMPLIFY asked: “What do you think is the key ingredient to a strong relationship with God?” Peter Morken @SirPeterMorken Communication is key! #prayer #devotion #Bible

Before you let yourself feel too overwhelmed, understand that you can work on your relationship with God using a lot of the same methods that you’re already a master at, you just didn’t realize it! TIME -> It’s impossible to have a relationship without an investment of time. Time sacrificed shows that you care. You can only pretend to be friends with someone for so long until they’re going to expect you to actually spend some time with them! Try not to think of it along the lines of “I need to spend this amount of time with God every day or I’ll be in trouble,” because that’s not how we think about hanging out with our friends or family. If you’re not enjoying your time with God, you’re not doing it right. TALK -> Communication helps further the depth of a relationship. Without it, things grow shallow, informal, and awkward. Nothing makes a friendship seem less authentic than when you have to struggle to keep a conversation going. Praying may be a tad difficult at first, but if you keep at it and pray from your heart, it’ll eventually become like 2nd nature to share your heart with God on a regular basis. TAILOR -> Nothing says “close friends” like having your own lingo. As you get to know someone, you demonstrate increased levels of friendship by customizing your conversations and habits to appeal to them. You know what things they’re passionate about, what topics cause them to roll their eyes, and which foods they’d rather not be offered. The more time you spend talking and walking with Jesus, the more parts of your life you’ll recognize can be tailored to keeping the two of you tighter than ever. TRUST -> When you give someone something valuable, it’s in their “trust.” Through time, talk, and tailoring, you’ve explored each others’ character. You’ve invested a valuable part of your life into them: your cares, your personality, your time! They now do what they will with it: they can choose to abuse your friendship, hold what they learn about you against you, or they can take what you’ve placed in them and use it for your good. When someone demonstrates good stewardship of your trust, you will continue to invest in that relationship. God will never, ever let you down; however, we need to remember that He’s investing in us, too! Be responsible with the trust God has given you, and watch your blessings grow! What are some ways we can tailor our lives to please God?

Chosen Generation @CGyouth_CLC A commitment and love for God and his word.

CarissaRenae @CarissaRenaes “The secret to successful Christianity is falling in love with Jesus.” ~Pastor John Tandberg

Ella Budzinski @EllaBudzinski consistency

Matthew Hastreiter @MHastreiter God is the key ingredient in a relationship between you and Him.

Sarah Punzel @PunzelSarah a made up mind that Jesus is the only way. There are no other options.

Kirstie Heidenreich @Greenlvrgirl having faith that His ways are higher than your ways and to just trust even when it seems impossible. 03/2013

Necktie Revolution College & Career Ministry asking: what’s missing? Community. This generation of young adults is distracted from having a genuine community where they are challenged to grow, provoked to good works, and able to see how their contributions matter to the whole. What’s worse is that they’re distracted from having this community by settling for the devil’s dumbed-down version of it. That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing. 1 Thessalonians 4:12

WOULDN’T IT BE A MIRACLE IF EVERY YOUNG Christian adult strolled out of their homes every morning full of faith and confidence that they are lacking nothing? That, due to their diligence in searching out and living the scriptures, they could simply be honest about all aspects of their life to everyone they met? Nothing to hide, nothing to be embarrassed about, nothing missing—just a complete, Holy Ghost-filled revolution going through their life with humility and purpose? Unfortunately, this feels like it’s an awful long way from the way things actually are! THINGS LACKING While the above scenario may seem like a distant cry from how you actually feel about your life walking with God, it’s not nearly as unbelievable a place to be as you might think. As a matter of fact, I believe God is calling and expects all of His children to strive towards living out His awesome plan for their lives (which includes matching up with 1 Thessalonians 4:12!) So, if this is where we’re trying to get to, let’s begin by

Clarity. Information is now more available than at any other time in history. One can gain passable knowledge of a topic with five minutes and access to Google. However, amidst this over-saturation and ease of finding facts, a quick probe finds that, more than ever before, we have on our hands a generation void of absolutes. This is a group who, knowing so much, is sure of so very little. Cause. When you live for yourself, there becomes no greater reason to pursue goals than for your own personal benefit or pleasure. The world is offering no shortage of purposes to plug yourself into: every cereal box promotes protecting the earth, television preaches from its pulpit every ungodly agenda cradled in Hollywood’s bosom. The world knows you crave purpose! Commitment. Speaking with a young adult not so long ago, he told me how he is absolutely willing to get involved in ministry… so long as it doesn’t require anything from him on a regular basis! The problem is that real ministry only results from personal sacrifice. If you’re not willing to stay plugged in to a cause when the cost to do so is high, you’re not actually ministering to anyone. To Be Continued in the May/June Issue of VolumeMAXD



WHAT: Game Night


WHEN: 3/16, 7:30PM

WHEN: 3/26, 8PM

WHEN: 4/20, 7:30PM

WHEN: 4/30, 8PM

WHERE: Jessica’s Party Pad

WHERE: Youth Room

WHERE: Sterneckers’

WHERE: Youth Room

THE D/L: A 60 minute investment into being a part of God’s revolution in your generation. Special Speaker: Levi Kruit

THE D/L: Bring a snack to pass and play some games!

THE D/L: A 60 minute investment into being a part of God’s revolution in your generation.

THE D/L: Bring a snack to pass and play some games!





THE OUTBREAK (Verses 1-9) 1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah. 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the [donkey] his master's crib: [but] Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. 6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head [there is] no soundness in it; [but] wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. 7 Your country [is] desolate, your cities [are] burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and [it is] desolate, as overthrown by strangers. 8 And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city. 9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, [and] we should have been like unto Gomorrah.

THE ZOMBIES (Verses 10-15) 10 Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah. 11 To what purpose [is] the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. 12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? 13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; [it is] iniquity, even the solemn meeting. 14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear [them]. 15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

GOD’S PLAN TO SURVIVE (Verses 16-20) 16 Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; 17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: 20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it]. 03/2013

THE OUTBREAK Notice the state of Israel’s world: -In verse 3, Israel has lost the memory of its origins, as well as its capacity to reason -In verses 5 and 6, Israel is described as sick from head to toe, fragile, wounded, with gross open sores that are plain for all to see -Verse 7 gives us the wider view of the nation, and we see that the mayhem has caused desolation and widespread fires, and all the cities have been devoured and overthrown by strangers This is, if I’ve ever seen one, a very apt description of a zombie apocalypse. WHAT IS A ZOMBIE? A zombie is a creature whose external activities continue, even though death reigns on the inside. Verses 10-15 describe how God’s people have continued to serve Him by the letter of the law that He gave them, but how they have ignored the spirit of the law. This is evident because, even though they still do all of these religious seeming activities, their hands are “full of blood.” In Matthew 23:27, Jesus says “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful otward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.” We cannot simply pretend to serve God but still have a heart far from him, or we turn into a spiritual zombie! Fortunately, God has given us an outline for fighting this plague!

STEP ONE: Find Safety (Verse 16) Isaiah 1:16 “Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;” If you stay in the midst of the zombie apocalypse, you will eventually be a part of the zombie apocalypse. Everyone knows that you need to find a place of safety from those who have been infected to even begin to stand a chance to outlast and survive. In other words, you don’t want to become a zombie, you need to stop doing zombie things, hanging out in zombie places, and walking around like a zombie. If there’s something in your life that tempts you to do something that you know you’ll be able to hide but will still hurt you spiritually on the inside, you need to erect barriers between you and that temptation! Find safety!

STEP TWO: Fight Smart (Verse 17) Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.” ENFORCE CAMP RULES (Seek Judgment = Require Justice) Micah 6:8 gives some great advice: “...what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” To “seek judgment” means to do your part to see that justice prevails. All of the barriers in the world won’t keep your camp safe if you don’t require that those barriers stay in place. The first threat is always from within. REINFORCE VULNERABLE POSITIONS (Relieve the Oppressed = Advance the Cause of Those who have Suffered) We all understand that glass windows need to be boarded up because they’re fragile. The survivors need to stay compassionate towards those who take the worst of the attack, and make sure that no contingent is abandoned to be overrun. Survivors are precious, and every measure must be taken to preserve all of them. TRAVEL IN PACKS (Judge the Fatherless = Defend the Lonely) Just as we need to be on the lookout for those being overrun, we must also be diligent not to let pride trick us into thinking we can be of more help to the group by going off by ourselves. It might be more convenient, it might seem more efficient, but going at this alone will transform you from a helpful reinforcement to a solitary target. The first part of Leviticus 26:8 helps us understand the power of working together: “And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight…” NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP (Plead for the Widow = Contend for the Desolate) When the supplies have run dry, the gates have given way, and the group appears to be divided and surrounded, always fight with everything you have to reestablish a safe haven from the apocalypse. Fight for lost causes, because with Christ, all things are possible. 03/2013



PINTEREST AMPLIFY: FRIDAY NIGHTS Upcoming Dates: 3/22, 4/5, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3 Come early for prayer 6:45-7. Games & café open from 7-7:30. The epic weekly youth service begins at 7:30. Games & café open again after service until 9:30. Special Notes: Youth Speakers 3/22, Bring a Friend Night 4/5, Special Guest Preacher Rev Jason Wilke 4/26 YOUTH PRAYER Next Dates: 3/28, 4/25 A special day of coordinated youth prayer and fasting. Fast a meal or the day, then join together for a half an hour of prayer, followed by some light snacks and board games. 7-9.

WHAT: Grab and add photos from other sites to customized bulletin boards. WHY: Makes it easy to categorize clothes, accessories, art, & interesting finds, thereby making it easy to find other users with similar interests. PARENTS: Be aware of what pinners your child is following. Safe, quality people or companies is the way to go. all platforms


RIOT NIGHT Next Date: 4/12 Monthly youth rally, hosted by New Hope Apostolic Fellowship in Ladysmith. Depart from PAC at 4:45PM; cost $15 (van/gas).

WHAT: Six second videos taken in as many snippets as you want WHY: Easy and fun stop-motion tricks, just enough time to share a snapshot of your life, or to tell a quick joke.

NECKTIE REVOLUTION Next Game Night: 4/20 Next “The LEAP” Bible Studies: 3/26, 4/30

PARENTS: It’s useruploaded video, so there’s a HUGE need to supervise. Only allow following trusted friends.

A ministry for young adults, ages 18-20’s. The April Game Night will be at the Sterneckers’ at 7:30PM. The LEAP starts at 8pm in the youth room at PAC. The March “LEAP”’s special guest teacher will be Levi Kruit.

iphone (android soon)


NORTH AMERICAN YOUTH CONGRESS Dates: 08/07-08/10 Amplify is taking a charter bus to NAYC in Louisville, KY. The cost is $260 (bus, hotel, registration). All youth & young adults are welcome. We will be doing fundraisers to help offset the cost. “Surge,” the youth group from Appleton, WI, will be joining us. Spots are limited. Reserve your seat for $50 asap! The next $100 will be due 6/2; final $110 is due 7/14. 03/2013

WHAT: Get notifications if other users are nearby. WHY: You’re interested in kidnapping people? PARENTS: Skip it. iphone, android

Necessary Knowledge Answers: 1) C 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) C


It all happens on Friday nights, when students come together to live louder for Jesus Christ. 7:30PM


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