1 minute read
claire becker
AGE: 10 • TOWN: Eau Claire
HER GOOD DEED: Selling bracelets to raise money for Ukraine relief

CLAIRE BECKER HAS A BIG HEART. How big? Big enough to learn about the conflict happening in Ukraine and wanting to do something about it. Claire was already a big fan of making rubber band bracelets, but the idea to sell them and donate the money to Ukraine came later when she learned about all of the suffering that was happening on Youtube. She called up her friend and they decided to sell blue and yellow rubber band bracelets together. They started selling the bracelets at school and around their neighborhood, but it became much larger when their teacher learned about what they were doing and wanted to help. At first, he just wanted to buy some, but he was so moved by their kindness that he enlisted the rest of her class to help. Since Claire and her friend were the original bracelet makers, they got to teach their classmates how to make them and work together as a team. “When we learned we had made our first $100, we were all really excited,” Claire said. Claire and her class were able to raise nearly $1,000 to donate to UNICEF. “It made me feel really good that so many other people wanted to get involved with it,” Claire said. “I didn’t want it to just be a ‘me’ thing because I wanted everyone to be included in it. Plus, making all those bracelets by myself would have been too hard because at one point we had an order for 25 bracelets.” In the future, Claire and her friends may choose other charities to donate to so they can spread the happiness.