1 minute read
Teia mueller
AGE: 7 • TOWN: Eau Claire


HER GOOD DEED: Volunteering for many social justice events in the CV
TEIA MUELLER IS PASSIONATE ABOUT EQUALITY, which is why she has volunteered at several social justice events around the community. She got into this volunteering because her mom is the founder of the Chippewa Valley Equality Initiative (CVEI), but she continues to volunteer because she feels it is the right thing to do. Teia has volunteered at events like Eau Claire’s Pride Festival, the Juneteenth Celebration, a Stop Asian Hate Protest, the Daunte Wright protest, and others. She also helps out a lot with CVEI events like working the booths, handing out flyers, and even helping people make their jewelry at the booths. “The best part is that everybody is different, I saw people that were black, people that were white, I saw a lot of cool people,” Teia said. When she grows up, she said she wants to be a police officer so she can continue to help people in her neighborhood and make a difference in the department. “I want to fight for people,” Teia said. “I love that everybody is different. Just because someone looks different doesn’t mean they are different. We all are the same so we should be treated the same.”