Beer & Cheese 2016

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Wisconsin is a wonderful pl ace for a lot of reasons, but there are two things that make this pl ace trul y greater than all the rest: Beer and cheese. Neither is a particul arl y “healthy” choice to consume in great abundance, but if you were born here, your Wisconsin blood makes you immune to such things. Did you know that? It’s true. We’re not doctors, but we’re pretty sure that’s a thing. Here in the Vall ey, we do beer and cheese right. The following pages cel ebrate and highl ight del icious beer and cheese and what local peopl e are doing to make them even better.





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THE WORD ON THE CURD Every deep-fried delicacy at Culver’s comes from LaGrander’s Hillside Dairy right here in west-central Wisconsin WO R D S : SA M M Y G I B B O N S


isconsinites love the deep-fried hunks of cheese found at almost every restaurant in our fine Dairy State. One of these, a homegrown franchise that has spread across the Midwest and beyond, is the beloved Culver’s. They serve up Butterburgers, creamy frozen custard and, of course, crunchy white-and-orange fried curds. These delicacies boast the label “Wisconsin Cheese Curds,” and the ads claim they are made with real Wisconsin cheese. But are they really made in Wisconsin? Yes, they are. Better yet, the curds come from right here in west-central Wisconsin. LaGrander’s Hillside Dairy in Stanley is the mastermind behind these cheesy creations. The dairy has been a cheese business since the early 1900s, and has been owned by the LaGrander family for most of that time: Plant manager/owner Ryan LaGrander is the third-generation owner of the business, taking after his grandfather, Dannie, who bought the dairy in 1960. LaGrander’s has been awarded various prizes for its American-style cheeses, and its curds are known as “the best fresh cheese curds around,” according to the company’s

“I think we fit in well with the Culver’s philosophy of quality products from a family business supporting local farmers. Also, Wisconsin is known for producing some of the best cheese in the world, so buying from Wisconsin cheese manufacturers is a great choice.” –Ryan LaGrander, LaGrander’s Hillside Dairy website. Since the 1990s, LaGrander’s have been making bulk frozen cheese curds which are sold to companies that add batter to create the deep-fryable goodies used by Culver’s. According to Ryan LaGrander, approximately 25 percent of the curds the dairy produces are shipped on a weekly basis to Culver’s restaurants. That’s roughly 3.5 million pounds of 2-inch chunks of cheese annually!

“LaGrander’s has been a supplier for our cheese curds for many years,” said Paul Pitas, Culver’s director of public relations and communications. “They provide a great product that is fairly priced and always consistent in quality.” LaGrander’s is not the only business that Culver’s buys cheese from – the restaurant relies on different suppliers with expertise in various types of cheese making – but LaGrander’s is their sole curd sup -

C U LV E R 'S C H E E S E C U R D S 30 Aug. 10, 2016

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plier. Pitas mentioned that the restaurant values finding local sources for ingredients – especially cheese (after all, they are based in the Dairy State). LaGrander’s also sells to various other buyers, including walk-in shoppers at a store in Stanley, but they appreciate the great relationship with Culver’s. “I think we fit in well with the Culver’s philosophy of quality products from a family business supporting local farmers,” Ryan LaGrander said. “Also, Wisconsin is known for producing some of the best cheese in the world, so buying from Wisconsin cheese manufacturers is a great choice.” Pitas said that Culver’s employees visit LaGrander’s Dairy frequently to check up on business, and LaGrander stated how much he enjoys working with the company and hopes that the next generations of LaGrander cheese makers continues to do so. If you love Culver’s cheese curds as much as I do, you will also hope that the fryer stays hot in this cheesy relationship. LaGrander’s Hillside Dairy • W11299 Broek Road, Stanley • store hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm; Saturdays until noon • (715) 644-2275 •

L AG R A N D E R 'S H I L L S I D E DA I RY, stanley 31 Aug. 10, 2016

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OKTOBERFEST, EC STYLE Lazy Monk plans its own version of German festival WO R D S : H A L E Y WR I G H T


very traditional Oktoberfest celebration is debuting in September at Lazy Monk Brewing, 97 W. Madison St. Lazy Monk opened in the new location in January (the business previously operated out of Banbury Place), and it has already seen growth. “We have provided a bier hall reminiscent of the bier halls in Germany and the Czech Republic in our new location,” says Theresa Frank, who owns Lazy Monk with her husband, Leos. “We have expanded our tap lines to 14 and have really embraced the European feel.” While the old location could seat around 70, the new location has room for more than 180 plus an outdoor space that seats 99.” Frank says the expansion and new location have been good for business. “Our expansion has been beyond our dreams,” she says.

“The local community as well as so many out-of-town visitors have discovered the uniqueness of our brewery. It seems like so many new breweries have popped up, but people are not creating an experience for the customers, and we have achieved that with our decor inside and out.” As part of its distinctive homage to German culture and traditions, it seems very appropriate that Lazy Monk Brewing would host its own Oktoberfest celebration. “Oktoberfest began as a celebration of the wedding of King Ludwig’s daughter,” Frank says. “It has continued to be a part of the German tradition in and around the Munich area. It celebrates friendship, great times, and of course Bier.” Lazy Monk Brewing previously hosted an Oktoberfest, but that celebration was much smaller than what is planned for this year. “Oktoberfest

runs for 16 days in Germany, and at our new location we will be doing the same,” she says. “We will be celebrating for 16 days but our two main events will be Saturday, Sept. 17, and Saturday, Sept. 24. We will be showcasing our Oktoberfest Bier, creating not only in our main Bier Hall the feel and smells of a German Bier Hall but also we will have outdoor tents and activities that are keeping in the tradition of the small breweries around Munich. This will include music, German food, German games. and of course the Chicken Dance which is widely popular at Oktoberfest.” Lazy Monk Brewing’s Oktoberfest Bier is even traditional, made from grains and hops from Germany so it is the real deal. “We are very traditional in our brewing,” Frank explains. “You will enjoy a well-rounded and crafted Oktoberfest Lager. It is a beautiful copper color, 32 Aug. 10, 2016

smooth and complex with an initial m a l t y sweetn e s s f o l lowed by a dry finish.” Lazy Monk Brewing wants to make its expanded Oktoberfest celebration an annual event. “We hope that by bringing something unique to Eau Claire it will continue to grow. Other cities hold Oktoberfest. Why shouldn’t Eau Claire as well?” Frank says. To learn more about the Oktoberfest celebration, check out

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home is where the brew is Chippewa Valley Better Brewers work on electronic brewing system, ways to make better beers WO R D S : A melia K imball / P H OTO : A N D R E A PAU L S E T H


ob Schraufnagel wandered into a homebrew shop on Water Street and bought a book that started a journey. That was in the early 1990s. Schraufnagel has been president of the Chippewa Valley Better Brewers group for at least 15 years. Group members’ passion for beers brings them together to talk, savor, and learn about the beverage. It’s a fun and enjoyable way to gain insight from each other, Schraufnagel said. “I’m always looking for ways to improve brewing,” he said. “You can share knowledge of how to make your beer better or the process easier.” Among homebrewers, Schraufnagel said there is typically an interest in craft beers. By homebrewing, you can save money and tweak recipes to make them fit your taste. People also enjoy the process and learning experiences involved. Groups such as the Chippewa Valley Better Brewers are helpful in determining what certain flavors will do to your beer. “If you really like a commercial beer, but there isn’t something you quite like, you can brew it to get it more towards your taste,” Schraufnagel said. There are a lot more beer options in liquor stores today compared to when Schraufnagel was starting out, but homebrewing allows enthusiasts to brew beers for about 50 cents a bottle, which helps explains its increasing popularity. Many


groups, such as the Menomonie chapter of Better Brewers, are driven towards the technology and money-saving strategies of brewing, Schraufnagel said. Electronic brewing systems offer both convenience and savings because they aren’t as expensive as they were previously, and they allow for brewing inside a home instead of outside. Brewing outside is great on a nice day, but not so nice in the dead of a Wisconsin winter.

The electronic system Schraufnagel created is not only convenient for its location, but also for its pumping system. Instead of lifting liquids and potentially burning yourself, the machine easily pumps around the brew. Brewing 10 gallons of award-winning beer suddenly doesn’t take as long, especially when using all grain instead of extract. Schraufnagel’s Belgian honey ale won best of show at an Eau Claire 4-H competition. 33 Aug. 10, 2016

Another popular brewing method is microbrewing. It’s a great fit in the trend of urban/apartment living, Schraufnagel said. A decent amount of space is still needed, but something the size of a closet is usually sufficient. Beer can be brewed in one-gallon batches. It’s more expensive, but it’s easy and useful for those who want to try traditional homebrewing. Getting started isn’t too hard or expensive. It takes patience, and the labor of bottling the beer can be tiresome. Joining a group is a good idea whether it’s your first time brewing or your millionth. The process can be challenging, but it’s also rewarding, he said. On Oct. 1, the Chippewa Valley Better Brewers will celebrate Zwanze Day, a festival that originated at a brewery in Brussels, Belgium. The event begins at noon in Brussels (that’s 5am Eau Claire time). And on Nov. 5, the group will mark International Learn to Homebrew Day. After all this time, Schraufnagel said he learns from newcomers and uses his knowledge to improve his skills and the group. As president, he schedules meetings and finds locations for group use. He sees a lot of people come in as young professionals with both time and interest. Then they have families, and that part of their life often fades. But it eventually comes full circle: When they get older, he says, brewing calls them back. Learn more at Chippewa-Valley-Better-Brewers/.

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cooking with beer & cheese food blogger Hannah Larson offers recipes using some Wisconsin’s most beloved ingredients Spaghetti and Meatballs The Wisconsin Way Servings: 6-8

INGREDIENTS 2 spaghetti squash
 1 pound lean ground beef 2 eggs sea salt pepper basil oregano Castle Rock cheese curds ½ tablespoon olive oil 1 pound can crushed tomatoes Italian seasoning ½ Cup New Glarus Two Women beer 1 cup mushrooms ½ tablespoon garlic

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 2. Slice the squash in half length-wise and place face

down on a baking sheet. Place in oven for 30 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, combine the beef, a generous amount of each spice, and the eggs in a bowl, and mix thoroughly. 4. Take a miniature muffin tin and fill each cup almost full with the meat mixture. Then take your thumb and make an indentation for the cheese curd in each portion. 5. Once all the indentations have been made and the curds have been placed, take the remaining meat mixture and place on top, making it round to complete the meatballs. There should be enough of the mixture for 12 full meatballs. 6. When 10 minutes are remaining on the timer, place the muffin tin in the oven alongside the squash. 7. In a saucepan, combine tomatoes, a generous amount of Italian seasoning, beer, mushrooms, and garlic. Bring to a boil, and then let simmer for five minutes. 8. When the squash is done, place it face up in the refrigerator to cool. 9. In another pan, heat the olive oil. Using a spoon, gently scoop out each meatball and add it to the pan. 34 Aug. 10, 2016

The muffin tin may be a little messy, but the meatballs should come out easily. Let all sides brown until the meatballs are slightly crisp. 10. Use a fork to scoop out the squash, then top with sauce and meatballs. Enjoy!

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Honey Pilsner Chicken INGREDIENTS 2 chicken breasts ¼ cup coconut aminos (soy-free soy sauce) ¼ cup Lazy Monk Brewery Bohemian Pilsner beer 1 tablespoon ginger, minced ½ teaspoon garlic, minced 1 tablespoon honey salt and pepper

DIRECTIONS 1. On medium-low heat, place chicken breasts in a frying pan. Add salt and pepper to both sides. Cook the first side for six minutes. 2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl mix together the rest of the ingredients to make a sauce. Be sure to whisk well to combine the honey. 3. Once six minutes are up, flip the chicken, and pour in sauce. Let cook until chicken is fully cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degree. The sauce will begin to simmer and thicken. 4. Once fully cooked, serve on your favorite salad, with veggies, or eat alone!

5. You can also make extra sauce and turn this dish into a stir-fry just by adding some veggies with the chicken.

Hannah Larson is a UW-Eau Claire student and the author of, a real food and self-care inspired blog. The blog’s main goal is to teach people how to use healthy, real ingredients to make great tasting dishes. YouThyme also stresses the importance of self-care and offers ways to care for ourselves to benefit our overall health.

We produce a variety of organic, artisan cheese using milk from select local farms that is handcrafted in small batches to form cheese of incredible quality and distinction. Look for our many uniquely flavored varieties at stores all over the Chippewa Valley, at the Downtown Eau Claire Farmers Market or sign up to get it delivered right to your home! 35 Aug. 10, 2016

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a slice above Wisconsin cheeses dominated the 2016 world championships. Why aren’t we surprised?



he claim that Wisconsin makes the best cheese in the world isn’t just idle boasting: It’s objectively true, at least if you agree with the results of the 2016 World Champion Cheese Contest, which was held earlier this year in Madison. At the contest, which drew nearly 3,000 entries from 23 countries and 31 states, the top prize went to Roth Grand Cru Surchoix from Emmi Roth USA in Fitchburg. It was the first time since 1988 that a Wisconsin-made cheese had won the first prize at the biennial competition, the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association said. So what is Grand Cru Surchoix? Its makers describe it as “an original alpine-style unmatched in America.” (Considering the award, that’s not just marketing hyperbole.) It’s a smearripened hard cheese, which means beneficial bacteria are rubbed on the rind before the cheese is aged. Grand Cru

has been compared with Gruyere, a hard cheese that originates in Switzerland. Grand Cru is available in three varieties: Original, Reserve, and Surchoix (which means “top quality” in French). Wisconsin-based cheese aficionado Jeanne Carpenter, who runs the Cheese Underground blog, notes that Grand Cru Surchoix is produced in imported copper vats from Switzerland and aged for at least nine months on wooden boards. “The cheese is stinky, meaty, rich and deep,” she writes. “It’s a 10-note cheese and deserves to be the centerpiece of your cheeseboard.” But even if your cheeseboard is reserved for the best Wisconsin varieties, it will be crowded: Wisconsin cheeses took first place in 38 of the 110 categories in the word competition – that’s nearly half of the 83 gold medals won by U.S. cheeses overall! For the sake of comparison, the No. 2 nation was Switzerland, which won nine gold medals.

“The cheese is stinky, meaty, rich and deep. It’s a 10-note cheese and deserves to be the centerpiece of your cheeseboard.” –cheese blogger Jeanne Carpenter about Grand Cru Surchoix, the Wisconsin-made 2016 World Champion Cheese

Wisconsin cheese makers produced the best aged Cheddars, the best bandaged Cheddars, and the best Colbys (which stands to reason, considering Colby was invented in Colby). Wisconsinites also took home gold for baby Swiss, part-skim mozzarella, fresh mozzarella, mild provolone, ricotta, feta, Havarti, string cheese, brick Muenster, queso fresco, goat’s milk cheese, and sheep’s milk cheeses – not to mention flavored butter and cow’s milk yogurt. We could go on, but you get the idea! Another notable Wisconsin success 37 Aug. 10, 2016

was close to home for the Chippewa Valley. Marieke Gouda of Thorp swept first, second, and third place in the flavored Gouda category with its caraway, truffle, and burning mélange varieties, respectively. Dutch immigrant cheese maker Marieke Peterman’s team also won a silver and a bronze in other Gouda categories. Meanwhile, cheese maker Shawn Sadler of AMPI in Jim Falls won first place for marbled cheese curds – which presumably were just squeaky enough for the judges to give them a near-perfect score.

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BEER HERE! Beer & Cheese events Great Taste of the Midwest

Olin Park (Across from the Alliant Energy Center), Madison • Held the second Saturday in August. The Great Taste is the second longest-running craft beer festival in North America. Every year over 150 breweries and brewpubs serve about 1000 different beers in a beautiful lakeside setting in Madison, Wisconsin. Live music, great local food vendors, and a view of the state capitol. Plenty of food available including Mediterranean, Lebanese, brats, burgers, falafel, Caribbean, pizza, subs, Chicago-style dogs, and more.


Holiday Gardens Event Center, Potosi • (608) 763-4002 x106 • Held August 27th, from 1-5pm (VIPs get in at noon). Sample some of the finest craft beers in the region as well as artisan cheeses and locally produced wines, plus live music.

Wisconsin Foodie Cheese Tour

Clock Shadow Creamery, Milwaukee • Held August 19th. Every year the Wisconsin Cheese Originals host a tour & dinner of a unique fromage-focused attraction. 2016’s attraction is Henning’s Wisconsin Cheese, one of the last factories producing Mammoth Cheese Wheels. Get a tour of the facility, including a twoton cheese wheel. Other stops of the tour include a visit to a goat farm and creamery, an ice cream shop, and ends with a cheese and wine reception overlooking the Milwaukee skyline.

SEPTEMBER 3rd Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Wine & Beer Tasting Cottage Winery & Vineyard, Menomonie • cvclubs.

org Held in early September. Expect great food, beverages and camaraderie. Raise a glass and help support

your friends for a fun day of tasting and sampling.

Great Lakes Brewfest Racine Zoo, Racine • (262) 636-9312 • info@greatlakesbrewfest. com • September 17th, 2016. Featuring unlimited sampling of more than 250 craft beers and sodas from nearly 100 brewers on the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan. All paid attendees receive a souvenir tasting glass. Food served by local restaurants. Live music including the world renowned Kilties Drum and Bugle Corps. Green County Cheese Days Courthouse Square, Monroe • Held Sept. 16-18. Green County Cheese days is packed with old world traditions, entertainment, Wedgie the cheese mascot, food vendors, merchandise, parades, the crowning of the Limburger Queen, and of course plenty of cheese.

Potosi BrewFest

Wamfest The Wigwam Tavern, Eau Claire • (715) 834-9061 • To be held August 18-20, 2017. Featuring a tiny tavern tour 7-11pm Thursday, a lip sync/air band battle Friday at 8pm, .08 mini marathon Saturday at 11am, then chill on Sunday. Find this event on Facebook for the full details.



vital mentoring programs in Northwestern Wisconsin.

Annual Wisctoberfest Held

in Downtown Eau Claire • (715) 379-8039 • facebook. com Held in September, this pub crawl and poker run features great bars, pubs, and taverns along Barstow Street. Many different games will be played, including a beer stein race, beer barrel roll race, giant chess, beer checkers, and a yodeling contest.

Blair Cheese Festival Follow the signs in downtown Blair • (608) 989-2732 // (608) 989-2963 • // • blaircheesefest. com Held in mid September. Featuring live music every day, a truck show, tractor cruise, 5k & 10k cheese chase, pulling contests, motorcycle rally, swap meet, parade, flea market, craft fair, and tons of food and lots of kids entertainment. Blue Harbor Resort Craft Beer Festival 725 Blue Harbor Dr., Sheboygan • (866) 701-

BLUE • Held in late September. On Friday enjoy a “Best of Wisconsin” four-course craft beer dinner with executive chef Jason Richardson. A more conventional beer tasting fest is held Saturday.

Grumpy Troll Brewery Tour Grumpy Troll Brewery, Mount Horeb • thegrumpytroll. com/events To be held September 16th, 4-5:30pm. Head to the 2nd floor pizzeria and check in with the bartender or host. Enjoy a tour of the three floors of our building as well as a question and answer session with our beer ambassador, Fred. Includes 6 samples, a pint of beer of your choice, and a pint glass to take home.

Dunn County Humane Society Furkinfest

Hops for Hockey Beer Fest Hobbs Ice Center, Eau Claire • September 10th, 2016. Quench your beer drinking thirst at this event benefiting the Center Ice Club Foundation. Tickets on sale at all Gordy’s locations. Find this event on Facebook to stay up to date with news and fun promotions.

Egg Harbor AleFest Harbor View Park, Egg

Isthmus OktoBeerFest Breese Stevens Field, Madison • Held in late September. Features over 40 Wisconsin-focused brewers for this hip interpretation of the classic German-style fest. Brewers will be joined by local artisan sausage, cheese makers, and specialty shops to provide sample sized portions of their finest creations to guests. Guests can enjoy unlimited sampling in their Isthmus OktoBEERfest glassware with an emphasis on seasonal Oktoberfest brews.

Jake’s Supper Club, E5690 County Rd. D, Menomonie • (715) 235-2465 • • Held mid-September. Sample beer from local breweries and also food from Jake’s. We will have adoptable animals coming around to visit. This is a family friendly event. Great prizes, raffles, and live music. Harbor • Held in mid September in beautiful Door County. Enjoy craft beers from 40 different brewers with live music. There will be more than 100 different craft beers to sample. Bring 38 Aug. 10, 2016 39 Aug. 10, 2016

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BEER HERE! Beer & Cheese events (cont’d) Lazy Monk Oktoberfest Lazy Monk Tap Room, Eau Claire • (715) 271-0848 • info@ • Saturday September 17th and 24th. Lazy Monk will celebrate over the traditional 16 days of the Oktoberfest season. The main bier hall will be decorated in the style of the Bier Halls in Germany. Two main food and beer tents in the courtyard will set the stage for the Firkin tapping and kickoff to the season. Oktoberfest USA: La Crosse Northside & Southside Festgrounds, La Crosse • (608) 784-3378 • • September 29th - October 2nd. One of the biggest Oktoberfests in the world. Brings over 150,000 annual attendees to Bavarian culture through music, entertainment, arts and crafts, ethnic

food, carnival rides, parades, and pageants.

Oktoberfest: Chippewa Falls Northern Wis-

consin State Fairgrounds, Chippewa Falls • 866-723-0340 • ofest@chippewachamber. org • Held September 16-18th. A full weekend of German fun with four stages with live entertainment including dance, contests and more. Experience family fun, scrumptious foods and beverages. Prost!

Rails & Ales Brewfest The National Railroad Museum, Green Bay • (920) 437-7623 • aspx To be held September 7th, 6-9pm. The National Railroad Museum brings historic trains and contemporary craft beers together for an evening of fun and camaraderie among the historic rail loco-

motives and rail cars while sampling craft beers, regional wines, and food prepared by local restaurants, and bidding on an awesome array of items.

Thirsty Troll BrewFest Grundahl Park, Mount Horeb • 1-88TROLLWAY • info@ • To be held September 10th, 1-5pm. Shis intimate beer sampling features 25 craft brewers serving over 100 different beers. Enjoy live music and food served by area civic organizations. Get your picture taken with Jorgen the Thirsty Troll.

OCTOBER Dogtoberfest KI Convention Center, Green

Bay • Usually held in October for more than 20 years, this fest has offered the community great drink, food and fun in exchange for much-needed support for the animals of Bay Area Humane Society. All proceeds from the event help the society house, feed and care for thousands of critters until they find their forever home.

Milwaukee Cider & Nano Beer Fest Schlitz Park, Milwaukee • milwaukeeciderfest. com Held in early October. Enjoy unlimited 3 oz. samples of some of the best craft brews and ciders from Milwaukee! Our Cider & Nano Beer Fest offers the perfect environment to explore new styles and find your next favorite cider or small-batch craft beer. Enjoy unlimited sampling, over 40 ciders and brews, live entertainment, a commemorative tasting glass and much more. Northeast Wisconsin Craft Beer Festival

Shopko Hall, Green Bay • (920) 405-1199 • • October 8th, 2016. Featuring over 70 breweries, plus music, interactive games, seminars, light hors deuvres, raffles, silent auction, and more.

Quivley’s Grove Beerfest

Quivley’s Grove Restaurant, Madison • (608) 273-4900 • • quiveysgrove. com To be held October 1st, noon-5pm. Enjoy 45 breweries with over 100 beers for sampling. Music by Westside Andy and 40 Aug. 10, 2016

the Mel Ford Blues band.

Wisconsin Dells on Tap Fall Festival Pavilion Downtown, Wisconsin Dells • (800) 22-DELLS • To be held October 15th, 1-5pm. Part of the Dells Autumn Harvest Fest, The Wisconsin Dells takes a moment and honors Wisconsin’s proud brewing heritage. Sample dozens of breweries in a full spectrum of beer, and speak to the brewmasters themselves. The day beforehand participate in the Dells Craft Beer Walk where attendees sample from a huge selection of artisan brews at participating bars.

NOVEMBER Janesville Kiwanis Fall Fest of Ale Holiday Inn Express, Janesville • fallfest@ • emailme.html Held mid-November. Last year’s Fest was huge success highlighted by another evening filled with beer, food and music. The event featured over 100 different kinds of micro-brews as well as some of the best food from the area. Lake Geneva Beer & Spirits Festival Grand

Geneva Resort & Spa, Lake Geneva • (262) 245-1000, ext 113 • Alex@ntmediagroup. com • November 5, 2016. Includes a commemorative tasting glass, unlimited tastings of beer from 30+ Midwest craft breweries. Guests can also sample specialty liquors and foods that pair well with beer and enjoy live music.

Savor Milwaukee

Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee • To be held November 4-6. All of your favorites from Wine & Dine Wisconsin—cheese islands, hands-on learning, chefs cooking on-stage, craft cocktails in the UnWine’d lounge and Critic’s Choice—enhanced to create new, one-of-a-kind opportunities to savor. New experiences this year include: limited edition craft beers, select spirit and wine tastings as well as exclusive sit down multi-course sampling menus with chefs, brewers and vintners.

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JANUARY & FEBRUARY Isthmus Beer & Cheese Fest Alliant

Energy Center, Madison • (608) 251-5627 x 152 • • January 21st, 2017. Hundreds of local craft beers and artisanal cheeses in one place for an all-you-cansample celebration of Wisconsin’s finest. Get your favorites, try something new and find out what you’ve been missing out on from brewers and cheese makers across the state.

Beer Lover’s Brewfest Manitowoc County

Expo, 4921 Expo Dr., Manitowoc • (920) 758-JAYC • brewfest@manitowocjaycees. org • Held in late February. Each year, beer lovers from the lakeshore and beyond partake in one of Wisconsin’s largest brew fests. All those who attend the event receive a complementary commemorative beer mug or glass. Many participants have a large collection of Brewfest glassware.

New London Chamber Annual Beer Tasting

Crystal Falls Banquet Facility, New London • (920) 982-5822 • newlondonchamber. com/events/beertasting.html Held in late February. Showcasing 65+ beverages including regional and national beers, unique wines and specialty beverages. Tickets include a commemorative souvenir glass, hors d’ ouevres and live music.

MARCH EAA Airventure Museum Hops & Props EAA AirVenture Museum, Oshkosh • (800) 2361025 • Held early March. Sample over 250 different beverages provided by microbreweries and distributors from across the world. Learn about the brewing process and history, meet masterbrewers, and understand the distinguishing characteristics of beer styles. Great music from several live bands, plus great food and coffee. Roar at the Shore Brewfest

Kewaunee County Fairgrounds, Luxemburg • Usually held in mid-March. The Kewaunee Lions Club’s annual festival features regionally brewed craft beers and wines, as well as well known craft brewed beers from wellknown small breweries across Wisconsin and Michigan.

United States Championship Cheese Contest Lambeau Field, Green Bay • (608) 828-

4550 • To be held March 7th and 8th, 2017. Cheesemakers from more than half the states submit their finest products; this is the largest dairy competition in U.S. history and is held in odd-numbered years.

APRIL Cheesetopia Minneapolis - Presented

by Wisconsin Cheese Originals Aria, 105 North First Street, Minneapolis • Held in early April. Cheesetopia is proud to call Minneapolis home in 2017. Each year, this traveling festival brings the best artisan and farmstead cheeses to the heart of a different American city. In 2016, attendees in Chicago had the opportunity to meet, greet, sample and purchase cheese from more than 40 of the best artisan producers from around the Great Lakes Region – the largest gathering of artisan cheesemakers ever assembled. Between the Bluffs Beer, Wine, and Cheese Festival Southside Oktoberfest Grounds - 1

Oktoberfest Strasse, La Crosse • (800) 6589424 // (608) 782-2366 • Held in mid April, taste over 200 quality brews poured by 35+ distinguished breweries, experience over 45 types of wine from local and world-famous vintners, and sample and purchase gourmet cheese and other good eats, plus live music all day. Attendees receive a souvenir glass.

Annual Northwest Beerfest Chippewa Area

Ice Arena, 839 First Ave., Chippewa Falls • (715) 726-2505 • • Held in late April. Sample hundreds of beers from over 50 breweries. 2016’s event featured. 150+ varieties of craft, import, ales, porters, lagers, and stouts from over 40 41 Aug. 10, 2016


Dairy State Cheese & Beer Festival Brat

Stop, 12304 75th St., Kenosha • (262) 6546200 • • Usually held in mid-late April. This festival brings the best of everything Wisconsin has to offer with cheese from Laack Bros Cheese Co., Vern’s Cheese, Inc., and Jim’s Cheese, Inc. as well as beer from many local breweries.

Gitchee Gumee Brewfest Wessman Arena, Superior • • Held in mid-April. Feauring 35+ breweries from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and other states. International Cheese Technology Expo

Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee • Held in mid-April. The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association and Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research will host cheese manufacturers and suppliers from across the nation and around the world for morning seminars, afternoons of trade show exposition and evening social affairs.

Milwaukee Beer Week Various locations in Milwaukee • info@milwaukeebeerweek. com • Held during a week in late-April. The primary goal of Milwaukee Beer Week is to enhance beer knowledge and appreciation with a massive smattering of beer-related events across several days held in Milwaukee. See website for full schedule.

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Beer & Cheese events (cont’d) Wisconsin Cheese Industry Conference

Alliant Energy Center, Madison • (608) 828-4550 • • To be held April 12 & 13, 2017. The WCIC, held biennially, is host to the nation’s cheesemakers, buttermakers and whey processors. Here, manufacturers and processors are joined by their supplier partners for education, networking and the ever popular tabletop mini expo.


The Big Brew Held at the Brewing Projekt - 3, 2000 N Oxford Ave, Eau Claire • (715) 832-6942 • • Held in early May. Presented by the Chippewa Valley Better Brewers, local homebrewers take their hobbies outside for a day of food, drinks and celebration. Kohler Festival of Beer A variety of locations in Kohler, Kohler • (855) 444-2838 • Usually held in late-May. Kohler Festival of Beer is a well-crafted celebration of malts, hops and the art of brewing. The Village of Kohler comes alive as the country’s top craft brewers converge in a celebration of suds with tastings, educational sampling seminars and events. There is no shortage of food, entertainment and, of course, beer. Madison Craft Beer Week

Locations in Madison and around Dane County • • madbeerweek. com Lasts for two weekends in early May. An annual celebration promoting Madison’s thriving craft beer culture, enhancing beer knowledge and appreciation in a ten-day (two weekend) festival that fosters knowledge of our regional brewing heritage, and showcases the Madison area’s businesses with ties to the craft beer community.

Wisconsin Micro-Brewers Beer Fest Calu-

met County Fairgrounds, Chilton • • beerfest.html Usually in mid to late-May. Featuring dozens of breweries, presented by Rowland’s Calumet Brewing.

JUNE Annual Beer Barons’ World of Beer Festival Schwabenhof Pavilion, Milwaukee

• Held in early June. Last year’s event featured dozens of breweries with lots of food and entertainment. This could be the best beer festival you’ve never heard of.

Beer Camp Across America Veteran’s Park,

Milwaukee • festivals/milwaukee/ Held in mid-June. The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company invites craft brewers across the country to participate in a six-city wide beer festival and collaborate on new and unique beers. The 2016 Milwaukee festival had 99 brewers present.

Brews ‘n’ Blues Leach 42 Aug. 10, 2016

Amphitheatre, 805

Witzel Ave., Oshkosh • Held in late June. The Oshkosh Jaycees present an annual microbrew and music festival to raise money for local deserving charities. With more than 30 brewers on hand, attendees have the opportunity to sample over 100 brews while enjoying background music from several local bands.

Door County Beer Festival

Town Hall Park, Baileys Harbor • • Held midjune. A full day of great beer, music, and culinary experiences with more than 120 beers, and a home brewing contest, plus seminars on cheese, beer and other food.

Great Northern Beer Festival

Hi-Pines Campground, Eagle River • (715) 891-0421 • Held in mid-June. Enjoy this opportunity to try many different styles of beers from many different breweries. Make plans to visit some of the many quality breweries. Many offer free tours.

The Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival Doyle Park, Little Chute • 920-788-7390 (x303) • Held in early June. Enjoy live music, food, amusement rides, children’s entertainment, a walk/run, parade, petting zoo, cheese carving demonstrations, cheese tasting, cheese curd eating contest, cheese breakfast, cheesecake contest, and more. Wisconsin Beer Lovers Festival Bayshore

Town Center, Glendale • (859) 492-9492 • • Held mid-June. Presented by the Wisconsin Brewers Guild, meet more than 35 of our great state’s passionate brewers as they pour their best brews and share their wisdom about what makes Wisconsin’s craft scene unique. Also featuring locally produced cuisine and Wisconsin cheesemakers matching creative pairings of beers, dishes, and cheese.

JULY Lac Du Flambeau Brewfest

Torpy Park, Minoqua • (715) 588-3413 // (715) 588-9245 • • Held in late July. Sample 35+ beers, mostly from Wisconsin, plus vote in the People’s Choice Award, merch and raffles all afternoon, plus brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, t-shirts, hats, and beer caddies. Live music all day.

Milwaukee Brewfest Coast Guard Pavillion

in McKinley Park, Milwaukee • (414) 3215000 • Usually held in late July. Beer from more than 55 regional and national breweries, plus music, food, games and arts.

Milwaukee Firkin Craft Beer Festival Ca-

thedral Park Square, Milwaukee • Usually held mid-July. Over 90 beers will be available for tasting at this Milwaukee festival. In addition, food and live music will be there for attendees’ enjoyment. 43 Aug. 10, 2016

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