1 minute read
august anderson
AGE: 7 • TOWN: Chetek

HIS TRUE CALLING: To be famous and to help others

LIGHTS, CAMERA, AUGUST! In just seven years of life, August Anderson has accomplished – and continues to do – many great things. Auggie has been learning to play the violin for the past two years and loves to play for others. In fact, he has played his violin at the Chetek Scholarship Fundraiser and the Rice Lake Public Library Fundraiser – where he received a standing ovation. His favorite song to play on the violin is “Maple Leaf Reel”. Not only does he like performing music, but he also enjoys being on stage. He has been in a performance of Winnie the Pooh and Newsies but plans to do a lot more now that theater shows are starting back up again. Auggie is also currently looking to publish his own children’s book about a unicorn (previously a narwhal) named Smash and a dragon named Steven team up on an adventure into the Forbidden Forest. “There is sports, marshmallows, and adventure,” Auggie said. Illustrations for the book are happening right now and then publishing is not far in the future. The idea for his story came from some playtime with his stuffed animals while he was in the hospital. Auggie has a very rare form of cancer called N-TRK Rearranged Neoplasma which mostly affects young children. Since it is so rare, Auggie is one of 11 people in a clinical trial to try and find a cure and to help any other children who may be diagnosed in the future.